#fine i guess ill do self insert x canon
maxphilippa · 5 months
cupid's chokehold got me wanting a partner. Man
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What's your rules and preferences for asks? No NSFW, no roleplay, x male character exclusively, etc.?
nsfw is alright as long as youre fine with a list and not expecting a oneshot and ill do my best to remember to not put them in the main tags
no roleplay bc that clogs the dash and is hard to keep track of
any gender x any chara, ill default to they/them if you dont give me pronouns (might still do they/them if you DO give pronouns for whatever reason)
ideas/headcanons involving an oc/self-insert with a canon chara are alright depending on what it is. i wont delete the asks if i dont want to do it but i will say what i dont want to do specifically. might answer privately if its not anon
if im uncomfy with something i wont do it. so that means no excessively romantic/any nsfw with kids (romeo wendy sherria etc) aged up charas is on Thin Ice
be specific. do you want bullet points, a numbered list, just fuckin blob of run on sentences with some spaces, or a oneshot? if you just ask for "nalu hcs?" ill give you random fluffy ones off the top of my head in bullet points and i will laugh at you if you complain that it wasnt a nsfw oneshot. you didnt ask for it. if you ask "stingxnatsu fluff/romance hcs bullet points with numbers? asian demiboy sting and black genderfluid natsu hcs too" thats what yer gon get.
try and spout some bullshit and i will delete i dont think the ft fandom has that much bullshit but i havent been here for that long ive only consumed canon content until recently
if you find my ao3 acc i dont mind asks about what ive written just dont try and guess what my acc/works are
if i do something ableist/racist/etc tell me. i do my best and most o the time it aint enough. ill edit the post and reblog the edit and say why i edited or ill just delete it entirely
if i fuck up a tag also tell me i like to be Orderly
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catboyeddy · 2 years
Hcing Eddy as straight I don't need to explain this one
Eddylee and Eds x Kankers in general is healthy and fine and the kankers did nothing wrong as kids and it's totally ok that the Eds get together with people that scared them sm
Eddy ends up abusive and manipulative and actually learned nothing from bps hes the exact same as he was when he was 12 except now he's in his 20s and Double Dee is here for Eddys 7th intervention
Double Dee disappeared from the cul de sac when he went to college (after or prior to Eddys 7th intervention) and was never seen again because his brain grew too large and now he's forcibly rooted in place in his dorm and never answers Ed and Eddys phone calls
Bro wasn't abusive actually he was just doing big brother shit lolol Eddy should make up with him now even though Bro has been training and abusing him to be like him since he was 5 but they're ok now it's cool
Eddy ends up in a dead end career, a job he hates usually related to scamming because his skills in relation to bro are the only skills he has I guess
Lee is the mean sister and Marie and May who regularly beat the shit out of each other were actually innocent
Jimmy and Sarah were straight all along which means they have to get together because *vague hand gesture* 👩‍❤️‍👨
Kevin is a bad character and will grow up to be an awful person and homophobic cause he had a grudge against a kid who would con him out of his pocket money every day when he was like 12
Nazz and Rolf had no role to play in Kevin bullying the eds even if they encouraged him almost every time
Eddy is tall. No
The eds are brothers even though they aren't related and are shown as friends (who flirt with each other) on the show but you can't ship them you weirdo
Edd is amazing and should leave Ed and Eddy even though none of the scams would be possible without him and he comes back cause he enjoys scamming and could leave anytime if he wanted to
Ed has no agency of his own and follows Eddy blindly into everything even though he's shown multiple times to be intelligent and can recognize when his friends are in danger but he lets Eddy just go off the edge without any protest of course
Ed and Double Dee's parents were never abusive and neglectful even though they are canonically abusive and neglectful and both have been shown being distressed by thoughts of their parents
Eddy says crass n misogynistic shit about women when he's older even though that was one of the many things bro taught him that he needs to get over but he doesn't here lol
Usually paired with misogynistic Eddy the pervasive entitled gay twink Edd will say misogynistic things about all the women Eddy sleeps with or is around because he's a sassy gay boy so it's fine
Either Eddy or Kevin date Nazz to cover up that they like men or specifically Double Dee and it's never touched on how hurtful it must be for Nazz to be cheated on and then never get to be upset about it cause her friend is gay
Sometimes Rolf gets replaced by the kevedd shipper self insert guy in kevedd stuff and it sends me into a violent rage
The characters smoke weed. That's it that's the joke anyway they
KevEdd isn't a crack ship it was canon all along
The eds or specifically Edd and Eddy because Ed is lost in the void somewhere probably petting a chicken (good for him) but they can only talk about their feelings when they're high or drunk even though they've been friends since they were 5 but I guess that doesn't count for anything
Jonny has 20 different mental illnesses because kids can't have imaginary friends
Making Eddy tall girl it's not natural
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talysalankil · 5 years
talys’s great nanowrimo 2019 debacle: the post
i felt like being grandiose, just not grandiose enough that I’d properly capitalize things. bear with me.
So I’ve had a bit of a time figuring out what to do for NaNoWriMo this year. So it’s venting time.
I’m also using this to do like, a status report on all my writing endeavors.
Okay so I haven’t had any new novel idea in a while now. I mean, that’s fine. I have a massive pile of WIPs anyway. But (and I think I already made a post about it earlier) the problem for nanowrimo was this:
I didn’t want to do a rewrite of any of the existing drafts:
FEITS v3 was paused at about halfway done in 2017, and while I’ve had a bunch of ideas for it, I haven’t really taken the time to work on them.
