#flowmer anon
askwitchsheart · 2 years
*pokes Sirus pokes Sirius pokes Sirius pokes Sirius*
I want to ask something about your clothes here but I don't know what to ask... Is there anything you want to share about them?? Any cool facts, little things that make you happy??
Also *gives him a little cookie that looks like a moon* hope you enjoy!
~ flower
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you realize you are allowed to stop that, yes?
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my clothes? so that's what you're curious about today i see
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for the majourity of it, nothing too special, just a mix of pieces i found laying around the mansion and the rest i bought
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but i did actually made this cape myself! it was quite see, endeavor, to put it lightly
but we all know it turned out quite nicely, as you see
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i did also find the earring here...but i do believe it belonged to lady dorothy at one point, since it was with her things
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i also pierced that ear myself
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it was a very bad idea
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hm, that does look quite appetizing at the moment, i hope to enjoy it
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hi hi Ashe!!!
What's this? Flower anon is no longer an anon? For what reason you ask?
Because I made a couple doodles of you and a kitty and I want to show you teehee >w<
Hope you don't mind being drawn!
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~ flower ^^
(not sure if I'll continue to be anon after this or not we'll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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eheheheh sorry flower, for my unnerving silence
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i'm just so................. surprised, taking aback, if you will
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sorry, i'm truly not quite sure what i'm supposed to say
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well, i do suppose a 'thank you' is in order then
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i am fully aware of how this is going to sound incredibly cliché
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thank you, thank you, thank you
gah these are absolutely adorable, so damn cute too
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but truly, it means so much to me, thank you
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hmm so a solid no from you then...
(and is a human a ravioli? :P )
~ flower
(these types of debates were prominent in a fic I read once and I'd find it again but I don't remember it all other than that lmao. I am gonna keep)
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claire are you trying to have the worst takes possible?! OF COURSE IT ISN'T!!!
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while i don't think it is, but i could understand why you would say that
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i don't want to get involved with this
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wilardo! if nothing else, quickly state your opinions and leave!
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..........it's a matter of perspective
how does that work?
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i should've expected no less from you
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are humans.....ravioli?! you can't be serious with this!
if it was the demons saying that, in fact, they are already chanting it
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oh not again
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flower you truly have the worst takes i have EVER SEEN
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are humans what? that's so gross.....
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noel, what do you mean not again?
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there...there was a thing........with, it's so gross i don't even want to think about it
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it was literal human ravioli, appetizing right?
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please, i'm going to be sick
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we could rip pippi to shreds again, if it would make you feel better
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lucy that is not-
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*pippi terrified screeching*
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ashe what has gotten into you?
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it's a cooking related thing, he refuses to help us cook anymore
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i'm going to go ahead and leave now...
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honestly, weirdly entertaining
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hi hi claire do you have a favorite sweet? :D actually, I'm addressing this to everyone here. does anyone here have a favorite sweet? :)
(hides a bag of sweets behind their back and when everyone has answered I give each of them the sweet they mentioned) tadaa! :D Here you go!
~ flower
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favourite type of sweets? I am more than happy to answer your question
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honestly, i like anything that's sweet, and i really mean anything
i have a particular soft spot for shortcake though, i helped start the scp with ashe for a reason
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i personally am partial to anything that has a remotely sweet flavour, but not too overbearing and it's sweetness, it sometimes is a fine line to walk
but i definitely have a soft spot for dark chocolate, in my opinion, it perfectly balances sweetness but not in an overbearing way
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sweets............... aren't really my thing, sorry
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as long as it's easily digestible, i don't have much of a preference
i do really like sweet red wine though
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anything sweet that's an assorted mix of colours is fine by me
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oh? thank you it's really good!
i suppose it's not bad
i appreciate you two eating them for me
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thank you, this tastes amazing
indeed, these are very good, you have my thanks
mod note: special little shout out goes to guy0509, thanks for the help
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hmm... hey, Ashe Claire Sirius and Wilardo I hear you had plans with Noel? He's fine but there's magic going on and he's trapped with the demons in a tiny house. He has gotten food & water so he should be fine for a while but I wanted to let you guys know.
~ flower
(also aha hi. sorry for not sending any asks for a while I didn't really have any ideas ^^")
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since when has this sort of thing possible?!?!
is there a way we could get them out? or are they just gonna be magically trapped forever? gah and wh-
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ashe please calm down, you're gonna start hyperventilating
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that explains why we haven't seen any of the red monsters all evening
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sirius, you and granny dorothy learned different magic related things, right?
was this sort of thing ever in the wheelhouse of what you learned?
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well we did accidentally shrink a rabbits body that one time, but not the head
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but i never perfected it, nor learned the reverse, thanks to a.........certain someone's father
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gahh, of course..........him
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that's quite a scary face for you
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ahahah sorry, no need to worry about it
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presumably you two are in reference to noel's father?
