#feminism ❤️ yay ❤️
hermidetta · 2 months
blows a kiss. if anyone bothers you @ me queen i'll give them a reason to use their health insurance
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ok ❤️ yay ❤️
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get them
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angelic-apple · 2 years
Bored. Radfem ask game <3
🤝 What introduced you to radical feminism?
📩 Do you remember your first anon hate?
🥰 Fave thing about the radblr community?
🙄 Least fave thing about the radblr community?
💣 Are you ex- or detrans?
😞 Are you dysphoric?
🤫 Unpopular terf opinion?
🤩 Name a woman who inspires you and why?
💅 Do you wear make-up or shave?
👙 Sex work is work, true or false? Why?
🖤 Top 3 worst things a man has said to you?
❤️ Top 3 best things a woman has said to you?
😶 How's your relationship with your mother?
👸🏼 Do you literally hate trans people sooo much and want them to die violently? Do you personally kill trans women?
😈 A feminist sin?
🌈 Your feelings about the q*eer community?
🚷 Have you defeated the system and been named in a terf block list?
😬 Worst trend you've seen online?
🎨 What's your favourite color?
👤 The most cryptic woman you've ever met?
💪 Are you gender critical?
🤬 What's your opinion on those old buzz feed videos from way back, where women did "experiments" where they sat in public transport and man spreaded.
🐱 Do you think men belong in- or outside?
🍦 Fave snack and yummy beverage?
⚔️ Truscum/transmed?
🔫 What's your opinion on the "war' between tras and radfems? Do you think it's productive?
🐶 Your feelings on the word 'bitch'?
🤣 Worst comeback a tra has made to you while they thought they just served the biggest burn of the century?
👨‍⚕️ Have you felt discriminated against or unsafe, haven't been taken seriously or been groped a little too much when trying to seek medical help?
🎭 What's the best piece of media you've enjoyed recently?
🧓 How long has it been since you peaked?
📚 Any books to recommend?
😍 First girl crush?
🚫 Have you been termed before?
👌 What are your favourite hobbies?
🎮 Videogames yay or nay?
🤦‍♀️ Did you use to be a tra or a mra?
🤢 Radical feminism is white feminism. Are you a privileged whitey too?
💕 Fave mutual? <3
👀 Fave radblr blog you follow?
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obsessed with young Kreese and older Johnny. May I offer the idea of this dynamic + forced feminization (or basically Kreese makes Johnny wear bra/panties and makeup and calls him Doll)
Yay!! So glad you liked that ficlet 😄❤️
And ohhhhh another one of your genius and inspiring prompts 👀👌👌 Let's see...
Behind a cut because I wrote like 1600 words, oops. (CW: dubcon)
Sometimes Kreese buys him gifts. None of that sappy stuff. A sex toy Johnny has never even heard of, a nice bottle of whiskey (which Kreese ends up slurping out of his belly button and licking off his saggy pecs), stuff like that.
Johnny's struggling to make rent, which is embarrassing because he's had so much time to get his shit together and did nothing with it. The point is he can't afford to buy Kreese anything, and to be honest he wouldn't even know what to get him. So he repays Kreese by being good for him, by following orders. He enjoys the hell out of that too, most of the time at least. Sometimes he ends up feeling like crap afterwards. Then again what else is new.
His lack of reciprocity still makes him feel like a failure, since it's usually the older guy buying the gifts. Kreese doesn't seem to mind though. He keeps coming back, knocking on Johnny's front door in a distinct pattern that by now invokes a Pavlovian response inside Johnny's underwear.
Speaking of underwear, today's gift is a pair of red lace panties. There is more lacey fabric inside the pretty box that Kreese just pushed towards him across the coffee table, but Johnny's brain malfunctioned the moment he took the panties out. He's sure his face just turned the same color as them.
Kreese chuckles, a low sound in his throat. "I saw them and they made me think of you."
Johnny makes a doubtful noise.
"Quiet," Kreese warns him, and Johnny doesn't make another sound despite being tempted to (nothing like a sharp slap to his face to really get him going), distracted by the sheer fabric in his hands.
"I'll be in the bedroom. Put them on and join me."
Does he have a choice? The perpetual fear of losing the interest of the younger man battles with the fresh fear that Kreese will look at him—his aging body wrapped in pretty lace that doesn't belong on someone like him—and laugh, or worse.
