#ewha yeon
white-february · 5 months
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yeah. anyways
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yoeru0429 · 4 months
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Papasan Choi died on Feb 23, 2023. Boonville was founded by him but taken away by Sun Myung Moon
Updated March 5, 2023
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▲ Papasan Choi (aka Choi Sang-Ik, Choi Bong-Choon and Masaru Nishigawa) and Mamasan in Tokyo.
Sang-Ik Choi was born in 1925. At the age of two he had moved to Japan with his family, returning to Korea when they were forced to repatriate in 1945. His father gave him the name Bong-choon when he was in his twenties. He realized the significance of the name only after joining our church in April 1957 and thereafter adopted it. During his missionary days in Japan, he went by the Japanese name Masaru Nishigawa.
Mutual hostility contributed to Korea and Japan not restoring diplomatic relations until December 1965. In 1958, severe travel restrictions existed between the two countries. Talks recommenced in December that year only after Japan dropped its long-standing claim to about 80 percent of all property in Korea and its claim that Korea was the beneficiary from 1910-1945. Antiquities had been spirited away from Korea. Japan called this archeology; Korea called it theft. Any concessions on Japan’s part led to riots in Tokyo. Even in 1965, in both countries, riots and histrionic statements by politicians preceded the ratification votes.
He planted the seeds for the Unification Church in Japan from 1958 to 1964. Because Korea and Japan did not have diplomatic relations, he was arrested upon arrival in July 1958. Escaping confinement, he made his way to Tokyo where, after six months of struggle, he got a job as a salesman for a watch shop in the Shinjuku section. During the morning he worked. In the afternoon he witnessed. Once a week he rented the second floor of the shop to preach. On Sunday, October 2, 1959, he conducted the first Sunday service. The Unification Church of Japan commemorates this as its founding day.
Sang-Ik Choi was married in the 36 couples under the name of Bong-Choon Choi. His wife, Mi-Shik Shin, had been expelled from Ewha Woman’s University in 1955 during the UC sex scandal. The young women did not want to testify in court. However, Moon admitted to the judge that he had lied about his age to avoid the military draft. He was sentenced to two years in jail, but was released after a few months after some “special arrangements” were made. Papasan Choi was always reluctant to talk about how his wife was “womb-cleansed” by Sun Myung Moon.
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▲ Papasan Choi with Japanese members
In 1964 he was deported from Japan to Korea; the following year he traveled to the US where he was known as Papasan Choi. He established a community in the Bay Area, but there was conflict between his group and that of Young-oon Kim who taught the Divine Principle in a more orthodox way.
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▲ Boonville, also known as New Ideal City Ranch
Boonville was purchased in 1970 by Papasan Choi. He and his wife, known as Mamasan, led the Re-Education Center which he had founded in San Francisco. Mamasan’s role in the community was significant. Yeon-Soo Lim (or Onni Durst as she was later known) ran an outpost of Papasan Choi’s community in Berkeley.
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Papasan Choi’s secular teachings, The Principles of Education, were the foundation for the teaching methods used in the Bay Area and Boonville by Mose Durst, Kristina Morrison Seher and the Creative Community Project team.
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▲ Papasan Choi, Mamasan and San Francisco members, January 1, 1969
“Furthermore, the International Re-Education Foundation had owned some land in Boonville, California, sometimes known as [the New] Ideal City Ranch, which it turned over in a simple transfer of title in 1974 to the Unification Church.” (page 111) Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1978) by Chong-Sun Kim. University Press of America
In December 1974 Yeon-Soo Lim was married to Mose Durst by Sun Myung Moon in Pasadena. From then she was known as Onni Durst. At the same time Moon made her the Unification Church leader of California (excluding Los Angeles). In this way she inherited the Boonville property. Papasan Choi was sometimes described as a failure by leaders of the Creative Community Project, however, that had not been the case.
Link to an extended report on Papasan Choi and the early UC in California.
Papasan Choi made a public declaration about leaving the Unification Church on January 15, 1987 in Saitama, Japan.
統一教会問題と私、及びその未来 – 西川 勝氏
Creative Community Project brochure
From a talk given by Dr. Mose Durst, President of the Creative Community Project.
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
Boonville – Is this how the Family cared for its children?
Recruitment – The Boonville Chicken Palace by David Frank Taylor, M.A., July 1978, Sociology
Moonwebs by Josh Freed
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Chant 10,000 times – instruct Onni Durst and Kristina Morrison Seher, June 2014
Thomas W. Case:
Boonville in the spring of 1974
Inside Look at a Boonville Moonie Training Session
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juyuu · 3 years
Why is it so hard to shade black hair?!
