llucy-san · 4 years
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Chapter 17: While You Were Sleeping     
What was long forgotten and hidden in darkness is now on the surface. To the new beginnings and friendship.
“Duncan’s? As if. . .?” Hope asked, bewildered.
“Yes,” There was a long pause, so long that Hope thought he wasn't going to continue. But in the end, he nodded reluctantly, “and they were no better.” His face had closed again, and he seemed to be looking far away at something, something terrible and heartbreaking that only he could see. Hope noticed not just anguish in his expression. Through the walls, she could see the tortured look of insufferable ache and loneliness. A look so lost and plagued that she had moved to his side before she knew what she was doing and laid a hand on his shoulder.
John." She whispered but he didn't seem to perceive her; he seemed to be adrift in his own world in his mind, still wrapped in thought. “John, hey.”
His eyes searched her face and smile broke across his face a moment later. They did not speak. There was no need for words. She stroked his arm, meant to soothe him from whatever he was thinking of, pushing away his memories. He caught her hand, gently, and held it in his warm slender tattoo fingers while those bright eyes fixed on her in a way that made her more and more on edge and heat coming in waves up her throat and cheeks. And in that split second, she realized that she was frightened. Her heart began to pound violently. It was as if those blue eyes spoke to some part of her that was buried deep beneath the surface. And her other instincts were screaming at her to run away. She swallowed, hard, only now realizing how close she was. Close enough to touch. She could smell a faint hint of his cologne. And his eyes still held hers, she could not look away from them. They were like no eyes she had ever seen, bright as morning sky or like deep ocean, the pupils distended like a cat's. They filled her vision as he leaned toward her, bending his head down to hers. She felt her own eyes semi-close, losing focus, and felt her head tilt back, her lips part.
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hopecountygazette · 4 years
Protector of New Eden
Chapter 4 : The Chosen
Hope hated when her and Marcus fought.
Even when they were children, she remembers, whenever he grew cross with her, she would immediately run off to her father and ask for advice on how to establish common ground between them. Otherwise, she found it particularly difficult to sleep, knowing there was a quarrel going on between them.
However, they have never fought so intensely over something this serious. She could usually find an answer to resolve the situation, but in this case. She couldn’t really think of one.
She loved her brother, but the man she was introduced to not two days ago, was not the same man she once knew growing up.
Laying in her warm, soft bed, with the heavy sheets laying over top of her, she kept her glossy gaze held on the window that held the amazing view of the Whitetail Mountains. Staring at them, in awe and admiration. The faint feeling of, sadness, lulling deep in her heart. She wanted so badly for things to go back to the way they were.
As a tear slid down her cheeks, she immediately huffed out an exasperated laugh, shaking her head lightly and wiping the falling tear off of her cheek.
Shoving the blankets aside, she decided to get on with her day. Showering quickly and putting on her usual attire - white hemmed t-shirt, black tight jeans and combat boots - before grabbing her green military jacket and heading down the stairs.
As she entered the kitchen, she could smell the familiar scent burnt toast - clearly, an indication that Marcus was attempting to make something for breakfast.
Hope took a breath before entering the kitchen, he had his back turned to her, as he was buttering his pieces of black toast. She silently, walked by him and opened the silver refrigerator, grabbing the milk and opening the pantry for some cereal. At this point, Marcus had turned around completely and was watching his belligerent little sister.
“Good morning…?” He says, questioningly, as she brushes past him to get to the dining room table. Shovelling a bite into her mouth, she responds.
“You know, I made toast, if you want some?” He told her, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.
Hope, lifts her bowl of cereal at him and continues eating.
Scoffing lightly, he looks to his feet before responding to his little sister passive aggressive, juvenile behaviour.
“Are you serious?” He asks. Hope lifts her head in recognition of her brother and raises an eyebrow at him.
“Problem?” She says, pretending to not know what he was talking about.
“Uh, yes. There is a problem.” He says, taking a couple more steps over to where she sat.
“What ever could that be?” She responded, tapping her chin lightly.
“Are we really going to do this?”
“I have no idea what-”
“Hope! Just stop. Talk to me like an adult.” He responds, more aggressively. Hope immediately lifts her head at his words.
