#fae liebling is feral and just lives off könig's come
ghouljams · 4 months
gross könig with a darling with no refractory period, she comes and shes shaking and is immediately back up like the undertaker to jump his bones
shes about to lure that monster of a man into a false sense of security to drain his balls every fuckin night
könig might be trying fuck her til she passes out but shes literally suckin it til hes shivering and shooting blanks and having dry Os
(i wanna put this on anon mode im so embarrassed rn)
This is just seer!König and fae!liebling
Shaking, gasping for breath with tears streaming down you face. König panting over you, his hair hanging over you as he watches you twist your fingers in the blankets. You whimper, and push your hips back against his cock, silently begging for more. Another and another and another. You want more. He fucks you so good, hits so deep and aching, you can feel it in your stomach. Sometimes when he's particularly rough with you your insides hurt for a while after, a dull throbbing proof that König was there. You live for that feeling. You push your hips back. König shudders.
"Meine liebling," he pants, "you can't-" you bounce yourself on his cock, still desperately hard inside you, and he moans. "Shieß," he swears, settling his big hands on your shoulders and leaning his weight on them. You're thoroughly pinned as he pistons his cock into you, you hardly have the time to feel the moans he forces out of you before their sound fills the room. Good, good, he fucks you like he doesn't care if it hurts, like he hopes it hurts, good. You bite the quilt because the drool pooling under your parted lips is starting to get annoying. The smack of his hips against your ass is music to your ears, his grunts and moans your symphony, you've never been happier. He slows, and you can feel the shudder of his muscles. "Can't," he tells, "you've-"
You don't let him finish whatever bullshit he was going to spout off. There's no can't. He said he was going to fill you full, you're not full yet. You hook a leg around his hip and throw your weight to switch positions. König's back hits the bed and you bounce on his lap, facing the wrong way but good enough. You roll your hips and feel his fat cock twitch inside you. His hands grab at your waist to keep you still, they don't stop you from fucking yourself on him, really they just keep you from falling off when he bucks up into you. You can feel his back arch, feel his cock pulse and his blood thrum with orgasm, but... nothing. You must have drained him dry last round, doesn't matter, you still haven't finished enjoying him. You give him a moment to collect himself, pulling off to readjust to facing him. His fingers tighten their grip on you, his groan almost pained when you sink down onto his cock again.
"You said no tapping out," you remind him. He grits his teeth, hands sliding up your body to grab your throat.
"I'm not," he growls. Something in your comment must give him a fifth wind, making him plant his feet and fuck into your needy hole just like he did hours ago. God you don't think you could ever get used to him.
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ghouljams · 4 months
I can't get what the darlings would look like as fae out of my head. Like once the boys decide "alright time to live in the fae wilds again" the darlings humanity will be gone.
Like I always imagined Love would look like the most beautiful person you've ever seen or maybe like someone you know that gave you good memories. She just makes you feel all warm and she's just so nice always worrying about you. As you spend more time with her you just start feeling so depressed when away from her. She's like a drug you just can't stay away from but she is named Love after all how could you not love her? You just one day can't get out of bed. The sadness is just unbearable you never even realized she was eating all your happiness till it was too late. But some people can see how she really looks, she has this uncanny valley look. You just can't get the thought that her eyes are too big or that her nose is just slightly off and does she have sharp teeth?
Then there's Liebling who probably looks the most different. I imagine she'd kind of look like König but more soft and cute. She'd have fur but only on her arms and legs reaching up to her navel. Speaking of her legs they'd look like an animals with the knees bent back and of course she'd have toe beans just to add to the cuteness. She'd leave little paw prints behind just leading you right to her. She seems very friendly small spines similar to a hedgehog and no claws in sight. Lieblings fluffy tail is even lazily swaying back in forth almost saying "Come here I won't bite!" How could you say no to that coming closer you reach out to pet her. But then her claws come out and her spines grow suddenly. She was just hiding them, and the last thing you see is her sharp teeth coming at your throat.
