#fairly odd parents sp au
cyndrastic · 7 months
here’s more fairly odd parents au cause it’s been a few days since i’ve posted anything 👍
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kingszley · 6 years
FAIRLY ODD PARENTS AU ??? ( i’m wheezing ) 
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
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Oh boy uhhh,,, them
Flat colours because it's a reference line up ^^ So uh yeah, got busy with an adult/ng AU bcuz when DON'T I? That being said lets dive right in-
Ethan Broflovski
Stan and Kyle remained best friends throughout most of their childhood - they had break ups here and there but there’s nothing they couldn’t overcome eventually- moving into high school they kept that going and well, the crazy adventures never stopped for a moment. Though for a time it did seem that they may be growing up quite fast. Kyle, with his strong sense of morality, decided he would follow his dad and started training for law school in order to bring a little justice to the town and make a good name for himself. Stan … he decided to try and avoid being like his parents as much as possible but all his adventures had given him a great desire to continue those, so in the end he decided to become a detective, his view on the world was certainly better than um, the previous law men of SP. Stan is keen and on scene - he still had a pretty rocky relationship with women, and maybe Wendy in particular but he always felt it went badly and that no one truly understood him, ya know? Well, the boys were eventually going into uni and since both of them were working in law departments of sorts, lots of their classes ended up being similar times and so it felt just like old times, even without Kenny and Cartman and the others, it could be just the two of them and that gave them time to reflect, a few more bad break ups and parties with too much to drink and it sorta just … clicked into place. They had their differences sure, but throughout all of the escapades and “gay” jokes well … maybe they did truly like each other. It took a little while for them to be truly comfortable with announcing that but one day Stan just kind of took his hand in public similar to Craig, and that was it.
Due to his little brother Ike being an adoptee, Kyle decided he wanted to do the same when they eventually decided it was time :3 He knew he could give a kid a loving home, and so their son was eventually officially signed to them. Ethan grows up absolutely adored by both sides of his family, and has a bit of mixed-faith household, though since Stan’s side is fairly relaxed he grows up more with Jewish traditions, but still has Christmas with his other side too. He’s a pretty sporty kid, being best friends with Oscar Tucker, another sports nut … though Ethan does have a crush on his bff’s sister, a fact he keeps to himself. Ethan is a pretty sensitive kid and is also noted to be very intelligent, something he and his uncle Ike can bond over, since Ethan tends to take extracurricular for STEM (science, technology, Engineering & Maths) subjects. He’s pretty happy-go-lucky and insults don’t really get to him, he’ll just raise an eyebrow at those.
“Bubbles” McCormick
It can’t be denied that Butters and Kenny had feelings for each other, though due to Butters’ shyness and Kenny’s well, kenny-ness it was a bit all over place- but they remained super close regardless Butters did pretty well in school, not fantastic but enough to get by, and was soon invested in social work before he knew it, helping kids from bad homes and looking after them at the South Park foster home :3
Kenny, meanwhile, due to his family’s finances and his rather unfortunate habit of … dying, had decided to take up a trade job that was out of town, in the hopes of eventually saving up for something better for himself. He ended up leaving South Park at 18 after a tearful goodbye to everyone, hoping he could find something to improve his lifestyle. During his time working various odd jobs in his new town, he met a lot of people -  one in particular was a woman named Tracy Robinson (just a random name-) that he began a relationship with. It wasn’t really the best :,D In fact it sort of mirrored his parents in a way, it was dysfunctional and they were on the verge of breaking up - when Tracy found out she was pregnant. That changed everything. Both were still underpaid and overworked and Kenny felt that even though he’d tried to better himself, he’d accidentally trapped himself in another cycle just like his family. He was a bit resentful tbh- that is, until his daughter was born. From the moment he saw her, Kenny had never felt more love for anything ever- she was his world, his lil’ “Lulu”, and despite the rough times and bad relationship, he knew it was gonna be worth it to see his little girl at the end of each day, so he stayed. That is, until he came home early one day.
