jpeyehospital · 1 year
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That's your risk? Diabetic eye disease: Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of eye conditions that can affect individuals who have diabetes. Specific eye diseases and conditions caused by diabetes include: - Glaucoma - Cataracts - Diabetic retinopathy - Retinal detachment - Diabetic macular edema - Vitreous hemorrhage Risk factors for developing diabetic eye disease include: * Hyperglycemia * Hypertension * High cholesterol * Smoking * Age 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁: https://wa.me/919216066614 𝐉 𝐏 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 - (A Unit of Dr. Agarwal Healthcare Ltd.) [𝙼𝚘𝚋] : +91-92160 66614, 0172-2266-613 [𝚆𝚎𝚋] : www.jpeyehospital.in [𝙼𝚊𝚒𝚕] : [email protected] [𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜] : Phase - 7, 35, Mohali Stadium Rd, Sector 61, SAS Nagar Mohali. #JPEyeHospital #Diabetic_eye_disease #dragarwals #happypatients #eyecare #FamilyEyeCare #EyeCheckup #EyeHospital #eye_specialist #eyecareprofessionals #chandigarh #tricity
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optical123me · 4 years
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AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration) is one of the major causes of severe visual impairment. It is a condition that affects mostly older adults. AMD occurs due to loss of vision in the macula which is the central part of the retina. As a result of this condition, it is difficult to see finer details in focus. If you are suffering from these problems, SB Optical can help you. Contact us now: (647) 748-4577. SB Optical specializes in providing personalized low vision solutions for low vision patients including those who have AMD. Know our services and how sb optical can help you in detail, visit:  https://bit.ly/30rVIs7
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David Robinson ophthalmologist is an expert who has practical experience in the creation of Ophthalmology focal points, displays, get focal points, low vision helps, and visual prosthetics
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chandigarhayurveda · 3 years
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Ayurveda Can Beat Diabetes
Ayurveda is almost a 5000+ year-old practice that helps in treating and managing Diabetes Problem
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Dry Eye Disease Solution
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As the number of people with dry eye disease continues to increase, researchers have found that the current available dry eye disease treatment options are inadequate. Several factors can contribute to the condition, including environmental factors, genetics, hormonal changes, and use of certain medications. A comprehensive dry eye disease solution must cover the full range of symptoms and provide the potential for repair. Currently available treatments range from over-the-counter eye drops to surgery. But the outcomes are often disappointing. Fortunately, regenerative medicine opens new avenues for cures.
One dry eye disease solution is an ointment, applied to the eye overnight. It is effective in relieving dryness, but the ointment can cause temporary blurring. Prescription ointments can also reduce inflammation. Restasis ophthalmic emulsion, cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion, and lipitegrast ophthalmic solution are three common prescription options.
There are a variety of over-the-counter artificial tear solutions available to help people with dry eye disease. They can be used as needed to supplement the amount of tears produced by the eye. Choose preservative-free solutions to minimize the risk of irritation. However, if artificial tear solution is ineffective, additional treatment is needed. For the most effective dry eye disease solution, your doctor will prescribe a combination of prescription medications and natural remedies.
The most common dry eye disease treatment is prescription ointments. This solution is made of platelet-rich plasma, which is injected into the eye. These medications are used to treat a variety of eye problems, including evaporative dryness. They can help people with Sjogren's syndrome, aqueous deficient dry eyes, and other similar conditions. In addition, it can even relieve mild symptoms of dry eye.
Another dry eye disease treatment is the use of cyclosporine aqueous solutions. They are effective in reducing the risk of developing inflammation in the eye. These solutions have been studied by a number of researchers and have been approved by the FDA. They can help people with dry eye condition who do not have a prescription for a dry eye solution. There are many treatments available for patients with dry eye disease. A doctor can help them decide on the best one for them.
Other treatments can be used to treat dry eye disease. These treatments may involve a combination of various medications and lifestyle changes. To address symptoms of dry eye, a patient must wear glasses or wear sunglasses outdoors. A dry eye solution should also be available to help patients with symptoms of a dry eye. Depending on the type of treatment, it may be helpful to reduce the risk of a dry eye. This therapy is also available for those who do not want to use prescriptions. Besides artificial tears, here are several other treatments for dry eye.
 Some of these are available without a prescription. They may have some side effects. You should also try some other treatments. These include medicines that treat the symptoms caused by dry eye. You should consult a CorneaCare medical professional before you begin using any of these treatments. If a natural dry eye care treatment is not effective, you should visit your doctor for a consultation. You can seek relief from many of the symptoms of dry eye disease with the help of various therapies.
Keep reading on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_disease and most importantly, convert your knowledge into action, otherwise it remains a source of untapped energy as well as wasted potential.
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Home Remedy For Dry Eyes
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A remedy for dry eyes can help to lubricate your eyes. Applying warm water to your eyelids can reduce the risk of dry eye. Make sure to repeat this process as necessary to remove debris and dirt. After you've applied the lubricant, rinse with lukewarm water to remove the residue. A few drops of vitamin E oil may also help, and avoiding processed food is always a good idea.This specialits can help you learn about dry eye disease.
Goldenseal has been used by Native Americans for centuries. It is an effective antibiotic and can help fight infections that cause dry eyes. The root of goldenseal can be taken in capsule form or eaten raw to restore moisture to your eyes. Blinking is another effective remedy for dry eye. It improves the meibomian gland and the chemical composition of tears. Blinking regularly is the cheapest home remedy for drying eyes.
