fuzzydreamin · 11 months
What The Companions Say About... Deathclaws!
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: How could the perfect killing machine rise from the chaos of an irradiated world? ⌨: It takes an astonishing amount of firepower to kill a Deathclaw. ⌨: Fair warning… my self-preservation subroutine is on high alert. ⌨: Aggressive, territorial and carnivorous… the very definition of a predatory species. ⌨: Ma'am, we shouldn't remain here much longer. I fear for your safety.
☘ Cait
☘: Holy shite! Deathclaw! ☘: I'm gonna rip those claws off with me bare hands!
☘: Watch it. These beasts mean business. ☘: I've seen deathclaws chew through raiders like paper. Not a pretty sight. ☘: I'd love to mount a deathclaw head on my wall. If I had a wall. ☘: You want to take some deathclaws down? I'm game. ☘: I've tangled with these things before. Earned a few scars, but walked away with a fortune in claws.
⚙ Codsworth
⚙: {calling out a cautionary warning} Deathclaw! ⚙: {trying not to sound nervous} Hoy boy. A deathclaw.
⚙: {Worried} Perhaps we best hoof it, mum? Lest we run into more Deathclaws. ⚙: {covering fear with intellectual musings} Mirelurks and Radscorpions sure… But what fathered the Deathclaw? Iguanas? ⚙: {extremely nervous / Nervous} Mum, I'm not sure we're safe here. ⚙: {(extremely nervous) a half hearted attempt at half a joke / Nervous} Do be careful, mum. Deathclaws aren't known for their docile nature. ⚙: {"deathclaws scare me" / Nervous} I don't mind saying it, mum, Deathclaws give me a bad case of collywobbles.
⚕ Curie
⚕: I find no records of these Deathclaws. They are new to this world, yes? ⚕: In this biosphere, I believe humans are not the apex predator. The Deathclaw, I believe he sits at the top. ⚕: I would prefer we avoid Deathclaws. If I am destroyed, there is no more science that can be done. ⚕: Are Deathclaws always violent? Perhaps play some music for them? Or poetry? ⚕: We should maintain vital statistics of the people. For causes of death, I think Deathclaw related injuries must be high on that list.
♞ Danse
♞: Deathclaw! Condition red! ♞: Fire! Don't let it get close!
♞: {These things are tough, even for a soldier like you.} Don't underestimate the deathclaw. I've seen one tear open Power Armour like it was a tin can. ♞: {These things are tough, even for a soldier like you.} Aim for the deathclaw's legs to slow them down. It might give you a chance to survive. ♞: Did you know Elder Maxson took a deathclaw out with nothing but a combat knife? And he has the scar to prove it. ♞: We shouldn't stick around here too long. No telling how many deathclaws call this their home. ♞: {These things are tough, even for a soldier like you.} My advice for hunting a deathclaw? Return to base and forget about it. You'll live longer.
🕶 Deacon
🕶: Ahh. Deathclaw. 🕶: Don't let it get close. Pop a Stealth Boy if you got one.
🕶: Brr… Deathclaws. 🕶: I do not like 'Claws. Those fast, car flipping, ahh… They just get to me. 🕶: If we're hunting Deathclaws, care to tag in Glory? Please? 🕶: Another Deathclaw down, and another of my 9 lives burned. Yay. 🕶: Deathclaws, love them or leave them, they'll still tear your face off.
☠ Gage
☠: Oh shit… Deathclaw… ☠: Deathclaw! Time for the big guns!
☠: Okay… We may have a problem here… ☠: I'm all for a good fight, but Deathclaws?…
☣ Hancock
☣: {Concerned} Shit. Here comes trouble. ☣: {Stern} If you were saving any explosives, now'd be the time.
☣: {Question} So, what do you think it'd take to train these things to just eat Super Mutants? ☣: {Neutral} No matter how many of these I take down, they still give me the chills. ☣: {Neutral} Always found goin' after a Deathclaw's legs made 'em easier to take out… or at least outrun. ☣: {Amused} You ever had Deathclaw steak? Nothing tastier than a meal that tries to eat you first. ☣: {Neutral} Deathclaw broke into Goodneighbor once. Thought I'd wandered into a butcher shop.