That dysfunctional relationship had turned sour. There was another man in his house, and it was pretty obvious Tracy had been cheating for a while. Things got pretty ugly with the break up after that. Eventually, the courts awarded a 50/50 split of Lucy, but although Kenny tried his hardest to uphold it, Tracy’s new guy had threatened him and well, he was pretty much barred from seeing her :,D Unable to cope with that, and also well, unable to die, Kenny felt he had no real choice but to move back to SP and start from the ground up … again. So he did, and after a few months and a lot of help from his friends, he secured a nice job at a warehouse company, and became the head of the health and safety department, which paid well since he was very diligent at making sure he and other people weren’t in danger of dying it was perfect, and although he had that grief, he was pleased to be back c:
A couple of years down the line, Butters had become the head of the SP foster home, and was absolutely adored by the kiddos. He gets a little call one day that some cops from wanted to see him, and they end up bringing a shy little kid with them, explaining that she had been the victim of a traumatic event (in private they explained the kid’s abusive step father had shot her mother in front of her and was threatening to hurt the kid before the neighbours called). Butters is of course shocked but he absolutely agrees to take the lil’ girl in, and tries to bond with her. She’s very shy and obviously suffering PTSD but being Butters he’s just calm and friendly and slowly earns her trust c: The girl doesn’t talk much at all, and seems to spend a lot of her time blowing bubbles as it keeps her occupied, which is why the others tend to just call her Bubbles, and Butters makes sure she has enough on hand :3 Well, she warms up to him slowly, and Butters really feels for her. One night he’s sorting out some files for the foster home kids (the last two months had kept him busy and he hadn’t had time to get around to them) and he picks up Bubbles’ official file to take a little look. Needless to say he’s quite shocked and a little ashamed of himself for not checking sooner as soon as he realises the file does state the girl’s biological dad- which is the reason she was given to the SP foster home as the birthplace of her father. Butters has a very important call to make to a good friend of his the next day-
They meet at Tweek’s coffee shop and Butters explains he has some important news. He brings the file and explains everything he knows to Kenny, who of course is overcome with emotion but absolutely overjoyed that his lil’ girl is close again at last. Since legally be was supposed to have 50/50 anyway, it’s really no issue for him to get her back and besides, they know a good laywer or two in the Broflovski household, just in case. By now, Kenny is doing decently for himself with his high manager permission, and finally feels he’s made it. Due to the shenanigans, he’s able to officially change Lucy’s surname to his instead, and all that emotion had once again brought him and Butters together just like when they were kids. *cough* and funnily enough, Butters surname has become McCormick for ‘some’ reason too. It’s been a couple of years with her new family now, and Bubbles is doing so much better :3 She found her voice again, and whilst she is still shy and prefers her little bubble blowing game, she has a lot of super supportive friends in the other ng, and two wonderful, amazing, kind and caring dads and a family who love her very much. She seems to have Kenny’s uncanny ability of being immortal, but UNLIKE Kenny, it’s more a case of she always manages to avoid dangerous situations by a whisker. Regardless, she’s very close to Jezebeth who’s family tend to have seen Kenny … a lot over the years up there so even if someone wanted to mess with her (she can be a bit naïve-) they’d be going through some pretty rough challenges.
Ezra McCormick
Going back to Butters at the foster home - the home gets new kids come and go a bit, since a lot are temporary whilst legal issues get sorted with their parents etc, but the majority are good kids who Butters really gets along with c: Since adopting Bubbles, he’ll often bring her back to see her friends she made there too, especially for the longer-staying kiddos or ones that’ll probably be there permanently, so it’s a nice, warm place to be-
One day, a new arrival shows up, by the name of Ezra Mitchell. Almost immediately, Butters can tell this kid is going to be a challenge. Ezra is sullen, moody, and honestly pretty prone to violent outbursts (yelling, screaming, threats etc, even if bluffing) and it scares the other kids there. In short, he seems like a pretty mean kid, at least, on the surface. But Butters knows that can’t be the full story, and it’s his duty as the main social worker to get to the bottom of it. He knows that Ezra is being put in their care since his mom is … well as far as Butters can tell, not the best :,D Accounts of neglect and physical abuse are in his file, and it’s somewhat obvious from the bruises Ezra showed up with on the first day. And yet, all Ezra seems to do is want to go back. Despite the fact his mom obviously doesn’t care for him, she seems to be the only person he likes, constantly swearing at kids and staff that she is coming back for him!! One day!!! She just has some stuff to sort out with her new boyfriend and stuff, that’s all, any day now she’ll take him from this trash foster home and they’ll never see him again, yeah, she said she’d come next week.
