#fic authors are crazy they just drop a fic that fundamentally changes you and leave
shrugsinchinese · 4 months
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The Bone That Has No Marrow by @augentrust
Shadowgast with an incredible premise/plot twist, spot on m9 characterization, absolutely scrumptious angst/comfort
jaw drop inspired rearranged my brain cells y’all go read
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ghost-town-dwellers · 5 months
im writing a full smpronpa review because honestly that fic kinda changed my brain chemistry. this will be bullet point format as i am lazy
okay, so disclaimer- i havent seen smplive so i cant talk about those streamers characterizations. HOWEVER, i had a 3 year long derange danganronpa phase and have been abnormal about technoblade since 2017 so i do consider myself a bit of an expert on those aspects. oh also im taking the poke route and replacing that guy with yahi 👍
- gettin the techno things outta the way. first off, really likes his characterization and how it didnt fall into the trap of “overly bloodthirsty and unemotional” technoblade while still keeping his hitman status from tekkitlive i believe? and his deadpan demeaner. A+
- on the negative side, i will never get forgive the author for missing out his speech quirks like dropping the “g” at the end of words or constant use of “bruh”. additionally, plotwise, i feel like technoblade as the hitman sent after schlatt and co was disregarded a bit too quickly? and also came off as weird considering no one was meant to have any memories?? like why did schlatt and co and techno remember that part??? idk that just confused me but its danganronpa so whatevs
- the talents. they didnt.. feel like they had much of a purpose? like they didnt feel like they added much to the characterization, but that does add something interesting to the fact that the talents were a fake concept all along so i will not say if this was good or bad and will leave it up to you
- speaking of, was there a reason we never found out ty or travis’ talents? like they died and we just never found out what they were or why we didnt know. like. that confused me
- on the OTHER hand. the fake talents imply that yahi made HIMSELF the ultimate comedian which is objectively hilarious. big obama giving obama a medal energy
- poke. girl they did so little with him that i REGULARLY forgot he was there. bro just do SOMETHING with him. however, this is also a classic danganronpa experience so i will accept it
- the third trial kinda went crazy. i liked the twist on two victims to instead be two killers. genuinely an interesting version of the third chapter, and ryan was like.. a weirdly compelling character, especially after that trial
- half of the end twists were just straight ridiculous. im not.. really a fan of the “it was joko actually it was yahi actually it was cooper” thing, but its very sdr2 core so tbh thats fair. on the other hand, what in the world exactly happened to joko????? like he was at the final trial for like a Minute but he was dead beforehand in the flashbacks???? was he a robot????????? im so confused
- also, what was the purpose of charlie fakin his death? once again, very danganronpa of them but fundamentally kinda weird and unnecessary. i understand the in universe explanation but like.. out of universe why was that decision made?
- i would like the give the author massive kudos for the actual murders and trials. as someone who has participated in and even RAN danganronpa fangame rps, that shits HARD. it was pretty well done! not perfect, and some parts were hard to follow but i have ABSOLUTELY seen worse
- i also started really liking angel as a character. i liked the choice to have her actually be a detective lying about her “ultimate” and she felt very genuine and interesting. schlatt also came across as a pretty interesting antagonist with canon-typical confusing motives
- also whatever the fuck joko and cooper had going was gay as HELL. like idk what was up but it was deeply homosexual
- i also liked the way the ending had a sort of commentary on fan culture and the increasing escalation of entertainment for the cruel enjoyment of the masses. very yugioh arc v z-arc core for the like two people who get that reference. im not entirely sure on how WELL it was executed especially within the wider context, but i still found it interesting
thats the general review! ill update this if i realize i forgot stuff but all in all thats what i wanted to say
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ellaofoakhill · 3 years
In Defense of Fanfiction
This was in part brought on by this thread on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/benedict_rs/status/1349954211358924800 but these are also thoughts I've reflected on the last few months. Anywho...
There are numerous criticisms that’ve been leveled at fanfiction and its writers in recent decades:
It’s bad
you can’t make money off it
it’s terrible
it’s like having training wheels on
it’s the dumpster fire sloppy, lazy, unimaginative writers immolate themselves on
it is inherently inferior to original work
And more besides. At best, it’s considered a stepping stone to writing one’s own original work. At worst, it’s made out as a sort of theft of someone else’s original work (Lookin’ at you, Anne Rice).
