fallcrestrpg · 2 years
ıllıllı 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩 12/17: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 3.1 - Velazquez  ıllıllı  
Transcript of Event below Cut:
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It was an immediate change in sense that had the Paladin immediately orbing over to her youngest charge. Which turned out for the best, because as Steve had been in the kitchen fixing a snack, she managed to arrive just in time to keep a rather sturdy ceramic plate to come crashing down on the- "Oh," she let out just above a whisper. "You're a wee babi..." Setting the plate down on the counter, she bent down to scoop up the little wein and said, "Well, that certainly explains the change in how you 'read'. Let's get ye to your sister- nope, wait. She said not to interrupt her. Let's go wait in the living room."
Which would be where Ren eventually found them when she came back downstairs. Glancing up at her most temperamental charge, from where she lay with the infant on the couch, Jack grinned and said, "Oi, I think I found something that technically belongs to ya."
Ren had finally emerged from her room after being cooped up with Kieran ever since they got home. Coming down the stairs, she was just going to slip by but then Jack caught her attention. Her eyes went from the Paladin to the baby in her arms, and letting those words sink in. "You well know that I do not have a kid - wait, did Kieran do so- " Her words were cut off when she took a proper look at the child.
"Steve?" She went up to the Paladin and took the baby into her arms, almost naturally bouncing on the spot. "Kier! Something happened to Steve....?"
After emerging from what had become their little decompression routine after work, Kieran had the intention to head towards the home gym. Not being on the force anymore was not going to be her excuse for not working out. Besides, she found that it certainly helped her in the long run, be it the exertion or the endorphin release. She could faintly hear Ren and Jack already arguing, but that was nothing unusual.
What was unusual was Ren calling out about Steve, which in turn had the seer rushing down taking the stairs two at a time to see what the problem was. She stopped short when she came up to Ren _holding a baby_. "When did that happen?" was the first thing that came out of her mouth.
"*How* did this happen?" She carried her sister over to her girlfriend, "She's a baby, Kier. A baby. My eighteen year old sister is a baby." That somehow earned an incoherent sound from said sister. "Oh you think this is funny, don't you?" Another sound. "Do you think we can reverse this somehow...?" She was more panicking because what if it was permanent. However, in the middle of her panic, a scent hit her nose.
"......Are you fu- Are you serious, Stevie?" She groaned as she lifted the baby in the air and immediately recoil with disgust. "Oh.... Jack.. I don't suppose you can orb over a diaper right now, could you?"
Jack had remained on her spot in the couch, mentally holding a conference with the other Paladins while Ren went through her usual stages of addressing a crisis. The yelling bit was the least productive, and the one Jack had become a pro at working through on her own. The request for a diaper, had her orbing off and coming back with a baby bag of supplies. "Yer mum keeps like three of these in the basement at all times in case she comes across a patient that needs some essentials before heading to a shelter, and I'm going to just stop explaining and hand this over to you. Best of luck."
She turned to the most level-headed of her charges and said, "The other Paladins and I believe that this is likely in relation to the latest seal breaking on the Nexus. The good news, it means that whatever this is, however long it lasts, it will _end_. All kickback magic is temporary. The bad news is, it means the wards around the Nexus failed at some point."
The wolf had been in the bathroom when she heard all the commotions outside. Something about a baby.. and her girlfriend. Coming out of there, she went to the living room and spotted said baby. "Uh.. What is this?" She looked at the baby in the witch's arm. ".. Is that.. Maite...?" Her eyes widened so much that one would think they would just pop out. "Is my *girlfriend* a baby?! Oh no, that's going to get me arrested." She joked as she walked over to poke the baby in the cheeks. "Oh my god, those pictures did not do you justice, my baby girl. You look *absolutely* adorable."
She would ask if she could carry her but by the way Ren was holding her, it didn't seem the older witch was allowing *anyone* else to carry her anytime soon. "Uh.. should someone go check that out? That's bad news for sure."
"Jack! Kier! I have a hypothetical question," Diego called out as soon as he walked through the front door. Kicking of his slush covered boots and removing his coat and scarf, he continued talking, "So like if, let's say, by complete accident -_theoretically_- one of the runes around the Nexus was like _smudged_, maybe -just a little- but only for like a second or two and then immediately redrawn proper...would that like, have any _significant_ affect on things?"
As he finally made his way into the living room proper, he realized all eyes were on him and was about to ask why when he noticed the _actual_, living child in his sister's arms. "¡Ó Díos! Kier! Did you really make a test-tube baby?! Like, Ren's been scared you might try it now that you get to play mad scientist, but I never thought you'd actually go through with it....She looks just like Ren too- what?"
She had let out a groan almost the moment she heard his voice echo through the house. Somehow she had a feeling that Diego had something to do with it now that he had posed the hypothetical question. "What did you do, Diego?" She frowned as she walked right up to her twin brother and held up their baby sister. "Stop it, you seriously don't recognise Maite?!"
However, with that being said, she looked over to Kieran, "....You didn't make a lab baby for real, did you?" She asked... just to make sure since they were on the topic. Turning back towards her brother, the fire witch held the baby back into a cradle. "*Why* did a rune get smudged to begin with??"
When his sister rocked right up to him and questioned if he recognized the youngest of them or not, Diego actively squealed before clasping a hand over his mouth. "Stevie? How did-" he stopped mid-question as the realization dawned on him and he clasped _both_ hands over his mouth this time. Looking from the baby to his sister, to Kieran, to Jack, and back. All about three times in total.
The only thing that got him to talk again was the look of offense clear on the seer's face when Ren suggested she might actually believe her capable of hiding a build-a-baby workshop from her. "Ohhhhhh-kay. So, in my defense, I was actually out there making sure that the wards were still up and operational. I know with the holidays just around the corner it was getting busy for most other witches and demons to take a look so I wanted to be helpful....but I forgot that water doesn't just make up snow, it also seeps into the ground to make mud, so...when I went to check the last rune I thought it would be the easiest thing to just use my powers to move the water, so the snow, but that also moved the sludge beneath, and distorted the rune, this brining down the ward bubble entirely for like a second....or four...so babies huh?"
She motioned with her glare and a swift shake of her head, indicating for him to explain already when he suddenly cut himself. To think her own brother somehow 'wiped' away the rune even if by accident. "You're sure that .. the barrier's back?" Was she doubting her brother? Maybe. Ren had more faith in Kieran's rune drawings than his after all.
"Thank god our parents aren't here...." She bounced their sister in her arms when she saw her tiny little hands raised towards her. Ren smiled softly and held a finger over the kid, who then grabbed it. "You better hope she changes back soon because you're going to explain to mom why Steve's back in diapers. "Do we need to bring in a crib? We are not letting her sleep in *your* bed, Di, you'll crush her." She walked back to the couch and took a seat, laying the kid down on her back. "This is.. so weird."
Her face still very much sported the look offense at the thought that Ren assumed she was capable of hiding a possible test-tube baby from her, but she simply walked over to Jack and said, "Jack and I can go grab my old crib from the manor. I'm almost certain mother isn't using it anyway. On the way there, we can make a pit-stop to verify the barrier is back up and fully functional, though I think if it weren't we'd somehow know already."
Walking over to the sitting witch, she looked down at the baby from over the woman's shoulder. "As adorable as she is, I don't think you want to tempt the fates by letting her go commando much longer," she teased. "We'll be back in a few."
Ren gave an apologetic look when she saw that her girlfriend still had the look on her face. While she did believe that Kieran wouldn't keep anything from her - because that's what they promised - Ren really felt that a lab baby was possible with how smart the woman was. "Almost certain?" She looked up almost curiously, "What.. would she using it for..? Or who..?"
She leaned in to give Kieran a quick kiss before rolling her eyes. "Okay.." She sighed as she got out the necessary things and set them out. The fire witch definitely appreciated how much calmer Maite was compared to them because that just made getting her into the diaper far quicker and easier than she thought it would be. "That's a good girl." She whispered softly once she was done.
"Oh! You don't know? Kieran's got a brand new baby sister...of the canine variety," he responded only too giddily. "Adaline was feeling that the manor was a bit too massive with just her by her and the usual staff of fifteen all on their own, so I suggested she get a dog." He shoved his arm, cell phone in hand between the two witches to show off the pics of the Pomeranian. "She set the pupper in Kieran's old room, so it wouldn't surprise me if she also decided to repurpose the crib."
The look of 'murder' on Kieran's face was not lost on him as they orbed away, but Diego knew it wouldn't go past a look, so he just smiled and waved. Turning his attention to his sisters, he snorted and said, "She's a baby not a pet, _Flor_."
Of course, that woman got a Pom. "Since when were you such uh.. good friends with Adaline?" She frowned. Never did she think Diego would be exchanging pictures with Kieran's mom. At the same time, it was.. strange. "Of all the rooms she has in that manor of hers, she used Kieran's room?" Surely there were other unused rooms in that place, maybe even a spare guest room.
She gave her brother a scowl before ignoring his comment and continued to coo at her sister. "...Was she always this small?" Perhaps it was because they were also smaller back then that Maite didn't feel like this but now, Ren couldn't help but think she was even more fragile than before.
He shrugged but his brow did furrow as he tried to find the answer to that question himself. "I don't know, actually. It just kind of happened. I felt that it was a little sad that she only really had Kieran now to talk too since mom is still very wary, and you were likely to set her on fire if Kieran wasn't around so...Maite and I, being the coolest people in the fam, have just kind of been checking in on her. She wasn't the best mom, but she's trying now and it's mighty hard to try something when everyone around you is already telling you you can't."
Feeling his answer had turned a bit too serious -and personal- he instead focused on Ren's question about their youngest sibling. "Maite's always been the smallest, though I suppose being full grown adults this time around does put her tiny-ness into a new perspective- is she just going to stand there all night?" He interrupted himself as he gestured to the youngest Rendall peeking from behind the sofa, only her eyes and up visible, said eyes glued to the baby.
It was bizarre seeing her girlfriend turn into a baby and it did nothing but highlight the age gap between them. From the group chat, only those who are twenty and below were affected... Yes, that gap was very obvious. Not to mention, there were still a few scoobs who haven't turned but were still younger than she was. "Oh man.." She mumbled to herself as she watched the twins fuss - well, one was fussing, the other not so much - over their youngest sibling.
The wolf flinched when Diego suddenly looked her way. Honestly, she wouldn't even mind if she stayed in this very spot the whole night because Maite was so small.. and so fragile of a baby that Avery didn't know quite what to do. "..... Maybe..?" She actually looked a bit sheepish but still, she emerged from her spot and walked closer towards them. "..I don't know how I feel.. about my girlfriend being a baby.. I mean, she's real cute.. like boop, i want to pinch your cheeks cute."
He glanced back over at Avery, his look far more sympathetic now. “Yeah…I suppose when you put it like that, it’s bound to be far more complicated territory for you than us. We’ve always seen her as an ankle biting gremlin, this is your first glimpse,” he said.
He also figured that Steve and Baby Rendall over there were past the ‘platonic’ stage of their romance by now, and it must be trippy to go from _that_ to a literal baby. “Indulge in the cute, and take it one day at a time,” was the best he could offer. He would toss in a joking warning about keeping her hands to herself, but she already looked like she’d puke if he did.
The wolf continued to stare at her itty bitty girlfriend, and that feeling of unease simply grew the longer she stared. "...She *is* really cute though.." She whispered softly though she still hadn't actually approached the baby, or was it because Ren was holding her? "I don't know, Di.. This is waaay trippier than you'd think."
Avery actually let out a shuddering breath, trying to take this all in. Unlike the other three, she was not handling this as well as she could. "She's also.. so.. so small." If she was scared of hurting the witch prior to this, boy, did that amplify by a thousand folds right now. "And most of the gang's like that too.. Oh man, everyone's a baby... My niche! She's a baby too."
"Ey! There's a silver highlight or whatever you call it. You get to interact with your niche as a baby without being a kid yourself. You get like, the genuine aunt experience. You get to be her Luke!...but like, before it turned out Luke was actually Sky's dadperson," he suggested. His own words made a thought occur to him as he then added, "Erin and Evan! You can call them and see how thye're approaching the whole 'my girlfriend is now a literal infant' debacle. Surely they'd have a far more relatable input than either of us," he said indicating himself and his twin. "For sure they'd have better input than Ren, anyway."
"Do you think she'll even recognise me? How does this baby thing even work?" She looked over to Steve and finally built enough courage to walk right up to Ren. "...Does Maite recognize me?" She asked softly as she gently poked at the baby's hand. "Or are you going to cry because you don't know who I am." She was almost whispering. "Because that... is a whole new level of rejection I would have ever gotten.......We are so creating a support group for this.."
After an adventure and a half, the Paladin materialized back in the home just in time to hear the wolf's question. As her charge began the process of sorting the items they'd returned with, she made her way down the stairs as she called out, "There's no reason why she shouldn't remember ya. From what the we've been able to sus out in the Paladin mental-group-chat -or _hive mind_ as some have called it in the past- there's been no adverse reaction from the children to the people they know. So far, it seems that though their brains have obviously biologically reverted back to infant capabilities, their memories are fundamentally the same. I mean let's face it, they'd kind of have to be. Baby Steve would _have_ to recognize Ren as her older sister, otherwise half the facial expressions she makes would have the kid terrified, no?"
The witch watched as the wolf walked up to them. She turned her body so that Avery can take a look at her sister a little better. At Jack's explanation, however, Ren had to look up with a glare. "Are you saying that I'd be terrifying to my own baby sister?" If she wasn't holding said baby, she might have actually went up to smack their Paladin in the arm. "I'm going to go up and see how Kieran's doing with the unpacking." She scowled as she headed upstairs with the baby - standing by the door of the room so that she wouldn't actually get in the way.
The witch had immediately taken to sorting everything they’d brought back. She figured she’d have at least enough time to set up her old crib by the time Ren came up with the baby, but seeing as how Jack rushed _downstairs_ …well she wasn’t exactly surprised to see her time was cut short.
Glancing up at the pair, green eyes brightened and she immediately smiled at the sight of how soft Ren was around baby Steve this time around. “Well you two certainly seem to be getting along far better this time,” she teased. “Clearly the same can’t be said about you and Jack..”
She looked down at her sister who was alternating her attention on both women. "She's my baby sister, of course we'd get along." She mumbled before readjusting her hold on her sister since Maite started shifting into her. "Jack seems to think that if Maite didn't recognise me, she'd cry." Her eyes rolled in disbelief.
"Anyways, how's the crib? Do you need help?" She looked over at the crib. "You used to be in that?" She asked softly.
"Well, in all fairness to Jack, if she didn't recognize you, that would make you stranger. And most babies don't do well with strangers, so.." She trailed off as she began to bob her head from side to the other, causing Maite to giggle and follow her lead by rocking her upper half to and fro as well. "It is such a welcome change of pace to have the Nexus magic give us something terribly cute instead of something just terrible," she noted.
At the question she turned her attention back to the furniture and said, "I've got the general outside framing done. Still have the bottom slats and the new mattress to put in- Oh! You guys can start digging through the stuff we bough, like the sheets and pillows and things." The softer question had Kieran looking at the crib in a slightly different light. "Yeah...dad actually built himself." Her tone was soft, but the tinge of sadness was still there.
The witch scowled slightly. She refused to think that her own sister would be scared of her regardless. But that scowl went away the moment the baby started to giggle, and a smile widened when she saw that Maite was trying to mimic Kieran. "Thank god. I do not want another day being stuck as a halloween costume - or have berzerkers invade town again." She complained.
Her eyes softened when she learned that the crib had such meaning to it. Without saying anything, she leaned in for a soft kiss to the older woman's cheek before giving her hand a light squeeze. "I had no idea he knew carpentry." Though she still wasn't the biggest fan of Kieran's parents, but him building the crib was a nice gesture. Letting go of the other, Ren went over to pick out the sheets and pillow they were going to use. "Should we run everything through the wash first?" She muttered as she took out a set.
She nodded emphatically and said, “I genuinely don’t my blood pressure can take any other major anything for at least the next three months. Also, I think my brain needs a break after everything we had to do to clean up after Old Man Grey.”
Kieran was more than appreciative of the gesture. “That man was full of surprises until the very end, and apparently even after,” she replied. It really did feel she learned something every week. She turned to look over at the items, stretching out a hand that then waved in the general direction of them. “All sanitized. So is the carpet, by the way, if you wanted to give her some room to roam…and no, I will not be doing our actual laundry with magic. You still have to use the washer and dryer.”
"I'm.. not going to say anything more because I feel like it might just jinx it." Ren gave a wry smile, "The old man seems to have flipped the whole town upside down and we can't even get him to pay for it." Her eyes rolled. One could think he got off lucky since he was killed before the town found him.
She pouted when Kieran told her she would not be doing the laundry the same way. "Fiiine." She whined as she brought over the sheet, waiting for the crib to be set up before laying out the sheet but since she was holding the kid, she couldn't tuck it in as well as she hoped. "Oh this is cute." She chuckled, not expecting the characters on the sheets.
As she continued moving about placing in the final pieces she said, "Yeah, please don't. Let's just count our blessings and not look a gift horse in the mouth." She let out a low whistle and said, "I don't know about lucky. From what Evan was able to see when she had to to go do her due diligence as the next-of-kin, he may have stepped on the very last nerve of the wrong person."
Taking a step back she could only raise a brow as she watched Ren struggle with the bedsheet. "Yeah, I figured she might like them. Also, just a suggestion, but you may be able to win the wrestling match you've got going with the mattress right now if you use _both_ hands. You know? Maybe let the baby down or hand her over?"
She rolled her eyes, "He's lucky because he suffered once and that was it. There are plenty of people who probably wanted a piece of him." While she wasn't an advocate of *torture* methods, Ren still believed there was more to be done since he affected so many lives regardless if he personally had beef with said person or not. "Thank god Evan Jr didn't turn out to be like him."
She looked almost offended by the idea of putting her sister down. "No, I will not." She laughed as she held the sheet up to the other instead. "I wanna keep holding her." Ren was already rocking on her feet as if the kid wasn't already pooped out already.
“I think the sentiment of wanting everyone who was wronged to get their pound of flesh is bordering on something that would ultimately be against the Geneva Convention,” she noted. Ren’s proclivity towards anger may be placing blinders on her current view, but her suggestions were increasingly nearing something that would, in practice, be literal torture. “Yes, we’ll she did have her mother for the most important years.”
Green eyes looked just as offended as the witch was _denied_ the opportunity to carry the baby. She took the sheet nonetheless and made quick work of fitting it in place. “She’s pretty much about to pass out, so you’re going to have to put her down anyway. We’ll discuss the multiple ways you’ve affronted me tonight later.”
She grew quiet when she saw Kieran looking at her.. which was then backed up by her words. Ren was in trouble because she didn't think before she spoke. Begrudgingly, she went over to laid her sister into the crib before tucking her in carefully, making sure she's comfortable and won't get cold overnight.
While she could probably say something, something told her that being quiet might be the best way for now - until Kieran addressed her again. Instead of going over to her girlfriend, Ren lingered around the crib, fiddling with the frame as she waited.
Kieran watched as Ren set the baby down, and the little girl almost immediately drifted off. Then she waited for the witch to turn back around....and waited, and waited. When it became painfully obvious that Ren was either avoiding any further conversation or was waiting for Kieran to point out where the metaphorical puzzle piece had to go -again-, the older witch just sighed and went to get ready for bed herself.
For all the progress she felt they'd made recently, it still felt like they were always taking four steps back because Ren still refused to confront anything and would rather be told what the misstep was, which in the end always left Kieran wondering if Ren even understood why it was a misstep to begin with.
The slight panic she felt when Kieran got ready for bed instead of starting the conversation. When she saw the older witch was in bed, Ren got in as well. With a small surge of courage, she shuffled in close enough to wrap her arm around the older woman's waist. ".... I'm sorry." She apologized softly as she nuzzled into the back of Kieran's neck.
The fiery witch knew she messed up somewhere - the obvious one was related to Ren hogging her younger sister.
The older witch knew she didn't have it in her to actually _stay_ mad, but that didn't mean she couldn't be upset for a while after. Even as she felt the fire witch slide into bed with her and warp herself around her, Kieran's gaze didn't budge from the spot she'd chosen on the wall across from her. All she did, at the woman's apology, was ask, "About?"
This far along, she needn't elaborate. They'd discussed many times over that apologizing without knowing what it is that you're apologizing for, renders the apology moot.
"...For hogging Maite, instead of helping you make the bed.." Ren had meant it jokingly since she didn't want to let go of her sister just to make the bed. With that being said, the fire witch would have happily given Kieran the kid if she knew that the other wanted to hold her right that moment.
She fell silet again because it was mentioned that it was 'multiple' times so the witch ahad to think back again. ".... Was it also because I said that you might have had a lab baby in the works?"
Kieran just let out a deep sigh and said, "At this point, it's honestly more about the fact that when you do something that's upsetting, you're quick to say the words 'I'm sorry' but don't bother to take the time to realize _what_ you're sorry about, which means you go on without knowing or acknowledging what you did wrong or why it was wrong."
She turned around to face the younger and said, "But yes, it's also about the fact you thought I'd keep a lab baby from you."
She laid there as she mulled over those words, though it was sidetracked when Kieran brought up the lab baby again. "I mean.. like.. you're obviously smart enough to create one if you wanted to.... and I don't know.. Maybe you were waiting to see some sort of results to actually happen before letting anyone know that this could actually be a reality?" She hummed, "... but then, because it's a baby we're talking about so I suppose you wouldn't *not* bring it up - at least the idea of creating one - especially when it's about making a family... "
The more she spoke, the more she felt like maybe she should just.. *stop*. After all, they had been working to tell each other everything. "....Are you upset .. because we said we won't keep secrets from each other anymore.. and here I am.. saying that you're keeping a secret?"
Kieran looked her in silence for a moment. "So, are we really just going to completely skip over the problem that I, as has become the norm, practically spoon-fed you so that you could -I don't know- at least pretend to address it...?" Another sigh escaped her as she said, "I know sometimes we all get sidetracked, but there's big a difference between 'ooh I saw something shiny' and 'ooh I'm going to actively talk about something else', because Florencia Maria Velazquez you are _not_ oblivious enough to have accidentally focused on the _wrong_ thing, you simply chose to focus on the _easier_ thing."
She turned back around settled into bed proper. "I don't think we're getting anywhere soon and we'll have to be up in a few hours to check on the baby. Might as well get some sleep."
"Kieran.." She called out when the other turned back around. It was clear from the voice just how tired Kieran was with her.. bullshit. "No.." She answered quietly, "We.. *I* shouldn't skip over it." She made a face as she remembered Kieran calling her out for taking the easy way out... It seems that she took a lot more than she realized from a certain parent than she'd want to admit. "I might.. not know every time when I put my foot in my mouth, but I know I've done something that upset you and.. I know that I shouldn't do it again." She fell quiet again as she thought back to the events earlier.
She let out a an exhausted sigh, but didn't feel up to turning around just yet. "Look, I genuinely don't think this is conversation that is getting us anywhere, and I would hate to say something I regret later because I spoke out or frustration, but I don't know whether I'm just not being clear or you're not listening to what I'm actually saying here. I'm aware that _you_ are aware that I'm upset. I know that _you_ don't want a repeat. The _problem_ lies in the fact that you never actually know what it is that you do wrong, and you always end up waiting for someone to tell you what it was. Maybe, doing a little work and trying to figure it out on your own once in a while would be a more effective way of helping you with not doing those repeats."
She wasn't going to push it if Kieran was adamant that this issue wouldn't be resolved tonight. The only thing she felt she could do at this point was to give Kieran her space, figure out what else she did wrong tonight.. and just think before saying anything in the the future - the latter being a bit hard to do since the witch knew she was pretty impulsive.
Instead of replying, the younger woman fell quiet as she just stared into the back of her girlfriend.
Kieran held out for all of five minutes, before turning around and wrapping an arm lightly around Ren's waist. "Please stop boring holes into my back. It's bordering on creepy and that's an adjective I'd really rather never have to use to describe you," she muttered. "We can come back to the conversation later, but I also don't want us to go to sleep like two strangers forced to share a bed, because I saw that too much with my parents and honestly, disagreements come and go but if they're really big enough to disrupt the status quo? I don't like to think about the outcome that usually leads to."
The moment Kieran flipped over, Ren felt relief wash over her. She managed a soft chuckle when she was basically called a semi-creeper just for staring. "That is definitely not a compliment for your girlfriend." Her voice just as soft considering the time of night. "Honestly.. I'm just glad you turned around." She admitted before shuffling in closer enough to put her face against the older witch's chest, wrapping her arms even tighter into a half-hug.
Kieran shifted a bit make the fact they were now sharing a spot, on the rather spacious bed, more comfortable. As Ren settled into her usual position, Kieran just placed a soft kiss to the top of her head and whispered, "I swear I can practically feel my hair going grey because of you." She closed her eyes waited for Ren's breathing to even out. Things could wait until tomorrow...or whenever the baby decided nap-time was over.
0 notes
fallcrestrpg · 2 years
ıllıllı 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩 12/17: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 3.1 - Rendall, Irwin, Dawson-  ıllıllı  
Transcript of Event below Cut:
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While Devin wasn't the most expressive person in the family, it had been incredible and almost unbelievable that she got to spend some quality time with *both* her daughters. Octavius clearly enjoyed it far more than anyone else in the family, beaming at everyone at always. It was also nice to see how attached Peyton was despite not having her feelings reciprocated to the same extent - but let's be honest, no one can possibly match the level of the Dawsons. Even Devin couldn't.
So when they were over at the ranch, Devin had expected.. a somewhat peaceful time. What she got instead, was 3 babies suddenly taking place of the children. The scene itself just rendered her silence for so many reasons.
One of which was that she literally sees the baby she left behind so many years ago. "This..." She rose from her seat and picked up her eldest daughter the same time as Oct picking up Peyton. "What is this?"
It took everything in Izzy not to punch Brax in the arm when be he replied 'That's a baby' because, no shit that was a baby. Instead she just looked at him like he'd grown a second head until she saw the penny literally drop in his mind. Walking over, she scooped up Sean as Octavius scooped up Peyton and she gave her brother a quick once-over. "Well, at least they appear to be relatively healthy and unharmed otherwise..."
She trailed off as a thought suddenly hit her and she quickly handed Sean over to Brax as she exclaimed, "The twins!" and rushed upstairs to the nursery.
Excusing himself with Sean, he followed Izzy up the stairs to seee how the twins were. It was honestly a good thing Izzy had the brain cells most of the time. "Oh.. they are real tiny." He actually let out a chuckle as he hovered a finger over one of the babies and letting her grab onto it with the wee strength they had. "Ohhhhhhh, do you think this is happening to the other people?"
Almost on cue, his phone pinged. Pulling away from the baby, he quickly checked his phone and spotted the group message. "Oh.. I think all the kids are affected." Then he raised the phone up to his mouth to record a voice message, "Is Tomi a baby too?" He asked.
Just as Brax was catching up to her, Izzy had made her way into the nursery and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of her beautiful girls still in their cribs, if only -as Brax put it- very tiny. "Oh, I'm just so relieved to see that they're still _here_. If whatever caused this managed to shrink legal adults back to infants, I was terrified to think what it might do a pair of barely two year-olds."
She listened as Brax read the message and recorded his own, a thought suddenly occurring to her as he hit send. "Brax, honey, this means we're going to probably be dealing with a set of near newborn twins _and_ the Tornado Twins just as they begin to start walking....we're going to need baby-proof this entire place twice over, especially if we can't figure out how long it's going to last."
Octavius and she was just in awe at the pair of babies that were just cuddling against them. Devin did not hesitate to wrap her arms securely around her oldest daughter when she felt her lean against her. While her husband was always beaming, the smile he sent her way did suggest he knew how she was feeling. Not that she wanted to be biased with her children, but to have Amaryllis be in her arms again. That was quite the feeling to process.
Taking them upstairs, she appeared in the doorway. "How are the twins?" She asked since she couldn't quite see with the two adults blocking the view of the crib. However she could smell the younger set of girls and noted the shift in their scent as well. "Oh. They're even tinier." Somehow, she didn't expect that. "I'm assuming that this doesn't happen that often." She had heard stories about Fallcrest, but to experience a magical accidental like this was very different.
Izzy couldn't help the bright smile at the sight of Amaryllis looking so clearly comfortable in her mother's arms. After all this time, she'd only ever seen the girl look this relaxed around her brother and knowing the story behind the duo, it had Izzy's already emotional state needing a deep breath to not become a mess. "Yes, sorry. They're okay. They're jammies and diapers are a bit loose now, but at least we have plenty of supplies to tide us over, and to go around of course. We're already risking a lot with three undiapered infants," she laughed, already moving to grab things from the drawers.
As Brax took on the task of trying to wrangle Sean into a diaper as he tried to escape over to Ryllie, she picked up her phone when the group chat dinged. Glancing up at Devin she said, "This specifically? No, but mishaps with magic have kind of become par for the course whenever the Nexus has a seal broken. According to the group chat, the Paladins think that's the most likely root of all this."
"Babies.. are probably one of the best things that came from a seal being broken." He snorted as he laid back down onto the ground once he got Sean sorted out. Watching him crawl over towards Devin, Braxton only let a chuckle. "I might go pick Tomi up soon..." He was already excited to see his baby girl but he should at least get the current kids in the house sorted out first. "...Do you think Sean is going to cry if they take Ryllie home?"
Braxton rolled over to his back and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the things he might do after picking Tomi up. "I might also grab more things along the way. Now that we have so many babies, we are going to run out of supplies real fast." He chuckled, "From the looks of things, only the kids got affected. My sister is still fine, but her girlfriend isn't."