☸ Longfellow
(All of these have the {Deathclaws are huge, terrifying monsters. You have a healthy respect for them but aren't afraid.} note) ☸: Hunted deathclaws a time or two. One thing's for sure, it's never boring. ☸: Best way to take down a Deathclaw is to aim for the head. From a long way away, of course. ☸: Everythin' you need to know 'bout a Deathclaw is right there in its name. ☸: Not all Deathclaws are the same. They're all nasty, but some of 'em are real devils. ☸: Deathclaws are twice as nasty when they're guardin' a nest. You see one doin' that, it's best to leave it be.
⨁ MacCready
⨁: Kill it like you mean it! ⨁: Gonna rip those claws off you with my bare hands!
⨁: Nothing turns your shorts brown faster than a deathclaw charging at you. ⨁: We need to get he hell out of here as soon as possible. ⨁: If deathclaws are mutated Jackson's Chameleons, how the heck did they get so big? ⨁: We're doing a bit of big game hunting now, huh? ⨁: Seen bullets glance right of a deathclaw's hide before. Better load up with the heavy stuff.
♥ Nick
♥: {Neutral} That's one ticked-off dino. ♥: {Stern} Shouldn't you be extinct?
♥: {Neutral} Ten feet of muscle and rage. Deathclaws make everything else look like children's toys. ♥: {Implying that those guys are now extremely dead. / Stern} I knew a couple of guys who thought they could make caps looting a Deathclaw nest. Emphasis on "knew." ♥: {Neutral} These things are mutated lizards, right? Just our luck they didn't stay vegetarians. ♥: {Neutral} As long as these things are out here, folks'll never be safe outside the settlements… or in them for that matter… ♥: {Neutral} Bunch of bad-tempered museum exhibits.
✉ Piper
✉: {Nervous} No, no, no. Here it comes! ✉: {With a "you're nuts" tone / Neutral} We picking "fight" over "flight?" Okay…
✉: {Neutral} Don't usually get to see Deathclaws this close. Wouldn't mind this being the last time, either. ✉: {Irritated} Not to go all "writer," but seriously? Deathclaws? What, was "Pointy Lizard" taken? ✉: {Realises Roger is dead at the end. / Neutral} Knew a trader who dealt solely in Deathclaw goods. Clothes, weapons, jewellery. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Roger in a whi… oh. ✉: {Neutral} Makes you wonder how people ever made it past day one with these things running amok out here. ✉: {Neutral} It'd probably take the Brotherhood, Institute, and divine intervention to clear these things from the Commonwealth.
☀ Preston
☀: Deathclaw! Unload with everything you got! ☀: Aim for the legs! We've got to slow that thing down! ☀: Blast that thing! Now!
☀: Holy hell. I can't believe we got out of there alive. ☀: I'm just glad we're both still standing. ☀: I don't mind admitting, I'm still a little shaky. ☀: I'd be okay if that was the last deathclaw I ever saw.
☢ Strong
☢: Deathclaws. Worthy foes. ☢: Need many brothers to hunt Deathclaws. ☢: Deathclaws fast. Deathclaws strong. Deathclaws hard. ☢: Only great warriors can kill Deathclaws. ☢: Must keep moving to kill Deathclaw. Circle and circle and circle.
☾ X6-88
☾: {Urgency} You'll want to stay clear of those claws, ma'am. ☾: {Urgent concern} Deathclaw… shit. This is a class-A threat. ☾: {Urgent concern} Hope you're ready for a fight, because a Deathclaw always is. ☾: Best way to fight a Deathclaw is to flank it. Sometimes they get confused. ☾: {Concern} Deathclaw armour's thick… gotta have something strong to punch through it.
My Notes:
So Cait is a hobbyist Deathclaw hunter... As an Aussie I'm proud -Jump on it's back! Tie up her snout! I will 100% mount a Deathclaw head in her room in Sanctuary. Even our toughest companions (Danse, X6, and Strong) don't look forward to going head-to-head with a Deathclaw, but she's ready to rumble.
I think it would be hilarious to see someone trying to play a lulluby for a Deathclaw. Cute if it works, funny if not. I'll get the popcorn ready.
Danse can you not suck Maxson's dick for one second.
Cait and Mac have the same battle cry about ripping the claws off.
Mac knowing they were mutated from Jackson's Chameleon -that'd likely be from lingering Enclave influence/information in the Capital.
Before Concord, Preston had never seen a Deathclaw up close (he admits so after the fight). Suffice to say he's fond of keeping things that way.
Everyone but Longfellow seems to agree that the best way to take on a Deathclaw, other than y'know, not doing that, is to flank it's side and go for the legs with the heaviest hits you've got. Longfellow's aiming up those headshots from afar. Probably works best if you've got enough people and weaponry to do both.
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