#every couple that appears Leo goes ‘wow I want a friendship like that’ even when he’s watching them kiss
raeofgayshine · 2 years
Reasons BATM is a masterpiece, even if I never finish it:
There is an arc spanning all four books where Mason Grace (and eventually Blaine) on and off keeps trying to get Connor to realize that he’s non-binary/trans. But Connor is so so far in his egg that he refuses to even entertain the idea for the longest time, and every time he briefly does it leads to such a crisis he slams the walls right back up and ignores it.
It’s only towards the end of Book 4 that Con is finally going to start accepting that yeah okay, maybe Mason Grace and Blaine were right. But it’s such a journey to get there, and Connor’s constant refusal of the idea that he is trans/nb while Mason and Grace and Blaine keeping pointing out the ways he definitely might be and trying to convince him of such is one of the top things I think about and giggle over often.
It’s right up there with “I’m Kissable” and “wow they’re such good friends. They’re dating?!?!”
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