“I’m sorry? Like an adult?” She repeats, now standing from her seat and placing her hands on the table, knuckles down.
Marcus nods.
“Yes! Like a fucking adult!”
“You know, from what I remember, that is exactly what I was trying to do yesterday, but you had to go all, “Donnie Darko” on me!” She screams, at him. He scoffs once more, looking towards the ceiling.
“This is ridiculous…” He mumbles before continuing. “ I’m trying to make you understand, Hope!”
“Oh, I completely, understand! I understand, that you have been brainwashed into thinking, what you’re doing is good!” She counters.
“What I’m doing IS a good thing, Hope. Just because you can’t see that yet…”
“No! I won’t see it! Not ever.”
He sighs and walks closer towards the table setting. Placing his toast at his spot across from her. He, however, continued to stand, looking down at her.
“Hope… this is my life now. You won’t be able to change that.”
“I can damn well try.” She responds, sitting down at her chair again and continued to spoon mouthfuls of her cereal into her mouth with vigor.
“Let me take you somewhere tonight. I’ll make it up to you.” He says lightly. Almost a whisper in her direction. She looks up at him, thinking hard.
“Where?” She asks, questioningly.
“It’ll be a surprise, don’t worry about it.” Marcus said, suddenly standing from his spot and placing the burnt pieces of toast in the trash and leaving the plate in the sink.
“I gotta head out, I’ll see you tonight.” He says, grabbing his jacket from the bannister and his keys from the hook near the door.
As Hope finished her cereal, she decided she was going to spend the day at the family hangar to help get her mind off of the situation. She used to do that when she was a kid, if she were upset, she would confide in her father and he would always take her up in the plane and spend the afternoon flying over Hope County.
Opening the door to the hangar, she shuddered at the god awful designs and extra bits that were placed on her twin-engine while she was away. Trying to ignore it and put up blinders, she hopped inside and smirked lightly as she turned the key and listened to the familiar sound of her twin-engine roaring to life.
Driving the plane outside the hangar. She decided she was going to clean the plane and see if the symbols would come off. Getting out, she walked around the hangar to the side and grabbed a bucket and sponge, filling it up and putting some soap inside the bucket. Looking at the beautiful plane she loved so much, she felt the tears welling up as she examined the vandalism.
Clenching her teeth, she roughly splashed the sponge into the soapy water and began scrubbing the wings.
She scrubbed for what seemed like hours. The best she could do was fade the symbol a little bit. She would have to repaint the entire plane to get what she was looking for. Sighing loudly, she dropped the sponge into the water. Stepping back a couple of steps to take a better look at her plane.
A loud shot suddenly rang out into the open air. She jumped suddenly and turned to where she heard the sound. She knew that sound from anywhere.
A gunshot.
She ran out through the bushes on the property, leading to the forest behind the hangar. Suddenly coming across, five cultist, all dressed the same, holding up large rifles to the head of a young man, wearing a green jacket, blue jeans, black combat boots and a bow lying at their side.
She suddenly jumped into action. Crouching low and sneaking up on one of the cultists, kicking him in the back of the knees making him fall to the ground and losing grip on his rifle. She quickly grabbed the rifle off the ground and held it to his head.
The other four cultists looked to her, shocked of her sudden appearance.
“Let him go, or I swear to god, I’ll put a bullet in this mans head”. She warned them, looking at them all in the eye, one by one.
The four cultists looked at each other slowly, before lowering their rifles at the sight of her holding a gun to their friend. When she thought they done, she nodded to the man on the ground to get up and walk away.
However, one of the cultists suddenly lifted his gun and turned to point his rifle at her. She was quicker though. Much quicker. She quickly lifted her gun and shot him in the chest, listening to him grunt and fall to the ground, dead.
She looked at the other three, who were now watching their friend bleed out on the ground. Hope quickly pointed her rifle at them and shot them all, before any one of them got any ideas.  Pushing the last cultist - who was currently crouching on the ground in front of her - onto his stomach and shooting him in his head, but not before hearing a quick grunt from him and silence then after.
She dropped the rifle to the ground and looked at the five bodies surrounding her and the other man. He quickly picked up his bow and watched Hope curiously as she gave him a quick smile. He nodded once, before turning and disappearing into the forest beyond.