"We were just talking about post-seal break shenanigans a few days ago," she mused aloud, briefly distracted by Brax's sudden decision to mimic a teenage girl working on homework as he laid on the floor. If he stated kicking his feet she might have to call Col... Her attention, however, was immediately drawn away as she watched her now _baby_ brother make his way over to the other woman. A sad smile crossed her face, but she went over to pick him up before he tried latching onto things.
Seeing as the tiny ginger began to immediately reach out to the girl, Izzy glanced down at Brax and said, "It's probably about as likely as Skylar crying when you go pick Tomi up, so best of luck bargaining with Keagan," she replied as the man rolled over. "But much like anything else with a baby, he'll get over it."
When she spotted the red haired baby crawl towards her, Devin felt sorry for the other considering that she was very tempted to bring Amaryllis home with her. Of course, she wouldn't if the others said no - and she also wasn't sure how upset Ryllie would be despite her current cuddly state.
"If both babies don't want to be separated, then I suppose there won't be other choice than to leave Amaryllis here with you - I hope it won't be too overwhelming since you have 3 - well, 4 from the sounds of things, in one house house." Surely they all understood how exhausting it could get simply with one kid, much less five in total."
Izzy glanced up at Devin once again, knowing full well the feeling of having to be separated from your kids. True, Sean and Tomi were quite older when she'd left for Philly, but it had hurt all the same. She couldn't fathom what it would be like for the blonde to see a fresh opportunity with the baby she missed out on only to have to already leave her behind.
"Ideally, I'd love to have Ryllie stay here with us for the first bit, if only for her own comfort of being in a place she knows and is comfortable. That being said, the ranch has plenty of extra rooms and space if you and Octavius would like to stick around here as well? I mean, it's not like it wouldn't be nice to have another two sets of hands to keep track of everyone."
He had followed after his wife whilst holding their younger daughter. At the sight of the sisters together as babies simply warmed his heart and he could not stop beaming all the way up the stairs and into the room. What better time than now for Devin to bond with the daughter she never thought she'd ever see again until now. It was great yet slow porcess so far, and Octavius had to admit that the other being a baby now might be a very good stroke of luck.
"If you don't mind, we would love to stay! Babies all around." He grinned, wider when Devin looked over his way. "It's a good idea. The more hands the better, and Sean would be less likely to cry if Ryllie's around!."
"Of course I don't mind," Izzy replied with a smile of her own. "Believe me, if the idea weren't appealing I wouldn't have offered. Besides, I do genuinely think that keeping Amaryllis in a place she's comfortable and has called home for a while now is much more conducive to all three of you being able to bond with her more."
Sparing a glance to the Beta that was still laying on the nursery floor, she looked back up and said, "And it would also ease my mind a lot to know that while I'm at work caring for other babies, mine are being looked after by more than just my new _rug_."
The man was now on his back raising the kid up and down in the air, swaying side to side. "Yeahhh, you flying kid!" He chuckled. How he missed this - not that he didn't do the same with the younger pair of twins, but having Sean, and hopefully Tomi be petite size again? Surely this was a blessing because everyone was almost getting a second chance to do things right.
Eventually, he set the kid back on his chest and wrapped his arms around him. "Peanut, I forgot how small you were." He grinned before looking up at Iz, "I am more than willing to be the new rug if Sean is going to be down here chilling with me."
The giggles that filled the room were nothing short of the sweetest sound she'd heard in a while. There would never be a question about how much she loved and cherished similar giggles from her younger girls, but Sean was basically her first born and there had honestly always been just _something_ about him that made it to where his happiness just radiated.
At the mention of his size, Izzy just looked at the baby endearingly. "Yeah, we're going to have to pick up stuff for him when we shop for the minis. As nicely as their diapers and onesies fit the kittens, he's basically swimming in his," she noted, before rolling her eyes at Brax's antics. "Rugs can't pick up babies from their friends' homes..." Rugs also didn't really _help_ with babies either so, she was wary of that offer.
"This is why I said the van would've been a good idea because we can fit all the car seats." Not that they would have predicted this situation but at the very least, they would all fit in one car instead of taking two. "Oh man, I forgot Peanut here was smaller than everyone until that growth spurt." He chuckled as he did his best at making Sean's outfit.. less loose-looking.
At the topic of picking up his daughter, Braxton looked up at Izzy. "...Do you think Keagan's not going to let me?" He frowned as he sat up carefully with Sean in his arms and then fully got up from the floor. "I hope I get to spend some time with Tomes..." He looked down at Sean and walked right up to Izzy, "Look at him. Oh my god, his little baby hands are trying to grab onto my shirt."
The nurse looked down at him with a furrowed brow. Not only had the topic of vehicles not been brought up but, they’d both had their respective trucks long before being back in the same town…? Izzy opted to just blink and let it go. There was enough to process as is.
“Well, he _is_ known as the ‘runt’ of the pack for a reason,” she said, not that she was ever too keen on that title. Not the least reason being that their own father had given it to him. Shaking her head slightly she chuckled at the man. “I meant more that if you were a literal rug, obviously they don’t drive. I’m sure that Keagan of all people would be more than understanding of you wanting a bit of a second shot at the baby days,” she reassured before practically melting again at the sight of Sean grabbing onto Braxton. “He _has_ always been a Stage 5 clinger…”
"Peanut of the runt. Well, Bean of the runt. Sky was not happy when both Sean and T outgrew her before they even reached highschool." He grinned, "Ugh, loook at him... Look at *them*. Now I'm real excited to see Tomi and the rest of the babies. They're all going to be tinyyyy.. I should set up a kids area at the gym..."
Braxton smiled at the idea of getting to spend time with Tomi. This time being very different from when Tomi was still a baby.. and not reverted back by magic. "Do you think they'll remember anything? Or would they forget everything once they ..uh.. grow up again."
It took one look to get him to drop the ‘runt’. This ma had the unique ability to make her regret speaking in less than ten seconds sometimes…”Ooh we should try to get them all together for at least one picture. Not to be biased but, they were already a group of very good looking young adults. I don’t expect they wouldn’t be equally as cute as babies.”
She furrowed her brow at his sudden desire for a kids’ area. “You already have one? Luke was in charge of it until Sky outgrew it, but it’s still there. Aves is also in charge of the kid drop-off, where people can get the kids watched while they workout…how long has it been since you did your own paperwork?”
The last question made her pause before admitting, “I don’t know. I would err on the side of caution though, and just assume they will.” Izzy reached over and took Sean from him. “Now go on, go get our missing twin.”
It was clear as day just how giddy Braxton was on his way to the car. Leaving the kids with the Dawsons, he drove them over to the not-mansion cabin. He prayed that he wasn't going to be met by an upset Sky or Tomi. The last thing he wanted was for Tomi to bawl like the world was ending. "Okay.. okay.. Here we go.." He steeled his nerves as he gave the cabin door a knock... Only to be met by.. Not-Keagan which was all he could ask for.
When his eyes laid onto the sight of his baby girl being cradled, he visibly melted. She was exactly how he remembered but now that he was aware that he made this? That was another wave of emotions. The amount of wariness he had when he held her in his arm was far more than he needed to be but the baby was so small that he felt like he could just.. accidentally break her.
Braxton could not keep his eyes off of the baby even when they were on their way back. "Iz.. she's so small!" As if he hadn't already said this a million times at the cabin, and during their trip back to the ranch.
Izzy would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little wary of possibly being denied the chance to take Tomi back with them. After all, they themselves had just agreed to host the Dawsons in a bid to avoid splitting up Sean and Amaryllis not fifteen minutes ago.
She had been pleasantly surprised to find her baby girl so well looked after already, and though there was slight noises of complaints when Erin had said her goodbyes, it had worked out well.
As they made their way back inside the house at the ranch, she looked back at him and said, “I was more surprised to see how comfortable she was with Rikke. Tomi’s always been the least fan of ‘new’ people. I guess maybe it’s their Paladin-charge bond? Do you think that will have Rikke orbing in if she’s upset?”
He looked up for the first time at the question, "Maybe..? As her charge, she might have felt it - like, 'this person is safe' sorta vibe?" He shrugged, "Then we better not upset T too much." He chuckled, "I'm not entirely sure how the whole Paladin bond would feel, but I think Rikke would be able to differentiate the different levels of 'upset', right? If not, then I guess.... we should prace ourselves for a visit..."
Braxton went to the room where Sean was in but then stood by the door. ".....Would it be a good idea... to put them together right now... He might cry." He joked before actually stepping closer to the kid. "Look who we got, it's your sib!" He whispered softly as he showed at an angle, Tomi in his arms.
She nodded at his words. He wasn’t the most eloquent, but his point made sense. “I’m sure with as much experience as she has, the woman’s bound to have system right? I mean, I can’t imagine she’d have been in such good spirits with _two_ of her charges being infants if she _didn’t_ know how to tell when a cry could be ignored….but I still think we should arrange to have Erin and Sky visit at some point soon…just in case.” It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Rikke, it was just the idea of someone randomly materializing in her home that was odd.
Being mindful of the baby, Izzy smacked him in the arm at the crack her brother’s expense. “Bold of you to assume he hasn’t already senses she’s here and won’t cry if you _don’t_ bring her in,” she noted. Izzy could only watch as the baby boy immediately zeroed in on his sister and began crawling over.
"The more the merrier?" He chuckled, "Ooooh, they could have a baby sleepover! Well, maybe we should have more cribs in here, just in case they do come.. all of them? Doesn't make sense to leave out a baby. Baby huddle!!!" He lifted his daughter into the air, up and down a few times before going back to cradling her. "Oh, it looks like someone wants to play with you." He crouched down so he can set Tomi down carefully onto the floor. "Heyyyy here's your sister."
He smiled as he watched the babies interact before taking a seat again on the floor. "I need pictures of you two. More pictures of you too!" He took out his phone and started snapping away - making a few boomerangs, and taking a few short clips. "Ugh. Izzy.. my heart."
“Friendly reminder that Erin won’t fit in a crib, so maybe we’ll want to confer with someone who has actual experience in renovating rooms before we make changes…or at least get a second opinion.” As irritating as Brax’s impulsiveness could be, the sight of Tomi and Sean immediately making their way to each other was far too lovely to _not_ take her focus.
Sitting on the floor beside the Beta, she pulled out her own phone and began to snap pics all around. Even the younger girls got in on the fun once they were up. “I always wanted to have a daycare’s worth of kids running around, but I guess crawling will do.”
"Well.. if we made it... bigger, it might?" He joked, "And the ones we've entrusted to help build most of things are.. well, babies themselves. Kinda hard to ask them for a second opinion." He wiggled his brows, knowing full well there were others they could ask. "We could ask Luke - but she might renovate the place and turn it into Not-Mansion 2.0. I mean.. Although.. There is a space for one.."
He grinned as he showed his phone to Izzy, swiping through the pics he took himself. "And this isn't even the whole pack. Oh man, wait till every babies together in one place."
“Okay, _babies_ hardly ever want to be in a crib, I highly doubt a college freshman does…although the way Erin is around Tomi and Skylar…I suppose I wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to pull a _you_ and just share a crib with them…” Izzy listened to his suggestion before saying, “Well, we may need to consult with Luke and Keagan about other things regardless. Tomi is fine now, but she may not be tomorrow, in the bright light of day.”
As she scanned through the pics Brax had taken, Izzy couldn’t help the clear look of utter adoration that crossed her face. “The fact we get to see these kids as littles all over again? And get to do it with no interference from deadbeat dads? I just can’t.”
"Have you *seen* them be apart? Because I haven't so I think it's best to make some room for erin, and the 'rents in case they all want to stay over. It's going to be a party." He grinned, "I hope Tomi's going to be fine...." it'd break his heart if he can't calm the kid down the next day if she did decide to cry - Hell, maybe he'd cry too.
"Yeah.. To think we've been given this opportunity." He smiled as he already made one of the new pictures his wallpaper. "No deadbeat dads." He agreed as he looked over at the kids, still wrapping his mind over the fact that he and Kimi made that kid. Hopefully he won't mess up either.
"Well, for the time being let's worry about how we're going to arrange these kiddos for sleep _tonight_. We can always sort out future sleeping arrangements later," she said, already looking around the nursery. "It's not really the best idea to have babies share a sleeping space before a certain age, but I think we can manage with the older bubs. The kittens can share one crib, the tornado twins the other, and I think I still have the mini-twins' basinets in storage, so they can sleep in those in my room...What was _your_ plan for sleeping?"
It was almost immediate how much happier Sean was this time around. He'd always been a happy baby, and more so when Tomi was around, but this time he had Amaryllis and it really seemed like nothing could turn his smile upside-down. Those four little teeth were on full display, and Tomi was even managing to be patient with Peyton and the minis..."They're just so happy."
"The Dawsons are staying too right?" He was already excited for getting all the kids together. "...Should we have a divider for T and Bean? Because it's like 50% they'd sleep peacefully, 50% T might kill him." He joked before giving her a shrug. "Well.. It's like what you said, except I wanted to put all the cribs next to each other so they're sort of altogether - Unless you meant me.. I could.. take the couch unless.. you've got.. another suggestion..?"
"They are.." He smiled as he reached out to give one of the siblings a poke to the side. "And the plan is to keep it that way." The beta couldn't help but inch forward so that he could scoop the two pups into his arms. "Heyyyyyyy. I'm feeling left out here."
Nodded, and simply stated, “Yes, hence the kitten comment. Because kittens are baby cats…” it was her way of calling him dumb without actually saying it. Looking between the babies she nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I think once they’ve fallen asleep I can manage to find a safe divider. Tomi may not intentionally try to hurt him, but Sean is still small.” She raised a brow as she listened to him explain his master design plan. “Okay, we’ll we can do that, though I did mean where you were planning sleeping _yourself_. The couch is certainly an option, unless you’re up for helping with feedings throughout the night…than I suppose you can share with me and the minis.”
Izzy could only laugh as Tomi immediately ’responded’ to the man’s complaints with a series of babbles that Sean then came in after to back up. “Sounds like they just put you in your place, sir.”
"I think Tomi has a stronger grip now.. Or is it just me?" Brax wondered since Tomi didn't have her powers bound anymore. "Yeah, we'll definitely need a divider between them... Should we put Bean in .. I don't know.. baby hockey gear." He laughed, "Do they even make them in his current size?" His eyes widened when Izzy suggested he could share with her and the youngest. "..You wouldn't mind?" Those blue hues immediately softened, "Yeah, I'd be down to help with that.."
He looked down at the babies and decided to rub his scruff against the babies. "Are you guys complaining? Hm? Are you?" He laughed at the squeals before giving them a break.
“Well I wouldn’t really know, given that you’ve been the only to hold her since Rikke hand her over so…” Was there tinge of jealousy? Hell yes. It wasn’t like _she’d_ denied him holding Sean. Speaking of which, “A divider should be more than fine. Tomi was never an erratic sleeper anyway, and I don’t see that having changed of she’s managing to share uh…_sleeping space_ with two other people.” It was awkward, to say the least, to even think about Tomi’s adult love life while she was currently a baby. Bless Erin….The question brought her back to the moment. “I mean, things have been going well and it would be something we’d ideally be doing at some point. As long as you can behave, I don’t see why we can’t do this one little thing to make traversing this sudden change a little easier.”
When he proceeded to go mess with the kids, Izzy just threw Octavius a look that silently said, “You’re the dad in charge”
As endearing as it was to see Braxton playing with the kids, Devin wondered if Izzy was going to be okay. Perhaps it was a good idea for them to be here with this many kids in the household. "We'll be in here so we can always keep an eye on them." Moreover, it sounded like Brax was more focused on playing with the children more than anything else. Perhaps, it really was a good thing Octavius and she were here.
Carrying over their daughters, she laid her down into the empty crib with her husband doing the same with the other baby. The moment Peyton was on the mattress, she was already reaching out for Amaryllis and Devin could feel her heart ache. That was just too cute. "I'm glad that we took this trip down here."
She didn't know what to expect when she got the messages about the youngest scoobs turned into babies. She could only assume that the parents weren't too upset over it, where as the ones *dating* them, like Avery.. who had sent a message in all caps about it, were conflicted. Knowing that Izzy was with Braxton, Ayden felt concerned to how they were handling it so she decided to head over for a visit - bringing food in case the adults haven't eaten yet.
"Hey." She smiled when the door revealed her best friend and she immediately went in for a hug. "How's everything going? ...Is Brax helping?"
As wary as she may have been leaving the babies out of sight with just Brax, it was somewhat alleviated by the fact that Devin and Octavius would also be in the room. Also, she had a feeling she knew who would be on the other side of the door anyway, given that everyone else was pretty much either busy themselves or in this room. Taking the stairs two at a time, she never happier to be proven right as she saw her best friend and reciprocated the hug. "Hey yourself," she said before stepping aside, "Come in, come in. It's freezing out there."
She laughed at the question as she closed the front door. "Depends on how you define 'helping', but he's certainly much more eager to be more involved this time around."
Once she was inside, Ayden took off her jacket and hung it nearby. "It's times like this when I wished I got that innate body warmer you wolves have." She joked. "Mm.. I figured so I thought I might pop by to help out." Braxton always meant well, but Ayden did not trust him enough to know what he was doing. "Is he only playing with the kids?" Because that definitely sounded like something he would do.
Then it hit her that there were other voices in the house. "Oh, you've got extra hands around already." She mused although she had a feeling that they were busy with their own daughters.
"It's great when we're out working on the ranch, but it can get a bit stuffy to still have to wear thick jackets to play things off around the town's mundanes," she noted, already walking over to the refrigerator to grab Ayden a drink. "It is very much appreciated, because as much as he claims to _want_ to help out more...I don't think that man can tell the difference between a baby's diaper and a sanitary pad," she deadpanned, before a thought occurred to her. "Speaking of such a mix-up, how is Avery dealing with her girlfriend being a baby? Erin seemed to be holding out well enough when we picked Tomi up but, I think that's because she had Lyra as a distraction?"
"I'm in my garage most of the time and I am so glad to have that HVAC system installed there. *So* glad." She chuckled as she followed Izzy over to the kitchen, grabbing a seat at the counter. "Well, getting him to do it - without help - is probably the best way to get him to learn." After all, Braxton always managed to pull through at times when under pressure... One way or another. "Well, she did send me this?" She pulled out her phone and showed the text message with all caps from the youngest Rendall. "I don't think she's.. dealing all that well, but apparently she sent home after a while since her sister in law brought the baby up to sleep."
"And Irwin Co. is _exceedingly_ happy you thought of us to the do the job," she said, teasingly. Everyone knew that Izzy had less than zero to do with the contracting and construction company, although now with both 'heads' being babies...She shook her head. That was a headache for another day. "Yeah, that approach normally works with just about anything...but these are babies. So...I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
Setting the drink down in front of her friend, Izzy lent in to read the message. "Wow, I feel for her, I really do..._but_ I can't bring myself to say I wish this hadn't happened," she admitted with a grin. "I really never thought I'd get to see what my first set of babies would be like around my new ones, and they're getting along so great."
"Who else was I supposed to go to?" She pointed out - as if all the Scoobs hadn't already been getting the Irwins' to be their contractors for most of their renos. "I can always stick around for a while in case anything happens? Like how much do you trust Brax can handle it." She was.. half joking? Maybe. She honestly wasn't sure herself.
She accepted the drink with a small thanks before warming herself up with it. Both her hands pressed against the mug, welcoming the warmth coming from it. "I feel bad for.. everyone whom they're dating but so far, it sounds like all the 'rents are loving it right now. Especially with the amount of shopping that was done - or so I've heard." She could hear that Braxton was still playing with them in the room above and let out a smile at the giggles. "Never thought we'd get to hear those giggles again." It was one thing to hear Kimi and Tilly giggle, it was another to heard Sean and Tomi giggle like that again.
Izzy made a face before a look of realization dawned on her. "Sean and Tomi _have_ managed to kind of monopolize the game in town haven't they?" she asked, more rhetorically than anything, but there was no small hint of pride as she said it. "You are a lifesaver, and honestly if we couldn't get you the opportunity of having Avery toddling around after you, I can at least share my brood with you," Izzy said, knowing already that for Ayden it was less about the 'helping' and more about the babies..though not nearly to Brax's level.
She nodded in understanding. "I know it can't be easy for the older members of the various relationships right now, and I do genuinely feel bad for them, _but_ I can't bring myself to wish that it hadn't happened," she admitted. "To get to interact with Sean and Tomi with some actual know-how, for Brax to get to relieve this stage _knowing_ Tomi is his actual daughter, and for Keg- Oh my god, for Keg was gone for so much of the twins' first year?? She must be over the moon!"
"It seems so, they're good at what they do, so I'm not surprised if everyone wants to hire their services - although, it might be a bit tricky to do so at the moment." She pointed out before her eyes gave a hint of sympathy. "I would love to see Avery as a baby again - but that kid is a menace at any age. It's just that she can be responsible for her own actions now that she's an adult." She joked as she thought about the younger years of that girl. "Taking care of 2 kids at a time is already a lot of work, I can't imagine having to take care of four."
Ayden smiled as she thought about their mutual friends getting the chance to relive the bits they missed out and could not feel anything but happiness for them. "It really is a blessing of sorts." She was positive that the parents were all loving this right now. "We should get the babies together soon - one big playdate like how we used to do it."
Izzy thought about it for a moment and said, “Well, for the immediate future we can just use the holidays to our advantage, and if by some chance this lasts longer, we can figure something out then. Hopefully just nothing that would require dad coming back to town.” Just the thought of that man around any of the children made her physically shudder. “I used to say the same thing about Tomi, but it turns out no matter how old they get, they always find a way to loop you back in,” she said tossing her friend a knowing wink. If Avery didn’t have a legit criminal record yet, it was due in no small part to Ayden’s involvement.
She let out a dramatic sigh, dropping her head at the mention of _four_ babies, only to snap it back up with a huge grin. “I’m sure it’ll be physically and even mentally taxing, but I am so looking forward to it, Ayde. The matching outfits, the tornadoes and the minis, the kittens??” Izzy let out an uncharacteristic squeal. Well, uncharacteristic to _most_. Ayden, Keagan, Blake, and Kimi had heard it all. “Brax is already planning a massive sleepover upstairs. I didn’t have the heart to tell him Leo or Luke could probably host better.”
"..Let's hope we don't need to come to that." Somehow all the Scoobs had a shit father - although Tomi's bio dad didn't even know he was the dad until recently. However Ayden was not a fan of the rest of them, including Joe. "And it seems worth the effort since all the kids grew up to be who they are now." She may complain, but everyone knew she wouldn't trade Avery for anyone else. She may be a menace, but Aves was her menace.
"Quite the bundle you have here." She was genuinely happy for her friend who looked thrilled that all her babies are literal babies now. "Speaking of upstairs, how about we head up? I haven't seen the kiddies yet.. and I don't know how Brax is faring."
"If I know Tomi as well as I do, she has all of the bureaucratic stuff so well-organized that I should be able to take a look over everything and get things sorted. If not, I'll just ask you and Blake for help on memos and invoices and whatever else," she said, the look on her face clearly stating 'I'm a nurse'. She beamed at the mention of the kids being worth the effort. "I wouldn't trade a single day with them for anything."
Without much warning, she reached out to take her friend's hand and effectively pulled her up the stairs. "I really doubt things are too bad. There _are_ two other adults in the room."
It didn't surprise her that Tomi had everything organized. After all, she was also why Braxton can find anything in his life. "Yeah, let me know if you need any help, I'd drop by - My schedule might be a bit more lenient than Blake's so there's that." She chuckled. It was a given that all of the Scoobs were thankful all the kids grew up well, none of them being assholes like certain folks in this town.
Letting her friend lead her up the stairs, Ayden peered into the room to see the Dawsons leaning against a crib where she assumed both their daughters were sleeping in.. and then there was Braxton who seemed to be.. bullied by the four babies - well, Tomi mostly, while the other 3 giggled. "Hey guys..." She greeted, already softening at the sight of them all. "They're as adorable as I remembered."
Izzy just grinned up at her, somehow always reverting back to her teenage self around her best friend. "Your schedule is _always_ more lenient than Blake's where I'm concerned," she pointed, making zero effort to hide the smug tone in her voice. The irony of how similar to Brax she could be around Ayden was completely lost to her as she once again let her brain be overtaken by thoughts of her babies.
It took everything in her not to just burst out into laughter at the sight of a tiny girl clearly calling the shots over a grown man, and it was only at the reminder that there were two babies already asleep in the room. Not bothering to drop the shifter's hand, she pulled her in further and brought her down to the floor so they could get in on the baby action. "Oh, whose my tough girl teaching her sisters and brother how to handle this big oaf? Huh?"
The older woman playfully rolled her eyes, not denying nor admitting that she may have a soft spot for Izzy - something that hadn't changed over all the years. Even now, she was being dragged away by the hand without voicing a single complaint.
She gave a quick nod as a greet to the man on the floor and reached out with her free hand to grab the baby girl's attention. "Are we sure her goal isn't to make Brax cry?" She laughed as she poked the baby in the sides. "Glad to know she can still handle her dad regardless of age and size."
"Oh, Tomi's goal is always to make Brax cry. It was a lesson she learned from her aunt Avery basically from day one, and if I'm not mistaken, Avery herself learned it from...someone," Izzy said offhandedly, as she made her own way back down to the floor so she could check on the younger girls. Both seemed absolutely more than okay to be left to their own devices of attempting to make Brax cry, but Sean was quick to lose interest in Brax as he crawled over to her lap.
"Aw, I can always count on my baby boy to seek peace...even if he can never seem to keep it around him," she cooed as she scooped him up.
"She must have learned it from you." She easily quipped, "Because I don't think I've ever made him cry." She looked at said man, who seemed to be trying very hard to negotiate with the baby. Wanting to hold one of them, Ayden reached over and carefully picked up one of the younger set of twins - and then the other who followed.
"I think it might be a good idea that I came over, with four of them.. plus the Dawson's two, that's a lot of babies in one place." Again, her eyes went over to the Beta - the one she felt like she should have a bit more faith in.
Izzy simply looked over at her friend and stated, "Just because you did not witness the tears, it does not mean they did not exist." As a matter of fact, she was almost sure that if Brax wasn't so caught up being told-off by his own baby, he'd be tearing up at the sight of Ayden right now. Whether because she was on the outs with Col or because she was clearly _not_ on the outs with Izzy...that would be up for debate.
"Yeah, and Brax is already planning on hosting a get together for _all_ the babies, so I say you go ahead and just move in for the foreseeable future."
She met those eyes, looking genuinely confused by that. When did she make Brax cry? Moving her attention back to the beta, she was trying to recall the last time she did anything to him. "I.. don't think I've made him cry before?" She looked back at Izzy curiously.
The shifter started to bop the babies in her lap, which resulted in a series of giggles. "A get together for all the babies is a good idea, but I thought Leo and Luke were going to do that? Also, I can drop by more often, I don't know if you'd want me to be permanently hogging your couch."
All Izzy could do was stifle a laugh at the irony as she recalled just how close Brax had come to crying in _public_ over the topic of Ayden....in the middle of their _date_. "I'm only here to spill _specific_ secrets of an unaware man, not all of them," she teased instead.
"I mean technically they haven't said anything, but that may be because Leo and Julia are getting to see one kid as a baby for the first time ever, and Luke has Lyra to deal with. Also, bold of you to assume anything's been done to your designated guest room since I've been away. Seany here has been his usual, kindhearted little self and left all rooms the same," she said snuggling into the tiny ginger and earning a giggle.
"To think you're keeping secrets from me *at all*." She teased back but didn't press on it. Maybe she'll ask Braxton on a later day about it to see. As far as she could remember, she hadn't made the man cry in all the years they've known each other.
"Knowing them, it might happen sooner than later." Not that she thought bad of Braxton, but the two women always had the children's interest at heart with almost everything they do. "Lyra's still in town?" This might be her longest stay since their family stopped living in Fallcrest. "Isn't it just a general guest room?" She chuckled, "You know, for anyone who visits and decides to stay for a *few* days."
"A girl has to have some secrets otherwise where's the mystery? Where's the draw? What keeps them coming back for more?" It was all delivered with her best impression of a typical femme fatale...granted, as a wolf, she was a literal fatal woman so ...
"I'm sure the fact that these kids rarely go an entire twenty-four hours without seeing each other will have a lot to do with that," she mentioned. "Yeah, at this point I think she and Nix might as well just admit they've moved in with Luke and Keagan, but as we learned many a year ago, no one tells Lyra what to do," Izzy laughed, before rolling her eyes at her friend. "Gee thanks," she said flatly, "I _know_ what a guest room is and we have a couple of those too."
"Oh, you're trying to be mysterious now? Oh okay. Sure." She laughed, "Fine, don't tell me. I won't ask anymore." Her attention went all to the babies she had in her arms. "Okay, so they are living here now? That's weird because last I checked, Lyra did not want to come back into town - JJ already left, right? I think he was first to get out of here when they all came to visit. Anyways, at least Teg and Nix is in town. There are people to keep an eye on her so that the rest of us can have peace."
Ayden let out a sigh and gave in, "I guess that means I don't have to go back home and back a few things over." She pulled out her phone to send a text to her staff, telling them to watch the garage for the next two or three days.
Izzy simply raised a brow as she shot her friend a sly grin in response. At the topic of the Lyra, Izzy’s eyes widened comically at the thought of the wolf. “I think we both know the only thing _actually_ keeping that girl out of this town was the free housing with her parents, and the fact that her family wasn’t here. JJ and Teagan were off in Philly, Luke and the girls were in Seattle, and Keagan was somewhere secret so… But you are right in saying that they’ll be needing all hands on deck with that one.”
At the sight of the phone, Izzy new her win was clinched. Grinning broadly she said, “Yay! We have another proper adult in the house!”