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I actually wanted to post this yesterday but I was so tired that I forgot....
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bad-tog-edits · 7 years
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The guy on the chip bad looks like Quant, so let's pretend it is!
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hachulings · 7 years
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
Kim Gun-mo, divorced without marriage
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Singer Gunmo Kim got a divorce ticket without even having a wedding.
Kim Gun-mo, who was considered one of the representative senior bachelors in the entertainment industry, delivered the good news in December 2019. She revealed her fiancee Jang Ji-yeon through SBS 'My Little Old Boy' and was delighted, saying, "I have a marriage that I imagined, and it feels like releasing a new song because it's coming true."
Jang Ji-yeon is the daughter of composer and pastor Jang Uk-jo and her beautiful pianist. She studied practical music at Berkeley College of Music in the United States. After graduating from the Graduate School of Performing Arts at Ewha Womans University, she is working as a pianist and composer. The two met through an acquaintance and promised to get married within half a year.
However, an unexpected controversy arose. Kim Gun-mo was caught up in allegations of sexual assault. In December 2019, lawyer Kang Yong-seok reported a woman's claim that she was sexually assaulted by Kim Gun-mo through the Garosero Institute broadcast. She claimed that she was raped in August 2016, even though he rejected her Kim Gun-mo that she was a woman working in an entertainment tavern.
Kim Gun-mo stopped her national tour concert, which was in progress at the time, and she complained about her injustice by accusing the woman of defamation and false accusation. Even in this situation, Kim Gun-mo and Jang Ji-yeon were married without a wedding ceremony just by registering their marriage. Their trust and affection for each other seemed to be strong.
However, their married life did not seem to have been easy. In November of last year, Kim Gun-mo was dismissed from prosecution on allegations of sexual assault, and although she has been framed to some extent, she has already said that she has had an affair with her wife. Some media reported that the relationship between the two people was estranged, and in the end, after an agreement, they decided to go their separate ways.
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Hye Yeon Shin
Hye Yeon Shin was born in Seoul, South Korea. She received her BFA and MFA from Ewha womans University, and also the bachelor degree of Psychology. Hye Yeon has exhibited 3 selected solo exhibitions in Korea, and about 30 group exhibitions there, her art works appear in the gallery collection of Korea. Hye Yeon is a visual artist exploring the relationships between people and city. Her core research interests include gentrification and redevelopment of residential area in the world and the emotions it evokes. She addresses the contents of philosophical and conceptual thoughts that originated from her experiences and memories through sculpture and installation work. The important power of Hye Yeon's work is to lead the viewers to embody and feel their various senses, thoughts, and emotions in the sculptures and installations that seem to be unintentionally arranged. Her private exploration of living in a huge community as a thorough individual is evident through her use of objects abandoned by the individual such as wires, doors, windows, and hangers in her improvisatory works.
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soompi · 7 years
Medical Team Holds Press Briefing To Provide Information On Status Of BIGBANG's T.O.P
Medical Team Holds Press Briefing To Provide Information On Status Of BIGBANG’s T.O.P
On June 7, a press briefing was held at 4 p.m. KST to provide an official update regarding BIGBANG’s T.O.P, who is currently being treated at the Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital.
The briefing was attended by professor Lee Deok Hee from the department of emergency medical and health services, professor Kim Yong Jae from the department of neurology, and professor Choi Hee Yeon from the…
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kpoppersstates · 7 years
Em 7 de junho, através de uma coletiva de imprensa realizada às 4 da tarde (KTS), os médicos especialistas forneceram uma atualização sobre o estado atual de T.O.P, que está sendo tratado no Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital.  A coletiva contou com a presença do professor Lee Deok Hee, do departamento de emergência, professor Kim Yong Jae, do departamento de neurologia, e professor Choi Hee Yeon, do departamento de psiquiatria.
Kim Han Soo, chefe de relações públicas, começou a coletiva por descrever como T.O.P chegou ao hospital, e disse: “Ele chegou em 6 de junho de 2017, às 12:34 (KST). Com ele mais 3 pessoas, uma segurando sua parte superior do corpo e outras duas a parte inferior de seu corpo”.
