#feel free to rb if you have input friends but im closing my ask box-- it wasn't supposed to be open lol
build-a-buddy · 4 months
have you ever tried antipsychotics? it really seems like itd help u, given that your objects talk to u
Hi! So I'm gonna try and answer this nicely as I can. And then anon goes off. Because wtf when did I turn it on again.
I'm POSIC-- it means I perceive objects as sentient, having individuality, or some form of consciousness. For me, it's not due to psychosis AFAIK. I have tried anti-psychotic medication, but not for this specifically, and in any case it didn't impact this, or anything else going on for me mentally. So. Shrug.
Nothing bad about those who are psychotic or otherwise hear voices from objects, though. Sometimes that happens-- up to each person how they deal, if they even need to deal. I know the experience of psychosis related to objects being alive can run the gamut from relatively pleasent to traumatizing and extremely painful. Ain't my department to say much on that peice.
(Psychosis having folks feel free to weigh in here, if you'd like to. No obligation.)
Anyway, POSIC. For me it's just. A thing that happens. There's subterms for what might be causing it-- I (me and my friend who coined these words) even included one for those whose experience is due to delusions and psychosis.
My experience, I'm not sure why it happens-- could be a combination of personification, hyperempathy from being ND, and plain old hints of animism. I really dunno to be honest.
So, yeah. I talk about that-- it's part of my life + it's not inherently bad. It just is. I don't really appreciate you making assumptions but I understand maybe it sounds a bit concerning to outsiders.
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