#firebird logo
kingcunny · 8 months
modern au viserys x aemma were ‘highschool sweethearts’ (viserys was a senior dating a freshman :/ (for non americans thats a 17-18 yo dating a 14-15 yo)) they got engaged aemmas senior year and married shortly after she graduated.
he took her to his prom and she took him to hers. viserys was old enough at that point to buy alcohol for aemma and all her friends and they got WAY too drunk and were kicked out. a teacher chaperone threatens to call the cops on viserys.
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wait, your published????
Haha yup! Ya Phoenix is an official illustrator on paper lol.
Was the main illustrator for a line of kids books, did 8 of em. (I think a couple of em are up on barnes n noble website? I dunno.)
I was also an illustrator for a adult colouring book that dropped locally last year, and i've done some stuff for schools as well, illustrating their workbooks and whatever.
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davisexplainableart · 2 years
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In honor of Firefox’s 20th Anniversary today, I wanted to share a drawing that I made last year.
Spring 2021 - Firefox to Firebird TF:
So, for those who don’t know what’s going on, let me explain:
This is meant to take place in 2019. The fox in the Firefox logo finds out that his appearance (aka logo) is being changed again. The fox, not being a fan of the new look (I actually don’t mind the current browser logo, but I understand why some dislike it), decides to go to a sort of time-machine (I don’t recall if I ever decided where the machine was located), to go all the way back to 2003, so he doesn’t have to put up with the situation he’s in.
Unfortunately, I try to tell him not to go that far back, but he ignores me. The problem is that 2003 was during a time before Firefox was... well... a fox. At first, he took the form of a Firebird (or I guess a ‘phoenix’, since the browser wasn’t renamed to Firebird until a year later).
As a result, when the time travel was complete (which is also meant to change your look to how you did around that time (yes, I know that’s stupid, but time travel is always hard to explain)), the fox was shocked when he realized that he had been changed into a firebird/phoenix.
He still tries to stay in the past and not go back, but eventually, after some talking, he decides to return to the present and accept his new look when it arrives.
(This never actually happened, it’s just an interesting scenario)
(Also yes, I am aware of a certain controversy that the company who made Firefox (Mozilla) got into earlier this year. I’m definitely upset with them thinking that would be okay to do. So for this, I’d instead like to give my well wishes to the original founders of Mozilla and Firefox)
So from me to the original founders, happy 20th anniversary, Firefox!!!
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neonfretra · 29 days
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continuation of my philipp grubauer as a horse design :3 the whole gangs here!
layers+design notes below the cut!
they are all wearing horse armor, which is incredibly funny because WHO is fitting they sheep for war
disclaimer: i dont know nothing about horse armor actually, i am heavily referencing image searches and these are aesthetic over function
to defeat the whole function of horse armor, they continue to not be able to seat a rider because HAHAHA chris barely reaches the tops of joey and grubis legs in this FORGET supporting a riders weight
the shoulder guards (a modified version of the peytral) and hip guards (the crupper) use the pattern of their blockers and pads. people were NOT joking, they sure are white across the board
the plate in front of their neck (which is the OTHER part of the modified peytral) is intended to mimic neck guards on goalie helmets. funny enough only grubi actually wears one!
the designs on said plates are the franchise logo (center) and the shoulder designs (flanking on both sides of logo) for their team!
the face plate (the chanfron) has a metal gilding on the front to mimic the cat eye cage design! there is plating underneath because a cage is NOT enough armor
still on the chanfron, the sides are extended down the face as decoration, with tentacles (chris and grubi) or wings (joey)
also decorative are loops that go around chris and joeys horns, which are, again tentacles (joey) or wings (chris)
LAST POINT ON THE CHANFRON! the colors and patterns are from their helmets but incredibly simplified because i am not accurately recreating them. they got city skylines on those man
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both joey and grubi have cloth underlayers to look like jerseys
joey is in firebird visiting colors
grubi is in kraken home colors
dreidger doesnt have an underlayer because i think the wool is a sufficient barrier against friction LOL
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chris is a whiteface sheep with black wool because of this post comparing driedger to a sacrificial lamb by seattlekrakenyaoi and the kraken as jellycats post by scoringchance
another name for whiteface sheep is penistone sheep. im sure well be very mature bout this one ^_^
joey is a luing cow with a curly brown coat because everyone says he has beautiful brown cow eyes
i prefered luing cows over the more popular highlander cows (the fluffy cow, also crossbred with shorthorn cows to make said luing cows) for the texture of their coat LOL
chris and joey both have netting wrapped around their horns, joeys draped between his to resemble the net
grubi is a dappled gray draft horse with a blonde mane
the horse
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hovershiplogos · 3 months
Guess who's doing rewatches again? It's me, and well, not entirely a rewatch:
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Yes, that's right, it's Enter the Matrix. Because it's criminal that for a blog named for the little ship that could, I've haven't actually done a deep dive on the game itself! So I'm going to fix that!
