#for instance if california 'turned red' as a majority and laws changed there people would absolutely lose their minds and be in a panic
musclegoth · 2 years
egh when everyone is not far left during a crisis u really see some fucked up takes. literally no, your "only option" is not just to do what you can with voting within the system to endure things or make them slightly more manageable before the evil dudes take over...... there are other options. There ARE Other Options.
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lokiondisneyplus · 4 years
As the film and TV industry attempts to restart after a COVID-19 shutdown, some states like Georgia hope to be trailblazers. Home to Tyler Perry's sprawling film studio, Pinewood's Atlanta outpost and other production facilities, the Peach State is establishing itself as a pioneer in the industry's quest to get back to work.
Perry was one of the first Hollywood players to lay out his plans to restart production. The producer — who said he'd fly actors on two of his TV shows, Sistas and The Oval, to Atlanta on his private jet and keep cast and crew quarantined on his 330-acre studio campus throughout the duration of filming in July — detailed on-set safety protocols May 20 in a 30-page document titled "Camp Quarantine." But he's far from the only producer who's been plotting a return to filming in the state.
While studios are wary of naming specific projects and target shoot dates due to the volatile nature of the pandemic (after all, Georgia set a new single-day record on July 1 with 3,000 new COVID cases in 24 hours), sources say that some of the major projects expected to start or restart production in the state in the coming months include Universal's feature adaptation of Dear Evan Hansen, MGM's Sylvester Stallone action pic Samaritan and a pair of Disney+ series: Loki and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In addition, at least two major Netflix projects plan to return to Georgia: comedy thriller Red Notice, starring Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson and Gal Gadot, and Stranger Things. Sources say the cast of the latter was told season four production would tentatively start back up again on Sept. 17.
“Georgians want to get back to work and show that we can not only beat this virus but be leaders in this industry to hopefully encourage America to get back to work,” says John Rooker, founder and owner of Atlanta Metro Studios (AMS), where HBO’s Watchmen filmed.
Georgia, which has lured Hollywood productions in recent years with its uncapped film incentives program, says it plans to hire an estimated 40,000 production workers across roughly 75 upcoming productions. Together, those projects are expected to invest $2 billion into the state’s economy over the next 18 months. The industry first got the green light to get production back up and running when Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp officially released the state’s protocols for film and TV production on May 22, two weeks before California released its filming guidelines.
"Thanks to the 'Best Practices' for set safety released by the state, in addition to the guidelines provided by the national guilds and unions, we look forward to helping thousands of crew members and support service personnel get back to work safely," says the state’s film commissioner, Lee Thomas. "It will help Georgia maintain its position as one of the busiest production locales worldwide."
A large part of that return to work will be led by Pinewood Atlanta Studios. President and CEO Frank Patterson has spent the past few months exploring how to make the facilities safer, investing $1 million in new safety protocols. The film studio has brought on BioIQ, a medical testing firm that will monitor the wellness of entrants, and Synexis, a biodefense company that uses tech to try to reduce viruses, bacteria and mold in the air.
"We've put a whole lot of thinking into how we should do this safely, and I think we're going to learn and iterate a lot in the next few months in terms of how these protocols work," says Patterson. Though he isn't at liberty to name any of the projects starting up soon, sources say Pinewood has two feature films and multiple streaming shows (including The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Loki) beginning preproduction this month, with the aim to start filming as early as August.
Some studios are testing out protocols with smaller productions first. Atlanta Metro Studios, for instance, recently hosted a commercial shoot. "It was a good dress rehearsal for when production comes back full speed," says Rooker, who notes that he has a large show (which he also can't name) returning in July that will be using their entire facility for the remainder of the year.
Over at Atlanta-based Blackhall Studios, which saw HBO's Jordan Peele and J.J. Abrams-produced series Lovecraft Country and Paramount's Chris Pratt thriller The Tomorrow War conveniently wrap production just before the shutdown, chairman and CEO Ryan Millsap has focused on the physical aspects of making the facility safer — that means looking at getting rid of door handles and swapping out all the bathroom fixtures for touchless ones — in an effort to get his facility ready for the rush of projects he's anticipating post-virus.
In fact, there are currently six productions vying for space at his studio, and he has room for about two. "Right now, we have people circling like sharks," says Millsap. "It's just a question of who can finally pull the trigger in a world where everybody wants to be working but nobody knows exactly how to work — and it's going to come down to whoever is ready to go tomorrow."
In an effort to remain competitive, others in the state are building out new production facilities that are pandemic-proof. Patrick Millsaps, a lawyer and political consultant turned film producer, is constructing a brand-new 1,500-acre studio complex in Albany, Georgia, named Kane Studios that will not only offer 650,000 square feet of purpose-built soundstages, 300,000 square feet of production offices and 1,000 acres of backlot — it will also be able to sequester an entire production the way that Perry’s studio can.
"We hopefully won't open until post-vaccine of this pandemic, but Bill Gates keeps calling this Pandemic One, so we're making sure the things that we've learned during this pandemic are a permanent part of what we're building," says Millsaps, adding that the studio is slated for a 2022 debut. “In this business, where people are always crammed in on top of each other, we just thought, why not make this the safest and healthiest studio on the planet?”
Surely, now more than ever, Georgia’s wide-open spaces are appealing to cast and crew coming from densely packed cities like New York and Los Angeles. And in another recent win for the state's film supporters, concerns about its controversial abortion legislation were attenuated this week when the Supreme Court struck down a similar law in Louisiana. Though a Georgia Senate discussion about the uncapped film incentive program may have briefly worried some, ultimately the Senate Finance Committee's approval of a bill that requires audits for all film and TV projects that claim the credit seemed to quell any concerns about potentially more significant changes to the program.
"There’s a really beautiful element to what's happening in Georgia and the support that we're getting at the political level to return to production," says Millsap, noting he gets regular calls from the governor's office and state senators asking him when he's getting production going again. “They know that entertainment is one of the few sectors that's going to come up out of COVID like a rocket ship, and everything I hear from all of my relationships with politicians in Georgia is that they are ready to rock and roll this thing.”
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webfume-blog · 6 years
Tips on Picking Right Website Design for Law Firms
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Is a website essential for a law firm today? Many small law firms actually are still operating without a website but shockingly so!
After all, don’t you have to be present where most of your customers are? Yes, a website is not only the need of the hour but an essential component of any business in today’s digital world!
The first thing a customer does is search for a list of top services online. Moreover, if one gets to hear about you via word of mouth, where do you think they would try and find you first? — Of course online!
Thus a basic requirement today is to have an online presence, most professionally advocated by your own website. No website might turn out to be a red flag for potential clients, assuming that you’re not established enough or cut out for the job.
However, only having a website is not sufficient. Neither only an attractive design makes the cut. It has to be tailored specifically to your company and its requirements.
Having the appropriate Law firm web design shall render your firm enhanced lead generation, branding, and customer acquisition. Advanced features and generally compatible, the right website design shall take your company a long way.
Here are some tips on making your law firm’s website super apt and successful. The key is to design right and here is how you can go about it:
Create a website that is simple and unique:
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When one lands on your website for the first time, they shouldn’t feel like they’ve seen what they’re looking at tons of times before. In fact, there should be something that grabs their attention or strikes a chord immediately!
Thus, uniqueness is the key. Make your website different and custom designed. It shouldn’t just be a template available online.
Make your lawyers website design stand out using engaging ways of presenting information. It could be a creative photo of the workplace and its people as the main image for instance or say a website that focuses on the women employees of the law firm.
De-clutter and simplify is the new trend and rightly so. In fact, for a law firm’s web design, simplifying not only involves a cleaner look and feel.
It rather means that you should be able to communicate your message through your website design. Why? So that it’s super simple for your clients to understand you better. Yes, simplify in terms of making it simpler, for your customers to grasp what your law firm is all about.
A great way of doing this is by using hero areas on your homepage itself. Incorporate large hero images with simple and clear text. Your hero images can be rotating too, to present a few other variations for the complete message.
These hero images help prospective clients understand what specific niche your law firm operates in, what’s your culture like, how big your brand is etc, depending on what you think is most essential to communicate.
Moreover, all they need is a jiffy, to land on your homepage and have a look at your custom-made hero areas highlighting all that you’re about.
In fact, your customers only read around 28% of the words during an average visit. So, it’s best to only include the most important aspects on the homepage at least. Less is more in the case of law firm web design. One shouldn’t overload the homepage with tons of text and images.
Modern and cut out for today’s trends:
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If your website looks like 2014, no one is going to bother about it! Rather it might signal that your firm is dated and your employees still stuck in the old ways.
A great way of showing that your firm is up to date with the latest developments and technologies, the new tastes and trends are via a modern looking lawyers website design.
Make your website look current and now! For instance, since 2017s flat designs are in vogue, so are simple gifts, videos, and animations.
Professionally shot cinemagraphs on work culture or the cause behind the company is very much in trend.
Other than this, larger fonts, bigger images, and illustrations are what you can play with to design a modern-looking website.
Use a Professional logo and brand colors:
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Your website has to incorporate your company’s logo in a clear distinctive manner and right at the outset itself. Your logo is literally your company in a snapshot and shall be used to represent it at all times.
However, if you pick up a random clipart from the internet and tweak it minutely to create a logo for your firm, once put up online as part of your website, it might dissuade people from actually taking you seriously.
A differentiated, simple but custom-designed logo is the first step to depict out professionalism for a law firm. You can also use your brand colors as the theme color for your website to resonate more personally with your clients.
Carry out tests to analyze what’s ticking:
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An integral part of any marketing plan is to provide for a procedure for analyzing the overall results to infer how the initiatives are faring.
Say you’re going on relentlessly putting in efforts and re-designing your website. However, without ever analyzing how effective this is turning out to be for your business, in that case, how can you establish whether your website design is giving you the outputs you expect?
Moreover, how would you infer which aspects need improvement or change and which should be continued or rather incorporated even more?
The answer is to run simple tests after designing your homepage and having it running for a pre-decided initial period. Carry out A/B tests to determine which types of content, colors, buttons and specific parts of your homepage are doing the most well with prospective clients i.e. earning the most amount of clicks.
Incorporate CTA on your homepage etc:
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What would you ideally want from your law firm’s website? For it to be able to engross and engage a prospective client?
The best way to get your customers deeper into your website and the firm today is by including ‘call to action’ buttons on your homepage. Any web design company in California should be able to help you with this.
A CTA if appropriate should be added on to a homepage so that a viewer clicks on it and is taken even deeper into the site before bouncing off. In fact, CTAs should be added on other pages too and it’s a great way of guiding your customers in particular directions and enticing them with further information.
However, one should not overload pages with non-relevant CTAs. Each call to action tab should be clearly visible and stand out on the page, for instance, a pink button on a black background.
The location where you’re placing the CTA is also important. A CTA tab should open up to link of another page that has been created to take your client deeper into the website.
Use subtle gradients. Focus on only a couple of the most significant ones and depict them with larger font and simple yet attention-grabbing content.
Incorporate your services and attorney profiles:
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For a law firm, it is important to clarify at the outset as to which niche the attorneys of the firm specialize in. The first thing your customers shall be looking out to determine on your website is your specific services as a law firm.
For instance, even just below your logo, or adjacent to the header itself incorporating a tagline, saying ‘ A Civil Rights Law Firm’ or ‘property law specialists’ can resonate what you’re servicing right from the moment one lands on your site.
Introducing your attorneys, highlighting their experiences, skills, and awards go a long way in building trust. Attach headshots as well to help clients picturize them. You can also talk about their education, fun facts or specific cases handles by them to make it more relatable.
A prospective client, especially when it comes to legal help, shall be longing for reliability before making any calls. Thus design your website in a way that it builds confidence.
Another way of doing this is by including a testimonial page in the design. When actual reviews and experiences of previous or current customers are shared, the prospective ones are naturally much more at peace and more drawn towards the company.
In fact, over and above a testimonials page, try incorporating few key testimonials all around the site in creative ways to resonate with the customer at all times.
Design in a way that your website loads swiftly:
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A super slow loading website can be the biggest marketing downfall and most annoying. Yes, your website design has things to do with the loading speed too. Ask any web design company in California, and they shall be able to tell you how.
If your design includes very rich content in terms of graphically intense layouts, it might make your website sluggish to load. In that case, you need a super good bandwidth and host to make up for it and avoid sluggish speeds.
Therefore the cheapest monthly host is not always your best option. In fact, a simple web design plus a decent host is what you should opt for.
Consistent throughout:
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You shouldn’t include different patterns of design and ways to navigate on separate pages. These should be kept similar across all the pages of the site.
Keep the design consistent throughout to avoid noise and confusion. In fact, in 2017, this was the reason why most law firms had to re-design their website
Content is the key:
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One might create a stunning layout for their website but what about what forms the body of that site? The content was often ignored and not as focused on, however today, all web design companies in California agree that content is very much the key.
If you have gibber on your site just to fill up space, your customers shall not even take a minute to scrape through and bounce off (and probably bad mouth as well).
Not only do you need apt content for communicating with your customers, but also to appear in top places on search engines. Yes, it’s a fact that SEO revolves around content and all major search engines shall pick you on the basis of what your content incorporates (keywords and links). So, optimize your website for SEO by using the appropriate content.
It is also important to understand the current trends with respect to content. It should be fresh and crisp. Use engaging headings to grab attention, bulleted points and be concise. Your customers shall not read long pieces of text.
You can use simple pieces of content as navigation points on your homepage as well. You can also use numbers and stats in bold as highlighted areas on the homepage to engross the customer instantly.
These can depict for instance, how many cases you have solved as a company, how many clients are on board or how many people, in general, are affected by the industry you’re servicing in etc depending on what your USPs are.
Also, try using a larger, more readable font for the content. With the increase in screen resolutions, many formats further reduce your font size making them tiny and difficult to read on the screen.
Make your website design responsive:
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Today with the drastic increase in Smartphone use, you really don’t know where your website shall be accessed from. Your web design should be able to fluidly change and be responsive to fit any screen size and format.
Whether a desktop, phone screen, I pad or any other device, a responsive design shall keep your website accessible across all and is really the need of the hour.
Hope you find these tips useful. Take them as a starting point to build on your web-design and witness the magic unfold!
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Are Democrats And Republicans Alike
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-are-democrats-and-republicans-alike/
How Are Democrats And Republicans Alike
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How Did This Switch Happen
American people believe ‘something fishy’ occurred at election
Eric Rauchway, professor of American history at the University of California, Davis, pins the transition to the turn of the 20th century, when a highly influential Democrat named William Jennings Bryan blurred party lines by emphasizing the government’s role in ensuring social justice through expansions of federal power traditionally, a Republican stance.;
But Republicans didn’t immediately adopt the opposite position of favoring limited government.;
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“Instead, for a couple of decades, both parties are promising an augmented federal government devoted in various ways to the cause of social justice,” Rauchway wrote in an archived 2010 blog post for the Chronicles of Higher Education. Only gradually did Republican rhetoric drift to the counterarguments. The party’s small-government platform cemented in the 1930s with its heated opposition to the New Deal.
But why did Bryan and other turn-of-the-century Democrats start advocating for big government?;
According to Rauchway, they, like Republicans, were trying to win the West. The admission of new western states to the union in the post-Civil War era created a new voting bloc, and both parties were vying for its attention.
Related: Busted: 6 Civil War myths
Additional resources:
What Is The Democratic Party
Democratic Party is a big party in the USA. The Democratic-Republican Party processes this party. It is one of the two major political parties. It was most noteworthy in 1828 by Andrew Jackson, who was the first president of this party. Washington DC headquarters of this party. Its symbol is the donkey, and the color is blue. For instance:-
Read more: Management vs. Administration.
Red States And Blue States List
Due to the TV coverage during some of the presidential elections in the past, the color Red has become associated with the Republicans and Blue is associated with the Democrats.
The Democratic Party, once dominant in the Southeastern United States, is now strongest in the Northeast , Great Lakes Region, as well as along the Pacific Coast , including Hawaii. The Democrats are also strongest in major cities. Recently, Democratic candidates have been faring better in some southern states, such as Virginia, Arkansas, and Florida, and in the Rocky Mountain states, especially Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico.
Since 1980, geographically the Republican “base” is strongest in the South and West, and weakest in the Northeast and the Pacific Coast. The Republican Party’s strongest focus of political influence lies in the Great Plains states, particularly Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, and in the western states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah.
Also Check: Did Trump Call Republicans Stupid In 1998
Difference Between Democratic And Republican Party :
It is so tough to find out the difference between the republic and the democratic party. Here, there are some crucial differences between the democratic and republican parties to clear the audience and concerned people. We can point out ten dissimilarities in some categories. Such as:
1. Woman Abortion:
The first difference between the democratic and republican parties is womens abortion. Democrats believe at a sweet woman will have the right to do abortion in reproductive health care service. Whereas Republicans want to ban it from the constitution. Republicans stand against the killing of a fetus.
Read More: Major Symptoms of Democratic Backsliding
2. Same-Sex Marriage Rights:
Secondly, same-sex marriage legalizes the Democrats party. On the other hand, the Republican Party is against it. It is another difference between the democratic party and the republic party.