Next week arrives, and the week after. Actually, many weeks. The only time Ezra ever really leaves his room is on the week she’s supposed to “really” be coming, when he packs a little suitcase and waits all day by the door. Apart from that he shuts himself in a room somewhere and yells if anyone comes in. Well, you can imagine Butters is pretty heartbroken by this whole scenario, Ezra is only a little boy and is clearly hurting so much, he wants to help somehow but also has the other foster kiddos to keep safe. So, being the sweet girl that she is, Bubbles decides to take it upon herself to befriend the moody kid. She brings him little snacks and stuff when the home serves them, and ignores the constant insults and yelling, preferring maybe to not tell her dads about this in case they think it’s a bad idea. But slowly, the little interactions break down at least a surface layer of his shell. At least, he doesn’t scream anymore when she brings him a biscuit or something, tho he isn’t necessarily friendly yet. One day as she’s leaving, he asks why she decided to be nice to him, despite him yelling at her all the time. Bubbles says she understands being in a rough situation. She’s not really prepared to talk about her past with her own mother, but she assures Ezra he isn’t alone in having those confusing feelings of “I love my parent even though I know deep down they were no good” kind of ones- and he thinks about that for a long time.
Ezra, like the rest of the foster home, attend SP elementary. He’s pretty outcast from his class too, and prefers to spend time skulking around the playground. This day in particular, he hears a familiar voice of that girl Bubbles and she sounds kinda agitated. Ezra finds she’s being picked on by some of the older kids still, asking for her lunch money, and whilst her friends are telling them to back off they’re not really listening and getting a bit pushy. Ezra, despite being a bit younger and decidedly smaller, goes absolutely off at them- he has his street smarts, and he sees them off pretty quickly. Bubbles is extremely grateful, but doesn’t go bragging about it, giving a small nod that it’s their way of sealing something of a friendship.
A little while later, things are calm in the home, and Ezra is extremely excited. He had a phone call with his mom for the first time in a while, and she’s promised she’ll be taking him out for a holiday soon! :3 he knows that this really is the time, and wanting to go, is on his best behaviour for a bit, helping Butters and being a little more social with the other kids, wanting his mom to see how well her son is doing and to be proud of him when they go on holiday together c:
She doesn’t turn up. He knew, deep down, she wouldn’t. Still, he’d rather not have had that hope :,D Bubbles finds him later, crying (tho he said he wasn’t). She asks if he’d like to join her and her dads to Casa Bonita that weekend, since it was her birthday, and they said she could bring a friend (well, maybe she didn’t tell him Jezebeth was ill that weekend but y’know, the gesture was still out of a good place.) Butters is a bit surprised by the invite, and even more so that Ezra agrees, but he had been noticing a little friendship there, and is more than happy to comply (filling in Kenny on the details before hand). Ezra goes with them, and meets up with some of Bubbles’ friends and families again and for the first time experiences true family love in front of him. He sees how much Bubbles is close to her dads, how they laugh and joke and actually want to spend time with her. He sees how other mom’s like Wendy and Nichole and Bebe don’t brush their kids aside and tell them they’ll be back later but actually smile and seem to have fun. He gets a bit tense when Ethan accidentally drops pizza toppings on his shirt, worried that Kyle or Stan might hit him, but instead they just laugh and call him messy, and pull funny faces. It’s … nice. Ezra thinks maybe he would enjoy that too, if ever possible. Tho he doesn’t see how. That is, until he gets a call his mom will come to spend the day with him again. He’s a bit “Yeah whatever” this time, but to his huge surprise, there she is, just how he remembered- um, only that’s not actually such a good thing. They DO spend the day together, but it’s more “they’re physically together but she spends the whole time on her phone talking to the new bf and waving him away” kinda thing. By the time he returns to the foster home and Butters asks how his day was, Ezra bursts into tears and clings to him, saying how he just wants parents who care about him, like Bubbles’ do. Butters is pretty pissed off at Ezra’s mom- though he wonders … if she cares that little maybe it could work out after all. He calls her and Ezra for an important meeting.
