#faster style with smaller file sizes and I ENDED UP DOING NONE OF THOSE THINGS
jackgoodfellow · 2 years
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My take on how Jancy and Joe first met!
I think it takes a loooot of magic hypnosis to fully wipe a mind like Jancy True's. And I think that much hypnosis would definitely mess you up for at least a few hours. AND I think..... milfs. Reblog if you agree.
Special shout-out to @little-banjo-frog, whose enthusiasm about my wips for this piece was the highlight of a very difficult week!
(Listen I just really like seeing masculine/butch characters in vulnerable situations and if I have the opportunity for that plus a size difference PLUS a dash of rescue and unexpected tenderness on the side, I begin vibrating uncontrollably. For more of that very specific exact thing, check out the graphic novel link in my blog description. ... Please. Pretty please. It is free and short AND I CARE SO MUCH.)
[Image descriptions below the cut]
Image description: A comic done with digital illustration featuring the characters Jancy True and Joebeans from the YouTube series Drawtectives. The comic is done in shades of yellow, pink, blue, and purple, with the exception of the final panel which is done in full color. The style is fairly realistic, with influences from western and Japanese animation styles.
Joe is a large, muscular green-skinned orc woman with voluminous blonde hair in the style of Dolly Parton. She is wearing a sleeveless red flannel, red lipstick and nail polish, jean shorts, and red pumps. She's very pretty and handsome, with a well-endowed figure, and two sharp white bottom fangs that jut up from her bottom lip.
Jancy is an older butch woman. She is thin, with short silver hair, caucasian skin, and angular features. She is wearing a red and yellow Hawaiian shirt, cut-off jean shorts, and red Converse-style sneakers. She has cochlear implants in both ears.
Panel 1: Joe sees Jancy passed out face-down in front of a dumpster in some kind of alley. Joe is in the foreground of the shot and is holding her hand up to her face with an expression of surprise and concern. She is saying, "Oh my!"
Panel 2: Joe's hands carefully turn Jancy onto her side, cupping Jancy's face gently. Jancy looks confused and extremely disoriented, barely awake with circles under her eyes. Joe is urgently saying, "Oh, you poor thing!!! Are you all right?! Are you hurt???"
A small faded speech bubble coming from Jancy reads, "uh--!?"
Small squiggly lines at her shoulder indicate that Jancy is trembling slightly.
Panel 3: a close up from the previous panel, zooming in on Jancy's face, her eyes just barely opening with an expression of great concern as she looks down at the large green palm holding her head up by gently cupping her cheek
Panel 4: a close up from the panel that is to follow, showing Jancy turning her head slightly to squint up at Joe. She is sweating and has hair in her face, and looks only half conscious as she strains to see. In turning her head, she presses her face slightly into Joe's palm
Panel 5: Jancy, still lying on her side, struggles to brace her arm on the ground and get up. Action lines indicate she is trembling and moving jerkily. She doesn't seem to be able to see very clearly. She is barely managing to lift her head several inches off the ground.
Joe's hands support Jancy's head and lightly grip her shoulder. Only Joe's hands are visible, but speech bubbles belonging to her take up most of the panel. She is saying, in a country accent , "Oh gracious! Don't push yerself! What if you've hurt your neck or somethin'??"
a scraggly speech bubble coming from Jancy reads, "ah-- uhh?!?" In small unsteady text.
Panel 6: Jancy gasps and collapses back onto the ground. She lets out a yell and her eyes shut tight in a grimace of pain. Her hands are trembling and tense. Joe's hands are on either side of jancy's face, stabilizing her long slender neck. The shot is framed with Joe's speech bubbles. Joe is saying, "Oh! Oh, dear! It's alright! I gotcha. Please, let me help you!"
Panel 7: Joe helps Jancy to slowly turn onto her back. Jancy is shown at a profile, back arched, eyes shut and teeth clenched in pain. She's letting out a quiet grunt of pain. There is a small scrape on her left cheek. Joe's hands are behind jancy's head and on her opposite shoulder. Joe's blonde hair is visible hanging into the shot, but her face is out of view. Joe is saying, with each separate sentence in its own individual speech bubble, "Let's get you turned over real careful alrigh'? Take your time. That's it... You're doin' great darlin'!"
Panel 8: a large speech bubble from Joe reads, "There. Jus' take a breather, sugar." A close up on Jancy's face framed by Joe's hands cradling it gently. Jancy is panting, her eyes closed in exhaustion from the effort, mouth open slightly and head tilted back. Sweat on her face. Joe is wearing a silver bracelet. A scraggly speech bubble coming from Jancy reads, "uungh??" One of Joe's hands is lightly brushing Jancy's cheek while the other supports her head.
Panel 9: speech bubbles from Joe read, "Oh, you poor dear... lemme get this hair outta yer face!"
