#for those who dont know send me a skull emoji and tell me abt a user u hate
fagcrisis · 8 months
💀 ask game - i fucking hate tumblr user v/a/spi/der and ok let me be clear! this is a very 1 sided kind of parasocial beef! Its not even for their takes (tho i do think that they are guilty of being wrong a not insignificant amount) but every time someone says something mildly innocuous that doesnt 100% line up w their worldview they just kind of come out swinging at them 'defensively' and accuse them of being a bad person and just generally bringing douchebag-type 'righteous anger' posturing to every single conversation theyre ever involved in. it makes me want to die fr. Ive never interacted w them personally because i dont want to put myself through that but the terminal hate event that led me to develop a personal dislike 4 them was when an artist of a webcomic i like posted some personal post like "its actually really annoying when artists on here act like people who dont give them free publicity via reblogging everything theyve ever made is personally harming them in some way" and va/spi/der basically saw that post, reblogged it, and accused them of wanting artists and SWers to basically starve in poverty because they dont think they should get exposure and that they were a horrible person for personally hoping that no artist or SWer can ever make a living and like man. It was the stupidest bad faith discourse ever but they react to everyone like this all the time and CONSTANTLY pick fights with tumblr randos about the stupidest shit and act like they're the pinnacle of righteous moral anger and whoever theyre picking a fight with deserves to be told what a shit person they are and have the ode to how much they fuckinh suck be reblogged uncritically by their 2957374728574 followers and theyre literally just being a massive bad faith dick for no reason and pretending its really important social justice to dunk on some random person who is literally also very leftwing but has an opinion very slightly different to them in some completely inconsequential way. Also ive censored their username bc they pick fights abt everything with everyone constantly & i dont want this to show up in search in case u do post it but im not gonna lie ur probably better off not fucking posting this one for the. Reasons listed above. Im aware that this is the pettiest shit ever but the secondhand embarrassment i get from their terminally online fucking posturing makes me kind of want to shoot myself in the head im not gonna lie
nooooo ur so real theyre so annoying i used to follow them and their political takes r so reactionary and annoying. pathological need to be correct for real. i vaguely remember them being a freak about something which is why i blocked them in the first place but that was ages ago they mightve just been fucking annoying
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