It’s a bit out of the ordinary, Butters often jokes that he would like to adopt all of the foster kids, tho not literally, but this one is an exception, especially considering his friendship with Bubbles. Ezra’s mom seems “whatever” about handing over her legal custody of her son, and yeah that stings, but Ezra is pleased too, knowing he will no longer have to rely on her for parental validation. Within a few months, everything is sorted in quiet, and Ezra gets to go home to the McCormick household, and try out his new surname c: Oh, and his new room next to his new sister’s is pretty cool too.
Oscar and Daphne Tucker
Well, I guess this is the simplest, sweetest backstory of all. You’ve heard of high school sweethearts, now get ready for elementary, middle, highschool AND university sweethearts (I think that’s how the American system goes-) anyways- being a small little town and being good little kids, Tweek and Craig pretty much were able to stay right by each other from the very start. Tweek kinda had his future set out for him, since he pretty much just took over the Tweak’s cafe from his parents as soon as he could (minus the … drugged coffee) whilst Craig helped out and did a little night school to become a vet, something he decided he wanted to do due to his love for his childhood guinea pigs. Sure they had their moments, especially with such a long running relationship, but well, such a long relationship had also taught them a lot about each other so they always managed to work through it when the time came and they wanted a family of their own, they decided to get simultaneous surrogates :3 That is, one child (Oscar) is biologically Tweek’s, whilst Daphne is biologically Craig’s - it seemed like a good idea to them at the time anyhow. Daphne ended up being born first, with her brother a couple weeks after, so it was almost like raising twins (surprisingly, taking care of two babies wasn’t as bad as they thought since Tweek can barely sleep sometimes due to his caffeine intake ) Tweek does nights, Craig did days, it kinda fell into place- anyway, regardless of who was who, the four of them are thick as thieves and don’t for a moment consider any of each other as anything less than pure and simple family  (that is, no favouritism towards their bio kids, the other partner’s kiddo is absolutely theirs too-) Well, Daphne and Oscar both grow into quite different people but are still just as close siblings as ever. Oscar is maybe not the smartest - he’s a bit neurotic and freaks out at times, but absolutely loves playing sports with his friend Ethan, who can be pretty confident and helpful c: Daphne is a bit more stylish, and quite quick witted with savage insults to the haters. She can also sometimes be seen as a bit of a “bad” girl, in a rebellious sort of sense - but she’s a good kid, just has little respect for people trying to push unfair authority- and she’ll always stand up for her “little brother” (Oscar hates being called that due to only being a couple weeks apart.)
Oh, and naturally – the family’s love for guinea pigs lived on, and the Tucker siblings both have a one of their own. Their pigs are also siblings, two female guinea pigs called Mocha and Espresso.
Jezebeth Thorn
Following Pip’s death at the hands of Mecha Streisand, Pip eventually finds himself in the afterlife, originally as an angel. Meanwhile, Damien had grown into quite the young ruler, his temper is a bit more under control as he matures and although he doesn’t quite understand human behaviour, he’s eager to learn. Heaven and hell have a bit more leniency nowdays, mostly due to Satan temporarily spending time in the other plane when he’s killed by ManBearPig, s citizens are used to seeing each other. Pip, in heaven, eventually recognises Damien, and seeing as how he didn’t seem to upset by the whole ordeal before, actually seemed quite happy to see him which Damien was surprised about. He begins to visit Hell more often, and adapts a bit of a “can I stick with you-” thing for a while, which eventually grew on Damien and he started to quite like the little human back, to his shock. He comes to learn more about life on earth and as they grew older Damien became kinda protective of him. Eventually, much like his father himself had had relationships (arguably more questionable ones) with humans before, it wasn’t really an issue for anyone, and they were happy for them. Pip, whilst still an angel, actually resides in hell, which is arguably taboo still but as Damien is royalty they don’t question it. Speaking of, being the prince of hell comes with magic powers.  
