#file under: “ever-growing pile of things i want to draw fanart of but most likely never will ;_;”
gallifriendly · 9 months
Mannn I really wish they had done something with Ryan's youtube channel back in S11/12. I would have loved if he kept uploading videos during his travels on the TARDIS (like a video diary), from a corner or a little removed from the action (perhaps so he'd not give away his location/time period to anyone watching, perhaps because The Doctor doesn't want to be caught on camera because that can cause problems).
But since you don't get that many quiet moments travelling with 13 you'd always have stuff happening just out of shot, or out of focus in the back of shot. Graham and Yaz would sometimes be vaguely visible but you'd only ever hear bits of 13's voice.
Because then imagine using that premise to use those youtube videos for
a) little extra previews for new episodes/series (and you'd be able to freeze-frame and try to figure out where Ryan is or who the fam is running away from or whatever)
b) you could play with the idea that in-universe Ryan's videos start getting popular, particularly with alien conspiracy groups like in Love and Monsters, who gradually start to notice stuff in Ryan's videos aren't quite right: The logos on the boxes in the massive warehouse Ryan's blogging from don't correspond with any online retailer anyone knows. Or that Ryan seems to be filming from inside buildings he absolutely should not have access to. Or something falls in the background and the gravity somehow seems odd. Some people comment on his videos about this and Ryan tries to play it off as "Ah... one of my friends is really into VFX and likes to edit my videos". But then it really gets crazy after Spyfall part II when his face appears everywhere and Ryan just starts frantically deleting all the comments people leave on his videos. Though some time later he'd upload a video like "my friend is not doing okay and they're hiding something from us but i can't get them to talk, I think we need to stage an intervention" and you'd think it's about Ryan's friend from home but it's just 13 being 13.
c) building on this, when Jack catches up with the Fam in Fugitive of the Judoon, it turns out he managed to track the location of the TARDIS down because he's subscribed to Ryan's youtube channel. (of course no one in the back of Ryan's video's has ever referred to the disembodied female voice as "Doctor" so Jack still doesn't realise which person is The Doctor)
d) In the run up to Doctor Who Redacted, Ryan's last video gets a comment from one of the Blue Box Files podcast girls asking for an interview and one week later his whole youtube channel disappears
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