Ele continuou acrescentando: “Nossos médicos técnicos da emergência o examinaram e descobriram que o paciente estava entre um estado de sono profundo e semiconsciência com pupilas contraídas e diminuição da reflexão da córnea, mostrando apenas uma reação a estímulos fortes. Ele também sofria de insuficiência respiratória devido a baixos níveis de oxigênio e altos níveis de dióxido de carbono. Realizamos os procedimentos médicos de emergência, pois acreditávamos que ele estava em estado crítico. Ele foi admitido na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) às 16:50 (KST). “
Os médicos especialistas passaram a explicar: “Depois de realizar um teste de urina, concluímos que o paciente sofreu uma insuficiência respiratória devido a uma sobredosagem de tranquilizantes prescritos. Tomamos a decisão de tratá-lo na unidade de terapia intensiva de emergência, pois sua condição levou a uma alta ocorrência de apneia (suspensão momentânea da respiração), o que pode exigir intubação, se necessário. Conseguimos controlar seus níveis de dióxido de carbono, mas ele ainda está em estado de letargia (profunda e prolongada inconsciência)”.
Eles acrescentaram: “Chegamos à decisão de que as condições do paciente exigiriam cooperação da parte dos departamentos de neurologia e psiquiatria, e as consultas médicas foram realizadas às 11h da manhã e as 15h (KST), porém com pouco sucesso. Uma vez que a condição do paciente apresentar melhoras, continuaremos seu tratamento com o departamento de psiquiatria”.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
O professor Kim Yong Jae explicou: “Durante seu exame médico, o paciente abria os olhos quando era lhe apresentado um forte estímulo, mas não conseguia se concentrar. Existem casos em que isso pode levar à parada respiratória ou dano cerebral, mas não acreditamos que este seja o caso para este paciente”.
O professor Lee Deok Hee explicou seus planos para tratar T.O.P e disse: “Atualmente, não podemos determinar a quantidade exata de medicação que o paciente ingeriu. O tempo de recuperação depende da idade do paciente, por isso é difícil para nós darmos um período exato. Em casos anteriores, vimos que os pacientes mais jovens, sem complicações, geralmente se recuperam em aproximadamente uma semana. O médico enfatizou: “O que é mais importante no momento é a saúde mental do paciente “.
Em nota, o médico responsável também disse que não sabe de onde a polícia recebeu as informações anteriores sobre o estado de T.O.P, mas elas não foram feitas por eles, assim, negando o relatório apresentado pela polícia no dia anterior.
T.O.P está atualmente sendo tratado depois de ser levado às pressas ao hospital. A YG Entertainment e a polícia haviam emitido declarações oficiais sobre sua condição, e a equipe médica tomou a decisão de realizar uma conferência de imprensa para acabar de vez com a circulação de declarações conflitantes feitas pela polícia, família e agência de T.O.P.
Fonte: Naver | Big Bang Brazil | KPS KOREA
Estado de saúde de T.O.P é revelado em coletiva de imprensa realizada pelos médicos Em 7 de junho, através de uma coletiva de imprensa realizada às 4 da tarde (KTS), os médicos especialistas forneceram uma atualização sobre o estado atual de T.O.P, que está sendo tratado no Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital. 
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anachavez1397 · 7 years
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El equipo médico ofrece una rueda de prensa para dar información sobre la situación de T.O.P de BIGBANG El 7 de junio tuvo lugar una rueda de prensa a las 4 p.m. KST para ofrecer una actualización oficial sobre T.O.P de BIGBANG, quien está siendo tratado en el Hospital Mokdong de la Universidad de Mujeres Ewha. A la reunión asistieron el profesor Lee Deok Hee del departamento de servicios de salud y emergencias médicas, el profesor Kim Yong Jae del departamento de neurología, y el profesor Choi Hee Yeon del departamento del servicio de salud mental. Kim Han Soo, el jefe de relaciones públicas, comenzó primero describiendo cómo T.O.P llegó al hospital y dijo: “Vino el 6 de junio de 2017 a las 12:34 p.m. KST. Fue traído por tres personas, una sosteniendo la parte superior de su cuerpo mientras las otras dos sostenían la parte inferior”. Continuó para añadir: “Nuestros técnicos médicos de emergencias le examinaron y descubrieron que el paciente estaba entre un estado de sueño profundo y semiinconsciencia con pupilas contraídas y disminución del reflejo de la córnea, solo mostrando reacción a fuertes estímulos. También sufría de insuficiencia respiratoria debido a niveles bajos de oxígeno y altos niveles de dióxido de carbono. Llevamos a cabo la atención médica de emergencia necesaria ya que creíamos que estaba en una condición crítica. Fue admitido en la unidad de cuidados intensivos a las 4:50 p.m. KST”. Los profesionales médicos continuaron explicando: “Después de realizarle un examen de orina, concluimos que el paciente había sufrido insuficiencia respiratoria debido a una sobredosis de tranquilizantes prescritos. Tomamos la decisión de tratarle en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de emergencias ya que su condición conducía a una alta incidencia de apnea, que puede requerir de intubación en caso necesario. Pudimos controlar sus niveles de dióxido de carbono pero aún se encuentra en un estado de letargo severo”. Añadieron: “Tomamos la decisión de que la condición del paciente requeriría la coordinación de los departamentos de neurología y del servicio de salud mental, y se pasaron consultas médicas a las 11 a.m. KST y a las 3 p.m. KST con poco éxito.
