#feels like a good day to enjoy unproblematic fictional lando
ctimenefic · 1 month
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never met a deadline i loved more for @thattropeyouhate fest! Rated Teen and Up Fandom F1 RPF Pairing Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri 10674 words
He’s almost back to his office, where Andrea will no doubt scrounge up some crime stories to distract him, when his eye falls on the picture desk. Specifically, on a garish pair of sneakers propped up on the desk, attached to someone wearing the scruffy uniform of a press photographer. A young photographer. The kid looks barely out of diapers. “You!” Brown roars. Safe in the knowledge that fresh prey has been spotted, the investigation team creep back to their desks.
Indulgent witterings below the cut
Belatedly, my contribution to @thattropeyouhate fest. I took on the prompt "high school AU but one of them is an adult undercover a la Never Been Kissed", which it turns out was from our fearless fest leader @officialmood (thank you for such an excellent fest, it has been a lot of fun!) To up the ante I also decided to take on a new ship AND get into some feeder series antics.
I ended up writing basically up to the deadline with this one, so please forgive any rough patches (but don't worry about pointing them out! Maybe I'll come back soon to smooth them!) Yes, the title is as much about my struggle as it is the boys'.
Thank you to @latecomersprivilege for your endless support on the tightest of turnarounds. You are a queen
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