She made her way back to the hangar, all the while thinking of how right Pastor Jerome truly was.
The cult was dangerous and had to be stopped.
Hope had finished for the day at the hangar, soon realizing the sun - that usually hung high over the Whitetail Mountains - was slowly disappearing behind them. She took that as her time to leave and meet Marcus back at the house.
As she pulled up to the ranch, she went to the porch and sat on it, deciding to watch the sunset, while waiting for Marc to come home.
She didn’t have to wait long however, before sudden headlights appeared around the bend of their ranch. Marcus’s white truck came to a stop in front of her. He rolled the window down, glancing at her.
“You sure you don’t want to change into something a little… nicer?” He asked. Hope simply looked into his eyes with a straight face.
“No.” She responded, monotone, before standing and walking over to the passenger side of the truck.
“Oookay.” He responded, elongating the word slightly, before putting the truck into reverse.
Marcus attempted to make small talk as he drove. However, Hope either gave short response or didn’t respond all together. Creating a very awkward and passive aggressive environment for the both of them.
She sat with her elbow leaning against the passenger door and her head lying limp on her palm, silently staring out the window and watching her surroundings pass by.
The truck soon came to a halt outside of a white church. She recognized this church, it was the same one her family used to visit. Slowly, exiting the vehicle, she hesitantly followed her brother up to the doors.
She quickly came to a halt when she the large words above the door.
She couldn’t believe the nerve of him.
She grinded her teeth together and stared at the back of his head as he continued to walk towards the doors, before realizing she wasn’t following her. He turned around and stared at Hope, as she angrily stared back.
“Are you … FUCKING … kidding me!” She screamed loudly. Marcus’s eyes quickly widened, taking a few steps towards her.
“No! Don’t come near me. You fucking asshole.” She replied lowering her voice and stared with a look that could kill.
“Hope, they’re not going to hurt you. They just want-”
“I don’t give a FUCK what they want. I thought I made that VERY clear.” She said, angrily backing away from him as he tried to approach.
“No! Get the fuck away from-” She screamed at him, but was cut off as the doors to the church suddenly swung open revealing two men.
One of which she had previously met - the man with the airplane jacket - and beside him a tall, well-built, ginger man with awful burns and scars covering most of his body. He was a lot bigger than John, wearing dark blue jeans and grey t-shirt and a similar military jacket to her own. She figured they were brothers, looking into his deep blue eyes that resembled John’s.
“And what is going on out here?” The man, she assumed was Jacob Seed, spoke first.
Marcus quickly spun around and looked to the two men.
“John … Jacob … Meet my sister … Hope.” He said, lowering his head and pointing towards her.
“Ahh, Hope. I’ve heard so much about you.” Jacob said, smirking at her, glancing her up and down.
“Father wanted me to bring her to him.” Marcus spoke up again.
Hope quickly swung her head in Marcus’s direction, but he refused to look at her. Not in the presence of two of the Seed brothers.
John, however, noticed her sudden movement.
“Such anger within you…” He said, smirking and taking a couple long strides towards her. “Come, we shouldn’t leave Joseph waiting.”
He places his large hand on the base of her spine and began guiding her into the church. She silently looked to her brother for any type of help. He continued to ignore her looks.
“Marcus, you can wait here. We’ll be back shortly.” Jacob told him, as he joined Hope on her left side.
“Yes, sir.” Marcus said obediently as Hope was guided completely into the the white church. She glanced around at the familiar surroundings she once knew so well. She walked on shaky legs, being brought closer and closer towards the raised platform, which stood the man she immediately recognised as Joseph Seed and beside him a young woman wearing a white dress and bare footed.
Both smiling openly at her.
“Hope! My child. What a pleasure it is to see you again!” Joseph spoke, as he dropped from the platform and stood directly in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders. She immediately shrugged them off, feeling John’s hand suddenly slip from her back and two new hands placed on her shoulders from behind, keeping her in place before him.
“How do you know my name …” She spoke softly, looking at The Father’s bare chest, noticing the different sins carved into his body.
“Marcus told me.” He said, watching her carefully, the smile never faltering once from his face.