I'm also going to play through as both Niobe and Ghost, as depending on who you're playing, the missions play out slightly different, and the cutscene dialogue varies as well. Also, not going to do like a  blow by blow kinda thing. Only going to comment on things that caught my  interest, or seem rather amusing to me.  If you want a little more context, I suggest checking out the couple of playthroughs/cut scene compilations on youtube.
Also of note, the game picks up right after the Animatrix short Final Flight of the Osiris.
Anyway, let's get to it!
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Also interesting to note is that according to this cutscene, Sparks has been operating on board the Logos for 3 years. Now, a standard US navy tour of duty (and I'm going with Navy rather than Army as Zion's army is referred to as a Navy fleet) is between 2-3 years. Not really going anywhere with this, but it's interesting to note.
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Niobe is a 'my way or the highway' kinda person. No wonder it didn't work between her and Morpheus. It's also telling that Ghost has known Niobe for long enough to know that this is what she's like. I wonder if Ghost is the glue in this ship dynamic? As in, he knew Niobe and Sparks separately before they knew each other, if that makes sense?
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And it's the little hovership that could, the little lightning bug of the fleet! Those red lights on the ship look like they're the same as the ones on the sentinels. I wonder if a bulb blows or something they scavenge one from a deactivated squiddie as a replacement?
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It's not particularly clear, but I never realised that Niobe's hair is tied with what looks like string with gold in it? Maybe a metal band with gold on it? I'm not sure, but it's pretty!
Also, I appreciate that they give a reason why Niobe is going after this drop, rather than waiting for someone else (ie: Neo) to go get it.
Also, saying are you red or blue on this is a very cool in universe way of saying are you with me or not?
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The subtitles are missing here, but what he says:
"You know me Niobe. It's not a choice, it's a way of life."
Ghost, you're awesome, you know that, right?
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I get Sparks' complaint here, there are only two of them, and it would be a lot safer to wait for back up to help them out. But nope, you know what Niobe's like, get it done.
Also, as I remarked earlier, the fact that Niobe is willing to risk going in without support , especially given what she says about Thaddeus not using the drops unless he had no choice? And now they're all dead? They definitely need to get that package before the agents do.
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I personally love Niobe's little eye roll here.
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I also love that Ghost is more chill and amused by Sparks than exasperated like Niobe is. Yeah, Ghost is the glue holding the team together.
Also, a little mention of Zion funerary practices. As someone pointed out to me years ago, I suspect that the gardens is similar to the Exodus fleet's method of burial, but who knows?
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Yup, words to live by!
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Once again, Niobe is rolling her eyes behind the sunnies. This is what she has to put up with. Also, I would love to think that one time Sparks pranked Ghost by running some program that sent his guns soaring upward.
I always used to think that Ghost was the serious, no nonsense one in the crew, but I'm beginning to think I'm wrong on that front.
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Sparks, why do you want his boots? They're too small for your big feet!
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Niobe has great taste in old muscle cars. Good old 1967 Pontiac Firebird, in eggplant purple instead of black. Very stylish!
That's all for now, next up will be the post office. See you then!
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i-eat-worlds · 6 months
Alex & Friends Part 19-Commitment
Firebird, Wolfman, Elemental, Gecko, The Warden belong to @/pigeonwhumps. Go check them out!
cw: self destructive behavior, touch of angst, questionable depictions of London
“I’ll go.”
The words fell out of her mouth before she’d really thought about the consequences. All it took was the glimpse of a bloodied hero from behind Joseph’s shoulder, punctuated by the words of the news anchor, for her to decide.