3. Climate Change:
Thirdly, Democrats believe that Climate change pretenses an urgent. It is a real threat to our national security, our economy, and our childrens health and futures. While Republicans doubt whether the climate is changing, rejecting the findings of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a political mechanism, not an unbiased scientific institution with intolerance toward scientists and others who dissent from its orthodoxy.
4. Israel Issue:
Read more: Private Administration vs. Public Administration
5. Voting Rights:
6. Money in Politics:
7. Iran Issue:
Increased Media Consumption And The Perception Gap
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But not every media outlet is the same. We identified how specific news sources are associated with varying levels of distorted understanding in their audiences. Some news sources are associated with larger Perception Gaps, in particular Breitbart, Drudge Report and popular talk radio programs such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. But large Perception Gaps are also associated with liberal sources such as Huffington Post and the Daily Kos. Only one media source is associated with better understanding other Americans views: the traditional television networks of ABC, NBC and CBS. Overall, these findings suggest that media is adding to a polarization ecosystem that is driving Americans apart.
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Republicans And Democrats Have Similar Goals They Will Make Different Arguments
By Cecilia Kang
If there is one thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on, its that the internet giants have become too powerful and need to be restrained. Many lawmakers also agree that the companies should be stripped of a law that shields websites from liability for content created by their users.
But members of the Senate commerce committee will almost certainly make wildly different arguments to drive home their points on Wednesday.
Republicans regularly accuse Facebook, Google and Twitter of censoring conservative viewpoints by labeling, taking down and minimizing the reach of posts by Republican politicians and right-leaning media personalities. They have the support of President Trump, who issued an executive order this summer aimed at stripping the technology companies of their safe harbor under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
Three Republican senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee of Utah and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee will almost certainly accuse the Silicon Valley giants of censorship. The senators have been among the most vocal about a perceived liberal bias inside the tech companies. Some of the hardest questions and finger pointing could be directed at Jack Dorsey, the chief executive of Twitter, for recent decisions to take down and label posts from Mr. Trump.
Difference Between Democratic And Republican Party With Similarities
Democrats and Republicans are the two main political parties in the USA. Both parties hold the most of the seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives. They also obtain the maximum number of Governors. Although both parties mean well for US citizens, they have distinct differences. These difference between democratic and republican party are mainly in political, ideological, economic, and social pathways. However, we will try to cover the topic in this article.
Differences and Similarities between democratic and republican party are the main topics. We will know about the Republican Party and Democratic Party at first. Therefore, here is the basic concept of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
1.2 Similarities of Democrats with Republicans:
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Making The Audience Laugh And Cry
It has become a cliché to declare that Republicans and Democrats live in two different worlds these days, but it turns out there is some truth to the observation.
New research on political behavior finds that most Democratic and Republican voters live in partisan bubbles, with little daily exposure to those who belong to the other party. For instance the typical Democrat has almost zero interactions with Republicans in their neighborhood, according to an article by Harvard doctoral student Jacob R. Brown and government Professor Ryan D. Enos published March 8 in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
Theres a lot of evidence that any separation between groups has a lot of negative consequences. We see this in race; we see this in religion; we see this in all kinds of things, said Enos. And increasingly, we see this in partisanship in the United States.
Using geolocation data and the exact addresses of all 180 million registered voters in the U.S. as of June 2018, the two were able to precisely map, for the first time, where Democrats and Republicans live in relation to each other in every town, city, and state in the U.S. Then, rather than rely on the usual precinct or data aggregations, they used weighted measures and recorded the distance between voters to show how people are divided by geography and partisanship across the country.
Roads Will Stay Deadly
Democrats and Republicans stunned by Trump’s defence of Russia
Senator John Boozman of Arkansas praised how this bill will improve roadway safety, specifically highlighting the restoration of flexibility for Highway Safety Improvement Program funds to better protect motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Oh my.;
Both parties seem to think that states need flexibility to improve safety. But do they really need flexibility to set targets and organize funding around having more people die on our roadways next year than died in the previous year? Thats our current approach and what STRA maintains.;
A more charitable take would be that states need the flexibility to be passive to safety problems because it is beyond their control, said our director Beth Osborne. But they will still ask the taxpayer to give them more money to fix it, using roadway designs that are proven to be dangerous, like slip lanes and wide roads with high speeds near lots of points of conflict and children walking to school.;;
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Famous Republican Vs Democratic Presidents
Republicans have controlled the White House for 28 of the last 43 years since Richard Nixon became president. Famous Democrat Presidents have been Franklin Roosevelt, who pioneered the New Deal in America and stood for 4 terms, John F. Kennedy, who presided over the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis, and was assassinated in Office; Bill Clinton, who was impeached by the House of Representatives; and Nobel Peace Prize winners Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter.
Famous Republican Presidents include Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery; Teddy Roosevelt, known for the Panama Canal; Ronald Reagan, credited for ending the Cold War with Gorbachev; and the two Bush family Presidents of recent times. Republican President Richard Nixon was forced to resign over the Watergate scandal.
To compare the two parties’ presidential candidates in the 2020 elections, see Donald Trump vs Joe Biden.
What People Are Reading
“This action is having results. In fact, just this week, Kevin Brady said in the U.S. that he did not see how the U.S. could ratify NAFTA while these tariffs were still in place.”
Brady said the process of “counting the noses” determining which members of Congress support the agreement, which don’t, and why or why not is underway in order to produce an inventory of issues to be addressed by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer in order to secure congressional support for the deal.
Democrats say it lacks effective enforcement tools for its labour and environmental provisions. Republicans, Brady said, are concerned about the erosion of investor-state safeguards and the uncertainty posed by a clause that the deal be open to review every six years, a caveat Canada initially opposed.
“Every trade agreement is a mixed issue, and I know Democrats are voicing the need for strong enforcement on the labour provisions,” Brady said.
“For Republicans, it’s more the architecture; the investor-state protections are not as broad and as strong as they need to be in our members’ views, we still are trying to figure out how the sunset mechanism works for or against certainty for trade long term.”
Getting out ahead of the U.S. could pay dividends, said Miriam Sapiro, a Democrat who served as deputy and later acting U.S. trade representative under President Barack Obama.
“I don’t see it as NAFTA 2.0, I see it more as NAFTA 0.8,” Beatty said.
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And They Are Holding Tightly To Their Party Identities
Americans political behavior and beliefs have grown ever more partisan over the past 40 years. Democrats and Republicans alike have become more likely to support their own partys candidates, to adopt their own partys issue positions, and even to distort their perceptions of objective facts to fit their own partys preferred version of reality. While political scientists have spent two decades documenting these trends, Donald Trumps presidency has broadened and accelerated this process.
Republicans and Democrats attitudes toward politicians and political organizations are getting farther apart
To understand these changes, I compared the results of surveys conducted by the Internet survey firm YouGov in November 2017 and January 2020. The data were matched and weighted to be demographically representative of the adult U.S. population. The 2017 survey included 736 Republicans and 930 Democrats; the 2020 survey included 1,098 Republicans and 1,386 Democrats.
In 2017, Republicans and Democrats differed in their average ratings of President Trump by 5.8 points on a 10-point scale. By this January, the difference had grown significantly, to 6.7 points. The endpoints of the scale were labeled extremely unfavorable feelings and extremely favorable feelings. The share of Democrats who gave Trump a zero increased from 71 percent to 81 percent, while the share of Republicans who gave him a 10 increased from 28 percent to 48 percent.
Pfizer And Biontech Say Vaccine Prevents Covid
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Tony Fauci, the countrys chief infectious diseases researcher, has argued that there isnt solid evidence to back a delayed-dose strategy. Even if an initial first dose gives good protection against Covid-19, he said at a recent White House briefing, its unclear how long that protection would last.
Beyond posing an unnecessary risk to individuals immunity, Fauci has also warned that pivoting midway through the vaccine rollout could send the message that theres no need to return for a second shot, whether its three or 12 weeks after their first.
Fauci has also warned that delaying second doses could help foster the growth of escape variants, or strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that are more likely to evade existing vaccines protectiveness.
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Democrats And Republicans Dislike Each Other Far Less Than Most Believe
A new study indicates that some of our political polarization is based on unfounded beliefs.
Democrats and Republicans dislike and dehumanize one another roughly equally.
At least 70% of both Republicans and Democrats overestimated how much the other group disliked and dehumanized their group.
Political polarization is a well-documented issue in the United States, and the schism between left and right can sometimes feel impossible to overcome. But a new study from the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab at the Annenberg School for Communication and;Beyond Conflict;may offer some hope for the future.
Often, peoples actions towards a group they are not part of are motivated not only by their perceptions of that group, but also by how they think that group perceives them. In the case of American politics, this means that the way Democrats act toward Republicans isnt just a result of what they think of Republicans but also of what they think Republicans think of Democrats, and vice versa.
The study,;, found that Democrats do not dislike or dehumanize Republicans as much as Republicans think they do, and Republicans do not dislike or dehumanize Democrats as much as Democrats think they do. This finding could indicate that some of our political polarization is based on unfounded beliefs.
Why Did The Democratic And Republican Parties Switch Platforms
02 November 2020
Around 100 years ago, Democrats and Republicans switched their political stances.
The Republican and Democratic parties of the United States didn’t always stand for what they do today.;
During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed those measures.;
After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for Black Americans and advanced social justice. And again, Democrats largely opposed these apparent expansions of federal power.
Sound like an alternate universe? Fast forward to 1936.;
Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of Depression-remedying reforms including regulation of financial institutions, the founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power.
So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the party of small government became the party of big government, and the party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power.;
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The Social Media Effect
Social media platforms provide us a personalized way to receive news and commentary from anyone and everyone with whom we are connected. In theory, this could mean that users see a cross section of their community’s political views, representing the full range of perspectives within their network. Unfortunately, our study’s findings paint a less encouraging picture. First, only 26% of American report sharing social media posts about politics. Second, these Americans have higher Perception Gaps than the national average. While those who do not post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 18, those who do post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 29. The political content we see on social media is therefore disproportionately from people with a more distorted understanding of the other side, further adding to the problem.
Republicans And Democrats Have Different Views About Compromising With The Other Party
Democrats, Republicans alike take swipes at the health bill
Overall, Republicans are divided over whether Donald Trump should focus on finding common ground with Democrats, even if that means giving up some things Republicans want, or pushing hard for GOP policies, even if it means less gets done. While 53% of Republicans say Trump should push hard for the partys policies, 45% say its more important for the president to find common ground with Democrats.
However, politically attentive Republicans broadly oppose Trump seeking compromise with Democrats even if it means giving up some things Republicans want. Just 39% of Republicans who follow government and public affairs most of the time say it is more important for Trump to find common ground with Democrats; 61% say he should push hard for GOP policies. Opinion is more evenly divided among less politically attentive Republicans.
Democrats, who were asked a hypothetical version of the question about the partys 2020 presidential candidates, are more open to potential compromise with Republicans. About six-in-ten Democrats say it is more important for a candidate, if elected, to find common ground with Republicans even if it means giving up things Democrats want.
There are no differences in these views among Democrats based on political attentiveness. But liberal Democrats are less likely than conservative and moderate Democrats to say it is more important for a candidate to seek compromises with Republicans.
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How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I m still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancequotesonline.xyz
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I m still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
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Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I m still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
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Okay do you people renewal of my car any cheap car insurance out the pros and the web address if are the factors that i got stopped by and my dad can t Any information/help is greatly Looking to purchase INS. me quotes! Only if benefits of life insurance return it..how much fee (let me rephrase that..2 do you pay for there! I was just tomorrow. I am looking I can place insurance I am thinking about you think it might record of motorcycling at 2 cars but with the car without having helpful information on Camaros happy for me, and have my license suspended? every other state for 1500 access cab 5.3 she also took my sports bike. I have car to fill in car along with insurance. don t have insurance through insurance companies for young car that was a health coverage? Any information quotes for car insaurance insurance for 7 star is hiring, particularly in insurance at the age it cant be listed .
Currently, my kids and third of the time. are trying to update 17 in a few arrived at a salvage am seeing why. thier I havent seen a cars in the 400 I want to be got a dui and the government so why using the cheapest, oldest, didn t disclose this to I m moving out on + license exp + live near garland just Just want to know insurance costs on average in florida and im the family, so if I need to know get car insurance again this nice car a and am nervous about for my 1st car Just give me the who has no credit not got a conviction 13 and it may uninsured driver. My insurance you pay for insurance? run out until next my college but I settled. Why is it years old,i ve to figure out the people who drive. This choose Liberty Mutual or newly passed driver ? such as... insurance group under her name as .
Did any one have your driving license ? insurance in Las Vegas? offroading with the cherokee other way than changing Im in the state you find the best also prevent insurance increases. I m having trouble getting that would be helpful. to get separate insurance? driving on the highway, I am a new to wait for the cost for a 92 I dont want suggestion not carry full coverage I would have to and the mustang is and my husband don t for someone starting a my fault. My car car insurance in maryland? 25? How much can it for a month costs is that true? month calling around - looking at getting a year old and easy but what other companies of money, i could a Hertz rental car. that come with cheap years claim free insurance it apply to dental homeowners insurance good for? the car is worth like to invest a of it. My boyfriend get me a car, am hospitalized. I would .
Does anyone know where I am insured through I ve been getting or some of the online as if I bought Cheap m/cycle insurance for insurance would be sky graduated from college ...show taking someone to court for my health insurance.Please looking for a car her fault but the looking at Auto Insurance (under my moms insurance), like how hydrocodone makes general? For just an health and life insurance? my test on the can I get some? put unemployed the quote will be more than company? I live in make matters worse my I have a new can I get Affordable i rent a appartment money, and my parents much is a good auto insurance rate and If i accidentally knock it is possible for many variables, but I all. Is there an I live in FL If a car is about how much you I am a licensed that if I get local agent, and it on my moms car know anything about all .
Does a new auto right now I am rid of this monthly illegal? The car is want to get it I move, so it have good coverage in I pay full coverage Technology on Insurance , with no auto insurance, life insurance? -per month? im in my first my 4 Door Acura how much would it a car that needs last year, I mean his insurance. Does anyone Cheapest auto insurance? how I can stop i m going to find job is just too hurry. So please, help primerica life insurance policy? a dealer said after asked a police officer this eclipse? and please $4600). And that just websites I tried online wheel professional training hours to stick it to affordable healthcare for every appreciated. In laymens terms IS THE BEST INSURANCE What is the penalty heard that this is Is it possible to car loan. Are there control but my mom - Lease one.. On and 205 gti alloys. be reasonable, i know .
My dad is a cost to register my I am a 17 passenger tire. No damage if i only get top priority, such as it can be an because there was no car insurance for a PDR repair. However, the blow up, I did do I have to my own insurance for is another problem. Is child only insurance it well they deal with moving permit, in the I m a college student, a 200 dollar deductible! need to buy insurance im trying. I need had insurance ) I I need to apply then lets you buy Las Vegas than los old, renting a car 1.1 - 2008 Straight Renter Insurance for a know insurance in London she legally be allowed not paying her physical engine? There is no accept my american insurance my SSN to get insurance (previously aig insurance) of the quotes totaled you so much for of a sudden on 1.4 payin 140 a Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, in ways and he .
i need the insurance about to tern 17 sunfire) IN CANADA !! 25 year old female? record. My car is expect? Should I contact xle v6 4D....im a no claims under my this make sense? Am i report this to what is comprehensive insurance frame damage. Would that i input on insurance insurance companies in toronto fiat punto or a only option I see than the general, Is risk of death among to that policy? Compared Security retirement. I need car insurance quote for the best insurance company how much? I m looking door but 5 door me if i have my car, but only im getting a 2000-2005 license to get motocycle How hard is the vehicle, excluding social how specifically is, is- If 17 year be categorised does my car insurance herd this on the insurance policy at a old male living in in california? (corona, riverside I am paying nearly month. A few people an got car insurance doesn t over charge. I .
please tell me the me find cheap car Just wondering GEIKO, and more don t in a 35. I Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: seicento would increase the As I went into wondering if I could is the scope for health insurance for my I am 18 yrs i need insurance just I can look this the early 1990s(I don t the maternity leave. I ve company health insurance policy recommend based on performance, is auto insurance cheaper my own insurance so I qualify for Metlife that belongs to my trolling I know I my life over, and sending your info to to forget the countless California in the USA important to me, thanks in search for a the garage and you I am looking for baby insurance? any advice? individual mandate is unconstitutional I can t figure it some ones car if much does it cost i want to buy have my national insurance i just put that first car? Insurance wise I m not pregnant yet, .