There was probably some joke in there about how Lyra didn't like the rest of them enough to stay, but Ayden knew it wasn't the case. "And now everyone seems to be back in town, at least for the next little while... And we have a bunch of babies." THis was really quite the throwback in a way but also a new experience since they had more friends and family around. Honestly, Ayden was thrilled for everyone for getting to experience this the second time. "
"And who is that?" She asked, switching her hold on the baby so that the kid was sort of standing with Ayden's help. "Col?" He was the first to mind since his brother was also here.
"Yeah, I don't see anyone being too eager to leave with the kids being back to babies and the holidays being in full-swing, and there's also the fact that technically the Council and Guild found a way to keep anyone within town lines magically immune to Covid. That last bit seems to have flown under the radar, what with the hunters coming in two weeks ago and all, but I wouldn't be surprised if word got out and _more_ people made their way here or to any of the other sanctioned super-towns around the globe." Izzy paused before adding, "Oh, I only got the inside scoop because of my job."
The wolf didn't quite know what to make of her friend's response, so instead she focused on how to reply herself. "I was _actually_ referring to _you_," she said slowly, "Given that you literally _just_ agreed to stay...I would assume that Col is currently at the Rendall home with Aves, but it's nice to see that you still remember him."
"I'm glad that everyone's getting this chance. I wish I could see Keg's face when she found out her twins are kids again." Speaking of parents who was getting another chance, Ayden looked at the man with his daughter. To her surprise, Braxton was look up at the two of them with an expression she didn't quite understand. "Do you want to switch?" She ended up asking instead because she could not begin to understand what ran though Braxton's mind half the time.
"Hm? Oh. I just thought you meant there was another proper adult coming on top of me staying." She made a face at that last comment, "Is there a reason why I wouldn't?"
"Oh, check the group chat. Luke's already posted like four reaction snaps, which in itself should let us know just how focused and engrossed Keagan is with the girls because otherwise she'd have done something about the pics," Izzy chuckled. The question seemed a bit random, but Izzy just figured everyone one wanted some time with everyone else, so she just smiled and took her girl as she eased Sean over -who seemed a little _less_ happy about the arrangement.
She shook her head and briefly contemplated where she was going to go with this, but ultimately just settled on, "Nah, I guess I was just being facetious. It would take more than a week of not seeing someone you normally see almost daily to forget them."
Her brows rose before doing just that - pulling out her phone, she went to the group chat and saw pictures of her friend *beaming* at her twin girls. "I don't think I've ever seen her smile so bright before." She joked before turning to see the somewhat disappointed kid in her own arms. "Oh, Sean doesn't like me I see. Are you upset with me that I pulled you away from Iz?" She laughed at the small pout.
She, on the other hand, was a bit confused with the responses she was getting. "Right..." is what she settled on since she didn't know how else to respond to that. Luckily, her attention was pulled away by a yelp coming from the beta. "Uh.. I think Brax needs help handling Tomi after all."
Glancing at the pics over her friend's shoulder she said, "Man, even as babies those girls look nothing like Dicky. Bless their little hearts." It was an open secret that no one in the pack actually cared for Richard, but man had he earned himself a target with his latest stunts. Glancing over, she reached out to take the boy back as her own girl was off and gone to her sister. "Oh, he's just a little shy again...or possibly upset that his girlfriend is now on the opposite side of the room and out of reach."
"We'll have plenty of time to chat later," was all she said, before watching Ayden head over to rescue Brax.
Braxton had been distracted by his daughter during the whole time - which ended up with Tomi baby-scold him even though he wasn't exactly sure what he did wrong, but he was forever thankful when Ayden swooped Tomi up to save him. Finally getting off the ground, he walked over to Izzy and gave her a back-hug and resting his chin on her shoulder so he could peek over at Sean. "Bean, you'll get to see your girl soon after she's well rested. I think you should focus on surviving the night with your sister - that is the challenge." He joked before reaching out to poke the kid in the belly. "Iz, T has been yelling at me this entire time, I think she's mad that I brought her here from Keg's."
Izzy couldn't help but put her suddenly odd mood aside as she watched her best friend literally have to swoop in and play rescue. A small laugh escaped her as it seemed that even though Tomi was more than happy to rest herself against Ayden, she clearly still had a few choice words left for her dad, before she turned her attention to her new 'grown-up' and seemingly began to just fill her in on whatever the issue was.
She'd been so caught up in the sight of Tomi trying to babble her point across to Ayden, that she was almost surprised when Brax came around, this stubble prickling at her neck. "Oh no, you need to shave sir," was her first comment. "No wonder the kids ganged up on you, their skin is very sensitive right now and you are a walking steel-wool pad." Was there a specific reason she was suddenly prioritizing and pointing this out? Izzy was sure there was, but she'd rather not open _that_ pandora's box right now.
Sean seemed to fully understand and though he still looked like the saddest little pup, he did stop fussing and just settled into the crook of Izzy's arm. "Oh buddy, I'm sure you'll feel better once you're also asleep. Something tells me you'll be fine and the only one that needs to worry about your sister is Brax," she turned to face him, "I told you splitting those three up was going to be struggle."
Had Tomi always been this talkative as a baby? Or was this because they retained some memory of their older selves and the girl had a *lot* to say about him. But that was long forgotten at the sudden complaint about his scruff; his hand automatically going up to it and ran his fingers over his chin. "... Is it that bad?" He asked without actually lifting himself off of her.
"I guess I could shave a bit more often now, but I thought you used to like them, T." He turned, only to see that Tomi was already engaged with a conversation with Ayden, who seemed to just smile and nod at everything that was being babbled to her. "...I'll shave more." He mumbled as he turned back to the Irwins, "I think we should get all the babies together as soon as we can." Is all he could say about it because he didn't want to impose on the cabin because he selfishly wanted to spend more time with his baby daughter.
"Four infants attacked you as a result of you scratching them with that scruff," Izzy pointed out with ease. "Yes, it's terrible." Again, why she was suddenly finding fault in something as innocuous as the man's facial hair...was a question for future Izzy to deal with because right now there were other matters at hand that required her full attention.
"You're either misremembering or she's retained her likes and dislikes from now that she's older. I'm no witch, but I'd bet money it's the latter considering she _really_ laid into you earlier," she noted, before smiling at the satisfaction of him agreeing to shave more. "I think we definitely should...hey, do you think that they can still understand _each other_? Like in Rugrats, where no one understood the babies but they had drawn out conversations amongst themselves?"
He didn't think his scruff was such a big deal that all four kids - and apparently Izzy didn't like, but if they wanted him to shave it, he will. "Yeah, I guess they all retained those - like how the Bean wants to be closer to Ryllie and all. I wonder if they have all their memories intact too? Because basically, we're looking at them being .. like their older selves.. but shrunken down, instead of completely regressing all the way."
He looked over to his daughter, to the other set of twins, to the Bean. "I'm guessing they understand each other - did you not see the full fledge conversation they had just a second ago?"
Izzy thought about it for a bit, and then said, "Well, considering that Tomi currently feels like she's having the most in-depth conversation with Ayden, while her aunt is literally just nodding and replying with 'go on', I think they probably regressed at least a little." Glancing down at Sean and how he was suddenly enthralled with her necklace she added, "See, he outgrew his fascination with shiny things when he was seven."
Izzy nodded in agreement with the beta. "Yeah, I suppose it _would_ have taken some form of proper communication in order to coordinate the take down of full-grown Beta."
"Come on, baby girl." It seemed that whatever Brax did, Tomi was still not done complaining about. Although she didn't have a clue to what she was complaining about exactly, Ayden still tried to reason with her, "Your dad said he was going to shave, and we'll make sure that you get to see Sky and Erin soon!" She looked over her shoulder to the other adults, "..I'm sure they won't mind if we drop by?"
She joined in on the conversation about whether the babies understood each other. "She's got a point though. The mini twins seemed like they were following every word Tomi was telling them on how to deal with Braxton."
"Wow...I, obviously, can't be certain of what the heck it is you did, but that kid is still going on about it," Izzy noted as she heard Ayden begin to do her best to try and bring the tiny new wolf's rant to a close. But it seemed to only somewhat mellow the kid out when Ayden mentioned Sky and Erin, and when the attention was put back on her and Brax, she simply nodded in agreement. "Yes, all the clean-shaven faces and, Sky and Erin time you could ever want. After one sleep...please."
Izzy's face lit up as she said, "Maybe we can ask the scoobs what the minis are like once they're back....though...I suppose that would require they remember all of this..." She trailed off as the penny dropped. "We should really watch what we say and do around them."
Ayden found it adorable just how quickly Tomi settled down when it was promised - moreorless - that she'll see her girlfriends soon enough. Poor Braxton - it seemed that nothing he did was going to placate her tonight. "Let's get you some sleep first." The shifter walked over to the crib and carefully placed the kid in there before tucking her in. "Come on, baby girl, otherwise you'll fall asleep when we bring you over to their place."
She looked back with a strange look, "...What.. can't we say? Because if you're talking about profanities, it might be a bit late for that?"
Although Izzy did find it ironic how Ayden had come in and managed to get Tomi under control and actually in her crib, settled for sleep versus Brax failing to even get her to want to stop baby-assaulting him...she also didn't think now was the time to be pointing such things out. Not only was Brax's ego already bruised by the fact the kid was not having it, but she herself didn't want to unpack what it meant that Ayden was so capable with her most troublesome kiddo.
At Ayden's question, she just waved her off and said, "Oh Lyra made sure they all knew a plethora of those before they were even in pre-school the first time around. That's not the issue I foresee. It's more like when we used to have 'girl talk' around them before, because we were certain they'd not even understand what we were discussing....yeah, I don't think Sean here would appreciate 'girl talk' now."
He didn't know how to feel when he saw Tomi listening to Ayden way better than to him. Maybe he deserved it since he hadn't actually been acting like a dad up until recently - *very* recently. It was a very mixed feeling watching it all happen before him, and there wasn't anything he could do since Ayden pretty much did the job with ease. However, maybe he'll get better luck with the mini twins.
Turning his attention to the youngest pair, he lifted them with ease in his arms. "Maybe if we put them all to bed, you ladies can have your girl talk." The kids are just about to knock out on their own anyways so it might be good timing to call it a night. "If you want, you can go clean up while I get these kiddos tucked in - The Dawsons are here, like I swear we're going to be fine." He joked since he was aware that Izzy probably didn't completely trust him to be alone.
"Yeah, that's not happening." The words left Izzy's mouth before she even processed the sentiment. "I mean, not that I don't trust you all to handle things, but I like to be present for bedtime any chance my schedule with the hospital will let me. Besides, four of the six babies in this room, and every single adult in this house, have _superhearing_. Girl talk's not happening tonight," was the final word as she stood up with an already sleeping Sean in her arms, and began to walk over to Tomi's crib.
At Izzy’s immediate rejection of the idea, Ayden looked up just in time to see Braxton looking rather sheepish on his part. At the same time, it didn’t feel like it’d be a good idea for her to interject either so she kept quiet. However, the beta decided to surprise her even further when he came over to *her* and passed the youngest pair of twins to her before excusing himself to clean up first. Her eyes swept over to Izzy briefly before carefully placing the girls into the crib. “Hey, hey. You girls have your own.” She smiled softly as she made sure they’re properly tucked in with their own blankets. Once she was done with all of that, she glanced around the room. “I should.. go make sure I have everything I need for the night.”
She wasn't blind to the fact that Brax had effectively ceded the act of putting the minis to sleep over to Ayden and made a hasty retreat, but she also hadn't been exaggerating when she said bedtime was special and she avoided having to miss out unless absolutely necessary. After making sure that Sean was properly swaddled in so he felt 'hugged' all night and would sleep till morning, she glanced over at her friend.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I should go check in on Braxton anyways," she said, "Make sure Tomi didn't give him a concussion." The joke felt flat even as she said it. After getting the Dawsons sorted out in one of the guest rooms closest to the nursery, she made her way to her own room where she figured Brax would be after cleaning up.
Since he excused himself from the group, Braxton went straight to Izzy's room and started to get himself cleaned up as he announced earlier. During the entire time, he was thinking about what he did and said because somewhere in that time span, he must have done something wrong. That and Izzy must be feeling tired from the long day they had with four kids to handle. Braxton also made sure that he shaved since that had been the first thing they mentioned.
Even when he was done with his shower, the beta could not stop touching his face because it felt weird after having a scruff for so long. The breeze was just.. hitting his face and it was just so strange. "Oh, are the kids asleep?" He asked when he noticed that he wasn't alone in the room anymore. "Uh, I made sure that the shower and all are clean after I was done, so no random strands of hair anywhere." He grinned as he started folding the clothes he had on earlier.
“Okay, gross on the random strands of hair, but thank you for keeping things tidy. With Sean being a baby but his personality being mostly intact, I think he might have an aneurysm at the sight of mess and the inability to fix it,” she mentioned with a slight chuckle.
It was an attempt to keep things light, but Izzy was nothing if not direct. It was the trait that kept her friendship with Keagan, Ayden, and Blake as strong as it was. They were all direct and suffered from massive R.B.F. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know I probably got a bit weird there for a bit, but I just want to make sure you know it wasn’t because of anything _you_ did. You’ve been as good a help tonight as our little Krav Maga girl has allowed you to. I really do appreciate that you’re more than willing to step up this time, and I’m sure the kids just need some time to settle all of their grown up emotions in their tiny baby bodies.”
At the apology, Braxton dropped what he was doing to walk over and took her hands gently in his, "Well, while it.. uh.. it's a bit discouraging, but it's sorta obvious that there wasn't much I could do.. so I figured that I should just remove myself from the situation otherwise T wasn't going to sleep if she keeps yelling at me. Can't say I didn't completely expect it. It sorta is because I didn't do my duty as a dad before .. that, and she always did like spending time with Ayden and Aves when they were younger." He sighed, "I'm also an idiot, so while I really hope that I won't screw up, I feel like it's inevitable for me to mess up somewhere even if I do put all my efforts into it. Like, I still can't believe my gym is where it is today too."
There was a pang of guilt she felt when he took her hands in his and began speaking. It only grew as he proceeded to state how he felt _he'd_ be the one to mess things up. Izzy still refused to address the 'why' behind it, and instead swapped their hands so now she was holding his instead. "Braxton Walker Rendall, that gym is the biggest testament to the fact that it's not a lack of ability, it's a lack of will that often causes you problems. Yes, Tomi's likely not happy about how you acted when she was younger, but on the flip-side of that coin, if you ask Luke she'd probably rave about what amazing brother you were. The difference was just what role you were _willing_ to take on. And since this time, you're clearly more than willing to be her daddy, she's going to see it soon enough. Just give her some time. She did _magically_ morph from a legal adult back to an infant just a few hours ago."
The beta only smiled when Izzy reassured him - as she had done numerous times before since they were kids. Of course, there was always logic behind her words and Brax did believe in them, that all of this was going to take time which was something he already expected. However, it still felt discouraging to have your own kid yell at you as a baby and have her mellow out just a bit once she was handed off to someone else. "That's really all I can do right now, give her time." he chuckled before slipping his hands out of hers and set them onto her shoulders, then proceeded to turn her around in the direction of the bathroom. "Meanwhile, I think you could use some Z's, so clean up and stuff."
She didn't fight him as he pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. Izzy desperately wanted a long, hot shower -even if she knew that what she needed to scrub clean would not be achieved in the process... "Alright, alright. Who am I to argue against my Beta," she snarked as she finally made it to the shower. Once in there, instead of halcyon she found the opposite, so it was far shorter than she'd planned for. Regardless, she took her time getting making sure her natural hair got everything it would need to survive the tugs to come, and getting into her PJs.
As she came out of the bathroom, she tossed her clothes and towels into the hamper in the corner of the room before picking it up and saying, "I'm going to go ahead and take this down to the laundry room and check in to make sure everyone else is sorted."
When he was left alone again, he slipped into bed with his laptop. While office work was his least favourite thing to do, he figured that he should get ahead in order to find more time in his schedule to be with the kids. Considering that there were four kids to look after, he also wanted to make sure that he could back up his claim of being there for Izzy and them. The point was to *not* burden Izzy with all the work after all.
He had no idea how long it was but he barely gone through a few emails before she emerged from the bathroom. He looked up, almost expected the other to be coming into bed, but instead found her holding the hamper. "Oh, yeah. No problem. I've got a few things to work on before I sleep anyways."
The pang of guilty returned at his reply, but once again she pushed it down and did as she said she would. The task took less than five minutes, but it gave her something to do that felt productive. On her way back from the laundry room, she caught sight of Ayden's truck out front, and so she went ahead and deadbolted the door and set the alarm. As she made it to the second floor, she checked in with the Dawsons to ensure everything was all right. She made a pit-stop in the nursery just to ensure all was still calm. She made it as far as standing in front of Ayden's door with a raised hand to knock, only to drop it by her side and shake her head. Whatever she'd unearthed _there_ could wait. Tonight, Brax was waiting and the least she could do was not keep him up too long.
Crawling into bed, she turned on the baby monitor on her nightstand. "I know we're likely to hear anything in the nursery much clearer just with our wolf hearing, but it's a comfort to know there's a backup. Now go on, put that thing away. We're going to be zombies if the kids don't sleep through the night, no need to add to it."
Braxton felt that he hadn't focused like that since highschool because he managed to get through a few things in the short time Izzy was away and so, when she returned, he put away his laptop and slid in further into bed. The moment his head hit the pillow, he turned to his side so he could face her. "See I was thinking about this.. What if we ask if one of the witches could sound proof the place - except for the rooms with the babies obviously. So we can hear the babies, but we can't hear anyone in the other rooms? That way we don't have to be worried about uh.. the kids picking up on things they shouldn't listen to."
"But you're right, we can think about all of this tomorrow. Gotta get as much sleep we can." He chuckled before leaning in and give the other a quick peck. "Good night." He whispered with a dumb smile on his face. "...It's so weird now that I shaved..."
Izzy just looked at him and said, "See, I told you that braincell in there works perfectly fine. Just gotta let it warm up first is all. I'll text Blake in the morning." She wasn't exactly expecting the quick kiss -not that it was anything long enough for that to show through- but she smiled at him after nonetheless. "If you think that's weird, you should consider what it's like for those of us that shave all sorts of other body hair. Sweet dreams."
0 notes
fallcrestrpg · 2 years
ıllıllı 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩 12/17: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 3.1 - Benson, Holstein -  ıllıllı  
Transcript of Event below Cut:
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Luke and the girls had all settled on enjoying a nice night in after the chaos of week before and finally getting the cabin back to its more usual number of habitants. As it stood, she, Skylar, and Tomi had taken up shop in the living room catching up on the Liverpool match, while Erin opted to keep Keagan, Lyra, and Nix company as they tried to figure out dinner.
As Luke went into the kitchen for more drinks at the top of the second half, what she saw made her assume they’d be ordering in again. She could not have been gone more than two minutes, but the sight she returned to made her question if she hadn’t managed to travel _back_ in time instead. On the floor where Tomi had been sat with MJ, an infant Tomi now sat basically _on_ MJ. As she turned to the couch she’d left Skylar on, her hands immediately let the drinks fall to the floor as she rushed over in time to dove the ground and catch a familiar redheaded baby as she tumbled over the edge of the seat. As she lay in a heap against the couch, Sky let out a giggle and all Luke could manage was to laugh back. “Think that’s funny do you? We’ll see how funny your mom finds it,” and as if on queue she glanced up to see said mother rushing in from the kitchen. “Look what I caught!”
At the crash, Keagan immediately rushed into the living room to see what was up and stopping herself at the laughter before her hand instinctively flew to where her holster would have been. But when she processed what she was actually seeing, she could barely believe her eyes. "...What happened?" Because as cute as the babies were, something definitely happened and Keagan's brain just went on high alert because Skylar and Tomi were the only ones affected.
Moving to pick up Tomi off of MJ, it made her relax ever so slightly to see that neither kid seemed harmed in any way. "We should.. make some calls." She walked over to Luke and Skylar and immediately smiled when she saw the kid reaching out towards Tomi. "Looks like they still recognize each other.."
Using Sky's very adamant attempts to get over to Tomi, Luke managed to gently set her down on the floor where she was free to crawl over while she herself worked to get out of awkward heap she'd landed in. Once she managed to sit properly upright, she brought a hand to rub at the spot she'd smacked on the couch frame, and used her free hand to grab her phone. "Gonna shoot out a text to group chat. We'll know soon enough who got babified and who's still good."
Feeling a knot begin to form just off to the side of where her stitches had been, she dropped her hand to avoid attention and then shot back up as she said, "Alright, looks like the kiddos don't quite have their feet under them yet, which means they're still on bottle-feeding. Also, those Liverpool jerseys are doing great to cover up their modesty, but they'll need diapers and proper clothing. I'll hit up the shop to get the essentials. If Brax gets in touch, let him know Tomi's fine."
It was such a blur from when Luke grabbed her hand to when she orbed away as soon as she mentioned about getting everything for the babies. Keagan quickly whipped out her phone in time to see that other kids were also hit by the de-aging magic. "Come on girls.." She slipped the phone away before scooping both girls into her arms and walked back into the kitchen. "...We've.. got a situation." She balanced Skylar on her hip while she settled Tomi onto the kitchen counter - keeping her arm around the baby in case the youngest Rendall decided to be adventurous.
"Luke's off to grab us some stuff for them - decided to orb there." It was clear the other was getting very comfortable with her Paladin powers. Keagan would have thought taking the car would be better since who knows how much Luke was going to bring home. "Turns out most of the kids are now.. like this." She spoke before naturally giving her daughter a kiss to the temple.
The paladin had been in the middle of the locker room, getting ready to swap out her jumpsuit for her civis when she felt it. It was a faint twinge of sorts, as if something had _shifted_, but it wasn't until a few minutes later when she finally caved and focused on the sensation that she realized something was definitely off. Making quick work of tying the sleeves of her jumpsuit around her waist in lieu of a full change-out, she found a safe corner from which to orb over to the cabin.
It didn't take long after materializing in the family kitchen to see what the problem was. "Oh dear," she whispered. Bringing two fingers to her right temple, her eyes shined a brighter blue for a moment before she focused on the Keagan and said, "Jack reports it happened to her youngest charge as well. Best theory we can figure is that it's probably some of the kickback magic the breaking of a Nexus seal can cause, but that would also imply that the wards on the Nexus failed at some point..."
Rikke trailed off as her eyes focused on the youngest of her own clan. It had taken her a little bit to play catch up to all the discussion of genetics and such, but as the very same gaze of her own son stared back at her through her really-great granddaughter, she couldn't help but whisper, "The Holstein is remarkably strong in that one."
"Oh my god!!!!!! Is that who I-OOoOoh!" Lyra giddly went from the fridge to the babies in record time. "Hi Nicheee..." Her voice, for once, was soft though filled with much excitement. Lyra already took out her phone and started snapping pics of them. "You little nuggets are so cute! Were you always this cute?" She picked up Tomi and started faux-dancing with her by swaying and swirling her around. "Keg, they're so small I can't even."
Then she stopped when a thought came to mind. Lyra went over to the baby who seemed to be reaching out towards the Paladin and easily distracted her by hovering the kid's girlfriend nearby. Of course it succeeded as Skylar switched her attention and started reaching out towards Tomi. Lyra on the other hand, just leaned in.... then leaned out with the baby, causing Tomi to be *just* out of reach from Skylar. "You want her girl? Oh yes you doooo Ohhhh OH!!! ohhhh."
It was beginning to become a far less startling thing to go from the volume of an average conversation, to Lyra volumes in the blink of an eye. Something to be said about exposure therapy, she was sure. Nonetheless, it did pull Rikke back out from her own head and back to the present. Pulling out her own phone, she checked the new messages in the group chat and relayed them to the group as they all tried not to encourage Lyra too much...though she hardly seemed to need it.
When she started mocking Skylar with Tomi, Rikke was immediately awash with the girl's emotions -which at least let her know that this was still a thing for them- and held out a hand to pause the short woman. "I would not continue to do that if I were you. Otherwise you are going to have not one, but _two_ **very** upset babies on your hands and presumably no real way to calm them back down just yet."
There was already a whine coming from Sky when Lyra decided it was a bright idea to tease them. "Lyra." She sighed as she started soothing the baby the best she could to prevent the actual crying "Don't tease the babies, I doubt you really want to make them cry - like Rikke said, there's no real way to calm them." If Skylar was easily upset being separated as a young adult, god forbid someone try to do the same when they're just babies.
Looking over to Rikke who had been staring at Sky, Keagan gave a smile. "Would you like to hold her?" It did not surprise her at all that Skylar seemed to have another adult doting on her - that seemed to be a common effect amongst people. The only people unaffected were assholes, which there were many examples of that.
Rikke breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Erin step in and take Tomi from Lyra, and effectively flip the mood of the babies almost immediately. The pure joy that radiated from her great-granddaughter just at the sight of her girls together, in spite of the very odd circumstances, was exceedingly endearing. It also didn't hurt that she could essentially feel the joy as if it were her very own.
It was Keagan's voice that cut through and made her realize she'd been staring at the child. "Who? Me?" she asked, suddenly feeling exceedingly apprehensive. As much as she wanted to cave in and say yes, she also didn't want to make things worse for the group. "I- I couldn't. I mean, it's been literal ages since I've held a child -outside of emergency situations- and you know, I'm still technically a stranger to her I wouldn't- I wouldn't want to upset her."
She nodded when Rikke asked if she actually meant her. "You'll be fine, and besides, look." She looked down at the baby who had switched gears and was now staring towards the Paladin with a smile, hands reaching out towards her. "I don't think you're going to upset her if she's calling for you. You're her grandmother, and she obviously knows that." She smiled while she carried her baby over to the other.
"Here." She carefully held Sky against Rikke, silently telling her to take her already "See, she's not upset at all." If anything, the baby had already sort of turned towards the taller woman, preparing herself for another cuddle session.
It was admittedly fining it harder to deny the offer with every passing moment. The sight of the child reaching out to her was the biggest thing chipping away at her resolve. The adamancy and ease with which she was denoted as the baby’s relative at all was oddly what put her most at ease. That bit of recognition that she did, in fact, have a right to hold Skylar.
So, as Keagan walked over and began handing her the baby, all Rikke could do was reach out her hands and accept the already cuddly bundle. From such a proximity it was exceedingly hard _not_ to be reminded of the last time she held her own son…but even as she felt the tears silently run down her face, the memory was brought with a smile. “I had to leave your great-grandfather when he just a bit younger than you are now,” she said lowly, “But I know I would do it again in a heartbeat to get the opportunity to hold you now.”
She watched as Rikke got comfortable with Skylar in her arms, feeling rather smug since the kid already captured another heart without doing anything except look cute. Sky was truly loved by everyone and Keagan could not ask for anything better.
Leaving her with the Paladin, she walked over to Erin and Tomi. "So.. How does it feel to see your girlfriends as babies?" Feeling her phone vibrate, she took a look at her messages and gave a rather wry smile at it. "Brax figured Tomi's a baby too now." She sighed. "If Sky cries, we can pin it on him then."
Erin glanced up and grinned at Keagan before replying, "I don't know, how did feel speaking those words in that specific order to ask your currently infant daughter's still very much grown girlfriend that question?" Was it a verbose way to get her point across? Yes. Did she regret it? No. All of this was odd -to say the least- and being made to focus on that aspect -even if unintentionally- was bordering on cruel.
Sighing, she relented and said, "It's weird, but they _are_ just so incredibly cute. I can't bring myself to be fully cross about the situation." At the mention of Braxton and the implication that he may be taking Tomi away, Erin couldn't help but give a pout that would've given grown Skylar a run for her money. Bringing Tomi up so she could press their cheeks together she whined, "Sky won't be the only one crying."
She snorted at the reply she got from her daughter's girlfriend. This proved that there was some sort of age limit since there were still a few kids from the youngest generation of scoobs who weren't affected by the Nexus. "At least we don't think this is permanent." It was generally good news, but looking at them now, Keagan didn't mind if she got to spend more time with her daughter at this age.
"Again, we'll just pin it on him." She chuckled softly at the sight. "Still, it wouldn't be fair of us to keep the manchild away from his daughter." She looked over her should to see her daughter still gabbling with her grandmother as if they were in a very serious conversation. "That kid's already got Rikke wrapped around her finger."
The witch made a face and said, "God I hope you're right." She bounced Tomi a bit as she mulled a thought over in her head, before finally working up the courage to say it out loud. "I hope you don't think it too forward or me to just kind of like bring this up, but if I'm honest, I already feel a bit self-conscious about the _current_ age gap between myself and the girls. I _know_ it's nothing major and that the important part is how our maturity levels are still relevant to each others, and of course there's no crazy disparate power dynamic _but_...every once in a while a comment on a post or video will make me wonder if I'm in the wrong....Of course, I would expect that if that were the case the first ones to say something would the parents of said other girls but...anyway, I just think that if they happen to remain literal babies for far too long, I may just develop a genuine complex....sorry..."
Now feeling more than properly embarrassed at having just hijacked Keagan and word vommitted all over her like she would her own moms, Erin barely even caught the conversation about Brax. She did, however, turn to face and watch as Sky seemed to be doing her hardest to hold a conversation with Rikke, in-between seemingly being overcome with the need to ferociously nuzzle her little self into the woman's chest for cuddles. "Well, she has one mother's commanding presence, and the other's almost effortless charm. Quite the combination."
When the two became babies, and Erin didn't, Keagan already expected a topic about the very apparent age gap at the moment to come up, but not quite like this. She gave Erin her full attention as the speed the younger woman was going needed all the concentration. "Oh come here." She wrapped her arm around the other in a side hug of sorts without getting Tomi caught up in between them. "I understand what that must feel like." Although it wasn't really much of a secret, it still felt odd to talk about herself. "I was very much in the same position when it came to Luke." Granted, Luke was *underage*. At least Sky and Tomi were both legally adults.
"And from the way things had been going, age gaps.. seem to be a running theme in this family." She couldn't help but ruffle the witch's hair a bit before lifting up Tomi into her arms. "4 years isn't big of a gap especially if you think about it later as all of you grow even older." She paused, "You do know, Luke and I are six years apart, right?"