Psychopomp’s first draft is complete, but it could use a rewrite
Tangled Stars and Dragged to the Underworld are about 50k each with a missing third act
Eloped in the Night is a 15k word mess that needs major rewriting because it was still Brooding Lust when I wrote those)
Of these five books, four have planned sequels, but: I didn’t want to write a sequel, since none of them anywhere near a final stage. That being
FTEITS (for which I wrote like 30k of a first draft of book 2, most of which is good for the trash what with all the changes I’ve made), 
Psychopomp, whose sequel would have been the best candidate in this category honestly because I don’t think the rewrites would be super structural
Eloped/Dragged are part of the same universe though mostly standalones, but each of the subsequent books in that series would draw from one or both of these, and like I said, neither are even a complete first draft.
While I have a bunch of fic ideas, I didn’t want to do a fic for nanowrimo because it felt like cheating.
Which left me with um…like, nothing. Well, not quite.
So you may or may not know this (I kind of forget where I put information online) but my first draw to storytelling was actually video games. In broad strokes, here’s a quick history of that:
As a very young child (we’re talking 4-8 years old here), I’d play pretend with my plushies
When I got Crash Bandicoot 2 (one of my first video games I was really into), I started to imagine various games where my plushies would be the protagonists. Inspired by Crash, Zelda, other games…I remember once outlining a 15-part series of games around my favorite plushy, each of which was basically subdivided into chunks of different genres. I even invented a “dark age of the franchise”.
When I got Final Fantasy X and then got another gaming magazine with a walkthrough of Final Fantasy X, I started inventing a self-insert game based heavily on it, and wrote most of my ideas in the format of a walkthrough. I even parroted the editing style because I was like nine.
That story was iterated upon several times, and eventually yielded the character of Talys Alankil (well, sort of—the name actually originated in Guild Wars and was then repurposed. Somewhere in the lore, the two of them are like, extremely distant relatives, or were until I decided all copyrighted works were purged from canon). Thanks for creating my brand, 13 and 15-year-old mes.
I actually got into computer engineering because of games, except I then realized the storytelling was what interested me. Oops. I mean I like programming but I’d never want to work as a programmer in a game.
That tangent was completely pointless but whatever, this is the state of the talys post.
Anyway. Point is. I got a new idea for a game earlier this year. Life Is Strange 2 meets Octopath Traveler by way of Vanitas from Kingdom Hearts as the protagonist. This is the first time I have an idea that I can phrase in this kind of pitch so I’ll indulge. Fight me.
Working title is just “The Road” though obviously it needs some work, and over the past few months I’ve actually done some pretty good prep work, so I thought, hey, why not challenge myself this nanowrimo and write a script for a game instead of a novel!
And like, there’s no reason why not. I’m actually feeling pretty attached to the protagonist already, I’ve been wanting to try scrivener’s script writing tool, it could be fun. Of course, the problem is that a script for a game (especially this one) is inerently nonlinear and requires thorough planning, which I have not done. And nanowrimo starts…technically tomorrow night if I can still stay up past midnight.
[Second tangent time: I’ve been going for a teaching degree, which has forced me to reset my sleep schedule extremely hard and I hate it]
So that brings me option 2. Well, technically there are two options here, but only one that’s remotely viable.
I may have mentioned it before but in FTEITS, Adam and Cell bond over (among other things) a shared favorite book/author. Well, mostly a book. There is also a scene of Adam finding that author’s new book and experiencing nostalgia over his lost life, which may or may not survive the rewrites. The author, incidentally, is my self-insert in that world, and will also not be an active character in the plot of the books, but I just felt like mentioning it. And yes, that means my protagonists are fans of my work. Sue me.
The one they’re both a fan of is titled Snow to Ashes (I remember way way back, when I randomly picked a title “The Brain is Out”, before I had any idea what it was about). It is, incidentally, a chance to analyze Adam and Cell’s character arc by proxy and in a microcosm, which is good because I feel that sometimes their arcs are still kind of ill-defined. Basically the story has two protagonist and it is canon that Adam and Cell each relate more to one of them.
The problem with that is that now I’m getting a lot of ideas for Snow to Ashes, and I don’t know if I have the time to work all of these ideas and iron them out before nanowrimo starts.
So that’s where I’m at. Either way I will be pantsing it. I was hoping to get to do some outlining this week before Friday, but it turns out that being tired, having a pretty big spike of executive dysfunction, final fantasy 14, and my parents deciding to watch the TV again after years of not doing it (thus making noise at the time of day that would be perfect for me to write), is not fertile grounds for productivity. I am, incidentally, out of a FF14 subscription in four days, which is very fine by me since that game would also ruin nanowrimo itself, not just the pre-nano prep.
This isn’t really a request for feedback tbh, just, like I said, venting. Hoping to straighten my thoughts and figure out which choice is best.
As a PS i should mention that yes, the Talys Alankil game is also technically a writing option, and I could write a script for that. I mean it’s almost a rewrite because that one has a pretty rigid outline already, but. Yeah. It’s an option too.
Edited: I didn’t mention Malefacta. I didn’t forget about malefacta. I just don’t know what to do with Malefacta. It’s annoying.
Edited2: Remember when I almost wrote a superhero book for nanowrimo 2017? yeah that’s still a project I have somewhere. I’m no feeling it though. Sorry, superhero project. You were never meant to be, I guess.
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