#flux buddies imposter
pet-cemetery-emotes · 3 months
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This bitch breeds like tribbles. Neuter your cats, people.
"This user is Lalna... sort of." Userboxes.
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fluxedbuds · 1 year
What was your favorite thing from each season of flux buddies you remember? Apprentice for me gotta be portal to the moon episode. Moonquest is probably the introduction to tiddles/the sapphire. Flux buddies 1.0 is the magic police crossover that shit blew my mind. FB2.0 I think the episode where they just talked the smut books cracked me up way too much. 3.0 the only thing I remember is the episode with 5 and Lalnable underground going crazy and 4.0 was just an awkwardly written love letter to the fans that stuck through that I appreciate
GOD I actually have answers for all of these that I barely had to think about (except 3 but. Nothing Happened In 3 lol)
For Apprentice it's absolutely 100% the scene where Nano comes out of the tower and starts yelling at Lalna, and Lalna is backing up and freaked out- I even wanted to do a scene redraw of that, but I never got very far on it 😔
Moonquest. I mean. Do you even have to ask. (I really get the feeling, Duncan-)
FB1.. OH it's GOTTA be them finding the lab are you KIDDING, that scene gets me hyped EVERY time!! And then lalna starts visibly showing flux afterwards which is a secondary fav. Runner up is Nano cursing Lalna and then almost having to go get Lom to undo it lmao
FB2 I mean.. the whole imposter reveal is a contender ofc, but I think my actual favorite moment is Lalna chasing after Lalnable in the rain while Nano has already given up and is telling him to come back. It's a small thing and doesn't hold any actual plot importance but it's a really good moment
FB3. Again nothing happened. But it was funny when the Doctor suddenly started existing just to yell at them lmao. I also like this one quick moment where Kim tries to bring up the plot- I mean Nano tries to bring up the clone situation and Lalna is just like 'Nope I Do Not See It'
FB4 fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you hitting it The Entire Final Episode Makes Me Fucking Explode and I'm STILL UPSET THEY SEPARATED THEM PUT THEM BACK!!!!!!!
I did like specifically Nano's note to Five. It confirmed a lot of things I'd always thought about her, especially the desire for a family, and it also shows how much she's grown and changed since Apprentice.
And then that next to Lalna's continued refusal to face what's happening, right up until the very end.. He didn't want to believe Nano was really going to kill herself. He could've stopped her, but he couldn't accept the idea at all. And even once she's gone, he can't admit it- asking where she is, having to be dragged out of a collapsing deadly dimension.. he's changed a lot too, but, it wasn't enough.
MAN FB4 was objectively bad and full of the endings of massively important arcs they had to skip to get Anything finished, but they went all in on the finale, and I hate it so so so much put themBACK
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
Among Us AU
(( It was only a matter of time... bots, we have imposter(s) among us!))
Nanostorm - Purple suit, black matte view glass, no pets/helmet décor
Crewmate - Always goes off alone to complete tasks; is never killed. Very quiet during discussions and is not easily swayed to vote.
Imposter - Impales all crew members (and other imposters); does not use vents; favors airlocks
Nitroxide - Green suit, yellow view glass, plant on helmet, robot pet
Crewmate - Always teams up with another person to complete tasks; teammate always ends up dead. Voice of reason during discussions.
Imposter - Sabotages everything all the time; uses gun; proficient at vents; guards Nanostorm
Powerhouse - Pink suit, gold view glass, several mini crewmates
Crewmate - Always teams up; usually ends up being double-killed with buddy. Trusts and defends others too easily during discussions.
Imposter - Sticks with a single person the entire time to slide under detection; gets the final kill; uses hands; never vents
Solar Pax - Yellow suit [all the other colors were taken before he got there], red view glass, cat ears
Crewmate - Tries to team up with others, but usually ends up being left behind while doing tasks; always assumes someone else will fix the sabotages; dies early on; extremely proficient at tasks but doesn’t do them.
Imposter - Gets ejected after killing two or less crew members; always sounds too suspect when making accusations; uses hands; bad at venting
Starprowler - Black suit, gold view glass, horns
Crewmate - Usually goes it alone, but does team up; usually finds the crime scene; observes others closely and rarely misses bodies/vents; always accuses and votes for someone to be ejected on gut instinct; goes to electrical and security by self (and survives).
Imposter - Vent kills! Oh the vent kills!; pretends to be doing a task and kills crew as they walk up; uses knife.
Shamble - Orange suit, blue view glass, crystal
Crewmate - Teams up with anyone (except Decepticons); ends up paired with an imposter often; very loud during discussions; always votes to eject.
Imposter - Sabotages lights and kills in the darkness; proficient at double-kills with imposter teammates; uses gun and knife.
Nightsiren - Red suit, red view glass, energon cube hat
Crewmate - Teams up with anyone (except Autobots); usually leaves their teammate after a while to strike out on their own; always dies in electrical or security. Votes randomly.
Imposter - Chases; uses gun; does not vent; sabotages oxygen and reactors; reports bodies and lies about their location.
Crux - Blue suit, lime view glass, stethoscope
Crewmate - always goes to medical; usually teams with Flux; votes the same as Flux 90% of the time; stacking strategy with Flux; fixes oxygen; never goes to electrical
Imposter - unless teamed with Flux, accuses Flux; usually gets Flux ejected; uses gun; lock door - stab- vent specialist.
Flux - Lime suit, blue view glass, stethoscope
Crewmate - always goes to medical; usually teams with Crux and never accuses him; is very loud during discussions; stacking strategy with Crux; fixes oxygen; goes to electrical if Crux is dead
Imposter - never accuses Crux during discussions; guards Crux and leaves him for last; uses gun; corridor kills
Requiem - Cyan suit, green view glass, Plague Mask
Crewmate - the “quiet” one; watches others; very good at spotting imposters pretending to do tasks; doesn’t say much during discussions, but speaks with authority when he does; goes to electrical alone and survives; very fast at opening doors and repairing sabotages.
Imposter - Impales all crew members (and other imposters), but also uses gun, knife and hands; vent proficient; very good at accusing during discussions; almost always last imposter on board
Fireball - White suit, frosted view glass, no décor/pet 
Crewmate - Always accuses Starprowler, sometimes Dealbreaker just because; pretends to do her tasks; doesn’t fix sabotages; just here to catch others in the act; gets ejected often.
Imposter - Throws partner(s) to the mob; very good at accusing during discussions; always pretends to do tasks; uses gun and hands; kills in front of Dealbreaker and gets away with it.
Dealbreaker - Brown suit, holographic view glass, two hamsters
Crewmate - Never accuses (or reports) Fireball; very efficient at all tasks except for card scans; buddies up as much as possible; misses bodies because he’s not paying attention. 
Imposter - Accidentally reports his own kills; gets stuck in vents; likes to lock doors and turn the lights off; makes spooky noises; kills when buddy is not looking; uses hands.
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