#for once i'm actually tagging but it's mostly cause i need to add those cws
slimysnaildaddy · 4 years
Snaddy I love ur fics, makes me feel less dysphoric more chaotic. Can u write dysphoric MC switching bodies with the bros? Their reaction is basically “I’ll keep your body forever now fuck you”. Bonus if they’re going through the monthly blood ritual and the guys have to deal with the pain and shit that comes with it
Thank you, that is literally the whole reason I started writing them. I’ll avoid the blood ritual thing because 1: mine is nonstandard due to medical conditions so i don’t have the usual experience, which means I don’t feel comfortable describing it, 2: i wish periods on no man, and 3: even just talking about the blood ritual too much makes me viscerally dysphoric lol.
Sorry this took so long! I wasn’t sure what sort of dysphoric/euphoric things I was supposed to add.
Would probably be highkey freaking out and trying to keep calm. While MC is marveling at how tall they suddenly are and how deep and smooth their voice is now he’s like “what the fuck i’m so tiny look at these baby hands”.
MC, feeling up on their new chest: whoa i didn’t know you were so jacked wtf
Lucifer: stop that
If MC wears a binder or trans tape he’s like “why my chest feel like it’s being crushed, damn you live like this” lol buddy..... that just how it be.
MC starts being like “ooh dang you have a nice singing voice and everything, look at these nice shoulders” and Lucifer’s like haha yes prAISE ME bc pride man peacock boy but then MC’s like “i declare that this body is mine forever” and he’s like WAIT NO-
“Hey lulu” “What” “how do i horn up?” “????” “yknow. Poof, feather time. Get wingy.” “what are you even saying”
MC tries to get him to teach them how to go into demon form. He doesn’t. They figure it out anyway and have a great deal of fun petting their new horns and wings. And also knocking paintings off the wall and one candelabra off of a table bc they’re not used to having 4 big ass wings sticking out of their back.
There’s a 30 minute puppy dog eyes session of MC trying to convince Lucifer to let them keep his body.
They’re 90% sure the only reason it didnt work is cause Mammon walked in and saw what he thought was Lucifer begging MC with big puppy dog eyes and flipped tf out
Has a newfound desire to get stools. It has nothing to do with the fact that the coffee tin is on the very top shelf. Absolutely nothing.
Doesn’t realize what’s happened for a few seconds bc he’s so disoriented. Accidentally insults mc as a result.
“Ugh why does my voice sound like that” “that’s MY voice you asshole”
Immediately whines about wanting to get his body back. not cause mc’s is bad or anything he just would really like to be back in his own body please and thank you *sweating emoji*
Ngl he is VERY flustered bc he suddenly has rather intimate knowledge of what mc’s body is like and he’s 100% into it but he’s gotta be cool about it
he’s not cool about it. Not even a little bit.
especially when it comes time to pee or shower. MC has to stand in the room with him otherwise he feels like he’s doing something he shouldn’t lol
meanwhile MC is just running their hands down their new body like “mm flat chest”
Honestly he tries to make a scheme out of it and y’all know it. Probably tries to donate their blood or something. And trick his brothers before they find out what happened. None of them can say no to MC and he knows it. “Hey Satan can i borrow some grimm”
 Very seriously considers it when MC is like “hey can we stay switch forever”. OBVIOUSLY for all the scheming potential and TOTALLY NOT BECAUSE MC LOOKS SO HAPPY DEFINITELY NOT NOPE
He’s seen anime like this, but he’s not sure he expected it to happen to him. Much like Mammon, he tries to be cool about it and fails.
“Oh my god this is just like in [insert long ass anime title here] where the guy got bodyswapped with his really insecure love interest and they confessed because of it! 🥺” “... Alright then.”
Any time he looks down at himself or accidentally touches his own (previously MC’s) hips or anything of that nature he lowkey loses his mind. Actually apologizes to MC once cause he has to pee.
Meanwhile MC is like holy FUCK levi how are you so RIPPED look at these ABS while running their hands up and down their torso. Levi is blushing incarnate.
MC: wait wait wait. can i change forms?