Joseph slowly turned around, the rest of the team's faces painted with looks of poorly concealed shock. “Alex, I-”
She cut him off. “I know what Zorland does to people.” Her voice was hard. “I don’t care, he’s not doing that to anybody else; I won’t let him.”
“Alex, wait,” Joseph tried.
Alex didn’t listen. “You don’t have to come-' She quickly knotted her boots, “-but I’m going. Nobody else should have to get hurt.” She started to dig for the weapons she hid in her bag. “You-”
“No,” it was Eric this time, and his tone was final. Alex’s mouth clicked shut. “My team was assigned to protect you. And we’ve done that. Joseph took a knife to the arm for you, for crying out loud.”
She stood frozen, guilt suddenly flooding her veins. “I-”
“I’m not done,” Eric took a step forward. “If you think, for a second, that we’d abandon you to Albert fucking Zorland, then you’ve made a serious misjudgment about us.” She swallowed nervously. “If you wanna go, we’ll go. You’re right, your presence there could be helpful. But you’re absolutely not going in alone. Give us time to suit up, and then we can go do this properly.” He paused to take a breath. “You said you didn’t want anyone to get hurt? That includes you.”
After the dust had settled, Alex let out a quiet “Okay.”
Eric seemed pleased with her answer. “Get suited up. You have twenty minutes.”
Half an hour later, they pulled up to the gates of the maintenance office on the New Charlton side of the river. All sorts of vehicles were clustered around the entrance, mostly INSUPA, but some were HAL as well.
From the back of the van, she could hear Eric negotiating with whichever junior hero had been put on gate duty. Using her finger, she pulled the collar of her suit away from her neck. It was a little too tight, since she was wearing one of Avia’s old ones.
Even if it had been custom fitted to her, she still would’ve felt awkward in it. There was no hiding her affiliation, not with the blue and orange stripes and the INSUPA logo stenciled on her sleeve. The intelligence corps didn’t have a sleeve patch, but Eric had let her wear the team one, which was awfully kind of him, considering the circumstances.
Her stomach had hollowed itself into a deep, cavernous pit on the drive over, and the tightness of the collar hadn’t helped calm her nerves at all. There was no turning back now, though, and it was the right thing to do. Using her pointer finger, she traced a figure eight on her leg, taking steady, calming breaths.
It was the right thing to do.
The van lurched forward. Eric had gotten them in.
A command center had been set up behind one of the office buildings, the tips of the pier’s roofs just visible. As they walked towards a group of HAL superheroes, Alex could make out the light purple glimmer of a force-field. That would denitely complicate things.
A person wearing a dark blue HAL uniform waved them over. “Good afternoon,” he greeted curtly, shaking hands with Eric. “I’m Wolfman (he/him), I’m running the show right now.”
Eric nodded. “I’m Unshakable, (he/him) INSUPA. The person that Zorland’s been asking for, they’re detailed to my team.” It was a half truth at best, and the chances were high that Wolfman would guess there was more to the story. Hopefully, he wouldn’t say anything about it.
“Thanks for coming,” Wolfman nodded, leading Eric and the rest of them further into the building. “One of Zorland’s henchmen can make force fields. It's a challenge.” He pushed a door open, and started climbing the staircase. “My team is up top.”
Wolfman quickly introduced his team. First, there was Gecko, whose name is easy enough to remember because of the small green creature painted on her cheek. Then, The Warden, whose suit was gray and shimmery and, last but not least, there's Elemental, who was wearing a striking gray suit with dark purple and pink accents. Alex found it a bit weird that there were only three of them, but that was quickly explained by Wolfman introducing the one other member of his team.
It was Firebird, the hero being held hostage by Zorland.
The plan came together quickly. They needed him to lower his shields, and the only way for that to happen was if Alex showed up. Being used as bait twice in the same day was far from ideal, but at least both times had been her choice.
The first part involved approaching the pier where Zorland was barricaded on a boat, using Alex to get him to lower his shields for the exchange. Sil would be driving, Joseph would be along to tend to Phoenix when they got them out, and Gecko, a telepath, would be there to make sure that Zorland or his cronies didn’t try anything. Eric would lead this team, communicating with Wolfman, who’d lead the second team.
