#eventually idealy every character could have one
creaturefeaster · 1 year
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doing a batch of these now ig
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creativeskull95 · 3 years
Powerpuff Girls gritty sequel, but it’s actually good
So this might be a bit late, but here’s how I would do a gritty and dark sequel to the Powerpuff Girls, but it would actually be good.
Way back when they were children, the girls gave up their powers in order to trap Him, who had snapped and was trying to bring about the end of the world. The Utoniums moved away(one of the few people left in Townsville able to do so), and the girls lived normal human lives up until their thirties, when their dad has finally died. That’s when the Rowdyruffs show up, with a way to return the girls’ powers. While Bubbles and Buttercup refuse initially, Blossom jumps at the chance to become a hero again, and they are eventually forced to follow suit as old and new enemies return. However almost 20 years without powers have left them kinda rusty, and the Rowdyruffs have to train them back up if they want to beat Him again, once and for all.
Powerpuffs as a whole
All live in the same house with their late father. Still have a good relationship with each other after all these years, and even still hold weekly family game and movie nights. As this is a continuation, they would be played by white actresses, though I’d personally like Buttercup to be played by an Asian one to match Utonium(who I always saw as Asian, tbh).
Started strong, but over time became depressed. Started college, but never finished, and currently works part time in retail. Spent the most time taking care of Utonium, and when not doing that could often be found playing video-games in her spare time. Jumps at the chance to be a hero again, though as time goes on she doesn’t find it as fulfilling as she thought she would. Her arc would deal with finding fulfillment and her place in the world, and not clinging to the past.
Works as a stripper, and finds it incredibly fun. She often incorporates animal motifs into her outfits, favoring squirrels and never using bunnies if she can help it. Is way too generous and forgiving, but has the worst temper out of all the girls. Her arc would be tied up in Boomer’s, and allowing herself to fall in love.
Owns an auto shop, and is scary good at what she does. Has a league of boys and men who work under her that see her as a scary godmother. Also has a habit of giving candy to kids whose parents come into the shop. Her arc... idk actually she’s the most well adjusted out of all the girls. Maybe she doesn’t get an arc, or it’s something about being the youngest child. Smokes weed to curb her more violent tendencies, and shares with Butch.
Gets resurrected by Him to act as his lackey/spy on the PPG for him. Has a normal form, where she looks like a regular teenager, but when her powers activate turns into a Hulk-like brute of a monster that, while looking neater than her original form, is still monstrous and scary. Her subplot involves being incredibly unstable, and the PPG and RRB trying to figure out how to stabilize her before she explodes again.
Rowdyruffs as a whole
Stayed with Mojo Jojo in the Ruins of Townsville to keep an eye on Him’s “grave”. The time was spent training and preparing in case he ever returned. When he did, and the RRB were defeated, Jojo sent them off to restore the girls’ powers and prepare them to fight Him.
Mojo Jojo
Helped the PPG take down Him, and the stayed behind of his own free will to keep an eye on things when they left. When the Boys showed up he did his best to be a good father, and turn them to the side of good. He had mixed results, but at least they stayed with him. When Him tried to break out he made a last ditch effort to contain Him, sacrificing himself but letting the RRB flee with the girls’ powers.
A stern and powerful leader, he just barely keeps his brothers under control. Gets exasperated easily. Is insanely jealous that the girls got to have normal lives while he never got a chance at that, and thus gets pissed at Blossom for taking it for granted. Gets better later on.
Incredibly promiscuous, which just gets worse when he gets around people. One of his first actions is to grope Bubles, and then immediately get knocked out in response(before she gets her powers back). Makes it his goal to win her heart, becoming a genuinely better person in the process.
Completely fucking wild, but surprisingly becomes normal when he smokes weed. Gets “tamed” by Buttercup, in a sense, by which I mean he realizes he’s a complete ass and tries to do better. Also loves kids, once he figures out they’re tiny chaos machines.
Princess still exists, and is kinda like evil Batman. She still gets her ass beat every time, though. Also she tries to flirt with Brick to piss Blossom off, but neither of them care.
Professor Utonium might have been hiding something about the PPGs creation.
Blossom starts out being very unkempt and then gets better, and then goes right back to being unkempt again as her arc goes.
Would 100% like this to be animated, but also live action is good if needed.
Jojo is still a monkey in this.
The original cartoon is NOT a show in this. This would be a continuation of the cartoon.
Idealy this would be a two season show. Season one ends with an attempt at killing Him that fails, thus having him show up in season two(along with Bunny and Princess).
I want this song in the show at some point.
Anyways feel free to ask me more about this cause I have many ideas.
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