They can.
Honestly the main reason Levi says no is because he’s pretty sure he’s gonna burst a blood vessel if he looks down and sees mc’s thighs again.
“Not this again.”
Much like Lucifer (don’t tell him i said that) he’s a little bit shook when he realizes the discomfort an MC who binds is in. May or may not ask them if they want him to look up spells for that.
Is honestly fine with being in MC’s body for a while. At least it’s not Lucifer’s, right?
He really would like to be back in his own at some point though.
If MC starts feeling up his body while they’re in it he’ll halfheartedly try to get them to stop. He doesn’t mind the appreciation, though, so he’ll let them have their fun. As long as they don’t mind him learning a bit more about human anatomy. From a purely academy perspective, of course. ;)
MC figures out how to change forms and just lounges around on their stomach playing with his tail. He thinks it’s adorable. Then he goes to lay on his stomach by them and is like “oh, I now understand everything”.
Honestly? He probably caused this whole situation in the first place.
“Well, this isn’t too much of a downgrade. I think I can have a lot of fun like this~ ;3″
Is immediately ready to strip naked and get very acquainted with MC’s body. Even if they stop him, he’ll still be feeling himself up. He encourages MC to do the same. Especially if his uncontrollable horny doesn’t transfer over and they get stuck with it
Before you ask, yes he will try and get MC in bed with him with their switched bodies. Does it work? A mystery for the ages.
Instructs MC on how to shift forms. And also about all of his routines to keep his skin and hair etc looking as pristine and gorgeous as possible. He will be very upset if they don’t follow them. He’s going to want that body back eventually, so they better take care of it.
Takes advantage of the situation to dress up in cute outfits and take all sorts of pictures.
Sits down with MC and gushes about their body (haha no it’s totally not to give them a confidence boost what makes you think that >_>), expects them to do the same.
This man has the least amount of tiddy of all of them, and I can imagine a very dysphoric MC being pretty happy about that. When they say they wanna stay switched forever he considers it for a moment but he really would like his own body back. MC’s body is excellent, but nothing compares to the real deal.
Initially very shocked at how comparatively tiny he is. Suddenly has a great appreciation and understanding of MC climbing up on counters to get stuff.
“Everything looks so much bigger :0″
Meanwhile MC is Suffering bc Honmngery. Too Homngr to pay too much attention to their new body, since they aren’t used to it like Beel is. He manages to get them fed though, and that’s when they start to realize they’re now tall, buff, and hot.
Has even more tiddy than MC does. I don’t care how big their tiddies are. Mine are huge and he still has more tiddy. But it’s nice muscle tiddy and that’s Lit and MC appreciates.
MC and Beel have to keep reminding each other of their strengths. Beel keeps forgetting he can’t just pick up 200 lb barbell weights and MC keeps having to restrain themself cause Stronk.
Is 100% okay with it if/when MC starts getting friendly with their new muscles. It’s nice to be appreciated.
MC eats even more than Beel usually does bc they aren’t used to managing his hunger. The HOL is cleaned out within a day. No food remains, not even Levi’s shut-in stash.
Very nearly bows to the puppy dog eyes to let MC keep his body, but the spell wears off anyway :(. That’s okay, if MC wants to be tall or strong he can carry them around on his shoulders or try to figure out a workout plan for them.
Honestly? This guy’s a bit of a brat. Perfect Lucifer pranking opportunity.
“Hmm, now I get why you have so much energy.”
Tries to nap as much as usual cause he’s still lazy, but quickly learns about the agony of trying to lay on his stomach with the tid/binder.
This changes nothing, MC is still his nap buddy and he expects to snuggle with them. Or else.
MC literally sleeps for a solid 24 hours after switching bodies with him. He relates hardcore.
If they start appreciating his body, he’ll definitely get flustered. Not that he’s gonna let them know that. (they totally know it lol) He’ll still let them know how to change forms. Mostly so they can experience the struggle of trying to find a comfy position for his horns. Turnabout is fair play.
“Can I keep your body forever?” “No.” “aww why not?” “You’re short.”  THE DISRESPECT
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