#fitztantrum and the way with words 🫀🌷💌
ofmermaidstories · 3 years
happy birthday, Merms! Since I can't do gifts and cake in person, I've written you a little cake-based ficlet. There's a corresponding recipe for the cake mentioned; let me know if you'd like me to share it!
Many happy returns; may the next year bring you good health, happiness and prosperity -Fitz
“Hey, welcome in! Don’t tell me; I’ve finally managed to change your mind about cake?” You tease.
Bakugou Katsuki, alias Pro Hero Dynamight, merely grunts, narrowing his eyes at you.
Ever since the hero rankings came out three months ago, he’s been doing the coffee runs for the other Pros at his agency – the result of a lost wager, Red Riot confides to you one evening when he pops in for a post-patrol Danish.
The orders are always the same; a pain au chocolat and espresso for Chargebolt, a redcurrant crown and a latte for Red Riot, a peppermint mocha, no pastry (Deku’s, judging by the increasingly more profane insults Bakugou scrawls on the cardboard sleeve of the cup with his pen) and a single black coffee for himself.
None of the pastries and cakes you’ve foisted on Dynamight to try have swayed his utilitarian attitude; each one has been met with prejudice.
Too sweet, too much cream, too much fondant icing, too heavy on artificial flavourings; you’ve heard just about every criticism. Any chef with a weaker constitution would’ve given up long ago.
Fortunately for your business (and unfortunately for Dynamight), you’re made of strong stuff.
“We’ve been over this at least fifteen fucking times.” Dynamight sighs, irritated. “I don’t like sweet things. All of your shitty cakes have enough sugar in them to generate three dental caries just by looking at them.”
“And as I keep telling you,” you retort, cheerful, “I take all of your criticisms in stride. After all, you’re just like Paul Hollywood, except you’ve got nicer eyes.”
Instantly, you know it was the wrong thing to say. Dynamight leans on the counter with his elbows, raises a corn-silk blond eyebrow and smirks, dangerous.
“That right?”
“That’s not as much of a compliment as you seem to think it is! Paul Hollywood’s like 60.” You splutter.
Dynamight’s smirk deepens, a soft dimple pitting the peach-perfect skin of his face.
“Sure. C’mon, then, hit me with today’s terrible, sugary bastard creation. If you play nice, I might even name you as today’s star baker.”
Blood rushes to your head, dizzying, even as you scowl at Dynamight.
“You’re an absolute menace to society.” You complain, putting the chilli chocolate muffin on the counter and hustling to the coffee machine to hide your embarrassment. Behind you, Dynamight snorts. You hear soft crinkle of the muffin case, the barely there sounds of chewing, and then Dynamight goes silent.
When you turn around, the Pro Heroes’ coffees balanced precariously in their cardboard tray, the muffin is gone, and Dynamight is staring at you with a small, soft smile playing on one side of his mouth.
“Not bad, cheeks. You might make star baker yet.”
Fitz??????? FITZ??????????? omg. omg. okay hang on give me a second LMAO. When I first checked my phone, like, after you had sent this, I had to do a double take at the petrol station where I was reading it — because???? ?? ??????? this is so good???????????? You WROTE a fic, Fitz!!! 🥺 And it’s so good, I — I’ve been reading and re-reading since it appeared in my inbox. If I may, I’ve c&p’d my favourite lines:
(Deku’s, judging by the increasingly more profane insults Bakugou scrawls on the cardboard sleeve of the cup with his pen)
LMAO, i just…. this is perfect, because yes? I love the idea of an older Bakugou still being petty as fuck, go OFF King. (when i worked at café my favourite thing to do for takeaway orders or coffees was to write/doodle on the packaging, especially if things were relatively quiet and I could go ham with it)
None of the pastries and cakes you’ve foistered on Dynamight to try have swayed his utilitarian attitude; each one has been met with prejudice.
“Each one has been met with predjudice” — you do this with your writing for Deku, too, where it’s like… a perfect tactical strike against the character you’re writing for, and neatly done? Like — “his utilitarian attitude” and dismissing each sweet he’s given “with prejudice”, like, idk, it just does a great job of summing him up and it’s a skill of yours I really admire and wish I could imitate!!! 🥺
Fortunately for your business (and unfortunately for Dynamight), you’re made of strong stuff.
LMAO yeah we are. /hairflip i like this one because it made me laugh aloud the first time i read it.
Dynamight’s smirk deepens, a soft dimple pitting the peach-perfect skin of his face.
Dimple….. pitting……. the peach-perfect skin of his face…… ?????? ?????? ????? like?????? the FURY this invokes in me — fury because I can imagine it so, so clearly, like I am this Reader and watching this infuriating asshole laugh at me and STILL getting distracted by his stupid — stinky — smooth skin. (during my first read-through, i read this line out-loud to myself in my car LMAO. sitting there, mumbling like a psychopath — idk, it just sort of struck me. another example of summing someone up neatly and wholly)
I would absolutely love to make the cake — I’ll post the results here!!!!!!! Baking blog???? Baking blog!!!! (I am not a good baker and my oven is broken but i will ask a friend to borrow theirs)
Fitz, beyond my gratuitous use of exclamation points above, I need you to know the sheer delight this fic has given me; not just because it’s my favourite character, or that it comes with a recipe, or even that it’s well-written and comes from a writer that I admire very much — but because you thought of me enough to write it and to take some time out of your day to do so. I’ve been squawking about it being my birthday because I like the excuse to celebrate the small things — and am honestly just kinda insufferable in day-to-day life LMAO — but it’s moments like these that make me genuinely appreciate being apart of a community like ours, with people like you. 🌷🌾
Thank-you for your writing, Fitz. Thank-you for sharing it with me (and with others), and for being here. I hope the year ahead brings us all a little more luck and health and prosperity — and I’ll think of that, and of you, when I make our baker’s cake. 💕
If you enjoyed this mini-fic of @fitztantrum’s as much as I have, then I cannot recommend their Deku/Reader fic, Above All Else, I Must Not Play At God enough — adult Deku still doesn’t know how to put himself or his wellbeing first, and Reader, a paramedic who sees suffering on the daily, keeps meeting him when the world is crumbling around them both.
The first time you meet the Symbol of Hope, his hair is grey with concrete dust and his right hand is cradled to his chest.
It’s a beautiful little fic, and smartly written (this fic has basically told me off for using EMT and Paramedic interchangeably LMAO oops); and there’s a teeeeeny tiny nod to surrender in it which DELIGHTS me lmao, like proof of parallel universes, happening over and over (a hundred happy endings).
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