#fmf 2023
estiloconsultorias · 1 year
Moda: Festival da Moda de Fortaleza (FMF) promete aquecer economia do setor e estimular venda para mais de 200 lojistas
Após dois anos de pausa por conta da pandemia e com um novo formato híbrido, Mana e Manoel Holanda estão a todo vapor para mais uma edição do tradicional FMF – Festival da Moda de Fortaleza, que acontecerá nos dias 17, 18 e 19 de abril, no novo lounge do Maraponga Mart Moda, com ações presenciais e transmissões ao vivo pelas redes sociais do shopping.O evento conta com programação gratuita e é…
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Okay I'm currently on season 3 of Drive To Survive and I just have one thought: How pissed was Lewis Hamilton back in 2020 with the FIA? I mean he got so many penalties it's kinda crazy😂 Not gonna lie, I think he made his opinion pretty clear on the FIA's decision during covid so I can just picturing him going "Screw the rules". Low key love that for him, I can't stop thinking about it😂 I also adore Gasly, he just really went out there and said, I'm gonna show Red Bull they made the wrong decision and I love that for him! Also, Christian not admitting they made a mistake, and being like, we want to give space to Alex when they dropped Gasly MID SEASON is just one of the many reasons I don't like him. That and him mentioning "Verstappen" every other sentence that comes out of him. And reporting Mercedes. Actually, it's a long list so I'll stop now.
Also, there is a channel in my country that shows the race so I saw it on Sunday and I was watching the comments on twitter as well. Everybody was saying how boring the race was and I was just at the edge of my seat waiting for Hamilton to get past Sainz (really pissed that it didn't happen). Also loved the fact that Max couldn't catch up to Perez, I have to admit I don't like either of them very much, but I really don't like Max so I didn't really mind (please don't come at me, I just don't like him). Also loved Charles he is amazing( I just watched the episode where Ferrari dropped Vettel and I'm a little pissed at that, I really liked him and Charles as team mates).
Also, on the channel back in my country they send a reporter there who kinda gives a tour of the faculties and as he was talking Hamilton passed him and he just stopped talking for a minute and then continued. Personally, I would have dropped everything and ran behind him, rip him but I'm a hoe first and human second.
Okay, that's it for now, also read the latest FMF chapter and I absolutely loved it, I think it's one of my favourite chapters you have ever written and oh god THE VISUALS, sometimes I wish your fanfics were movies because the scene with David standing behind Max, I could just picture it and seriously needed a moment to myself after reading it. Many thoughts about it that I will share with you later. I'm sorry you have a tough month ahead of you, I hope it gets better. Sending you strength and love to get through it(and this real of the cuttest little kitty on earth )🌷🩷
Fuck the FIA. Seriously. Fuck them. They just love to hate Lewis. Like those bitches banned him (and all drivers) from wearing jewelry instead of fixing actual shit that needs to be fixed (not Lewis getting a new nose stud lmao love him). If you think they are being unfair now, I CANNOT WAIT for you to watch season 4. Please let me know your thoughts when you finish it!! Please! Also the FIA recently (2023) banned drivers from making 'political statements' on the track (Wtf??) anyway this was Lewis' response and I was on my knees oof.
Gasly is lovely! I want him to get more points!!
This race was 'comparatively' more boring than the other ones. Because that track is a tricky one and we expected more crashes (safe ones!) and drama. You should've seen the Aussy GP (the one before this!!) it was total chaos! I hope you watch the rest of the races too!!! I really wanted Lewis to overtake Sainz too and god he tried so hard but he just didn't have the pace. i hope that car gets better with the season!!!!
Fuck Verstappen. He is such a cunt.
Charles ♥️ (did you know he was originally my cast for Lance lmaooo)
I love Vettel. I wish he was still here 🥺
Thank you for loving FMF. I love youuuuu.
