glowymushroom · 5 years
Wow it’s been awhile since I actually made a post, but I got tagged by @emmastan
nicknames: I don’t really have many, but people usually just call me Glowy! I’ve seen people use Glowey as well
zodiac: Ares! I don’t know much about zodiac stuff so that’s all I got
last movie i saw: I think the last movie I was The Martian, though I never actually finished it since we were just watching it in class
height: 5'6″ of sleepiness 
last thing i google: “Grey Peacock Pheasant”, though regarding actual questions it was “fluid movement/hydraulics in biology”
fav musician: A very difficult choice but at the moment Hello, Happy World! is definitely up there on the favorite’s list
song stuck in my head: A Sardine Grows From The Soil
other blogs: I have @faintlybioluminescent where I reblog/post stuff like Danganronpa, Witch’s Heart, and Bandori!
do i ever get asks: Nope! I don’t really interact with anyone on this site, mostly know people through Discord
following: I haven’t gone through and cleaned out any inactive blogs so right now it’s at 512
followers: Surprisingly 130! I’m sure most of that number is pornbots, but I’m glad there’s people who enjoy the stuff on this blog anyways
amount of sleep: I really need to work on making a better sleep schedule since the current one is just Sleep Whenever so the amount of sleep I get varies wildly
what im wearing: A hawaiian shirt 
dream trip: One of these days I’d like to visit one of those arcades in Japan, mostly for rhythm games
dream job: I’m a bit indecisive but the current goals are either something related to botany/horiculture, mycology, or mechanical engineering!
instruments: I can’t play anything but I’m hoping to learn piano/keyboard whenever I can scrap up some free time to do so
favorite food: Hm, probably salads cause there’s a lot of variety with ‘em y’know?
languages: English and a tiny bit of German
fav song: hhhhhhhhhh  at the moment? I’m really digging the Hello, Happy World! cover of Romeo
random fact: Spiders don’t have extensor muscles so they use hydraulic pressure to move instead which is pretty cool!
I don’t really know anyone who I could tag so I suppose the chain ends here, sorry!
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