#fic transfer project 2k22
veliseraptor · 2 years
well lads as of 3/14/22
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we did it. officially more than 4 million words archived on ao3. taking bets on where that number ends up when I’m finished with the last [checks] just over 200 fics to go
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veliseraptor · 2 years
updates from the (almost finished!!!!) fic transfer project
it looks like I must’ve miscounted somewhere because I only have 35 fics left to move over and that’s going to put me only just over 900. might be that I discovered a couple were already crossposted. did that with a couple accidentally and wound up with duplicates, whoops
the MCU fic count remains far and away my fandom with the most fics in it (something that will only skew higher as the ones from tumblr go there); it more than doubles the next biggest which is Supernatural, followed (by a surprisingly close margin, actually!) by The Silmarillion (which might actually get closer, I think I have a few of those left on my list). 
based on FFN only numbers (roughly speaking, there’s some slippage with things I previously posted across platforms but it’s minor), top fandom is at least currently A Song of Ice and Fire (48) followed narrowly by the Silm (46); it’s a serious question for me at this point which is going to end up winning because there’s some of both still to post.
top tags at present overall (across pseuds) are Angst (195), Hurt/Comfort (80), and, interestingly, Pre-Canon (79). my favorite top tag though is Grief/Mourning. I have 68 fics with that tag. I checked out of curiosity what happened when I swapped pseuds to just my FFN pen name and there my top tags were the same for the first two but then followed by Grief/Mourning accounting for 33. this means that, roughly, I wrote almost half of my fics based on that theme between 2006-2012, compared to 2012-2022. let’s
most tagged character is Loki, who again dwarfs every other character with more than twice as many tagged fics as the second most (Thor).
hilariously, despite only being around for two years, Xue Yang has managed to make 6th place and is inching up on Dean Winchester, a character from a fandom I was in for, like, 5 or 6 years.
stayed tuned for more of this because I’m fascinated by this shit and therefore I’m inflicting it on all of you. I am putting myself in a terrarium and observing my own behavior like a bug
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veliseraptor · 2 years
well shit man with this project of “wanting to archive fic off ffn” I was like “oh hmm I bet I have a few things on livejournal too actually that I should archive as well” so I went and dug through there and
well there are 55 things there that I now want to crosspost not including several drabbles that I may or may not also put on ao3 but have moved into a document where at least they’re not only on livejournal and probably somewhere on a backup hard drive but lord knows where.
which brings my total for “fics that I want to move from other platforms to ao3″ total to, uh. 425.
and that’s not even glancing at the ones that’re currently just on tumblr which I cannot think about right now, and most of those are at least recent enough that I have them saved somewhere else and also have archived my blog offline somewhat recently, so like
anyway!!! for those keeping track at home this means that cumulatively if I get all of these ported over as separate fics then I’m going to have a total of, uh, 976 works archived on AO3 across pseudonyms.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
okay but it is legitimately hilarious to me that the first fic I posted on ffn, chronologically speaking (though I finished it after some other stuff), was:
from the point of view of a minor villain
writing about the (hypothetical in this case) sympathetic backstory for said minor villain
bonus: involved said minor villain wrestling with guilt and a death wish
like. how hilariously on-brand could you be, Lise, fucking incredible. the only thing that makes this better is that the minor villain in question was a wolf from the Chronicles of Narnia
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veliseraptor · 2 years
FFN-to-AO3 Fic Transfer Project Stats
I told you this was going to happen!
So for the past...several weeks-ish I’ve been working on transferring the previously uncrossposted works on my old fanfiction.net account and my old livejournal onto AO3, for archival purposes, which came out to include, in all, moving 403 works (366 from FFN, 37 from Livejournal) from between roughly 2006-2012. Me being the person that I am, I went “oooh statistics” and decided to do some fun with numbers about it.
One caveat that this still does not as yet represent a complete record of my fic writing posted online from 2006-present - there is still a substantial gap of fic that’s only on Tumblr right now and thus unaccounted for in this analysis.
But with that set aside, here is Lise’s Fanfiction Output By Some Numbers:
Total Works Archived on AO3: 924
Total Words Archived on AO3: 4,360,945
Number of Distinct Fandoms Represented: 48 (counting the MCU, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and Doctor Who/Torchwood each as one)
The first thing I was curious about was trends of how much I was posting year by year, which I decided to look at both in terms of word count and in terms of number of individual fics. Taking the first first:
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It is important to note that AO3 only counts words in a multichapter fic posted over time in the year that it is completed; this is most noticeable in 2018, when Life in Reverse was finished and which therefore gets all 200,000+ words tallied to that year alone despite the fic itself actually being written over the course of six years. There’s no real way to compensate here but that is the most significant outlier; Tear My Castle Down and Steve Rogers’ Halfway House for Notorious Supervillains are also skewing 2020′s data higher.
However, even with that there’s been a clear overall increase in the words I’ve posted over the years since I started, particularly beginning in 2011. Tracking by life events, it’s sort of funny to me that I can track “college-first starting full-time work-pandemic in terms of spikes and dips.
