#excuse all the typos i wrote this on my tablet in the middle of the night
wrathofthestag · 3 years
While You Were Sleeping Zimbits AU
I was rewatching While You Were Sleeping and thought about how cute this would be as a Zimbits AU.
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Eric “Bitty” Bittle works at the train station and every day sees a handsome stranger, daydreaming of his seemingly glamorous life and how beautiful he is.
One day, the stranger gets mugged at the station and falls onto the tracks.
Bitty jumps into action and saves him.
The handsome stranger ends up in a coma and Bitty (who is mistaken at the hospital as his fiance) meets his family.
The Zimmermann clan comes to the hospital and praises Bitty for saving their Kent.  Kent was adopted by the Zimmermann family when he was 10 and was raised by Bob and Alicia Zimmermann. 
The entire family instantly loves Bitty, who is sweet and kind, and without a family of his own.
Alicia and Bob invite Bitty to spend the holidays (Christmas and Hanukah) with them.
Enter Jack, Kent’s brother, who is skeptical of Bitty. Who is this guy that he's never heard Kent mention before?
Jack and Bitty continually chirp one another, and find they really enjoy each other's company as much as they enjoy pushing each other's buttons. They make each other laugh, and have a lot in common but Jack is still suspicious of Bitty and his motives.
Jack and Kent's Uncle Mario finds out the truth about Bitty not being Kent's fiance, but tells him to just go with it. He thinks Bitty is a kind, sweet soul who would be good for Kent who is self-centered and needs to grow up.
Jack, meanwhile, feels guilty that he's fallen for Kent's fiance.
Kent finally wakes from his coma, and looks at Bitty but has no clue who he is. His family is telling him that Bitty is his fiance, and now they fear he has amnesia.
Meanwhile, Kent's real fiance, Jeff Troy (who is super snotty and an NHL player) comes back into the picture (they had had a fight and weren't speaking), sees Bitty and is like, "Who TF is this?!" But Kent was convinced/persuaded by Uncle Mario to go through with the engagement/wedding to Bitty.
It's at that point that Bitty confesses that he's not Kent's fiance. He can't go through with the wedding, and tells everyone the truth. Bitty tearfully explains that he didn't say anything sooner because he fell in love with the Zimmermann clan and with the experience of being part of a family. And also! He has feelings for Jack. He apologizes and runs away leaving the Zimmermanns sad and confused.
Fast forward to Bitty working at the train station, brokenhearted, and Jack showing up there with the entire family to confess his love for Bitty.
The two live happily ever after. The end!
It's straight up the entire plot! Bitty as Lucy? Yes, please. Jack as Jack! 100%! Just stick some Zimmermann cousins and siblings in there, a couple Haus peeps, and we're set!
*chef's kiss*
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messagefromtheveins · 5 years
Curious Backseats [Part 10]
A/N: please excuse all stupid typos you may find that I may have skipped. I wrote most of this on my new tablet and the autocorrect just doesn’t understand me yet 😤 Part 10 of Curious! (so much for making it a 5 part mini story)
Words: 3.2k
Pairing: Shawn/reader
Warning: smut. car sex.
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Even though Shawn had been exposed and it wasn't a secret anymore that he was the source behind the little notes they still didn't stop. They kept appearing in your locker just like they always had before you had caught him, sometimes several days in a row, sometimes every few days.
'That lipstick kills me, honey'
You grinned as you read the new piece of paper that you had found at the bottom of your locker, knowing that he was standing a little down the corridor- probably watching you.
'p.s. you, me, the new aquarium that opened downtown. What do you say? Can I take you out on a date?'
Biting your bottom lip, you kept your gaze on the paper for a moment longer before you slowly looked up. Your heart was beating faster as you caught his gaze, an expectant and slightly nervous expression resting on his features that turned into a wide smile as you nodded.
You didn't pay much attention to the black Jeep that slowly pulled up beside you, instead keeping your eyes on your phone and silently begging that your mom would finally finish getting ready so she could bring you to school in time. You heard how the window rolled down, your jaw clenching and gaze moving over to the front door that was still closed. Goddamn. You almost flinched when a low whistle reached you. "Hey, pretty lady. How much do you charge for an hour?"
Your heart dropped heavily, but then you recognized the voice. Lifting your head, you looked straight into a pair of familiar brown eyes. A wide grin was playing on his lips as you gasped. "Shawn?"
"Hi, babygirl," he smiled.
"What-?" you asked and stepped closer, staring at the car with wide and confused eyes.
