#final fantasy vii dirge of cereberus
ryanthel0ser · 2 months
Please, if you like Vincent and you also like the idea of him being Sephiroth's dad, go read this right now
It's 74 chapters so far of gold and im going crazy and i need others to read it so we can freak out together
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brokengem · 4 years
I just beat Final Fantasy VII Remake and omg. OMG. I...I have. I need someone to talk to. There’s just. 
I...Guys. Like I’m flailing and crying. This game. this fucking game. Like FF7 is a huge reason I’m a gamer and into rpgs now, playing the original way back in 1997. This game and its story. The original, Crisis Core, Advent Children, yes, even Dirge of Cereberus (suffered through a shooter game for this series!)and now this Remake. 
It means so much to me. And I’m really not trying to let my nostalgia rule me, but I really love this Remake. 
The game itself is gorgeous. So far I think they’ve expended and explain things we may have had questions about in the original. The the character details. The story. Oh god the story. Like. 
This ending seriously has me all
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and now I have to wait for the next part XD. 
Think I’m gonna write some Reno/Aerith stuff. Maybe Seph/Aerith too...
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satoshi-mochida · 7 years
I don’t turn 29 until May, but then I’ll be only one year younger than the Final Fantasy series. ^^
I forget if my first one was Final Fantasy VII or VI(III back then), but I think one led me to wanting to play the other, and I’ve played most of the main ones since then(the only ones I didn’t are the two MMOs and XIII-2 and Lighting Returns). 
For spinoffs, I’ve played two of the Final Fantasy Tactics games, Chocobo Racing(I could never find Chocobo's Dungeon 2), the first Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, X-2, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cereberus and the first Dissidia. I want to try out The Four Heroes of Light, Bravely Default’s predecessor, sometime.
The Culex fight in Super Mario RPG, which I found out back then uses Final Fantasy IV’s boss music and victory theme, may be what led me to the series to begin with.
Out of the ones I played, including spinoffs, I’ve managed to finish all but these ones: Final Fantasy III DS, V, VIII, IX, X-2(the PS2 copy froze during the ending) and XIII. 
Final Fantasy VI is still my favorite all these years later. I think it was one of my first RPGs, too, along with VII.
Here’s hoping to many more years of this series. ^^
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