He, along with The Warden, Avia, Teri, and Elemental, would use the underground tunnels to gain access to the pier from underground. Once the shield was lifted, they’d be able to get in no problem. With good timing, they would cut off Zorlands escape routes and attack him from two sides. He’d be cornered. As a final precaution, Aarav would keep watch from the roof, communicating with his pigeons to make sure that all their bases were covered. The plan was solid.
For both her sake and Firebird’s, Alex hoped it would work.
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @sassafrassmoke
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dedummekrakene · 2 months
bro wtf. AHL programming, or maybe just firebird programming itself, is insane. what do you mean youre giving me a weather report with the firebird logo. what do you mean i get to see the mid-intermission crowd entertainment. yes there are ads but i can still see the other fun stuff. im in love
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rottenscare · 2 months
When my dad dies I'm getting the firebird logo tattooed on me cause he fucking loves our firebird he keeps in the garage like got damn
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squidsquadlove · 5 months
🗽 & 💣
🗽What’s a gift that you didn’t think you wanted but turned out to be useful or great?
A friend of mine got me one of those birdhouses with cameras in them! I didn't think I needed it, but they insisted, and it's super cute to see pictures of birbs. 🥹
Speaking of birbs...
💣 Blow it up: pick one NHL team. Change its name, mascot, logo/colors. Tell me why you chose the new elements.
Chicago. Reasons for the change are pretty obvious. I say make them the Chicago Bats, and give them a stylized big brown bat (Wikipedia link to the actual animal), which is native to Illinois, as their logo. They can still have the red/green/yellow/black colors if they want, but if not, give them a dark midnight blurple as a primary color with maybe the Chicago flag's blue, red, and white as accent colors.
The mascot would be a gigantic bird, with mostly black feathers and red on the inside of its arms and the front of its torso. Yes, it's a robin. Yes. YES. But they would never say so. Its name would be Batrick (rhymes with hat trick!), and it would have a permanent friendly sneer on its face (see Fuego of the Firebirds for how that might look).
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pagesofkenna · 1 year
@uchuuryokou said: "whats your hockey team"
(answering publicly so I can make everyone else see lmao)
we're the Coachella Valley Firebirds!!
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we were put together in this last year as an American Hockey League (AHL, 2nd tier professional league) affiliate team of the Seattle Krakens (NHL) because someone thought it would be fun to build a world-class state-of-the-art ice hockey arena in the middle of the desert!
things I want to say bc I can't even organize my thoughts around this:
this is out first pro sports team in our area for ANY sport. previously if you wanted to support a local team/go to professional games, you had to drive two hours up to Los Angelos. something about having a team IN my hometown* (and the arena a five minute drive away from me!) has made me FULLY understand the sports home team pride. I bought over 100 bucks worth of merch just on a whim lol
*my hometown technically! they're not the Palm Springs Firebirds or the Coachella Firebirds or the Indio Firebirds, they're repping the WHOLE Coachella Valley!! one of their taglines is 'One Valley. One Team. Rising Together' and it's so cheesy but I'm so into it this is our team lets gooooo
whenever two teams are competing but I don't officially support either side, my order of operations for picking a team to root for are 1) loved one's team, 2) bird mascot, 3) cat mascot, 4) green logo, 5) how do I feel about the state/city playing. the Firebirds hit BOTH of my first two categories in one!
FIREBIRD MASCOT it's such a good marrying of the hot desert climate with the ice hockey sport (given the Firebird comes from Slavic folklore)! they do a lot of 'fire and ice' imagery in promo material, and the team we're competing with this week ALSO have fire in their imagery/official colors, so when we play them we wear 'ice blue' and there's blue flames on the scoreboard. our branding team is so good
(I recently started working for a company that's based in Rochester, New York, and their AHL team is the Rochester Americans. you can see how bad team names/mascots can be in this league lmao)
our team is actually good! we got a lot of investment money so we managed to get lots of players with NHL experience, some really good coaches I think, and we're second overall in our division! I don't know enough about how hockey works to know WHY we're doing so well but I'm proud of our boys!! 😭
the only two games I've been to have been against the first overall in our division, the Calgary Wranglers, who are ALSO a new team this year and they're ALSO very good (clearly). the thing that really stands out to me from both those games is how clean and precise the Wranglers play. they're so coordinated! i hate them! compared to them, we're so sloppy, all over the place, fumbling passes and leaving our goalie to do all the work protecting the goal
(our goalie is very good obv we love him, but he shouldn't have to be doing so much work! our boys need to pull it together!)
