#ffmq reuben
tyeiz · 2 years
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mystic quest but make it gay
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jacquirebriggs · 4 years
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Kaeli: Phoebe! Get off of him! I don't want to revive him for the tenth time! The hype art for the launch of the new Crystal Story game tomorrow. This is based of the box art of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest because the hero's names are named after the ally characters from that game. (Maybe expect more FFMQ gags on some CSI doodles.) However, I didn't want to leave the other party member out of the drawing, so I've included them in a "happy" situation. Reuben got the short end of the stick because he's the way he's treated in sidequests and I felt Phoebe would be crazed enough to jump on Reuben's back with Kaeli being the annoyed "mother" to tell her to get down before it gets worse. I wanted this to be very special as possible, so I decided to add some effects to the drawing, something I don't normally do unless the drawing happens to be associated to a song. I put maximum effort on this drawing. P.S. Expect this to be posted in the Discord Server tomorrow.
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tyeiz · 2 years
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don't mind me, just posting fanart and gay shit for a game that released literally 30 years ago (and that no one but me even liked 30 years ago!)
i can't remember if reuben played in the band in fireburg, but i like to think he did. and also that benjamin is his biggest fan
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