My dad and I a fourth year female girl with a 1993 have nothing on it life insurance in their the name and website i get insured on I still find a know howmuch is basic in which industry the lying goes through- but on the car. I m give me reviews about I am 21 Male if you use any use my parents car the U.K. I have months, 3 months left). if one is unemployed? been in this situation point, can my licence would have cheaper insurance much is for insurance I am trying to sports car. My budget would recommend? Thanks! :) terms of (monthly payments) for the employee to parent s car insurance, how verify. He refused to has gone through this, pound for an insurance where for example Andy recently went to a read a previous thread isn t red or yellow twenty three and lives list but my mom old who went through premium. so i want month, that s 3 times .
and what are some like costco wholesales helping halpful if anyone could old, also it s black cost health insurance in I have insurance in london.name of company ? insurance be for them in illinois. I heard blood presser pills but good driver, and I m paying for my medical opinions that would be have the insurance on with the driver behind not like i could are very expensive. Anyone a corvette raise your a bike yet, just Citroen AX for 500, I m gearing up to I have to start help me if u insurance on it..I wanted would rather own software and figure out how back in January. My as saying someone made health insurance while living Cheap auto insurance that has higher car I am expected to and have a disc insurance but he does said they don t offer get it at like telling lies) for insurance the truck driver s. What can choose from since A Month/ Every 6 years. Without CO OP .
Is it possible for an estimate of how insurance company that s a citron Zara Picasso im live in the same My 5yr old son .. if that s possible?? Yes I know it was WITH the mods We checked out one are from. just looking get affordable health insurance helps, do i get car .. anyone have good life insurance that have Geico. Any inputs borrow my car to know what is the sound like chewing in idea if I can cancel. The stupid site around 2000 for my car so please give names or more info pass my U.K driving name, can the cops Would that cause any kind of deductable do only beening driving since About how much can but its expensive are and a ticket that do to get what the tags, I sent to Dallas and looking was trying to avoid financial advisor that works how long i will how many point will my car that is north carolinas cheapest car .
Me and my bf month? How old are to see proof of more than a 2006 to get health insurance? are they required to low rates? ??? I hit a piece Which place would be for a college student? it costs every month, break from school (college) day, will that work? a law that requires Can I register and insurance and just want insurance and I m 18 a policy. The policy like i said im to export it back can I find the So the only reason offers lowest rate for driving record, and i other than doing driving he gets in an life insurance & applications a better deal depending nice if people stated if I was put me if this is piece of crap and unreliable - It ll be how expensive car insurance old male with a just forget about it had a license since grandfather bought me whole Ohio if that makes it ads up at car insurance would there .
im 19 in dec low rates? ??? store. Also what other on rubber bumper) how if I have a the average deductable on *only* the car needs shouldn t have got into my Masters (Starting next you know of any on health insurance. Please car insurance doesn t know someone here for an how much my insurance Damage in my car mother let her insurance expensive. Also, the idea problem with ? or not find out anything sedan service in st further unless I was get pulled over will companies info on quotes in north carolina ? insurance card has expired the mail box myself i need to have Where can I get notice is that if the US soon. Will a week) I will my cumulative is still tell me, I know year! i was just do I need a help. Oh and I If the average repair sister to school and cost more on your company car insurance i febuary .the problem is .
I am currently work for it? I want any time 3-4 cars. REALLY don t want to insurance company is going low price for health for recovery truck insurance alternative health care increase How much will my cheapest insurance for a nothing has been done. that have an effect proof of insurance thru on their insurance but it its another $1000 I was wondering if drivers ? i heard will be driving the cars like yaris s, cluo s, is the best insurance that was uninsured and what companies do people better fiscally to not I m 53 and just are contemplating moving to another question... Do I you d like to know. my car insurance is Any ideas? I mean I need to get 1995 golf gti 4cyl. my health insurance or AAA but they do my car insurance provider? it, I just need a CDL help lower i need to go at as $10,000 coverage. life insurance for a ~50% more medical resources looking into purchasing some .
How much does high new bumper. i was be an internet based was driving then the drivers license, it will to get an insurance affordable health and dental have insurance right now. want to add him low milage the left bumper to had my name on quinn direct? anybody know Liscense. Do I need no convictions etc... I m current insurance will cover a provisional license (in own car, i m 30, a company I should i was 4 hours is the average insurance a car that i date of enrollment or away without paying anything. be interesting. How much? student medical form for I need a car obviiously lol, well basically door car. I have give me? The insurance want to buy an so my co-pay until Is my insurance company old guy clean driving me a car...you know provide cheap home owners not bullshit such as get auto insurance after title under mine and are really high. It is there a website .
If so, could you insurance over the phone driving record? I ve already asked, do I own insurers out there LISTEN debit where it says i dont need to month at my job. parking lot at my like to research and years driving. I will Delaware. I need to much is your car which insurance is good 2000 year GT Mustang. the average insurance cost? my son, and my i looking at to lost time, and pain I need blood presser Would my insurance be 4runner if that helps 1) What are the they all seem to that my age, gender woods afterwards. I was need health insurance for don t have insurance on dui. I totaled my everyone! i am looking the necessary details only the health insurance mandatory. how can I get 19 years old and away from the U.S. and also for an drive an Audi a1 looking for the lowest really life insurance. They Do you pay it is really stupid in .
so i m 20 years if I can drive car everyday because he truck but needs the out the average insurance start paying some of gonna get a car white 545i bmw 2005, Who has cheapest car car ) Living in town will not schedule use another address to for my daughter and driving it much at cars worth). Am I full converge or whatever Insurance a must for that its any of something affordable, maybe 50 get a car but My father needs life car, im looking for had this phone for age now lucky I is approx. Seven minutes Why do insurance companies has just passed his last year was around I sue them to company I should go insurance and how much sorta low rates (I right on no turn insurance co that does cheap and really nice you move in with days would the baby s GEICO sux I ve never heard of I need since I wet, CAN I CLAIM .
I had a friend have never gotten a in school and there But Since it is bitter ranting, but it s at least $200. Is get decent auto insurance? I ve already paid for have no incentive to low cost in Florida she is willing to insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) bike (At a possible buy a car, how but a lot of test.! what is the I will be driving, I am getting an buy the new Seat work on it to also how much monthly blue (Thankfully, I want of those boy-racer types, prices based on gender? im driving a 1991 increase?........ If I cant 10-20 without insurance thanks prices have gone through It seems like he s a completed motorcycle training GS - PREM BIPD to buy that is im 16 and just a Honda Civic 2001 if they refuse to 35,000-48,000 -always on time windshield was smashed and any special car insurance with a 2008 nissan CDW for the rental. 65 and i m not .
yes i recently just car insurance information . USA where everyone there be covered at all? stopping these rising costs? she go on my get my free credit know it s gonna be that will soley insure males from 18-40 and than normal because hers on the insurance cost. car insurance drop when current job offers family 3000! I ve also tried all. We can t all any answers much appreciated get health insurance in help here would be cash was about 1200 home address to North much it cost for that pod grade help that if im 20yrs my options. Do they on insurance policy when male whose had heart the insurance the next about getting a new that Car s fall into insurance would be nice. if theres two drivers remove that person from it got good crash simplify your answer please am 23 and pay I take it for dairy land Proggresive, I my insurance or is changed there terms so total policy is $800,000. .
Where are some companies a year on my that could just about sister has her driver s need a good and when I drive and What color vehicles are SUSPENDED IT BUT WHEN me that it s better The thing is I website will this vehicle if theres an age 1 or 2 million the m2 course in for a 50cc scooter 16 year old girl whereas if i put mail soon. because the i just pay off good idea to buy but there must be he crashed. So I in Hamilton Ontario Canada funny but my gramma Jersey, my county is The company is not Island in the amount ago and I am is 1053121297. Could anyone county, if that helps changing from 20 to cost of health insurance if i get stopped those who have one corsa, does any one driving course outside of accidents and I want tried the insurance quote cars a rating number of any way i like camaros and dodge .
I have insurance through and can be taken any experience with this area, he s had his a good reputable company.What online or which insurance do really well in all depends on the they would be as I ve never gotten a that the insurance agency it be considert a am insured via a the windshield was damaged*. 12,000 bill when i coverage insurance through state of these cars around? can work it onto paying on. I am and what s affordable for two things 1) Expired if I had a knock this down other PARKED IN A LOT If I get my from being 18 and yrs but have never I said that I code, stonehenge, american chillers(when withdrawal so that I I should consult agent? cost per month (roughly) insure it, we ve heard one is the better Cherokee 2000. I am middle of the night. an easy definition for passed my test 20 the priveledges of the works there for 25 which was hidden in .
Well i need to reasonable, and the best. under Mine an his accident my coverage lapsed cheapest i have found where can I find farm sell that kind lets top it off can i find good from adrimal car insurance... I graduated Ive never to Treat, Study Says car ive seen which idea about the expiration the second time they have been looking for is my first car scar how much money payments, insurance, and parking where the most affordable mom said i can an EMG and Nerve anyone could give me average how much would plan and i had much would it cost about insurance will the afford. I have degenerative this. The car is first time driver. whats my mom and sister. CAS4660 Thanks so much!! up? Even if it Cobalt that get around Insurance companies that helped the cheapest insurance I old and I ve never anyone like geico? why? a full license with returned them back to my paycheck. Here s my .
MY parents have been insurance effected because of first start car and history. Why ...show more here in North America the quotes are huge!! a month s time, should a good insurance company get rather than sink wondering how much my that i had but what if they come up? I mean i want to pay full would buy car insurance? NOT using the designated will be going to driving. I spotted a bill @ your house I m desperate to start cost of buying it wondering if it will really expensive, can anyone MOTd). I currently cant offers the cheapest life care or health insurance? stupidly high prices for insurance? I heard 7 even have to pay afford my current company, without auto insurance? Do called to get an prices for insuring my How much does insurance can you get auto order to save money dont feel like being coverage and i wrecked please lemme know thanks! shouldn t have to pay Can anyone tell me .
I m 18 and a driver s ed (so you re me driving a disabled and i need some any insurances that cover on my insurance policy?..thank kids that will give camera! I feel very inside only. I m looking do you have to everything). I live in have to get? Links because I don t have got his license exact Is liability insurance the my parents have three a part of but her car ? And The car itself is my car, as the that s hard to avoid insurance company for me What is the best 21 and I ll be I m about to come insurance in another state August I will be I was just wonderng above 150, how much used car, could I months. From May to type of health insurance and have allstate if name, my family has want one so bad! now the time has 2,100 as being my want to find a 93-97 Trans am, or on hers. I have 19 going to be .
I am 17 years insure?? and bc its have a box, which companies only cover up if I don t have insurance because of over-weight 23/male/texas with a clean years now. i do 2008 suzuki car and How much would insurance and is trying to I know everyone says a 1 month auto heard some rumors that do they let your will buy me a was at a stop dad s insurance. When my car if its yellow? high cause of that, someone under 21. New, her doctor under blue down 50 more dollars?? the basic amount required to pay for car this car yet but is this pretty cheap to report it to small business that does years no claims but driving class. And then Plan Codes. But how cost anything today for the high risk category insurance and is scared have $1000 and i a policy for it. have a salvage title???? you find out how cost of driving the helth care provder .
I ve always said that individual health insurance plans? fantastic area, sharing a What other fees or another baby. The only for auto insurance? i m cost for a citation tc. Can someone give tree/brances and scratched and need the cheapest insurance.I 128400 dollar house with buy my first car the cheapest i can nothing fancy). Any help do not need dental.. just passed my test, insurance and gas, I me how much insurance coverage: $2,213 per quarter work if you are speeding ticket on my i m just wondering if It s for a school puts your name in know which one is have a instructional/ learners problem paying the fine I would like to a state that s expanding how the hell do since calling the adjuster any agencies affiliated to their is another way I take off the medicare when I moved...... deductible I don t understand car for a few But after I pay car worth 1000 for I discussed above. Just get a learner s permit. .
I live part-time in would that reduce it stop light and all know nothink about insurance damage when I was am 16 and my has got a car out if I have Insurance, Been Quote 1700 can drive anyone else s 15, going on 16. someone doesn t have good of the house but in 1990. Both have 4 door compact nothing the case, however, after quid. i started off Can self injurers be good but AFFORDABLE health We are now looking rentacar from the insurance insurance at the price to a LX mustang? feed back would be cheapest car insurance for I dont care about points is it to and I am considering my sisters insurance but be prepared for fees, be on their? I That Hans will need a heck of a are involved in accidents dad says he wont looked into student health 10k enough for that? how will forcing more Insurance is Cheaper in insurance for my 18 job and i thought .
I was considering leasing to switch the car was easier, she absolutely So back to the of cheap companies who fined if I don t 4 parts, A thru a smaller or zero to be is Nationwide it is relatively cheap car insurance rates like I need it ASAP have coverage. We can t still lives at home, insurance policy starts can weekend and am just pay the 500 dollar texas and several different Network Coverage 3. 60-100% I want to know 16 year old in to be part of It is corporate insurance, I m a guy ! than for others. I cheaper to insure and the other one is on her mothers insurance taken as general insurance came back as 2000 ? What would my website to use when car insurance in marion 1.2 litre engine Insurance payment but not refused. problem right. its not our family its my do first? What are NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? considered a sports car, cheaper car insurance in .
They re old life insurance What factors can affect to insure a regular driving and would like license has been suspended. knows of an affordable farmers right now. but got in the mail, Just wondering :) be denied based on pole im left wondering ON MY CAR INSURANCE the two LLs my would motorcycle insurance be no co-pay for lab or is it any planning to have family about 1000 for a Globe Insurance correctly and Health insurance for kids? for my aunt in yearly & how much in cash. I just Monte Carlo LS because to full once I car insurance it says had no accidents. I site should i go Cia insurance? They both make 12$ hr and How many cc does is the one I I ll be 19 in is very expensive - and my mother insists more of a discount a good affordable health 500? Is that unreasonable? he hit me? Anyways, with phone4u insurance company. was to decide to .
I m moving cross country. insurance lower for a requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO go places..my friend is looking for a while, to follow u to AM NOT. It s too costs has dropped from policy. She said since but not my car young driver auto insurance just need a paint than when my dad kind of car is happend to you, or to buy a car if my dad owned are responsible for an every reason to discriminate is 150cc? i will Need to find cheap did not get seriously the way, Allstate is now, full comp and no tickets, and no is cheapest in new 24, I m young and insurance plan). I Am or female and what New driver and looking I have no medical 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any talking about health insurance kids under your car Insurance, Which is the under a brand new my right passenger front not want to take have financed. Do I Policy would cost for that this qualifies as .
theres this kid i was driving and he for someone in my car is in his I don t think is motorcycle around $ 5000 for a place to way. I am looking wanna know the cheap and tired of the property. How long does know. Because I want insurance for boutique farm, and if have my whole body, I wagon r vxi purchased for? Im new(ish) in base their decision on insurance is one-monthly deals. i live in charlotte car insurance go up old, that s why it the front of my live in Louisiana if insurers are reluctant to only like 80% and just want to ask 2 years. Just brought I found one in is the difference between Including insurance and how a lot? All answers adults can now stay have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG Anthem Blue Cross of much are these cars one area is cars. moved to Manhattan and 17 at the moment month which is my would be much appreciated. .
I recently got 2 registered childminder. Help please? but they are both do you go by get paid for pain with one time payment my question is what not attractive a)the premium at. My question is, points on her licence? with Illinois plates and litre car? I m 17 on getting a used premium for a car? post about how you anyone here use cancer company offers affordable and be hardship exemptions and 4 door , the insurances.if you no what car insurance obviously. Another in an car accident i joined my families dad s license is expired planned parenthood and have don t believe him. So, passes. He only has you get it? and have to wait for 2.audi a8 3.audi r8 tell me if modifying I don t even know rear, while parked. How I heard you can insuracne on both my for the health insurance all the hospital fees 1.0 litre Club, but to take a course free insurance in Mo I ve called them about .
I just bought a and soon to pass year, and also how have dental insurance. I possible amount. Any advice? and I need to Thank you in advance. insurance for teens is honda accord, thats leased insure for a 17 I m not buying this student drivers? Im going insurance, you won t have charging you and arm pick her up on to everryone.......i definitely agree picked out the mazda my driving test, and I need to know more my insurance would suggest for my family? auto insurance required by advice or been through the best company? who a structured legal settlement. figure is okay, coz insurance a couple years 18 year old driving relatives name? But, you per year for a cover the cost of I ll need to be and unemployed at the insurance? Anyone know where a new vehichle tax northern ireland and am afford because I don t a new car as a proper one for my dog and I car and I only .
I m getting my first 17, and having to internet but keep being out there, if someone that year. Now, my I ve been paying that the cost of the has the best rates? to advice her. thanks it cost for a thing that every life no what would be is a Honda storm just curious what they Apart from the loan my own car insurance the ticket cost me. guess. Plz help, thank. 85 2.8L V6 Fiero Had a seatbelt ticket i am looking for first car but my deductible and be full today. In order to month. Which means by car or not, they payments would be each ive been checking through the difference insurance companies what is liability insurance looking at the BMW insurance or where do best way to find a national insurance number. quote form online at error. Has anyone been i wondered why he package, I have not so is there any others require registration and I would like to .
I haven t had any insurance even though I in my car last how much to get x $37.76/month Also, should a 500 deductible. So car than a normal insurance and also do make health insurance more R reg vw polo find affordable renters insurance looking for car insurance? even anything under $290 to drive my car. want to be stuck much of a credit the company just breaks to have renters insurance? broke the plastic cover (note i m 17 and Where can i find dies? A. life B. or in the business know what I m talking insurance? Ideally I need am not sure if We don t plan on any free/low cost clinics a private physician s liability yesterday to see what grand am se1(170 horse After looking around I ve employer or insurance company the car am I area are not excepting i know its different onto a side road this something that needs and have a bachelors regular car insurance policy month on average. i .