Jezebeth Thorn is biologically their kiddo, ‘bcuz magic’ and maybe a goat sacrifice, nobody dared ask. Well, being the princess of darkness, she has her own little powers, and being part human too finds it fairly easy to blend in with both worlds unlike Damien at first. Jeze is by far considered cooler by her peers, although this might be because she doesn’t set everyone on fire - at least not until they’ve wound her up- she’s perhaps the most complicated character in the sense that she can be quite neutral on her alignment. One minute she can be your best friend, the next your worst nightmare, the next just a bystander, it’s more or less part of her fun to mess with the mortals, she can be responsible for sneaky little tricks and chaotic magic that sends the others on wild goose chases for her amusement. She is a very good ally to have though, since this works on enemies and bullies just as much- it should be noted that the one kid protected from her devious games is Bubbles, since being the daughter of Kenny, a fairly regular visitor to the afterlife and the daughter of Butters, a personal friend of Pip’s, Bubbles is the one mortal Jeze will always be on the good side of and genuinely does protect her so that others won’t mess with her. Her more human side comes out in that sense, she can be fairly sympathetic when she wants despite often appearing (or perhaps pretending to be indifferent to the other’s feelings-) SP never really knows what to expect when she’s in town, but it can certainly be said it’ll never be boring.
And as a fun fact, since she’s half English, she has a small tea vs coffee rivalry with the Tucker siblings it’s mostly just silly, those “fights” are generally more to be amusing than deceptive, but it’s a running joke for them-
Penelope Cartman
Cartman. What a kid. Well, as one might expect, Cartman sure had a rough time hitting his teen years - he had that same cutthroat business attitude and slightly sadistic streak which earnt him a lot of time in and out of juvie doing community work to earn a day or two off his sentences, but he’s still had some humanity deep down. Well, since moving up to high school (which he dropped out of due to some issues) he kind of broke off from the other 3 for a while, eventually getting out of jail and, in classic Cartman fashion, became a businessman pretty quickly. The others would say it wasn’t fair perhaps, Cartman would tell them to go fuck themselves, because he’s making cash by the day.
Meanwhile Wendy Testaburger continued her strong fight for what she believes in, having eventually dropped Stan altogether (though the two are … rocky friends, it’s a bit better now) and she would often lead activism groups against cooperation’s and unethical business practise - more often than not this sort of lead her right to Cartman, though she could never prove anything he was doing was bad, in fact it sorta became funny after a while, like a little routine. They’d often meet on opposite sides of an argument or in court but not really get anywhere, it was funny really, she started to look forwards to it - no wait, what was she saying? Looking forwards to seeing Cartman? Ohh no, she’d been there before. This rivalry had lasted the ages, there was no way she was coming to yet again have THOSE feelings for her business and otherwise rival … right? She asks him to meet her so they can talk - Cartman is … well she remembers how he’s always been. Maybe he’s always been a bit of a strange boy and she knows of some of his worse crimes but well, a lot WERE also out of childish innocence too. Cartman is no and never will be a saint but … she finds it quite amusing perhaps, all the same and that slowly, painfully, but inevitably blossoms into something more- much to Stan’s um, shock and Wendy has her own cutthroat tactics, Cartman admires that tbh.
Penelope is, a rather abrasive character. Well, she would be with those parents but it’s not necessarily a bad thing either - she’s more blunt that Daphne and less deceptive than Jezebeth but if there’s one thing she is it’s LOUD and commands a lot of respect - whether she deserves it is another question. But she’s not a bad kid, unlike her father, the others kids are genuinely her friend, although sometimes bemused at her boisterous antics. She tends to consider herself the absolute expert on everything from fashion to skydiving, even when she hasn’t done those things before. Still, you can’t help but love her confidence and sass, even when you hate her for it at the same time-
Seymour Donovan
So to begin with, Seymour *Donovan* is actually the son of Token and Nichole- more on that at the end.