He knows better than to keep Kreese waiting though.
The panties fit, which is surprising. Apparently they make lingerie for men now, flower pattern in the lace included. His soft dick is visible through the fabric and they only cover half of his ass. The elastic is a little too tight around his hips and stomach. Next, he takes the other item out of the box.
It's a fucking bra.
He should've guessed, the way Kreese always goes on about his tits. To his annoyance, he fills out the bra perfectly. His nipples harden, the lace lightly chafing at them. It feels ridiculous to walk around like this, and has to stop himself from sucking in his gut. Kreese asked for this so he's gonna get it, flab and sag included.
When he enters his bedroom, heart pounding in his chest, Kreese is still dressed and seated on the edge of the bed. His eyes roam over Johnny, a grin spreading on his face.
"You look beautiful, dollface."
Kreese is definitely mocking him, but the interest in his eyes is real. When he beckons him over to stand in between his spread thighs, Johnny goes to him like he's on autopilot. Despite towering over Kreese he feels exposed and vulnerable and has to fight the urge to cover himself. Kreese turns him around, using his love handles to steer him, and playfully snaps the elastic band of his panties.
"Lovely. Now face me again. I've got one more surprise for you."
When he turns back around there is another gift waiting for him in Kreese's hands. A tube of lipstick.
"No." He has to draw the line somewhere. He's already way out of his comfort zone, and usually when Kreese makes him do things he's not comfortable with he makes sure that Johnny's hard and desperate first. It's different without the haze of arousal.
"What did you say to me?" Kreese asks, eyes narrowing.
"No thank you, Sir," he tries. It doesn't work.
"You're going into that bathroom and you're gonna doll yourself up for me. Then I want you back right here in front of me."
What choice is there, really. After carefully applying the lipstick he presses his lips together like he's seen women do. Another flush of shame runs through him. For a first time the end result doesn't look so bad. It's a dark red and matches the panties. He looks like a whore. A whore past her prime. His prime, his, damn it.
There is a visible bulge in Kreese's jeans when he's back in his spot. Johnny eyes it and licks his lips, tasting cosmetics. Despite everything, it feels nice to be wanted.
"I knew your tits would look great in this," Kreese rumbles, leaning forward and mouthing at one of Johnny's pecs through the sheer fabric.
The roughness of the lace makes everything more sensitive. Looking down on sandy brown hair, Johnny can feel himself beginning to stir inside the panties. Kreese's hot mouth is joined by a groping hand. When he pulls back the fabric is wet with his saliva and Johnny is half hard.
"You're such a pretty girl," Kreese tells him, his tone still a mocking quality to it. "With that nice rack of yours," he adds, pushing Johnny's pecs together to create the illusion of cleavage.
His words deepen the flush on Johnny's face. This is definitely worse than any other thing Kreese made him do. Kind of odd that the lingerie, despite somewhat covering him up, makes him feel more vulnerable than for instance the time Kreese told him to spread his own cheeks and expose his hole to him.
"Why don't you take out my cock sweetheart?" Kreese purrs, and Johnny sinks to his knees to obey the command, knee joints cracking and highly aware of the snug fit of the panties. "That's it, now wrap those gorgeous lips around it."
Johnny's sucked his dick a bunch of times before, but never while wearing lingerie and never while Kreese strokes his face in a tender way that feels just as taunting as the sweet words he murmurs.
"Good girl," he tells Johnny, somehow making the latter word sound like a slur.
Johnny shivers, closes his eyes and surrenders to what Kreese has turned him into, losing himself in the act. When he zones back in, Kreese's words have turned from sweet to filthy as the younger man gets closer to his orgasm.
"Who's daddy's big-titted slut, huh? That's right, you are. Cock-hungry bitch, fuck."
Johnny moans, the sound muffled by the dick in his mouth. Kreese figured out his daddy issues very early on and loves exploiting them, even though Kreese is about 20 years his junior. It shouldn't work but it does.
Usually Kreese likes to finish either deep inside his throat (pushing his head down hard without mercy) or on his chest. This time he surprises Johnny by pulling out, pushing Johnny over and aiming for Johnny's crotch—where Johnny's erection obscenely strains against the thin fabric—as he finishes himself with fast strokes.
Now that he's no longer sucking Kreese off, Johnny can see that the lipstick left red smears all over Kreese's dick. The sight makes him realize with a pang of horror that own face probably looks like a defiled mess.
