#fnucking I wrote words
angrylittleburd · 26 days
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 1O people in your notifications. Whoever ya want to 💜
Friends/ Family - First and foremost the people I love and associate with willingly mean the most to me. Both IRL and Online. I'm extremely extroverted and 10 out of 9 times any experience worth having is improved when shared with someone you love.
Creating - Surprise Surprise the artist likes to create stuff. I ain't just talking about drawing though. The act of creating itself is just so fun. Thinking up characters, worlds, scenarios, etc. and then sharing these ideas through drawings, short-stories, DMing for table top games, role-playing, or heck just sitting with someone who wants to hear it and talking out loud about it. That's just half of it. I haven't even talked about getting to enjoy and or interact with other peoples creations.
Comedy - Humor holds a special place in my heart. I love jokes and the joy of being silly. Laughter is the most beautiful sound someone can make. Whether making someone laugh with my own jokes or laughing along to someone else's. Having a good sense of humor and knowing not everything has to be taken seriously leads to a happy life. Comedy can keep people humble when they get too full of themselves but it also helps cheer people up when they are down.
Tragedy - Hey man, everything in balance ya know? I know I just got done saying all that stuff about comedy and joy but a world full of only punchlines ain't for me. If you know me, you know I love a good tragedy. I LOVE putting characters in situations. Not every story has to have a happy ending. I will quickly clarify I am mainly referring to tragedies that come from fictional sources, such as sad movies, books or scenarios I put fictional characters in. But I will say while I derive no joy from real world misfortune, big or small, there is an appreciation for the contrast created when talking about personal misfortune. The sense of relief or triumph wouldn't be as sweet if the bitter taste of defeat wasn't so pungent, ya know?
Hyper-Fixations - I made a whole comic talking about the struggles of hyper-fixating on stuff and how it sucks when you suddenly lose interest in something. But look if you gotta endure the lows you might as well enjoy the highs. Its FUN to find a new source of media/ content and/or some niche interest that just encapsulates you. Heck re-discovering or reigniting an old fixation is fun! I dunno, this one really doesn't need as much explaining I feel, its fun to be interested in stuff.
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