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libertariantaoist · 10 months
News Roundup 8/31/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 8/31/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Wednesday that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia would not be possible without help from the West, Russia’s TASS news agency reported. AWC
Fresh from a trip to Kyiv, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) is arguing that the US is getting its “money’s worth” in Ukraine because Russia is taking losses and no Americans are dying, showing a lack of concern for Ukrainian lives. AWC
Ukrainian officials have sharply criticized Pope Francis for an address he gave to young Russian Catholics, accusing him of spreading “imperialist propaganda” for saying Russians should be proud of their heritage. AWC
The Biden administration has approved the first-ever military aid package for Taiwan using Foreign Military Financing (FMF), a State Department program that gives foreign governments money to buy US arms. AWC
An influential group of British members of parliament referred to Taiwan as an “independent country” in a report issued Wednesday as British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly is visiting China. AWC
Hours after the US flew bombers in separate joint air drills with Tokyo and Seoul, North Korea test fired two short-range ballistic missiles. This comes as Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), has warned that increased military provocations by the US, Japan, and South Korea could cause a nuclear war. The Institute
Over thirty people were killed in a battle between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Deir el-Zour Military Council (DEMC). Both the SDF and DEMC are supported by the US. The Institute
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warlikeparakeet2 · 2 years
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in December 2011, once seen as a triumph for the Obama administration, became a cautionary tale as the rise of ISIS prompted their return in 2014.
This is one reason why U.S. troops have remained in Iraq, despite the successful dismantling of ISIS by the end of 2018. Since then, the degradation of ISIS has continued, and any benefits of keeping U.S. troops there as a stopgap against its resurgence are now overshadowed by the risks of exposure to the tit-for-tat game of face-saving exchanges of fire, with Iran-aligned militias.
In Iraq, Washington cannot have it all, but with a touch of creativity and realistic expectations, it can still adequately safeguard its interests after U.S. troops leave, likely with reduced cost and better outcomes.
The United States remains the most important enabler of Iraq’s security forces and largest single donor of humanitarian assistance to Iraq. Congress has approved $1.25 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for Iraq — allocated at $250 million annually — from 2019 through 2023. Since 2014, the U.S. has delivered a total of $3.5 billion in humanitarian aid to Iraq. This aid extends well beyond self-serving interests to tangibly improve the lives of Iraqis, including rehabilitating nine water treatment plants in Basra, a stronghold of Iran-aligned militias, providing clean water to 640,000 people, and offering cash assistance to those displaced in Erbil due to the war with ISIS. The U.S. has invested tens of millions of dollars in other projects, too, from the maintenance of the Mosul Dam to the preservation of historic and cultural sites, to financing higher education.
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Stroobos - Bij de laatste boomplantdag van dit seizoen van Beammen foar Elkenien in Stroobos helpen studenten van de hotelschool in Leeuwarden en NHL Stenden Hospitality Group op woensdag 28 februari 2024 mee. Er worden deze dag honderden bomen geplant. Het project heeft als doel om de lokale biodiversiteit te versterken en landschapselementen te herstellen. In Stroobos steken zo’n 30 studenten - inclusief Marco ten Hoor, directeur Hotel Management School Leeuwarden en Shaun Broers, directeur NHL Stenden Hospitality Group - de handen uit de mouwen. De Friese Milieu Federatie (FMF), Landschapsbeheer Friesland en Trees for All leiden deze plantdag in goede banen. De studenten gaan aan de slag in het kader van Hotels for Trees, een stichting die bijdraagt aan een groenere (hotel)wereld. Voor iedere dag dat een gast ervoor kiest de kamerschoonmaak over te slaan, wordt er één boom gepland in een project in Nederland of in een project in het buitenland. Voor de uitvoering van de bebossingsprojecten werkt Hotels for Trees samen met de stichting Trees for All. Zo dragen ze bij aan een beter klimaat, meer biodiversiteit en gezonde leefomstandigheden. In Stroobos, op een perceel met weinig groen, zijn in november al zo'n 1000 struikbomen geplant. Nu volgen de laatste 600. Er worden twee soorten geplant: de meidoornhaag en de ligusterhaag. Doordat het inheemse soorten zijn, dragen ze optimaal bij aan het versterken van de lokale biodiversiteit en passen ze goed in het landschap. Achtergrondinformatie Beammen foar Elkenien Beammen foar Elkenien is een project van de FMF in samenwerking met Landschapsbeheer Friesland. Het project wordt voor een groot deel gefinancierd door stichting Trees for All. Daarnaast zijn er bijdragen van onder meer het Iepen Mienskipsfûns. De uitvoering is in de plantseizoenen 2022/2023 en 2023/2024. Beammen foar Elkenien is onderdeel van hetoverkoepelende project Plan Boom van de Natuur en Milieufederaties. Het doel van Plan Boom is om landelijk een miljoen bomen te planten in tuinen, bermen, plantsoenen, parken, bedrijvengebied en in het buitengebied. Hiermee leggen we CO2 vast en wordt onze leefomgeving mooier, groener, frisser en gezonder.
