slippinninque · 3 months
☀️☁️Fontaine Fluff ☁️☀️
Lil' fluff for the middle of the week! 😊
a/n: Fontaine x You (black!fem reader)
warnings: nothing much, cursing, loads of fluff and nonsense, fluff-stash, long fic, may have some mistakes 🫣
One of your favorite things about Fontaine is that he got really romantic out the blue.
Not that he wasn't always doting on you when the chance presented itself, he could just get lovey.
You made a mistake once and called him a romantic. He frowned as if you called him something else, something bad.
A lot of kisses was required to smooth things over, but it was worth it to feel how hot his face was.
It was his quietest unkept secret.
It was his biggest tell and it was your most favorite secret.
You'd gladly be the keeper of it.
He'd turn his nose up at any of the classic titles he found scattered in your home, wanting nothing to do with 'that old shit', but will utter the most heart fluttering things when you least expect it.
How you were his "forever garden," always blooming and beautiful when he's sees you.
About how he was sure God put you there for him because if it were the Devil, Fontaine would have already died for you.
When he found a ratty pile of scrap paper with all of his declarations, admissions, and promises--he bashfully hung his head and handed you a heart shaped tin to store them in.
"I need more, y'know." You teased him and eagerly shook the tin to hear the shifting paper and clips clink around.
Fontaine kissed your hand, "A library never runs outta books, baby. Imma make sure your heart is full."
Fontaine will always and forever deny his clinginess.
You can feel it coming in waves, keeping you snug in his arms and feeling you up all over. Putting his hands into your back pockets or up under your hoodie whenever he could. It'd be up to you to escape less you be late for work or any other engagements.
So, you should have saw it coming.
Once you sat down to put on your socks, Fontaine's arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back into him. It was a hilarious angle and you felt one of the socks you managed to put on get left behind as the Fontaine-Dragon drug you back into his horde of blankets.
"Tell 'em your man said you can't come in."
"Hm. That's very tempting but I don't see HR taking that even in writing."
Fontaine huffed but didn't release you. Sighing, you rolled and rolled until you splayed across his chest.
He was half-asleep and indignant. You pinched his cheek and pouted your lips at him.
"C'mon, you gotta let me up." When he cracked open an eye, you widened both of yours going, well?
"I thought you wanted a working lady!"
"...I meant if you worked for me."
"No you did not!"
It was Fontaine's turn to roll over, trapping you beneath him with a comfortable sigh, "Did too. Now go to sleep."
You laughed because it was wild that this man thought going back to sleep would erase your workplace obligations. You did allow yourself to lay there. What was a few more minutes?
How could you tear yourself away from someone who wanted nothing more than you to stay.
If something kept you away from each other for the day, Fontaine would often think of you.
If you had time to eat breakfast, if your coworkers were stressing you out. If you were bored, if you were angry.
Were you thinking of him as much as he was of you?
To keep the restlessness at bay, Fontaine would pick up things. Bits and pieces that reminded him that he would see you soon enough.
There was a soothing effect of looking over and seeing something in his passenger seat that he knew you would like. If he put a seatbelt over it-- that was just for safety, y'know?
He frequented the Eastside of the Glen where a market place would appear a few days out the week. He remembered when his Ma would take him and his brother there to support her homegirl that sold wigs and shoes.
It felt like confirmation when he suggested y'all stroll there on your first not-date.
He's brought you candles, silly looking hair clips big enough to handle all of your hair comfortably and Girl scout cookies from two different scouts ("I ain't wanna cause no drama, baby, they were twins!"). He found the Copper Man and hurriedly brought you a few bangles with hoops to match before he vanished again for another few weeks.
Fontaine has brought you enough potted plants that he's probably paid off Mrs. Emerald's house and made quite the name for himself as a "doting boyfriend" at the Coney Island that had the only chili dogs you liked eating.