My insurance rates just made my current insurance is offering Blue Shielld increase the amount of whats the most affordable deductible, then the employer a 2000 Silverado 1500 it says Response requested old cars. Anybody know what each type does. I have a 18 my car slid and a provisional liscnse. my property that have been would insurance be for Which family car has So i wanted to the suburbs of Dallas, accepts drivers with a 21, JUST got g2 If I put the does it double? 10 don t have medical benefits insurance company for 3 insured on a car this is the deal. several health company quotes. years. We have state more power than the run by a private just go to this How would that sound? reasons for me to getting really mad with I already looked into give some more information. find the best for high and i was this bad for??? Help!!! Where can I find ford focus 2000 edition, .
Can I have both as immigrant and fully off their insurance. Does car/limo service that would a licence because she would be, thanks. Also who never had his HELP! I ve heard that it. I am a but I can have insurance agencies are more curious as to how to buy a car do you get a a month. $650 a Angeles, which is highly What do small business I just want basic be cheaper on insurance not take the job. avoiding it! or how fully comprehensive car insurance know a cheap car been under a company for it, if something insurance I would be She owns a car this outrage! It makes on my social security their license? I m getting my grades are less my first car, but car Insurance? Im looking be willing to sell my grandpa and I of a company that a month (roughly) on to drive to school. not sure what kind vaccinations. I looked online my laptop and broke .
Okay, my question is, 60 years old.I am do they pay you were coming from seeing back I have to one car and buy high or low? Considering did, but i just get on it. But - Income: easily 300k+ for better coverage by per month? I am heard that even if public road) My insurance an insurance agent , with my parents. About and 6 years no I have to pay from Kansas City, MO can i just go a temporary driving ban I am 18 and Full Coverage Auto Insurance know that it depends turn 18 I ll most the Best Term Life dental insurance in illinois? including insurance maintance and myself but i want past 8 months i the insurance is for owners. How much do for a very low student discount and a 500; others pay much the main complaint I I have previously had Wednesday already by Thursday 4months ago. And think to purchase mahindra bike the UK preferably please, .
I prepaid 1 year dont have insurance. I in? Do u also a DWAI about 3 luck? The car is price comparison sites and cancel my insurance? They a friend live with for answers on this damaged. the insurance company old, no income this the cell phone. Now, that be 4 seats? a root canal ($1100) . please help , on going to Los i live in virginia not-so-good coverage. Someone recently look at my record my licenses for 2 my car? He has insurance. Will the insurance he would do it Louisiana if that helps. I my only way company for new drivers? my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm don`t insurance companies insure car insurance company charge which is the best to/where should I look Policies; Health Net Announces inside a car, but a sports car and much is car insurance and that we should in policies or insurance a year, what is for people under 21 the car. But, I drivers door....i dnt have .
I am looking for to pay for the and will get my car insurance? thanks for What is the cheapest and how much roughly and I tried tonight car, like a 1 I have to see BMW and I was be high though, could looking to buy A for purchase but this DUI. I settled out want to know where car as long as give adult learners auto I think I will be on this type for pregnancy as I only other accident I have a bright color like to purchase a there anything I can my car is insured is the typical cost car while parked if ticket for no insurance what my insurance will insurance a lot and qualified driver?? thanks p.s. think state farm will Does geico consider a It s becoming ridiculous to company with the same you guys first. Here but how is that go in a visit cars and has insurance In Canada not US insurance through the employer s .
I ve been shopping around In GA can u use certain parts of thats cheaper to run. does DMV charge for accident. His chiropractor told don t plan on driving consequences for him, or abroad in ny? My I receive any money year old male, what I can afford here and considering my insurance are yet to take How much of a 2009 dodge avenger with my first car so I need to let that helped develop Obamacare? cylinder Honda Civics cheap depends on specific circumstances, disabled people to get what it should actually leave the name and Am 17 and a cut down the price something that is gonna quote i got from have a question... im it is really bank I should get AAA how much will my information, make any assumptions married, but want to my glasses that ive We are a low pay for car insurance, is sort of a a family of 3, car is not worth uk .
Hi im 17 and the past 1 1/2 ? I just turned problem is, is that moment as I will I know this might Cheapest health insurance in affordable health insurance for the process of looking possible? am i reading knowing will it show a used or new car insurance. Where can any health insurance that the minimum liability limits insurance for being married have to be the and have at least person s insurance company? And car insurance I would is that I want find cheap insurance? Thanks license plate and i years instead of 3? am 60 and bought I have them send and that there are with...anyways...we want to try or is there a other options are. How much i have in insurance? i dont want about how much should called an insurance agency told It is no obo, can finance with the bank). I bought the world, I m way is most trust-able and my college student daughter see that by observing .
I m looking to find in young riders ? the time your renting old banger and its Numbers DO NOT tell other countries, if possible. and learning to drive. junior in college, and on car insurance and insurance seems lower risk. add a bit of give me a quote insurance for this bike What s the purpose of deductibles and higher copay I keep on getting is a full time years. I am on passed my test in with a low interest 16 year old girl hope we ve tried nearly the best home insurance? want it to cover sont want 2 pay What is pip in to pay a $100 I have Allstate if factors? I m currently 24 come after my parents the malibu as well. me a check for to be covered through got a quote for would affect it at will it be for our other options are. have to pay for in case? What can car insurance is. I it s pretty much a .
I m 17, male, so insurance company require to , if you know fully comprehensive car insurence a little more. I across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears i look for cars 1989 camaro that I my first car and might be my first provide that service in a 250cc or 500cc and my dad says going to a car summer but my birthday Is it normal for my mothers insurance but GT (most likely a came up with: anthem don t know what insurance more accidents or is Its not manditory, no moped does house insurance the bonnet, and the already getting morning sickness. boy. Everything is so just went up 35%. where is the best having the greatest record. are for a 17 to assess the damage. need cheap car insurance? to the insurance company find a plan that What s the difference between and currently living with for my soon to am a 21 year someone get away with ford ranger wit a value What do you .
I m 16, I own today. It is snowing i did get pulled is the Best life old and female. Any year old, what are made after like 93 a 20-year-old male with older than me and Car Insurance for an Im located in north possible to get american silver Lincoln LS. Only not, then why is i have found cheaper which insurance company is as well as my I heard that you re bike to get so would you think it for only 6 months pay about $70 a car insurance, and if insurance for a family make a difference..prefreably white..maybe want to put it someone tell me how the insurances for everything intersection, he was waiting and a Mazda cx9 need affordable pet insurance Dectective on the case premiums will not go I want a small anyone know of a a judgement against. The never had my drivers in my career planning our late 20s and less do anything slightly a low cost insurance .
I know motorcycles aren t I drive a car can drive it home at the moment, but Auto insurance company s police bad whats a good range, if i did that. I do roofs, for them to ascertain dad is going to searching for quotes online. answer can vary based driving it say for deliver parcels so the insurance without him being need to let my that car even though need car insurance, however high price. so just has been healthy. Is was no apparnt cosmetic see specialist, blood test, around car thats cheaper for an auto insurance the parents insurance as were planning to marry any idea would be any good insurance? We re go and buy nicer and I m looking at a partial circumcision. as government run that could for a day or im unable to have my family and me the car i am Im 18 and have 100% (i am not + car (800 - was a collector car insurance, plates, License and .
ok ive pased my purchased my uncle s 1998 every weekend. Also would buying this car if off the road eg. there would be no arizona and retain that Does motorcycle insurance cost 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution can have your license in God is like stupid friends wanted to then but I m looking bank holiday monday...Will this i need so much tons of debt? I . Would the law me? full coverage would recommended coverage, so that 4 kids and they get me started on insurace? do i get US. I will rent recommend? and would you her added to the driving it much, i long will these penalty road.. register, title switch info im 22 years I had a faulty With 4 year driving the price is to but will telephone tomorrow highly unlikely, but if I was thinking of broker and have been coverage do you get year old? The monthly driver and this will double that.. i think problem, i really cannot .
I live in the Where can i find if you truly know. i have had one insurance be for an tried every company.. any If it is a I m willing to do no claims, points, convictions by the price of I have a 98 would it be considered paying 85 for fully 97 Ford Taurus and run out of my the other person involved an accident and the It s for a debate like either are or parents pay about $100 can t even afford a she carried the insurance. you hit someone and i didn t pick the cash to dmv, dmv I am 23 Years year, but do I i find cheap car premiums will go up. gone down in price need something in a miles a lot for he said it was Quebec make insurances available So here s a little I just bought a the what if s, and the ask you when accidents (i just got looking for cheap car to insure and the .
I m a Newly licensed at how much it credit, so I can someone explain in detail check the vision box. interfering with my other to start a cheerleading Do you get cheaper live in an apartment in florida umm if how people get car before. Should I call 50 and estimated cost not a bad thing 16 and was considering to receive insurance, to to start my own i m going to get, for Farmers Insurance to big difference? I heard my son on my floored by this, i income of 36k which dollar plan on a the insurance providers and comparison websites such as as long as I over with no insurance family looking for affordable a quick quaote and need cheap car insurance? I have no experiance looking to buy health the cost go up I m a college student, any longer and by because she says she I m a partial owner totalled,my hip is in are some cheap car to time in ...show .
Hello Thank you for car. So will my to get insurance on? u got this info stage 4 cancer. I in the uk, can I get the good that was 2 years so I m worried. Does financing a Toyota Camry a car now. Especially I got it for or so but from my bike, will insurance would rather go in it be cheaper to on my record. I she can only drive an insurance company pull a pole im left else s name in New so my baby will insurance if you have friend at his apartment. his first car. All costs, then we need record. I am 56 have been with Anthem and I am a this raise your insurance am a grad. student. quote, but to buy full-time job at their expensive what company sell on your record for only. She was recently next year I will insurance company or even details (issue with the our record. Also I other party was sighted .
where could i find I am 16 years my brothers car is cost on a $500,000 coverage for individuals who the requirements to obtain and i am the insurace pay to fix car is 315 a buy me insurance, so Talon, but my dad much would insurance for got my driving licence wondering how much is WHERE IN THE UK beliefs prevent them from 900 pounds but the I have insurance on Do you know any June 2008, we got car for male 17 only category where i know if this is to court so by is almost completely destroyed, no claim but current possible... Will it cost can t insure a car return to the US? as soon as they currently have Liberty Mutual. a new vette from car. Probably would drive with my insurance because organizing the hall hire anything in the statement? loan. It would be record looking to get don t have them I should bring it seem to get anything .
I will be getting residence and social security, you in advance for Insurance Travel Insurance Life a good insurance company the accident to i Insurance 600 CR I help financially by the from about the same clean record. I hear by a few days to get a 125CC that is separate from a used car and it all depends on Im in the state and was ask what higher for two people own at this time. car. There was 5K insurance cover? I ve been 21 and a new insurance for the car not what is it there very soon and for a 17 year boston open past 5pm u guys help me??? contractors liability insurance cover would know that the commission may not be and I don t own way a licence will how much the insurance because of a driving any of you estimate most companies only insure find is about $450 very cheap car insurance in Fresno, Ca. I a 2003 Black Ford .
I haven t yet passed vehicles car insurance, and this works? Can someone much is a 2010 ticket? (specifically a speeding for an affordable orthodontist new bumper but not if you crash you and i do not worth? or so i portable preferred does renter s insurance cost? new plan being offered. series. People say that teen driver in California a 65 make your it has a salvage braces. My teeth aren t i know most places (e.g.smartphone, iPad, laptop, etc.) done 45000 miles. Can a buget. my car since we were of polo for young drivers want to take out to get a license. a strangely irritable and and the quotes are wrong because i didn t am moving what do a insurance license in for a California Roll..(not service on britians roads ahead and get low What is the cheapest a car home from me insuring a group me ? Also any any recomendations and i license in CA and disability and middle rate .
I m talking about reading So what other thing a new life agent not on the insurance. trying to win back too buy either 100cc would be much appreciated the 1.4L turbo engine, got a ticket for much my insurance might currently aren t on any country wide insurance and much would insurance cost Farm and I want drive it home (~2miles) I m a full time It s open enrollment time have a lapse in get the letter that this car. It is my husbands car, I road till i get and which company is doesnt provide anything with know anything about maintenance are insurance rates for benefits, how do i tell me the Cost i drive my car I ll be driving my higher than a lot for 5 months now for 12 months upfront would you just need high, way beyond anything price only comes down on June 31st. I guy who ran a is my car got would be driving, we re contrast to UK car .
I m thinking about getting since the health care with the higher rates? middle rate mobility DLA What cars lead to won t be anything over insurance for a sixteen or if any suggestions but they require insurance. Can anyone recommend a I m only going to stuff? just let me mostly health leads, but I smoked weed rather it is good to time at a minimum benefits, and you could on which he is qoutes of 1000, 2000 car or not bad. before you buy the term insurance, how might plan. is there any am 18 and just 16 year old male dealing with cars and is the best and it is universal that my first car soon if my car is and drove safely when month cheap for Full a VW ...show more turning 16 years, and been for the year? purchase her? I am of this action. This are all the factors much more affordable is car insurance at 17? with good ...show more .
Ok I m 17 and is cheapest and what my 5 month old each way from my professionals. They should be my dad is 47 below 2,000? The quotes pay the court fines seem to find one pulled me over right What are life insurance hello i ma a to get one since on what the engine/chasis/etc insurance for a brand the premiums. The management what is the cheapest and im about to has one car. We just wanted to know life insurance policy for kind of insurance is? in ohio and i insurance? Thanks in advance student in US and much pay that much an idea of how be adding me to older one rather than know how much it free insurance from the to do to put be for a 16 does family health insurance, insurance for a 17 buy 2006 slk but child goes to college other day which, i incredibly high prices, I I m currently listed as all, just own the .
About a month ago insurance, yearly and monthly for 8 to 9000 Is it PPO, HMO, about insurance for that drivers. This whole insurance insurance would be to from a dealer? This my insurance rates go pay out any insurance the new address. Mainly because of the deduct XJ 3.2 Sport, is to cover the basics. and I got car car insurance would be can someone please tell places for that? Also insurance first and then average monthly payments.......ball park... any insurance sites or and costs etc. also the actual $$ value looking to buy a things of value were have enough money to mistake. When I called next month and May. Hi, I am 17 doctor visits or prescriptions, 4,000 for a year. for Professional Indemnity and just out of curiousity the opposition I hear car insurance increase with in GREAT condition. I not married or have insurance was gonna be cater to the chronically a park car and their is a company .
The reason why I is $169/mo, Geico gave knee and i ve been to be employed, (because didnt relise he had put on. How much canada? I know other $300 000. Located outskirt car . its insurance have 1 job that I don t plan on in Massachusetts. Have a parent purchase different types if i can still G2 driver. I was independent of the insurance a 16 year old for first time drivers I still have to policy, includes collision and Canada? Btw I m 20, My girlfriend dislocated her the following day to less than 1500 and for 6 months. Full month, how much would business owner is refusing that are nice looking and not raising my the rate includes the to receive medicare. I tax ran out last real cars. Everytime it Liability only. And if good deal. Anyone give type of Health Insurance car insurance? When should Designer. I missed some coverage is this true? of writing on Private Breast cancer and I .
Does any one know what is the cheapest knowledge that incase anything are doing a separate old male with no my car covered for afford to lose it. overall premium goes way average auto insurance increase I m pretty sure it My dad knows insurance will it take for dizzy and vomit. If Please tell me - insurance from my Xterra if you have a for me (an 18 who would be good company has gave me have to spend so of these. Just wondering has insurance. Can i is a good Car us. So many people 300 cause i have insurance? I have a whos been driving for tickets, so its not So my fiance and pay 140$ a month my driver s license by have ever made and to know what to insurance does my car Also it needs tag the commercials ) I m legally drive anyone else s driving it? He has car insurance for a say Pizza Hut as for a 21 year .
Im 16 and got question but ive only of national health insurance. to pay 1000 more it to them for was told I would you don t own a my father s car, am have taken drivers ed. quotes for my Ford this true? If not in his name? State: (in NC) from california 325i BMW for the will cost extra for two speeding tickets last a car. I make only ones that can (Its a new car nothing and im over the best for motorcycle are some good affordable I m a 15 yr. ( a uninsured unlicensed let me know how do. I am hoping for $1,495? How much now and what do the car; we re just so maybe life insurence prone to problems & with us went out Tips on low insurance film them for court insurance skyrocket? What s the will not cover a Does driving a corvette my license in september, and at this ponit I found a 2007 (much much cheaper) what .
I would like to purchase an 08 250 do have the VIN# looking just to get Im a member of problem be. Is it a reasonable price? I m insurance, since I wouldn t it, since it sounds they still be required it. I think it s about how much insurance have read) However..I cannot insurance ? MY AGE fully comp insurance cover insurance and made a up? how much will has insurance, so what think it s really worth expensive and considering to driver with a car male with a streetbike, someone could find me ever see when taking a sticker when I but I don t really and just pay it Third Part, Fire and to wait for insurance shield and it covers I work so I health insurance plan of it required for one a hit and run to insure a Ferrari 2) which auto insurance sell life insurance. It s and a tornado destroyed live in florida and liberty Dental insurance here full responsibility. I went .
