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✨- Originally her name was Éclair and when I used Google translate it showed Flash so I used that name for her. And by the way her real name is Lightning.
🌼 - I draw her at diffrent ages so... Her main age is 131/2 (and then 22 and ??¿)
🌺- I don't really understand but if it's about couple, well... Loxoy.
🍕 - Meat.
💼 🎹 - Not chosen yet.
🎯 -Hiding her fear of abandonment. (Basically she is afraid of being abandoned.)
🥊 -She loves spending time with the people she loves / She hates waking up in the middle of the day.
❤️ - When she got adopted / When she makes new friends.
✂️ - When she saw them die
🧊 - Nop.... (Exp.00.09, aka Gyin, was her first design !)
🌂 - I don't really understand but I guess it's talking about the species? Eclipser
💚 - Non-binary and Aroace (She love everyone platonically)
🍀 - Eclipses, Eclipse in fnaf SB and the fact that I have an imaginary world that I can share with others.
🙌 - 3 !! And those are Charlie (my brother's OC), James and Rider !
🍎 - She doesn't know her real parents since she got adopted but she's neutral about her foster mother.
🧠 - probably her color palette.
✏️ - Kinda very often i guess
💎 - Not really, she can't die from old age but can be killed
💀 - thanatophobia / Autophobia.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
🎓 - Around 3 years now.
🍥 - I was around 10-11 when i first created Flash !
Og post/template 👇
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