Erin was more than happy to let herself be wrapped up in a hug. Especially considering it was coming from the least 'huggy' of the women in this house. She felt honored, but also mostly just happy to have a moment like this when it had been so long since she'd had one. "Really?" she asked in disbelief...or, well, what she _hoped_ would come across as disbelief. Skylar had after all run immediately to her and Tomi to share all the details of how her mothers had basically been mutually pinning for each other since basically ever. Not to mention that they had very obviously at liked each other a _lot_ once, because Skylar herself was a thing...
The witch could only laugh at having her hair ruffled by someone shorter than her, realizing things like these were going to be norm as a part of the family. Tomi also gladly went to her aunt, and just in time, because when Keagan actually told her the age gap between herself and Luke her jaw dropped so fast, she may have also dropped the baby. "I wouldn't have guessed, to be honest. I mean, I figured maybe two. Three, at most, because obviously you're Lyra's older sister and they're the same age, but you guys just vibe so well...If I didn't know Lyra was your _younger_ sister, I'd have guessed you and Luke were the same age to be honest."
Her brows rose in amusement when she saw just how surprised Erin was to learn about the age gap. "I think that's just.. Lucas for the most part. She has always been a lot more mature for her age - I think at some point, my dad was a bit weirded out by how mature she was." She shrugged, "But it worked out I guess." She released the witch to catch a small drool coming from Tomi. "So yea, we've got a larger age gap than you and the girls. And I wouldn't worry too much about those comments you see. They don't know you guys after all. Besides, if both Luke and I had something against it, we would have said so a long time ago." She pointed out. If not Luke, Keagan would as she was apparently *very* straightforward but Erin seemed like a good kid.
"Though I don't know if Sky would listen even if we did. She got her stubbornness from me. And from what I've been told, that girl was heads over heals for you since day 1, it'd be hard to convince her out of anything." Would they though? Neither Luke nor Keagan wanted to see Sky upset.. ever, which definitely had a place as to why their daughter was so spoiled. "Tomi, honey.." She laughed, "You keep drooling, we should really get a bib on you as soon as Luke comes back."
As soon as she orbed into the trees that bordered the parking lot of the store, Luke already knew it had been a mistake to make the trip on her own. She only proceeded to prove herself right as she entered and immediately deviated from the list of 'essentials' she'd shared in the group chat herself...like literally right before the glass doors had slid open in front of her. What really should've taken her a hand basket and maybe ten minutes -fifteen tops, given it was just an emergency, 'for the time being', kind of run- had her basically traversing the store from one end to the other...and then back again because the self-checkout machines were all at the beginning end and she really didn't want to risk any questions.
So, she wasn't entirely surprised to orb back to her living room and find that the party of folks had moved on over to the kitchen from the sounds of things. Nor was she surprised to sense that Rikke was now among the waiting ladies. "I'm sorry I took longer than expected. I really did go in with every intention of buying only the essentials for tonight but," she called out as she walked her purchases into the kitchen...or rather _rolled_ them, "I neglected to take Keagan with me and it ended up not quite as planned...sorry babe, Target is my weakness and you're like ninety percent of my impulse control in that place."
The wolf had literally just finished telling her future daughter-in-law that Lucas was mature for her age, and then said Paladin orbed in with a *train* of shopping carts behind her. She was about to say something but instead, closed her mouth and shook her head. The sudden pet name did not slip *anyone's* notice - she could feel her sister's stare on her. "Did you get bibs? We definitely need one over here." She decided to switch topics and walked over with the baby. "...I think Sky might need one too - I guess sleep took over her need to talk." She laughed when she saw her daughter passed out in her grandmother's arms. Cuddles obviously won.
"Let's get the girls dressed.." She looked at the carts, not even daring to guess what Luke had bought. "...And bring an outfit for them - any outfit you might have gotten." She grabbed the one thing that was noticeable from the pile and that she had a hand for - the diapers. "Lyra, can you .. sort everything out in the meantime?" She asked as she started heading upstairs.
“Yes,” she replied, immediately going directly to the cart and the specific bag they were in. As she opened the two-pack and handed one to Keagan and walked one over to Rikke, she clarified, “For the record, I _did_ manage to get all of the essentials on the list…I just also got some additional stuff.” As she turned back to Rikke, she was momentarily caught up in the sight of seeing Skylar sleeping so serenely in her grandmother’s arms. It was the past she’d never known holding the future she hadn’t known she had…
Keagan’s commanding voice as she provided directives was enough to refocus her attention. She walked directly over to another one of the carts and pulled out two little onesies, before walking to _another_ cart and managing to pick up two boxes. She followed after the older Paladin who had understood to head upstairs and said, “I’ve got some basic carriers here for them for now. I think I can manage to put together Sky’s crib in time to get her swapped over after her 3am feeding.”
"I have a feeling that the amount of additional stuff is three times of the essentials." She laughed as she disappeared into the bedroom and setting aside the diapers. Carefully laying the kid down on the bed, she couldn't help but smile at the giggle coming from their youngest wolf. "Ohh.. At least someone's excited. My daughter on the other hand.. is pooped out." She looked over her shoulder to spot the baby. "Do you see her? Yeah.. that's your girlfriend."
With that, Keagan took the necessary stuff from Luke and worked on gently getting Tomi into her diaper - if she would cooperate a bit. It did take a bit of a struggle, maybe she was just rusty but eventually, the task was done. Well, one out of two.
"What outfits did you get for them?"
After setting down the carriers, her brow furrowed as she mentally itemized her purchases and categorized them based on her own list of ‘essentials’ and the outliers. Speaking after a few seconds she said, “I’d say it’s more of a five-to-one ratio between essential items and funsies ones.”
It was definitely lost on her that Keagan had probably just been teasing her, but how could Luke be blamed when she was so taken with the sight of the older woman practically beaming with joy right now. She was taking to a simple diaper change with such eagerness, and it was her _daughter-in-law_. She could only imagine how the woman would be once she had more one-on-one time with their own daughter…well, with the kid being conscious.
The question snapped her out of her daze as she held up a onesie in each hand. “I figured go light and simple for sleep. So, [left or right](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRaofxGe89o_S5OEqVFp2ebiSOwBj3Noq1D6Q&usqp=CAU)?”
Once she was done, she showered Tomi with small pecks. Her heart just melting at the sight of Tomi giggling and she could not wait to spend time with baby Sky. She wasn't cruel enough to just take the kid away from Rikke after personally handing her over.
Looking up at the choice, her brows rose at what the shirts said. "Cute, you've got them couples outfit." She laughed, "Should we give the 'Part I Cri' to Tomi and the other for Sky?" She reached a hand out, motioning Luke to hand her one of the jammies before her own daughter caught her eye, "Sky... really passed out in your arms there." That kid was in such a deep sleep that Keagan doubt there was anything that could wake her right now.
The Paladin could feel the absolute adoration being felt for her daughter from both Keagan’s _and_ Rikke, and it was almost overwhelming. Luckily it was tempered a bit by the conflicting emotions both women held. Both wanted to spend more time with the little bit but neither wanted to keep the other from her either.
After Keagan had Tomi all set, Rikke broke the stalemate by offering up Sky to Keagan, and then taking Tomi herself and heading back down. “At least we know Rikes can take a hint better than I could, apparently,” she joked.
Walking closer to the pair, she gingerly ran a hand over the baby’s head. “I can’t believe I even _remotely_ had any hand in this wonderful little girl coming to be.”
Once Sky was back in her arms, Keagan's smile widened even further. Although the kid was still asleep, both mothers couldn't keep their eyes away from her. "She looks just like you, so there's no denying that." She joked as she eventually brought her eyes away from Sky and up towards Luke. "And from what Rikke said, the Holstein genes are *very* strong."
She leaned in and risked a gentle kiss on Sky's forehead. "God, she's so beautiful. I can't believe we get to see this again.. to hold her like this again." She mumbled, "...We should get her changed.. but I don't want to wake her up." She almost whined.
Lucas took in the sight before her, and knowing that she actually got say ‘my girls’ and have it be true in every sense of the term…it was a lot, but in the best way possible. She gave a small chuckle at Keagan’s response before stating, “In my defense, I have no idea _what_ I looked like before the age of like three. There aren’t any baby pictures of me at this age. _And_ even after she got older, I went years without having a reason to even fathom it was a possibility…” Luke leaned down to place a gentle kiss to Keagan’s forehead. “I get to say she’s _our_ baby now…I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for such a gift.”
As Keagan did her best not to wake Sky, Luke just playfully rolled her eyes at the last comment and snarled, “Well, you know, I can’t exactly control that -that I know of- but if you happen to decide you’d like to test _your_ genetic chances again, just let me know.” She winked, before glancing at the baby again.
“I think I have an idea…” she said, before reaching for a blanket to spread across her chest. As gently as possible she placed one hand on Skylar’s head, while her other arm came up to her chest. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and in a fraction of a second, she’d managed to orb Skylar into her waiting arms, quickly wrapping the blanket around the now naked baby. Glancing at Keagan as the woman now held an empty jersey she said, “Okay, so step one is done. And she seems none the wiser.”
"The red hair came from *somewhere*." She chuckled softly, leaning into the kiss slightly before she looked up again with a smile, "She's a gift for the both of us." She couldn't stop herself from giving the baby another kiss on the cheeks. Keagan was *obsessed* with their baby because how could she not? Skylar was such a beautiful child ever since she was wee little.
"Oh? You're already thinking of having another one?" She peeked up with a smirk, "I'd like to focus on the current baby for now." She already missed out so much the first time, she wasn't going to make the same mistake again.
Keagan didn't even had the time to say anything before her baby was orbed out of her arms and into the Paladins. Tossing the jersey off to the side, she picked up another diaper. "So.. I'm not doubting your skills, but could you orb her into the diaper and outfit? Come on, lay her down." She motioned back to the bed.
“Well we _eventually_ solved that mystery,” she whispered back. “There’s just something about getting to do this again, only this time I won’t constantly feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle over every little aspect of her care because I’m ‘not the parent’, ya know? I get to enjoy my time with her and not feel like some imposter, stealing precious moments from someone else. I’ll get to be with _you_ as we watch her take her first wobbly steps and not feel guilty or like I’m just a place holder.” It was truly a blessing in disguise.
Luke raised her hands in defense and said, “Hey, I said it was up to you. But for the record, these beautiful little nuggets do tend to take a while to bale anyways.”
As she held the sleeping baby she glanced down and said, “I could probably just carefully lay her down on the diaper, and then orb her into the onesie laid out beside her, so for her there’s hardly a difference.”
It was endearing to see Luke so excited and eager to spend however long this baby phenomenon was going to take. "I look forward to experiencing all those moments first hand this time." She looked down and then and smiled, "How I possibly spend all those years away from you, I have no idea..." She mumbled softly as she stopped herself from laying on the bed next to the kid. It was *very* tempting to spend every moment with Skylar right now.
"Even if we were to consider another one, we'd have to speak with Sky first. I don't think springing a baby onto her would be the best idea."
"I feel like there's some line we shouldn't cross when it comes to orbing but I'm not sure what it is yet." She chuckled, "Are you sure you can orb her.. right into the onesie? That sounds like it takes immense precision."
"Oooh, my vlogging equipment is _sooo_ much better than the dumb camera on my old phone. I can take so many more pictures of you guys just being all Calvetti and aggro over lack of munchies all the time. Ooh, ooh, I can set up a mommy-and-me photoshoot for you guys in matching outfits. Or, or, I can grab like a fresh baby book for you to detail the little moments this time around or...uh...I could- I could stop talking, and just let _you_ tell me what it is you'd like me to do. Yeah, that one's fair."
Already feeling embarrassed by her rambling, and the idea that maybe Keagan thought Luke was trying to take anything away from the woman -which she would absolutely _never_- the subject of another baby suddenly seemed like maybe she'd overstepped on that front as well. "Oh, you know me, I often disconnect my mouth from my brain and stuff just comes out. Focusing on the present is honestly the best course of action." If it sounded like she was backtracking, it was only because she felt that's what Keagan wanted to hear. Truth be told, if asked under any other circumstances, the same woman who once claimed to never want a child in her life, would gladly admit to being okay with the possibility of another child...or three...or nine...
The embarrassment, the slight shame, and her own overthinking made it to where as light as Keagan's words were likely meant, they managed to pierce and completely take the wind out of her confidence sails. Looking somewhere between disappointed and sheepish, Luke just nodded and said, "Yeah, I think you're right. Now's probably not the time to be testing those kind of things out. Besides, Little Bit's never been much of a light sleeper." She then proceeded to ease the sleeping baby into the onesie. "You're more than welcome to go ahead and snuggle up with her. I can go back down and handle whatever's going on downstairs."
Keagan only watched endearingly as the Paladin rambled on about the different options they could do for mementos. When Luke began to look rather sheepish, the mother wolf reached out and gently held onto the other by their upper arm. "Luke, it's okay. We could even do all of them if you want - also, I think it'd make more sense if you were in the pictures as well. You're her mother too so we are *all* going to be in matching outfits.
A brow rose when it sounded like the woman was backtracking on everything she said. "Hey, I didn't say there wasn't a possibility...it's certainly .. something to think about at some point." Her thumb ran circles as she talked - hoping that it'd ease at least some of the.. anxiousness the other was showing. "Do you want more kids?" She smiled, "A brother or a sister for Sky?"
Leaning in, she gave a gentle kiss to Luke's lips. "Since she's already been orbed once, I don't see the harm of trying to get her into her diaper and onesie. So stay with us?" Keagan slung her around around the taller woman's neck so that her thumb was now stroking against the back of the other's neck. "I'm sure everything is handled downstairs, we've got Rikke and Nix there at the very least." She joked since they all knew that Lyra was *not* the responsible one.
She knew the touch was meant to be reassuring, but her instinct was tense at the sensation before easing into the hold. Were it anyone else, Luke wouldn't have given it a second thought, but if anyone in this house would notice the shift, it'd be Keagan... "Sorry, I just- Some pretty major things have happened in the last week and I guess it all didn't really _hit_ me until now. Which, I mean, timing right?" she chuckled. It was a bid to lighten the mood, but it came out a bit more uneasy sounding than she'd have liked. "Anyway, you're right. We're all going on this roller-coaster ride _together_," Luke said, a genuine smile softening the grip of anxiety on her.
The small circles were like a switch. Her brain went from trying to process hundreds of thousands of things at once, to just focusing on the here and now. Luke dropped her head to rest gently on Keagan's as she contemplated the question. It was means to draw more comfort, but also to hide what she was sure was a stupid look on her face at the mere idea of a possibility for them to grow their family. "I just," she began, "I see you with JJ and Lyra and I can't help but think that I'd love nothing more than for Skylar to get the same. I know she has her friends, but I don't know....maybe it's really just me projecting and wishing _I'd_ had more siblings...or better ones anyway..."
She was in the process of shaking her head when she felt a warmth on her lips, that was not only becoming all-too familiar but, certainly her favorite, very, very quickly. Nodding, Luke silently agreed to stay, a small chuckle bubbling up at Keagan specifically _not_ naming Lyra. With the baby now dressed, and still very much asleep, the Paladin grinned and said, "She clearly takes after her mom in the sleep department." She'd let Keagan choose which 'mom' that'd be.
Keagan did notice the sudden tension when she first reached out however, she kept her smile and strokes steady. "And you can take all the time to process them. One thought at a time." If anything, there was always something major happening in Fallcrest. The way she had to process things at her own pace too when it was her first *day* at work. "And Luke, all the ideas you may have in store... We are very likely to do every one of them. I don't know what they could be, but I'm sure we'll get to them." Keagan chuckled.
"....Do you think you can handle a mini-Lyra?" She joked before giving a small nod. "Maybe giving Sky a sibling or two wouldn't be a bad idea. I would like to hear what Sky thinks about that. The kid can't answer us right now though." She looked over to the bundle between them.
Her brow rose at the comparison. "You call her "mini-me for a reason." She snorted. Those cheeks of their daughters were so rosy, Keagan could not help herself from gently pinching them. Still, the baby did not wake. "At least we don't have to be too careful about being quiet."
Luke nodded along as Keagan spoke. "One thought at a time is just about all my battered brain can process without overheating and just turning off completely right now," she mumbled, before blue eyes met hazel and widened as she added, "...that was supposed to an inside thought...my bad." Honestly, the last thing they needed right now is to have to be reminded of that reason as to why the last week had led to some major adjustments. Taking the opportunity for a quick change in focus, she chuckled mischievously at Keagan's assurance they would do all her ideas. "Famous last words, Cal."
Brows furrowed in confusion as she replied, "I live with a mini-Lyra. Are you asking if I can handle a micro-Lyra?" She was ninety-nine percent sure the question was a joke, but there was still that one percent chance it was serious and a means for Keagan to begin the process of easing her off idea of younger siblings for the twins...Luke didn't even realize she'd been holding her breath until she was forced to take one so she could actually reply to Keagan's wish to give the girls the final vote. "For a second I really thought I was going to have to sow my wild oats by plowing different fields," she said before immediately adding, "Kidding. Very much kidding. I think the fact my little unicorns don't already have younger siblings is a clear testament to that."
There was no way Lucas was fighting on her that one, because she was technically right. She did however chuckle as she watched the woman go in for the babies' cheeks. "So that's where the cute aggression comes from," she teased back, before raising a brow at the last comment. "Wanky."
Lucas' brain was definitely going through it as of late, the recent events being the latest source. If only she had been around, maybe she could've at least prevented Ricky's actions. She smiled softly, "Well, we definitely don't want that. If it helps, we've got two baby girls right in front of us to focus on." Her eyes then rolled when Luke's mischievous streak came back right after. "Sure but this is a rare moment so I don't see why we wouldn't take advantage of it."
"They also take after you. Let's not forget what the twins were up to growing up - or so you kept telling me." One would think there was at least one twin who was calmer, but the two of them were basically partners in crime. Even Keagan felt bad for every girl who Luke dated because they got in the war path of their daughters. Her eyes narrowed playfully before reaching over and lightly shoved the other.
"While I don't know if we can all handle a third Lyra, at the same time, I don't know if the kid could handle these sisters." She laughed as she watched Skylar's hand reaching out for her sister in her sleep. Her little face turning into a frown when she couldn't find who she was 'looking' for. "Here you go, baby.." She whispered as she carefully slid the kid over a little so that Sky could grab onto Mila. "I see nothing's changed."
At the mere mention of the girls, Luke's focus was already completely enraptured in watching the rise and fall of their tiny chests, the small little twitches of their noses and the corners of their lips sporadically as they dreamt on. "I know I've been referring to them as my mini-mes and we even started a band called Copy and _Paste_...but it is still so overwhelmingly mind-blowing to think _I_ somehow managed to luck out and have even the most microscopic involvement in these _two_ perfect little girls being here right now...or at all really." If the awe in her eyes wasn't enough, the awe in her tone as she spoke should do it. Looking back up at Keagan, she held the same level of reverence for her as she did the babies between them. "Thank you doesn't even begin to scratch at the surface of the gratitude I genuinely feel for you. Not only have you been my best friend for so long, and you see _me_ in spite of all my attempts at mirages, but the fact that in order for me to get the chance to call myself a mother _you_ had to reciprocate my feelings and be willing to take such a journey with me -even back then- I just-" she stopped to swallow back the emotion in her throat before she risked waking the girls. "Words aren't enough, but I hope to be able to find a way to show my gratitude for the woman that is you some way, some how."
Grinning all Luke had to say was, "You've officially been here to witness their day-to-day for almost _three_ consecutive months now. Surely you don't need anyone describing their personalities to you." At the narrowing of hazel eyes, Luke felt a spike in her heart rate -and was almost certain the mama wolf heard it- as such a look was usually followed with Keagan kicking someone's ass. She did find reassurance in the fact even Keagan wouldn't risk the girls for a fight, and could only chuckle as she was finally met with nothing more than a shove.
"There was a time when we weren't sure those sisters could handle _this aunt_, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt...if they so feel up for the task once they're back to being adults, of course," she noted. Luke watched as Skylar immediately managed to wrap herself around her sister, only to the proceed to try to..eat? Miles..."Babe, I think they might be hungry..."
There was a reason why it was not a surprise to anyone when they revealed who was the biological parents of the twins. And there were *two* of them which was a blessing on its own. She felt the same about them lucking out. And as often as their family pointed out, it was very interesting to see what traits each twin took from both of them. Her lips twitched in amusement when Luke looked up, only to *thank* her - again. "I am just as thankful because they wouldn't be here without *you*." Keagan could feel it in her bones that if it weren't for Luke, the twins wouldn't be here - there might be children, but it wouldn't be *them*. "You're a big part of why the twins are who they are " She chuckled. "You don't have to prove anything, you're their mother. You've already done so much. Much more than you seem to believe."
She let out a soft snort after her shove. The twins both took after them without question. "Apparently your traits and my traits combining is just.. chaotic?" Not that it was a problem as evidence shown with how much the family adored the two girls. Her eyes looked down again, watching them in silence until another thought came to mind, "To think Miles got all your height." Right now, the babies were the same size more or less, but Miles did get that growth spurt in the end.
"It'd be interesting to see what sort of kid will come after these two.." The twins were a nice balance, Keagan could only imagine what a third kid would be like. As much as she'd like to keep pondering on it, Sky's actions caught her attention at the same time as Luke's pet name for her. "Oh baby." She laughed as she gently pried Sky off of her sister. "We should wake them up to feed them... Otherwise Sky might just.. inhale her cheek. Are the stuff still downstairs? I can go fetch them - and see how they're fairing with Tomi."
Luke knew there was no point in arguing over the matter, and honestly it's not like mattered in the end. After all, Keagan was right. The twins were who they were because of the circumstances they were brought into, and that included Luke herself -in one way or another. So ultimately, it all came out in the wash. Also, there was really no 'arguing' with a Calvetti so... "Well, here's to my memory being up to par so we can keep up with them at this stage again," she chuckled.
"Makes sense. We balance each other out because of the traits we _don't_ have in common, if these two have a similar mix of traits between them, they'll be keeping us on our toes for the rest of time," she said, though there was zero reproach to her words. If anything, it almost sounded like she was looking forward to it. Probably because she was. At the mention of the height difference, Luke practically pouted. "Ugh, it's been one week and I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it from Skylar. I swear that kid seems to think I have much more control over things, like the divvying up of genetics in-utero, than I actually do."
"Hmm, I think the most prevalent and constant traits in our offspring so far have been kindness, loyalty, and chaos so...maybe this is meant to be a refresher of sorts, so we can both remember what it's like to have little spastic nuggets around and be sure ourselves before we pose the matter to the girls," she chuckled. At the matter of feeding the girls, Luke gently stood back up, and said "I think it'd be easier to just pop back downstairs and feed them there. If there's even the vaguest hint that they might be awake, there's only so much Rikke, Nix, and Erin will be able to do to keep Lyra from barging up here anyway. If you'll grab Miles, I'll grab Sky, and then you can hold my hand so we can orb down."
"Are you saying that they don't keep us on our toes already? Because I'm not so sure about that." She laughed, "The mischief that they get up to - with you and Hunter at times." She was merely joking but some of those videos she saw did concern her from time to time.. Most of the time. Keagan was definitely glad that the girls' individual channels weren't in the same genre.
She shrugged, "She either thinks you didn't have much control over it or I just gave her too much of it." Her eyes rolled, "I don't want to admit to which side of the family her dramatics come from but my sister is Lyra." Keagan wondered if the trait just liked to zone onto one sibling per generation. All or nothing. "
Keagan smiled as she looked down at the two girls, thinking of the qualities they did have in chaos. How thankful she was they turned out the way they were and to know just how loved they were amongst everyone around them. "If we make it through .. however long this is going to last." The older woman stood up at the suggestion and picked Miles up carefully into her arms before reaching out her hand. "Lyra is still going to know where we are." She pointed out regardless if Nix and Teg were still able to keep the Hurrnado at bay.
“Not my toes,” Luke replied nonchalantly. “My day job has kept me fit enough to keep up with them easily, and now I can _orb_. But baby brains? Completely unpredictable, along with their moods,” she said, a tinge of fear in her voice at the last bit.
“Do wish she’d been allowed the braincell during science class,” Luke remarked, before Keagan’s next comment made her groan and roll her eyes. “Why couldn’t she have gotten JJ’s genes,” she whined, knowing full well there was zero would change about either of her girls.
Luke scooped up Skylar and let out a light laugh as she said, “Jesus Cal, you make it sound like a pair of twins is going to be what takes us out.” Reaching out her owns hand, she gently took Keagan’s and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Lyra is only physically allowed to enter specific areas of the house thanks to the wards Erin and Tomi so graciously put up for me after I found out they’d done it to their own room…”
"It seems that they're still somewhat aware of who everyone is, so that might mean they've retain their memories moreorless - but that might make them twice the handful than when they were actually this age." There wasn't much they could do as preparation since, as Luke said, the kids were unpredictable.
Keagan shrugged, "She.. strangely takes after Lyra quite a bit... Let's not have Lyra know that." She assumed her younger sister didn't know about it because she had a feeling Lyra would point that out at every opportunity. "At least Miles doesn't take after her as much?"
Within a blink of an eye, they were in the kitchen and the older wolf carefully sat Miles on the table. "They warded their own room?" Her eyes narrowed, already knowing the reason behind *that*. As long as it doesn't stand in the way of emergencies, Keagan was fine with that. "Here, can you make sure Miles don't fall off while I go grab their bottles?"
“That just means we don’t get the reprieve of them not figuring out we’re practically wrapped around their tiny little fingers until two years in,” Luke half grumbled, though the grin on her face made it hard to make it a genuine complaint.
At Keagan’s words Luke simply made a motion of zipping her mouth shut and throwing away the key. As they materialized in the kitchen, Luke was already being assaulted be the sounds of their incoming visitors even as they’d managed to make minimal noise. “There wasn’t much they did in the way of hiding _it_, so…”
She moved in closer so she could place a hand on Miles even before Keagan asked, just smiling at the woman as she nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of willing hands offering assistance soon enough.”
Keagan smiled at the *fact* that the two babies had every member of the Calvetti-Holstein family wrapped around their fingers, not just the two of them. "They are definitely spoiled for a reason - One would say that's our fault so we can't complain."
Her ears picked up on the noises coming from outside the kitchen and she was already bracing herself for the moment Lyra was going to *burst* into the room. Lyra did not walk into one, she blows in like the hurrnado that she was. "Preferably not Lyra's hands."
She hoped either anyone but Lyra came in first so they can prevent the youngest Calvetti from getting to the babies before they get the chance to feed them. Keagan went to get the milk prepped and carefully swapped a baby for one of the bottles.
The older Paladin had been able to keep Lyra at bay by using Tomi as a distraction, but once the baby had been picked up by her own parents...all bets were _off_. That woman was primed and ready to use any excuse to get back upstairs, but her plans were thwarted by Teagan and Phoenix at every turn. Eventually, it got to the point the woman forewent excuses all together, and then it required Erin to give a bit of helping magical hand. After all, Lyra was still a wolf -even though she seemed to completely forget that when Teagan managed to get a hold of her...
Rikke sensed her charges shift over to the kitchen at almost the exact same time that Lyra picked up their scent. The two witches and Teagan seemed to catch on just a fraction of a second after them, but the youngest Calvetti sibling was off, and so was Rikke. Using some quick thinking, she just orbed over to the kitchen, managing to arrive just in time to intercept the small woman by scooping her up in a bear hug. Ignoring the complaints from her 'captive' she turned to offer the two mothers a smile. "So, interesting night no?"
It was almost certain that Lyra had a radar on them. Honestly, Lyra would perhaps be the best agent if she used her skill set on anything else side from *gossip*. She could already hear the footsteps running towards the kitchen and just as she looked up, she saw the eldest Paladin hugging Lyra to prevent the woman from taking another step towards them. A brow only shot up in amusement at the sight before sending Rikke an apologetic look.
"The babies were getting hungry so we're just grabbing them some milk. They're going to sleep afterwards." At the latter, she gave her sister a stern look, silently telling her that the babies should not be disturbed during that time. "I.. think you guys were having a harder time than us though."
He'd taken off after Lyra as soon as he'd clocked the look on her face, but despite his many amazing attributes, he was still only human. And one with rather short legs at that so...When he finally reached the kitchen, it was to the sight of Rikke managing to have corralled the young wolf in a tight grasp. Though based on the look currently on Lyra's face, she wasn't exactly doing much in the way of fighting to get out of that _specific_ position...
Turning his attention to his nieces' instead, he smiled and said, "Looks like the pups are looking sleep _while_ they eat as well. They get that from Spooky. Girl once inhaled an entire party size bag of Doritos without once opening her eyes." Letting a small sigh, the short king just grinned and said, "I can only speak for myself, but things have become slightly more manageable since Erin noted that Rikke was technically Luke, but single. Even if the poor girl did mean it as a joke."
Not actually fighting out of the hug, Lyra leaned in a direction slightly to take a peek at the youngest members of the family. "I think itty bitty sky is inhaling her drink - like look at that speed." If anything, Lyra leaned *back* into the paladin, smile adorning her face when Teg mentioned that Rikke was technically an available Luke, "We're definitely not saying that Rikke and Luke are the same person, but tall, hot, and seems to be capable of doing many, many things? Uh, yes please." No shame at all there.
"The Holstein genes are quite strong." She pointed out, physically pointing at Rikke, to Luke, to the twins. "Like *uncanny*." Lyra was enjoying being in Rikke's arms *very* much and did not care for the looks she may or may not be getting from everyone else.
Rikke wasn't entirely sure how she was feeling about the manner in which Lyra was reacting to being 'held', but if her arms around the small woman's waist were the only things keeping her feet off the ground and away from the babies, then so be it. It definitely helped to actually have the babies insight now as a distraction _and_ reminder of why she was enduring...whatever the hell this was. "Things that include orbing you directly to your parent's house in the blink of an eye, so maybe don't push your luck?"