This panel is similar to the the previous panel. It is still a close up on jancy's face from Joe's POV. In this one, Jancy is slowly opening her eyes, a small question mark next to her head as she slowly focuses on the image in front of her. Joe's hands are supporting jancy's head and brushing the hair out of her face. In this position, jancy's collar is askew, and her shirt is open to the just below her collarbones. A soft hazy light is reflected in her eyes. With every panel, the comic has shifted slightly more from a blue color tone to a slightly warmer pinkish tone. It is now much warmer than the first panel.
Panel 10: a close up of Joe's face from jancy's POV, looking down at Jancy with her face framed against a sunset sky, the light brightening her golden hair. In this shot, her skin is a saturated sky blue. Her eyes are blue and her lipstick is a bright pink. She is smiling at Jancy and speaking with a gentle, sympathetic smile. She has dimples. She is saying, "Well, there you are!!"
Panel 11: a close up of jancy's face, once again framed and supported by Joe's hands. Joe has brushed the hair out of Jancy's face, giving her the look of someone who has just had their hair blown back. This matches Jancy's expression, which is one of awe. It is very gay. This panel is the most pink-tinted of all the panels so far.
Panel 12: the same image as the previous panel, but zoomed out to include Jancy's shoulders and upper chest in the shot, as well as Joe's muscled forearms. This also makes room for speech bubbles, which overlap the edges of the panel's frame and surround Jancy.
Joe is saying, "No sign of any fever, thank goodness! And thank the stars yer not bleedin'! No need to fret! You're safe with me!! I'll take care of ya! Still, I think I best get you outta this alley!"
Panel 13: a wide shot in full color and a lot of detail of Joe carrying Jancy in a bridal carry. Joe is several times larger than Jancy and carries her with no effort. Jancy is mostly limp, her head resting on Joe's breast. She is looking up at Joe, blushing slightly, and looking embarrassed . She still looks pretty lost and disoriented, mouth hanging open a little and eyes straining to see Joe's face without being able to move her body much.
Joe is smiling brightly, posture confident, she is saying, "Now don't you worry! We'll have you feeling right as rain in no time!!"
Joe is walking down some kind of wooden boardwalk that is framed on either side by flower bushes. Behind that, a sunset reflects on a body of water that goes out to the horizon. The scene is warmly lit. Willow leaves hang down in the foreground. Joe is backlit by the sunset.
Panel 14: a close up of the previous image, focusing in on the character's faces.
Bonus image: the same as the final panel but with no speech bubbles covering up parts of the background
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techyblogger · 4 years
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An introduction to Page Speed https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ebeo1z/an_introduction_to_page_speed/
Hey all,
Page speed is something that I'm super interested in. It's also not very well covered in traditional SEO blogs. So, I thought I would share a couple of core concepts that aren't covered much on blogs.
Document Object Models
CSS Object Models
Render Trees
Browser Prioritisation
Common Misconceptions
Document Object Models
Something that is rarely covered is the DOM. You may be familiar with the term from Google's Pagespeed Insights or Lighthouse Audit tools as a recommendation "reduce DOM nodes".
Essentially, HTML is a re-entrant markup language that have lots of elements. Each of these elements is opened and closed with either a start tag: <html> or close tag </html>. In some cases, you might not need a close tag such as an <img /> which is a single open tag with a close at the end.
When a browser is constructing a page it first begins construction of the DOM tree which is a list of all the nodes on a page. If you right click and press inspect to look at a page and see all the <div> tags with dropdowns inside of them - that's you viewing the DOM tree.
Construction of the DOM tree is essential in rendering your text and images to the page. Other processes, such as JavaScript can halt the construction of your DOM. That's because HTML is re-entrant and Javascript may wish to insert some HTML into your DOM. Therefore, it needs to download, parse, and execute your JavaScript before continuing the construction.
Excessive DOM size is symptomatic of using Content Management Systems. In order to make pages as flexible as possible, they often use lots of <div>'s nested inside each other. It creates more customisation options in your theme - but it also makes your code bloated. It's part of the reason why custom build pages are significantly faster than templated pages on Wordpress, Shopify or Magento.
CSS Object Models
When constructing a page, a tree is also constructed for CSS. The name Cascading Style Sheets comes from the process of cascading down from the simplest styles to the most complex styles.
For example, if you apply a style to <html>, every node inside of the <html> will also have that property. A more practical example might be applying font size to the whole document.
The problem with CSS is that all properties are inherited to child elements from their parents. Many designers and developers will sort of hack together a solution that looks good - but never really consider how well optimised the CSSOM is being constructed.
Render Trees
The render tree is a process of combining the DOM and CSSOM together. If a node in the DOM has display="none", it will not be rendered into the browser.
