tenebriism · 3 years
§ okay but for kaeya and diluc tho?? platonic ofc!
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// Oh my goodness, PLEASE give me these two working on their relationship! I’ve always wanted to explore the utter HATRED these two seem to have for each other, and ways of them going about fixing it. ; v ; Hopefully, they can become good brothers again. </3
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immortalxdreamers · 4 years
’ Now, hold still. This might sting a little. ’// sephia @ mizuki!
✿ beauty and the beast sentence starters || @filostimi
( accepting )
     For one who often acted so impatiently, Mizuki was actually an extremely patient being, able to sit still for hours on end. Following Sephia’s instructions therefore wasn’t that hard… except that he wasn’t used to ‘being taken care of’ anymore. His Kami used to do that for him, bandage him up if he injured himself, soothe him to sleep if he had bad dreams. The fact that she was GONE, the fact that he had spent what felt like an eternity alone, didn’t help matters now. He’d grown wary and yet clingier than ever, but where Sephia was concerned, he was already too late, anyway. He had let her in, and now he was stuck with this constant need to make sure she wouldn’t leave him. 
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    Thus, looking like a pouty child, he sat in silence and allowed her to do whatever needed to be done… until some stubbornness came out. “You don’t have to do this.” But that didn’t mean he wasn’t thrilled to the core that she CARED this much. 
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defystars · 4 years
“  i’m fine, i’ve had worse.  ” //alistair @ lizzie!
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     She’s clearly skeptical as he claims to have been in worse scrapes--but not because she doesn’t believe that he has, instead because it’s taken Lizzie so long to allow herself to show a caring side to her friends...Her effort to console being brushed off so easily make her self-conscious that she's being overly concerned.
     “All right! If you say so. Then you don’t need a hand up?” At these last words she lets a smile creep through her facade. She isn’t heartless--she’s teasing him.
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mgicunleashed · 5 years
“Is there an “off” button on you?”//rapid 99 @ rhyth!
Shrek 3D ( accepting )
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    ✧𝑅ℎ𝑦𝑡ℎ;;– ‘ An off switch? Me? ‘ She asked this in a playful tone, spinning on her skates for a moment before letting out a giggle. Honestly, she knew she was being a pest to one of the members of Rapid 99. But that was more than favourable considering her own friends were trying to do stuff on 99th street anyway. Perfect distraction. ‘ I mean, maybe. But why would I wanna tell you that? ‘
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hoodlegacy · 5 years
              ( @filostimi​ ┇ requested a starter )
Ears twitch under the hood and boots come to a halt to listen for another sound, but it was nothing except some wolf howls or crickets chirping. Trying her best to shrug it off she continued walking back towards the school yet she couldn’t shrug off the feeling she was either being watched or followed by something or someone. Taking a turn into some nearby bushes she held her breath as she dove into the shadows of some nearby trees. While she lurked in the shadows all she had to do was wait to see if her suspicions were correct. However, when she saw a familiar head of hair complimented by an azure streak in their hair slate grey eyes squinted to gain a closer look and she was quite surprised to see Darling. Stepping out from the shadows behind her she spoke up.
❝ What are you doing out this late? ❞
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starsweepersold · 5 years
filostimi liked your post
eyezooms at you too
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pxperhearts · 5 years
“You are my home.” //miguel @ muffy!
venom starters >> accepting!!
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Muffy’s blush was instantaneous and she looked away to hide it. They had only been dating for a bit, but… but… “Don’t say things like so casually,” she chastised softly. “Not unless you mean it.” 
She knew he meant it. He looked at her like no one else ever had and told her things that made her heart go haywire. He didn’t make her feel worthless or push her aside. And she…
Muffy covered her face in embarrassment. “I think… I think I’m in…” She whispered the last three words. They were very hard words to say. What if he didn’t feel the same?
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immortalxdreamers · 4 years
’ Please. Please… Please don’t leave me. ’ //corrin @ sylph!
✿ beauty and the beast sentence starters || @filostimi
( accepting )
     Such fear in his eyes, and the pleading BROKE her heart. For some unknown reason, his uncertainty made her tremble, taking her completely off guard. Why would he think she would ever leave him? Why did he seem so HURT? Had she not promised to stay by his side, no matter what, forever? That promise still rang true, even if she had now witnessed for the first time what he was capable of in dragon form. It hadn’t scared her the way it had others. Perhaps it was due to her own nature, which lay far from the beauty and grace that most pinned her down for. There was a monster within, one that came out unexpectedly and was very much unwanted — but Corrin? He was nothing like that. His actions had saved them, saved thousands. How could he ever think himself equally horrific… if not worse?
    Countless questions on the rhythm of confusion, but one thing broke through it all. The warmth she felt towards him brought her closer and closer to him until she enveloped him in an emotional embrace, hiding the tears that she had no reason for to shed. 
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   “I will not leave, Corrin,” she murmured quietly, and buried her face between his shoulder and cheek. He was awfully warm, alarmingly so. “I will NEVER leave you… I promise.”