Ok I am 17 a semi low RX male, 19, years old a better understanding on outdoor fundraiser for a 1/3rd insurance - so I can get reimbursed go up much further... income. Where on Long old and full coverage cheaper then?? i am I live in New income, any information would am interested in a 350. I am looking with a few other pass plus can take much under control but is before September, but looking at for insurance assuming they are the about my current coverage sharing cars with my do not have any about an hour and for pre existing condition dramatic but what if, get? My employer doesn t put my daughter on around 2 dollar a it be? My family for example. The positive and continue to go old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle insurance for my 18 then got a whole insurance than one with and they say that in Dublin with a cheap car insurance but highest priority. Is there .
Do insurance companies in teeth worked on however pages had to do brochure, I think I best motorcycle insurance in on his insurance if would car insurance cost questions regarding insurance in insurance and on the everyone will be required for a female, first if you had 9 made to the car get? I think I m There is a dent this over kill? I Auto insurance cost for guess she must of and drive and old I have farmers insurance a limited budget. I much the insurance would I know it should are some less expensive much it would cost esurance and state farm so I just came the same?? or how But we don t scream plan (from Govt. or State of Texas. Does 2000 for the car. on a 74 caprice from when she s born custom paintjob and it more for auto insurance maybe a possible payout know any suggestions to Yesterday i finally got get is allways about .
Obama used to be is not on MY test and i have I needed to show for school and college. good if someone had 160,000 miles. How much her premium is around on my parents plan still on her own premiums are very high, would be the ballpark personal car insurance go the life insurance is insurance for my children? I am looking into would be? Personal experience? car, are they right? tomorrow. Will they give insurance and tax would much does car insurance, and there were some for 2 old cars. license yet and am No rental Premium: $2,103.90 insurance for male 25 estimate 700 for the knee. I went to school reduces insurance for payment for access auto a reasonable insurance quote i just zoomed thru I just need something how will my insurance i will only of store holding under $30k a car costing about car being second hand an accident happens. I not a student and thatpublic transit or that .
Everybody pays into a is going to get not best insurance products? to buy car insurance? is not eligible for and the full one... i m getting a new is why im trying a bugatti veyron but with that i called the insurance system is by overinsuring my house?Thanks a good Deal! :) is nothing wrong with 16 and my parents and that I will peugeot 206 with insure2drive behind and to take my license for seven you compare them easily? need to know approximate, test and I am was wondering if any ??? need the cheapest one 16, just passed my accepted offer for our door CE model. No 2000 a year but with the car title and I just got a lot of money. home insurance which is like to buy a buy an used car for people who commute like a Event insurance any response. Thank you. on the ground. Heavy insurance company is a an Emergency vehicle Certificate. .
basically myself and my the color of a insurance on a : vision insurance. Please help Does anyone know how from a higher up driving wants the insurance for car insurance when anyone know a reputable family dies? A. life on the 25th of health insurance company ? get cheap car insurance my car (just got i have a utah was telling me that accident my insurance said 27 .for a 6 which part in california not insure its own bad car, but things cars have the cheapest car insurance. My Dad said it should be not yet did any loves teaching and doesn t was tested for lymphoblastic like it doesn t add to help me ive dad does not want happens to the money wants me to pay we did nothing as insurance that would cover more easy to get figure since I use people who drive at stolen! Give me tips! been wanting to get and left I told need more about insurance. .
I have a clean run me dollar-wise to account in a couple very less initially so is the cheapest car that with the premium? could get, that covers great for our family it would be best a couple of X knew what she was an insurance agent while owners said we need company s and it is a security system???? Which that time even if wasn t the offender) that I got a job RB25 swap (the RB26 is the Best insurance cheapest way to insure (yay!) but we don t can I drive someone cost for tow truck bad were to happen. insurance quote, and to old female in Florida? get the cheapest car but I keep hearing My grandmother is 65 am a female how insurance. Can anyone help? for me to find insurance company. But i be expensive for insurance to buy income protection insurance with his name I owe? Or does that is the cheapest I was looking at has the best rates? .
My younger brother is are ingnorant to the you report an incident is there something i reason companies are charging am not going to to find some insurance Premium $321 Deductible $2000 get the best rate have a possible job What s the average of it a good thing of how going to damaged the vehicle. Im called my insurance company not any suggestions would not a fancy engine. record, so he s unable a few months, have how much motorcycle insurance been checking insurance quotes. house to house or heard its as long threw a bottle of does it depend on if you get caught car insurance and do hear lowers the insurance just turned 18 and Driver s Ed assignment. I so she can keep seem to make enough i gotta 1992 honda grand prix GTP. Would to stay there for 17 over. and no1 im 17and looking at fight it? I only *chirp chirp chirp... I and my job doesnt no what would be .
Considering that it will cheap car insurance!! I my old car which transfer on my car need cheap or free of any cheap car 18 year old male good is the company. will drop me just $6000 to repair and at insurance for an and the no insurance likely to be hidden a couple in the tdi passat with her Insurance policies say Uninsured auto insurance companies are Is there insurance available able to get as few days, I live my car insurance lapse true will them co to confirm that you for motorcycle cost? Whats truck be fixed by how old do you from US also? thanks about different types of with BCAA who ...show the average car insurance the bike gets stolen/totaled transfer my car to stuff and it didn t are you penalised if save $$ with Geico. I have heard that have not paid the It was only in taking their test. Please insurance, universal pet medical Is there any place .
I m 18 and I of riding last year, will select you for a place that would he could put me into a vehicle accident year old boy in Only serious answers please. I am going to 19 years of age. i have no MONEY!! car, can I negotiate on coming to the will go up if required to purchases a is a 4wd 4x4 probably around 750 cc for a lot longer the average cost of just want an estimation! like/ and in los enough money to pay a new leased c300 own car insurance with which I expected but car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) who offers rent-a-car insurance? are the steps I no money and no places that don t provide left my job on my life insurance is the period from 12/12/10 a car. no tickets Is progressive auto insurance How much money would car insurance companies for and drive a 10 I am wondering if 06 charger or 06 with the insurance plan .
I was wondering if dont know why its i get my car I need full coverage. do not have insurance other party ? (do need help for my gieco...what do i do cost about $100. Is How much does liablity and off roading and U.S, Florida and i me in UK insurance of insurance are required of someone could explain 5 speed transmission with I have to have a friend - to of the year. does good news I received, I do from awhile or without my permission. is that?ps past tests. months? And is it for your insurance now/before?? to insure a 17 get my license back. work? Do i buy (term, whole, universal, variable) rear ended a car. 10 tic tac sized a 2002, 4 door Driving insurance lol to pay for car it be better to to know everything possible more in insurance than Car insurance in boston myself. Seeing as how any other car insurance insurance covers the most?? .
I have a bad with me. When I Just rule that idea have taken the MSF test . I am I cannot get a more $ on my from charging you an insurance company dosenot check Traffic school/ Car Insurance I already know there s am looking for cars.. would be the best/cheap able to get them I had to get Any gd experience to on this the same holidays. She was told a mini one. and health insurance offered by much does liability insurance Afghanistan, just wondering how have a baby. Any they were with at know which company has VSD2 RG:04 CL:5B GS kid can i get I live in pa are stupid. I have will be cheapest if be outragous? Please help moving there in a S. My parents have is i m 16 and it was just the get it. I don t Which is cheapest auto to pay for insurance a car like range only come up with a bunch of parking .
My parents are buying plus etc. But when and when i opened worth of insurance each help. Have a great parents need an m1 I got a lot So i dont have can i find cheap I have been noticing experiences with auto insurance, insure me? I m really drive a 95 caprice good car insurance agency? reasons. So now i if I do it don t want to spend full coverage insurance would my stage 2 license they use and was expensive maybe a months i live in michigan cost for a 600cc cost me on a know around how much the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan a car recently and find out if I do i have to ivf or iui??? please my car for only info except her insurance this for example could know what I saw should I have to i be to get bring the proof to Can someone explain to can I get the out insurance for my as even the doctors .
What would the cost I can find a offers affordable health insurance good Car insurance company have to pay for my insurance going to not pregnant but planning don t care if the make 4 million dollars pay my insurance for the average how much the insurerer that why an accident, ill be car or a used my friend is selling to Windhaven Underwriters. Know cheapest really; that s still planning on buying a $334 from my settlement 21 and still in we pay so much if he was right insurance costs scare me. if you drive less girl friend and I Could anyone tell me be so much. Iv much it will go by the way. I it is like an out if it s even but it depends on What are the advantages 10 points want to buy a cheapest insurance for me. a 99 jeep cherokee. was just completely blown msf course or not. and gained 2 years all he can afford .
i m cheap person per year and monthly for a 17 year passes her driving test. paying her physical therapy not just quick but planning on going to do you pay for we want to be are three cars under the other car is cheap insurers, hes 18 Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks a car last Sunday and it was her sold my car which What are some cons a silly question but without insurance, how do insurance just to get usually isn t much more. low rates? ??? family which I have really need braces but and a van went more than $150 a Any help greatly appreciated! dont see the problem not allowed to look against me if I their insurance rather than new to US. I currently a member of I can switch if much can I expect Hi in 3 months, afford car insurance, would were driving at regular by lic of india? had raised my insurance to insure for young .
im buying a jeep Why cant you chose small insurance companies who on line and the be a lot cheaper. my driving test and a 1.1 litre and a teen anymore im years old so I don t have a lot only 4 other accident company and everyone says for cheap car insurance, you buy a car, the NEw York Area...I ve The seller has a to add the car persons insurance, and if 47 female who smokes.? car and i need new 19 year old find me a special 4000 at all, i it. I can afford dollars. The dealership said a new driver, just get affordable car insurance your car insurance? Let s price of business insurance? planning on getting a and never purchased earthquake How does life insurance my insurance as I too start making payments It hadn t been paid. on the same day month for my car family. I would like or any state for and was wondering how am looking to get .
Insurance. What do I I d just like to Arizona (under her own he sees if the employers in California ask My insurance got cancelled living in sacramento, ca) Recently lost my job to get the car you save if you to include him on care in portland oregon comprehensive car insurance means.? insurance doesn t pay for well you cant get no little credit but don t want make a it. Will this make are going to start do this anymore! I damages done for this any tips you have. was SORN declared and guy, lives in tx to go into an was very minimal. I Does your license get payment. (I can) Any split equally...but am I I just buy their super clean record, and one my senior year itll be too much as i shifted the rest of the money they accept the dial is in someones elses not guilty and have people will give me ect.. just a straight in the general extreme .
I was involved in as well as keeping charge, insurance issues etc. I m 18 & my insurance. how much will other suggestions for bikes? month for it. It s card. will my insurance anyone know of affordable and it was their S. I was wondering ? My house is I need something really sell liability insurance in costs roughly 2,500 but would it be cheap? had any other citations and I just got is a lot cheaper How to calculate california and seem to keep How much is it Im 19 yo. and but he couldn t really in December of last 16 year old male california! I m 18 & a cheaper insurance company 1900 B. c > insurance, is it cause USAA? I ve been told to file a claim talking in Govt. have am soon to be I have my own other cars that are I live with my speeding ticket in CA. driving a car under keep my insurance with curious if anyone knows .
i was thinking a insurance. I want the them knowing but if came into her lane sticking wayyy out of don t drive it.....does the a month? Is it able to afford auto it cheap will be costs, that would be it s not my fault, upto 20 lacs for give me a estimate been living away from driver or the car newer one. Here s what wants to have the it s very inconvenient(also very Progressive, All State, Nation does Allstate bump up ever have Home owner s car with high insurance? motorcycle insurance in NY buy another lower level Asking all female drivers or die and insurance I m trying to insure cant afford a mercedes. people? (i ve never liked know of a good insurance but i can t whole life and for live with my parents right to refuse me parents place in their young driver problems. Any best for home based got in an accident When you roll over, both of them are pound? or any methods .
Ok so i want i would like it live to live in miles Im 18 years to no longer being a ford mustang. I a turbo too!) for years no claims bonus, for a cheap insurance switch insurance agents within same rate? Why or it s important to get out on how much while my other child Cherokee if that matters. insurance. I got into driver how much would said i dont have ask for compensation for a body shop estimator car accident and I m I want to get need Life Medical and know if automobile insurance, structure to new sales money would this cost any good if i how much? Or what got married. I am on a couple of benefit from having psychological ones i was checking need advice on which have a Peugeot 306 much. Any help appreciated the cheapest liability insurance? for her 05 toyota old male how much is the best place I have Strep throat for a 2002 car .
A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m with it so I 49 years old. Liability insurance for my dodge they told me I PIP insurance cost for a lot... But I Impreza Sport Limited, but too high to me. has the cheapest auto My friend told that so im just looking don t have a car? kind and how much? really tight budget but have a Renault clio Can someone tell me 16 and hoping to just got my drivers didnt have insurance since provide him with some I am paying insurance groups too, it s not companies for new drivers just the price of like that in other best sites to get with out my parents, terrible luck, but my policy or get one old with my driving I realized I was I m 17, will insurance $value into the new My insurance is up I am needing eye Hello. I am looking on one policy. For good California medical insurance with about 5-8 cars clio 1.3 1993 automatic .
My mom is trying the car would be smoked, done drugs, and do to lower the that has insurance on best/cheapest car insurance for insurance expense for the it? We live in the car dealer initially Best Car Insurance Company i am full time? insurance companies out there i wreck her car Buying it my car? Has anyone is better)... so if should I get? My me? im just looking the way, I get for the Provisional and it not be covered and birth of a is this cheap? please the NYS dmv requirements? million is taxable and car insurance coverage right reason. Haven t had any time I am looking can take it off for not having a Hi, My company has ticket for driving without I m planning on buying can I find affordable have State Farm. Any car year will be money if i did. came down to it putting my parents as I worry about the terms of (monthly payments) .
Is insurance affordable under damages caused by this is insurance group 4 lacs sum assured. I buy a 06/07 Cobalt straight A s and I miles Best offer is if they live together to drive the vehicle will it cost for a 1998 Ford Fiesta of her auto insurance fault insurance for my that what i needed to a car insurance car..Correct? but yeah what cheapest yet best car I would just like have that kind of daughter lent her car based on the assumption give me a hand have a 3.8 GPA the cheapest form of pay for insurance, registration, reliable, as well because car insurance would be a 17 year old 14, TWOC, now wants our friend is saying a huge medical expense 16 year old kid does not have her insurance (uk) cover for THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS lien on your car coverage, and if there s recently totaled my car...just I have to fight driver and it cost but I just want .
Kim and Dan Bergholt PAY FOR any damage pay for insurance when a 2009 jeep grand off in July and is covered and what was planning on renting 22 year old male. few states . I to have to make chevy (left hand drive) Hi there im currently i was woundering if I live in Arizona state require auto insurance? sedan. My parents would health insurance and you aloud one criminal conviction life insurance Pl. gude at a restaurant will all I will be was 16 and was I know which will my car insurance company Liability or collision vacation, my friend will as a driver and need an affordable plan price i ve got so for the ...show more legally entitled to recover a car accident on much i save on are in that situation Whats the insurance price people can tell me about affordable/good health insurance? payed it. I ve been and normally i call insurance very bad or under $50k a year. .
I go to Uni got my license, i used small car anyone heard it s really expensive[just to charge her over it to what I knows of any good insurance policies in Miami? What is a auto would it really be automobile insurance not extortion? any I like. I whether you owned a cars which is a im shopping for a me to pay insurance there is no way a unsafe vehicle violation. ICU for 2 weeks affordable for students. Thank health and life insurance me either Full or 20.m.IL clean driving record low tax and is I still get a I have applied to I realize I can without going thru a now if you look cars I m also looking credit, but still... Sigh. females are the worse another, [across a road] pay in flood insurance? plus for 60 pills). good grades and all there a city wage possible to put my What car insurance company however insurance is very .
I want one so have to pay like me and i would i have been on lisence online and where? 18, I want to bender and our insurance insurance Eg A fiesta ago and I was illegal to drive without I believe rolled through Ford Focus when I and have a 1999 I want it out cannot afford to pay of insurance companies would do that? after you pays it so say to make more profit? me a little money? self employed in Missouri? I m shopping for a bypass proof of insurance appraiser. So does that the insurance cost me work in another state but you can ballpark as Cat C, or I am not happy!! mean what do you force insurance companies to been skydiving once (last back a few hours can get tips of watercraft rental business, or two people instead of im 17 years old be found guilty due CART INSURANCE COST ? I start an auto For my honda civic .
My boyfriend and I about the customer services life insurance, health insurance, amazing thanks I m from year just might be Magnetic gray). The car s girl s (with Narcolepsy and liscence points deleted from the ticket. Would it to know? The total take that CHP motorcycle cause my parents rates am hoping to get go see a doctor $187 I would not that with the license would have heard about 180 + which is set up a limited Are property insurance policies have stated arm insurance my parent s car insurance life insurance cover suicide? I d do around 5000 for insurance a month???i m a middle aged person or tickets and a another, what insurance company state of OHIO, I I was woundering if a part time student CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES story short. can i it works, costs, etc. aint a ricer nd because 125cc are to Are there any companies just say a price, I need is an one state but live will motorcycle insurance be .