It’s often thought of as lazy because someone else created the characters, the setting, etc.; all you as the fanfic writer did, unless you threw in an OC or two, was jiggle the pieces around a little.
Many writers do use it as a sort of practice, yes; I certainly did, or thought I did, anyway. And a confession? I have written bad fanfiction. There’s still Danny Phantom fanfiction on an account whose password I forgot years ago that was at best cringe-worthy, and at worst blatantly derivative, and I’m kinda glad it isn’t connected with me. I outgrew it, plain and simple.
But I know better now. Take a look at the mythologies and folktales of the world, and how those stories were passed on. There are many versions of the Greek myths, and many more that simply never survived to the present day, and many many more that were never written down in the first place.
Let’s take one example, the origin of Medusa. In an older Greek version, she was a daughter of the ancient sea deities Phorcys and Ceto, along with her two sisters. In another, penned by Ovid (that guy exiled by Augustus who projected like crazy), she was punished by Athena for banging Poseidon in Athena’s temple, which seems a bit unfair, especially if you’ve heard the alternate, non-consensual version of this story.
This version, with Medusa’s unjust deformation by the gods (still, sadly, has a relevant modern interpretation, considering how all-too-often women are effectively told “don’t get raped” rather than men being told “don’t rape”, and how women are condemned for not going out with entitled young men who then do something like bring a gun to school; seriously, my gender sometimes), was so far as I’m aware, an Ovid original.
Someone else created the characters, the settings, everything. He just juggled the pieces around. That’s it.
And his work is considered with all the gravity of other ancient classics of Western literature.
Looking at that, and enough ancient works to fill a container ship, it almost seems like humanity has been changing and playing with previous works for a fantastically long time. Fanfiction, then, isn’t a fringe genre; it is a central aspect of the human experience. Travelling storytellers would tweak and wholesale add or drop pieces of their work depending on whose court or village they played in, while still retaining those classic heroes, villains, and tropes; that arguably constitutes fanfiction. It’s only in the modern context that recent interpretations of intellectual property rights have maligned this fundamental human tendency.
To be clear, I don’t have a problem with the protection of intellectual property, especially when it’s being used to protect a small-time artist in whatever medium from having their work exploited by corporate greed or government propaganda machines, which I suspect is what the whole idea was originally intended for, along with fostering creativity itself by making sure creative people are the ones paid for their work. But when it’s being used as a bludgeon to suppress the creative spirits of others, that runs counter to the whole point, doesn’t it?
Yes, probably an unusually high proportion of fanfiction is poorly written, but I suspect this is more to do with people treating it as a stepping stone than any inherent flaw with the genre itself. But it’s not a huge difference; where 90% of fiction is varying degrees of bad (I have a Wattpad account I know this for a fact), fanfiction is probably 98%. I have read good, literary-quality fanfiction which needs no more than another draft at most to be good enough to put in a book.
Do you want some examples? Wicked stands out as a published and widely acclaimed piece of fanfiction (There are thorough lists out there, I’ve seen them, I unfortunately can’t remember any at this time). But if you’re interested in reading a few talented authors of fanfic that my feeble mind does recall, @phantomrose96​ has some fantastically written My Hero Academia one-shots and her A Breach of Trust is widely praised; suzukiblu on ao3 has convinced me that yuzula is NOT an atla crackship, and has a fascinating writing style besides; and a wound that never heals (always leaves a scar) by wastefulreverie (also on ao3) is a brilliantly written My Hero fic that explores a facet of hero society that canon itself has not proved good enough to comment on, despite the fact that it should be central to the plot.
This has gotten ever so slightly off-topic. Long story short, I realized I never wrote fanfic because it was “practice for something better”. I only write stories that captivate me, that I can’t not write; chances are a lot better that you’re not gonna stop reading it if I can’t stop writing it, right? And those old DP fics, and my more recent much better work, captivated me. And there are fanfiction ideas I have that I may well work on in the future. I wrote Xerxes, a Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction, because a good idea came to me. I wrote Allmom AU, a My Hero Academia fanfiction that has over 26k hits on fanfiction.net and 2k more on ao3 (and close to 1000 hits on Wattpad, too, for that matter), because a good idea came to me. No, I haven’t hit the big-time by any stretch of the imagination, nor am I any authority on fanfiction, but I have written things that a lot of people enjoyed.
I wrote fanfiction because I wanted to, and I’ll write it again in the future because I want to. I won’t ever deny it, nor will I apologize for it.
And you shouldn’t either.
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