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ah! how do you-
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i told him, it just kind of got brought up in conversation
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i see
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not to seem too pushy, but i believe this really isn't related to the current topic
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ashe's right, what's the plan then?
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sirius! do you think you could reverse engineer that potion you learned?
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and risk making the situation worse? i think not!
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you two, now is not the time
i think we should search all over the mansion and first see if we can't find this.......place first
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i think wilardo is right, search first, worry about anything else later
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i also think going in pairs would be best
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alright, ashe, do you wanna search together?
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ah miss claire, sorry about that
i think that'll be fine, yes
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then it's me and wilardo
you to search the upper floors first, we'll search the lower floors first
and meet back here in the dining room after
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sounds like a plan sirius
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i also think we should search the fantasy spaces just to be safe
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right, got it
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
I am giving Lime a cupcake! It is not poisoned and I am running away the moment it's in her hands. goodbye lime, enjoy!
~ flower
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charlie you're an expert at this, could you check for poison?
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oh sure
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you wouldn't mind if charlie has just a little, right? for posterity of checking it
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alright fine, since it's you nya
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charlie thinks it's clear so good too
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oh really? thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
do you wanna split it 50-50?
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you think charlie will say no? eheheh
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
Hey Ashe, how are you doing? here, I got you something!
*gives him a little cat figure*
Sorry I can't do much to help free you :( I hope people aren't being too mean to you !
~ flower
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hm, you do now?
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i- wh- for.........me?
...................why though?
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this is not to say i don't appreciate it, because i really really do, thank you
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your consistent kindness is just.............baffling to me, that's all
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hey Ashe do you wanna help me annoy Sirius by hiding fake flowers all around the mansion so he keeps finding them even when he thinks he's gotten rid of them all? I think it could be really funny!
~ flower
(they're all living at the mansion right. if not then wherever they currently live at-)
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oh oh oh?
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count me in, sounds like it would be fun
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of trust me, i am more than happy to get back at him for what he did
mod note: for all intensive purposes of these posts, sure why not
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hey Noeeel
could you lean down for me pretty please?
*plops down a flower crown on his head*
hehehe do you like it?
~ flower
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hi there
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could i? yes of course *he leans down*
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it's beautiful, and that's such a nice gesture from you, thank you
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
Ashe, I have some news!
Sirius has been convinced to free you! but. he's busy with... something. apparently. so I have no clue when that's happening. I tried to remind him but he appears to still be busy... there's a chance when he returns though! and if that doesn't work out I hope another solution will be found...
also here's some more water! I don't know how much you have with you. I'd give you some tea for variety too but I don't know if you like it...
~ flower
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really? that is definitely a surprise
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thank you for the water though
that reminds me, maybe i should actually sit down and take the time to make myself some tea, whenever i'm out of here
cause i usually just get too busy to have time
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
why is everyone being so mean to Ashe :(( I'm giving him a flower and it will be nice >:(
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you would do that for me?
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thank you, really. it's a beautiful flower
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
That thought has come across my mind more than once and I wanted to share it with someone and you were the first to come to mind honestly. which I now realize the Implications-
anyways do you think cereal is soup
~ flower
(was this The Question of the debate? or was it something else...)
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fair enough
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not originally the reasoning i had in mind, but this one is much preferred
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and i'm sorry, is cereal what?
do you care to repeat that abomination of a phrase?
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surely this can't be a serious question, right?
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well, in the event that it is-
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ah, my apologies i'm really blowing this out of proportion
but the answer is a solid no though
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
I think the colors on the blog look really nice now! :) they fit together pretty well :P
~ flower
thank you flowmer :D
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
hey Siiiriii~♪
How are you doing bestieee
What's your taste in music? :P
~ flower
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bestie? what sort of a nonsensical term is that?
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i've been well, i suppose. just trying to make sure no one destroys my mansion, as always
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taste in music, hm? i quite frankly don't think about these things too often
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though i do think classical piano is very pretty
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
Ashe, just between you and me, I feel the same as Wilardo ie it's a matter of perspective though leaning towards no. I just wanted to cause chaos today apologies ^^
also here's a cat plushie as an apology for this hehe. I will probably do this again sometime :)
~ flower
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fair enough
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hm noted
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and my apologies, i may have.....overreacted
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you don't need to feel sorry, but
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i do appreciate the cat plushie, thank you
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
*pokes Ashe in the arm pokes Ashe in the arm pokes Ashe in the arm pokes Ashe in the arm*
hey isn't it technically true that more than half of people alive have siblings? cause otherwise we would all already be dead and humanity would have all died already cause not enough kids born or something. though I guess that can also depend on what you define as siblings. but still. isn't this a true fact?
~ flower
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*is being poked* hi flowmer, yes i get it, hi
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i personally couldn't find anything on that, so whether that is true remains to be seen
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but, i mean, it does make sense on a technical level
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i do wonder why you're telling me this though, and what would be the purpose of it?
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