Then, when it comes to the number of individual fics posted year over year:
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This mapped onto the first graph tracked with what I expected, more or less, which was to say “early on the trend was a lot of shorter fics, later on fewer but longer.” Notice the 152 posted in 2009 still totaling less than 20,000 words over the year. I think those 2008-2009 years in particular also marked me doing a couple different fic challenges, most notably 50_darkfics but also a lot of short writing for the westerosorting Livejournal community. The sudden drop after 2012 to a level that’s stayed pretty consistent since I would guess marked the end, more or less, of me doing that kind of numbers-based work (where I was trying to write a lot of short things in a brief period of time, or trying to fulfill a challenge, rather than adhering more to my own schedule).
I tried - I am still trying - to work out a good way of visualizing the word count distribution by fic by year (i.e. in 2009 how many of those 152 fics were between 100-1000 words, etc.), but have been struggling, most likely because there is (a) a lot of data points that I’m trying to map and (b) a very wide range. What I currently have looks like:
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which is not exactly a very coherent looking/readable graph, though it gives you a sense of how front-loaded the distribution really is (mostly between 144-7800). Out of curiosity I tried cutting out some of the earlier years to see how that might change the shape:
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Overall, basically the same, but it does become more visible how the larger buckets only appear for the later years - there is 1 2012 fic above the 221-10133 word bracket. Underlining, then, the shift in my writing trends from “many short oneshots” to “fewer longer works,” which I knew but now I have numbers and also (roughly) a timeline.
Finally (at least for now) the other curiosity I had was about what I think of as “fandom-cycles” - the rate at which I’ve moved through fandoms over the years, producing works for them and then moving on. I was curious about if and how much they overlapped, and what was a “typical” runtime for a period of high production in a single fandom. 
I cut this graph down to what I think of as my “major” fandoms.
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This one looks a little crazed and is therefore harder to read, at least up until 2011-ish when I really started to become a “one fandom at a time” kind of gal - prior to that point there was a lot of overlap/simultaneity. One more than others, but multiple fandoms in activity at the same time (witness in 2009 the peaks for both A Song of Ice and Fire, The Silm, and Doctrine of Labyrinths). Black Jewels Trilogy had a shorter duration than I thought it would given the psychological influence it’s had on me; Wheel of Time shorter still, though it stuck around for a solid four years (compared to Death Note, which lasted about three).
My favorite thing about this graph is the way you can see the overlap of one fandom tapering as another takes off - most obviously, of course, with the MCU/Untamed overlap there in 2019, but it’s there with Supernatural and the MCU, and with A Song of Ice and Fire and Supernatural. It’s a visual representation of me moving out of one fandom and into another. 
(Also love seeing that little spike of Doctrine of Labyrinths coming back as the MCU wanes in 2019. There’s the reread! And also me trying to get everyone else I know into it.)
In general my fandom lifetime heyday, historically, seems to have been about three years, prior to the MCU, which lasted far and away longer than anything other than the Silm, which, while I wasn’t writing a lot for it or consistently, has been a presence from 2009 to, irregularly, at least 2020. Interesting way of seeing a fandom that is, if not a main squeeze these days, a relatively consistent presence in my fanfiction life, even if just barely. The only other fandoms to show this kind of longevity (disappearing and then popping up again years later) are Doctrine of Labyrinths (disappears 2014, pops up again in 2018) and Wheel of Time (disappears in 2012, pops up again in 2017 and 2018). This kind of makes me wonder if, at least for me, book fandoms have a longer “shelf life” than their more visual counterparts. This would make a certain amount of sense, as I have more of a historical habit of rereading than I do of rewatching (The Untamed has been a major exception), but could also be an artifact of bias from the fact that for most of, I’d say, the front half of my fandom career, my fandoms were primarily book-based over movies or tv shows.
So that’s what I have so far when it comes to Fun With Numbers: Lise’s Hobbies Edition. I might poke around more (the most insane idea I’ve thought of is looking at word count distributions within fandoms, i.e. where have I been writing the longest/shortest fics, but that is...probably not something I need to spend the time manually gathering the data for) but at least on a preliminary basis...voila.
I don’t expect the Tumblr crossposting to make a huge difference in terms of overall trends, except perhaps in terms of the number of fics per year - I wonder if that number has been in any way artificially deflated for later years when I transitioned in posting methods - it used to be I always would have posted the short things I’ve put on here to FFN or Livejournal, and now I’m less likely to. So it may be that those latter year numbers are only actually lower because they are no longer accounting for the short works that used to be getting posted by default.