Therefore, the most important aspect of the CSSOM model is the visibility status of content. If you have display="none" then the content will not be rendered. Google (and DeepCrawl) prefer reviewing rendered content. Anything that's set to display="none" is not constructed in the render tree.
Typically, this fact is the reason that content in dropdown boxes is devalued. Google doesn't have a bias against dropdown boxes - it just prefers to evaluate rendered content.
Browser Prioritisation
One aspect of page speed optimisations that are rarely discussed is the prioritisation of files by the browser.
If you open up any page, view the network tab in Devtoolsand make sure that the column "priority" is visible - you should be able to see the order that files are loaded and their priority. By default, you should find that most CSS and JS files, along with the HTML file are set to Highest priority.
Resources that are not visisble until later in the page are given a low or lowest priority.
One area that people aren't optimising right now is to break CSS into separate files. In the past, the internet used a protocol called HTTP/1.1. Every time a resource was required it would open a new connection. The more HTTP Requests a page included - the slower the page would load because of latency. However, that's not the case anymore with HTTP/2.
Previously, in order to reduce latency, developers would combine all the css into a single sheet called style.css or something similar. However, a more modern approach would be to use a media query in the HTML to prioritise which .css file should be loaded for the right device.
By default, the .css file that is appropriate for that device would be loaded with the Highest Priority and the other files would be loaded at the end with the Lowest Priority. That way, you're still able to provide resizing information, but instead of loading it all on the initial load - you can do it at the end.
While JavaScript has native support for asynchronous loading and deferring of content - the same is not true for CSS. By default, all CSS files should be loaded in the <head> of the document. HTML5 is very forgiving, so many people get away with deferring the .css files to the bottom of the page. However, the problem is you get a Flash Of Unstyled Content (FOUC). In this case, the page looks worse for a few moments until the DOM is constructed and then shuffles around as the CSS files are loaded at the end.
Common Misconceptions
Some of the biggest misconceptions that I hear about page speed are the over-importance of CDNs and the under-importance in optimising code delivery.
A content distribution network is great at delivering content to users across the world if you're a muiltinational website. However, if you're a local business, chances are that most countries don't have enough CDN nodes in your country to make a meaningful impact.
In most cases, you would be better off finding a host that includes a server in your local area. If you can't be bothered to do that, then you should make sure that you use a CDN with a server node in your local area. Failing to do this step will mean that users don't actually benefit from the CDN at all. You may see improvements in metrics like GTMetrix and PageSpeed Insights - but those are coming from servers in America. It may look better - but for your average users it may be just as slow as it was before.
The second thing that's not discussed is code coverage and browser prioritisation.
To make a website lightning fast, you need to reduce your code to be as small and elegant as possible. Most people are familiar with making their code smaller using GZIP compression - but don't actually know what it does. It removes comments and whitespace in the file so that there are fewer lines of code. Realistically, the saving is tiny.
Here's an example of the reddit SEO page:
SEO.html is 698KB
SEO.html compressed is 151KB.
That's a pretty extreme example due to the 30,000 lines of code on the page. However, for most people it will be a fraction of this amount. Furthermore, it's important to note that a saving of 550KB in HTML code is not as efficient as Javascript.
If you remember up above - JavaScript rendering is required to download, parse and execute before construction of the DOM can continue. Since the browser is single threaded by default, the page can't render until the JavaScript is executed.
Lastly, image compression isn't a big thing.
Unless you're uploading images that are significantly larger than they need to be - compressing them with something like Wordpress Smush will just reduce the quality of your images without much improvements in load time. Instead, what you should do is create an image optimisation strategy that evaluates size guidelines across your site.
You will want to take into consideration whether or not you're going to support Retina display. You'll also want to identify the correct filetypes for photography and illustrations across your site. Lastly, you'll want to look for opportunity to change images to vectors wherever possible.
Final Thoughts
There's a whole lot more to the page speed conversation than is routinely discussed. Plugins like Autopitmize or WP Rocket are band aids to bigger problems.
If you want to have best-in-industry performance then you should be considering RAIL:
Idle Times
Currently, the SEO industry is only really focused on Load Times - but the future of the Web is even more competitive. It's better to start pursuing these other optimisations before they're integrated into algorithms.
submitted by /u/InsolubleFluff [link] [comments] December 16, 2019 at 06:12PM
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toomanysinks · 5 years
GrubMarket raises $25M more for its farm-to-table food delivery service
Farmers markets have become a staple presence in many US cities, where there is a steady supply of smaller, often organic farmers and other food producers wanting a more direct channel to sell their goods, and a steady demand from foody types who like having the option of bypassing bigger grocery stores to amble around a group of stalls with a wider choice of items to cook and eat. Now, one of the startups that has turned that model into a profitable on-demand delivery business has raised some funding as it continues its expansion in the US, and beyond, en route to an IPO filing, potentially as soon as this year.