I'll be honest Crybaby probably wouldn't want to be the thing she's been running from her whole life. But I don't think Threat would give her a choice. It would be easy to just say that she's a moth but while she would have wings they aren't made for flying in the air. I see her as more of a water fae due to her shy and scaredy cat nature. She'd probably be that fae that observes you from a pond while you play with your friends. Crybaby's very creative when it comes to everything even hunting but not very social so she'd prefer if you came to her. Maybe you hear some whimpering outside your tent. You leave it only to see a woman hunched over in the shallows. Her large sweater soaked and her hair just wet but almost looking like the water is coming from it not dripping off the tips. You go near maybe cause your curious or just stupid but either way a poor girl is in distress. Coming near was a mistake because the second you get close enough she drags you into the depths of her pond. Her water wings come out to drag you deeper her webed hands now visible and digging into you with her claws.
Idk I just like to think about these girls who just finally go feral once that human part of them is gone. Cause I feel like once you transform you don't think eating humans is wrong anymore since you aren't one.
OOOOH I love this. I also have thoughts on how the darlings look when they turn fae and they're very similarly aligned.
OC talk and descriptions under the cut:
Love absolutely just grows more and more beautiful with each year that passes, you're right. If you've ever read the "Uglies" trilogy I think she definitely has that "Pretty" uncanny vibe, the eyes that are too big and doe-y, the lips that part just too perfectly, there's a certain softness to her that seems made to disarm you. She's the prettiest person in every room she enters, constantly drawing stares and attention. You're right she's like a memory, warm and nostalgic, hiding the painful truth of her nature behind sweet words and a soft smile. Feeding off your happiness is the best case scenario. Worst case she's the pretty bait in Ghost's trap, the lure meant to draw fish to the surface. Seers can pick out the fishing line, the angler fish's jaws that hide in her shadow. Her touch carries a chill, she's the beautiful dream of warmth before hypothermia sets in, feeling of fire that makes men strip in the snow. She's the prey of everything that lurks in humanity's desperation, drawing you further off the path as you try to grab for her, smiling and laughing at the game of it before the shadows close in around you. You're lucky if she sucks all the happiness out of you, at least there's a chance you'll live through that.
Liebling is definitely the most changed, also because I don't think the fae that König's influence turns her into is what she would be if she was fae from the beginning. No pretty thorny blackberry fae in this au, she's definitely more fauna than flora. And I actually think she'd be a little doe-ish, another fae meant to lure people into König's trap, and his own prey as well. A rabbit sort of vibe would fit her well too, very picky with her people, running at the first sign of movement, and König gets to squish her little toe beans until she kicks him. There's something about her that makes you want to brave her scowl, something that keeps drawing you in, that makes you follow her tracks into the woods, despite her tail working to clear them away. Something that makes you stop when she does, when she turns and cocks her head to look at you all her spines clicking with nervous anticipation. Something that makes you look up at the red eyes and dripping teeth that stand over her, as tall and natural as the trees, just waiting to snap, or perhaps waiting for her to lunge first.
Crybaby is interesting, she'd fight becoming fae the whole way down, dragged into the deep end and force under by Threat. And when she breaks the water's surface what is she? She's shivering in the cold, she never learned to swim, she's weighed down by her jumper and her boots. Her wings are wet, she can't fly, can't escape Threat's web. Some unsuspecting fool offers her their hand and they smell so warm, so caring, she wants that. She wants their warmth, wants their care, sinks her teeth into them before she can reason out what she's smelling. I think if Crybaby were born a fae she'd be a Selkie, cursed to be caught and kept captive by the person that loves her, made human by circumstance the same way she's made fae here. There's no threat in her eyes, no sharpness to her downy soft fluff, she has dogs to hunt for her, dogs to chase you towards her so she can offer you some false safety before devouring you. Don't mind her tears love, they're not from guilt, not anymore.
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