#fernando alonso onehsot
norrisleclercf1 · 27 days
hi, it me again with another request 💜
Would love to read something about Fernando and wife!reader who've been trying for years to have a baby and his reaction to finding out he's finally going to be a dad 🥺
A/N: I love writing fics like these, just cause I struggle with fertility/hormonal issues due to PCOS and just it makes me happy writing these little things
Warnings: talk of past miscarriages, fertility issues, loss of children and grief
Covering your mouth, you hide the laugh almost sob as you stare at the ultrasound. You hated having kept this from your husband, but you wanted to make it past the safety mark, but you also wanted to make it past where you've lost your past babies.
It was finally the 3 month mark, and you made sure you were okay, okay enough to tell Fernando. You didn't want to tell anyone until you were close to your due date, just wanting to make sure the baby was okay and nothing would go wrong.
Taking a deep breath, you calm yourself down as you look at the little race suit, the positive pregnancy test, and the ultrasound marking the 3 month period. Fernando would be hurt that you kept it from him for so long, but he was a wonderful husband and father and knew that you did this as a way to protect him from more grief.
You had 3 gorgeous babies, your eldest, your pride and joy Annamari would be turning 5 on May 20th, then there was your second baby, Lorenzo, who would be 3 and probably the apple of his father's eye, then your youngest, or soon to be middle child, Aurelio, would be 1 and have his father's gorgeous locks.
You weren't sure if you were having a boy or girl, but you knew they were loved by you, and their 3 eldest siblings. Smiling you get the little box together, smiling as you get to do it for a fourth time, and you loved it so much.
Placing Annamari's little bear that Fernando first got, with the race suit, as you used it for your other babies. Taking a deep breath you control your tears, as the grief hits you but you stop and picture what they'd look like, and how happy and loved they are, and how Fernando's loud laugh would boom through the house with the kids greeting him.
You smile at the 3 other sonograms on the wall with each child's name and moving kissing them as you hear the garage door open, quickly you bolt to the living room and sit down, acting like you weren't doing anything other than waiting. Fernando walks in, hair messy and with spots of grey, something you loved.
"Hello, gorgeous," He mummers, kissing your cheek as you hum and he heads straight to the bedroom. The sound of his bag falling has you jumping up and standing on the couch as he walks back in, tears in his eyes. "Really? You're really pregnant?" Fernando whispers, with so much love and joy, your smile matching it as you nod your head.
"But, the doctors, they said it'd be impossible, that after Aurelio, it wouldn't be smart, are, are you okay? Is the baby okay?" And you nearly melt seeing the worry and love in your husband's eyes. "I'm perfectly healthy, I'll be a risk case, but I'll have doctor's appointments for three times a month to make sure everything is going to plan, but I'm really pregnant." You whisper, covering your mouth.
Fernando walks forward and hugs you gently, like you were a china doll, worried that one little nick would cause you to break. "I love you, I love you both," He whispers and squeezes just slightly tighter as he buries his face into your small bump.
"Well, I can't wait to meet them, neither can the others," Fernando whispers and you laugh with your tears running down. "They've already met Fernando, they're watching over their baby sibling, I know it." Fernando smiles as your fingers card through his hair. "See you in 6 months, little Alonso," You giggle as Fernando brings you down, kissing you softly.
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