GrubMarket, which works with smaller farms and other suppliers to sell and deliver their items by way of its online store both to businesses — such as restaurants and stores of different sizes, as well as the plethora of food startups that prepare food for consumers — and consumers, has raised $25 million in an oversubscribed C1 round of funding (it was originally only going to be $15 million).
The investment is being led by WI Harper Group and Digital Garage, with participation from other new investors Evolv Ventures, University Growth Fund, Arancia International Inc, CentreGold Capital and existing investors ACE & Company, GGV Capital, Fusion Fund, Bascom Ventures, along with other unnamed participants.
Mike Xu, GrubMarket’s CEO and founder, would not comment on its valuation, but starting from its earliest days as a member of the Winter 2015 cohort of Y Combinator, the startup has raised $89 million. And according to PitchBook figures — which we have confirmed with a close source are largely accurate — the pre-money valuation in this round was $230 million, which would put the post-money at around $255 million.
Xu said the company is currently operating on a $150 million annual run rate — versus $100 million when it raised $32 million nine months ago — and it continues to be profitable. Because of this, Xu said GrubMarket doesn’t need any working capital. It plans to use this $25 million instead to invest in more technology and acquisitions.
There have been advances on both of these fronts even before the funding.
GrubMarket has built its own SaaS platform to manage and plan its accounts, CRM and suppliers and now — taking a page from the Amazon playbook — offers it as a product to other food industry suppliers and vendors.
It’s also continued to make acquisitions in markets like Los Angeles and San Diego, consolidating local B2B competitors that, like GrubMarket, also worked with farmers and wholesalers and connected them to restaurants, schools and other organizations. It’s also expanded organically (so to speak) laying down roots in New York and New Jersey to grow business there, but buying up and rolling up will be a key focus as it looks to bump up its valuation ahead of a public listing.
“We have a few more major acquisitions to close within the next a couple months,” Xu said.
The list of investors that GrubMarket is attracting speaks to some of the opportunities for it in the years ahead. Evolv is a $100 million fund backed by none other than food giant Kraft Heinz that invests interesting food startups. And Xu told TechCrunch that having Digital Garage — the Japanese marketing, payment and internet services holding company co-founded by MIT’s Joi Ito — in the round is the startup’s first step to working on expanding GrubMarket into Asia.
“Digital Garage has access to most of the restaurants in Japan through its business there,” Xu said, “and ours is a model that could be populated there.”
Hungry for growth
GrubMarket’s rise is coming at an interesting time in the food industry.
“Farm-to-table” and organic eating — where you can trace the origins of a meal’s ingredients as part of a bigger emphasis on higher-quality and healthier dishes and supporting smaller producers — have become popular themes both at restaurants and among consumers and what they look for when they shop, but it’s inefficient in many cases for businesses to always go out and source each food item they use or sell themselves.
GrubMarket, with its network of producers, meets that demand with economies of scale that benefits both sides of its marketplace. On the buying end, brings together demand from both small and large customers: one of the startup’s biggest store customers in California is Amazon-owned Whole Foods. There are also examples of how the economies of scale work on the supplier end: GrubMarket has become the biggest mushroom supplier and Hawaiian produce supplier in Northern California.
Not all trends work in its favor, though.
One of the biggest themes in food has been the explosion of services that make it possible (and in some cases financially viable) for people to reduce the work involved in cooking, or to opt out of cooking altogether but still continue to eat well.
Targeting consumers who are not physically going to restaurants for every meal, we’ve seen a huge rise in the number of delivery services like Postmates and Doordash, which help people order essentially anything they want to eat from a wide range of eateries, at the tap of a button.
For those who still want to cook but don’t want to shop, or think of what they want to eat or how to make it, there are now many choices of meal kits from the likes of Blue Apron.
All these become competitors to GrubMarket — they are all going after the same share of people’s wallets. It’s an area that GrubMarket says it doesn’t plan to enter right now.
“We are familiar with meal kit companies because we supply a lot of them,” he said. “The business has good customer demand but also it’s fairly difficult to maintain that retention, and we are focusing on building a sustainable business.” 
For those who are still buying groceries, but also are tapping into the convenience of having them brought to their doors instead of going out, we have grocery deliveries directly from stores or by way of third party services like Instacart, and those that directly compete with GrubMarket like GoodEggs or PeaPod. And for those who are still going out to buy groceries like in the old days, there’s a chance that Amazon still has your number.
“If Amazon started to focus more on food logistics and working with the kinds of businesses we do, I would definitely be worried,” Xu said with a little laugh. “But right now there is a very high bar of entry to get involved in that and in food, I think Amazon is still more focused on consumers.”
