#fk this fandom fr man
shindidnothingwrong · 3 years
Kinda ironic how BoruSara stans got offended and triggered by my recent post when it wasnt even about them they were just mentioned to prove a point about the fandoms hypocrisy.
If Im saying SS, NH, and NS are hypocrites, especially SS fans specifically who vehemently argue with SNS that their ship is incest and is completely platonic in nature, yet go on to ship their kids is nothing short of hypocrisy
The point which I shouldnt even have to spell out because it was clear as day, was to defend SNS who have been in some cases viciously attacked and ridiculed over shipping SNS and told even if it were a straight pairing they still wouldnt ship it only to then turn around and ship their kids together who are clearly the straight version of SNS is just ugly and Im ashamed to be associated with those same ppl.
I dont ship SNS but I used to until the reincarnated brothers reveal and now I simply cannot view the two romantically, that and the fact that Kishimoto based their bond on his and his own twin brother just makes the ship completely unacceptable in canon, but in an AU setting where their completely unrelated is fine but thats besides the point.
I and many others dont see SNS romantically in canon because it isnt, its proven time and time again, and I and many others also agree that regardless of if it was a gay or straight ship that we would not ship it because we stand by the belief that SNS is completely platonic regardless of gender. Hence why the mention of BoruSara.
But for those who did go back on their word? downright hypocrites idgaf how you feel about it but thats the truth, you cant call SNS incest and then ship their kids, you cant say shipping Kishimoto with his brother is weird and then ship their kids together, it just doesnt work that way, its either incest or it isnt, pick a side and stick to it.
So why did BoruSara stans get offended by me defending SNS? well the only explaination is I clearly struck a nerve, for yall to be that danm fragile that me saying 'Hey anti SNS shippers who said SNS was incest but then shipped their kids together are hypocrites' got you so danm angry you really arent selling that 'Lol we dont care we're confident in out ship' narrative you keep tryin to spread, your outrage to this screams insecurity.
#boruto rant#I wont even bother putting the anti tag anymore because clearly dumbasses on this site dont know how to use the filter function#if yall still see it thats tf on you#you wanted me not to use the tag so I wont#watch you mfs still be mad#but when I was using the appropriate tag I was the bad guy#fk this fandom fr man#the handful of yall that are cool this is not towards you cuz yall just mindin yall business and I respect you but fuck the rest of yall fr#get some thicker skin and stop being triggered over every little got danm thing just because not everyone wants to suck your pairings D#like you do#some of us meant wtf we said#not everyone is fake like alot of this fandom turned out to be#if you saw my posts thats a you problem not mine cuz I tagged it correctly#learn how to use the danm filter function if you dont want to see my posts or better yet how about just blocking me?#yall do know that options available too right?#but IM the bad guy bothering YOU#yeah right lol#despite my swearing Im really not mad just irritated by this fandoms over sensitivity to every got danm thing#even a dan SNS post that had nothing to do with them they were just mentioned to make a point!#god yall sensitive lol and I pray for yall if that ship doesnt end up being canon#because not a single person is gonna feel a danm bit of sympathy for you because of how yall acted#karmas a bitch so I suggest yall chill tf out now because if yall dont and this blows up in your face you only have yourselves to blame#but hey far be it from me to tell you what to do#regardless of if my ships become canon or not Ill be fine either way#its yall who have already sworn to lose your shit if your ship isnt canon and have even threatened to kill the creators if they didnt lol
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