#football fac fiction
futbolfanficpunk · 1 year
The Coach
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Player: Pep Guardiola Word count: 2,9k+ Summary: Reader is a fem football player who signs up for a 3-week summer clinics camp with Pep Guardiola and his staff. She starts developing feelings quickly for Pep, as she always had a crush on him. At a party on the last day of camp, while in a drunken state and feeling she has nothing to lose, she decides to confess her feelings. Warning: Angst, Smut, Infidelity Authors note: I had this in the back of my mind for a long time, so, I skipped over other stories I had started and wrote this as quickly as I could (which was not that quick at all, it got accidentally deleted halfway through writing, meh). I have the second part in my mind as well. I don't know if I'm ready to share it though, it goes against the sanctity of marriage HAHAHAHA
Edit: Part 2 Part 3
Pep Team Summer Camp and Clinics for Professional Female Footballers. That was the title of the email you received from your agent, “You need to get on this! Let’s sign you up?” the body of the email said. You didn’t think twice. You loved the idea of working and learning from Pep Guardiola and you knew he was never going to coach a women's team. This was your chance. “Yes, sign me up!” Fucking Pep Guardiola, fucking Fc Barcelona player, your dream club. Villareal was an amazing club to play for, a growing team but Barca was your goal. Plus, you always thought Pep was charming and handsome, you always had a lil’ admiration crush on him, it would be cool to finally meet him.
On week one of the clinics, you were progressing and getting along with both staff and other players. You shared your room with a girl from As Roma’s team,Valentina, you would communicate in English because it was your only language in common. You had a good time with her, always chatting and joking around a bit before going to sleep. You spent your Sunday off together, went to the beach and around town in Barcelona, where the camp took place.
Pep had already noticed you that week, you saw him staring at you in the last two days and had his staff come to give you extra challenges or exercises, and had them pass the info back to him. You only talked to him twice, you think both times you held your breath the entire time you weren’t talking. By the end of week one, he asked to have a private meeting with you, he wanted to see what type of person you were, your goals, your drives and passions. You spent 30 minutes talking, he was really easy to talk to, his dry sense of humor and sarcasm had you cracking up and you learned that you both like cinema. You told him about your Italian movie collection, he liked Spanish and indy American movies.You told him who your favorite players of all time were. You told him your goal was to end up at Barcelona, play at the Camp Nou and win titles so that eventually you could also get a spot in the National Team. The whole summer clinic camp, if not worth for the footballing value, had been just worth it to have this time with Pep. You found that you actually really like who he was and that made him even more attractive in your eyes. You had noticed the lil’ mannerism he had and made him more likable. You replayed your conversation over and over in your mind during the next couple of days. You didn’t know why, mainly fangirling, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t stop thinking about it.
On week two Pep was now talking to you directly during the session at the end of the day of the day, where you would have mini games in groups of 7s. He would call you to give your instructions or correct something you had done, most of the time he would be animated and loud and touched you when talking to you to enphasize what he was saying. Sometimes he would talk closer to your ear, especially when it was a correction, he would be so close to your ear you could feel a bit of his hot breath hitting you, his Catalan accented words floating into your ears. By the third day he was calling you to give you instructions your already agitated heart would skip when he signaled for you to come, and when he was talking to you while you nodded you felt your nipple harden and you core get warm, you almost zoned out to concentrate on his tone coming to your ears “Y/A, you understand, yes?” he asked
“Yes, coach”. You knew thoseinteractions weren't anything special, nor reserved for you, he did it with a few players, the best ones, you could tell that was the dynamic of the clinics. Your teammates were talented players and you were proud to be considered one of the best among them. You were 23, you weren't one of those freaks who were already stars at 21 like Claudia Pina, but you knew you could be great, amazing, if you kept working and fighting for it. Pep seemed to agree.  “Real good work today, kid” he said at the end of the session on the fourth day of the second week and gave you a big hug with a few pats on your back, “Thank you, coach” you said as you side-hugged him back and smiled. “Keep it up” he said while walking away and complementing other players.
By the third and final week you felt that Pep was closer to being a colleague or a friend than just a coach, he had the chance to talk to him with other players and staff during lunches. They all joked around, and shared stories. You couldn't stop smiling when he was around, he probably just thought you were a person who always smiled for no reason. Two days before the last day he took you aside for two minutes to give you praises on your game intensity, pass progression and for trying to score more as he had asked you. You smiled the whole time not only with your mouth but with your eyes, you were sure you were glowing or blushing, just didn’t know which one. “Thank you, Pep, these past three weeks have been so amazing, a real learning experience and an honor. It has helped my confidence and I’ll try to keep working on everything you pointed out”, “Good” he said and put his arm around you “Keep working, you got this Y/N. You’re good, don’t doubt it” and gave you a lil pat on the shoulder. You wanted to hug him and kiss his face right there,your crush was peaking, but you just smiled and nodded because you weren’t a crazy person, you were a professional. 