The wider context for food and meal startups has been a little dicey, all the same, and some have definitely not been able to make the economics of their businesses work.
BlueApron has been struggling since going public and just this week appointed a new CEO in an effort to turn things around (HelloFresh, its main rival, is one of GrubMarket’s customers). Munchery (which had been a customer of GrubMarket’s), shut down earlier this year. Chef’d, Maple, Sprig and others all failed to make ends meet in their own takes on food delivery.
One thing that GrubMarket has been doing differently from the start is developing two different lines of business. One is B2C that sells directly to consumers themselves. And the other is B2B2C, where it serves restaurants, schools, stores and other large organizations that in turn serve consumers — meaning that even those who are potentially competitors on the consumer side potentially can become GrubMarket’s customers on the B2B side. (Blue Apron, like Whole Foods, is one of GrubMarket’s biggest customers.)
Xu said that the B2B2C remains the bigger and faster-growing part of its business, but it still very much has its eye on the consumer part and plans to focus on growing it more, likely after it goes public, which remains the company’s long-term goal.
“I think this company has the potential to make $100 billion in e-commerce by buying from farmers and selling to the kinds of customers we serve today, but even if we came close to that, we’d still only have a single-digit percentage of trillions of dollars in the food supply industry,” he said. Overall, the value of the food and agriculture industry globally was $8.7 trillion in 2018. “That likely means you’ll have multiple Amazon-style companies existing,” he added.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/04/grubmarket-25-million/
0 notes
fmservers · 5 years
GrubMarket raises $25M more for food delivery from indy suppliers at a $255M valuation
Farmers markets have become a staple presence in many US cities, where there is a steady supply of smaller, often organic farmers and other food producers wanting a more direct channel to sell their goods, and a steady demand from foody types who like having the option of bypassing bigger grocery stores to amble around a group of stalls with a wider choice of items to cook and eat. Now, one of the startups that has turned that model into a profitable on-demand delivery business has raised some funding as it continues its expansion in the US, and beyond, en route to an IPO filing, potentially as soon as this year.
GrubMarket, which works with smaller farms and other suppliers to sell and deliver their items by way of its online store both to business — such as restaurants and stores of different sizes — and consumer customers, has raised $25 million in an oversubscribed C1 round of funding (it was originally only going to be $15 million).
The investment is being led by WI Harper Group and Digital Garage, with participation from other new investors Evolv Ventures, University Growth Fund, Arancia International Inc, CentreGold Capital and existing investors ACE & Company, GGV Capital, Fusion Fund, Bascom Ventures, along with other unnamed participants.
Mike Xu, GrubMarket’s CEO and founder, would not comment on its valuation, but starting from its earliest days as a member of the Winter 2015 cohort of Y Combinator, the startup has raised $89 million. And according to PitchBook figures — which we have confirmed with a close source — the pre-money valuation in this round was $230 million, which would put the post-money at $255 million.
Xu said the company is currently operating on a $150 million annual run rate — versus $100 million when it raised $32 million nine months ago — and it continues to be profitable. Because of this, Xu said GrubMarket doesn’t need any working capital. It plans to use this $25 million instead to invest in more technology and acquisitions.
There have been advances on both of these fronts even before the funding.
GrubMarket has built its own SaaS platform to manage and plan its accounts, CRM and suppliers and now — taking a page from the Amazon playbook — offers it as a product to other food industry suppliers and vendors.
It’s also continued to make acquisitions in markets like Los Angeles and San Diego, consolidating local B2B competitors that, like GrubMarket, also worked with farmers and wholesalers and connected them to restaurants, schools and other organizations. It’s also expanded organically (so to speak) laying down roots in New York and New Jersey to grow business there, but buying up and rolling up will be a key focus as it looks to bump up its valuation ahead of a public listing.
“We have a few more major acquisitions to close within the next a couple months,” Xu said.
The list of investors that GrubMarket is attracting speaks to some of the opportunities for it in the years ahead. Evolv is a $100 million fund backed by none other than food giant Kraft Heinz that invests interesting food startups. And Xu told TechCrunch that having Digital Garage — the Japanese marketing, payment and internet services holding company co-founded by MIT’s Joi Ito — in the round is the startup’s first step to working on expanding GrubMarket into Asia.
“Digital Garage has access to most of the restaurants in Japan through its business there,” Xu said, “and ours is a model that could be populated there.”
Hungry for growth
GrubMarket’s rise is coming at an interesting time in the food industry.
“Farm-to-table” and organic eating — where you can trace the origins of a meal’s ingredients as part of a bigger emphasis on higher-quality and healthier dishes and supporting smaller producers — have become popular themes both at restaurants and among consumers and what they look for when they shop, but it’s inefficient in many cases for businesses to always go out and source each food item they use or sell themselves.