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36 Couples – many left the FFWPU / Unification Church
                                    Updated December 16, 2018
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▲ In Seoul, after the final ceremony for the 36 couples, there was a public procession of the couples in cars. Moon always sought maximum publicity from the mass marriages he held.
This list should be an accurate list of the original 36 couples who were married by Moon. During 1960-1961 he held three ceremonies. He then put all the couples together as one group which became known as ‘the 36 couples’. When some defected they were replaced by couples from the 72 couples group or others. For example Mr. Moon said: “No one knows, if Seuk Joon-ho  [Dr. Seuk, the son of Mrs. Choi Won-pok] enters the 36 couples…” January 2, 1997, São Paulo, Brazil.
husband                        wife
1. Eu Hyo-won               Sa Kil-ja (Ewha student)   See link below
2. Kim Won-pil               Chong Dal-ok   both died
3. Kim Young-hwi          Chong Dae-hwa (Ewha)
4. Lee Yo-han                Won Shim-hee
5. Eu Hyo-young            Kim Hwa-yong   defected from UC
6. Lee Sang-hun            Kim Han-sook   husband died
7. Kim In-chul                 Gu Jong-sook   inactive
8. Hwang Choong-hun   Kim Kum-rang
9. Moon Seong-yong     Jang Pyong-ju
10. Hwang Hwan-chae   Park Young-sook (Ewha)
11. Lee Jae-seok           Kang Chung-won (Ewha)
12. Hong Chong-bok    Seo Myung-jin (Ewha)
13. Choi Young-seok    Kim Moon-hee   inactive ‘Tiger’ Choi
14. Lee Soo-kyeong       Kim Ki-young
15. Chong Han-chae    Park Seung-hee (Ewha)  husband died
16. Hong Sung-pyo     Yu Gil-ja             defected from UC
17. Han In-soo             Lee Sun-goo    husband died
                                     (2nd wife:  Kim Sook-Ja (Ewha))
18. Pak Bo-hi               Yoon Ki-sook
19. Han Sang-kook       Lim Byung-sook        Fraser Report
20. Kim 'David SC’ Sang-chul   Kang Ui-hong   husband died
21. Ahn Chang-sung     Choi Ye-chong
22. Lee Gi-seok             Chi Saeng-ryon (aka Malsook Lee in US) (Ewha)       Her original name before joining was Chi Mal-sook.        Her husband died in 1972; she died in 2018 in the US.
23. Choi Bong-choon     Shin Mi-shik (Ewha)         This is “Papasan Choi” who left and gave this statement in Japan
24. Chong Su-won        Kim Kyong-nam
25. Han Sang-kil            Kim Chong-eun (Ewha)  She has Alzheimer’s
26. Kim Chan-kyun        Choi Young-ja
27. Kwak Chung-hwan   Yoon Jong-eun   defected to Hyun-jin Moon
28. Kim Byung-ho           Han Young-shim
29. replaced
30. replaced
31. replaced
32. replaced
33. replaced
34. Park Chong-goo       Choi Kum-soon      ‘Tiger’ Park died in 1982
35. Choi Chu-won           Lee Hong-yeon
36. Song Moon-kyu         Cho Min-ja    defected
Song Moon-kyu (January 9, 1983 Washington, D.C.) “I was number 36. Mr. Choi was number 35. Tiger Park was number 34. The three of us formed a trinity.” http://www.tparents.org/library/unification/Talks/Song/Song-830109a.htm
Some of the replacement couples:
32. Eu Hyo-min      Na Soon-yol  defected in 1992 - see below
33. Lee Chin-tae    wife unknown  defected from UC
34. Han In-ju         wife unknown  defected from UC
35. Lee Chun-yong   wife unknown  defected from UC
36. Hong Kwang-chul  [wife may be Choi Myung-Ja]  
This list was compiled in the early 1990s. Others will have died or defected since then.
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▲ Here are 12 of the Ewha Womans University students who were expelled because of the“scandalous rites” of the Unification Church. After their expulsion, the students managed to meet President Kim Hwallan on May 23, 1955. She stood by her decision. This picture was taken on campus after the meeting.