He chuckled softly. "Mom and dad surprised me with a belated Christmas present when we came home from the lake house on Saturday," he explained, nodding his head a bit sideways. "Come on, get in."
"But mom-"
"Your mom knows that I'm picking you up," he interrupted you, rolling the windows up as you stepped around the car and got into the passenger seat. You wanted to sigh in relief when you were finally out of the biting cold and inside the warm vehicle.
He immediately leaned over to give you a kiss as soon as you had climbed into the car. "So you told everyone except for me that you got a car for Christmas?" you pouted, making him laugh before he kissed you once more.
"Sorry. But that would've ruined the plan of surprising you."
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling widely as he reached over to take your hand into his, fingers slowly lacing through yours. "Are your parents going to be home tonight?" he asked quietly, not once taking his eyes off the road as he raised your intertwined hands to press a soft kiss on the back of your hand before he placed them on your bare thigh right where the hem of your dress rested- which had gotten you into a little fight with your mom earlier that night when she had realized that you had wanted to leave the house like that in the middle of winter.
He had insisted on taking you out on a date with his shiny brand new car, even though it was Monday and you couldn't stay out for too long. But he hadn't been bothered by that, instead having promised your parents that he'd bring you back home in time before he had taken you to your favorite restaurant.
"Yeah," you responded and gave his hand a gentle squeeze that made him smile, "yours?"
"Also home," he sighed and stopped at a red light, his head turning to look at you. "Can we go back to the lake house?" he pouted, though immediately after smiled again as you raised your free hand to comb it through his curls.
"I miss being alone with you. We never had to figure out where to go if we wanted some privacy," he mumbled and kept driving as the light turned green.
Leaning over, you placed a kiss on his jaw before you rested your head against his shoulder. "You know, I don't have to be home for another hour," you told him as you caught sight of the time.
"What do you want to do?"
Smirking, you turned your head and playfully nibbled on his earlobe. A surprised gasp fell from his lips and his hand on the steering wheel tightened. "We could give the backseats a little test run," you whispered, grinning as you noticed how his blunt nails lightly dug into the back of your hand, "y'know, make out a little. Check if they're comfortable."
He inhaled deeply and bit his bottom lip as he took a turn that definitely wasn't leading home, a grin spreading over your lips.
It didn't take long until he found an empty parking lot of a closed grocery store, the two of you quickly moving to the backseat as soon as he had killed the engine. "C'mere," he mumbled and guided you to sit on his lap, a faint thump reaching your ears as you hit your head on the roof of the car. "Shit," he giggled, his hands rubbing over your bare thighs, barely paying attention to the fact that your dress had ridden up as he looked up to you with amused eyes, "are you okay?"
"Yeah," you laughed and shook your head at your own clumsiness, a feeling of affection filling your chest as he cupped his hand around the spot where you had hit your head. "It's fine, don't worry," you grinned and placed your hands around the sides of his face, his head instinctively tilting up. Smirking, you closed the gap between you and pressed your lips against his, your teeth immediately nibbling on his bottom lip and receiving an approving grunt from him. His hands didn't hesitate to slide around your body, resting on your butt and giving your cheeks a firm squeeze.
It reminded you of when you and Shawn had just gotten together around two years ago, when you had gone home after school to an empty house and you had just spent most of the time making out on the bed until either one of your parents had come home.
He whimpered into the kiss as you combed your fingers through his hair and gently tugged on the roots, his tongue slowly licking over your bottom lip. He had to grin as you immediately parted your lips and granted him access, though didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. His hands roamed over your back, grabbing at your sides and tracing over your spine with the perfect kind of pressure that you almost released a moan.
For quite a while it was just like all those times after school, hands caressing in innocent ways while your lips met in tender kisses. Until his hands snuck under the hem of your dress- only wanting to trace his fingers over your soft skin and not really intending to take things further- and you instinctively rocked your hips against his. A soft groan escaped his lips and he lightly tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth, his hands tightly grabbing your thighs as you repeated the movement.
Pulling back with a shaky exhale, he touched the tip of his nose against yours and looked at you with heavy-lidded eyes. "Honey, I really need you to stop doing that," he mumbled, swallowing heavily as you gave him a devilish grin and playfully tugged on his hair at the nape of his neck.
His eyes were wide and curious as you pulled back, your hands slowly tracing down his chest in a way that almost made him shiver. "Why? What's the problem?" you teased, not failing to notice how he shifted his hips beneath you as you lightly tugged on the belt loops of his black skinny jeans.