“Why am I here?” She asked. This time the girl who was still on the platform, stepped down and approached Hope.
“You’re the girl who will save us all.” She told her, smiling wildly.
“What … what are you talking about?”
“You, my dear, are the one we have all been waiting for.” She heard John speak from above her, brushing his hand through Hope’s blonde hair.
“I don’t understand. I’m not special, I’m the same as everyone else.” She spoke, her words becoming garbled as she looked to her feet.
She heard a deep chuckle erupt from her left.
“Oh honey, we all have a purpose here, and you -” He said, gripping her shoulder tightly. “- are the key to our salvation … to all we have been working towards.”.
She felt warm hands plant themselves on her cheeks, lifting her head to look into the blue eyes of The Father.
“Everything is according to God’s plan.”
He leaned slightly, brushing the blonde streaks from the side of her head to reveal her ear. She shuddered under the feeling of Joseph’s lips grazing her earlobe and his warm breath gracing her ear gently. Before, uttering the three words that would change Hope forever.
“He chose you.”
By @mackie-hattwie
My Masterlist
The Picture
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dakotarrabideaulove · 3 years
Far Cry 5 OC Fanfiction Ch 3 - Corruption TW- Anxiety/Abuse/Depression
I remember vividly trying to scrub the blood from my hands in the sink..
The smell of iron.. as it mixed with the clear liquid dying it a crimson... 
It dyed my hands too... It wasn’t coming off... Even when it did I could still feel it..
His blood... on my hands...
It wouldn’t come off... atleast... That’s what it felt like... inside and out.
Raising my head to stare into the fogged mirror...
The ratty brown hair that had tied itself in knots... I had taken it down for bed but... It seemed to just turn into a crows nest.
Deep dark circles that remained on the pale skin under the steel grey eyes... 
That was me.. I was staring at myself in the mirror but it was like... I couldn’t believe that was me..
Brushing the thin, Smooth digits through my hair I pulled it back into a low ponytail... I didn’t feel like brushing it. 
My small hands had reached out to fill the sink with water that would be warm enough to wash up. 
Elora hung her head down... Staring into the rippling water before turning off the faucet... Cupping the water in her small hands to splash it against her face and scrub it.
Maybe this would make her feel a little less...
Elora picked her head up to look back in the mirror, A look of exhaustion met by a figment... It was in her mind but... It wasn’t any less terrifying.
His neck.. split open... His head hung to one side... The faded eyes staring at her as the bloodied frame of his was as if it was touching her..
“Monster... You... Killed me...” It whispered in her ear as her whole body was locked up... Sweating... Shaking...Paralyzed..
Ragged... Deep breaths escaped her lips... as it reached out and wiped the mirror... it was gone... replaced by a blood stained hand.
Elora dropped to the floor like a sack of rocks... Her hands pressed against the wooden floor... digging her nails into it... Leaning down in almost a rock position... Knees tucked carefully under her as she was taking deep... slow breaths.. Trying to control the sobs that were threatening to split from her chest.
“Please... No more...” She whispered... Her voice cracked as a lump formed in her throat... The small females mind... was so fragile and pieced apart... It was a wonder she was still...together.
Elora pulled at the fabric on her body... A white nightgown... Tearing off the sleeves and pulling it apart letting the fabric shred and fall to the floor in a pile.
Pressing her hands into her legs... The white scars tracing almost every inch of her skin... Up her back... Down her legs and spine... Across her arms... Some were cuts... Some were burn marks... Some even welts..
There she laid... for what may have been hours... or minutes... She lost track of time after a while... The butterflies in her stomach and chest had all but eaten away at her. Eyes were puffy and red... 
Slipping my smooth flesh across the rough wood pushing myself into an upright position... I was finally able to stand up and usher myself from the bathroom to the bedroom.
I wasn’t leaving that day... Not even to eat... Everything was consuming me.. I just... I needed time to think..
My legs were stiff... struggling step by step to make it back to bed... Once at the side my body dropped like a rock. 
Laying sideways across the bed staring at the wall.. Mom always knew what to do... When it came to times like these...
Soon her eyes fluttered drifting into an empty slumber...But when she awoke it was... as if in a dream.