Well, it seemed that their relationship was going pretty well, at least throughout the early years, everyone pretty much expected Token and Nichole to be the next Tweek and Craig, aka elementary sweethearts, and it seemed to be going that way, there was certainly nothing ‘wrong’ with their relationship it was … nice and stable and that was cool. But well, perhaps unlike the excitement of the adventures and stuff they’d witnessed as kids, as they grew older they just sort of grew into slightly different people. It wasn’t due to a fight or anything dramatic like the others had perhaps experienced they just simply realised that they had slightly different goals - Token was content in South Park, he intended to start investing in his quite large trust fund from his parents and begin using that in property values, expanding a little more and helping the town make a new something of themselves c: Nichole liked SP but she wanted to travel for a little while, perhaps start afresh or move to bigger communities. It would seem that it would end pretty much there - until she realised she was pregnant. That sort of escalated once their parents found out because well, everyone was super happy and excited and just assumed they would be too, I mean why wouldn’t they be? And so an engagement was encouraged to which they reluctantly agreed, not sure how to really get out of that one but not wanting to let their friends down :,D The engagement party was fun - for everyone else. They were in their little groups, the girls discussing the baby and the guys congratulating Token but it seemed a bit strange since they’d been on the verge of separating. Really, the only guy Token thought seemed more upset than him was his friend Clyde, who was um, crying by the buffet table. Token took that as a little opportunity to escape the party and the well-wishers and take him outside for a little fresh air. Clyde explained that he’d been having a little relationship trouble himself - or rather the inability to maintain one. His mosquito-ness had sort of come through and he found himself bouncing from girl to girl and maybe even questioning if he liked guys too, he’d spoken to the other friends about that and realised it was pretty common for them XD but he felt he wasn’t stable, and envied Token’s happy life. Well since all cards were on the table, Token decided to reveal the truth to him, about how whilst he did still feel very deeply for Nichole and was excited to be a father soon, they had been on the verge of splitting due to goal differences. Clyde of course was very surprised by this revelation and after a heart to heart about not trying to stay in something he knew wouldn’t work, Token agreed to talk to Nichole and see if they were on the same page. They knew it might surprise their parents and friends but well … it was better than trying to live a little lie. They called off their engagement, which definitely had the expected confusion and reactions but they valued their friend’s feelings.
9 months later Nichole had their son, a little boy they decided to name Seymour Black. During the rest of her pregnancy, Token had received a lot of support from his friends, and helped pay to get Clyde into some therapy and relationships counselling to see if he could work out what he was doing wrong. And it had helped a lot, so much so that Clyde had found himself a steady relationship for the first time in a while. Token had finally found someone that had similar life goals to himself, so it would work. Well, due to the subsequent marriage, Seymour Black would become Seymour Donovan instead, and since it was never Nichole’s surname, she didn’t mind at all, in fact she was just proud her son had two loving homes to go to X3 Seymour is a very sweet but rather sensitive kid, something he has in common with his step-dad Clyde :3 This sensitivity can make him a target for bullies and the like, but also makes him a kind and loyal friend to others of course he’s now the richest kid in SP, and that can come in handy when the others want to play cool games - not to mention Seymour also has his grandparents who spoil him absolutely rotten on top of that. His favourite hobby is gardening, mostly for flowers and sometimes vegetables, which he likes to sell at little stalls during the school events, making him very popular with the moms of town who think he’s just the cutest thing ever. He’s never been a fan of traditional sports much, but he can still hold his own, and does like to play ball games with his parents or friends c: He mostly lives at Token’s for the meantime, and sleepovers at his house are always super looked forwards to by the other friends.
Amelia Daniels
Following the birth of her son and break up, Nichole couldn’t quite travel as far as she originally wanted, at least she figured not till Seymour was a little older. That didn’t mean she regretted the split though, it was sort of inevitable and she still loved Token without being IN love with him anymore- so on the weeks he was staying with Seymour, Nichole had the opportunity for small little adventures such as a day out to a national park to hike, or to visit a neighbouring historic town, or to go horseriding - this last one she found quite quite companionable since she could be with her old friend Bebe. The two had quite a lot of common interests they found, generic stuff they already knew of course but they also found they could bond over the new world of adult life, whether it was giggling about Eric and Wendy’s “flirting” in court or their shared aspirations to get degrees and prove themselves smart to their peers. Bebe had always been quite tired of people assuming things about her looks, and was working towards a masters in teaching at the local college, as well as volunteering with the equine centre on weekends - overall, busy busy busy. But it was fun, the volunteering got her to visit new places with the group, and Nichole happily joined that too. Of course being the leader of those helped developed their own little relationship, and that became pretty solid after a while. Some years into that, they decided they’d adopt :3 They specifically chose a child close to Seymour’s age, so he could have a sister of sorts c:
Amelia had always had a fascination with planes, just One of those childhood fancy’s type things, it was possibly because she liked sharing her name with her idol Amelia Earheart, a coincidence perhaps but she accepted that. Amelia is a strong character - not strong as in abrasive such as her friend Penelope, but certainly strong as in “one of the few characters that can actually handle Penelope”. She’s smart and quick witted, and always looking for new ways to build a real plane one day - her toy models are too perfection but that won’t stop her from perhaps recklessly attempting a foolhardy life size model one day, she’s got ambition, the others will give her that XD Amelia and her “brother” Seymour have a close bond, she’s his protector of sorts from when older kids pick on his sensitivity, and whilst she doesn’t really like physical confrontation she’s not necessarily afraid to throw a punch, if the other kid was asking for it. Mostly though, she’s mild mannered and can just be found in the library checking out old Aero magazines or in the toy store with the build it kits c: She doesn’t consider Token and Clyde parents per say but she’s close to them as well, although living a little more moderately c:
Hecate Gelsor
Henrietta and Katie kinda reconciled the goth vs vampire thing later on in high school, in some ways although they hated being compared as they believed they were truly different, they realised they were going to do their own thing regardless and actually found themselves with a mutual respect, maybe out of a little hidden interest. They’re a bit unconventional, and that’s how they like it, completely non-conformist.