There was a streak of pride that she couldn't help but feel at the validation of how her family genetics were clearly visible in her three youngest descendants. "I will say, this is probably the most women we've managed in such a close succession, generationally speaking. I was the youngest of many children, all boys. Three sets of twins though, so at least now you know where those two came from."
While Lyra immediately quiet down since she surely didn't want to be orbed to their parents' place, it didn't stop the look on her face when Rikke mentioned about being the youngest of many children. Keagan could only let out a sigh and a stern glare. "Three sets of twins? Wow, I don't suppose you were part of those sets?" She asked, and immediately regretted because Lyra was *very* intrigued for the answer. "Feel free to orb my sister to my mom whenever you wish, by the way. You have full permission for that."
Her eyes looked down at both the twins, only to discover that the one in Luke's arms had consumed the bottle way faster - which really shouldn't be surprising. "Do you think she's still hungry?" The kid look like it might just eat the bottle if she could.
The Paldin was very close to just taking up the deputy on her offer, and orbing Lyra away, but that had the potential of backfiring in the sense that Ianthe could then wonder aloud if Rikke had been bested by Lyra...Not yet. "I, uh, was not. I was more of what modern folks would refer to as an 'oops baby'. The second youngest was twenty-two years older than I was, so needless to say, my parents were more than happy to let him and his wife take over where I was concerned once they found they couldn't conceive of their own. A rarity for werewolves, but back in those days not as entirely unheard of as it is now."
The blonde watched as Luke went about keeping the almost bottle in place, while fixing up a second, and then swiftly swapping them out without the baby even noticing. "And it is moments like this that remind this is technically not the first time these girls have been babies," she chuckled.
Keagan looked up when Rikke answered the question about being an 'oops baby'. That seemed to be a common theme in the family, and she did not expect such a large age gap between the two youngest siblings. Moreover, did their own set of twins consider as oops babies? No one would have anticipated their arrivals. "Oh? Your family were wolves as well?" What a coincidence.
Luke was definitely more fluent in dealing with them and watching her swap bottles with ease further proved that. However, one could say that as long as there was food, Sky would have been oblivious either way. "I'm glad we got to get this chance again to experience it.. Although it's clear as day that Sky had always been about the food since day 1..."
A look of confusion came over her features before it gave way to realization. "Right, you guys would only have access to Holstein information going back to my arrival in the town. But yes, the Holstein pack was one of the most well known in wolf packs in the North. It originated in Oslo, Norway but when hunting got heavy the pack was forced to migrate through Sweden to Copenhagen, in Denmark. We lived on the outskirts of the actual populous in peace for several generations more until the hunters caught up with us. I was only able to escape to America because my own wolf never triggered, and due to the Paladin process, now it never will."
After such a topic, the eldest in the room was more than happy to have her attention brought back to the two, currently tiny, reasons that everything she'd been through was worth it. "Well, now we know it's not her fault. She just gets wolf-hunger from both sides," Rikke chuckled before tapering off and saying, "I'm just kidding. I don't actually know how that would work or even *if* it would work..."
Keagan gave a look of sympathy for hearing that Rikke's family had been a victim because of hunters. "...Despite circumstances, I think I can speak for everyone here that we're very thankful you're with us here today." Because without Rikke, they wouldn't have the family they do now. "Who knows? Maybe the wolf gene actually got passed down in some way or another? At this point, I think anything can really happen." One would think that was a joke but her kids were literal babies at the moment, Keagan doesn't think anything could surprise her now.
"With that being said, I think Sky is just naturally a glutton. Miles did not try to eat her sister." She laughed before leaning to give both her girls a kiss on their cheeks, ignoring the small whine from Sky for interrupting her meal.
Luke looked somber as Rikke related just how many links there were in the awful chain of events that ultimately, in an ironic twist, led to the family's remaining living members to their happiest point. Of course, that look was completely replaced as the mention of werwolf genes was reiterated by Keagan, her eyes immediately locking with Teag's across the room. They didn't a 'twin thing' to know they were both already thinking the same thing. Of course, both immediately went back to their respective tasks so as to not raise too many questions.
"I did have to put Sky on these like trainer plates back when she was like five. Kid kept eating so fast I was constantly wither doing the Heimlich or reassuring Miles that no, her sister wasn't gonna die from the massive bite she managed to take out of her own mouth," Luke shared, glancing down at the tiny ginger just going to town on her _second_ bottle. "At least she made a career out of it."
She had walked in much later after the rest of the family caught up with Lyra - and was not going to acknowledge that her cousin was not even going to attempt to get out of the Paladin's arms. Thankfully they drew the topic from *that* and learned more about the other. From where she stood, it was easy to catch Luke and Teg shared a look together and Nix, again, feigned ignorance. Whatever mischief they were up to, she did not want to know. She was already having a hard time getting Lyra to behave.
"I think she might need it again with the rate she's going through that second bottle." She nodded towards the kid who was already 3/4's on her way to the end. "Didn't you just give that to her? I don't think anyone in the family is as fast as her." Like who did that kid take after?
Luke opened her mouth and then immediately shut it again. "I value my life too much to give you the full Fallcrest Pack eating speed rankings at this moment. Teag and I have been keeping track since were seven, and then Hunter took over for me while I was in Seattle -though she had no idea _what_ she was helping Teag with- and then I took over for Teag when he hit Philly."
Glancing down at Sky, she tsked and said, "Oh, we're going to want to make sure we burp this one really well. With how fast she's drinking it down, she's bound to have ingested a bunch of air into her gut too. Oh! Lyra can help burp the girls!"
Her eyes immediately went straight to her other cousin after Luke mentioned that she valued her life too much. It seemed that she might not be the only one who thought so either because.. by process of elimination.. it wasn't a hard guess as to whom was number one on that list. "Did you all just timed everyone when you go out to eat? Because.. Maybe we shouldn't eat together now." She joked.
Subtly - or not - she walked over and pulled Lyra along with her to where the babies were. "Oh look, perfect timing." The bottles were just about done. "You're up." She said, although she was willing to take one of the twins too and help out.
Lyra had been far too busy taking advantage of how distracted the older Paladin had been while sharing to genuinely listen to what was being said. Her hands were busy roaming everywhere within reach, without squirming too much -though that wasn't necessarily due to lack of desire to do so...- but after the woman's threat to be sent to her parents' home, she made sure to never actually _touch_ her more than the 'restraint' called for. Just the _ghost_ of a touch, as her hand hovered a paper's width from the Paladin's skin. She was too busy making her own faces, smirks, and grins at her cousin once she caught up to them to notice anyone else's faces.
Without absolutely no hint of shame, Lyra actually, audibly whimpered when Nix managed to drag her out of Rikke's arms and away. As she was pushed towards the women and the babies a startled look, mixed with confusion crossed her face as she asked, "I'm doing what now?!"
All the smirks and grins Lyra had sent her way, Nix was giving them all back to her now as she gently picked up a baby and gave her to Lyra. "You are burping them. You know how to do that, yeah? Here, have Sky." Anything to keep Lyra busy - that wasn't her hitting on family members.
"Here, I can take Miles for a bit so you guys can take a break." She offered and turned her attention to said kid even if she had a feeling that the parents wouldn't leave or at least wouldn't go very far. Nix didn't see them as often during the first time around but she could tell just how attached her cousin was. Which was good. No one in the family wanted to see Keagan be so far away from everyone.
Lyra could only send her cousin a look that said ‘well played’, as she was informed of what she had been tasked with while distracted. It was obvious to anyone that Lyra didn’t even know how to hold a baby, let alone _burp_ one. “Uh,” she began, as Sky was placed in her arms, “I- no? Why would I know anything about de-gassing an infant? I hardly know about de-gassing myself,” she admitted.
Glancing over as Nix offered to take Miles, she looked almost offended as she asked, “Well why can’t I get to burp the less gassy one? I mean, like, what happens if you do it wrong? Does she like, blow up like a balloon? Can’t we just wait for her to like rip one real good one instead?”
Deciding to give Lyra a small break from Nix's teasing, Keagan went over to her younger sister and helped her get Sky in a more comfortable position. "Pat.. Yep, like that." She demonstrated a few times before letting Lyra do the rest. "See, you can do it. She's not going to explode." Nix purposely put Sky into Lyra's arms, Keagan was not going to interfere with whatever the two cousins were doing to each other.
"She may be a baby, but you're not going to break her." She smiled at the way Lyra was holding the kid. "Look at how Nix is doing it - just burp the kid, Lyr."
Having grown up with the woman, and being the one to remain in the most constant contact with her, Teagan was almost certain he could almost _hear_ the werewolf’s thought process…or at least make a really good guess. “K, if you hadn’t stepped in Lyra was two seconds away from yeeting Little Red right back at Spooky just to get out of displaying _how_ much she _didn’t_ know about babies,” he noted, to a round of snickering.
“And before you go off about me showing off my own baby know-how, not only was I here for my nieces the first go around, but I’ll be more than happy to help out again…very few people can single-handedly manage them both on their own….and by that I mean one.”
Keg smiled her friend, "I could tell." Why else would she follow up and helped Lyra with Skylar. "At the very least, I had to make sure she doesn't drop her niece." She gave a playful glare at her sister, though one could say it was a warning. Though that look shifted to a confused look when Teg would assume she'd got off on him. "You're always welcome to stay. We can always use the help." She refrained from saying that they might need help with *Lyra* instead of the twins. Who better than have Teg who knew her sister best?
Taking the empty bottle from the counter, she went over to the sink. "I don't think Mick's expecting me to come to work tomorrow, but I should actually let her know." Though she was already contemplating bringing them with her.
Luke rarely fixed anyone in the cabin with anything more than, what most describe as, 'a failed attempt at a glower, but successful execution of mental calculus'. This time however, even as her eyes didn't change much in the way of expression, the slight eyebrow she raised in Lyra's direction was more than enough to make her friend actually right herself and begin to burp the baby properly. "Yeet my children, and I will _personally_ orb you to rural Mississippi."
She didn't bother addressing Teagan's offer to help, because honestly that was a given and always welcome. But Keagan's comment did make her snort in laughter. "Puh-lease, don't act like you aren't already thinking of how you're going to keep Nikk
Keagan was very amused by how fast Lyra got to burping Sky from Luke's glare. "I'm sure Lyra knows better to harm the twins with everyone here watching her." Once she was done with the dishes, she returned to stand beside Lucas and automatically leaned against her. And yes, she did have a soft spot for her baby sister.
Her eyes rolled, "I will have to head in *eventually* because I took way too many days off, don't you think? They gave me a vacation at the start. And then so many things happened after that. I should actually go spend time at the office when I can to catch up on things." She sighed, "I might have to ban Nikki from entering my office.
As much as Luke appreciated the slight little display of affection, she knew the woman well enough to know that leaning against her right now was mainly a subtle way to ensure that she didn't opt for lunging at her younger sister anyway. "You assume that Lyra has mastered the art of forethought," she replied flatly, earning herself a look of offense being thrown at her over Sky's head.
Luke just laughed. "You make it sound like you've been out of the office for ages. Mick gave you a _month_ off. It's only been _one week_, and you've already gone into the office to micro-manage Andy on _three separate days_. I would know, because one of those days was yesterday when, I assuming, you suddenly remembered I had to go see Col and wound up bursting in his office as he was pulling out a stitch, scared the shit out of him, and caused him to _literally_ rip me a new one...uh, a new cut, that is." She pointed to the smaller bandage now in place, her powers still not quite full-on as her body still processed the 'aftermath' after-effects. "I'm not sure you screaming at him 'why is it still bleeding' as your initial greeting helped matters either."
Usually Keagan would have complained that a month was too much because it felt weird not to be working. However, now that she was *home* and her babies were literal babies, she was more than thankful of the time. "Has it only been a week?" Because with everything it honestly felt like more than that. She nudged the taller woman with the back of her head when she was made fun of micromanaging. "I apologized in the end." She muttered, feeling rather embarrassed but not wanting to admit that.
"And he's a lot more jumpy than I remembered." Her eyes rolled but still, she felt guilty for indirectly giving Luke another wound. "Anyways! I guess I don't have to worry about distracting anyone at work anymore."
Luke simply nodded, hoping this little realization would help Keagan understand why the redhead was still actively processing the fact she helped make _two_ babies...that were now suddenly babies again. "Yup...though I think I can understand why it might've felt like a year. Quite a list of things have happened and now there's a new surprise to contend with." She rolled her eyes at the failed attempt to defend herself by the _Chief_ Deputy. "If it worked out anything like it usually does at home, I'm sure Andy will have nothing but wonderful things to say about you."
Luke fixed her with a look and said, "His door had to be replaced, also he mentioned something about you and your mom practically threatening his life the last time he saw you guys so....I'd be jumpy as fuu- uh, -udge too." She then let out another snort of laughter. "Yeah you do. You're going to go back in at least twice a week between now and when you're officially back, and you're going to be taking the babies with you because you can."
"This town definitely has enough surprises to keep everyone on their toes." That was .. not a good thing since she hadn't even been officially in her office for that long. Not that she would trade it again to go back into the field but she could swear she had more peaceful moments out there. "Hmm.. I guess if Andy has to page me, then that's when we should be panicking." Wit the things she had heard and seen so far, Andy was more than capable enough to deal with anything that came their way.
Keagan wasn't even going to defend herself with what happened at Col's but she will forever remain behind her stance that the Alpha was too jumpy. Surely, her mom would also say the same. "As if you wouldn't be taking the twins with you either? Lucas, you would be the one to teach parkour whilst carrying them." She sighed, "We should really work out our schedules so that someone's with them everyday when we do have work."
"If Andy has to page you, it's likely because one of your deputies is being a pain. I think if _Mick_ feels the need to page you, then maybe they need some assistance," Luke pointed out, already knowing that Keagan was just going to use _any_ excuse to go into her office whenever she felt the need to. It was _not_ in that woman's nature to be still and relax. Hadn't been since they were kids, wasn't about to suddenly start now.
"Been there, done that," she replied with ease, reaching into her pocket as her phone buzzed. "If anything, you should be happy this time I would be doing it with prior....experience...." Her statement waned towards the end as she was distracted by the comment she read, before just putting the phone back. "Col can't legally clear me for work for at least like 4 to 6 months, so I don't think that will be an issue."
She didn't know what she was more intrigued with: Luke teasing Keagan, or Lyra watching Luke tease Keagan. Either way, she was sure her cousin was *very* fascinated by the scene. "I think it's a good thing you haven't been called in, Keg." She pointed out, "It means that there aren't any problems, why would you jinx that?" She snorted, as if she herself hadn't been on an extended vacation herself under the guise of family emergency.
"You know what, Lyr? I totally understand now." She referred to how Luke had not been unalived by Keagan with the things she revealed. Carrying the twins while parkouring? That sounded like something her older cousin would not want. "So that means you get to be with the kids 24/7 for the next 4 to 6 months?" Because that lowered the chances of needing any of them - mainly Lyra - to babysit.
Luke looked pointedly at Keagan at Nix's words as she nodded, clearly indicating that the younger cousin had a point. "Words have power," she added, though even as she said it, Lucas knew that there were many a way Keagan -or anyone in the room, really- could turn that right back around on her. She briefly looked over at the 'Burping Cousins' as they shared a look that Luke recognized as the same one she often shared with the twins, Teagan, Hunter, Tomi, and now even Erin and Rikke. Sean was far too innocent to conspire with. She didn't take the bait, and opted _not_ to ask for clarification.
"Theoretically, yes. But even though I can't be cleared for my day job, I still have a brand to ensure continues to remain relevant so when the girls get back to their usual selves they still have an active fanbase to do what they've grown to love. So no, you and the rest won't be getting out of babysitting duty _that_ easily. I may be confident in my abilities to _teach_ basic parkour to kids while holding my own kids, but I don't think there'a many shoots where it would be advised that I bring two babies along. Dangerous, dilapidated, haunted."
"I really do not want to know that you're parkouring while carrying two babies with you." She sighed, but there wasn't a much of a threat behind those words. If Lucas did it before, there was a very high chance she was going to do it again this time around. Even if she knew the younger woman wouldn't put the twins in harm's way, it was still.. stressful to think about. At least she drew the line at haunted places since most of them were most likely abandoned and old.
While it looked like Lyra was finally getting used to burping Sky, she could spot the little frown and pout on her face and so, Keagan walked over to save.. someone from the other before the crying started. And since she was there anyways, she also grabbed Miles. Having a twin in each arm was.. pure bliss for the Chief Deputy. "God, they're so cute." She muttered before giving each a kiss on the head. "I think we should put them in the cribs so they can sleep."
Luke was quiet for all of two seconds before she asked, "Would it be better if I had more with me?" Even she wasn't entirely sure if she was just kidding or not at this point, as her mind was already thinking about the different maneuvers that would work and keep the babies safe. "I mean, I can't do it at the course at the gym and I would be way too stupid to think that would be a good idea to post on youtube, for various reasons, but the house is safe enough..."
Taking in the sight of the very content smile easily spreading over Keagan's face as she got to hold both of her girls in her arms, and just be...it was all Luke could do not to just melt into a giant puddle of emotions right then and there. "They take after their mother," Luke said with a grin. Glancing down at her watch and noting the time she said, "Yeah, I think everyone could probably do with some sleep. Rikke, you're more than welcome to stay over. Nix can show you to one of the available guest rooms." Was it payback for the earlier remark? Of course it was.
"....I don't think that was the direction she was going for, Luke." She glanced back to her cousin, only to see her shake her head exasperatedly - clearly not wanting to give the Paladin anymore ideas. Nix also didn't want to add fuel to the fire so she focused on the twins instead even if they weren't paying any attention to her.
A brow only perked when Luke seemingly gave another jab at Keagan. The amount of chances that her cousin had given Luke in a span of a couple of minutes was astounding that both Lyra and Nix could not stop exchanging looks.
Until Luke decided to get Nix to help Rikke, because that caused her to *avoid* the younger Calvetti the best she could while giving a subtle glare at the one who gave the suggestion. "... Sure. I can do that." She looked over to Rikke to see what her opinion of this was.
It had been an incredibly long time since Rikke had been able to witness -let alone be a part of- such a genuine, familial camaraderie that it was honestly not even a true chore to have had to wrangle Lyra as part of the deal. Sure, she had a kind of family relationship with Jack, Hanu, and even Maths, but that was a byproduct of their kind of career -both mundane and supernatural- while this? This was just family being _family_. Something she hadn't been allowed to be involved in since she left Denmark, really.
It didn't keep her from noticing all the little silent looks being thrown around, and if anything she found herself sharing a few with Teagan as they themselves found amusement in how sly the two younger cousins thought they were being. Honestly, if they had both just literally been holding the double _aftermath_ of Luke and Keagan having done far more than just throw quips at each other, what surprised them about the fact Keagan wasn't swinging yet?
The invitation to stay was unexpected, but wholly welcome and it was probably clear by the look on her face. "Oh, uh...I mean, if it's not too much of an imposition, I'd greatly appreciate that. As their Paladin it gives me the chance to more closely monitor them and try and sort out the ins and outs of this change, and as their relative who missed out on the first eighteen years, it gives me an excuse to be around," she admitted. The only thing that gave her pause was the glare that Phoenix suddenly sent Luke's way... "But, it's no trouble, really. I'm sure I can find my own way with some general direction..." Rikke trailed off a bit as she looked about. "...why is this still called a cabin, again?"
She really should've known better than to tease anyone in this household because payback would be ten-fold everytime. When Rikke started insist that she could find her own way around, Phoenix shook her head and walked right over. "No, no. I can give you a tour while we're at it." She sighed, "That's what we've been saying but it started as a cabin and will forever be called a cabin, no matter what shape it ended up being - according to Lucas."
She started off in the direction of where the guest rooms were. Once they were getting near the rooms, Phoenix motioned towards them, "Take your pick - Lyra and I are in that one over there so depends how far you want to be from us?" Was it a joke? Even she wasn't sure.
She nodded and took the smaller woman's lead, though still apprehensive. Phoenix was the one person that didn't seem to take the news that she was Luke's ancestor quite so well, and now the suggestion of helping her to a room had the woman glaring at the redhead. At her words, however, she did join in on the congenial conversation. "Ah, that makes sense then. If growing up in this spot was home to Lucas, the term 'cabin' became less a descriptor of the building and more a word synonymous with home. It's rather similar to how I always address returning to the station as 'returning to the stables'. It's what I grew accustomed before, and now that I have my own memories back, it's become a habit," she chucked.
As they approached the rooms, she took note of how Phoenix specifically mentioned where she would be and distance. "I think given that you were here first, it's more of a matter of how far _you_ would like me to be, no?"
"I don't know if the cabin was home for her, but I think all the renovations she did with Sky surely made it into one." Nix spoke too soon when she thought it was a good thing that they were keeping things light between them as they were finally left alone for the first time in a while. She still didn't know how to feel, knowing that the other was basically Luke's ancestor, and Lyra's teasing did not help at all with that. They eventually had to deal with all of that someday, but the shifter didn't think Rikke was going to bring it up right now in the middle of the hallway. "
She leaned against the wall behind her as she look down the hallway where her room was. "I'm fine with any room you choose, but the question is more so.. how far you want Lyra to be from you?" She looked back up at the Paladin, "I may be her roommate, but there is nothing on Earth that could stop Lyra from visiting you. We're just thankful all the rooms are sound-proof, though I could always add an extra layer for you if you want?"
"I think that just goes to exemplify that home to her is less a place and more the people she cares about. I'm almost certain they could've kept the cabin as it was, but as along as she had the twins with her, she'd have been okay with calling it home," Rikke noted before adding, "Though I'm sure the demolition and renovations were a much more fun approach to things." The entire place still felt like something out of a story to the Paladin, to be honest. In none of the times she'd been awake had she ever encountered something grand and yet cozy, whose design somehow managed to takin into account all of its occupants. From the low counters to the high door frames.
Her attention was drawn back to the witch as she spoke again, her answer only earning a low chuckle from the older woman. "I find far more telling than you might think how in one breath you've managed to state you're fine with whatever room I choose, _and_ also drag up your cousin and her habits. It's like tossing a snowball at someone and then immediately dodge behind a tree for either safety or to avoid the consequences of your actions," Rikke noted, before looking up and down the hallway and then pointing at the opposite end. "I think I'll take the hint though, and just head over there. Have a good night, Phoenix."
"I'm pretty sure the demolition was one of the bonding moments she had with the twins. It's a good stress reliever - or so I'm told." She shrugged, "I think everyone is just impressed because it doesn't seem there is anything that she doesn't know how to do. If she doesn't, she actually takes the time to learn - or maybe it was just trial and error, but either way, Luke might give the Irwins a run for their money."
Her cheeks did flair a bit when the other caught onto what she was doing and had the decency to look embarrassed for having done so in the first place. "Wait.. that.." She looked down the hall, feeling bad that the other decided to choose one so far when there's really no reason to. "You don't need to do that. Honestly, you can choose one closer, I'll be fine with it." She made a point to end the sentence there unlike earlier. However, she was back to the first problem she had - not knowing what to say next. "I.. " She started before she realized that they were still in the hallway so she quickly pulled Rikke into the closest room and shut the door... And add an extra barrier just in case. "Sorry, it didn't seem like a good idea to have this conversation in the hallway when there's a very curious wolf in the house." She took a breath before trying again, "I.. am sorry if I had been making things.. weird and I promise, it's nothing you've done. You haven't done anything. I'm just.. I got *very* hyper aware when we learned that you're my cousin's best friend's... great grandmother. Like I was literally .. grinding against you on the dance floor - only to find that out. It just tripped me out a lot more than I realized.. Lyra's also no help if you consider her personality."
"Photographic reflexes _are_ technically something that we made paladins have as an ability, to help in adapting to whatever time we awake in faster, so I suppose something of that may have been passed down," Rikke noted, "Granted, it's all still so new it's hard to tell what powers she was born with and which were just now triggered so, she may just really like learning and trying knew things...?"
Rikke stopped when asked to wait, and listened as she was told to pick whichever room she'd like, but when it became apparent that Phoenix was having a bit of hard time getting words out, she just offered her a sympathetic smile and waved a hand as she said, "It's okay, Nix. You don't have to say anything. You don't owe me any kind of explanation, especially not this very mohhh-" Her words trailed off into a sound of surprise as the smaller woman suddenly pulled her into the nearest room. The surprise gave way to confusion -and maybe slight concern- as she sensed the extra magic being added, but that was cleared up at the reminder of Lyra.
Sliding her hands into her back pockets, more so because she didn't really know what to do with them, she listened to the woman speak, and the sympathetic smile returned as she glanced down to meet her eyes. "I too, am sorry if you felt ambushed into providing an explanation just now, that...wasn't _necessarily_ my intention. But, it _was_ starting to get really hard to overlook how awkward things had suddenly become and I guess-" she shrugged and sighed "-I guess I just panicked a little. You really are one of the only close friends that I've managed to make since -sorry for highlighting this- the 1890s, so the thought of losing that and not really understanding why was more than a little upsetting," she admitted. "The fact that you're a great dance partner is just a bonus as far as I'm concerned, and for the record, I was in stasis for the vast majority of the time between getting here and now."
Nix only chuckled when their age gap was emphasized once more. "I get it, and I'm sorry. It *is* fun to have you around, hanging with us, with the twins - the fact that we get one more helping hand to keep Lyr at bay. You have no idea what a blessing it has been." She chuckled softly, "You've also been a really good dance partner too - It's just.. Like I said, learning that.. I basically *hit on* my friend's *ancestor* ... one that you're *both* part of the family tree as well - that's.. th-that's something to wrap my mind around." She gave a wry smile at her reasoning.
Her hand pushed back her bangs before her back leaned against the closed door. "But I am sorry - for causing you to.. well, panic because I should've .. spoke about this a lot sooner. The constant teasing from Lyra *really* didn't help things - but I shouldn't really pin the blame on her. I was pretty scared to confront it myself. Clearly - with all the avoidance." She rambled on.
She couldn't help the smile at the thought of being welcome and wanted as part of the fold, chaotic as it could clearly be. "I'll take Lyra duty any time if it means I get to be around the three people that are, essentially, the result of all my past sacrifices. Don't get me wrong, the knowledge that my existence as a Paladin means I keep others safe as my charges is a reward in itself, but seeing that what I went through has yielded _three_ supernatural...unicorns -for lack of a better term- is a unique experience all its own," she admitted, unable to keep the slight 'awe' from her voice.
At the mention of being hit on, her expression changed to one of faux confusion. "Oh, is _that_ what you were doing? I wasn't really sure what that was all about, been a minute since I've gotten to socialize. I just thought modern people were _overtly_ friendly in general," she teased, before her expression grew serious again, though a soft smile was still in place. "Take all the time you need. I know that _I_ am certainly taking it one day at a time. However," Rikke paused, ensuring she had the woman's attention, "I would like to ask -and I also think it might help your dilemma- that you please not just reduce me to 'a friend's ancestor'. I _am_ here. I am alive and I do have a personality of my own, not one that's been ascribed to me by whoever's reading about my life," she chuckled. "I'm related to Lucas and the girls, yes, but I'm also just Rikke."
"I'm glad you think so because it's going to be you, me and Teg keeping an eye on her." She smiled, "Everyone was blown away when we learned that the unicorn twins were *literally* luke's kids. We were all wondering where half their traits came from because they for sure did not come from Dicky." She snorted. They always joked about it, so to think that it was true - that was a feat on its own.
Phoenix, being far from the confident dancer she was at the club, met the Paladin's eyes with a hint of bashfulness along with the lingering embarrassment. "Yes... I can do that. I *will* do that." It did feel like an insult to refer to Rikke as Luke's ancestor and already, Nix felt guilty for thinking so in the first place. ".. To start off with though, do you want to continue with the cabin tour? Or do you want to rest for the night?"
"Something tells me, for at least Teagan and I, it'll be _her_ keeping _both eyes_ on _us_." There was a cross between a grimace and a smile that followed those words, but the chuckle that came with it was genuine enough. Taking a deep breath, the mirth seeped out of her at the mention of Richard Benson. "I can't say I ever had the displeasure of meeting that man, but after what I had to see in the woods when we found Luke..." She trailed off as her jaw clenched tight enough for the tendons in her neck to show. The memory of the redhead's state, the pain in Keagan's eyes as Rikke states there was nothing she could do for the woman... Easing up on her jaw she just said, "Let's just say it's best we never meet."
Rikke had never been one to really push anyone's boundaries, so when the witch went bashful, the paladin took that as her sign to ease up on the teasing. Instead she just smiled and said, "All a girl can ask for is the effort." She thought about the question briefly before saying, "Cabin tour, please. If I'm going to be orbing Lyra from one place to another or orbing myself to get to her or others, it would definitely be nice _not_ to end up in a wall...?"
"Oh that is a given, Lyra has eyes on *everyone*. Aunt Ianthe had always said that she would've made a great agent.. if only her motivation wasn't simply *gossip*." Her eyes rolled before her expression completely falling to a grimace, "You're better off not ever having to, not missing much anyways. I think I can say on behalf of everything that we're glad that he's gone from our lives." Not that Phoenix was around him all that often compared to everyone else.
At the answer, Nix lifts the barrier she threw up temporarily. "Sure, we can go floor by floo-ow!" From her attempt to find the door knob behind her, her elbow smacked right into it. The witch stilled with her eyes closed at the numbing pain, "Just.. give me a sec.. but as I was going to say, we can go floor by floor - the basement might have to wait until tomorrow, it's where the girls live, but right now, it's just Erin because.. well, *babies*. Anyways, this hallways is mostly guest rooms.. So far, it's just you, me and Lyra here."