The beautiful spring water that was across the shore... where she once played... Not far from the meadow... A large tree with a tire swing that would sway in the wind.. This was where she buried her mother... After she...died.
A smooth voice... Like silk on a light breeze was what called to her..
“El....Come here my sweet child...” The female cooed... She found herself turning towards the voice... Her mother... Beautiful blue eyed woman with long chocolate curly hair... She was so beautiful... Sometimes she wanted to be like her mom... An Angel.
Elora could smell the perfume... Lavender with a hint of mint.. It was so soothing... She did everything she could as her legs shoved from under her and she ran... Faster than she ever did before... Thrusting herself into her mothers arms.
“My poor baby...I am so sorry I left you... I never meant for you to be this way... Your father was never like this...” The woman cooed as she cradled the child in her arms...
“I didn’t mean to hurt anyone...I don’t want to hurt anyone... I can’t stop.. I .. It’s not me...” Elora broke down sobbing... True to her word the girl had never harmed anyone before. It was unlike her... She was such a loving and kind child.. Which made her an unfortunately target... To those not so kind.
“I know baby... I know... Now you must do what is right... You know where you belong... Who is friend or foe in your heart...I will always be here with you... Every step of the way.. My strong... beautiful girl..” Her mother pressed a kiss to her forehead.. As she reached up removing a flower crown and placing it down upon her head.
“You must go my darling.. They’re waiting for you...” She pushed her hair back behind her ears smiling. It was such a lovely smile.. It was like a warm chocolate chip cookie.
“Whose waiting...?” Elora asked... as the dream began to fade... She panicked glancing around. “Mother? Mother! Don’t leave me! I’m not ready to go yet!”
Soon... It faded to black.
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scarlettkat86 · 5 years
Fanfiction Appreciation Day
So this is pretty neat yeah? But it's also my birthday today and I've not had much time to think about a long thought out list. I lurk on everyone's writing... I'll give a shout out to some of my fav long fics that I'd say are a must read:
@tormundgiantsbane Dont get cut on my edges (birdprincess on ao3). Words cannot describe how great this work is. It's a goddamn favorite of mine. I keep hoping I'll get a notification that you've finished it, if that never happens then let me say thank you for Stella and I'll continue to reread it.
@wasteland-mama Working Class Hero (WastelandMama on ao3) Thank you for Nora Cabot. She's an amazingly thought out character, 👌her family/backstory..I want to be her best friend and maccready will forever be my favorite garbage weasel. I haven't had a chance to catch up on part 2 WCH but I have no doubt I won't be disappointed. Thank you for keeping my love of fo4 alive :)
Fallout: Fury Blood (wordhuntress on ao3) I wish like hell I knew who this is. The work you continue to write(103 chapters and going!) and creativity... i just picture what you're writing and wish I could watch it on film..mind blowing. Ilya and the story are harrowing, yet lovable/relatable. I've laughed, I've cried, I've screamed. Thank you a million times over.
@raiven-raine The Bird and The Stag (Raiven_Raine on ao3) Lucci is a spitfire bamfwoman! You have a way of creating oc's that feel like they were meant to be canon. I have 2 chapters to catch up on but my mind has been reeling, wondering what happens next. Thank you love 🖤
I just noticed all of these are fallout related. Quick shout out to some of my fav from fc5fanfics @jacobmybeloved nayeli, the little lamb series 👌👌🖤. Cultist vittoria/sharky I'm always looking forward to.
@thotful-writing never a disappointing time reading through one shots, smut..A Devil Like Jesus... give me the rush smut 🙏😂 also worth mentioning Sam Witwer as a professor 👌👀👏
@finefeatheredfarcryplayer the wholesome series. And I know there are many many more but my brain is screaming just know yall all valid and appreciated 🖤💜
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llucy-san · 4 years
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Chapter 16: The House Guest    
Jacobs gaze held hers for a long silent moment, keeping his eyes focused steadily on her. The thick tension that has descended upon them made everything even harder until Jacob gave a stiff little nod towards her.
Hope was just about to open her mouth and stutter out something, as her mind tumbled back to present but John overrun her.
“Listen, it's nice that you're worried about me, but I'm good. Perfect, actually.”