Hecate - well, now she’s fairly simple in her own right. A chaotic neutral if you will, she’s neither the main guys friends nor their enemy, she kind of stays out of stuff but will join in to suit her own personal gains. Always has a fascination with the morbid and depraved that can sometimes make the others uncomfortable - or at least, the sensitive ones since characters like Jezebeth and Penelope would find it pretty funny XD She tends to recite poetry and avoids new fads and technology, maybe even considers herself a bit of a vampire-witch as she likes to call it - her aesthetic is those little witchy shops you get in tourist towns - dream catchers, incense burners, lots of chains and skull rings, all of those. Out of all the characters she’s definitely the outright rebellious but in your face way, not clever or sneaky about that, but in a way her moms support it, they appreciate going against the grain, standing up to non-conforming to the rules and all that good stuff. Hecate is definitely the one to go for if you want a lock picked or some mysterious tomb discovered, just don’t rely on her for emotional support unless she gets something in return, she’s pretty black and white like that.
Bandit, which is most likely a nickname he gave himself is the son of non-other than
“The New Kid”- specifically any new kid, since for the purposes of keeping it ambiguous, you never really “see” his parent, and whatever was known about them is now somewhat rumour, they’re known mostly as the Vigilante.
Bandit had pretty much been an outsider as long as he can remember, sure he hears adults in town talk about the cool games they played as kids and how it was fun to pretend - but Bandit knows something somewhere went too far. He doesn’t know the exact details, nor why he never really knew his grandparents but he knows there’s a lot of secrets being kept from him, and that’s caused a lot of resentment. Essentially, Bandit is the antagonist of the next gen. He doesn’t know what, he doesn’t care to know what to some extent - but he knows the others’ parents were involved in the mess that came before him. He’s clever, vindictive, and quite possibly powerful- despite not hiding his unsociable attitude, Bandit also seems to have an uncanny ability to … draw people to him, like some kind of … power. Which can make him quite formidable. Bandit rarely shows much true personality, he can seem pretty cold at times, and doesn’t seem to have any true friends despite the following fans he always seems to be able to amass when needed. This of course often puts him at odds, most especially - with Penelope. He’s still working on finding out the truth, of finding out just why he’s had to live such a shut in life, but he’s more sure than anything that her family has something to do with it, he just needs to gather the pieces. Now of course, this wouldn’t be a good character if that was his only motive - behind locked doors, Bandit has a good reason for all of this - and ultimately, it’s because he does want to make things right. He’s not necessarily going about it the right way, but every course of action is to one day, hopefully bring a little light back to his parent’s life. He takes good care of the vigilante, often takes care of the housework by himself and takes odd jobs on weekends to bring food and cash home. He’s never cared to find his other parent, doesn’t want to, doesn’t need to - what he wants more than anything is to be a normal kid, with a normal, if single parented household that’ll go to sports games and come to parents evening at school at throw birthday parties, but he knows he has a duty and a vitriolic personality. Essentially, he’s in a morally grey zone - the adults were kids themselves, how much they knew is entirely debatable and the next gens are even more innocent in all of that. But it sure weighs heavily on that poor kid, he’s bad but … maybe in some ways he reserves the right to be.
South Park (c) Trey Parker & Matt Stone
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cyndrastic · 8 months
ok so y’all seemed to like the first part of the Fairly Odd Parents AU so here’s more characters!!