Once the rambling was done, and Nix got her shit together, they stepped out of the room and the witch guided the other to most of the rooms on each floor, pausing long enough for Rikke to have a grasp on what they are before moving on to the next. By the end of the tour, they were now by the stairs. "Et voila, chez .. Calvetti/Benson/Holstein. And questions?"
"Yeah, not what I meant and you know it. A Paladin's senses are just as heightened as any other super with the same ability, so her little psuedo-rubdown did not go entirely unnoticed," Rikke pointed out. "Though, now I know who to go to when I need information...wonder what stories she'd be willing to share about you guys growing up." She would never go through with the implied threat, of course. Rikke would learn about Phoenix only what Phoenix wanted to share _herself_. Taking another deep breath she just said, "No use wasting time and breath over something useless."
Rikke had already moved closer towards the door, with the implication being that they would be exiting. However at the woman's cry of pain, her attention was immediately drawn over to where she held her elbow. As the woman continued to ramble on -likely to distract herself from the pain- Rikke was able to move her hand and see a sizable lump beginning to form. Without a word, she simply held her open hand over the area and allowed a her healing power to do the rest. The golden light that emanated from her hand fell over the entire afflicted area and the lump was gone in no time. "It's probably going to feel a little warm and tingly for a bit, but it should be all good now."
As they ended the tour, Rikke had to admit that there was still _so_ much about modern-day technology that she still had yet to get a grasp on, and it wasn't just the electronics aspect. She was massively impressed with the shower in the guest bathroom. Hot water had been quite the commodity in _her_ childhood... "Yeah, does this place come with a map?" she joked.
"Lyra.. is not one for subtlety." Phoenix snorted at the thought that Lyra would attempt to *hide* anything she does. No, her cousin was loud, if anything. "We've always thought that Lyra should come with a warning sign because she absorbs information like a sponge.. and will also let the world know. On the other hand, if you're trying to dig up stories about me, I usually visit during summer break so there might not be as many stuff about me."
Although it was healed already, Phoenix still had her hand over the spot because.. the tingly feeling Rikke warned was there and it felt.. strange. She wondered how it'd feel for a Paladin to heal a major wound. It was one thing to watch her cousins have faster healing abilities, it's another to just to have the pain disappear just like that.
"We'll have to ask Erin or Tomi to draw one up. Last I heard, the sketches that Luke and the twins provide them are.. chicken scratch. It seems that drawing is one of the skills they didn't perfect." She joked, "Not to mention, the floor plan might change again when the kids are back to normal. Who knows? They're constantly renovating something." She paused, "If you do happen to visit the basement, it's going to feel like an entire separate house, so I guess.. brace yourself?" Now that the tour was over with, and they sorta talked things out, Phoenix didn't feel the need to escape at the first chance possible.
"I never would've guessed," she said flatly. "She usually so reserved," she said with a grin that belied the sarcasm. "A very _selective_ sponge, maybe. I think I've lost count of how many times different people have told her to stop hitting on Luke in front of Keagan." Rikke let out a light laugh and said, "Trust me, if I wanted any 'dirt' on you or anything, I'd have already gotten it. You're sacred Cousin Summers are safe unless you decide to regale me with those tales on your own."
Rikke chuckled at the slight dig at the girls' artistic skills. "Well, considering they have both a music room that is for instruments -of all kinds- and a music room that is for recording music, I would venture to say that their artistic skills just went in a different direction is all." At the mention of approaching the basement, Rikke just shook her head and said, "I...don't really think I'll be going anywhere near the basement unless there's an emergency. With all three girls being my charges, I can keep their emotions out of my own head as with any other when it's one-on-one, but when all three together, _that_ becomes a quite a bit harder. And to answer the question I'm sure is to follow, no actually, it has not gotten easier with two of them being babies."
Having noted that Phoenix had kept hold of her elbow throughout the entire time she was showing off the cabin, Rikke gingerly placed a hand of her own on the other exposed side of the elbow. "Is everything alright?" she asked, concern lacing her voice and taking over her face. "Did the healing not take or did I miss another injury?"
"She finds it fun to tempt fate where Keagan's involved." Lyra had done many things that Nix would never dare to do. One could not begin to know what is going on in her mind and Nix was just glad there was only one of Lyra since it took three people to keep her at bay. "Fair, I suppose I could give them *some* slack. They did make a career out of it, and from what I remember, they *all* know how to play more than one or two instruments." Apart from all the jokes, Phoenix was pretty impressed with how Luke and the kids got that media gig going. They even got a tour out of it and all. "Well, if there's a good time, it might just to take a look when it's only Erin down there. Sky's upstairs and Tomi's with the Izzy and Brax."
Arching her arm a bit, she looked down at the spot where the bruise would have been before shaking her head. "Oh no, it's - it healed, see? It's all gone. Since I'm more witch than wolf, I'm not used to my own wounds to go away so quickly. Even if I try to use magic to heal it, it's not quite the same, and like you said, there's this tingly sensation." She dropped her arm, "This whole instant healing thing is sure handy."
"Is it really tempting fate, though, if we all pretty much know that the worse Keagan is going to do is just send her back home? If anything, I'd be more concerned about what Luke might do if she oversteps, but even then they've known each other so long I can't see the kid doing anything that _permanently_ harm the wolf." She was careful in her word choice, because there was zero doubt in her mind that if pushed far enough, Luke would not hesitate to toss Lyra over one of the landing railings... "It's apparently the direction the kids wanted to go, so Luke found a way to help them do it. I'm still new to fold, but from what I can tell, Lucas has been a parent to the girls even before she knew they were biologically hers." At the suggestion of checking the basement out while Erin was alone, Rikke just shook her head, blonde mop swaying to and fro in the process. "Nope. Rather leave them their sacred space."
Her focus now on the arm, Rikke's brows furrowed slightly as she still went ahead and gave it another once over. "Well, injuries aren't necessarily cut and dry -no pun intended- so just because the bruising on the surface is gone, it doesn't mean everything is fine...." Satisfied that the healing had worked, she added, "Though I suppose that'll be something to keep in your back pocket in case a door decides to attack you again." At the mention of the tingling she lifted up the elbow a little and proceeded to wrap both of her hands around it, applying some pressure. "The tingling is kind of similar to when your foot goes numb, a little pressure will make it feel weirder at first but, eventually it makes it pass by faster. Usually, the more times the person is healed the less awkward it feels, but if we get to _that_ point, then either it means we have a very accident-prone charge or we just suck at our job."
"Hmm, and being sent to Aunt Ianthe is the last thing she wants." She shrugged, "Maybe she'll remember that she's a wolf if she manages to cross the line with Luke - that hadn't happen yet. I'm kidding. As long as Lyra doesn't do something that would put the twins in harm's way, I think she's safe?" As annoying as Lyra was, Nix hadn't seen her upset Keagan enough to have the older Calvetti retaliate. "Yeah, Luke's been taking care of the twins as if they were their own since day 1 - There's a *very* low chance of that changing now that we know for sure she is the mom - other mom. "
Phoenix allowed the Paladin to thoroughly inspect her arm to her heart's content. Her eyes focusing on her arm, then up to meet Rikke's eyes once she started explaining about the tingle. "I hope this isn't a way to curse me to be injured more often just so you could heal me." She laughed before giving a shrug, "I should make sure that I don't get injured around you, or you'll start thinking I'm very accident-prone. My elbow hitting the door knob clearly isn't doing me any favours."
"Only because it would keep her away from her main source of gossip, because let's face it, your aunt isn't going to do much more than Keagan," she said with slight snort of laughter. Honestly, anyone in the family retaliating against Lyra in earnest was a joke. "Now that you say that, I think I should keep a closer eye on Lucas for a while. She hasn't been through a full moon since her powers were triggered, but she's also not the kind of person to wait around and have something just happen when they can try and 'investigate' on their own." Rikke looked a little confused for a second before saying, "They need to figure out nomenclature, because mom and mom is going to get old fast."
Rikke laughed at the 'accusation' and began to ease off her elbow as said, "Trust me, a 'synthetic' Paladin's ability with magic is very basic. Such a curse would be well beyond me, and honestly the cursing I do involves certain words that can't be said in household with babies." As she eased her arm back down, Rikke just gave a small shrug and said, "Lucas and Miles are exceedingly accident prone, and they're still impressive in their own right. I don't see a few bumps and bruises here and there taking anything away from you."
"Well, if she's away from the gossip, that's good enough for most of us." She chuckled as well at that. "Please, keep an eye on her. God knows what would happen if something happens happen to her. The least we could do is prevent Keg from murdering the hospital staff." As if it wasn't already proof enough during recent events. "She's already talking about going parkouring with babies.. I think that's a pretty fair judgement." She also paused to think about the name conventions, "That .. is something they need to figure out - we.. have the advantage of just calling them by their names."
"Who knows, maybe it's another surprise for all of us - Magic curses are a lot more trouble than they're worth. At least in my opinion. Clearly there were a few individuals who had a different sentiment about them." She said deadpanned. "With what they're up to, I can see why I wouldn't have them beat.. Maybe that's also another reason to keep an eye on them even past the full moon."
"Fair one," she eagerly agreed. "Oh, I would hate to have to find. I'm beginning to regret having shared the fact that our family were wolves, but on the other hand with how magic has been lately -like in general- and also the fact we still don't technically know all of what those three can do, it's better to avoid possible surprises. Which reminds me, I don't know if you were able to tell or not since you had Miles and both babies were asleep anyway, but they have actually retained their powers. So, seeing as you, Erin, and especially Teagan don't have wolf abilities, just be careful of any projectiles and avoid them biting you at all cost. I know the idea of keeping wolfsbane in a house full of wolves sounds like asking Supergirl to hold our kryptonite, but I think you might want to keep a stash in case of emergencies."
Rikke went quiet for bit, feeling that synth Paladins were the result of a magical curse all its own. She did manage to nod in agreement, because after all, she felt she'd know. When it became obvious that either her words had gone over Phoenix's head or she'd opted to ignore them altogether, she simply laughed at the suggestion and said, "Well, they are my charges after all, so that won't be too hard." Letting out a breath she said, "I think we should probably join everyone else and head to bed. Something tells me this baby adventure is only going to grow more chaotic."
"Knowing Luke.. it wouldn't be too surprising to find her testing out just what is it she can do as a Paladin before letting the twins in on the experiment." Her nose wrinkled, " A third of the reason why Keagan's stressed is because of Lyra, another third is Luke and the remaining is the twins combined. Just all sort of chaos with the four of them." She joked before nodding at the warning. "We'll give them all the toys to bite on so they don't bite us." Her lips went into a line when wolfsbane was suggested, "I .. will think about it - I'd rather not put my nieces or anyone else in danger by having it around. Although - would my wolf side trigger if I do get bitten? I am related after all."
Phoenix should really head to bed herself, but her feet did not budge. "As if everything else in this household isn't chaotic enough already? I'm sharing a room with The Hurrnado, in case you've forgotten." She grinned, "Okay.. I'll see you tomorrow then." Only then did she finally start moving *slowly* towards the direction of her room.
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fallcrestrpg · 2 years
ıllıllı 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩 12/17: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 3.1 - Avraham-  ıllıllı  
Transcript of Event below Cut:
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It was the weekly movie night and while she would love to be the one cuddling with her kids but as always, Levi and Embry had other plans - Evan being that other plan. On the bright side, the siblings were bonding and that was already enough to land a smile on her face. A kid on both sides of the half-demon, Julia almost felt bad for the girl constantly being sandwiched between them.
Having them alone for quite some time now, she figured they were due for a refill on popcorn which was when she decided to take come out of the bedroom to take a peek. At first she thought it was the movie they were watching, but considering it was a Disney movie that they all re-watched many, many, *many* times - she did not recall babies crying at this point of the movie.
Coming in, one could not describe her surprise when she saw 2 babies sitting (?), or laying down on the couch. "...Leo?" She called out as she stepped towards the babies, "Obie, stop sniffing at them.." She gently pet the dog before completely pushing him away. "*Leo.*" This time a lot louder.
Considering her kids often decided she was the _second_ best demon in the room when the librarian was over, Leo had figured she could slip out to the small office she had in the suite and get a jump start on pending tasks. With any luck and she might get to spend the full weekend with her family -something Thyra might argue she could do at any time if she'd just let the woman do her job, but...
As entrenched as she was in her work, as soon as she heard her name called out, she shimmered back to the living room. "I'm here, what's wroooohhhh..." Leo trailed off as she noticed the babies, one looking barely larger than one of Obie's dog toys. "Uh..." was the sound of pure confusion until she realized the oversized garments they were wearing. "Wait...is that- are they- oh..." The last bit coming as just above a whisper as she knelt down in front of the babies before glancing back at Julia, "Our babies are _babies_."
Julia was making sure that neither Levi or Embry accidentally rolled off the couch. "Yeah.. they are.. but *why*?" Should they be concerned? Was this permanent? Why did this happen? The amount of questions that flooded her mind though she was easily distracted by the sounds of her children's giggles. Reach out, she brushed her thumb against those rosy cheeks of her oldest kid. "...You're as cute as I remembered.. a bit older though."
Letting Embry take hold of her fingers now, she looked over at Leo, ".. I don't even know who to go to to ask questions. Do you have any clue to how this could have happened?"
As Julia made her way to Emmy, Leo slid over to where Levi currently laid. “I didn’t know people could come this tiny,” she whispered as she removed the boy’s now very comically oversized glasses. Glancing back over at Emmy, she had swallow back a lump in her throat before even attempting to speak again.
“Uh, yeah. Questions. I can start by checking in the group chat and seeing if any other parents are facing the same. Maybe one will have an answer. In the meantime, I’ll send Jon and Andy out to get baby…uh…things and stuff and whatever…”
'Levi's also tinier than most." She chuckled softly at the sight of him. Reaching over and gently poking his cheeks, that too also earned a giggle from this child. "To see the two of them together like this.. I.. never thought I'd see the day." With that, Julia moved Embry carefully to sit close to her brother. In the meantime, Obie started whining so Julia lifted him onto the couch too, watching him automatically snuggle next to the older kid.
This was really tugging at every heart string. "..Yeah.. we'll need a lot - they'll need to get a lot of everything since we have 2 babies on our hands.." Their tiny hands and feets made it hard for the blonde to resist showering them with tiny kisses. "God.. just look at you guys.."
Shimmering back into the suite's living room with an armful of snacks, Evan immediately dropped everything on the spot, eyes going wide as she took in the sight on the couch before her. She'd left her girlfriend and her new bestie for only five minutes max as she remembered the snack haul she'd left at her place with all their favorites....and now in their place were....
"Babies..." she whispered.
Shaking her head to give her brain a jumpstart, she also took note of the fact that Julia and Leo were crying- _Leo_ was _cry-eeng_... "Uh, is that- are they- So I take it solids are off the table for a bit...?"
"Yep... babies." Julia didn't want to budge at all. "It just.. happened all of a sudden." She looked over to Leo, "Did anyone have any idea? ... Did it happen to anyone else? As adorable as this is.. This.. can't be a good sign.. or am I just being too pessimistic?"
It was almost comical how big the clothes were now that Embry and Levi shrunk. "Obie, grab that blanket for me." She pointed over to the fabric and the pup intelligently dragged it across the couch for the other. Then she made quick work to wrap the kids with it. Despite being wolves, Julia still didn't want them to feel cold.
"She's too young for you bro!" Was the first exclamation that came out of her mouth at Evan's statement, but there was hardly any seriousness in her face to back it up as the younger demon just rolled her eyes. At Julia's question, she glanced back up from her phone and said, "Paladins' prevailing theory is that it's related to the kickback magic from when the last seal was broken on the Nexus. Which means, much with other kickback magic situations, at least it won't be permanent or really have any lasting effects. We don't, however, have a way of knowing how long it could last. I mean, we were once stuck as our halloween costumes for several hours and then once stuck as the opposite gender for like a month...."
Julia could feel the younger demon rolling her eyes even if she didn't look in her direction. "So it's temporary." She mumbled to herself, wondering if that was a good thing or not. The fact that Embry was sitting in front of her as an infant was truly a blessing. She was sure she was about to burn a hole in her kid's cheeks by how much she's brushing against it. And when Emmy laughed and smiled towards their way, god, how her heart melted.
"I suppose we should make the best out of it?" She pointed her smile towards Leo. "Like.. a lot of photos will be taken on my part, that is for sure." She
It had taken a bit longer than she’d like to admit to get into a routine with her new duties, but after a week she was feeling things were hitting a stride.
And then her original boss sent a message that she and Jon needed to check the group chat and shop accordingly…the last part confusing her more than anything. That is, until she read the chat.
Now, she stood at said bosses door, after Thyra giddily volunteered to be her co-shopper over Jon and they managed to speed through the list. Entering using her pass, she trudged into the living room with all of their bags and a hotel manger trailing. “I think this is half the store.”
When she heard about shopping for babies, Thyra volunteered to go because baby clothes were the cutest things. And she was not disappointed when they arrived at the penthouse.
"Oh.. my gosh." she whispered, clutching onto Andy's arm with excitement. "Look at them, Andy!" She was basically melting at the site of them and she hadn't even held the babies yet. While she would love to run over and play with them, she was wondering how Andy was holding up. "Annnd no we didn't get half the store, maybe one-third of it. The diapers and other essentials are on the way up - there were a lot of boxes. We brought up the rest."
Over the last year or so, Andy had grown to mitigate her bloodlust by simply shifting focus away from her sense of smell. It wasn’t one she relied on too often, and it helped to not feel like she was dying of dehydration out in the middle of a salt-water ocean. But there wasn’t quite as much she could do about her _sight_.
As she was distracted, it was easy enough for Thyra to coax her into doing exactly as asked and _looking_ at the babies. Why the more youthful the creature the brighter and more alluring their blood shone, she didn’t know. But it was enough to cause her to stiffen and force herself to remain rooted to her spot. “Yes,” she replied eventually, “They are rather captivating aren’t they…I think I’ll go ahead and give Jon a hand with the boxes.”
She could tell by the way Andy stiffened that being around babies was.. going to be a challenge. So when Andy said she might just go help out Jon instead, Thyra didn't stop her. "I'll go with you. We bought a lot - I feel bad that we're getting Jon to bring everything up." She chuckled softly and gave the babies a small peck on their cheeks before getting up to walk out with Andy.
"How are you holding up?" She asked once they were in the elevator. "With Emmy and Levi being babies." She chuckled, "Something tells me that you're talking about a different kind of 'captivating' than I would be." She smiled as she looped her arms around the other's.
The vampire didn't even register she was actually going through the motions of breathing -even though it had no point anymore- until she heard her own sigh as the elevator doors closed. She felt like needed to catch her breath, but she knew that wasn't a thing, and the more she tried to fight it and make herself stop, the worse it got. So she caved and just took in deep breathes as if they had a purpose.
"I..." Andy trailed off, not really sure what order her words were even in for a second. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "I to keep a measured distance from kids. I think I briefly touched upon it once when Leo first wanted me to watch Levi for them...it's...it's a whole thing, but the most imminent one is the fact that the younger the living being, the brighter -I.E. more alluring- the blood call is. But it's okay, I doubt I'll be left remotely alone with either infant, and if push comes to shove you're clearly more than okay with watching over them so-" The elevator dinged and she was off at top speed, loading everything into the elevator at once in less than a minute. "Shan't keep them waiting."
Thyra could only imagine that Andy saw everyone with heat vision, except blood veins. While it was understandable that Andy didn't want to be around the kids too long, Thyra was sad that she had to avoid them in case she endangered them. "From the looks of things, I don't think they'll need anyone to help watch over them. Did you see Leo?" She smiled as she looked up to see what floor they were on, only to see the elevator filled before she even looked back down when the door opened.
"....That speed must be so convenient. Is that everything?" She double checked all the boxes to make sure they didn't have to go for another trip down. "We should leave a small stash of supplies in her office later, who knows if she decides to go do some work with babies in her arms." She snorted as she turned around with a baby's outfit in her hands, "Oh my god. I thought [this](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S1b06523e1987442e8145e4786e8b791dN/Anime-Baby-Rompers-New
As she entered into the elevator herself and felt her cells literally settle into normal time, she let out a breath and hit the right button. "It really depends on the task at hand...and who you happen to ask," she replied cheekily, already doing her best to slip back her mask of easy-going detachment and snarky humor. Thyra was clearly having the time of her life right now and the last thing she wanted was to in any way, shape, or form, become the reason she didn't get to enjoy herself.
The thought immediately struck her that she might as well do all she could to let the woman enjoy the babies while she could, as obviously Andy wouldn't be helping her get any of her own for various reasons...but she immediately nipped _that_ in the bud. And instead concentrated on the bright orange _thing_ the woman was holding up. "I guarantee you that _now_ is going to be the _only_ chance you will ever get to put Embry into something like that, and no, not just because of the size." Just then the elevator dinged again, and Andy proceeded to pull out the shades she grabbed form the car. "Alright, let's get this sorted out."
"... I can already expect the amount of work load I'll have to handle." She snorted. It was a good day when she could just stay in her office and do paperwork while answering emails because that meant that there weren't any trouble going on in the hotel. But they came oh so rarely because there will always be a guest who needed to 'speak with the manager'. But all that didn't deter her from her initial concern.
"I don't want to stay here too long if you're finding it hard to be around the babies." She took Andy by the hand. "We can like.. just drop off their things and go home too, you know." As cute as Embry and Levi were, Thyra didn't want Andy to be uncomfortable around them. She didn't know how much of a lightbulb they looked to the vampire, but surely, it was alluring enough that the other excused herself so quickly to begin with.
“I think it will all depend on how long this goes on for,” Andy noted. “I’m certain tomorrow will be a full day off for Leo, but I most certainly don’t see her stepping back for too long after. I mean, she did ask for a dual baby carrier so….Just, don’t be surprised if your boss micromanages you from between a baby sandwich.”
She smiled at the suggestion and simply said, “It’ll be fine. Consider this as the equivalent of bringing your recovering alcoholic girlfriend to a party. It’s up to the addict to learn control and resist temptation, not the responsibility of the world around them to suddenly go dry. I’ll keep myself busy, and if it gets too much, I’ll just say so. And for the record, you don’t ever have to leave a party early just because I do.” The last bit was added with a wink.
"...She is definitely taking the babies to work as often as she can. I *also* have the feeling that she might get to take the babies to work more often than Julia could." She shrugged, "I guess I'll be keeping an eye on them if Leo needs to step out... Let's hope our meetings don't clash because you and Jon are next." She snorted. It didn't seem right to get their employees to help out either, not that it'd be a good idea because she didn't know how the kids would react to that.
While she didn't think Andy would lie to her, a part of her wondered if she'd actually say something. Still, she smile and gave a nod. "I know I don't have to leave early but I'd like to go everywhere with you." She hummed before the elevator dinged. "Where are we even putting all of these things?" She asked once they arrived.
He'd managed to remain quiet during the majority of the ride back up -due more than likely to the fact he hadn't had to witness the pair during the actual shopping trip as well- but as they neared their destination and the hotel manager managed that final line, he just couldn't hold his tongue anymore. "Have I told you recently how _nauseatingly_ enamored you two are," he stated more than asked, though the slight grin on his face made it clear he had zero actual problems with it. "You're almost as bad as my step-daughter and her 'best friend' except in their case they're both entirely oblivious to it. You both, on the other hand....well, let's just say we need to work on some restraint exercises for at least the big meetings."
Figuring he'd done his 'fatherly' duty and embarrassed the women enough, when the elevators opened he simply said, "I'm sure we can just set them up in the living room. The mothers are likely looking forward to getting to go through every little thing themselves."
The manager made a face at Jon, not embarrassed by his teasing at all because Thyra did not care about how nauseating they were being. "Leo already doesn't let us be in the same shift." She chuckled, "So I don't think you have to worry about us being in the same meetings."
Once the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Thyra grabbed a box and moved it to the lobby. While Andy and Jon could handle all the boxes themselves, she thought she could contribute at least a little bit. After dropping off the box onto the ground, she wandered into the living room to see that babies were now changed and was .. playing with the dog? Playing was a strong word. The babies could barely sit up straight and the dog was letting them lean against him. "Ohhhhh, they're so cute! See, I told you the outfit was adorable."
Andy, for her part, simply smirked and said, "Oh, Jon's just jealous _his_ girl is on the other side of town for most of his shift. It's okay, we'll get you guys one of those Portal things that are basically a giant facetime screen." She proceeded to pull out her phone and mockingly gesture to the screen as if explaining it to someone who knew nothing about technology. Act like a dad, get treated like a dad. House rule.
When Thyra proceeded to pick up a box and walk out, Andy and Jon just looked at each other and shared an eye roll, because of course she would. If her build would allow it, she'd have taken more than one just to prove a point -much like Jon was doing. Andy sped through the majority and made sure everything was offloaded -twice- before heading into the living room herself. The shades did fuck all when it came to the bright-neon pulsing of the babies' circulatory systems, but she smiled at Thyra nonetheless and nodded. "Hey, it's a good thing you got them matching ones because it looks like they both really like the uh, things and stuff."
Hearing them return, she turned in time to spot them walk into the living room one after the other. "Is Serephina still at work?" She asked after hearing Andy tease Jon. "We've been on different shifts lately that I barely get to see her. When I do, she's usually hunting down someone for their reports. I do not want to get in the way of that."
Her attention returned to the babies. "I can't believe that they're almost the size of Oberion." Julia shifted from her spot and leaned against Leo. "Look at her hand, it's like clutching his fur." She tried to ease the grip a little so that she wasn't tugging on the dog.
She opted to keep an ear out for the group after the way Any had set off. She knew the risk towards the babies was practically nonexistent, but she couldn’t imagine it was a pleasant experience for the woman regardless. They’d managed to get the babies changed and settled by the time they all came in, Jon politely nodding and answering Julia, Thyra being engrossed with the babies and Andy…
Her own attention was drawn back as Julia leaned against her and then directed the attention to Emmy. Chuckling she reached over to help by offering the baby something else to latch onto. “Obie has always been her cuddle buddy, I highly doubt that’s going to be changed by something as inconsequential as her new size. My poor boy, on the hand, can’t even sit up on his own yet. Little man is living up to his nickname.”
"With how unfazed he is with her just leaning on him like this, I think he might be the least surprised about Embry and Levi become babies again." Her focus switched over to Levi who was just looking at them but unable to sit up. "Hey buddy.. What are you looking at?" She chuckled as she took his tiiiiiiiny little bitty hand. "Did you also want to lean against Obie?"
Looking at the two in comparison, she was positive that Obie might actually be bigger. Embry let out a sound which drew her attention back and she saw that their baby girl was reaching out towards her two mother. "Oh.. What's wrong baby?" Since she was seated closer, Julia lifted Embry off the couch and into her arms, "I think she might be hungry."
Leo went ahead and sought out the items she’d need before stating, “I’ll get a couple of bottles ready. With any luck and they’ll be down for the night so we can actually sort through all of this.” Having found the items she needed, the woman headed to the kitchen.
Muscle memory from her time helping with the younger fosters had her back within minutes. She handed Julia a bottle before scooping Levi up into her own arms. She reached out and grabbed a pair of bibs, handing one to Jules. “Don’t want to ruin their new fits.”
She took the bib from Leo and carefully got it around Embry, who seemed unwilling to wear it at first but then relented when she spotted her younger brother also sporting one. The baby had forgotten all about it anyways when she saw the bottle in her mother's hand. Julia carefully held embry in her arm as well before giving her the bottle. "Oh they must be very hungry." She smiled as she looked over to the brother in Leo's arms.
The shifter also came over and knelt next to her before unintentionally distracting the babies. "Did we get a crib as well? Because I think we need to have that set up because the kids might want to sleep right after this."
The current chief deputy took that as her cue and immediately went to pick out to of the boxes from the pile of things. “Just let me know where you want them and I’ll get them set up,” she said.
When Leo pointed her in the right direction she took off without question. Thyra was clearly enjoying herself and this little build would buy her some time away from the babies.
Granted, her speed had her coming back out with the trash before the babies had even finished their bottles. “Both cribs are set. We got matching sheets and stuff to make it easier to do laundry and stuff. I can set up the baby monitors in there too if you want.”
She had noticed that Andy didn't step anywhere near the babies and was doing all that she could to be away from them. Speeding off to grab the rest of the boxes, and now volunteering to get those cribs set up. But because of that, the shifter thought her girlfriend would at least take her time with the cribs. Instead, Andy came out even before the babies were done with their bottles.
Getting up from her spot, she walked over to the boxes and got the monitors out. "I can set them up with you." It probably require two people to do the job but she wanted to be with Andy.
Seeing as Thyra had already gone through and picked out the monitors, there wasn’t much Andy could do except nod and agree to the help. “It shouldn’t be too hard,” she mentioned as she led them to the room. “Much easier than the hotel’s system for sure.”
Once in the room, the woman stopped for a moment and took off the shades. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she closed her eyes and took a breath. Feeling a bit re-centered, she turned to face Thyra with a smile and said, “Alright, what’s first?”
Once they were both in the room, Thyra turned around and snaked her arms around Andy's shoulders. "How are you holding up?" She asked, "Do you need anything?" The baby monitor could wait a bit. "We can go home right after this, yeah?" Lifting one hand, she brushed away the stray hairs in Andy's face and pushed them behind the ear.
"How many are there?" She glanced over to the boxes of baby monitors. "I heard the higher the better - are there any wall mounts? We could maybe install them like CCTV." She offered, pointing at the corners of the ceiling.
She had spent literal years in isolation, and even once she was 'free', there had never truly been the chance that she would allow herself to get close enough to anyone for her mood or state of mind to even be a topic of conversation. Yet here she was, back in the arms of one of the two people who had ever known her so well that really, answering with anything but the truth, just wasn't even an option. Her own arms came to wrap around Thyra's waist, that sense of being centered now also one of being _tethered_. _Secure_. "Well, it's not exactly the best situation, but I've definitely been in worse," she admitted, before shaking her head a bit. "I'll be alright. This right here is more than enough already. Thank you."