Silently looking up to you, he shifted his gaze to look out of the tinted windows before he turned his attention back to you. "You do remember that we got caught by your mom once?" he murmured, his head tilting back as you leaned in to place kisses over his neck. You simply hummed in response and lightly started to suck on the sensitive spot close to his pulse point, a breathless whimper falling from his lips while his hands squeezed your thighs again. "What makes you think we can pull this off in public without getting caught?"
A surprised groan escaped his throat as your hand appeared on the front of his already slightly dented jeans, gently palming him over the denim. "The difference is that my parents were home that night. But we're all alone here and I doubt that anyone will come to this parking lot any time soon," you whispered, grinning against his neck as his hands snuck higher up your dress to grip your hips. "But if you don't want to-" you mumbled while pulling back, immediately getting interrupted by him.
"Don't stop," he whimpered and tugged on your hips, making you grin before you kissed his neck again, an almost blissful sigh falling from his lips. And then it was your turn to whimper as he lightly pushed the pad of his thumb against your clit through your panties, rotating his finger in slow circles.
You didn't stop attacking his neck in kisses that slowly got rougher as you blindly undid his jeans and pulled the zipper down, his free hand that wasn't busy between your legs reaching under the denim to pull his almost fully hard cock out. A low groan rumbled in his chest as your gentle hand wrapped around his shaft, his hips jerking a bit as you brushed your thumb over his already slightly leaking tip.
His fingers tugged on the waistband of your panties in an impatient way. "Take those off," he murmured, almost whining in disappointment as you climbed off his lap and sat down in the seat beside him. Hand wrapping around his length, he watched with a smile how you clumsily wriggled out of your panties before you carelessly kicked them off and left them laying halfway under the seat.
Excitement was written all over his face as you straddled his lap again, your soft giggle filling the vehicle. "You look too happy about this considering that you didn't want to just a minute ago," you noticed, shifting closer and immediately feeling his hand on your back guiding you until your chest was almost touching his.
"I never didn't want to do this," he argued and brought his hand between your legs again, grinning as you gasped, "I just wanted to say that this is a bad idea."
A smirk played on your features as you pushed yourself up on your knees, his eyes full of wonder as he looked up to you while you grasped the base of his length. "Doesn't that make it even better?" you asked, his head nodding and Adam's Apple bobbing as you positioned him before you slowly lowered yourself again.
Teeth digging into his bottom lip, he forced his eyes to stay open and on yours as you sunk down on him, taking him inch by inch until your bum met his thighs. Inhaling sharply, you curled your fingers into his Henley where you had grabbed his shoulders, the stretch something that always left you breathless in the best way.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly started to roll your hips and smiled as he immediately released a little grunt and grabbed your hips, torn between wanting to guide you and letting you go at your own pace. His head tilted down, forehead resting against your chest in a weird angle that didn't look comfortable. "I already hate this," he sighed, your movements instantly stopping.
"What? Why?"
Lifting his head, he looked at you with an adorable pout on his lips. "You're not naked," he complained, pouting even more as you giggled and playfully rolled your eyes.
"Not risking that," you shook your head, leaning in to place a soft kiss on his pout.
"Doesn't mean I hate it so much that I don't want you to move anymore," he mumbled, getting another laugh from you before you picked up your previous movements again.
He relaxed back into the seat, pure adoration written in his eyes as he took in the way you moved so perfectly on top of him- your dress hiding the spot he really wanted to see, where he kept disappearing inside of you. Tightening his grip on your waist, he slid down a bit and gave you a better angle to move on top of him.
Slow fingers grasped the hem of your dress and slowly folded it up, he bit his bottom lip and didn’t see the way you grinned in amusement as he stared at the spot where your bodies connected so intimately. Gripping your hips, he moved his gaze up and met your darkened eyes before a mischievous smirk spread over his lips.
A surprised gasp that turned into a moan fell from your lips as he bucked his hips off the seat, meeting you right when you had moved down his length again. "Fuck-" you whimpered and braced your hands on his chest and shoulders, desperately hoping that the car wasn't visibly rocking as you picked up the pace.
He released a low moan and tilted his head back, the feeling of your walls hugging every inch of him so perfectly leaving him breathless beneath you. "Feel so good," he grunted and squeezed your hips as your walls briefly clenched around him.
You came to an immediate stop on top of him as bright headlights flooded the car, your eyes wide as your head turned to look out of the window. "Shhh." Shawn's fingers gently caressed over your sides and you weren't sure if he was trying to calm you down or telling you to be quiet. "They're just driving by," he murmured, the two of you watching how the car drove down the parking lot.