GrubMarket, with its network of producers, meets that demand with economies of scale that benefits both sides of its marketplace. On the buying end, brings together demand from both small and large customers: one of the startup’s biggest store customers in California is Amazon-owned Whole Foods. There are also examples of how the economies of scale work on the supplier end: GrubMarket has become the biggest mushroom supplier and Hawaiian produce supplier in Northern California.
Not all trends work in its favor, though.
One of the biggest themes in food has been the explosion of services that make it possible (and in some cases financially viable) for people to reduce the work involved in cooking, or to opt out of cooking altogether but still continue to eat well.
Targeting consumers who are not physically going to restaurants for every meal, we’ve seen a huge rise in the number of delivery services like Postmates and Doordash, which help people order essentially anything they want to eat from a wide range of eateries, at the tap of a button.
For those who still want to cook but don’t want to shop, think of what they want to eat or how to make it, there are now many choices of meal kits from the likes of Blue Apron.
All these become competitors to GrubMarket, but also areas that GrubMarket might potentially enter down the line.
“We are familiar with meal kit companies because we supply a lot of them,” he said. “The business has good customer demand but also it’s fairly difficult to maintain that retention, and we are focusing on building a sustainable business.” 
For those who are still buying groceries, but also are tapping into the convenience of having them brought to their doors instead of going out, we have grocery deliveries directly from stores or by way of third party services like Instacart, and those that directly compete with GrubMarket like GoodEggs or PeaPod. And for those who are still going out to buy groceries like in the old days, there’s a chance that Amazon still has your number.
“If Amazon started to focus more on food logistics and working with the kinds of businesses we do, I would definitely be worried,” Xu said with a little laugh. “But right now there is a very high bar of entry to get involved in that and in food, I think Amazon is still more focused on consumers.”
The wider context for food and meal startups has been a little dicey, all the same, and some have definitely not been able to make the economics of their businesses work.
BlueApron has been struggling since going public and just this week appointed a new CEO in an effort to turn things around (HelloFresh, its main rival, is one of GrubMarket’s customers). Munchery (which had been a customer of GrubMarket’s), shut down earlier this year. Chef’d, Maple, Sprig and others all failed to make ends meet in their own takes on food delivery.
One thing that GrubMarket has been doing differently from the start is developing two different lines of business. One is B2C that sells directly to consumers themselves. And the other is B2B2C, where it serves restaurants, schools, stores and other large organizations that in turn serve consumers — meaning that even those who are potentially competitors on the consumer side potentially can become GrubMarket’s customers on the B2B side.
Xu said that the B2B2C remains the bigger and faster-growing part of its business, but it still very much has its eye on the consumer part and plans to focus on growing it more, likely after it goes public, which remains the company’s long-term goal.
“I think this company has the potential to make $100 billion in e-commerce by buying from farmers and selling to the kinds of customers we serve today, but even if we came close to that, we’d still only have a single-digit percentage of the $1 trillion+ food retail industry,” he said. Overall, the value of the food and agriculture industry globally was $8.7 trillion in 2018. “That likely means you’ll have multiple Amazon-style companies existing,” he added.
Via Ingrid Lunden https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
minecraft pc
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Minecraft cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Minecraft cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Minecraft.
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Genre: Strategy, Persistent World Real-Time Developer: Unknown Publisher: Mojang ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: May 17, 2009
Tnt Cannon
This is for V 1.6.2. Supplies: any build block, a bucket of water, redstone, redstone repeater, lever or button, a stone slab of any type (half), and TNT. How to build: make a 3 by 9 you shape. The open end will be were the TNT goes. Now make an overhang over the unopened end. But make sure there nothing behind it. Then put water under the overhang. If you did this correctly it shouldn’t go past the 9 block on the open end. After that, put the half slab between the open 9th blocks. Place your lever/button on the over hang. Then wire the right side with red stone until there’s one space left. Then wire redstone until 2 spaces are left on the end of the left side. Put 1 more level of blocks in the two empty spaces. Put redstone on top of those too. Then put a tnt over the half slab. Then on the left side replace for redstone space in a row with red stone repeaters. Set the repeaters to 2 clicks or less. Then put tnt in all of the rest of the spaces until there’s none left. This doesn’t count under the over hang. Hit the button or lever and the cannon should fire a tnt off. TIP: stand back when you test it for the first time.
Easy Diamond Find
First go on creative, make a portal to the nether, then in the nether dig down till you hit bedrock, then make another nether portal, and it will take you to the realmworld underground and you can find diamonds, coal, etc.
Unlimited Water
To get unlimited water, dig a straight line (IT MUST BE STRAIGHT!). Dig three holes in the straight line and put water buckets on the sides. The hole in the middle will refill forever!
