#every time i post this au updates I lose followers. for this week's unfollower: Im sorry think you are too sophisticated for it or whatever
aquaregiaart · 7 months
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Witchglor & Maevenart (part VII)
Closing october kofi updates with witch!Maglor and Revenant!Maedhros, as it is fitting and its their one year anniversary, it features my two most complicated and romantic linearts for them to date, two shaded and one lineart detail, and my best chibi so far (I dont draw cute things well, I hope you like them <3)
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ouranking · 5 years
I’m on mobile. Can I get a link to your rules?
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Hello my dear! My Rules page is a pop up so let me go ahead and copy and paste them and put them under a read more for you.
Hey there! My name is Luna! and you have managed to find my rules page. Please take the time to read over them. Most of my rules are the basic ‘don’t be a dick’ rules, so hopefully it won’t be too hard to get through. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.
LAST UPDATED: 09/17/2018
This is a Tamaki Suoh blog from Ouran High School Host Club. My interpretation of him is based on the anime and manga so please expect me to incorporate things from both! I will also be throwing in the flare of my own headcanons into the mix, so please expect that.
I am SEMI-SELECTIVE blog. What this means is that I am reserving the right to decide who I want to roleplay with at any given time. I do this for my anxiety sake, and I don’t ever want to roleplay with someone out of guilt or obligation. All I am asking is that you please respect this, I have a hard time with confrontation, but I am not about to be bullied either.
My activity often varies day to day, there are some days that I’m on all day long, and other days where I don’t touch my computer at all. I’m a stay at home mom, and sometimes my children don’t exactly make it easy to actively be online. I also have other hobbies like video games, and sometimes I’m just in the mood to binge watch a show rather than trying to do drafts.
When it comes to DRAFTS, and replies I want it to be known that I am not fast most days. I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to writing, and even on my good days I’ve been known to queue things if I feel like I need a chance to get caught up. I ask nicely that you don’t harass me for a reply, though if it has been over two weeks you can kindly ask me if I’ve seen your reply because sometimes tumblr can be dumb, or I can be spacey.
Anyone is allowed to send in MEMES, however I reserve the right to decide not to answer it for whatever reason. You are totally allowed to turn any meme I answer into a thread, AS LONG AS YOU MAKE IT A NEW POST.
Along with memes, anyone is allowed to reply to one of my OPENS or like one of my STARTER CALLS. The only time this changes is if I specifically tag it as 'mutuals only’, and I ask that you please respect that. Though I do try to write everyone a starter or make sure I answer everyone’s reply to an open, I’m not perfect. I may miss one or two, or I may not be able to come up with something decent.
I am a multi-ship and multi-verse blog, and what this means is that any and all interactions I have with fellow rp partners are all in their own separate verses. Unless discussed ahead of time by all parties involved. I love all forms of AUS and CROSSOVERS and most of the time am more than willing to figure out something with my rp partner if their character isn’t from the Ouran canon. Especially since Ouran isn’t exactly an active fandom, i plan on making plenty of different possible Aus for Tamaki to make him more accessible for crossovers!
When it comes to shipping, I have been often times described as a shipping hoarder. I am also someone who can see a potential ship quite easily. However, I’m still a fan of chemistry between characters. I am of course always willing to hear someone out of they think there is a chance that a ship can be formed, however this does not give anyone the right to push their muse onto me or Tamaki. Please respect this. If I think the ship feels forced in any regard there is a good chance I will drop it.
Plotting is a team effort, no one person should be expected to come up with the entirety of any plot. With that being said, if you approach me for plotting, or like a plotting call, please be prepared to actively engage with me and work with me to try and come up with something for our characters. If it seems like you are unwilling to actively help me out then there is a good chance that I will lose interest and give up altogether.
If you are an ORIGINAL CHARACTER looking to interact with me I am totally game! The only thing I ask is that you have at least some sort of about page so I can read up on your character, or be willing to answer any and all questions I may have about your character.
When it comes to nsfw content such as roleplaying out a sex scene it goes without saying that I will only write such things with someone who is 18+, even then I rarely ever write out sex scenes. This is honestly because I feel uncomfortable and am never satisfied with my writing. However I do still write it from time to time with people I know ooc and am comfortable with and those threads will be tagged.
Another added note about NSFW content is that there will be no sex scenes happening within Tamaki’s main verse because he is still a minor by U.S. Standards and since that is where I live I’m going to abide by that law. HOWEVER. I have verses where Tamaki is over 18 and am more than willing to discuss such things in those verses, though like i said before I rarely ever write sex scenes to begin with.
I rarely do exclusives, the reason being that every time I was involved exclusively with someone it went to shit and only caused problems and unneeded drama. I will however take on mains and all that means is that muse permitting those people will have priority, along with having to deal with my ass sending them songs, feels, memes and writing them random starters from time to time.My current mains can be found in the next tab over titled 'mains’.OOC DRAMA
Alright here is the dealio my friends.
I am not a fan of OOC Drama, i’ve seen my fair share of it and i’m just not a fan. With that being said, I want to be left out of it. Whatever the drama is, just leave me out of it all. I’m not a fan of callout posts in almost every capacity. I think they are beyond childish, and scream ‘high school drama bullshit’, like it’ a goddamn burn book and no one needs that shit okay? Dragging your personal beef with someone like that is just.. -deep breath- my point is, I don’t like it.
Obviously i’m not a fan of anon hate, and I won’t tolerate it on this blog at all. You can expect them to be blocked immediately. I am here to have fun writing a character that I love with all my heart, and i’m not about to let tumblr’s toxic nature ruin that for me. So please if you have a problem with the way I run my blog then just unfollow me, or even block me if you have to. I’ll do what is good for me, and you do what is good for you.
Also, don’t warn me about people. I know you probably think you are just doing something nice and looking out for people. But more often than not, you are just putting me in a really uncomfortable position that I don’t want to be in. So do yourself a favor and just.. Don’t.
For the most part I am a relatively laid back person, I love to chat with my roleplay partners OOC, because a lot of time that helps me get to know them and it just helps for world building and creating something truly amazing together. With that being said, if we are writing together, especially if we have a ship.. I can be a babbler. I tend to get excited about ships and the things we plan to do and i love talking headcanons and ‘what ifs’ situations that can be created into plots. If this is something that bothers you, or you aren’t a fan of it? Tell me up front. If it’s the case then I’ll refrain to a pace that you are more comfortable with. I say this because if you say you are okay with it, and then proceed to.. give me short answers and make me feel like you aren’t interested, I will probably drop the ship because my anxiety can’t handle that.
Another thing to keep in mind, I have anxieties myself. Sometimes I don’t click with people as easily as I do others and that’s okay! However please remember that I’m occasionally busy and I may not always be around and on my computer. Sometimes I am forgetful, especially with the tumblr IMs system. However please please don’t spam me there with questions of like ‘did i do something wrong?’ or ‘ am i annoying you?’ etc. this makes me extremely uncomfortable and make me more likely to just nore reply at all as horrible as it sounds, but anxiety is a bitch and no one is perfect.
When it comes to following blogs, I do my best to look over new followers in a timely manner and a lot goes into my decision on whether or not I’ll follow a blog back. Please keep in mind that I obviously can’t follow everyone back because that would make my blog way too fast pace and I can’t have that.
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