#for my money suzaku of the counterattack is ultimately pretty gay if anything
raintranslated Β· 4 years
eep i'm sincerely sorry but if i may ask you another question... (feel free to ignore ask if you want or are busy, i'll understand!!) i'm wondering if you can reccomend any more manga like Lelouch the Tutor and if there are any other translations of other mangas such as those, may you please tell me? Thank you for your time πŸ’πŸ€πŸ€. maybe even if they're not translated...if you know what sites to read them or buy them-? πŸ’œ
I mean... no, not manga. CG has had a LOT of manga spinoffs, but LtT is very much the only fluffy high school AU (apart from maybe Code Black), and I think it is probably also the only manga with a canon Lelouch/C.C. pairing (though one presumes that's where Re;surrection will eventually head). For example, in Suzaku of the Counterattack, C.C. actually dies and Suzaku winds up with "her"* Code.
See, you have to understand: almost all CG manga were either plotted out or literally completed before the original anime concluded, and Sunrise's approach to licensed spinoffs (at least with this property) has always been very hands-off. It was Gorou Taniguchi, I believe, who said that they didn't want to hamper the creativity of the people working on spinoff manga, video games, etc.
So, in Lost Colors, the PS2 game released early in 2008, your (male) player character can date a number of the female characters, C.C. included, as well as Lelouch himself (though in a much more subtextual form, as one might expect from a non-BL game of the time period).
In Nightmare of Nunnally, Nunnally is a Knightmare pilot herself and the Knights of the Round are, like, creepy zombies, and Rolo is Lelouch's twin.
And, IIRC, the eponymous manga Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion... just doesn't have any mech in it, and ends very differently from the TV series.
For the more canon-compliant manga, it's either like Renya or Oz or Lancelot & Guren (and therefore not really about Lelouch-and-C.C., much less Lelouch/C.C.), or it's... well, again, the only other thing even slightly like LtT is definitely Code Black: Lelouch of the Shred Guitar, but that's much shorter even than LtT, and it β€” like the vast majority of these β€” is just not very 'shippy.
You might like them, you might not, but there are no explicitly romantic kisses in any of them. The Code Geass 'ship wars were, for a long time, firmly undecided, and that's reflected in these manga adaptations. There might be subtext, or unrelated minor character relationships, but that is about it.
A few of these manga did get licensed translations into English β€” the one just called Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Suzaku of the Counterattack, and maybe Nightmare of Nunnally...? But I can only find the first one on Amazon with a quick Google search, and they're all going to be out of print. (Bandai Entertainment was really ambitious with its initial release of CG stuff, but then it... well, went bankrupt.) Your best bet for English copies is going to be eBay, probably.
Now, if you want doujinshi, fan-made amateur comics, I'm sure there have been plenty of cute ones centered around Lelouch and C.C., but I wouldn't really know where to go looking for them, sorry. πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜” 😟
*Well, I mean, it wasn't a direct transfer, he sort of just manifests one from sheer will. But again this manga was completed before the original TV show.
ETA: Also gosh, you're not bothering me. I'm just sorry this answer is so very definitely not the one you were hoping for!! Since Sunrise keeps making these spinoffs, there's always the chance something more like LtT will materialize in the future. ❀
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