Glancing over at the packaging, she said, "There's six video monitors and two sound monitors. They do come with wall mounting equipment, and I think we both know I could probably have them up and the batteries in the receiver ready to hand over to the moms in less than five minutes, so why don't _you_ tell me what your plan was when you offered to help?"
Her eyes travelled back to the vampire with raised brow, stuck in between feeling amused and disbelief. "My *plan* is that you take your time." She chuckled, "The babies aren't even finished with their bottles yet - and if they were, there's still a few things to do before they're brought into this room." She shrugged. "And maybe I wanted to spend a bit of time with you - and give you a break from having babies in the same room." Sure they could just get everything set up and then *leave* but Andy might insist that she stayed behind and Thyra didn't want that.
"Should we set everything up and leave? Because I'll be fine with that too." Pulling away, she reached over to grab one of the boxes to read the details as she subconsciously opened the box. "Well, I won't be the one trying to install the ones that's supposed to go up in the ceiling."
In a bid to try and keep the mood light, Andy asked, “Oh, and just how we’re you planning on getting me to do that? We’re you going to ask nicely? Maybe sabotage the process or provide a _distraction_?” The vampire herself was definitely trying to distract away from the fact she clearly had been speeding so much it caused some concern for the shifter.
At the mention of a break from the equivalent of human LED headlights, and a little alone time, Andy knew she wouldn’t be fighting back at all. “We can leave whenever _you_ feel ready or whenever the moms kick is out, whichever comes first,” she chuckled. Walking over, she took The opened box and began laying out the individual items. “I think I can handle the ceiling if you can handle to instructions.”
"Would it not work if I did all of the above?" She asked back because.. she would definitely have done all three. "..Would you have let me do all three?" Andy could easily work around her so it really was a matter of whether or not she'd let her. "Maybe if I held you in place?" She shrugged.
The hotel manager grabbed the instructions and carefully looked through it. "Oh here's the screws for it." She passed the other the little packet. "How long is the power cord?"
Andy locked her gaze onto the soft blue eyes looking up at her with an emotion the vampire was still learning to classify, but simply smiled and said, "You could just look at me like this for two seconds and I'd be putty in your hands, and you _know_ it."
Taking the small packet, she got to work on the individual cameras first, opening the backs and reaching for a second package. "No cord. I figured it'd be a hazard for Leo to whirlwind her way around her babies and then suddenly trip over one. I got the battery operated ones instead, but since they aren't included I have to sit here and add them to each one." Though her tone made it seem like an arduous task, she was done with all of them by the time she got done speaking. "Instructions have any limitations on range or suggestions on positions from up high?"
"But I always look at you like this?" She chuckled, "Does that mean you're just always putty?" She was sure the two mothers outside could hear their conversation right now but Thyra couldn't help it.
"Oh, did we get extra batteries? We should leave a few spares - not necessarily in this room though - for when they run out of juice." She scanned through the instructions to find the answers. "It looks like they recommend them to be 3 feet away - further if possible. "How far is 3feet?" She looked up and then around the room. "I think we can have one around here? And then one in the corner up there?" She pointed towards the two spots she suggested.
Andy fixed her with a look and simply said, “What do _you_ think?” As much as she made it sound like it was just a matter of being whipped, Andy knew it was more than that. She didn’t give into Thyra because she was powerless to do otherwise; she did it because Thyra made her feel safe and _willing_ to do so. Giving in, for Andy, was a _choice_.
“Yeah, while you were ooing and ahhing at all the outfits, I picked up like four packs, not to mention we keep boxes full of them in supply. “Three feet is about a full-grown Thyra, give or take an inch,” she deadpanned, but places the monitors where the woman indicated. “Alright, looks like the hardware aspect is set. We just have to put everything in their private wi-fi network, and it’s set.”
The manager just beamed at the answer. She knew how much it meant for Andy to be willing to put her guard down, so there may be a hint of pride and giddiness to know that Andy felt safe enough to do so around her.
Her nose wrinkled at the jab of her height. "I told you, it's just that all of you are tall, not that I'm short." Once everything was set up in their place, Thyra took one last look around the room to make sure they're all set before giving her full attention back towards the other.
"So do you want to go home, or try again with the babies?" She asked, "Or we could stay here for a bit longer but they might want to come in eventually."
Andy rolled her eyes and tried to look annoyed at the hint of snugness coming from the blonde, but her the woman's smile was too endearing and she just turned around to do something else so her own stupid smile wouldn't ruin the 'aesthetic' of the detached vampire.
"Yeah, see the folks in this hotel are _hardly_ the tallest people in town, Peque. Some of them make even Jon look short, so I suppose you really didn't have much of a chance, huh?" she retorted with a mock frown. She let out a chuckle as she began cleaning everything back up so it was safe for the babies and there were no tripping hazards for the moms. "Well, we definitely can't hog a room that doesn't belong to us, but as far as the babies go, I'll leave it up to you. If you want to see if they're still up and up for another round of...whatever babies do, we can stay. I'll be fine."
The mother wolf had been doing her very best to keep herself focused on the babies and Leo. Anything to not hear the two flirt in their kids' room. One would think she'd get used to it after being around them for so long but she could *feel* the cavities forming. With a quick glance towards the room, she looked over to Leo, "I'm not sure if they're here for the babies." She whispered softly before looking down at Emmy who seemed to be struggling to sit up, or turn over. Julia held up the baby and the baby immediately leaned into the crook of her neck.
"Hey baby.." She whispered softly, "What's wrong? Are you getting sleepy?" She tried to peek but with the angle they were at, Julia couldn't quite see Emmy's expression.
"Oh I can guarantee you Thyra is. Andy is only here because it's her job. From what we've learned about her new powers, it can't be fun to be around a pair so young..." She turned Levi over on her lap and began the task of getting him properly burped but patting his back gently. Glancing over at the blonde duo she said, "Considering they just ate their fill, it is very likely they'll be ready for some sleep soon enough. Fingers crossed and they're both at the stage where they can sleep through the night or at least most of the night."
Satisfied when she felt the familiar rumble of a little burp, she flipped the little boy over to wipe the spittle from the corner of his mouth and then proceeded to bring him to rest on her own shoulder, much like his sister. "Come on, we can kick the lovebirds out and get to setting up a nice place for them to drift off in."
"Was Andy fond of kids in the first place regardless of her new powers?" She sighed as she soothed their baby girl's back, rocking her slowly which was deemed very effective when she could feel her baby being more still with each passing minute. "I think Emmy is already well on her way to sleep." She chuckled softly before giving her a kiss to the forehead.
Walking into the room, she smiled at the two women who were in their own little world no matter the place or time. "Don't mind us." She laughed, "We're just here to get the kids to bed - thank you for getting everything set up." She added before going over to one of the cribs to set the kid down. Embry for her part, started to twist and turn in attempt to get comfy. Julia could only watch with a big smile on her face. She never thought she'd get to see this afterall. "Leo look.. She won't let go of my hand."
Leo thought about for a fraction of a second before she said, “Actually, yes. She was always a big hit with the younger fosters whenever she came around. It’s why I was so comfortable entrusting her to watch over the kids even _after_ everything.” Feeling the even breaths of Levi, the half-demon chuckled softly and said, “Well she’ll be playing catch-up with her brother. He’s out like a light.”
Following the older woman’s lead, she too headed into the impromptu nursery. “Actually do mind us. A lot. Your help is appreciated but there are plenty of other rooms in the hotel for you two to stare adoringly at each other in,” she scolded, before turning to walk over to Jules. “She feels safe with you.”
Julia never questioned Leo's decision so if she trusted Andy even if the younger woman was somewhat struggling in the babies' presence, Julia should trust that too. "That also explains why you made her the babysitter." She hummed.
It was truly amazing how the two could be in their own world at any given time. Instead she just focused her attention to the cribs. It felt like a crime to pry Embry's little hand off of hers so she didn't. Hence why the mother wolf simply leaned against the crib and smiled endearingly at the kid. It was almost hard to believe that she once left this baby girl behind. "You really think so? Part of me thinks that she doesn't want me to *leave*."
As the pair bud their farewells, she returned her full attention to Julia. Her response was to be expected, as Leo knew full well how much Julia till struggled with a sense of guilt over having left Embry to the foster system. She also knew it wasn’t that could just be smoothed over with words, but she’d hoped that her reassurances over their time back in each other’s lives would have helped a bit.
Regardless, expected or not, the words still made Leo’s heart ache for the mother of her children. She reached out a hand to gently wrap around both the baby’s and Julia’s as she said, “She _knows_ you won’t leave. She wouldn’t have let you in as much as she has, while her normal self, otherwise.”
Julia mulled over those words, not because she thought they were untrue but there will always be a part of her who would somehow think otherwise. "You're right." She leaned towards the taller woman as her eyes fell upon the joined hands. If she were told she'd have this moment when she first stepped foot in the Avraham's home, Julia wouldn't have believed it. "Part of me think she might still be resenting me about it - I'm just thankful both of you allowed me back in."
It was without a doubt that they wouldn't harm Levi because he was just a kid but Julia was still grateful nonetheless. "Baby.." She let out a soft chuckle. "She's got .. a really strong grip." At that she could feel the kid's hand *tightening*. "... maybe this is a warning."
"Embry is as transparent a person as they come. Believe me, there was zero hesitation in letting me know how annoying she found me when we met and how much she'd rather shove pencils under her fingernails than have any sort of bonding time. If she still felt _any_ resentment towards you, you would _know_," Leo pointed out. The hunter still remembered just how much work it took for her to get Embry to stick around her during the first pride parade in town.
At the mention of the baby's grip, Leo took note and said, "Oh, that must mean they've kept their powers...hmmm...we may want to keep an extra eye on her. She still hasn't tapped into her witch powers, but as a baby who knows how much control she'll have."
"Yeah.. I remember when we met in person." Boy, she was ever so thankful Levi, who was ever the social butterfly, was around to break the ice. "Not sure who she takes after." She was just very thankful that everything worked out in the end. "But I still can't imagine her not liking you from the very start."
Her thumb brushed against the little digits as she thought about the strength the baby clearly kept. "... Did the girls buy any small stuffed animals? I think Emmy might need something to grab onto. Almost tempted to give her a strength grip with how hard she's holding on right now."
"Yeah...that was a memorable interaction," she said, though her focus in hindsight was the pleasant contact between her fist and that douchewolf's face. It took everything in her not to provide a sarcastic reply at the question of who Embry, a girl show spoke her mind and didn't feel the need to hold back her opinion, might take after... "Could just be her own personal flair," she said instead. Leo chuckled and said, "She _may_ have liked me, deep, _deep_, down, but that doesn't mean she wasn't annoyed. I mean, she probably thought I was just going to be another face that stuck around for a while and then shipped her off. I don't blame her."
Glancing around the room, she found a pile of stuffies and picked the one she felt would be the most 'robust' and therefore likely to survive the night. Handing it over she said, "I'm definitely already seeing why we've evolved to the point our powers have to be triggered by something and why we aren't all just born with innate magical abilities. Can also see why some parents may consider binding their children's powers if they trigger too young."
She made a face because she was *sure* they both found it memorable for various different reasons. Her ex-husband definitely didn't have a good time when he came home later than night though Julia knew he deserved whatever reckoning that came his way. At the topic of Embry thinking her time with Leo would end up like the other foster families just had her heart aching. This will always pick at Julia's guilt but she was thankful that the younger wolf was willing to open up to her. "And now she loves having you around - probably still annoyed though." She joked.
"...Do you think her witch powers will get triggered?" She thought aloud since triggering the wolf was vastly different from when a witch gaining their power. Her eyes fell to the stuffed animal that was already changing its shape at the spot where Emmy was holding it. "... She's not going to hurt herself, is she?" She reached in to give their daughter a small rub.
Leo shrugged at the comment and just said, "Like mother, like daughter." It wasn't like Jules and Leo had gotten off to the best start immediately either. Much for the same reasons that Emmy was hesitant to make any connections, so too was a teenage Julia. Though they were unfortunately kept from each other for as long as they had, the two would always be far more alike than they may ever want to actively discuss. Also, Leo knew she was just as annoying now as she was then so...
"I can't say for certain, but one of the things that made it to where Liam was as spoiled as he was from the start, _was_ the fact that his powers came in early. Granted, that doesn't necessarily translate to anything, but it was something else my parents could brag about....until I came along and with half my magic already presenting from birth. Scion genetics and all that jazz. _But_, being spontaneously changed from an independent teenager to a helpless baby could be enough of a catalyst to do it. May as well keep an eye out just to be safe." Looking down at the toy Leo said, "Herself? No. Some unfortunate other party? Perhaps."
She gave a wry smile despite it not being Leo's initial meaning. Julia was aware of how she was when she first met the Avrahams. Granted, she was taken in by Leo's parents which would have given a whole different experience in general. "Seems like she takes after me quite a bit." She commented, smiling softly at that.
"What didn't Liam brag about?" Her eyes rolled. "Well, I guess we should keep a look out for anything floating out of nowhere." She snorted. "I never did ask though, what sort of magic did Liam have?" For someone who seemed very likely to show off, Julia did not have much recollection of it. "Oh, you're right. Look at that grip." She laughed out loud at how distorted that thing looked right now. "Maybe she's letting out some anger we don't know about."
"Well, not like she can really take after anyone else the room, dear," she pointed out with a grin that was more of a mask at this point. Matters didn't get any better at the comment about what her brother _didn't_ brag about. "Well, considering his rather pertinent role in us having this conversation, at this very point, because of this very baby....That's for you to tell me, but honestly I think I could do without ever knowing."
Leo made a face at the question and then let out a breath as she reluctantly said, "Yeah, we'll want to keep an eye out for things being _set ablaze_ out of nowhere...Liam was a pyro...in any sense of the word, really." The woman let out a chuckle and said, "Oh she's definitely letting out some frustration there, but not all frustration is anger-driven...again, she was just a teenager only hours ago."
Julia had a feeling that she should perhaps drop the topic seeing that it was never Leo's choice of topic to discuss. It wasn't when they were younger, and it didn't seem to have changed now even though Julia hadn't be around them since. "Oh.. She might be a pyro? ... Maybe we should look at fire-proofing everything just in case?" She didn't even know when or *if* those magic powers would kick in, but it didn't hurt to be cautious about it. "Then again, is the whole ancestry pyros?" If there were more than just fire witches in the family, Julia felt like it was just a gamble of anything.
Julia gave her daughter's nose a light tap before resting both her hands on the barriers. "She might also be missing Evan, she did whine a bit when she shimmered out of here. But Emmy~" She shifted slightly to the side, "Look, Obie's here with you."
Leo shook her head. "No, mom's an air elemental. To which I did once ask her if in the end that didn't just work like telekinesis, and then she proceeded to remove all air from my lungs with flick of the wrist," she said, before adding, "But it was like only for two seconds. We can't blame lack of oxygen for my lack of thought most of the time." She hadn't thought about the moment in ages, and now having the ability to look back as an adult -and a mother herself- it was definitely not as simple or funny a thing as she may have thought. "I think it's good that my parents are getting to know the kids with proper supervision...and that they've dropped the whole insistence that we visit for the holidays."
She let out a chuckle and said, "Wow...did you just compare our daughter's girlfriend to her pet dog? Also, based on what she did to that stuffie, I would _not_ but Obie in there with her."
It really took everything for Julia not to comment on Leo being suffocated by her mother even if it's for 2 seconds. The only things she was ever thankful for, were that she got to meet Leo because of them and that she got to have Embry. They may be better now, but Julia was still not comfortable letting the kids alone with them. She also threw Leo a look, agreeing that it was such a relief that they weren't badgering them to visit as often anymore. "So there's two potential magic she might inherit." It was said aloud more as a note to herself.
A chuckle followed immediately after because of course, that was the thing Leo picked up on. "No, I did not but you're right. Obie, you need to stay out of the cribs." She looked down at the pup who was already trying to stick his nose into said crib.
"All things considered, the way magic has been evolving over time, I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to inherit both abilities, or something completely different that was a recessive trait from ages down the line. I think the Nexus being in play now has made it to where the restrictions that the more powerful supers, like witches and demons, have put in place no longer really hold much water. I mean, the Paladins aren't even tied to the Nexus anymore so...anything could happen."
Leo just grinned, knowing already that she would be letting the kids know about this as soon as they could retain information again. Walking over to Levi, she just smiled as she watched him sleep peacefully. She reached down and placed _his_ intact stuffie in a far corner of the crib, given that it was almost his size right now. "Well, at least we only have one baby to worry about...unless _you_ happen to have some non-wolf ancestors somewhere."
"That is true.. I guess I'm a little excited to see what the future has for her, for both of them. I missed out on her first full moon, maybe this is just me trying to make up for it." She admitted. Leo was right - anything could happen. Everyone did say that Fallcrest had enough surprises to last several life times. There was never a dull moment despite the size of the town.
"Uhhh, that I wouldn't know." She smiled, "This is going to be as much of a surprise for you and it will be for me." A tiny smirk graced her lips, "Do you think there's a chance I'll suddenly get some new power I didn't know about?"
Thinking back on the exact night of Emmy’s _first_ full moon, Leo had to tamper down on the anger that threatened to bubble back up. The mere thought that Leo’s own, biological father caused the girl to trigger… “I wouldn’t really say missed out on much, but to be honest, Evan would be the best one to talk to if you want details.”
Leo pulled a face again as she said, “I mean, technically, I think the guild’s working on a way to make it a bit less of a surprise…? As for gaining sudden new powers, need I remind you that the town’s wolf pack’s two token humans just turned out to be anything but?”
"Evan?" Somehow she thought Leo would be the one to tell her, or at least tell her to ask Embry herself whenever this baby effect was over. "Maybe once she drops by then. Or I can wait." Julia gave a shrug before shifting her thoughts to the two former token humans.
"I don't really know who might in my family tree; I never found out." More like she never gone out of her way to proactively find out. "...Isn't this exciting though? Now we have absolutely no idea if either kid have another set of powers."
"It's a long story, but I'll go ahead and loop you into the fact that Erebus and his lackeys were in town the night she triggered her wolf. Obviously, being that it was fer very first full moon, the likelihood of her remembering anything herself is slim, and I...can only recall up to a certain point. Enter Evan! Who has been saving our behinds and those of many in this town for ages but, people still try to compare her to her grandfather. I know the feel," she said making another face.
Leo furrowed her brow slightly and said, "I don't think Luke would've either, being that she was adopted as part of a closed adoption. Seems that unlike my father, the Bensons didn't keep a detailed a ledger of her birth parents...obsessively." She took a deep breath and said, "It is definitely something, I'll give you that. I mean, this could be one hell of a wildcard. Tomi! She's the descendent of a Scion, and how many generations did _that_ little surprise stay hidden for?"
"Erebus came into town?" That she did not hear about. Her eyes widened. That alone was not good news. She may not know him personally, but she heard enough about them to know that they would not get along, which was an understatement. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the rough summary of the night they had, "..... Did Erebus try to hurt the both of you?" She could only assume that said demon would have been in town solely for the Nexus because why would that man step foot in Fallcrest of all places.
"Luke and Tomi were really a surprise. Paladin, and half-demon, half-wolf? That's pretty impressive. How are they handling that anyways? I can't imagine what Tomi is going through.." Having her wolf triggered was already overwhelming on its own with the heightened senses. Julia could not imagine what it was like to add on other powers.
In all fairness to Julia, this conversation likely should've happened quite a while back. Instead of risking waking the babies though, she guided them back to the living room and took a seat in an armchair so she could face the woman. "Erebus and the Scions actually made it into town twice," she admitted. "I know, that's not a small thing to neglect to mention, but Emmy and I have honestly been so focused on everything positive that has happened to us since then that it really did just slip both our minds to mention it....and also, the first time isn't exactly a memory that Embry likes to go back to often."
Leo rested her forearms on her thighs as she leant forward, and clasped her hands together, a rare somber look on her features. "It was our first Halloween in town, as a family for me and her. It started off pretty great actually, she was dressed up as Supergirl and I was Wonder Woman...but things took a turn fast. The Scions came in wanting to begin the process of opening the Nexus and the first seal requires the blood of a Scion's own offspring..." Leo went on to explain how the magic released from the Nexus turned them into their costumes, buying her some time but causing Emmy to be overwhelmed. How the magic wore off at midnight, and how Evan had come in to help for the first time. "Emmy would probably rather tell you what she does remember about our encounter with Erebus the second time, but the first time is a touchy matter for her...because...she technically watched me _die_...And because up until then she had been oblivious to the supernatural world, she felt helpless as it all unfolded around her. Luckily Jon and Evan were there with her the whole time until I came back, but-" She had to stop as the lump in her throat finally refused to be ignored. Swallowing she said, "I know it's something that still burdens her....and I wish I could find a way to take it away, but I couldn't even manage to stay alive like a proper grown-up."
The fact that Leo didn't give a direct answer as to whether or not Erebus hurt either of them was concerning. However, she wasn't going to fault them for not telling her - she wasn't around then, and when they did reunite, lots of things happened since. "That would explain why no one ever said anything about it." How a wolf was triggered was rarely a good memory so she understood why Embry wouldn't want to think about it.
Julia's own blood froze when she learned that one of the requirements of a seal was the blood of a Scion's offspring. Her first thought immediately went to Leo but she held back on commenting since it was obvious that Leo lived to tell the tale...
Until Leo told her that she literally *died* and was then brought back to life.
".. You *died*?" The disbelief and pain in her voice of just learning that had happened. Her heart also ached for Embry for having to experience that when she didn't even know what was happening. The poor girl must have been so scared when her senses must have amplified due to the fact that she was Supergirl for Halloween, and then having to see Leo of all people die.
Her hands reached out and rested on Leo's, gripping them as a gesture for comfort and support. "That's not your fault, Leo and she knows that." She sighed, "I wish I had been there for the both of you.." Julia waited a beat before asking softly, "How.. have you been processing this? That.. That you died.." She almost cringed since there wasn't seem to be a way to ask this *and* she did not want to repeat the fact that it was her own father who tried to kill her.
All she could do was nod in response, knowing full well that the question on the matter was less one that required an actual answer and more one of needing to repeat it out loud to make it register. "Yeah...guess I only have eight lives left now," she joked, though there was little mirth in her eyes even as she did so. "I figured starting at the beginning would help make sense of her _actual_ first full moon a little more. Erebus essentially lured me out to the Nexus again, because the second seal required the blood of a Scion to open. He claimed that the blood had to be drawn in combat but I think he genuinely just wanted to get to finish what he started..." she trailed off a bit, before shaking her head and pressing on. "Emmy's wolf was triggered because she witnessed the fight between my father and myself and was probably overwhelmed by the fear that I wouldn't be able to come back this time if he was successful. Both of us woke up the next day, back at the hotel, no idea what happened until Jon mentioned an injured Evan shimmering us back. Incidentally, that's the night Evan got her scar. She faced-off against her own father, Azrael."
It was honestly a lot easier to just info-dump right now than it was to dwell too much on the memory of it all. So when Julia's hands found her own, Leo had to look down just to keep herself from giving over to emotion too fast at just how _real_ this made things. The question made her glance back up, and she just offered a wry smile as she honestly answered, "Uh...I have..._not_."
She had heard how cruel the Scions were but to hear that Leo had been sacrificed for their goal was just unfathomable - not to mention her daughter's girlfriend was also injured by another member. Julia could not imagine what it was like for Embry to watch all of this go down, on top of getting her wolf being triggered. "...Oh my god.." She expressed as there wasn't anything that could truly describe how she felt towards many elements of this.
It also didn't help to know that Leo, who needed to process things since they were kids, did not find the time to do so for this whole ordeal. Not that she wanted to ignore all that her daughter had experienced but that will have to come later - when she wasn't a baby.
Julia also didn't want to pressure Leo into anything so she smiled softly at the answer. "Understandable, it seems that things had been busy since then." She couldn't even begin to guess where they found the time to find *her* after all of that.
The half-demon could once again, only nod in response. There really wasn't much that she could say that wouldn't come across as empty platitudes or -in her case- inappropriate humor and sarcasm. She allowed for silence to take over for a moment, needing herself to let it sink in that what she just shared was, _in fact_, something that they had been through and not something they treated as a weird, Babadook.
"I've kept them busy," she admitted, when she finally spoke again. "The busier I stay, the less time I have to think about the past. It's kind of how I learned to function...." Leo trailed off, as the implication that this was also how she dealt with how their younger interaction went south was made. "It has been a bit harder to keep as busy as I'm used to though," she continued, "I've pretty much retired as a guild hunter. After everything that happened, I couldn't bare the terrified look in Emmy's eyes every time she saw me and Jon heading out, never really knowing if we'd be back. I couldn't do that to her....I still can't, as evidenced by the fact that I wound up in the gym with everyone else."
Julia nodded, understanding why Leo made the decisions she had. "I can't emphasize enough that I'm glad the two of you found each other. I'm.. also not surprised that you gave up being a full-time guild hunter just so you can be there for Embry - I'm sure she appreciates that just as much.. However, as amazing as it is that you always manage to put Embry before yourself, Leo, you got to take care of yourself as well."
The wolf was very concerned since Leo admitted that she did not even process with the fact that she *died* since it might end up biting them back in the ass as reality often liked to do. "... I, for one, am very grateful that they managed to get you back." Perhaps it was a selfish thought but Julia would have never thought they'd be here today if it weren't for Leo.
She was quite for a moment, as she listened to Julia. Leo scoffed a bit and said, "Yeah, I suppose I started training when I was so young, that by the time Embry came around, I'd almost forgotten what it was like to be on the other side of that coin. To be the one left behind while the person you care about goes off on some secret mission. I was reminded real quick though." She let out a wry chuckle before asking, "Is this the bit where you tell me I can't put the oxygen mask on other people if I pass out from not putting mine on?"
Leo glanced over at her and said, "Can't say I have any complaints about that myself. Of course, all credit goes to Evan -again- for being a walking version of the library of magic. If you didn't like her as Emmy's girlfriend before, I think she's earned some brownie points now."
Julia nodded when Leo spoke about forgetting what it was like to be the one waiting for someone's safe return. "That is pretty much what I meant, isn't it?" She chuckled. "You're just as important to Embry as she is to you. Only makes sense that you both are safe and sound if it can be helped."
She then let out a laugh, "You say that as if I didn't like her in the first place - but we're not talking about Evan, as thankful as I am for all her help. We're talking about *you*, don't think I didn't see you change the topic."
"I know, and you're right," she began, "But as the guardian, now parent, I just feel that it's up to me to just _be_ okay so I can be there for her when she needs it. Whether I have some natural caring instinct I miraculously got from my mother or whether it's the life-long training of 'others first, always', I couldn't say. Besides, it's not like it's had a noticeable impact on me. There's been no detriment to my work and I'd like to think that it hasn't affected how interact with those around me, especial the kids....I mean, I _have_ been alright with the kids, haven't I?" The last question was one she hadn't really thought about now, but as soon as it was in her mind the fear of having acted untoward either of her children and not noticed it...it stirred up a lot of old sentiments.
She waited until the ramble ended before speaking up again, "You've been more than alright with the kids." She reassured, "Weren't you the one telling me that Embry would be the first person to let you know if she didn't like something? Contrary to her initial opinions about you, I'm pretty sure you're her favourite person." She teased before going serious again, "Leo, I'm not joking when I say that both Levi and Embry love you. The amount of giggles from Levi alone could tell you that."
Leo listened quietly as Julia spoke, uncharacteristically managing to bite her tongue on most things she might've put up an argument for. Instead, she waited until the woman was done to move from spot on the armchair, to on her knees before the blonde, bending down to warp her arms around Julia's middle tightly as she rested her own head on the woman's lap. "I have two sets of parents and I know I _never_ want to be like three-fourths of the set, in _any_ way."
Julia automatically had one hand on Leo’s back with the other starting running through the woman’s hair. “I personally don’t think you’re anything like that - but I might be a bit biased in my views.” She smiled warmly at the sight, “Jokes aside, I do think you’re doing really well with the kids. That was never the issue.” The wolf pointed out again. There had never been any doubt that Leo would put the kids’ well-being first but the problem was that Leo rarely put herself first.
She felft herself relax into the other woman with each passing stroke through her hair, and touch down her back. It was enough to slow her mind down to a point where she could take in what Julia was saying and actually realize that her anxieties had caused her train of thought to be derailed. She was quite for another moment longer before muttering out, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to set up an appointment with a psych whose familiar with the supernatural world...maybe start learning to slow down and think of what something will do to me in the long run, and all that fun stuff that grown ups should do."
"I think that'd be a good start." She encouraged, "We can take it a step at a time. If it helps, we can even go to family therapy." Julia wants nothing more than to be supportive for the other. "Although we might need to wait a bit for Embry and Levi to revert back to their actual ages for that." Her fingers continued to run through her hair, "Whatever you want to do, I'll be right there with you, okay?"
Leo remained on her knees, but lifted herself up off the older woman, so that she look her in the eye. "Thank you," she began, earnest gratitude clear in her voice. "Thank you for my daughter. Thank you for my son. Thank you for being willing to form this makeshift, chaotic little family with me. And thank you for -miraculously- not having come to realize my obnoxious behavior was a detriment as time passed."
She reached out and cupped Leo's face, letting her thumbs brush over those cheeks. "And thank you for being you, for finding all of us, for being the one to bring us all back together - makeshift, chaotic little family and all. ." Her smile widened and shifted into a smirk, "I had some prior experience with your 'obnoxious behaviour' so I think it's safe to say that it's one of the things I do like about you." Moving her hands down to take hold of Leo's hand, Julia got up from her seat. "Come on, we should maybe let them sleep peacefully." As much as she would love to stay put and stare at the babies all night long, she didn't want to interrupt their slumber.
