#feel kinda nerveus
So I had an idea for a one shot, so here it goes I hope you like it.
Zendaya pov
I woke up not feeling to well today, and I have been feeling like this for the past week now.
At first I thought that it was just food poisoning or a cold so I just let it be, until my mom told me to make an appointment with the doctors
So I got out of bed when I see that Chris left me a note saying that he was at work and that he would see me tonight when he comes back
I went to the shower and did my normal routine, after i was done i went downstairs to try to eat something while I was waiting on my mom
After 5 min I finally got a text from my mom saying that she is outside waiting. I locked up the house and hopped in my mom’s car.
‘Hey mom’
'Hey Daya how you are you feeling now’ her mom said while she was driving
'Well I do feel better than yesterday, but I don’t feel all the way great’
They kept making some small talks while the music was playing softly in the background
After 15 min of driving they finally arrived at the hospital. Her mom parked the car and then they went to the reception
'Hello how can I help you’ the receptionist asked me
'Hello I have a appointment with dr Williams’
'okay can you fill out this form for me please’
After filling out the formulier and a 10 minute wait she finally got called for her appointment
“Zendaya Coleman” thé nurse called out
They went to the room the nurse showed them and waited for the doctor to come
'Hi Zendaya how are you’
'I could be better’
'Tell me what do you have’
'I have a headache, been nauseous and I have been really tired lately’
'Okay we’re gonna run some blood test and as soon as we got the results I will call you to let you know’
'Okay thank very much’
They ran some blood test on her and then they left
'Daya do you wanna eat something’
'Yeah but just something I can take home and eat later cause i really need to lay down’
They finally decided on a restaurant and then her mom took her home
Later on that night
Chris finally came back home from work and called my name
'Babe I’m back’
'I’m in the kitchen’ I called out
He came in the kitchen and gave me a kiss
'Hey how are you feeling right now’
'After my nap I felt kinda better and the doctor told me she was gonna call me as soon as the result come out’
'So at what time were we gonna have dinner again’ Zendaya asked
'8pm and my mom just texted me know who is all going to be there tomorrow’
'Babe you really look tired let’s go to bed’
They turned all of the light out and went to bed
Next day
Zendaya woke up before noon to make some brunch for the both of them
While she was making food she heard her phone ringing, she picked it up from the counter and saw that it was the hospital.
'Hello Zendaya Coleman’
'Hey Zendaya with Doctor Williams, how do you feel right now?’
'I feel so much better that yesterday thanks for asking’
'Well that good to hear, I got the results back from the blood test and I got some good news, congratulations your pregnant’
'Wait what..omg..how many weeks am I?’
'So you’re about 5 weeks pregnant’
'Wow..omg..thank you for the news’
'Congratulations dear, Im going to call you in about a couple of days to make your first appointment for the ultrasound’
'That would be great, have a nice day’
She hung up the phone and was on cloud 9 about the news. She and Chris have been together for almost 5 years now and she couldn’t believe that all of this is happening now
All she got to do now is find a excuse to buy him another gift for tonight after they come back from dinner.
'Okay babe which dress should I wear, the red dress or the black one?’
'Mhhh the red one’
Chris and daya were getting ready to go out to dinner with the family for his birthday
It has been so hard for her to keep the secret to her self, she really just wanted to blurt it out but she also wanted to make it special for him as it is also his birthday
She asked her friend Deja if she could decorate the living room a bit to make it look cute for the surprise.
They finally finished getting ready and hopped in the car to their destination
After a 25 min drive they finally arrived at the restaurant and greeted all of there family and close friends and had a really good time
After hours of spending time with their family and close friends it was finally time for everybody to go home
Chris thanked everybody for coming and then everybody went there separate ways.
Chris and Daya finally arrived home from the diner. the closer they reached the front door the more nerveus she was getting
Chris turned on the light from the living room and saw ballons in the color pink and blue, and some gifts on their coffee table
'When did you do all of this’ he asked shocked
'Well I asked Deja to come decorate it a bit before we come home’
They sat on the couch while he opened all of his gifts
'Thanks Daya for all of the gifts’ he said and gave her a kiss
'You’re welcome but I have one more gift for you’
She took a box from behind the couch and gave it to him. He opened it to find a a shirt that said “#1 Dad!”
He was so shocked he had to do a double check to make sure he was reading it right
'I…m…I’m going to be…a dad’
'Yesss yo-’ before she could finish her sentence he picked her up and spins her around
He then put her down and touched her stomach and started to talk to the baby
'Hey there baby I just found out about you. This new just made my day I can’t even explain how happy I am, I can’t wait to meet you little one’ he finished and gave her stomach a kiss
That just made her tear up, she knew from that moment that he was going to be a good dad and is going to love their baby with everything he had.
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