"They saw us," you whispered, turning to look at him with unamused eyes as he slipped his hands down to your butt, guiding you to slowly move back and forth again.
He grinned mischievously. "They didn't," he cooed and shook his head, but smirked as you raised an unconvinced eyebrow. "Come on, babygirl," he murmured and guided you to rock your hips once again, "they're just turning around. No need to panic."
"I'm not panicking," you mumbled and turned your full attention back to him after you watched the car drive off the parking lot again, "I just don't want to end up in a cell tonight and having to explain to my mom that she has to bail me out of jail because cops found us fucking in public."
He chuckled and shook his head, his hands kneading your butt while stretching up to find your lips in a tender kiss. You slowly relaxed and started to move your hips again, building up to the previous pace until you had him panting beneath you. He immediately moved a hand to your lower back like he wanted to support you as you leaned back, your hands bracing on his knees behind you and hips rolling in ways that made him gasp your name. But he completely forgot about himself as you tilted your hips just a tiny bit different and immediately released a cry of pleasure that surprised both of you.
His gaze never left your body as you moved your hips in such smooth ways while chasing the feeling of his cock brushing over that one spot, finally finding the right angle so he hit it every time he rocked his hips up. The little moans and whimpers you released went straight to his lower belly where the familiar pressure started to steadily grow. He was sure that you'd come within seconds if he gave your clit some attention now, but he stopped himself- he really wanted to see you come undone just like this.
Your head was tilted back and eyes closed as you completely concentrated on the pleasure that rushed through your veins, nails lightly digging into his skin and quick breaths leaving your parted lips. "Baby," he murmured and groaned as your walls clenched around him, "I'm so close."
Frantically nodding your head, you tightly bit your bottom lip as his length twitched deep inside of you. "Me too," you panted and nodded again, his fingers tightly gripping your hips as he put even more effort into the way he thrust up into you.
Much to his relief it didn't take much longer until you came around him. He had gotten a few quite strong orgasms out of you all those times before and the way you whimpered his name and trembled on top of him wasn't much different to all those other times, but to him it was like a whole new level. Maybe he was just imagining it- having you come undone just because of his cock made a feeling of pure pride fill his chest.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned as he reached his own climax, his head falling back and fingers digging into your hips as he released deep inside of you, length twitching and throbbing against your walls as he gave you all he had.
Both of you were struggling to breathe properly as you leaned forward, falling against his chest and pushing your head into the crook of his neck as you took a minute to recover. His hands slowly traced up and down your clothed back as he rested his head against the side of yours and took a deep breath, his eyes falling closed.
Leaving a soft kiss on the side of his neck, you slowly pulled back and met his satisfied and slightly exhausted eyes. His hands raised, gently cupping your face and brushing his thumbs over your flushed cheeks. "You're so amazing," he murmured and leaned in for a tender kiss, feeling the way you smiled against his lips.
"Stop it," you giggled and shook your head, a lazy grin playing on his lips as he dropped his hands to grab your butt. He watched with curious eyes as you reached over to the seat beside him- where you had placed your jackets once the car had been heat up earlier that night after dinner- quickly grabbing your purse and getting a pack of tissues out. "I'm not going to stain your brand new car seats," you told him and got a tissue out of the pack before you shifted on top of him.
The quiet whine he released as his softening length slid out of you made you giggle, quickly placing the tissue against your core to catch his cum before it could drip on the seats.
S.Mendes+Team Taglist: @justanotherfangurl272 @alone-in-madness @waitonmedarling @shawnase @rechema @mendesromano @stradivariusbitch @desire-to-live @alinashawn @lifeoftheparty74 @particularstrings @liliane106 @herbeautifuldarkness @havethetimeeofyourlifee @pastelshawns @delightfullyspeedyearthquake @aargyy @adelaidebaby @mchutchmendes @as-she-pleases @my-elevenoutof10 @fluffsshawn @bensbuttercup @i-play-video-games @narrystoran4eva @learning-howto-be-myselfx3
Curious Taglist: @vintageroses1014516 @shawnsparticulargirl @hannahlouiseee @nervousyouths @marveloushawn @messy-cassy @iloveshawnieboi @yellowlimelight @rockstarshawnmendes @virgen-idealista @patron-saintof-sluts @peterbrokenparker @artemissravenclaw @kmainegirl @tnhmblive @stokedmendes @mendesilicious @cottoncandyshawn @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @feliciaceciliamariajacobsson @lillysaundersss
(feel free to message me if you want to be moved/removed) 
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