Kreese zips himself up, fully dressed again, and then makes Johnny sit on his lap, facing the room. Cupping Johnny's crotch, he rubs the slimy mess he made around, his other hand roughly squeezing Johnny's damp cloth-covered pecs, until Johnny comes inside the panties with a series of low groans. They're absolutely soaked after two loads of come. Johnny sits back, resting his weight against the other man, suddenly bone-tired.
"How about you put those ruined panties in the washer and then put on an apron and cook me a big steak, hmm sweetheart?"
Johnny stiffens in Kreese's arms. He just wants to peel off the soiled lingerie, wash the lipstick off and go back to being himself again. Shit, what if Kreese wants him dressing like a chick all the time now?
"My fridge is empty. How 'bout I order us pizza instead?"
"Fine," Kreese concedes, his mood usually good and mellow after sex.
He still slaps Johnny's ass though, when Johnny gets up, chuckling when Johnny yelps. Johnny's just relieved he can put his own clothes back on. His relief is short-lived, because when Kreese leaves after dinner he tells him, "Next time, I'm fucking that tight pussy of yours."
And sure enough, the following week Kreese insists he puts on the lingerie again. This time his make-up includes another gift; mascara. Johnny manages not to poke himself in the eye, but the mascara ends up ruined and running down his cheeks anyway, because Kreese pulls him over his lap and spanks him relentlessly for being a naughty girl.
Then he tears the panties in order to fuck Johnny so hard it makes the bed shake with their movements, all the while grunting about how Johnny's pussy is the tightest pussy he's ever had despite Johnny being a dirty slut who spreads her legs for anyone.
Johnny is sore and overwhelmed, and by now so out of it he barely notices his own orgasm. When it's all over he's too exhausted to stop himself from sniffling. It's one of those times where sex with Kreese leaves him feeling real bad instead of good.
"Don't worry darling," Kreese pretends to comfort him while getting up to use the bathroom, "I'll buy you a new pair, I promise."
Still motionless on the bed, Johnny stifles a miserable sob.
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esther-dot · 4 years
It's not even funny anymore how it is always the "making Dany a villain is sexist" people who think Sansa was undermining Jon by disagreeing with him, or she is a conniving manipulative power-hungry bitch who only ever wanted a throne etc. (First of all this is factually inaccurate portrayal of Sansa as you pointed out, secondly even if it were true what is wrong with a woman being ambitious? And lastly, aren't these same people admire Dany's quest for power and excuse everything she did for it??? Make it make sense. FEMINISM™ but only for Daenerys!) How dare she -a useless weak girl- not know her place and go against a male fan favorite instead of stepping aside and do all he asks from her!! And they also have a post saying Sansa was xenophobic for not wanting to reward Umber and Karstark kids for their family's betrayal. 🙄 It's not just feminism that they know nothing of apparently. Words have no meaning to these people, it's scary to think how they navigate real world with this much ignorance blended with arrogance.
Your answer was beautiful. Thank you! I love seeing a perfect clapback 👏👏 (and yay for opening anon asks, I always loved reading your analysis ❤️❤️ and your posts trying to make sense of the show, trying to find a glimpse of hope while crying inside are always relatable 😂👍)
Exactly. It’s very confusing to me how so many women reject Dany’s characterization on the grounds of feminism only to misinterpret everything Sansa has ever done in order to vilify her. Like you, I could have enjoyed ambitious Sansa. She could have been angry that the Lords chose Jon to lead instead of her and then manipulated things in s8 to get the throne herself because she felt betrayed by Jon/didn’t trust Dany, but that isn’t what we got. And yet, they insist on declaring Sansa power hungry, a traitor, wish death and other awful things on her which makes their rage at “sexist” writing come across as wholly insincere. I didn’t see the post about Sansa’s xenophobia towards fellow Northerners which is definitely their most…creative use of the word yet.
Tbh, I am so technologically illiterate I had to google how to find the ask function/turn it on, but I am very happy I waited until things calmed down to do so. I would never have been able to endure what so many Sansa/Jonsa fans had to put up with for years on end. Fandom can be so much fun, but also, the worst. Crying on the inside is certainly the emotion anytime I think about what they did to Jon, the poor kid, but I have had a lot of fun trying to connect the dots on the show and am so happy you’ve enjoyed that too! 
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