The Saturday after the last day of the camp, there was a big party at a beach hotel’s event room for all the girls, staff and coaches to say good bye and party together. You partied with Valentina and other girls. There was food and booze. You had one more drink than you should have. You started having stupid thoughts, like maybe you should tell Pep about your crush on him. You probably won’t see him ever again, anyway, and that way you could live with yourself and not be horny and crushing around an older guy. You had a thing for older men, you always did. You had dates a 35 year old and a 42 year old. This was not a surprise. The surprise was you wanting to act on such a fucking crazy idea. You took a last sip of your drink and told the girls that you would be right back. You looked for Guardiola everywhere. You couldn’t find him, so you asked one of the coaching staff and they told you to check by the beach. You went out to the beach and there he was, barefoot holding his sneakers with one hand, looking at the waves crashing into the sand while walking.
“Pep” you shout
“Y/N” he responded”Is everything ok?”
“Yes, fantastic” you said while sloppy walking closer to him and slightly slurring your words. 
“What’s up?” He inquired
“Nothing, just came to talk to you” you answered
“With me? What about?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well” you sighed “I have something to tell you, and it’s kinda silly but I thought since we’re probably not seeing each other in person again or possibly in years, and I’m druuunk, that I would”
“Oh, fuck”
You laugh. 
“It’s worse for me, coach” 
When you got ready for this party, you got dressed for him, your cute short blue dress with silver jewelry, girly makeup. You’ve seen his wife, she’s adorable. You weren’t going to compete but you were going to show off just in case you could get him to notice you.
“Go on’ he said crossing his arms
“Pep, I’m glad I’ve had this opportunity to work with you over the past weeks. But I have to say that I found that you were not only a good coach, but also such a fun person to be around and I like you a lot”
“You make it sound like liking someone as a colleague is a bad thing”
“Because I’m saying that I have a crush on you, guapo”
He laughs while you frown like a little girl “How old are you again, Y/N?” he asked
“23” you shot back” “Well, my wife and I have been together 22 years, you know that?”
“I didn’t but I’m not asking you to marry me or anything,” you said while tucking your hair behind your ear “ I just wanted to tell you -- I just wanted you to know that I’m crazy about you and that maybe if you like me back, just a little bit, you should kiss me before we never see each other again” you finished saying while surprising yourself on how you got the cojones to tell him. “You are out of your mind. I could be your dad and you’re telling me all these things?” “I’m not a lil’ girl, and I don’t care that you’re older than me. I've been with older men before” “You’re drunk and you know what? Don’t go back to the party, just go back to your hotel room”
“but Pep–”
“I said go back to your hotel room, NOW” he said in a voice you had never heard from him. “Fuck” you muttered in frustration while you went back to the hotel to go straight to your room. Once in your bedroom, you calmed down. The adrenaline rush was gone and you realized what you had done. You couldn't do anything except cry, not out of rejection but out of complete embarrassment. You quietly drunk-cried until you fell asleep. 
When you wake up, your roommate was almost already packed.  Your head is throbbing. She said “I’m leaving for the lobby in 5 minutes, but I’ll see you there. Won’t leave until we say good-bye. Va bene?”
“Okay, Vale” you said while rubbing your eyes and went straight for the shower. After getting dressed, taking an aspirin for the hangover, and putting on some makeup, you went to organize your bags. You were trying to finish packing up when someone knocked on your door. You were wondering if your silly roommate left her card-key she needed for the checkout.
You open the door saying, “Did you leave you card-key, silly?”
And there he was, Pep Guardiola with a very serious look on his face.
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were Valentina” you said
“Can I come in to talk?” he asked
“Yea, sure but I’m finishing up packing” you quickly replied
You were scared shitless and embarrassed to see him again but also excited, wondering what exactly he wanted to say. You let him in, and go back to your bed to continue packing up your things.
“I just came to make sure you were okay because you were really drunk last night,” said Pep once in “and said some crazy things.”
“I’m okay, just have a nasty headache” you said while you finished putting the last piece of clothing away in your bag “and I wasn’t saying crazy things,” you turned to look at him “I was telling you the truth”.
If you learned anything from being with guys over 35 years old is that they appreciate directness and love confidence. And even if you were nervous right at that moment,you weren’t going to act like it. He was here, and that was a win. 
“Well, putting your inappropriate comments aside, I hope we can maintain a professional relationship and I wish you the best. I’ll see you in the lobby” he said
“No” you said
“No, What?” 
“ You didn’t come down to my room just to say this little line, Did you?I call bullshit. You could’ve said those exact same words in the lobby or anywhere else but my room”
“ Are you accusing me of something?”
“ I’m accusing you of being intrigued,” you said while getting closer and pressing your fingers on his light training jacket “ I’m saying, maybe you like me”
“You have a lot of nerve”
“Then why haven’t you said no, Pep?”