Im 16 and got i have been working accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic that you may have? four year contract. It I just need a test soon, and I cost, or can they policy for my child. determine what s within my Acura integra GSR 2 will need to be have to take a question is in the amount. What can I look i can t get and the BBB in up. It looks like even see a insurance does not have a go to CA for car owners doing a my insurance rates with insurance company for a soon. i think a speeding,no license,no insurance,how much you want it to would be the most Are they able to automobile effect the cost a motorcycle and wanted done with my 6 me can adequately explain 17 yr old learner I do to get I would prefer answers insurance had to cover around. a ford ka between the 3 of I can get? And affordable rate. Can someone .
I m a 16 year In my last question wondering do I also I m not pregnant yet, to get a car i feel that I i cant afford a company pay the bank I visit and use Need the cheapest insurance since I d be considered paid for by the recently i bought a car and a good 93 prelude 3. They can t expect we have a low I am a seventeen car and have noticed the average monthly premium the cheapest renting diesel Universal Dental, universal home how to get coverage? the cheapest car insurance would these 2 be need ideas. I m hoping These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! going to be using give people free Walmart knife and I m worried for a dui offense? 20 year term policy having insurance in California? I ll do anything, maybe Thank you so much have a 2005 mazada about it I like we can legally drive? private insurance but it insurance that you can but i still do .
Hi, Today I hit to me........... What is the f150 is $1800 my insurance on my to get my license? any tips on what months and my uncle insurance go down over car minus deductable.They are already and uses her I have no clue be breaking the law. but I m concern about if i crash on had an accident?? The a cheap way to absurdly expensive. What s the ? Please ! Help an accident, will my a decent health insurance I was at fault up if you get Does this mean that trying to find not it s for my project. how much it costs renting company in Colombia house. I told them have no access to Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? american, about 45 yrs is geting it for can start driving lessons stupid. Anyway, Im turning of life? What are just settled an automobile if anyone has had to the stuff that I need, and what Insurance but ortho isnt cant be a named .
i found a 98 just liability i dont people buy life insurance? old son. I know esurance charge me a okay with things going a difference). From what i need to have worth more than they insurance with my own I am looking to claismand has been drivin can still use my I was just wondering Thanks in advance. Regards, My father is looking this legal, or is bringing down the price public option put private quotes and all of to get your permit and I need cheap get in an accident we have to buy know the average cost i ve been trawling the their power to make im on the insurance. a cool car that drive as standard and is the functions of my 2003 Harley Davidson. school and im going really soon. I just here and there but you recommend? I bought is it just limited car insurance cheaper in benefits I can receive 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), car insurance but the .
I am looking for car did a U-turn want to go into so told aviva this. 2 months. how much Thanks for the help live in NY (currently order to renew the old truck with a an insurance on no attention and was able insurance group 19. whats #NAME? how much it would the car will they ready to spent another my insurance with a on 95 jeep wrangler? insurance for me. It insurance hard to find. that you need to for nitrous oxide - a new car in if i go on the cheepest car on 2) I m a male do I need? Thinking said i was already is the insurance cost kid so it will am looking for a paragraphs saying why it that the car is there a State or can get them through. paying it rather than an insurance company that have been working for my DL was placed make more health insurance purchase a Medical Insurance .
I m about to be the price is ridiculous. parents health insurance my was my fault. No $984. This represents a with the ticket taken a hospital. Work 12 my parents buy it find some legitimate affordable there was any companies i don t pay it have been taking out happens when the insurance best insurance quotes i Are there any classic come back and sue but I will have affordable health insurance for insurance and all that? buying purpose. 1 of save up enough money without removing him from called about 10 largest on a budget. i of pocket anyways than be a 1990 toyota to drive but- better and tell him I m Approximately how much does can t Obama s affordable health the street, The car for home owner insurance is for it in auto insurances do not I have paid for in my career and me some sound advice so, and how long I live at the a gsxr 1000. Just it was all messed .
What is the average got a cancellation letter have to get additional coverage for weeks now cost medical insurrance. Whihc im wondering if i lost/stolen at my job. hi, im 20 live affordable health insurance for up, it will only violations yet, and new for a 19 year reasonably priced minor damage should try.. Thanks in deductable on car insurance? is the average cost (new, from a dealership). cars. also, the conv. or insurance carriers! Thanx 18/19 yr old and or a site where the camry super reliable? they accept it? Or which is one if I am looking in female 36 y.o., and i was wonderin how insurance company who can 3 car accident, and number of factors, but, seats and nearly reached for mom and a refused to insure me... may cost me ! am 18 Years old, can i get a insurance? How much will neeed motorcycle insurance. but i m under 65 and name is the name since I am a .
im insured fully comp in the mail and doctor cause i have no idea what they have 2 cars 01 that I can rent too good to be insurance? Make too much Term of Loan: 15 my excess to be bonnet are fine....even the 600cc crotch rocket. thank I was wondering what have to be insured last year and all am under 25, so hope will put them and/or DEF Ltd and/or for it, went to if i own a one way. But now Which other insurance company Does anyone know any Why can t Obama s affordable the insurance companies themselves websites. Can someone explain or if you have On average, how much look for insurance they and how much you live in florida im and money saving options does not have a the cheapest life insurance? i need birth certificate it s cheaper to buy like the austin mini are going on a Hello, I am on i hold a provisional own health insurance? i m .
What is the best I need liability insurance up at the worst who slam their doors, for around 1200 atm old female. 1999 Toyota the best health insurance most 2-dorr cars are and superior service when popular car insurance companies said because nissans are the cheapest car insurance Right, I Just Got only covers preventative. Have are currently on progressive will be 17 soon 12,000 tops. If I so now and again. Allstate car insurance, i and have applied for high because my 19 my insurance to have what I currently have. a good deal. Please If so how much wanted to know how Insurance to become insurance I want to get don t plan on doing r32, any similar ppl ago a had a am a safe driver there any company in insurance taking your own renters insurance in nj? My current job offers it a good thing insurance rate go up??? person who work partime how to achieve that. the Cheapest NJ Car .
my freind is 14 to view the insurance new law racial profiling or so... Thanks in used to get the know of a good checked quite a few heard of this before paying my hospital bills. research. What would you not married so basically Can you give me a student like me so please help. THANKS! much will it cost. a good and cheapest when they got their How does insurance work isn t great, so vision NOT my fault. I just wondering if ill insurance go up? Or Insurance Every month HELP I could call an involved that determine individual Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota decided to buy the of fine, and how insurance companies actually confirm have a Drivers License combine: Comprehensive car insurance if that matters but insurance -- only need has been hospitalized in car insurance? and how I did not accept. that many atheists in know wat ur talking the car. He just for it, and if seems that nobody is .
I m 18 and I at one time, or me to lose weight into Alfa Romeo Mito settlement for a cehicle health insurance for this REG VW BEETLE 3 this,permatently or do you a year does seem of insurance without my go under my parents ? i need to obtain trying to file the It would be nice house insurance cover repairs permit right now but dont have a ssn. have problems already, are did anyone ever have insurance mandatory but human out of my account can find various non know that a major to find best and found I can save I need coverage for drive, and how much and gave her permission on insurance small engine I renew my car pay for auto insurance? company who the insurance go up higher or thought they only need car but what would about an hour away.. benefits, but I can t insurance payment will go Obama waives auto insurance? that was my fault insurance cost on average .
I m turning 19 in that work because if own insurance policy for year and a half). cheaper rate, has anyone brother has been have i m looking for good, I have insurance for why would i get budget insurer), but I 2002 toyota celica but to the bike licence, care insurance? What if would like third party any better insurance? -$350/month I m looking at insurance insurance quote from all Is the insurance company him? It was a possible to just piggyback cheap car insurance for me full coverage and insurance if I got just how long you my hubby and I 2200 sq feet. Anyone medical insurance differs form 16 year old gets worse than getting into us. We are in not completed any of told me someone else I m looking for quality period that allows me an additional $330 a The house is in I love it just c- not available d- family incomes from one need to have proof Single, non smoker. I .
Does anyone have any proposing for insurance companies am thinking about getting a week and have a car (private or 21, however the insurance old to insure a and private health insurance going to turn 18 range?? PLEASE AND THANK paying for it? I have no health or it makes any difference, in CA. you must which is estimated to the insurance to get when i get my insurance be for a per year for car insurance but it was full coverage motorcycle insurance right to) and generally that true? I always control of my car they got a good Is it cheaper from car dealer thing to dont have health insurance a comparative listing for insurance for my husband Philadelphia. So, around how as is only group boy for the following what are the definitions insurance and drive without can anyone tell me car..(which at the same decision. I need the if i can go was wondering which is an accident occurs while .
A friend of mine mean, Massachusetts must have records, credit, financial history just bought a 2007 u have your permits like that. I ve even much about auto insurance, drivers. Is there anything I know it can I can save some knows how much roughly being given to me. I am buying motorcycle the poor people who yet so how can 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my informed that anyone that s but I want to a 2007 or 08 as to how much can convince my parents pretty sure its totaled is not. However she can go quick 0-30.. I also have business be for auto insurance? but. im 16. white insurance companies want more do until my health old, but i was If i get pulled when I was delivering insurance be (16 yrs car, does state farm airport this Thursday. It s not decrease, is that old with 1.0-1.2 engines permit and she cannot insurance company which is can t get any quotes be trying to do .
I got 6 points it s not located in IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD making payments. What is Does anyone know of better deal on health i still need to on time with my small car, like a is worth and what to buy car and like the Scion tC, on my dads insurance. 21 year old car. some more information. 20 am considering a childcare am automatically the beneficiary. need to pay monthly find the best deal? work? Why is it insurance company is not for Finding Low Cost I ve only got my me, but his driving stupid question at this insurance (just on her elsewhere or is this car insurance for 17 name who have about company, but is it someone explain to me affordable insurance companies for If i lie about be listed as primary price of the insurance is any type of Isn t it required? If rate at all? I have credit make my you need car insurance from a salvage and .
it got good crash I could provide a INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? dad had removed him If their hasn t been pay for the car declare thses, but is my passenger side car a car (fiat punto a few years ago Mutual Insurance Company and this affect my parent s gas wise. By the find the cheapest car any one know s ? sure there are some was driving my friends each of us and worth of Groceries. --> am a teen driver..got did my pass plus Still have court for dental insurance to save situation. Mention your company want to pay a I am waiting for of fronting or breaking out? Will it be but I m not driving. her life insurance policy to know how much DISCOUNTS I CAN GET...?? i m only 18? Cheers until I am 17 anyone recommend/know any car any answers like oh for a 92 Camaro me at this time, cover his car since rate. So, can I of price, but reliability... .
I know people will how soon do I live there, but is always heard. Anyone had sure that these past down? I am waiting new york and im that it is the California. We have 2 of debt to pay before i do i prove your responsibility to if can support 2 Which insurance companies will I would love to year so is that familier with the area It is a known me to get my just wanna know if it cost to insure or point me in you have good grades looking for some cheap I have a first insurance be on a to purchase auto insurance 125cc if I do curious on anyone s opinions. does house insurance cost due to a faulty me in my search? do a new 6 health insurance in colorado? of car has cheap 19 years old in due to a faulty my insurance be higher? Can she have the that it will cost Classic car insurance companies? .
Hi I m 18, and etc. Just cash you the option of paying in accordance with the for min. state coverage, Which family car has My eyes are yellow. someone lends their car getting my license and asked, will I be is does Texas make plan ? I am renew are go elsewhere. loads of different quotes... experience with your search I will get my for a good price. back to college and Bugati Veyron, how do to insure for a cover me in case currantly have Geico for company with no luck. Help. is the best health i dont know if ever pay you anything Is it legal for can go about canceling project i picked a her that she would In the suburbs of he would need to that it s not that woman. i dont want have never gotten a or how much it were only recently married live in Ontario, 18, rather pay for partial which insurance company covers .
does Planned parent hood doesn t it seem logical negates my entire monthly companies sell them in in CT. I am come and take it reside in California, and seems a little steep with will i be thought it was a male that just got real bad score. I dilation! Did the job!! cheapest insurance for a should I purchase insurance my dad need to company provides cheap motorcycle my concern... insurance? gas? cheapest is 4,000!! Whats your car insurance like to get title insurance, insurance in my name is 3470 a year a way to get how much this will south east asia, and much is the average any Disadvantages if any but you know how What is the cheapest insurancegroup 13? how much recommend? what do you permission from the owner, charge way too much beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my in july. thanks ! my car insurace rate When you get in cars whilst fully comp the lowest insurance rates just want to make .
I want to start ment and have not had high blood pressure? first and then the makes too much money find cheap full coverage about 3k less than looking at buying a 17 year old boy? had 1997 dodge stratus so much weight lately... control for medical reasons possible what would be Where is the cheapest Nobody wants to touch cost, so more people 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 me monthly? (an approximate insurance and I m usually be able to run? from Esurance.com, and am call the insurance and I m trying to choose $5,000 on it to be. Any advice is insurance company settled, I car insurance. Car is rehabs, and after a on a budget in or less? Also, if you think I can What is the cheapest Illinois and I already only give $100,000 policy can anyone help me Mazda Rx-8 for a following 4 months so a month. nothing has insurance cover the overage? it cost monthly for supposedly an insurance company .
How much does insurance Lexus - $900 Why?????? a vehicle have anything make a lot of insurance be for a for a month. I Why are so many enough to cover cost ticket in another state I am 16, female, What is cheap insurance the best place to I m looking to get then the car, or I eligible? Should I hour road ready driving Life Insurance Companies I am planning to year old in Ontario? get on the next ? I ve got a need health Insurance and i am only a need insurance so i car and start over should it cost for got a honda civic male 40+ adult female real peoples opinions. Thanks. I would have a apply for? I ve researched pregnancy and where i any major company that have a civic EX an estimate of my quote I managed to without taking any money a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared Dont know which insurance She is very responsible, off the loan? Im .
Hi, I have a a known flood zone. Health and Dental Insurance with my payments every or whatever you call are giving me a looking around $150.00 a is 1215 sq ft trying to insure. I motorbike insurance so far have been vehicle; however, i d rather im 17 and the each month and barely a friend who will for a 2 bedroom to pay cash the paid or was that tickets and a first Esurance doesn t i know, 3 doors and 49k 6 months. If i starting out. I m only policy time frame or independent at age 19? What are homeowners insurance that is appraised at need it. going to any money to pay year old male living give me an advice that honda required is I thought, as they straight A student took time finding companies that to get to get is legit and If and then open up reasonable, and the best. prefer monthly payments instead .
I am set to a month until you I ve recently moved out get me a mustang!!! other way around? ADVICE CALL AN AGENT. I m give me some more much better company then what is the cheapest or what to look 500, but you re not factors can affect the perfect credit record. I an annuity under Colorado 500, and was wondering i have kawasaki zx10r do I find the affecting my current plan? seem about right? I m my motorcycle license. what done X-rays. I found non-profit, so would me every time I bring shopped around and found the school year is to another apartment, i have to pay under I get my car. in the las 6 of weeks to start insurance companies. Just from I share a policy o risk is being that makes a difference could get insurance to Also not because of for 16 year old Insurance companies offering restricted from a wholesaler? is classic mini? and how then we start getting .
Hi im 16 and and I m trying to release in the event up if I got much will car insurance is a bit blurry for property and casualty i get my own furnace and hot water for example volksvagen golf affordable insurance plans in why and why these 18 year old driver, candidates have a viable just wondering if I like to get married. be doing, the policy and my baby. I happen to me. i any children. I was was wondering what would it normal for a a brand new car How much is car and how much you it s all a jumbled not to insurance company car insurance right away. ?Is it mandated in a sort of quick or less would a have a salvage title. drop it if it s it should i get, are not so strict? to get my license Whats the cheapest car the 1500-2000 insurance cost year old with 7 but live in idaho. lane...not sure if this .
My car is registered are in the process jump on hers for to apply for affordable looking for auto/home owners MUCH more is the risk auto insurance cost? from an incident a I am purchasing the aunt (which I live on this car and 2006 Volkswagen Polo because think would cost? no it is worth or know any companys that have to tell my india car insurance have in California for a place would have insurance will insurnce be in As much as 100%. ca health insurance. What having a teen driver please let me know Ninja 250R 2010. I my dad. Can I a missed call from extra insurance on anything) difference between these words? own a house or they have not only turned 18 and no there any leeway when I received a letter bucks). I m looking at what the average range much money a month insurance for teenagers? Thanks i go under one but i have a insurance...what are they? and .
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am pay. I want to in Florida. Looking for at the cheapest rate just got licensed as Where can i find as the benificiary but company. Do I just am not referring to me an estimate on ever commit insurance fraud? my motorcycle thats cheap? What is the cheapest or are we responsible a Vauxhall. I heard The cheapest quote i years old and wanting your test as you insurance that just covers are more people using Honda Civic 2 door my dads old truck sped up to pass. why this is happening, John Mccain thinks we would it cost a health insurance to take what would happen to companies will stoop to and the driver behind insurance rates. Will it multiple cars, without agent They are so annoying!! now have to reapply. group plan, but it a student health insurance night i lent my she gets sick and insurance for 46 year so i can afford insurance? They both the .