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gazeta24br · 5 months
Parceria chega ao seu terceiro ano consecutivo e contará com ação da empresa para premiar o melhor jogador em campo nas semifinais e finais com troféus estilizados feitos em aço Gerdau A Gerdau é patrocinadora pelo terceiro ano consecutivo do Campeonato Mineiro de Futebol 2024. Repetindo a ação de sucesso da edição 2023, a produtora de aço repetirá o momento de homenagear o melhor jogador em campo nas semifinais e finais com a entrega de troféus feitos em aço Gerdau para o jogador “melhor em campo”. Para a companhia, que está presente em Minas Gerais há quase 40 anos, o patrocínio reforça a estratégia de valorização do estado por esporte, além de intensificar os laços da companhia com os torcedores e torcedoras de Minas Gerais. “O futebol é um esporte universal que desempenha um papel significativo em várias dimensões da sociedade. As pessoas se identificam fortemente com seus times e jogadores favoritos, criando laços afetivos. O esporte também é uma forma de transformação social, expressão cultural e reflexão das tradições locais, vindo ao encontro dos nossos valores e seguindo a diretriz dos nossos investimentos”, afirma o diretor global de Comunicação e Relações Institucionais da Gerdau, Pedro Torres. A competição começa nesta quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro, e segue no calendário esportivo até o dia 6 de abril, quando acontecerá a tão esperada final. Campeonato Mineiro Sicoob 2024 O Campeonato Mineiro de Futebol de 2024 – Módulo I, oficialmente denominado como Campeonato Mineiro Sicoob 2024, é a principal divisão do futebol de Minas e terá sua 110ª edição. A competição é organizada pela Federação Mineira de Futebol (FMF) e será disputada por 12 clubes. O formato de disputa será mantido da mesma forma que ocorreu em 2023, também em respeito ao Estatuto do Torcedor, que prevê o mínimo de dois anos vigentes do regulamento. Na primeira fase do estadual, as 12 equipes se dividirão em três grupos com quatro times em cada chave. No sorteio, os clubes foram divididos em quatro potes, com o trio da capital (América, Atlético e Cruzeiro) sendo cabeças de chave. As novidades entre os participantes, que conquistaram o acesso neste ano para a elite, são o Itabirito, clube fundado em 2022 com o modelo de SAF, e o Uberlândia, que retorna após uma temporada. Caldense e Democrata-SL foram rebaixados em 2023.
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Satchel's 23 of '23 Chart by DJ Satchel
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- Artists: DJ Satchel DATE CREATED: 2023-12-19 GENRES: Jackin House, House, Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass, Tech House, Deep House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Funky House, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Jamie Jones, Mata Jones - Lose My Mind(Mata Jones Extended Remix) 2. Mason Maynard - You(Original Mix) 3. ANOTR, Abel Balder - Relax My Eyes(Original Mix) 4. ESSEL - The Edge(Extended Mix) 5. Westend, Noizu, No/Me - Push To Start feat. No/Me(Original Mix) 6. Aluna, Chris Lake - Beggin'(Extended Mix) 7. wAFF - Slapfunk(Original Mix) 8. Four Tet, Skrillex, Fred again.. - Baby again..(Original Mix) 9. VNSSA - One Pill(Original Mix) 10. Chris Stussy - All Night Long(Original Mix) 11. Swavé - Still Learning(Original Mix) 12. Joshwa - Magalenha(Extended Mix) 13. Gettoblaster, Frivolous Jackson - Ghetto Style(Original Mix) 14. Beltran (BR) - Unfair(Original Mix) 15. AJ Christou - No Fear(Original Mix) 16. Viot, Vitor Vinter - FMF(Original Mix) 17. DJ Susan, Chris Diaz - Vibe Check( Read the full article
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muznew · 6 months
Satchel's 23 of '23 Chart by DJ Satchel