Make Coal From Wood
If you put normal wood and white wood in your furnace and burn it, you get charcoal out. This can be used like normal coal.
How To Duplicate Items Such As Enchanted Stuff (Easy)
If you have a mouse, press the scroll button while the mouse on the screen is on the item. Then you get a duplicated item. Only works on CREATIVE MODE.
How To Find Diamonds In The Newest Version (1.2.5)
First you will need at least 7 stone pickaxes, some food, (not including cake, since you have to place it down then eat it), a shovel is optinal, and an iron pick to mine the diamond. If you will mine for a long time, take 2 extra iron picks in case your stone picks break. Taking some armor is recommended, as is a weapon and a stack of ladders. Now, first you will dig the block that is right in front of you, the go inside of that lil’ hole. Then, dig the block that you were first satnding on. Then dig down one more block for each one but don’t stand on the block that you are mining. Repeat this until you arrive at level 12 (also place your ladders as you go down. ) the you dig a 1 block space on every side. *except for the block that has the poening above it* then, make a shaft on the front, left and right of the space that you have created. You will need to make these shafts really long. After you’re done that, simply make smaller shafts on the left and right every four blocks. What I mean by that is count 1, 2, 3, then make another shaft on the fourth block. Now, once you get as far as you want in the shaft, dig 4 blocks to the right. Then, on the fourth block, start digging towards the first shaft that you made until you find yourself back at the shaft. Then you just go to the opposite side of the shaft and make another shaft. Repeat this, and you will be going in sort of a zig zag thing. But, after you start digging on the shaft on the opposite side, dig 4 blocks to the left instead of the right so you go further down the shaft instead of in circles. After doing this for a while, you should find some diamonds. Happy mining!
Get An Effective Start
To make a effective start push, you need to know how to dupe (see Rhinomeat’sdupe glitch) First, toggle difficulty to Peaceful. I know that it may seem nooby, but this toggles on the “creative”.Now, get 19 logs. Put 3 logs into crafting, and make 12 planks, craft 4 to a workbench and on workbench, make a chest.Put the chest down and start duping the logs until you have two stacks of 64 of those logs. Easy as pie, now make a nice little set of tools, and get somecobblestone, dupe it again and build a nicer little stone house. Now do something better on it, and then you have a shelter.
Keyboard Shortcuts
F5 – Toggle the view F1 – While the third person moves the view to the front of your character / While first person makes the tool/hand/etc dissapear, but NOT the landscape F2 – Takes a screenshot of the current view.
Video Tutorial (part 1)
Unofficial Trailer (Video)
Make Duplicate Items (Single-Player-Mode Only)
1: Place items that you want to duplicate in a chest. 2: Close the chest window and select “Save and quit to title”. 3: Go back into your world and take the objects from the chest. 4: Close the chest window and exit the game using Alt + F4. 5: Open the game again and you will have your items in your inventory and in the chest.
Minecraft Keyboard Command List
ascend – Moves you to the next platform above your position atlantis – Toggles atlantis mode on/off biome – Tells you what biome you are currently in bind COMMANDPARAMS – Binds a command to a keyboard button. bindid ARGS – Binds a command to a keyboard key using the key id bring [ENTITY] – Brings the specified entity to you. cannon [STRENGTH] – Shoots a primed TNT in the direction you are pointing. chest – Allow access of chests clear – Clears the console clearwater – Toggles water clarity on/off clone [QUANTITY] – Clones the NPC which you are looking at config – Allows you to set the global configuration file as your current configuration confuse [DISTANCE] – Confuses nearby mobs confusesuicide – ? cyclepainting – Cycles through the painting which you are pointing at damage – Turns player damage on/off defuse [all] – Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit, drops 1 tnt in its place descend – Moves you to the next platform below your position destroy [all] – Destroys the current item difficulty – Sets the difficulty to the specified level (0-3) drops – Turns item drops on/off, having them turned off will make the game run a little bit faster, and also stop your inventory from filling. dropstore – This command transfers everything in your inventory into a chest that it creates next to you. duplicate [all] – Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack explode [SIZE] – Sets off an explosion in your current location. exterminate [SIZE] – KillNPC with style, kills the NPC you are pointing at extinguish|ext [all] – Puts out all nearby fire (or all fire) falldamage – Turns fall damage on/off firedamage – Turns fire damage on/off flammable [CATCH] [SPREAD] – Sets the specified block at the flammability level fly [SPEED] – Allows you to turn flying mode on/off, speed specified your flying speed freeze – Freezes mobs so that they cannot move or attack you goto – Goto a waypoint grow [all] – Grows all saplings/wheat on the map. heal – Heals a player the specified number of points health – Sets the health of a player to pre-defined figures help [COMMAND] – Gives general help when COMMAND isn’t specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified. Same as /h helmet [ITEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE] – Specifies the helmet the player wears