#first this issue was somehow actually the first one I ever read that included Kaine and Peter interacting and my reaction was
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“Spider-Island - Epilogue: The Naked City,” Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #673.
Writer: Dan Slott; Penciler and Inker: Stefano Caselli; Colorist: Frank Martin, Jr.; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Amazing Spider-Man#Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1#Amazing Spider-Man 1963#Kaine#Kaine Parker#Spider-Man#Peter Parker#ach I’m sorry y’all I have a lot to say hahaha#first this issue was somehow actually the first one I ever read that included Kaine and Peter interacting and my reaction was#“Peter please why can’t you be nice to your clones”#now having a bit more context for their relationship (e.g. their first meeting where Kaine grabbed Peter by the ankle and swung him around)#I understand the distance between them but that first thought does occasionally pop back up for me (depending upon the writer hahaha)#Secondly while the first panel is an excellent parallel to all of the times Kaine has Lurked and taken advantage of the fact#that he doesn’t ping Peter’s (or Ben’s for that matter) spider-sense#it’s actually pretty momentous that Kaine stuck around to say bye (or “later”) to Peter at all#Kaine historically isn’t one for sentiment so him taking the time to say bye as opposed to just disappearing in the night#is quite the development#and speaking of Kaine not being one for sentiment while Kaine has previously mentioned that he’s generally envious of Peter’s familial ties#I find this page really unique for two reasons:#A) I’m pretty sure this is the first time Kaine has brought up Aunt May let alone expressed any sort of concern about her#and tangentially B) this very much reminds the audience that no matter how much Kaine has tried to bury the fact#Kaine was originally intended to be a perfect double of Peter too and thus has all of Peter’s childhood memories#a point that’s brought up only rarely but I wish was discussed more#there’s been a bit of discussion of how Ben yearns for that idyllic life but Kaine just seems to not engage/ignore it as much as possible#probably since he feels like a guy with his past could never obtain that#similarly it’s interesting how Kaine technically saved the day yet there are still concerns about his criminal past#(which admittedly…is rather extensive RIP)
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lumilasi · 3 years
I haven't read Reanimate, but I'm curious as to why you grew to hate the original take on it so much, to the point you chose to revamp it? What things did you change then? Most authors I know wouldn't necessarily bother doing such a big rewrite(?) So I'm also curious why you chose to go ahead anyway. I hope my questions aren't bothersome or anything, I'm just curious like said! Keep up the good work!
Ah, I guess it might be a bit unusual for somebody to re-write parts of a fic so much while not completely starting from scratch? Especially fic that is already some years old. (or maybe it does happen commonly, IDK honestly haha)
Well, the main reason why I chose to revamp the second half of the fic instead of maybe rewriting the whole thing, was because the first half was totally fine for me. It was just the league parts I disliked, and the same time I still really loved Reanimate's story as a whole, hence I ended up doing a partial revamp instead of full rewrite. (also I guess I had a lot of time in my hands at the time heh)
(Also that fic was my first ever on the fandom meaning it's nostalgic, and served as an origin story for my favorite bnha oc's, so I wanted to make sure I was happy with it)
But yeah, to go more into detail about why I disliked the league portrayal, as well as what I did with my character in the story (this is gonna be a long explanation so please bear with me lmao) ;
Tomura's portayal felt too much like being stuck in his first impression, when timing vise he should already have matured quite a bit
His interactions with the league, albeit kinda funny, also felt too OOC at this point. He was acting too childish for what I wanted/the point in time the fic takes place at
Basically I felt he was too much of a manchild when at this point in time he's already matured quite a bit in canon (and some more in the fic au given it's timed some years AFTER canonical timeline)
In Kain's case, I kinda got too stuck on his source of inspiration (a horror game villain) and made him too one-dimensional and creepy from what I really wanted to do. He's very stoic and cold yes, but not THAT level of psychotic.
I basically felt Kain needed more nuance and humanity, because including an oc in a fic was ALREADY kind of tricky, so I wanted to make absolutely sure I actually liked what I wrote with them, and that it's of good enough quality to not feel too jarring and out-of-place among the canonical characters. (of course how well I managed to do that is up to the reader)
Kain's original take didn't really work for how I wanted it to affect the civilian Tenko. He was too, well, monstrous/felt nonhuman even as a kid for what I really needed. I needed him to be somebody Tenko could kinda sympathize with/someone who could sympathize with Tenko. My original take kinda failed miserably at that OTL
To go back to Shigaraki, he was also being too harsh/mean to his friends. Basically everything about his portrayal lowkey sucked for me lmao
As for more detail about the changes...well there's too much to describe, but for Tomura and others the biggest change was with their interactions; Tomura is still jumpy and snarky, but less so. Also while his friends do goof around and tease him like in the original, they turn serious as soon as he leaves, discussing and mulling over why he's acting so strange. Tomura also has picked up on the fact he feels "off" in some way, and wonders why he's acting so freaked out all the time/seems to struggle to think straight. (the reason for this is part of the revised plot)
There are two significantly changed scenes in mind though that I could mention, as they have a big impact on the narrative in a way;
First one is the flashback Tenko has about his time kidnapped by Kain's dad. The moment where Kain ends up killing bunch of people working (unwillingly) for his father. In original version Kain kills them on purpose, because their terrified/traumatized thoughts were causing him mental strain. While this latter is still the case, in the new take on the scene Kain does it accidentally, as he loses control of his quirk. This change was highly important IMO, because it shows better why Tenko might've sympathized with him, and tried to convince Kain to come with him and All Might later when Tenko was being rescued. It also better establishes that Kain's not some inhuman evil/creepy horror villain, but more typical origin story for a BNHA villain. Basically what I originally wanted out of his character, but failed to do lmao
Second one is at the end, when the league are taking their leave. This deals more with the foreshadowing for Reclaimed, but basically in the original Tenko gives bad Dabs something to use potentially to take Kain down if he plots something. Given I completely changed my mind about his potential role in the follow-up story later, the new version of the scene has Tenko telling bad Dabs to consider if AFO really has his student's wellbeing in mind. (this will be relevant later in reclaimed as one of the things pushing Dabi to question Tomura about this, and eventually having an effect on Tomura as well, further helping him break free from AFO's mental influence)
Sooo...yeah. I know this is a long-winded explanation, but I couldn't really explain this in simpler terms as the reasoning was quite complicated in a way? I just felt like it could be better with just some minor tweaks, instead of needing to rewrite it completely, and it bothered me too much to not do anything about it lmao. I hope this did satisfy your curiosity about this whole deal and didn't confuse you too much!
(Side note: I probably won't bother doing anything like this with any other fic of mine ever again, the closest I could consider is Soul Duality, but the issue with that is I can't pinpoint exactly what my issue with it is. It just feels like something that has potential and good parts, but ended up kind of messy somehow.)
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