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- Artists: DJ Satchel DATE CREATED: 2023-12-19 GENRES: Jackin House, House, Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass, Tech House, Deep House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Funky House, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Jamie Jones, Mata Jones - Lose My Mind(Mata Jones Extended Remix) 2. Mason Maynard - You(Original Mix) 3. ANOTR, Abel Balder - Relax My Eyes(Original Mix) 4. ESSEL - The Edge(Extended Mix) 5. Westend, Noizu, No/Me - Push To Start feat. No/Me(Original Mix) 6. Aluna, Chris Lake - Beggin'(Extended Mix) 7. wAFF - Slapfunk(Original Mix) 8. Four Tet, Skrillex, Fred again.. - Baby again..(Original Mix) 9. VNSSA - One Pill(Original Mix) 10. Chris Stussy - All Night Long(Original Mix) 11. Swavé - Still Learning(Original Mix) 12. Joshwa - Magalenha(Extended Mix) 13. Gettoblaster, Frivolous Jackson - Ghetto Style(Original Mix) 14. Beltran (BR) - Unfair(Original Mix) 15. AJ Christou - No Fear(Original Mix) 16. Viot, Vitor Vinter - FMF(Original Mix) 17. DJ Susan, Chris Diaz - Vibe Check( Read the full article
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estiloconsultorias · 1 year
Eventos: Festival da Moda de Fortaleza (FMF) promove workshops gratuitos
O Festival da Moda de Fortaleza ( FMF) 2023 abre as portas para alunos, empreendedores, revendedores(as) de atacado e profissionais de vários nichos, além da moda, que poderão participar de eventos gratuitos nos dias 17, 18 e 19 de abril no Maraponga Mart Moda. Os workshops acontecem durante o período da tarde. Luciana Carvalho, Carol Athayde e Silvia Façanha falarão sobre “Imagem, estilo e…
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andronetalks · 8 months
US State Department Suspends Long-Term Contracting for Ukraine
Sputnik International October 2, 2023 WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States has suspended Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) and Foreign Military Financing (FMF) contracting programs for Ukraine, US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said on Monday. “While we have some remaining drawdown authority that we can draw on to continue to provide security assistance to Ukraine in…
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ghanashowbizonline · 10 months
Charlotte Bank of America Stadium confirmed as venue for Ghana vs Mexico friendly
The Ghana Football Association and the Federación Mexicana de Fútbol (FMF) have jointly announced the venue for the international friendly match between the national teams of Ghana and Mexico. The match is scheduled to take place in the month of October 2023, specifically on Saturday, October 14. In an official statement released by the Ghana Football Association, it has been confirmed that the…
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redtnjalisco · 11 months
jaime Lozano apareció en redes sociales para agrader la confianza que le otorgó la Federación Mexicana de Futbol (FMF), al cederle el banquillo que consolidó con la obtención de la Copa Oro 2023, sin embargo, en los últimos días la afición azteca ha pedido con fuerza su permanencia en el puesto que dejó vacante Diego Cocca. “Gracias a ustedes por confiar. Esta copa es de todo México”, fue lo que respondió Jaime Lozano a la publicación de Ivar Sisniega, presidente de la Federación Mexicana de Futbol (FMF), tras la obtención del título. Por otro lado, Ivar Sisniega, presidente de la […] https://talajalisconoticias.com/gracias-por-confiar-en-mi-jimmy-lozano-a-fmf/?feed_id=8324&_unique_id=64c5f23995551
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Luverdense confirma que não participará da Copa FMF 2023
O Luverdense confirmou nesta terça-feira (20) sua decisão de não participar da Copa FMF 2023. A confirmação foi feito com o envio ofício para a Federação Mato-grossense de Futebol, responsável pela organização da competição. Segundo diretores do clube de Lucas do Rio Verde, o LEC passa por reestruturação e está trabalhando para voltar com força total na temporada 2024. O Luverdense é o maior…
