#ezra and clara forever honestly
the-blind-assassin-12 · 6 months
Ooh, could I read a little more about Petrichor? I love that word.
Hi! Thank you for asking, you absolutely can read more about Petrichor!! (I love that word, too. And the feeling. And the smell.)
So Petrichor is the short epilogue series (that I've put off far too long) to Point of No Return - an Ezra story with a female OC named Clara who I basically want to be. The main story follows Ezra and Cee after the events of the movie, back to a place - and a person - that Ezra once called home. It takes place on my version of Kamrea, specifically on a Thulian Grass farm (think tall pink wheat stalks but fluffier like muhly grass). I've gone a little nuts with the lore/details/background of Kamrea as a planet in this series, but one of the main things that is referenced multiple times is the Rain Season (4 to 6 weeks of - guess what - rain) which comes at the end of the harvest. Petrichor will take place during that time, and it will tie up some loose threads from the main story. That's all I can say without spoiling either PoNR or Petrichor, but here's a small snippet that doesn't give too much away:
It was unlike anything she had experienced before. 
Ezra and Clara had both talked about the rains that would come to wash over the world and how long they would last. They told her how it would start in drips and trickles, drizzling on and off for a few days as though announcing what was to come, letting everyone know that the monsoon was about to let loose. She heard about and tried to picture the way the streams would rise and spill over their banks, the clear water flooding the forest floor. But until she saw it running down the window panes, pooling in puddles on the lawn and turning the pressed dirt driveway to mud, Cee had no real context for the magnitude of Kamrea’s storm season. 
This is more water than I’ve ever seen. 
Leaning her temple against the cool glass, she looked out and up at the sky, at the endless churning of slate gray and deep purple clouds. The occasional rumble of thunder tumbled down as one cluster crashed into another. Sometimes it was low and distant, drumming out a slow beat. Other times it sounded like it was right over their heads, shaking the walls and rattling things on shelves. The first truly loud boom had made her jump and gasp, her eyes widening before they rushed to find Ezra’s across the table, frightened for a second that the roof might cave in or the ground would collapse. 
“Not to worry, little bird.” He’d said it with a wink. “We’re safe and sound in here, I guarantee it.”
ask me about my many wips!
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emilywatches · 7 years
Emily Watches ‘Pretty Little Liars’: S03E24 A dAngerous gAme
In the season three finale, Alison might finally be alive, Spencer & Toby get back together and the girls plus Mona almost get set on fire, let’s dive in!
I’m at a point in this show where it’s probably easier for me to count the people who aren’t “A” for sure than count people who have something to do with “A”. I’m considering the fact I might be “A” or on Team A, now that’s a plot twist. I’ve heard things about British accents so I’m thinking, it could be me in the end, anything is possible. Seriously though, I asked where Jenna was - turns out she’s on Team A squading it up with Paige’s ex, the detective and Melissa? What a weird group. How do Jason, CeCe and Wren fit in? Because I’m sure they do.
Importantly, something I need to come to pretty immediately... TOBY LIVES. I actually yelled Toby very loudly at the TV, I’ve never been so pleased to see someone... or well, he’s pretty high up there. Depends on if we get Clara Oswald in the Doctor Who Christmas special this year, I’ll get back to you. Plus Spoby has come back to me, I live. Spencer meeting Toby as “A” was such a good moment for me and then they had more moments and he was crying, she started crying, I started tearing up, beautiful. I’m glad everything is sorted and I’ve been right for this whole time, well done me. Better find some cake or something to celebrate my wonderful guessing skills. I have a question about Spencer “A” or all female “A”’s... do they get taught the same make-up skills or what because that looked exactly like Mona’s! I kind of like it though but that is more than likely just me.
Hanna came up with a genius plan to find out who “Alison” was, even if she used Ezra’s child to do it. Then it turns out Spencer came up with a genius plan to get the girls in the know about Mona and the A Team. This episode was full of people having great ideas honestly. They tried to trap Spencer, sure it was her own trap but A for effort. Oh gosh, I can’t say that, that’s been ruined by this show forever. I am curious though, what was their plan with Mona exactly? Stand there and ask her who Red Coat is? Or just keep her captive? I have so many questions, I realise we won’t get as many answers as I’d like.
Alison is alive! Someone pulled her out the ground? WHO DID THAT?! But I’d like to call it now that there are two Red Coats. Alison is just being forced into it possibly and she helps the girls whenever you can. Yay for theories. I just don’t want her to be a bad person, she can’t be, she ends up back in the gang... I think. I’m going to have the utmost faith in Alison and see how that works out for me. I’m thinking Alison didn’t know about the fire, I don’t know who set it, maybe Melissa or Jenna because they’re both rude as heck. No one was supposed to die so she pulled them out and then disappeared into... the woods? Sure, let’s go with that. I’m still side eyeing CeCe because they look so similar! Okay back to the woods, someone turned on a smoke machine at one point, fog does not look like that so “A” just likes dramatic effect I swear. Also is that lighter going to be significant? It has to be because why else show me a close up of it and make Toby look at it hard. Oh, maybe he knows who’s it is! That would be very helpful.
Here is a note to leave you with: there is a lot of kissing and things right now, my Dad has just come home and I’m watching this in the living room, please stop.
My favourite line(s) go to Hanna, she makes me laugh. Hanna: I hate her. Spencer: Why? Hanna: Because she flirts with everyone but me.
On to the next season!
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