(Top from left) Seo Myung-jin, Lee Gye-soon*, Sa Gil-ja, Chi Saeng-ryeon**, Park Young-sook, Kang Jung-won and Chung Dae-hwa (who was later married to Kim Young-whi)
(Bottom from left) Choi Soon-wha (the mother of Sam Park), Yim Seung-hee***, Kim Jung-eun, Shin Mi-shik (later known as Mamasan Choi) and Park Seung-kyu.
* Lee Gye-soon entered Kyunghee University in 1957. She left the Unification Church over 50 years ago and had a successful career as a professor.
** Before Chi Saeng-ryeon joined she was known as Chi Mal-sook, and after she moved to the US in 1973 she was known as Mal-sook Lee.
*** Her name may be 朴承姫 Park Seung-hee and not 林 Yim or Lim Seung-hee.
Kim Yun-rye was also expelled but later made a pledge to give up the Unification Church, and Ewha Womans University allowed her to return to her studies.
Eight of the expelled students entered other universities in 1956.
Ewha in the list of 36 couples = Ewha Woman’s University students.
 These ten women joined as students during the Ewha University Sex Scandal of 1955. There were other students who joined, but they were not included in the 36 couples marriage, which took place in stages during 1960-1961.
The Hongs (couple 16) left in the 1990s. They are the parents of Nansook Hong. Her brother, Jin-whi Hong, was married to Ye Jin Moon. He left before Nansook – and he helped Nansook to escape the East Garden compound.
Moon bought a house for each of the 36 couples. Apparently, because Korea is a “low-trust” nation, this was one way of trying to ensure their loyalty. Moon: “In Korea I bought houses for many early members of our Church and in the future I would like to take the responsibility of buying houses for all the black, white and yellow people. I am the only one in history who is doing this, but it isn’t easy.” 
October 3, 1976  Belvedere, New York.  Translator: Bo Hi Pak.
The 36 couples were the first of two or three “Royal Blessings”. They definitely included the 36 and 72 couples and probably included the 124 couples. The wives from the “Royal Blessings” were all “purified” by Mr. Moon. The “Royal Couples” were also known as Mr. Moon’s “Tribe”. More is explained in this Shukan Post October 15, 1993 magazine article, published at the same time as Mr. Chong-hwa Pak’s book.
 Some of the 36 couples became quite wealthy and lived in expensive properties. Some had Japanese members helping in their homes.
Moon kept many of the 36 couples separated from their spouses for years and years. This caused some couples great heartache – for example Kim Won-pil was one who longed to be with his wife. It caused complications in other couples.
It is a fact that the 36 couples all had “womb cleansing” pikareum sex rituals with Mr. Moon. The theology was explained to Japanese members in the early 1990s by Mr. Yoshiaki Hiro, Mr. Kunio Sano and Mr. Yasutomo Shirai. (Mr Takeru Kamiyama was to be the main lecturer, but he was in hospital with stomach problems.) There had also been lectures given in Japan about pikareum in the 1980s by a lecturer called Ota.
Here are some further quotes from Moon about the 36 couples:
“I have received many such certificates from Satan. One of the most dramatic was during the Blessing of the 36 couples. Incredible controversy erupted at that time; people were praying to God, “Please don’t let Reverend Moon take my son away. Let him die tonight instead.” … At the time of the 36 couple Blessing, the entire nation of Korea opposed me. I was a villain in the eyes of the country.”
 December 27, 1981, Belvedere, New York.
“This is the first group of people I blessed. These cover every facet of our society every group of society so for everyone who accepts the principle there is room to go to heaven. They have their own ladder to climb up. They have their own channel. Do you understand? I want you to understand that I opened 36 doors so that every person here on earth has one door to get into. No opportunity is lost, there is always a door open for everyone out there, once they accept and repent they can go through one door which is the mercy of God.”
 May 20, 1978, London.
“All women’s love should unite with me. The 36 couples should not think about their own family, but how to save the nation.”
 July 14, 2002, East Garden, New York.
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Taught at a Family Federation for World Peace and Unification workshop:
“The Purpose of God’s Providence of Salvation is to end the journey of God's sperm.”
Moon had sex ceremonies with the wives of all the first 36 couples.
Sun Myung Moon restored the first three wives
Pikareum explained in Moon’s own words
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church
How “God’s Day” was established in 1968
Where Moon got his theology from
Hyo-won Eu told them the real story of Sun Myung Moon

Hyo-min Eu’s testimony: “Moon’s ‘Gigantic lie’”
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juyuu · 3 years
Birthday present for@khunfounded
I hope you have an amazing day <3
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Hwaryun could tie the necktie herself but she thinks that Ewha's excitement is cute, so she let's her do it.
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