Perhaps will revisit once that stage of the project is completed! That sounds like something I will probably do.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
did a count of my remaining to-be-posted-to-ao3-but-currently-only-on-tumblr fics and if I were to actually do all of them, including collecting many into verse-specific single fics (like I did with Life in Reverse) or character-specific single fics (like I might for Sandor Clegane) I still end up with...79 more to go. and that's like. single-story fics, not individual...chapters within all of those. (i.e. counting all the Remember This Cold shorts as one.)
this would put me well over 1000 works archived on ao3 across pseuds which is, frankly, unhinged (over 600 under the Lise pseud alone). what the fuck. like, okay, I knew I'd written a lot of fic over the nine years I've been posting but. still.
also jesus fuck that's a project I've set myself and I'm not actually sure I can do it. I might have to finish this parsed out "already titled/longer fics" list I have, do the verse-specific ones, and then surrender to the inevitability that sometimes I make overly ambitious decisions.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
44,000 words more and I will have 4.5m words archived on AO3 so that’s, you know. a thing
the great part is that I have over half of that in one unfinished fic I’m currently working on alone. so now taking bets on how long it’s going to take me to cross 5m since, you know, slowly crossposting the tumblr only stuff as well
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veliseraptor · 2 years
man I completely forgot I wrote a Twilight fic one time. it was James/Bella and it was fucked up and honestly I’m kind of delighted by the fact that that’s a thing I did in 2009
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veliseraptor · 2 years
further notes from the fic transfer project (only 241 to go!):
so it seems like for the most part things don’t get completely unreadable for me without wincing until, like, 2008, and there’s some stuff from 2007 I can still read and go “okay this is all right”, but 2006 is pretty rough
but hands down the worst part is definitely the author’s notes. that’s. that one’s rough.
also it is frankly hilarious to me the things that I designated “dark” or “disturbing” or “weird” a decade ago, like, hoo boy, girl, you have no idea what you’re going to get into. I mean! there’s not a single weirdly-sexual-vivisection fic in this bunch
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veliseraptor · 2 years
fic transfer updates (I’m sure you all find these as fun and exciting as I do!):
as of today I only have...93 more to go! that’s about nine days more until I’m finished and free (until I get around to doing the Tumblr ones orz. maybe I can space those out more)
in this issue of “tracking the development of Lise’s favorite fanfic tropes” i can now say with confidence that my first “very hostile road trip” fic was from may 2009 starring arya stark and sandor clegane. I wrote more than one on that theme, too. I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing that I’m so fucking consistent but I’m going to try not to think about it
finally: I’m going to, it looks like, round out the total count of fics on ao3 across pseuds at the end of this (provided I haven’t miscounted) at 916 total fics archived on ao3.
wonder once I get around to the tumblr ones if that’ll push me over 1k. that’d sure be. something anyway
once again I have come to the conclusion: I have written too much fanfiction
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veliseraptor · 2 years
914 works totaling 4.35m words archived on AO3, 10 fics to go
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veliseraptor · 2 years
weirdest experience of this fic transfer project so far: coming across fic that was written for an internet friend you had a...traumatic falling out with and trying to decide if it would be weirdly passive aggressive or just honest archival practice to leave their name on it
and also meanwhile just. feeling unhappy about that whole situation all over again
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veliseraptor · 2 years
real quick before I run away from this social media platform again for a little while: only 149 more fics to transfer from ffn to ao3!!! and only four of them are the kind of multichapter long(er) shit that’s going to be a real pain in the ass
notes since last update mostly include “huh so I guess I still feel kind of sorry for kartane sadiablo, interesting” and “did I actually think I was funny or did I just feel like writing humor fic was a good way to make friends”
also “how many of these asoiaf fics were actually for westerosorting, is it actually all of them or just most”
and also “why isn’t there a tag for community: blindfold_spn, that kink meme was gold”
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veliseraptor · 2 years
only 50 more fics to move from ffn to ao3...then I am free*.......
*until such time as I decide to tackle the tumblr ones
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veliseraptor · 2 years
also because I love making myself suffer I went to go organize how I would, hypothetically, handle a project transferring my tumblr fic over, since that’s got the potential to be a lot harder and messier than ffn, and
yeah it’s definitely harder and messier!! i have a 12 page doc of links to the mcu fics alone and that’s not factoring in the not MCU ones. and yeah I’m not going to be posting every one of these individually, I can’t if I don’t want to lose my mind and also make everyone really hate me, but
preliminarily I have:
20 new “fics’ that will collect multiple fics by chapter that are connected by theme (i.e. Life in Reverse extras)
18 non-MCU fics that get their own singular status
at least 40 MCU fics I’d be inclined to post on their own
this not including figuring out what to do with the five mini-verses like the a-plus parenting one or the false dragon loki one sldkjsldkfjsldkfj
yeah okay I think I’m just gonna...finish the FFN ones, maybe do the Untamed fics that aren’t posted over yet, and then...come back to the rest later
taking myself by the shoulders and going. what the ever loving fuck, Lise
you know if I’d been doing this all along my life would be a lot easier now. past me really screwed present me over, didn’t she.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
just got sniped by the unexpected memory of the post-canon lord of the rings fic I wrote about aragorn’s daughter in probably 2006ish and then deleted in a fit of pique after someone commented to correct me about canon details, including, if I recall correctly, dates
moment of silence for that fic
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