You weren't surprised when you were handed a heavy, noisy tote bag filled with miscellaneous trinkets and snacks after your shift was over. You were called in unexpectedly and you knew Fontaine wasn't happy about it, and it made you feel bad that he missed you so much.
Deciding that you would take the next day off, you began going through his love-horde as told him of your sudden upcoming long weekend that you planned on spending with him.
"Saw these an' thought of you"
You gasped and dropped the book pile somewhere on the shelf you called yourself 'organizing'.
Fontaine had that look on his face when you came closer and you narrowed your eyes at him.
Still, the bouquet were gorgeous. Peonies, your favorite flower and one you knew he had to travel to get. All deep pink and fragrant.
Fontaine leaned in to kiss your cheek and nipped your ear lobe, "Pretty n' pink, just like you."
Confused, you looked down at your clothes. You weren't wearing pink today, but when you heard him chuckle--it clicked.
"You scoundrel!" You swatted his shoulder and hid your hot face in the beautiful petals.
Fontaine could be very playful as times. He reminded you of the cute videos of cats walking up to their playmate and hitting them with the skippity-pap before loping away.
It would, more often than not, result in some tusslin'.
When you turned from the fridge and saw Fontaine edging into the kitchen--full you can't see me mode. You hurried but wasn't fast enough to avoid being snatched up.
"No, wait! My juice!" You yelped as your cup was disturbed. To his credit, Fontaine did back off long enough for you to place your innocent apple juice onto the counter.
You tried to skirt past him but Fontaine caught you again with your arms kept to your side. He lifted you off of you feet despite your flailing and skidding feet.
"C'mon now, 'Taine! I still got my fuzzy socks on!
"I know, I know-- I see 'em! It's the only time yo' lil ass is slow!"
"What is even happening?!"
The sternness of your voice was cracked by your laughing as Fontaine tried knocking you over the arm of the couch. You took hold of him and launched you both over yourself.
"Gahdamn, woman, why you fighting me? I'm tryna cuddle!"
"Cuddle? I was minding my own business tryna drink some juice!"
"That's yo' problem right there, always minding your business but not mindin' your man."
"Oop--don't you get out ya pocket, now!"
Tangling, huffin' and puffin'--shocks of laughter as it went to the floor. You had your legs wrapped around one of Fontaine's arms, trying to keep him from using both hands to pinch at your sides.
"I'll snap it off!" You were breathless and a little dizzy, but triumphant.
Fontaine could very well overpower you but judging from his own heavy breathing and mad grin, a truce was more likely.
"Fine, don't cuddle with me then." Fontaine huffed and went ridiculously limp, making you cackle. You saw the mischief all up and through the pout he was trying to pull off and felt him tensing to spring again.
"Oh nah, we gonna cuddle alright! You done made me sweaty and wasted good juice--time for the choke out!"
You both were sitting on your back porch stares, sharing a blunt and watching the starts start to wake.
Your idle conversation stilled into a pleasant silence, listening to the sounds of birds and the neighborhood settling down for the day.
When passing back the blunt, you caught Fontaine watching you with smiling eyes. Fontaine caught your hand and put it to his chest.
"Yours be beatin' like that?"
He spoke to you quietly, as if he didn't even want the clouds to hear and you pressed closer. Wrapping your arms around his waist and putting your ear to his thumping heart.
"Mhmm. Seems to happen all the time these days." You closed your eyes to relish the sound, "Never been like that before."
Fontaine's answering kiss tasted like agreement.
TYSM for reading!!! Im trying to get myself back into the swing of writing and not being so serious sometimes, lol! Thank you to all who supported and encouraged me during this drought of mine! Tell me what you think!
☀️taglist☀️: @megamindsecretlair @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @8ttached @thadelightfulone @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @longpause-awkwardsmile @ms-angiealsina @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93 @ms-angiealsina@sageispunk@hunnishive@notapradagurl7@mcondance@longpause-awkwardsmile@educatorsareslutstoo@miyuhpapayuh@mogul93 @kindofanenigma
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