“No to what?”
You grin and let out a chuckle, he is playing dumb and you know it, he’s into this. You take one more step forward so that’s no space between you two while he stares at you like he wants to kill you for tempting him.
 “To me” you pull his jacket toward you and press your lips against his. He wrapped his hands around your arms with little strength to push you back but his hands melted there and his lips kissed you back. You pull back a bit to get your hands on his face to cup his cheeks and kiss him again with your mouth a bit open to fit his upper lip in between yours. He started to kiss you back with his mouth open as he pulled you towards him while holding your waist, he slipped his tongue into your mouth and you met his with yours. You placed your hands on his shoulder as the kiss became more intense, you could hear his agitated breathing. You wanted him. You weren’t sure how far you could take it as people were waiting for you both but you didn’t care. You pulled slightly away from his mouth, took his hands, and guided him down your ass, “Touch me, please”, he just stared at you, pupils dilated, and did as you said. You kissed his olive-tone neck as he fondled your ass. You went for his mouth again and your hands went down his torso to explore his pants. Your hands found his hard member and rubbed on top of it through his clothes. He groaned into your mouth while your tongue danced with his. You wanted him to feel how much you wanted him, so you parted from the kiss, pulled the elastic from your joggers and panties out to make space for his hand, and with your other hand pulled his hand into your in-between “Feel me” you instructed. He rubbed the folds of your wet core with his fingers while he bit his lips, drawing big circles around your core, it made you so excited you let out a small moan. “How are you this wet? He asked while looking at your moany mouth.“I told you before, I like you, a lot. I want you” you said in a breathless voice as you kissed his chin and neck.
He took this hand out of under your clothes and backed up with a concerned look on his face “We can’t do this”
“Why not? You’re here, aren’t you?” you said while reaching for his arm “you aren’t going to leave me high and dry, are you? You asked in a whiny voice and a pout, but internally you were getting ready to be rejected because you had seen doubt in his expression.
“This is a line I’m not ready to cross, dear” he as he crosses his arms across his chest “I have a family, y/n, I’ve lost control as it is”
“I’m glad you did, though”
“I’m sure” he sighs “I’m going to go the lobby before I do anything else that I will regret”
“Can I have one more, please?”
“One more?”
He came over to you, held your face, and placed a soft kiss on top of your lips. You smiled with your eyes closed and whispered “Thank you”
He let out a small incredilous chuckle “You’re cute” he let go of you and said with intensity that defines him “but this ends here. We’re not going to talk about this, you’re not going to contact me. This is something that’s not happening again. Understood?”
“Yes, coach” you replied, because even though you wanted  to challenge him you know he was serious and you should leave it.
“Good luck with everything” he said as he turned around towards the door
“Hey, Guardiola”
“Smell your fingers” you said while giggling
“Fuck you” he said with a chuckle
He closed the door behind him and you did a little dance in your room and giggled. You let your body slam into the bed. You sighed and touched your lips trying to trace where he had just kissed you. You couldn’t believe it. You actually kissed him, you touched him and he touched you. He was the oldest man you ever had kiss, but probably the most intense of them all. You were warm and fuzzy. How did you pull this off? You thought to yourself.
Valentina gave you a hug near the entrance of the hotel lobby “You took forever! I almost left without saying good-bye”
“I know, sorry! Had to reorganize my bag because I couldn’t close it, and my backpack was full too! But keep in touch and best of luck in Roma, maybe I can visit you sometime”
“Good luck to you too. And text me, you bitch”
“I swear I will” you said and laughed. 
You look around to see if you could see him one more time before you leave for the one week you have left to actually go on vacation before pre-season starts. You did see him, he was saying goodbye to some of the coaching staff, you stared for a lil’ too long and he noticed and looked back. You mouthed off a “bye” and waved. He waved in your direction and immediately kept talking to the people around him. You sighed and left for the airport.
A month into your pre-season with Villareal you were still thinking about Pep and often. You never tried to contact him, but you thought of all the things you would say if you could see him again, you thought about the hotel and the way he kissed you. You had done well during the pre-season, you were disciplined, and were always in the starting eleven. Outside the pitch, you weren’t being too crazy, you only acted out during your one-week vacation in San Sebastian, where you made out with a divorced 30-year-old guy you met at a tapas bar and ended up bar hopping with him. You were chasing the feeling that kissing Pep gave you but it wasn’t even close. Your phone vibrated and you got a notification from a phone you didn’t recognize, it was really late but you weren't sleepy and watching a series.
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You included a picture from your personal trainer's gym you had taken that week. You didn't care if it seemed you were trying hard. You were always going to shoot your shot. He heart-reacted to it but didn't text back. You knew then; he's thinking about you too, even if he's too afraid to admit it. That made you happy.
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