The girl shifted her gaze between the two brothers, one standing proudly in front of her and the other beside her, feeling the apparent “tension” in the air.
Folding his muscular arms in front of an equally solid looking chest, Jacob grumbled under his breath. “I mean what I said, John. Take a few days off and get some rest. I'm sure Joseph will understand.”
John’s response was an exaggerated eye roll. “By all means.” He said as he hoisted the coffee mug to his lips.
Jacob cocked his head to the side - it’s as if he’s waiting for something else until he finally sighs in agreement.
“Don't worry, brother. I'm in good hands.” John chimed in, looping his arms around Hope’s shoulders and pulling her closer. “We'll keep each other company. Right, dearest?”
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@ja-crispea​ @oktraoktra​ @nightwingshero​ @fromathelastoveritaserum​ @returnofthepd3​ @veinereastath​ @v3ryvelvet​ @starsandskies​ @smithandrogers​ @xbaebsae​ @f0xyboxes​ @goodboiboomer-fc5​ @tomexraider​ @risenlucifer​ @faithchel​ @dieguzguz​ @shelliechen​ @hopecountygazette​
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llucy-san · 4 years
Protector of New Eden
Chapter 12 : Baptism
Involuntary baptism into a homicidal cult - checked. Crossing limits with personal space - what do you know - checked. Hope can't wait for the days spent in John's company. Not to mention his girlfriend, who throws daggers at her every chance she gets. Yes, this is going to be great.
“Look what we have here. Someone's in a good mood.” The ranch owner graced them with his arrival with his henchman at his heels. The familiar smirk she hates so much spreading across his face.
The good mood immediately faded, as did Hope's smile. She tried not to roll her eyes at him. It's not like she doesn’t like him, because she does. He irritates her to no end.
John peeled off his coat as he strolled towards the couple, laying a piece of clothing on the couch where Elijah had sat before and leaned against the chair - where Hope was sitting, wrapped up in blanket – and crossed his legs over his ankles.
“Ahh look, someone obviously won.” He grinned and sat down on armrest of the chair, leaning a little closer. “Did you know, love, that chess is considered a game of kings?”
Hope hummed a reply, pulling away from him as best she could.
“I'd say it's one of the most boring games that has no end.” Holly muttered, walking over to the others and taking a seat on the edge of the couch.
John clicked his tongue with a shake of his head. “Now I have to disagree with you, dear Holly. It's an excellent choice to practice tactics.” He noted, glancing at Holly to which Elijah nodded and brought a big smile to John's face.
“Is that so?” Holly asked. “Perhaps you could teach me. . .” She trailed off, her lips curl into a slight smirk, gazing longingly at John, obviously implying something more than just a game.
Hope couldn't keep up with their nonsense. A quiet groan escaped her lips as she got up from her chair, taking the blanket she had found in the room assigned to her.
“You know what?” Hope interjected. “I'll leave you two alone. Surely you have something. . . to do”
Last thing she wanted was spend another minute in the company of the Herald of Valley and his girlfriend, sticking her tongue down his throat. Ewww. . . no, thank you very much.
“Thank you, Elijah, for a splendid evening.” A tiny smile played on her lips ready to make her way upstairs.
Elijah's lips curled into a small smile and nodded. “Pleasure's all mine, Miss Hope.”
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tagging: @nightwingshero @returnofthepd3 @ja-crispea @sharky-boshaw @hopecountygazette @prinzfr @starsandskies
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hopecountygazette · 4 years
Far Cry 5 Fanfiction
Protector of New Eden
by Mackenzie706
Welcome Home Little Sister
Hope and her brother had taken it upon themselves to honor their family militant history. Both of their grandfathers had fought in the World Wars. Their Great Grandfather served in World War I, while their Grandfather had fought in World War II and now their father served as a soldier.
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hopecountygazette · 4 years
Young Hayley Moore has to overcome other obstacles in her life after graduating from law school. At university, she was one of the best students in her grade. With small internships in small law firms, she earned at livelihood and school because she no longer wanted to take money from her parents, who lived out of their miserable wages to get her a better life than they had. But as soon as she perceives new message from the most influential law firm, her life changes instantly.
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