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Tolkien and Jimmy are AJ and Chester!! They’re Clyde’s best (and only) friends at school! As I was making this au I realized how oddly well Tolkien and Jimmy actually match AJ and Chester character wise, so not much has to be changed for them honestly. Meanwhile I needed a character to be Vicky so I figured “hey Clyde has a sister doesn’t he?” so boom there she is.
more in depth character descriptions under the cut for those who want them!
Tolkien is the smart rich kid who tries and generally fails to talk sense into Jimmy and Clyde, and is the only one of the three with any brain cells. Also probably the only neurotypical one of the three. He’s also the only one in school who will point out when stuff randomly changes, usually in benefit of Clyde. Like, he’s the one who always notices when Clyde suddenly has a new super expensive looking bike, or he’s suddenly the most popular guy in school for like 3 days before everything just goes back to how it was for no reason. Tolkien is the only one who notices and is concerned with this.
These changes are obviously Clyde making wishes, and it scares Tweek that Tolkien will eventually figure out that Clyde has fairy god parents. Tweek wants to wipe Tolkien’s memory every time he notices a spell, but Clyde and Craig stop him. Craig thinks it’s hilarious because in all his time being a godparent, no godkid’s friends have ever noticed anything wrong until Tolkien, so he’s automatically Craig’s second favorite human (second to Clyde).
He rewards Tolkien for this by letting him be the only human that can hold or play with him when he’s in his pet form (like how Cosmo and Wanda become goldfish, Craig is a guinea pig) without getting bit when the trio hangs out at Clyde’s house.
Jimmy, for the sake of this au, will not be as dirt poor as Chester is in the actual show cause idk what good that does for this au lol. Otherwise Jimmy is the wisecracking friend who has a good heart and pure intentions most of the time but covers it with crude humor and kinda offensive jokes. Also he sucks at reading a room (me coded) and can never tell when his comedic genius won’t be appreciated (the deleted scene of him making a joke about Clyde killing his mom to Clyde like the day after it happened lives in my head rent free it’s so funny) His hair is also wavy cause I said so and that’s just how I like to draw Jimmy, i do what i want.
Also, just like how Tolkien is Craig’s second favorite human, Jimmy is Tweek’s. Most of the time when Jimmy cracks a joke, even if it’s a supremely unfunny one, Tweek laughs at it. Tweek’s pet form is a parrot, so that means if he’s chilling as an animal he can still talk and laugh. Jimmy thinks it’s hilarious that Clyde’s bird finds him so funny and Jimmy will frequently go to Clyde’s house to write and test out new comedy routines for Tweek because he’s “such a terrific audience.” Craig kinda hates it but won’t object because Tweek genuinely enjoys it.
Clyde and Craig don’t understand how Tweek finds Jimmy genuinely funny all the time, but it’s literally only because Tweek has spent the majority of his life around Craig, who is incredibly blunt, sarcastic to a fault, and so unfunny it hurts. Craig is only ever funny by being overtly honest when he doesn’t need to be (autism moment), and couldn’t make a normal joke if his life depended on it (if i may remind anyone of the Craig clip: “i got a good one: why do girls wear makeup and perfume? because they’re ugly and they stink” this man would not know a joke if it punched him in the face)
Lizzie is Clyde’s older sister. Shes a good bit older than him, Clyde being around 15 years old and her being around 22. She’s a massive bitch and has always been mean to Clyde, but it got worse once their mom died and she blamed it on Clyde (Betsy died the same way in canon as in this au, so it is kinda Clyde’s fault but still, he was 8). Luckily with her being way older than Clyde, she lives at college, but he has to deal with her whenever she goes home and during her school’s breaks. She takes Vicky’s role in this au so even if she isn’t an evil babysitter, she acts similarly to Clyde as Vicky does to Timmy.
She’s one of the reasons Clyde even gets god parents: abusive older sister, dead mom who’s death was because of him, crazy teacher (Garrison is his own level of traumatizing just as he is in the canon of the show but i haven’t decided if i wanted him to be exactly like Crocker yet), and Roger (Clyde’s dad) is ok but he’s kinda neglectful cause he’s mourning his wife and has to work double to support his kids now that Betsy is dead.
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