home – Teleport to spawn point infiniteitems – Toggles infinite items on/off instantkill – Instantly kills any NPC you hit instantmine – Turns instant mining on/off instantplant [grow] – Instantly plants saplings into the ground, if grow is specified the tree will when instantly grow item [QUANTITY] [DAMAGE] – Gives player item, if quantity isn’t specified maximum amount of that item. Same as /give and /i itemdamage – Turn item damage on/off. This means you will never have to repair an item again itemname – Use this command to discover the itemname and ID of your currently selected item. itemstack [QUANTITY] – Gives the player the specified quantity of maximum item stacks of the item. jump – Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put you in the block you move to. keepitems – Turn this on and you will keep your items when you die. kill – Kills the current player killall – Kills all of the specified mob type killnpc [all|monster|animal] – Kills all living creatures nearby. light – Turns permanent lighting on and off listwaypoints – Lists all waypoints. Same as /l longerlegs – Makes your legs longer so you can walk up 1 block high macro – Runs a macro maxstack [ITEMID|ITEMNAME|all] [STACKSIZE] – Configures the maximum stack size of that item between 1 and 64. mobdamage – Mobs cannot give you damage msg – This commands adds a message to the console. music [play|pause|skip|stop|VOLUME] – Requests a music track to be played, there is a limitation of at MAX 2 tracks per day. Set the volume by specifying VOLUME. noclip – Turns no clip on/off. output – This just toggles SPC messages on/off, useful for macros/scripts. phelp [COMMAND] – Provides help for plugins platform – Puts a glass square under your feet plugin – Lists all loaded plugins and also allows you to enable/disable plugins pos – Gives current player position. Same as /p reach – Sets the player reach distance. refill [all] – Re-stocks your items in your inventory to the maximum ammount rem – Removes the specified waypoint removedrops [all] – This command removes item drops from the world. rename – Allows you rename a command to a new name repair [all] – Repairs the currently selected item to full health reset – Resets the player settings reskin – Reskins the NPC which you are pointing at to the specified skin return – Moves the player to the last position before teleport ride – Allows you to ride any NPC which you point at sc – Added scripting support (more information coming soon) search – Allows you to search for items using a name set – Mark a waypoint on the world setjump [JUMP|reset] – Sets the height that you jump. Note: Turns fall damage off if the jump is configured to move than 1. setspawn [ ] – Set the current position as the spawn point, if X Y Z are specified sets that position as spawn point setspeed [SPEED|reset] – Sets the speed that the player moves skin – Change your players skin to ANY minecraft player slippery [SLIPPERYNESS] – Makes the specified block slippery spawn [QTY] – Allows you to spawn an individual creature. spawnportal – Spawns a portal nearby the player spawnstack – Spawns the specified creature a few blocks away from your current position (use “/spawn list” to get a list of creature names and codes). superheat [all] – Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced form superpunch [DISTANCE|reset] – Hit that NPC with a punch like no other tele – Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. Same as /t time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]] – Set and get the time within minecraft. timeschedule > – Sets a period of time (HH:MM format), this will make minecraft always within this time. unbind – Unbinds the specified key from a command. unbindid – Unbinds a command from a keyboard key using the key id useportal – Instantly transfers you to the nether, use it again to go back. waterdamage – Turns water damage on/off weather – Toggles weather on/off world – Allows you to explicitly, have control over your world. world load – Loads the specified FILE, this allows you to play ANY save on your computer, not just World1-5, and can have any name world save – Explicitly saves your game then returns to it world seed [SEED] – Allows you to see and change the seed of the map, so it will generate custom terrain world new [FILENAME] [SEED] – Creates a new map at the specified location world exit – Lets you exit a game without saving (perfect from when a creeper blows something up) world list – Lists all the saves which you can load from “.minecraft/saves” world backup – Allows you to backup your current world into .minecraft/backup
Make A Backup Of Your Minecraft World
You can save a backup of your entire minecraft world and settings by making a copy of the “save” folder on your PC (or MAC). The default location on windows is: C:UsersYOUR-WINDOWS-ACCOUNTAppDataRoaming.minecraft (Note that because the directory starts with a period, it is “hidden”, so your folder options must be set to allow you to view hidden directories.)
On MACs, the default location is: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/minecraft
Then, once there, you just need to make a copy of the “saves” folder.
Currently we have no unlockables for Minecraft yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Metroid Easter Egg
You just need to put a pumpkin in the helmet section of your armor. Your HUD will turn into the HUD of the galactic bounty hunter Samus Aran from Metroid.
Currently we have no glitches for Minecraft yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Minecraft yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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