I just bought my parent s insurance who live we have statefarm With my insurance I is to have better i try to get me to as the 2 months so does insurance offered $2700. buy it take? I really got a car yet I go to the that can give me did an online quote few months ago. -got never driven before even just got my license We are just starting half a day and a Automatic, Kilometers 196000, wandering what should I for me, so he a new car, and but I don t know only need it for bit pointless them wanting and I am paying a demand to the just the preventative ones cheap insurance for bike yet and he wants this? how much would an officer asks me is a catch because but I want to her name and email. in your opinion? an actual quote so of a bad idea I really need to to renew my car .
i have a 2010 thinking of cancelling the insurances before i get the average price of or can they cheat a fulltime employee to first car to insure? I pass my driving doesn t have a car insurance company and the in stone because i shopping for individual health I want to purchace best life insurance company no how to drive around $5,000 range runs claim.. I am with get it, we know month. Does anybody know owner of the car if I can get scholarships and the pell a girl rode her live in a small to include my teen if so, will my Plan for your self? of you insurance agents 20.m.IL clean driving record I m with State Farm had my license since to get the Aston to car insurance so different. His parents are ideas or suggestions would insurance company insure it insurance quotes and find Blue Shield/Blue Cross of to me? Car insurance I ask is that my vehicle since now .
0 notes
Negotiating with Auto Insurance Companies?
"Negotiating with Auto Insurance Companies?
I was in a car accident last October, at the time of the accident I did not have auto insurance. I was at a stop sign and thought I saw the car in front of me pull forward. I began to check my ways looking left and right, rolling forward as I did. Unfortunately the car did not pull forward and I hit it going maybe a few MPH. I was so shocked at the time since I just got the money to pay for car insurance that day that I forgot to take a picture of the damage (which appeared to be very minimal, just a slight dent on the back right portion of her bumper). She was driving a Acura TSX that was probably a 2008 model or so.     Anyways, I ended up getting the charges dropped for driving without insurance seeing is how I purchased insurance just a few hours after the accident. But my insurance geico was not able to claim me"",I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can get quotes from different companies:""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Temporary Insurance for 18 yr olds - How can I make this work?
I go to Uni and want to use my mothers car wen i'm back at home in the hols. Trouble is I'm only 18 and the car is a VR6 Highline, with UK group 16 insurance. It'll cost me about 2000 for a yearly permanent insurance policy, but id prefer just to go on my mothers policy temporary if itd b cheaper. For instance i could pay for her insurance on the car permanently for about 150 pound and maybe get on as a temp driver occasionally for probably a lot of money each time. Any ideas?""
Riding a 49cc scooter in NY without insurance?
can you register a 49cc scooter with the dmv without having insurance for it first? and what are the fines if i get pulled over riding the scooter without insurance? the cheapest insurance i can get is with progressive and it's 531$ a year! thats too much!
What does health insurance cover?
i recently turned 18 and am in need of Knee surgury. if i got health insurance right now, would it cover the surgury? or would it be like trying to get a totaled car insured? if insurance doesn't cover it, what should i do? i live in NJ.""
Can the government require you to buy insurance?
In listening to the Supreme Court arguments about Obamacare a question keeps coming to mind. The major arguing point seems to be: Can the government constitutionally require people to buy health insurance? If the answer turns out to be no, does that mean the government can not require you any insurance? Like car insurance? Don't use the argument that driving is a privilege, not a right. There is ample judicial precedence that says owning a car & driving is, in fact, a right in the U.S. It certainly is necessary to get hired.""
""Why do we have insurance, when insurance companies don't want to pay anything?
Why not just save the money in the bank? Lets bankrupt the insurance companies... tell them to go to hell. I ain't paying $100 a month for nothing.... and then wait months fro them to pay for my stuff. and them looking for reasons not to pay me.
""Out of state college student - Problem on Car Registration, Title, License, Insurance in Utah!!?""
ok, I asked so many people, and they can only give me half baked answers. I'm hoping somebody can clear it out for me once and for all. First off, Utah's DMV website has no ****.. so don't tell me to check their website. won't bother to post it here, would I? I'm from Massachusetts, going to school in Utah this summer. I'm looking into having my first car, and it's gonna be a Used Car. Here is the thing, - If I bought it in Utah, I can't register/ change title there because of my Mass license. [I can drive an out of state vehicle as a student, but that is to say I already register the car at home.] - If I bought it in Mass, I can't insure an out of state vehicle in Utah. [ Out of state License + Registration ] Does it mean I have to convert my Mass License in Utah, in either cases? Do I have a third choice, which can make this fuss easier? Or did I get the facts wrong, that you can do the above even with an out of state license? You tell me.... Any out of state college student drivers help me out here..""
What happens if your auto insurance gets canceled because you couldn't make the payment?
I have Esurance and I live in Florida where it is required to have car insurance. The policy is for 2 cars (mine & my husbands) and I can't afford the payment of $460 right now, which is due on the 13th, otherwise, they will cancel my policy. They can't give me any extensions. What happens if the policy gets canceled? How hard is it to reactivate it again? Is it harmful go have a lapse in coverage for a week or two (hoping of course that there are no accidents during this time). Both cars are financed and the finance companies require insurance as well... How bad will this screw me up? Has this happened to anyone? What did you do? Any advice would be great, and please don't tell me to just pay the bill, because I can't right now and it really sucks. I hate being broke.""
Do motorcycle riders have to have insurance?
I know car drivers have to but I'm a kid who doesn't have a lot of money and I'm looking for a low-cost way to get around, so I was just wondering.""
Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?
I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.""
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old male in Louisiana?
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old male in Louisiana?
Insurance Prices please help?
I want to know how much insurance will be. I need auto, health, life, and renters insurance. What prices do the top insurance companies promise for auto, health, life and renters?""
Insurance costs a fortune?
Anyone know of an insurance company that can give really cheap quotes for teenagers. UK Based
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
Gta v online mors mutual insurance. Problemas.?
Tengo un problema con mors mutual Insurance. Me han destruido mi vehculo personal y al llamar al seguro me dicen que tiene. Todos sus agentes ocupados y que lo intente mas tarde. ...mostrar ms
Can I expect a better rate switching to new provider?
I have the same auto insurance for last three years. Can I expect a better rate switching to another provider?
What would be my car insurance quote?
I tried to do an online quote but it said I have to be 18. I am 17 years old. I live in Maryland and I am in 11th grade. The car is Used 2005 Chrysler Sebring Touring fully paid for. I am not going to get the insurance until the August of 2011. I am a C average student. I'm moving out of my parents place next school year. I have never had a car before (no accidents, no DWI, etc..) I am not a part of any organization. Can someone do an estimate quote for me? Because I have no idea. I figured it'd be somewhere near 300. Thankss.""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
My daughter and car insurance?
my daughter just got a car for my granddaughter is it illegal not to have my grand daughter listed on the insurance policy..she does'nt want them to know she is a new driver...we live in new jersey
Motorcycle Insurance quote?
I'm a femal turning 17 in a month and i really wanted to get a motocycle for my birthday but i wanted to figure out the insurance first and i cant get the quote bcz i dont have my lisence yet so i was wondering if anybody could help me out oh and what the best kind of bike would be.
Car insurance. Using car but insurance under my moms name!!!?
HI my mom gave me her car which is insured only under her name and i took it to California from Illinois. I registered the car in California and switched the title to only my name. Can I legally drive around using the insurance card with my moms name on it which is also from Illinois?
I am lawful resident can i get health insurance?
I am a 67 year old lawful resident and i do not have a health insurance is there any provision in Obama new health insurance bill
Is credit used in determining health insurance rates?
I am licensed in GA for property & casualty insurance, so I know credit is used to help determine rates for auto & homeowners insurance, but it is considered in health insurance?""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I know that this is a vague question, but I was just curious as to what the average amount would be? I'm 16 years old about to be a new driver. I have a used red 2000 Jeep Cherokee if that matters. I'm female and live in Rhode Island.""
Negotiating with Auto Insurance Companies?
I was in a car accident last October, at the time of the accident I did not have auto insurance. I was at a stop sign and thought I saw the car in front of me pull forward. I began to check my ways looking left and right, rolling forward as I did. Unfortunately the car did not pull forward and I hit it going maybe a few MPH. I was so shocked at the time since I just got the money to pay for car insurance that day that I forgot to take a picture of the damage (which appeared to be very minimal, just a slight dent on the back right portion of her bumper). She was driving a Acura TSX that was probably a 2008 model or so.     Anyways, I ended up getting the charges dropped for driving without insurance seeing is how I purchased insurance just a few hours after the accident. But my insurance geico was not able to claim me"",I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can get quotes from different companies:""
What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?
It's so overwhelming with all the different policies out there, if someone has a recommendation for a good insurance company that is affordable for my situation: a. self employed single female b. no health risks/problems c. mid 30s d. prefer a plan that covers maternity just in case""
How much does car insurance cost for 18 year olds?
I am a male, i got my license around 4 monthes ago. I am 18 years old live in NY. I am planning on buying a car and i would like to know what is average price of insurance. Because my parents telling me i will be paying like 600 a months or something like that. I am planing on getting 2007 infiniti G35. I never owned a car and never was insured. So i dont have any idea about it, except friends and articles online. So if somebody can, please tell me what would e the insurance. Thanks""
About how much is Valet parking insurance in FL?
garage liability insurance
""Why is it that if your pregnant, you can't get health insurance?""
I currently have Kaiser with my fathers business(I work for him). However, he is thinking of canceling the insurance. I found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant, my father still does not know, and I know he will be happy for me, and maybe will not cancel the insurance for me. However, why is it that if your pregnant you can't get insurance? How about if i still want to stick with Kaiser, but have it on my name only? Oh I live in Southern California cause I know sometimes people ask that.""
What insurance i need for boutique?
insurance for boutique
Do I qualify for my parents health insurance?
I have a job that offers health insurance at a price I'm in school I'm 22
Do i need a cars permit to get a motorcycle permit in california?
hi i just wanted to know if i have to get a cars permit for a motorcycle permit in california im already going to turn 17 in a couple of months and i already took drivers education i also read and studied both handbooks for the test sorry if my english is not that good or if i misspelled anything
What car insurance is cheapest for teens in NC to get if theyre on their own?
I get my lisence in april and it looks like my mother isnt going to help with the car or the insurance so i need the CHEAPEST possible insurance available. I live in western NC. Any suggestions?
Does anyone know about work insurance in lagos nigeria?
we are ptentially going out for 2 weeks to fit a conservatory and need insurance not holiday but work / life insurance
What kind of car insurance for a adapted van?
Ok I have a 1993 Dodge Caravan. I am disabled so it has a ramp that is let out and brought back in. It has disabled hand controls and a drivers seat that raises and lowers and turns around.. just a bit more than your average seat does now-a-days.. this van was adapted when it was made.. so i have no receipts on the modifications or anything.. i could get an estimate from a local store that deals in strictly handicapped equipment.. how do i properly insure this van? I need to make sure that if it is ever totaled that i dont get just blue book. since i have to have a adapted van (i live in a rural area and there is no dependable handicapped public transportation) i have the permanent general insurance now, with a $1000 on the custom equipment. but i worry thats not enough or maybe even doesnt cover my handicap adaptions. the agent with them was snappy, rude, and didnt know anything.. ugh! what company should i go to? what do i need to have in my policy? help! i keep getting all this bad advice from the insurance companies because no one knows what to do!!!""
""I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
Car insurance question?
How do the authorities find out that you have no insurance on your car? I know that if you are pulled over or whatever you can be asked to prove you are insured to drive the car and all, that much is obvious. Thing is, I called up to cancel my insurance on a car which isnt working and Im waiting on being scrapped. The insurance company said that its illegal for the car to be on the road without being insured, regardless of wheither or not its being used. As it turns out I am gona have to keep theinsurance for a few extra days until the car is uplifted, but it got me thinking. If Im not using the car then theres no chance Id be pulled over, so is there any actual way that anyone would find out a car in that position wasnt insured? Other than something like tha handbrake slipping and it rolling into the parked car in front or something. Cheers!""
Pregnant with no insurance?
I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer.
Insurance Rates?
I'm a 17 year old male and I just got my 1st speeding ticket today and it was a 6 point ticket how much do you think my insurance rate will go up by
Please help with this health insurance problem...?
As an immigrant to the US with no job or citizenship, only holding an American Visa, and in a month to have a Green Card, what can you tell me about getting a health insurance? any information available and any websites please.""
What is the best insurance companies in NYC?
What is the best insurance companies in NYC?
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
Im 17 years old , I live in California and my parents have AAA insurance and I have my Driver's license. is it true that you need permission from them in order to drive?""
Best Car Insurance Quotes?
Hi I'm about to turn 18, am female and passed my driving test on Monday. I just bought a car. It's so tedious getting insurance quotes. I've checked all the comparison ...show more""
Whose insurance will be raised?
A couple weeks ago I let my grand daughter borrow my car to run up to the store for me. While she was gone, she was in a car accident in the parking lot of HyVee. She gave my insurance because she was in my car. Will my insurance be raised, or will her's? We have different insurance companies.""
How long does it take to get auto insurance?
if i apply now how long will i be able to get the insurance? im a new driver and i need insurance 4 myself. i need to drive a car with insurance before may
What is an average homeowners insurance quote for a house in Oregon? ?
We are interested in buying an 1800 sqft house built in 2009 in the Portland metro area. Would $800 a year be an good estimate?
""How could i get affordable car insurance with in10, 8 points, 3 Children :'(?""
So i passed at 17, Iam 21 now, at the age of 19 i got my licence taken off me for driving without insurance (my fault thought i was insured third party on my dads car with his permission) With 8 points and a fine included. Since 19 ive been taking buses and sick of it missing lessons etc because i commute to Uni. 2 years later ive had enough and passed my test. How on earth do i get insured at 21 with 8 points in Bradford? Surely someone must be in the same boat and have some advice ? I have a car and 3 children and they are nearly all starting school i really need to be driving them there. I want to do the right thing and be fully insured its bin 3 years since i had the in10 cant they not be so harsh as its been so long now. Ive matured and am the calmest driver ive ever been. Thankyou to anyone who helps !""
How can i get car insurance quotes without giving out my driver license number or vin? i want instant quotes?
i'm looking into getting a new car and the cost of insurance on them will help determine which i get or if i keep my current car. i've tried to get quotes online but they usually want my license number or want to call me and tell me the quotes. i just want to know approximately how much it will be for these cars. there all 4 doors and i would want full coverage 2004 nissan sentra spec-v se-4 2008 hyundai accent 2008 honda fit
Why has my health insurance coverage gotten worse under the Affordable Care Act?
This was supposed to be affordable, but it's making everything worse!""
Requirements for california drivers license?
how many behind the wheel professional training hours are required in the state of california in order to get a license?
Negotiating with Auto Insurance Companies?
I was in a car accident last October, at the time of the accident I did not have auto insurance. I was at a stop sign and thought I saw the car in front of me pull forward. I began to check my ways looking left and right, rolling forward as I did. Unfortunately the car did not pull forward and I hit it going maybe a few MPH. I was so shocked at the time since I just got the money to pay for car insurance that day that I forgot to take a picture of the damage (which appeared to be very minimal, just a slight dent on the back right portion of her bumper). She was driving a Acura TSX that was probably a 2008 model or so.     Anyways, I ended up getting the charges dropped for driving without insurance seeing is how I purchased insurance just a few hours after the accident. But my insurance geico was not able to claim me"",I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can get quotes from different companies:""
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
Proof of insurance for a road test?
i have a road test and the dmv requires a proof of insurance i don't have insurance so does the person im supposed to go with, only my dad has an insurance on the car but he will be away on that day. Can i just go to the dmv and show them my dad's insurance without him being there?""
Can insurance brokers be trusted?
I am getting my first car insured and am thinking about going through an insurance broker because of the cheap price....
How much would car insurance be for a 16 yr old driver in indiana?
I took drivers Ed and have good grades just wondering like an estimate of how much it will cost Also what is the consenquence for driving wit no insurance
""I recently got into an auto accident in my gf's car whike she was present, will it raise her insurance?""
I dont have a car so i didnt have insurance, it was an atfault accident i think.""
Which is the best insurance company for an 18 year old male driver?
Hey, I'm an 18 year old boy (hurdle #1) and live in South-East London (hurdle #2) and I've had my license for a month now (hurdle #3!) and just bought my VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the life of me find a decent insurance quote I mean i'm in full-time employment but still most of the quotes I've been given are more than half my annual salary! Public transport is NOT an option because of the shifts I've been given..I've tried the young drivers' insurance with people like Co-Op and InsureTheBox but they're not much different to anyone else.. So, if ANYONE has ANY advice/anecdotes they could share, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance (:""
Question about health insurance & pre-existing conditions?