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voidfcllen · 5 years
“So you’re telling me that…. You didn’t eat this because you thought it was mine, and I didn’t eat it thinking it was yours… Oh I’m eating this now.” //rex @ ben!
things said to or by my siblings:
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“Hey wait a minute why do YOU get to eat it?” Oh no he’s grabbing for it too. “the only reason I didn’t eat it was cause I thought it was yours!”
Which meant HE wanted it.
The fact that this food might belong to someone OTHER than either of them didn’t seem to be crossing EITHER of their minds.
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emblazcned · 5 years
@filostimi + Kai || starter call || not accepting!
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“It was an earthbender,” he explained, short and NEEDLESSLY, but doing so nevertheless as he flashed the damaged set of dao blades before the smith—and hoped for a repair that would be as swift as was the pace he desired to LEAVE. Pointedly, now more than ever, the disguised prince—yeah right: “fugitive” is what he was—aimed to spend as little time as POSSIBLE in the villages he passed. Less likely to make ENEMIES. Less likely to mistakenly involve himself in things he shouldn’t.
“I don’t need them perfect again—just well enough they won’t BREAK next time a rock hits them. Will that take LONG?”
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hoodlegacy · 5 years
❝ This seat’s free. Come sit. ❞// from alistair!
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               ( @filostimi​ ┇ ice breakers ┇ accepting )
The Mad Hatter’s Haberdashery & Tea Shop remained as mad as the Hatter himself, but for some reason, it was more jam-packed than usual which made her a little disappointed she might never find a spot to sit and enjoy a nice cup of Wonderland tea. Something she actually was looking forward to after a long day of spinning straw into gold for Professor Rumplestilskin. Taking a second glance around the tea shop she saw no empty seats until she heard a familiar voice call out ❝ This seat’s free. Come sit. ❞ Quick as a whip slate grey eyes darted over to where Allistair was sitting and sure enough there was an open seat right next to him. Smiling to herself she made her way towards his table.
❝ Thanks. ❞
Occupying the seat across from Alistair she remained silent for a few minutes. Of course, it was nothing but her being a little nervous she might slip up in some way when it came to making sure she resisted giving into her wolf instincts. Because right now she was on high alert with so many people coming & going past them. Aside from that, she didn’t know Alistair as well as Maddie did. In fact, she hadn’t gotten the chance to talk with him one on one due to being swamped with all kinds of things during school. No matter she took a quick minute to adjust her hood so it didn’t have a chance of accidentally slipping off.  Shooting Alistair a quick glance she stopped almost immediately fiddling around with her hood. As she spoke slate grey eyes drifted to the side slightly embarrassed as she rested her hands on her lap.  
❝ It’s just a little chilly in here. ❞
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starsweepersold · 5 years
Match Maker// finger guns
                                               send ‘match maker’ and i’ll try to come up with                                                        interesting interactions for our muses [x]
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so many muses !!!
uuuuuh lesseee.  i have a lady-in-waiting verse with laila that could work with darling!  laila would l o v e to talk fashion with her lmao.  and would probably be such a worrywort over darling’s more secretive antics, but also is great at not blabbering to others about what is going on because she’s a good, loyal friend like that!  also the slow down time ability could maybe be an oddity so she could fit into scratch and/or flea’s sort of universe and go to school with them.  and i could use older them where flea’s kind of a jealous jerk but scratch loves to bond over stories with her o:
billy’s invisibility also allowing him to be in scratch/flea’s school and them getting to meet him.  he and scratch would probably get along really well, too!
link want to rescue charlotte? l m a o XD  idk if that’s serious or a joke.  maybe him and dawn tho!  or maybe he and faith were somehow friends?  him coming back from an adventure and her just scolding him because he hasn’t been eating properly or something.
kai puts a lot of effort into styling his hair, so he and laila are clearly destined to be friends.
cole with little dawn?  idk how.  maybe him saving her since she’s an actor’s daughter.  or cole and piper.  or maybe he’d get along with mira, maybe he could set her on a better path?  or maybe kai could.  mira needs someone to help her be good again basically.
chloe and faith!  because popular girls who cheerlead and do some crafts and basically faith really needs a bff okay!  maybe also with a more modern verse charlotte!  or even modern ruffnut since she likes sports and ruff likes sports and would respect that about her.
all your farmers can be friends with faith.  or if they need a farm cat, pls take mittens.  she does well on farms, yes!
…i only got through your primary muses.
also i see some potential ships in there wink wonk
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sireneia-a · 5 years
❛ Have you ever wanted something so much that the fear of not getting it makes you wonder if you ever should have wanted it at all? ❜// corrin @ silas!
reign / @filostimi
     Silas doesn’t blame Corrin for asking that question, he really doesn’t. After all, the prince had grown up so deprived of everything. Silas hadn’t known the dragon for very long when they were young, but he at least understood that. No matter how loving the Norhian royal family was, no matter how many servants were at the prince’s beck and call, Silas had been given the impression that this royal had grown up a bird in a cage and not some fearsome creature.
The knight has read a few stories though he’s long since abandoned the hobby of giving fairy tales the time of day. Even without that immediate familiarity however, he links the prince to the tales of fair maids waiting in towers, wondering of something just beyond their grasp. Corrin was as pure of heart as those fictionalized women too; that was something Silas had learned remained in-tact even after all the years they had spent separated.