generally I feel like our boys don't coordinate well (and they're also not as fast) so I joke that they all think they're the main character in the inspirational sports movie that is our first season. but also. could they please stop fumbling passes i swear
on Monday night we played our third game in this series against the Wranglers and it went into triple overtime, they played until midnight, before we finally landed another goal and won the game 3:2!
Wednesday, the game I went to, the Wranglers landed a goal halfway through second period, and we lost 0:1. it was so close!! we defended well but also so did our opponents!
that ties this series of games at 2 wins for the Firebirds, 2 wins for the Wranglers, with the final tiebreaker game TONIGHT. if we win, we go on to represent our entire division up against another division to play for the Calder Cup. if we lose, our season is over and the Wranglers move up. obviously we've got to win; it's a home game and everything! i'm SO stressed about this!
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nurtelo · 7 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ariat Womens Size M Tee T-Shirt Red Blue White Firebird Logo Western Rodeo Top.
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bozclothing · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Firebird Venice Beach Track Jacket Sz XL Surfing Palm Trees Waves Bicycle.
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nurselaurenatl · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ADIDAS Originals x Farm Nuevo Firebird Track Pants.
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tamlovesfashion · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Women's Original Firebird Orchid Track Jacket Zip Up Size Small.
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deannedunn · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Firebird Logo Hoodie Black Cotton Polyester Youth Small.
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savagenewcanaan · 1 year
Savage New Canaan Pontiac Cars to the Satisfied Hunting Ground
Pontiac, Michigan, named for an American Indian chief, turned out its very first automobile in 1900 at the Pontiac Spring and also Wagon Functions. Gotten by General Motors, the progressively preferred brand name was upgraded and also provided at the New York Vehicle Show in 1926 with its now famous Indian Head Logo.
 Pontiac Cars have shown up as well as audible on the nation's roads and also bridges given that the beginning of the 20th century, burrowing the Chief's head with automobile traffic and American history.
 Growing up in Michigan, I remember distinctive stages of Pontiac growth, yet the symbol head hood ornament constantly drew me as by some mystical pressure - a minimum of to a young creativity interested in indian culture.
Savage New Canaan
 Pontiac's track record as a performance brand name began the late 1950s. Developed with bigger bodies and wheels thrusted out to match, the "Wide-track" gave Pontiacs a determined cornering advantage over other autos, and ended up being a big marketing point. However, the public's recognition of Pontiac as a high-performance brand name was embeded in 1964 with the production of the Pontiac's Grandmother Turismo Omologato. Swiftly abbreviated to GTO, the design is credited with pioneering a brand-new class of American automoble, The Muscular tissue Auto.
 The dueling "Muscular tissue Cars" of the '60s (equally as I was getting my vehicle drivers license) as well as the roaring and also shades in the streets were timed completely for the cultural transformation, James Bond, and a brand-new Rock and Roll. Names like Road Runner, Hemi, Barracuda, Firebird, 442, 426 and also others were shedding rubber coast to shore together with the celebration. Pontiac was initially an inexpensive choice in GM's brand name pecking order, as well as a middle-class mainstay. However, Pontiac's "road warriors" of the '60s and also '70s include some of America's finest vintage cars. There was nothing more incredibly improved, on the streets, than the GTO.
Michael Savage 1800Accountant
 The 1970s were disastrous for American automakers as oil cartels developed, increased gas costs as well as sent the consuming public flooding Japan as well as various other Asian countries for smaller sized, less costly much more gas efficient vehicles. The golden age of muscular tissue autos was over as GM moved emphasis to an array of econo-cars which all stopped working to connect with customers. Well, if you're mosting likely to put someone in a beer can for 30k, the car must have an intriguing design at the very least. Pontiac's Swan Song gained the distinction of being rated one of the ugliest styles ever before with the pyramidal tilted Aztek crossover automobile.
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