A warm compress is another home remedy for dry eyes. You should place the compress on your eyelids with your eyes closed for at least ten to fifteen minutes. If your symptoms persist, you should see a doctor. A cold compress can mask more serious conditions such as cataracts. Several studies have indicated that a warm compress can reduce the symptoms of dry eye and make the condition easier to handle. It also offers more protection against infection.Find all your eye care info from CorneaCare.
If your dry eye is caused by dehydration, it is important to drink plenty of water. Although this natural treatment is usually effective, you should consult a physician before trying any home remedy for dry eyes. If the symptoms are aggravated, you should seek medical attention. You should also check with your family doctor to ensure that you're not suffering from another condition. There are some ways to prevent or alleviate symptoms. Try these remedies, but do not forget to consult your eye physician.
A humidifier can increase the humidity in the air. You can use a humidifier to put moist air near the eyes. A humidifier can also be used to control the temperature. A humidifier can help you control the humidity in your home. A humidifier will not only help your eyes but also provide a healthy environment for your family. But before using a humidifier, be sure to read the label carefully. Do not make any changes based on these directions.
A humidifier can help you to keep your eyes moist. You can also place a bowl of water in the corner of your room to increase humidity. Certain health conditions increase the risk of dry eyes. For example, blepharitis and inflammatory diseases are associated with a dry eye. A thyroid disorder or Sjogren's syndrome are two other causes of dry eyes. A humidifier can also help you to relax.For more information, check out this related post:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_disease.
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quickyblog · 3 years
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icikenitra · 4 years
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لقاء مباشر على صفحة جمعية أوكسجين للبيئة والصحة على الفيسبوك في موضوع: " أمراض العيون: الأسباب والوقاية والعلاج" ، يوم الجمعة 12 يونيو 2020 على الساعة السادسة مساءا 18:00 بتوقيت المغرب. من تأطير البروفيسور محمد شريف الشفشاوني، وهو طبيب أخصائي في طب وجراحة العيون، حاصل على شهادة التكوين المتخصص بجامعة باريس، وديبلوم جراحة العيون المجهرية بجامعة بيير وماري كوري – باريس، ديبلوم في طب اورام العيون بجامعة بيير وماري كوري – باريس. - طبيب متخصص بمصحة العيون بالرباط - طبيب متخصص بمركز الهلال الأحمر المغربي لأمراض العيون بالقنيطرة يسير هذا اللقاء الأستاذ "أيوب كرير" وهو رئيس جمعية أوكسجين للبيئة والصحة، باحث في علوم المجال والتنمية المستدامة. سيبث هذا اللقاء مباشرة عبر رابط صفحة جمعية أوكسجين للبيئة والصحة على الفيسبوك وهو: https://www.facebook.com/Oxygene.Ass © إعداد وتقديم: جمعية أوكسجين للبيئة والصحة #جمعية_أوكسجين_للبيئة_و_الصحة #Oxygene_Ass #OXYGEN_LIVE #كورونا #فيروس_كورونا #كيوفيد_19 #خليك_فدارك #إبق_في_المنزل #أيوب_كرير #طبيب #محمد_شريف_الشفشاوني #stay_at_home #stay_home #COVID_19 #Coronavirus #OXYGEN_plus #children #Youth #Ophtalmologie #Pathologies_oculaires #Maladie_des_yeux #Eye_disease #microchirurgie_ophtalmologie #oncologie_ophtalmologique #Doctor #Mohammed_CHARIF_CHEFCHAOUNI #share #partager #أوكسجين_مباشر 👈 للجميع ومن أجل الجميع ❤️ شاركوا مع الجميع، وكونوا في الموعد. * * * * * « Les Maladies des yeux: Causes, Traitements et Prévention » #SAVETHEDATE Vendredi 12 juin 2020 à 18:00h (UTC+1) Avec Dr. Mohammed CHARIF CHEFCHAOUNI * Professeur d’Ophtalmologie Attestation de formation spécialisée – Université Pari 7 Diplôme de microchirurgie ophtalmologie – Université Pierre et Mari Curie, Paris 5 Diplôme d’oncologie ophtalmologique - Université Pierre et Mari Curie, Paris 5 - Médecin Spécialiste dans La Clinique de la Vision de Rabat - Médecin Spécialiste dans La Croissant Rouge Marocain – Clinique d’Ophtalmologie - Kénitra → https://www.facebook.com/Oxygene.Ass Le webinar sera animé par Mr. Ayoub Krir, président de l'Association Oxygène pour l'Environnement et la Santé, chercheur dans le domaine de sciences du Territoire et du développement durable. - Préparé et présenté par Association Oxygène pour l'Environnement et la Santé - https://www.instagram.com/p/CBP8HR5HNwz/?igshid=dguiirubeenx
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optical123me · 4 years
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Diabetic Retinopathy is a well recognized neuro-vascular disease. It is a condition that may occur due to diabetes complications. Diabetes causes damage to blood vessels in the retina which as a result may start to swell and bleed. So with a damaged retina, your vision can be lost. If you are suffering from these problems, SB optical can help you. Call us now: +1 (647) 748-4577 . With the help of the updated technology, Sb Optical can cure vision problems such as Diabetic Retinopathy or other eye conditions such as Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Stargardt disease, etc. To know more visit: https://bit.ly/3c7Ml30
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This Ocularist begins by taking an impression of the eye attachment, then, at that point, utilizes that impression to shape the plastic shell, paint the iris, lastly fits the prosthetic eye.
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chandigarhayurveda · 3 years
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