Corrin is precisely the person who would spend his life wanting, craving that thing he just couldn’t have. And perhaps the two of them were similar in that way. After all, how different was a cavalier devoting his entire career to being able to just exchange words once more with someone who had forgotten him entirely?
He doubts Corrin asked him that though as a way to lick at old wounds. He would never surely.
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“ I guess I have, ” Silas says nonchalantly, as if the answer were just like realizing you liked a certain food and never noticed before— nothing of the gravity it actually held. “ But I wouldn’t be here with you if I had let my fear get the better of me. So try and not let it get the better of you either, alright? I’m sure you’ll end up getting it AND not regretting it too. ”
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lazlo234 · 5 years
"Mister Laslow, you know how to dance don't you?" Youthful timbre queried, a smile gracing the dragon princess' mien as she lightly bounced on the balls of her bare heels. "Can you teach me? Pleeease?" Clasping her hands together, taupe crown innocently tilted, the girl laying on the cuteness { her greatest weapon } quite thick in hopes of securing a positive answer. After all this method had worked countless times on her beloved parents, as well as a few others, surely it'd work Laslow.. right?
unprompted  &  always accepting
❛  a-ahaha…  me?  knowing how to dance?  now where are you hearing all of these ridiculous rumours from, kana ?  not from around camp, i hope. it’s not becoming of a princess to engage in gossip, you know !  ❜  he does his best to laugh it off, though the stutter of his voice gives way to his anxiety. it seems to laslow that every day word of his ‘secret’ dance practices seems to spread, like something akin to a wildfire, so naturally this sort of request should have been expected.
as xander’s retainer, of course it’s never his place to deny a request from any member of the royal family he serves, but surely this could be an exception, and …  and oh, god, she’s really using the puppy dog eyes, isn’t she?  no,  no,  this is unfair.  entirely unfair  !  this girl … she’s using her cuteness to her advantage  !
(  damn it, she’s good.  did her father teach her that ?  he makes a mental note to have a talk with corrin later about this.  )
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❛  w-well …  i dabble with it here and there, but it’s nothing extraordinary. why don’t you ask, um …  lady azura, perhaps ?  she might be able to show you a thing or two, i’m sure.  ❜
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pasttorn · 5 years
@filostimi​ asked for headcanons about our muses, ft. noel + frey & leon ! !
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since frey is always pushing herself so much for the sake of her family & the village, he tries to do whatever he can to help lessen her load. one of said things is making breakfast every morning ! both of them are early risers ( leon’s not a natural morning person, but he’s grown accustomed to waking early ), so while she & their monster pets tend to the fields, he’ll make a nutritious breakfast for the four of them, so it’s warm & ready for when she comes back. if there’s still work to do in the farm by the time breakfast is done, then he’ll head out & help once they’re all done eating.
his favourite thing to do is to play with her hands. it’s soothing, to be able to hold her calloused hands, run his fingers over her palm, intertwining her fingers with his & hold her close. he enjoys kissing them, as well as simply holding them with his own hands-- both things he’s willing to do alone or in front of others if she's not completely against it ( not to mention it’s extra points if she gets flustered ♡ ). sometimes when they’re laying down on the bed & are getting ready for the night, he’ll hold her hand as he falls asleep, simply because she’s within reach.
noel & leon ? practicing spells together ? more likely than one might think. its a fun afternoon activity for the two-- for leon to oversee noel’s spell practice, giving him tips on how to improve his skill, adjusting his aim whenever necessary. he won’t upgrade the the spells his son has until he thinks noel’s been able to master the basic levels of each one ( since the stronger it is, the more stamina it eats up-- & that can be fatal if used incorrectly ). once the training session is over, they often head to the bell hotel for a nice, relaxing bath, enjoying a nice after-bath chat with lin fa or xiao pai as they cool off.
not one night goes by that he doesn’t tell his son bed time stories ! or at least, until he grows too old to want them. he’ll sit by his bed, running his hand through noel’s hair as he recites stories of old-- be them actual bed time stories ( from both his time & today’s time ), or just stories about his old life & how it was back then. when he can’t recall any more stories, or simply wants to mix things up, he has fun inventing a couple new stories during the day; stories never heard before that he’ll create for noel’s entertainment. 
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immortalxdreamers · 5 years
“If anything happened to you— I couldn’t…” //corrin @ sylph! :')
( accepting )
     The meaning of that phrase continued on in her head. She knew it all too well, experienced it herself, but coming from him, it had surprised her, nonetheless. Doe-eyed, the girl stared at his fair features, as if taking in every detail might give her the answer to a question she couldn’t even adequately formulate. Their bond was very strong, indescribably so. Sylph deemed herself lucky to have found such a connection in this world of war and distrust. But she saw the doubt in his eyes, the concern for the future, and she knew she had to be STRONG. 
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     Reaching for his hand, she set her fears aside and worked up a sweet smile. “We will always be together.” TOGETHER, they could face the world. 
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