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regioonlineofficial · 5 months
Voor de Kringlogo-prijs 2024 zoekt de Friese Milieufederatie (FMF) naar het meest duurzame burgerinitiatief van Provincie Fryslân. Deze prijs ontvangt de winnaar tijdens de Week van de Circulaire Economie. Hiermee komt het initiatief, net als de winnaar van vorig jaar, volop in de spotlights te staan. Initiatieven kunnen zich nu aanmelden om kans te maken op deze circulaire prijs.  De FMF ondersteunt Friesen die zich inzetten voor een circulaire samenleving. Dit gaat om initiatieven die vermindering, hergebruik en recycling van spullen stimuleren. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan initiatieven om voedselverspilling tegen te gaan of campagnes om afval te voorkomen en recyclen. Ook gaat het over projecten die bepaalde producten of diensten met elkaar delen, zoals een deelauto en deelgereedschap. Een mooi voorbeeld is Better Foar Letter. Dit is de winnaar van de Kringlogo-prijs 2023 in Fryslân. De buurtmarkt-voedselcoöperatie 'Better foar Letter', opgezet door gepassioneerde vrijwilligers, zorgt voor een kortere voedselketen, minder voedsel verspilling, voedsel zonder verpakking, minder CO2 uitstoot en heel veel gelukkige leden. Kringlogo-prijs 2024  En ook dit jaar zal een circulair initiatief in Fryslân in het zonnetje worden gezet! In de Week van de Circulaire Economie (van 11 tot en met 16 maart 2024), zal bekendgemaakt worden aan wie Better foar Letter de Kringlogo-prijs mag doorgeven. De winnaar van de Kringlogo-prijs 2024 ontvangt een geldbedrag van 100 euro als symbool van steun en mag een jaar lang het Kringlogo gebruiken in al hun uitingen. Bovendien krijgt het meest duurzame initiatief veel landelijke en provinciale publiciteit. Deelnemen aan de Kringlogo-wedstrijd kan met een eigen initiatief of door een initiatief uit de buurt te nomineren. Aanmelden kan tot en met 9 februari 2024 via een contactpersoon in de provincie.  Voor het nomineren van een burgerinitiatief, stuur een mail naar Tess Schram via [email protected] en beantwoord in de mail de volgende vragen: Naam van het initiatief Naam van de contactpersoon Kun je één of twee voorbeelden noemen van circulaire activiteiten van het initiatief? Wat maakt deze activiteit(en) zo succesvol? Wanneer is het initiatief gestart? Met wie of welke partijen wordt het initiatief uitgevoerd? Wordt het initiatief geheel door vrijwilligers uitgevoerd? Waarom kan het initiatief dit steuntje in de rug goed gebruiken? De Kringlogo-prijs is een initiatief van de gezamenlijke Natuur en Milieufederaties. 
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djmusicbest · 8 months
Traxsource Essential Tech 2023-09-11
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-10-14 Tracklist : 01. Corey James, Dice Of Nights – Slip (Extended Mix).mp3 02. DJ PP, Gabriel Rocha – Fire Snake (Original Mix).mp3 03. Catz ‘n Dogz, Nala – Me Me Me (Original Mix).mp3 04. Patrick Wayne, DJ THREEJAY – Route 66 (Main).mp3 05. Solardo, Mandalo – Lemon & Lime (Extended Mix).mp3 06. Stanny Abram – Windy City (Extended Mix).mp3 07. Ky William, Jeff Sorkowitz – Bad Reputation (Original Mix).mp3 08. M. Rodriguez, Mark Wheels – Toomuch (Dub Mix).mp3 09. Joe Diem, Guezmark – Rhythm (Radio Edit).mp3 10. Jesse Perez, Drty Tropix – Sweat (Original Mix).mp3 11. DJ Wady – Jack (Original Mix).mp3 12. Kristin Velvet – Scratchin’ (Original Mix).mp3 13. Doctor Jack – VAI VAI VAI (Original Mix).mp3 14. Massimo Conte – The Block (Original Mix).mp3 15. Francesco Dinoia – In My Room (Original Mix).mp3 16. Davide Messina – Perillipsi (Original Mix).mp3 17. Viot, Vitor Vinter – FMF (Original Mix).mp3 18. Half Caste – Just Give Em Up! (Original Mix). Read the full article
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