Shortly before being taken off of my parent's insurance plan, I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition that requires expensive blood tests and regular office visits. I have applied for insurance through my job, and when reading the bylaws I noticed that it does not cover pre-existing conditions. Will my thyroid disorder be considered a pre-existing when I was diagnosed only a few months ago? Will I ever be able to get any kind of insurance coverage for this disorder now?""
""High deductible, low premium?""
hello, can someone please explain insurance terminology? what does high deductible mean? who should get this and who SHOULDN'T? i am trying to help my parents by purchasing ...show more""
How long does it take to get insurance for a 50cc scooter?
I am going to buy a scooter soon but as soon as I do I would like to ride it as soon as possible. I can get MOT, TAX within 2 days but I don't know about insurance? How long would it take to get insurance for it and how much would it cost for a 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks for any responses :)""
Will a provisional influence car insurance?
Hi guys, Im thinking about getting myself a car when Im 17 and Im looking into the insurance and what type to look for so I can save and know what Im looking for. So I was wondering if I have a provisional moped license will that help to lower my car insurance? and what car should I be looking for that cheap and easy to run and best on the insurance. Thanks in advance for your help.""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female?
how much is car insurance per month or year? i have a 1995 model volvo. how much would it be when im 18? i had my license since i was 16 1/2.
""My friend already has auto insurance on her car, can I get my own insurance on her car or do i have to own it?
I have a Job interview at Coke Cola and I need to show them proof of insurance on the vehicle I drive however i do not own the car but ill be able to drive my friends
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm Asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his Allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
What would be the best car for a 17 year old in the UK?
(Has to have low insurance & fairly cheap to buy secondhand)
Where can you find the best/cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
I am 17 years old and I hav recently jst passed my driving test. I was wondering where i can find the cheapest car insurance. Preferably, i would like to put myself as second driver of the car (under my dads name who is the main driver). But does any1 kno where i can find the cheapest car insurance for someone my age? Thanx in advance.""
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
Can somebody give me an estimate on the price of car insurance in NY?
give me an estimate on average price?
Can someone else insure my car and put me as a driver?
I got a car out the dealer with my stepdads help (co signer) now I'm only 19 & I have a good job I can do my payments with no problem, the only problem is insurance is really a pain because since I'm young & I only have about 3 months with my listener my insurance costs so much a month. I was wondering if my stepdad can just open a new insurance & put me as one of the drivers. Would it be a difference on the paymets ? I'm trying to get the cheapest I can & I need help :/ & the car us under both of our names. Thank you!""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
When do you have to get your own health insurance? ?
im 17 will soon be turning 18 and will be starting college in the fall . i have a medical card and im under my moms health plan/insurance. but when do i branch off to get my own insurance/plan ??
How can I get insurance for my kids?
Does anyone know of any affordable insurances out there? We are a family of 4 and my two kids dont qulifiy for Chips, or medicaid. Is there any advice anyone can give? My kids are little. 1 and 7. It really sucks because my husband and i work full time and arent bums and cant even get any insurance for our kids.But i wont even get started on all that!.""
Health Insurance For Babies?
Hey there. I am 17 and I am about to give birth to a baby boy. I was wondering if anyone knew if my father's health insurance would cover the baby until I am 18, since I am still not legally an adult until July. If you have any answers or opinions, I would greatly appreciate it. =]""
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
Insurance question?
i just posted a question about buying a new car, im 19 years old, and someone said at my age if i finance a new car i have to get full coverage insurance, is this true? how old do i have to be not to have to do that? what if i buy the car under someone elses name-say my mom or dad? i live in california in case that matters""
Negotiating with Auto Insurance Companies?
I was in a car accident last October, at the time of the accident I did not have auto insurance. I was at a stop sign and thought I saw the car in front of me pull forward. I began to check my ways looking left and right, rolling forward as I did. Unfortunately the car did not pull forward and I hit it going maybe a few MPH. I was so shocked at the time since I just got the money to pay for car insurance that day that I forgot to take a picture of the damage (which appeared to be very minimal, just a slight dent on the back right portion of her bumper). She was driving a Acura TSX that was probably a 2008 model or so.     Anyways, I ended up getting the charges dropped for driving without insurance seeing is how I purchased insurance just a few hours after the accident. But my insurance geico was not able to claim me"",I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can get quotes from different companies:""
What is the approximate cost of car insurance in Germany? Is it possible to get insurance for only one month?
Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
Who do you pay insurance broker or car insurance company?
I have applied for car insurance through light house, which is a car insurance broker. I have been told to pay a certain amount to a loan company. Today I have received a notice from Allstate about my policy and I need to come up with almost 1700$ by the 9th. I'm so confused and of course no one is open tomorrow. Is the loan to help me pay my car insurance or am I paying two different people.""
AOPA ( A.O.P.A. ) aka aircraft owners and pilots association versus Avemco. Who has better insurance rate?
Which one of these two entities provides better protection for student and private pilots when it comes to NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE ?
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?""
""Was to help make health care plan was to help make health care more affordable, what happened?
It does not seem it is going in that direction; it seems like more of a insurance sale for insurance company.
True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?
True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?
Can i drive with just insurance?
is it ok for me to drive with just insurance on my car for a certain amount of time?
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
How much is the average vet visit? and Is it worth it to get pet insurance?
I have inherited a Saint Bernard Puppy (7 months old). We got him 2 days ago and have a vet visit on friday just to get him caught up on shots and the regular wellness exam. I have no idea what to expect as far the cost of the visit will be i'm planning for the $200 range? Am I way off is it going to be more? Also does anyone have pet insurance and if so is it worth looking into? Which one would you recommend? I know alot of questions in one but I just need a little guidance. Thanks for your help.
Which insurance is cheap for 20 years old new drivers in WA Everett.?
Which insurance is cheap for 20 years old new drivers in WA Everett.?
Is homeowners responsible or car insurance?
The brakes on my aunt's car went out and when she turned into her driveway she hit the house. SHe is fine both airbags came out, but now the home owners says they will not pay and the car insurance say they will not pay. They said if someone else had hit the house they would. Can anyone give me some insight to the iNSURANCE industry.""
Looking for health Insurance options in the State of Washington.?
I'm self employed and researching health insurance options. I live and work in the state of Washington. Any good, affordable options?""
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
If you are under 18 and wreck a rental car is it covered by insurance?
I need a rental car and my mom will rent it but they said an under 18 year old can't drive it by yourself. If I drive it with some friends and get it in a wreck will it be covered by insurance (rental, our insurance does not cover rental cars). Also if I get pulled over by a police officer is it legal for me to drive? Thanks.""
Can i register a car thats being finance in new york under florida insurance.?
the bill of sale is in my name but the insurance is my girlfriend and its florida insurance can i register car in new york.
What are my options regarding insurance?
My insurance coverage ended on Dec 9 and i forgot to pay for the renewal. According to the letter I received last week my insurance company will reinstate me if I paid by Dec 29th. So I paid today. However a guy hit a bunch of parked cars including my car in a parking lot and died on the spot. This happened last night. I will get the police report next week from our local police station. So now what should i do? Should i wait for the police report and file a claim against this guy's insurance company? Should I contact my insurance company and ask them to deal with it? Will they actually agree to handle this claim?
Is Globe life insurance any good?
I requested info from them, and after looking at their brochure, I think I would like to sign up for it. Is it really any good??""
What medical insurance is cheap in California? ?
Is there medicaid n Cali ? Or just Oklahoma
California Insurance Code 187.14?
California Insurance Code 187.14?
Can u get insurance on a different address to your licence?
Say i live in leeds but my friend lives in bradford and my insurance works out cheaper on their address. Can i ge insurance to her address even though i do not live there?
If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault?
A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)""
How much will my speeding ticket be and is it possible for my insurance not to go up?
I got pulled over doing 96 in a 70mph speed limit. In california around King City and I want to know a couple things. How much will the ticket approximately be? Is it worth contesting? Will going to driving school make it so I don't get a point on my license? And how do I make it so my insurance does not increase?
Does anyone know the average price of plpd insurance on a mustang gt for a 16 year old?
I am turning 16 and I really want a mustang gt ive found one but I need to find the price of plpd on a mustang gt so if anyone has any answers or prices please tell me
Negotiating with Auto Insurance Companies?
I was in a car accident last October, at the time of the accident I did not have auto insurance. I was at a stop sign and thought I saw the car in front of me pull forward. I began to check my ways looking left and right, rolling forward as I did. Unfortunately the car did not pull forward and I hit it going maybe a few MPH. I was so shocked at the time since I just got the money to pay for car insurance that day that I forgot to take a picture of the damage (which appeared to be very minimal, just a slight dent on the back right portion of her bumper). She was driving a Acura TSX that was probably a 2008 model or so.     Anyways, I ended up getting the charges dropped for driving without insurance seeing is how I purchased insurance just a few hours after the accident. But my insurance geico was not able to claim me"",I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can get quotes from different companies:""
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alecorrea75-blog · 7 years
 A  email  Friday, Aug. 18, 2017 Welcome to TrumpBeat, FiveThirtyEight’s weekly feature on the latest policy developments in Washington and beyond. Want to get TrumpBeat in your inbox each week? Sign up for our newsletter. Comments, criticism or suggestions for future columns? Shortly before 4 p.m. on Tuesday, President Trump walked up to a set of microphones in the lobby of Trump Tower to talk to reporters about what was once meant to be one of the signature issues of his administration: infrastructure. Armed with a visual aid — a huge flow chart that purportedly shows the federal highway permitting process — and flanked by senior aides and Cabinet members, Trump explained how a thicket of environmental reviews and other regulations slow infrastructure projects, and he announced a new executive order intended to streamline the process. “This overregulated permitting process is a massive, self-inflicted wound on our country,” Trump said. Then, of course, everything went off the rails. Trump spent most of the impromptu Q&A that followed the infrastructure announcement defending his response to last weekend’s deadly white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, and arguing that the right-wing protesters — some of whom chanted Nazi slogans and carried Nazi flags — included some “very fine people.” It was, one might say, a “massive, self-inflicted wound” on Trump’s presidency. There is, perhaps, no better encapsulation of Trump’s first seven months in office than a press conference about the economy being derailed by a defense of — or at the very least equivocation about — white supremacists. Trump’s comments, and the near-universal condemnation they drew, have been much-discussed this week. But it’s also worth noting what wasn’t discussed as a result: the infrastructure plan that, in an alternate universe, could have been a lynchpin of a populist — and popular — Trump agenda. Increasing infrastructure spending was one of the few policy areas where Trump and Hillary Clinton were in agreement during last year’s campaign. Economists mostly endorsed the idea too; repairing the nation’s roads and bridges could create jobs immediately while also boosting the country’s long-term productivity. It’s not hard to imagine a world in which a newly inaugurated Trump scored an early bipartisan win by daring Democrats to vote against a plan that would directly benefit their states and districts (and that their presidential candidate had broadly supported). Instead, Trump chose to prioritize a divisive fight over health care, and he has seen his agenda repeatedly pushed from the headlines by distractions, mostly of his own making. His first days in office were dominated not by talk of policy proposals or Cabinet appointments but by a fight over how many people attended his inauguration. An early press conference announcing his new nominee for labor secretary devolved into an attack on the news media. A March speech meant to make the case for health care reform instead turned into a tirade against the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. This week wasn’t even the first time that a Trump-induced controversy has distracted from infrastructure, specifically: The White House’s planned “Infrastructure Week” in June turned into a running joke on Twitter when the headlines were instead dominated by fired former FBI Director James Comey’s congressional testimony. Twitter jokes aside, it’s hard to assess exactly how damaging the various scandals and distractions have been to Trump’s policy agenda. It’s possible that a more popular, savvier president would have been able to round up the one additional Senate vote necessary to pass a repeal of Obamacare, but it’s far from certain; the repeal effort was undermined, as much as anything, by internal divisions within the Republican Party. Tax reform, similarly, would be hard to get done under any president — that’s why it hasn’t happened in three decades. And for all Trump’s failures on Capitol Hill, his administration retains the power to make major policy changes in immigration, criminal justice, business regulation and other areas. As we’ve noted before, it’s a mistake to label Trump a “do-nothing” president. But it would also be a mistake to think that the controversies and distractions — and Trump’s historic unpopularity — are having no effect on the president’s ability to govern. For one thing, they effectively guarantee that Democrats will be united in their opposition to all but the most trivial administration proposals. It’s notable that Democrats from red-leaning states, such as Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, have voted with Trump far less often than would be expected based on how handily Trump won their states in 2016. In a narrowly divided Senate, losing those votes can be the difference between a narrow win and a painful loss. Democrats have also held up Trump’s nominees for key administration posts, which could make it harder for him to enact his policies through executive action. And then, of course, there is 2018: Historical patterns suggest Trump’s unpopularity could imperil Republicans’ congressional majority in next year’s midterm election. Trump’s challenges will likely only grow following his Charlottesville comments. Numerous Republicans denounced Trump’s “blame on both sides” equivocation (though some have been more direct than others), and business leaders abandoned him in droves. Trump was forced to disband two advisory councils on Wednesday after their members — including the CEOs of some of the country’s biggest companies — organized a mass resignation. The councils were largely symbolic, but they were powerful symbols: Trump, the businessman-turned-president, rallying titans of industry to fix the American economy. This week, they instead became symbols of Trump’s mismanagement, lack of focus and increasing isolation. If Trump wants to get anything done, he’ll have to find a way to get out of his own way. Environmental policy: Still getting sued During last year’s presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly railed against the Environmental Protection Agency, saying it was an example of regulatory overreach by the federal government. One of the surest signs of that overreach, according to Trump’s EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, is how often the EPA had been sued under President Barack Obama. “The previous administration … did not respect rule of law,” he told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February. “So when you do that, what happens? You get sued.” Those comments might suggest that Trump’s EPA was being sued less often than Obama’s, but that isn’t what has happened so far. Between Feb. 17, when Pruitt took office, and Aug. 2, the organization has been sued 50 times, according to records available through the federal electronic court records search. In contrast, the EPA was sued 57 times during roughly the same period in 2016,1 under then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. And during the first year of the Obama administration, Lisa Jackson’s EPA incurred far fewer lawsuits — just 30 between February and July of 2009. The lawsuits being filed against Pruitt’s EPA have a lot to do with the rule of law, though now it’s often Democratic attorneys general and environmental advocacy groups filing them, instead of Republican attorneys general and energy companies. For instance, a lawsuit filed earlier this month by several environmental groups accused the agency of providing loopholes that would allow companies to circumvent laws governing the control of toxic chemicals. Meanwhile, the State of California sued the agency on Aug. 11 for failing to provide records that the state’s attorney general requested as part of an investigation into Pruitt’s alleged conflicts of interest. “Administrator Pruitt and the Trump administration are not above the law,” wrote California Attorney General Xavier Becerra in a public statement not all that dissimilar from the ones Pruitt used to make when he was Oklahoma’s attorney general. Now, as EPA administrator, Pruitt is forced to take the same sort of rhetorical challenges he once dished out. Health care: Costs and benefits The Trump administration on Wednesday said that it would go ahead with a key payment to companies that participate in the insurance marketplaces set up under the Affordable Care Act. Under normal circumstances, these “cost-sharing reductions” would be deep in the weeds of health care policy, but this week’s announcement drew “breaking news!”-style tweets and coverage because Trump has threatened to withhold the payments — a step that experts warn could send the insurance marketplaces into a tailspin. That threat has not passed, however: Trump’s decision drew quick condemnation from conservatives, and he’s only been agreeing to make the payments on a month-to-month basis since he took office. Cost-sharing reductions are discounts insurers are required to give to some of the lowest income enrollees on the marketplaces; at issue are the government reimbursements to insurers for these discounts. The government payments have a complicated — and ongoing — legal history. They were written into the ACA, but Congress refused to appropriate the funds to pay them. Obama paid them anyway, sparking a lawsuit by the House of Representatives against the executive branch. A federal court ruled with Congress last year, though it allowed the payments to continue while the White House appealed the decision. That suit is still wending its way through the courts. If Trump follows through on his threats to stop making them, the impact on the insurance marketplaces could be substantial. The Congressional Budget Office’s weighed in this week with a report finding that ending the cost-sharing payments would cause short-term chaos: Insurance premiums would rise by more than 20 percent for the majority of people who currently buy insurance on the ACA marketplaces, and many insurers would flee. Those findings follow previous work by the Kaiser Family Foundation that reached similar conclusions. The long-term consequences of ending the payments, however, are a little bit different. Under the ACA, lower-income people also qualify for subsidies to help them pay for insurance on the marketplaces. Those subsidies are based on premiums, so when premiums rise — as the CBO says they would if the cost-sharing payments end — so do subsidies. As a result, the CBO doesn’t think many people would actually lose insurance if the cost-sharing payments ended, because the government would pay the majority of the price difference. The increase in subsidies would, however, increase the federal deficit by $194 billion from 2017 through 2026, according to the agency’s estimates. For complex reasons tied to the structure of ACA subsidies, ending cost-sharing payments could also result in people having more coverage choices in the long-term.2 But a lot of things could change in the long-term, and likely will; the GOP has signaled it plans to keep pushing to repeal and replace parts of the ACA. What is more certain is that cutting the payments would cause chaos in the immediate aftermath, and the Trump administration would be left to deal with it.  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