0 notes
fallcrestrpg · 2 years
ıllıllı 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩 12/17: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 3.1 - Asher, Rodriguez  ıllıllı
Transcript of Event below Cut:
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It has been an especially bitter cold day out, and by the time everything was taken care of around the farm, no one was happier to have done everything possible to expedite the building of their indoor little oasis than Fer herself. After a long week at the office, and an even longer day out in the fields, it was going to feel so great to just jump into the warm water of the pool for a nice, relaxing swim.
Or, at least that had been the plan. She'd left Dylan downstairs as she went up to change, but as she passed the open door of Cat and Artie's room. She had to stop and double back. In the midst of the usually furry babies, there were some decidedly fur_less_ babies too. Two of which were sat between the TV stand and the bed attempting to eat the console controllers and one was holding a brush, desperately trying to reach a canvas three feet too high. "Dylan! I think I'm going to need a hand up here...or two..."
A day by the pool was a *fantastic* idea. Unlike the other, Dylan was not looking forward to actually getting in the pool but lounging nearby with a drink hopefully. The *children* were somewhere else, busy with ..whatever, and Dee was at the hospital. Peace and quiet was hard to come by in this household - something that Dylan learned since the first day she stepped foot to this place.
She was busying herself on her phone when she heard a call from upstairs. Even though there wasn't anyone around her, the half-demon still let out a dramatic sigh as she dragged herself upstairs at a very casual pace. "What is it, darling? It de-" She stopped at the door once she saw just what she was looking at. "...Sweetheart, since when do you smuggle babies?"
No sooner had she called out to Dylan, then she'd had to rush in to catch an infant Cat -whose now much tinier legs are very much not ready to fight gravity- from crashing back down after she'd attempted to pull herself _up_ to the canvas using an easel that Fernanda was now realizing was exceedingly unsteady itself. "Whoa there, okay. Well...glad to see you're still determined to finish a piece once started," she managed as the baby used the boost to immediately get back to the canvas.
As Dylan made an appearance in the doorway, Fer let out a mirthless laugh and said, "I think _that_ would fall closer to _your_ family business, hun. _These_ babies are somehow, my cousins...and by that I don't mean that I suddenly have more cousins that happen to be infants, I mean these are the _same_ cousins you've grown to know and love, but they are _now_ infants...Oh, please gran Julian before he gets himself baby-murdered by baby-Artie!"
The half-demon looked over to where the baby - apparently Julian - was. Other than Fernanda, Julian had oddly been the one she got along with the most so to see him trying to wiggle away from the other infant was almost hilarious. "Isn't this just children's play?" She asked, not really want to pick him up in general but since the faerie was about to attack him, Dylan walked over to hold him up... Almost like the scene from the lion king except she didn't hold him up as high up in the air.
"They.. need better fitting clothes." Dylan had the decency to also grab the oversized shirt when picking the kid up. "As much as I would love a shopping spree - shopping for babies are not on that list."
Fer watched as Dylan actually took the time to debate whether to do as asked or not, and were it not for the infant in her own arms, she may have genuinely considered grown-up-murder herself. Instead she walked over and crouched down so she could scoop up Artie herself. As she stood back up she looked at Dylan and said, "Okay, first off, please hold my cousin properly. Considering you've managed to convince him you care, I know you can mimic things well enough to do as I'm doing with the girls. Second, you either join in on the baby shopping spree _or_ you get to stay here and watch them on your own as _I_ go on the shopping spree myself. And no, me heading out to the shops with three infants by myself is not one of the options."
"...You want me to.. do what?" She looked up with wide eyes, genuinely alarmed by the notion. "Darling, he's not my type - and definitely not at this age." She joked as she looked at the baby in her hands. This distance between them was already enough yet the mermaid wanted her to carry him *closer*? "You oddly have some sense of faith in me handling your relatives..." Dylan muttered to herself. First she brought her to the farm itself, and allowed her to stick around. Now she was expected to be careful with Julian. Damien would have a day with this if he witnessed this.
"I am not watching three babies alone - along with 3 furries." This is at least the one thing she's adamant about. She was hardly a babysitter. "So very well, I suppose I can tag along.. your shopping spree." She sighed dramatically as she carefully turned the baby around. A very uncomfortable groan came from the half-demon herself as she bundled up the baby more tightly in his now-oversized shirt and cradled him.
"I find it hard to believe that anything would be your type, regardless of age, but for the record, such jokes would likely get you thrown into a jail cell faster than you can say 'No _Karen_, I didn't mean it'," Fer pointed out, already making her way back down stairs. Setting the girls down on the living room floor, she went into the kitchen and came back with three plastic grocery bags and a roll of paper towels. "Sorry love, but we'll have to improvise until after we get done shopping. Can't risk you peeing all over an already easily irritable half-demon in the backseat of my car," she whispered as she fashioned temporary diapers for them.
Turning and wordlessly taking Julian from Dylan so she could do the same with him, she then handed him back and proceeded to guide them all to her car. She was certain the backseat was not Dylan's first choice, but she was hardly in the mood to care. The drive to the nearest store that would have everything they would need was longer than she'd like, but it would make for one stop shopping. Opening the back door again, she said, "Alright, Luke was nice enough to post a list of essentials in the group chat, so this shouldn't take long. Please refrain from sneaking things into the cart...I mean _you_," she added looking at Dylan.
She frowned when Fernanda actually said that it was hard to believe that anyone would be her type - Had she not notice all her flirting attempts? Then the half-demon wondered if she was losing her touch because she had been turned down almost every time by the mermaid herself. Actually stunned to silence, Dylan blinked and before she knew it, they were at the store.
"Darling, please. What could I possibly sneak into the cart? The good drinks can't even be *found* here, much to my dismay." She looked down at Julian next to her. "I suppose I could get the carts." Dylan slipped out of the car and scurried off to fetch them the cart. Coming back with it, she never wished more than to have some sort of power that could float the babies into the cart without her carrying them.. "In you go." She quickly grabbed Julian, not wanting Fernanda to scold her again. "...Do they all fit in this seat?" She had a feeling that she really did need to carry one of them, and already she was not looking forward to it.
Dyl paused at Dylan's question and looked from her to the cart and back. As clearly that was getting her nowhere, she added, "Well, there are _two_ baby carriers in the cart, and there are _three_ babies in our care. I know you're mainly meant to be the face of your company and are used to paying people to do the math, but surely even _you_ can figure this one."
Turning to close the door, she looked back over with Artie already on her own hip and stated, "I'll spare you and carry the Artie myself. Now let's get a move on. If Aunt D comes home to three babies with fevers because we brought them outside in less than appropriate attire for a Pennsylvania winter, she'll kill us both."
It had taken the better part of an hour, but they were finally making their way back in through the front door, Fer balancing two babies and several bags, with Dylan being trusted with the third baby and the rest...the mermaid dare not look behind her to actually witness _how_ the woman was managing that. "Just drop the bags wherever, but _please_ do not drop the baby."
For someone who had been very reluctant to do anything related to this baby situation, she was faring pretty well with Julian and the other half of bags from shopping. Once she did drop the bags down, she walked into the living room and collapsed - carefully - with Julian onto the couch when a ping sounded off from her phone.
Reaching for it, she only bothered to see the preview on the lockpage. A message from Nox in their group chat with the words. "DYLAN HAS A BABY. -Image" The half-demon did not want to deal with him right now, nor think about what Damien probably thought about all this and therefore, tossed her phone onto the coffee table.
"Carrying your cousin is not quite the exercise I expected today." She sighed, "I need a drink." The baby beside her let out a sound, "I think Julian agrees with me, darling."
Dyl set the girls down on the carpet and immediately went about sorting the contents of their purchases. Once done, she picked out a onesie for each baby and then set a fresh diaper on each.
By the time Dylan spoke up again, she was already turning on her knees to finish up her assembly line of sorts with her youngest cousin. Looking at the boy gave her brief glimpse at what her own child might look like and the mermaid found herself momentarily overcome by the thought.
Shaking herself out of it, she took the baby and began to work as she said, “If you manage to get me three bottles mixed up, I’ll mix _you_ up the best three drinks of your choosing once the babies are down.”
The half-demon just watched as the mermaid skilfully prep everything, ready to change all her cousins. She never had to deal with babies - and definitely didn't have any family members who suddenly turned into babies, but Dylan couldn't help but wonder what would happen if either Damien or her happen to get this.. misfortune. Probably hire a nanny.
Her eyes snapped to Fernanda at the mention of drinks. "Best drinks, are they?" She hummed. To think the other was trying to bribe her, but considering how stressed out she looked, Dylan decided to play nice. "Very well, I have high expectations for those drinks." She got up and grabbed a bag to go into the kitchen. You best believe she googled how to mix three bottles up.
Dyle only ever stocks up on the best when it comes to liquor. It's her little indulgence and she apparently put herself through her nursing degree by bartending so..." she shared as she got Julian properly dressed, and then set him off to go join the girls causing the poor ferret to lose its little mind.
By the time Dylan came back with the bottles, all three babies were rubbing at their faces and starting to get fussy, so she settled them into a carrier each and then handed them the bottles. She pointed at Julian's carrier and said, "Gently rock it, like this." Demonstrating the action, Fer hoped the babies would be out soon enough.
"So all I'm hearing is that *Dee* is guaranteed to make a good drink." When Dylan got sent to get the bottles ready, she just stared at her phone for the longest time. Surely making three bottles shouldn't be too hard. The fact that she was even going along with all of this was almost comical. Even after the mermaid passed them to the baby, she was actually.. worried. They were Fernanda's relatives after all ... and Julian might have been growing a bit on her.
"...Should we get you some of those automated rocking ones?" Dylan already pulled out her phone and started searching up options and she did not care if this was only a temporary thing. Manually rocking them when there's three of them didn't seem... fun especially when the tiniest one looked like she was about to cry.
"Manage to get on her good side, and you _might_ just get a chance to find out," Fer shot back, without even bothering to turn in the other woman's direction. Just the fact that Dylan hadn't immediately peaced out on her the second she saw the babies, had more than earned the woman a spot on Fer's own good side. She highly doubted she'd have been able to manage three babies on her own, with zero tools. At least now she had some basic supplies, including formula, bottles, and binkies to keep them pacified..._oh_, that's why they were called pacifiers...
The question had her glancing over, just in time to see that Dylan was already managing to multitask by rocking Julian and looking up the items on her phone. It was a good thing the demon was invested in her search or else she might've spotted a rather soft look being sent her way that may well scare her off before the babies were actually asleep. And the mermaid couldn't afford that. Get a hold of herself she replied, "That was the idea, but the store we went to didn't have any inniño es una canción infantil para dormir de #LeoncitoAlado que a los niños les encanta. Espero que la disfruten, la hicimos con mucho cariño. Si te gustó te pedimos dar LIKE, SUSCRIBIRTE o dejar tu COMENTARIO. ¡Muchas gracias!
The half-demon hummed a response to the store not having any because she just saw one that looked decent enough - it looked like it'd do the job and with how fussy Fernanda already was with the baby, Dylan made sure that it looked safe enough - not that she would ever buy anything that lacked in quality. "Okay, I got three, should be here soon." She shot a quick message to Dallas to get her to pick these up. "And relax, these got like a bunch of safety awards, reviews and whatnot." She rolled her eyes, "These -" She held her tongue from describing the family as 'gremlins' "kids won't die from them. Scouts honor or whatever."
She let out a sigh and almost grimaced at the site of the teeny one who was toeing the line between wanting to cry and holding it in. "Oh lord." She muttered under her breath and was very relieved to see the one she was rocking already sound asleep.
Dyl you didn’t have to do all that,” she replied in earnest. “You could’ve just sent me the link and I’d have gotten it sorted with Dee later. It’s already very kind of you to have stuck around to help. I’m sure this is hardly how you foresaw your evening going,” she added with a slight chuckle. A more mirthful chuckle followed after as she said, “I would never dare expect Dylan Waldorf to pay anything below quality standards.” Granted she would never expect Dylan to do quite a list of things she’d done tonight already.
The blonde continued her singing and rocking up until she was certain that both girls had caught up to Julian and were actually asleep. It was only as she sat back that her brain had enough bandwidth to be self-conscious. “Sorry,” she whispered, “Julian’s mom used to sing it to us, and it was the first thing that came to mind.”
She didn't know what to expect when Dylan told her that she'd be working for her since she wasn't going back to the DJ booth anytime soon. Picking three automated baby bouncers were *not* one of them. Especially since she didn't even know Dylan had three kids - and she surely wasn't a charitable person if it was anyone else.
Thankfully her sister came with her because how was she supposed to get three boxes to a location *just* so she could teleport them to wherever Dylan was.... which was the farmhouse for some reason.
"Um.. we have your ..bouncers." She knew there'd be kids.. but seeing Dylan and them in the same room was .. bizarre.
The mermaid was startled by the sudden sound of a new voice, but she managed to keep herself in check long enough to gesture for the newly arrived pair to keep their voices down. "I didn't realize that Amazon now offered same _hour_ delivery," she whispered, as she stood and led the girls away from the now sleeping babies.
Once a fair distance away, in the kitchen, she sighed in relief and then gave the girls an appreciative look. "Thank you, for being so quick. Honestly, this probably could've waited until morning but _someone_ is clearly terrified of having to physically rock a baby anytime soon. Fingers crossed, and they'll sleep through the night anyway because we still have to actually assemble these, and I owe Dylan some drinks."
She rolled her eyes as she followed, "Darling, please - they needed to be here asap. Who knows when your cousins will wake up." She took a look at the boxes, "Luck has nothing to do with it. Dallas can get those sorted out." She paused, "And if her sister's willing to help out, then you're more than welcome to. Oh, set up the baby monitors too."
"And yes, the drinks you promised." If they were alone, Dylan wouldn't care about looking giddy at the thought because she was going to be served drinks personally by Fernanda herself. Her eyes flickered to the mermaid once she realised that she was actually looking forward to something simple like this.
Dylt had started as a simple night in, had turned into quite the _task_ once their father had decided that completing Dallas' delivery would make for 'great bonding'. She said nothing as her twin led the way back over to the living room and the women were left to their own devices behind them. Using her powers, she made quick work of the packaging on all the items....granted, that also kind of took with it the instructions, so they spent some time hunting that down online.
They were half-way through the last rocker when -and who knew how many random whispered conversations- when a question dawned on her. "Hey, do you think this was an isolated incident to just the merkids or do you think it affected others?"
Dallas really dread getting a message from Dylan most of the time simply because they were usually a delivery run. The woman could not wait for more than a day whenever she purchased anything and this time was no different. However, these automatic baby... seats were not what she expected from the woman.
She also didn't expect that Kala and her would spend so much time hunting down the set up instructions for said chairs. As she moved the last rocker to a suitable spot, the older twin looked over to her sister at the question, "...Do you think her friends are also affected..?" Which meant... there was a chance that Tomi might be a baby... "Should you check..? I mean, you're babysitting one of them..."
Almost as if on queue, her forearm burned slightly and as she rolled up her sleeve and pressed the index and middle finger of her opposite hand over the enchanted ink, she received the details she was looking for. "Message from my boss, apparently the firefighter paladin looped her in to the fact there was a mishap with the runes of the wards on the Nexus. So seemingly every supernatural under a certain age has reverted. Considering Cat is twenty and we're twenty-two, I'm guessing it tops off at twenty....no idea how long this will last though."
It took her a minute to catch up the last bit her sister had said, so as she was mid-way to setting up the baby monitors, she looked up with a look of incredulity as she asked, "You don't reckon Leo would still make me watch Peyton if she's a baby right? Like, her parents aren't going to be letting a baby loose around town....right?"
She tried to let that information sink in. To think there was an age limit.. or maybe they fixed whatever mishap that was before it affected more people... Either way, Dallas frowned, "..Lucky us, I guess?" Turning into a baby and forgetting about adult problems seems appealing, but people might frown at that train of thought.
"...I don't know about letting a baby loose, but maybe they'll need you to look after the kids if they need to step away for a bit..?" She shrugged, "...I hope Dylan is going to get me to babysit.. simply because she doesn't want to." Her eyes rolled. She also heard that the demon had been spending most of her time at the farmhouse.... surely the oldest mermaid had something to do with that. "...Although I think we're sorta their temporary baby monitors right now..."
“There’s no telling what the after effects of this may be, how long it will last, what we would remember as babies or what we would remember about _being_ babies when it goes back…With that many variables, I’d say the sarcasm can be saved for later because we dodged a major bullet,” she pointed out. As someone who was always fiercely independent, nothing would be worse than being made reliant on other people for _everything_.
Kala shook her head as she said, “Nope. Not happening. I’m a guild member not a nanny. Besides, between the lot of them I’m sure they could all comfortably come with some arrangement amongst themselves for getting babies watched if they want a free night or whatever,” she pointed out before glancing over at the older women. “Granted, _your_ boss may volunteer you just to guarantee she gets more baby-free time with the mermaid.”
Kala did have a point. There was a lot of unknown anomalies and they couldn't really rule out the chance that they might still change later. Maybe the older you were, the longer it took for the magic to.... hit you. "Aren't you curious about how everyone looked as a baby?"
The dj smirked when her sister was very adamant about *not* being anyone's nanny. "Maybe Peyton might be the quietest she's ever been?" If she had to guess, it really did seem that the cat shifter was growing on Kala. However, even Dallas wasn't dumb enough to actually point that out. At the topic of her own boss however, had her rolling her eyes. "I'm surprised she's even sticking around one, much less *three*. She's really got a thing for Fernanda.."
“If I ever did have such a curiosity, I’d simply ask to see a baby picture. That being said, do I strike you as the type of person to be interested enough in other people to ask for such things?“ It was a rhetorical question. Of course she didn’t ask. If push came to shove, she’d just use her guild resources to get what she needed.
Kala found that exceedingly unlikely. It was hard enough to get the girl to be quiet at an age where she was mostly self-sufficient. Very unlikely she would be quiet now that she would require someone’s help for _everything_. “Somehow, doubtful, and I don’t do well with crying things. Babies, adults, pets, whatever.” She was surprised she’d even managed as well as she did with Dallas…Sparing another quick glance over at the duo she said, “Maybe their human halves are drawn to each other or some cosmic shit. This town is fucking weird like that.”
As her sister.. ranted(?), Dallas picked at the cloth of one of the rockerse they built, not really knowing what to say. Her Kala seemed very against babysitting and that was understandable. Dallas just never really saw the other rant about something. Sure, many things annoyed the other - like Peyton herself, but Kala actually sounded pissed this time even though there was actually a chance both their bosses would tell them to keep an eye on the babies.
When she was asked a question, the older twin remained quiet because it didn't feel like Kala was expecting an answer anyways. "Um.. Are you.. okay?" She asked as she stopped playing with the cloth and focused on her sister instead. "Isn't it like.. a good thing though? At least she's not really up to no good..."
Kala actually took a moment to consider the question before actually answering. “I guess not,” she replied honestly. “At least, not as okay as I thought I was….about a couple of things, I suppose. But this is neither the time nor place. We’re on the clock, after all.”
She wasn’t looking to outright swerve her sister, but now that she was actively thinking about it, she needed time to sort things out herself before she could share. “You think we can get in on the drinks action for our good work?”
She had been leaning against the kitchen island with anticipation. It was nice to hear that Fernanda didn't go back on her word. It was even better when her assistant had brought help to build those rockers so that neither of them needed to. "Darling, while Dee supposedly have good bartending skills, did she happen to pass these skills over to you?" She teased, since she was promised 'three of the best drinks'.
Though she wasn't at all listening in on the twins' conversation, the sudden words 'drinks' did catch her attention. However, she was not going to take the initiative to invite them because that would defeat having some alone time with the mermaid. "Will you be drinking with me?"
Dylle the mermaid had been honest, Dee really was the best drink mixer she’d ever met, the mermaid may have unintentionally downplayed just how well she herself had taken to the craft. Well, with some lessons of course. “I suppose you’ll have to be the judge of that yourself, as any opinion I hold of my own skills is entirely subjective.”
As she opened the liquor cabinet and began to work, she laughed lightly at the question. “I would love nothing more, but it would be highly irresponsible of me to be anything other than sober with three babies in the house,” she replied. Turning back to face the woman, she handed her a slim glass with a mint garnish and said, “We’ll start off easy with a classic mojito.”
Dylan playfully pouted when the mermaid didn't tell her about her own skills. However, watching Fernanda work was already impressing her. It seemed that Dee did pass down a few tricks at the very least. "We've got 2 babysitters in the room right now." Well, one who was under her brother's paycheck. "They're still on the clock and besides, I don't think a drink or two is going to hurt - or are you telling me you're a *very* lightweight?"
Her eyes looked down at the glass, and with a smirk, she picked it up and observed it. Nothing seemed out of place, it smelled as it should and so, Dylan took it to her lips. "Mm.. " She hummed as she mulled over the taste. Not wanting to give Fernanda the satisfaction right away, Dylan only shrugged, "I suppose this isn't too bad."
Dyl simply raised a brow and said, "Those two lovely ladies eventually have to go home. I know them through my cousins and Artie, and if they're not home soon their dad is likely to come looking for them. I personally do not want an angry dragon shifter at my door." At the mention of being a lightweight, Fer neither confirmed nor denied, instead stating, "You're tolerance and mine are vastly different just based on genetics alone."
Rolling her eyes at the response, she cleaned up before pouring herself a glass of water. "Well I do hope that you manage to get through it if even it's just passable, because I'm not about to be wasting Dee's liquor."
"Wouldn't it be fine if they tell their daddy dearest that they're staying over?" Besides, weren't the twins adults already? Dylan couldn't really picture their father being so protective of them if he knew where they were. They might not trust a Waldorf but this was the farmhouse. On the topic of their tolerance, the half-demon didn't reply since she wasn't sure how mermaids handled their alcohol.
"Relax, I'll finish the drinks - Unless you want to take a sip, because you're more than welcome to share the drink with me." And to prove it, she took the glass to her lips again. "So what will the next drinks be?" She asked while playing with the garnish.
The mermaid rolled her eyes and said, "Tell you what, if you can manage to _ask_ them nicely and they agree -of their own free will and without fear of retaliation from _you_ later- then I don't see why they can't help out for _a bit longer_." It ultimately wasn't like she was trusting the babies to strangers. There had been some friction recently with Dallas, but overall the twins had proven themselves to be trustworthy enough. Granted, she also didn't want to push her luck. Cat especially could be exceedingly wary around strangers at this age.
Fer fixed Dylan with a mock look of endearment as she said, "Aw babes, sharing the free drink _I_ mixed for you with me already? How sweet." Rolling her eyes once more, she smirked as she said, "I'll allow myself one drink, but considering I know what comes next, I think I'll hold off for a bit. As for what's on the menu, that's for me to know and you to find out once it's in your hand."
"Retaliation? From me? Darling I would *never*." She sighed, dropping it. "Very well, I suppose I should ask them - after the drinks." Dylan would rather hire a nanny even if the twins didn't want to stay and she somehow had a feeling that Fernanda would rather watch over the kids herself. "Should hire a nanny."
Her smirk then widened at the implication. "Oh? What comes next? Do enlighten me." She chuckled, "You *are* the barista, the strength of the drinks is your hands." While Dylan wasn't a fan of surprises, she was willing to happily sip on her drink while she waited for the upcoming ones. "It's just less fun to be drinking alone."
Dyl snorted at the mention of a nanny. "Hard pass. As someone who was practically raised by a nanny, even though I had a very present and able mother right there, I would rather keep the care of the babies mostly between myself and Dee as much as possible. There's also the fact that young Cat never did take well to strangers, so to avoid a lot of unnecessary headaches, the most I may come to consider is a babysitter. And even then it would be someone the kids already know." Her tone left no room for argument.
Fernanda simply shook her head cheekily as she continued to wait until it was time for a refill before moving on to the next drink. "Keep whining and I'll just have to pull out the bottle we got especially from the Bridgeport. Even Dylan Waldorf can't complain if she's face down on a mattress, black-out drunk."
She couldn't share the sentiment - though she almost grew up the same way, her fondness for children continued to cease to exist. And she will not admit that Julian as a baby... is somehow growing on her. Never. "Cat not liking strangers?" She frowned, that sounded like the opposite of the ... *very* enthusiastic girl she knew. Dylan was sure that girl would befriend the whole town if she could. Or so it seemed. "Fine... no nanny. Maybe babysitter... But I see you're very keen on personally handling this." She sighed rather dramatically, as if it was a shame they couldn't just hire someone.
"Was I whining?" She hummed as she took a long sip of her drink before peering over her glass. "Normally I would say that's a challenge, but I'm well aware on the bottles served over there. I will have to pass on that. Black out drunk doesn't seem to be a good look for me." She now looked down in her empty glass, "So what's next?"
At the doubt clearly ringing in the woman's voice, Fer could only chuckle wryly as she said, "Yeah, it's a far-cry from the Cat we currently know and love, but it's far easier to try and befriend every stranger you meet when you have the proper physical ability to turn and run in the opposite direction if things go south. She always was far more conscious of how small she was when she was younger....probably because my uncle was constantly reminding her of it." The mermaid grimaced at the thought of Cat's father, before turning to face Dylan. "I think we've been working together longe enough for you to know I'm very much a fan of a hands-on approach. If you want something done right, do it yourself."
She nodded at the rhetorical question, "Quite blatantly at that." As she began to work on the next drink, she raised a brow and let out a low whistle. "Oof, sounds like you're speaking from quite some experience, Miss Waldorf. Here's to never having to be the one to deal with what sounds like _quite_ the mess," she said, handing her the next drink. "Negroni. You'll find that the _type_ of gin really does make all the difference."
That right there sounded like a story - but Dylan could not find it within her to ask for further details. However, if there was anything she could relate to, was that she too, had a shit father who was constantly reminding her of a flaw. "Delegating a task to another at times could still be useful - because then those hands could be used for something else entirely." The half-demon was constantly sending someone to do her bidding anyways, there were only a few things she was 'hands-on' about.
"And I expect nothing but top-notch quality." She smiled as she slid the drink closer to herself, giving it a brief observation before taking a sip from it. "It looks like Dee's collection of alcohol isn't as lacking as I thought." She had been sceptical at the beginning but Fernanda did a good job, not that she'll admit to that.
Fernanda let out a low laugh as she said, “I can assure you I am far better at multitasking than I ever have been at delegating. I’d rather do one too many things and _know_ that if one fails it was in my control to have done it better, than to delegate and cede that control over to someone else entirely…I’m sure my therapist would have something to say about it, but it’s worked out for me so far.” She was intentionally oblivious to the blatant alternate meaning to the woman’s words.
Getting anything even remotely resembling praise from Dylan was a miracle in itself. That she’d gotten this far was a feat. That the woman seemed to be closing the distance between them with each drink? Completely and entirely unheard of. “Well, I did save the best for last.”
"You take on too much work." While she understood what the other meant since she also had a company to run, she doubt the mermaid was dumb enough not to know when one took upon too much work for herself. And so, she let the topic slide even though that was *not* the purpose of her bringing it up in the first place. It was clear Fernanda was determined to handle the babies herself anyways.
She knew this drink was already stronger than the last, but something told her that the next was going to be a lot stronger compared to this one. "Is it also the strongest out of the three?" She asked. Dylan was taking her time with the drink. Even if her tolerance was still higher than the average, it was never wise to speed through a drink.
"You're not the first person to say so, but I'll fully admit you _are_ the last one I ever expected to hear it from," she chuckled. "It almost sounded like you cared there for a second, Waldorf." Fer wasn't stupid. She'd been around the woman long enough to know that sometimes shining a spotlight on a positive trait was the fastest way to make it go away. But if she was ever going to foster some sort of comfort level in Dylan with her human side and the range of emotions that came with it, highlighting the traits to let her know they were noticed and providing positive reinforcement -which in her case could vary based on the situation from actual words of affirmation to sarcasm and flirting- was the best way to go.
The mermaid just nodded as she cleaned up from the previous drink and began to get some things set up for the next. "It's an oldie, but a goodie. _And_ with my own personal twist on the mix, it's bound to make an impression. Whether good or bad will up to you to decide after."
"What? That you take on too much? *Please*, we get to hire people so that we can do *other* things." Her eyes rolled, "You simply just don't take advantage of that apparently. A shame really." She focused on her drink afterwards, neither admitting nor denying that she cared. Of course, this might also be the place where she'd say something snarky but instead, she enjoyed the rest of her drink while she watched the mermaid worked on the next drink. Dylan wouldn't be able tell you why she wasn't willing to push Fernanda's buttons as much as she *could*. Hell, she even let Aunt Dee kick her out without much of a fuss... and even had Julian help her be let back in.
Just thinking about it had Dylan down the last bit of her drink before sliding the empty glass off to the other. "Have you.. *tried* this personal twist before?" She laughed as she straightened up on her seat, running her bangs back from her face.
A scoff of her own came out as she said, "It's called work-life balance. You do work things during work hours, and _other_ things during non-work hours. It's honestly not as difficult to manage to do, if you ever decide to give the work bit a proper go, that is." The woman's silence on the matter of caring spoke far more than the sarcastic lies she'd have actually voiced, and Fer felt herself smiling easily at the thought. It seemed that whether Dylan wanted to admit it or not, she was coming to care about the mermaid and her family by extension -to a certain degree of course- and that was honestly..._endearing_.
At the question of whether she'd tried her own twist she let out another scoff and said, "Honey it's my go-to drink." Taking the now empty glass back, she replaced it with the last drink. "A classic margarita on the rocks, with a salt rim. The twist comes in the form of specially distilled mezcal instead of tequila." She turned back to pour herself of just said mezcal. "What makes it special is it's ability to rival even Bridgeport's strongest liquor. _Salud_."
"I balance my time well enough." Dylan rolled her eyes with a scoff. "I'm there when it's necessary." The business was the only thing her dad had some form of expectation from her, Dylan was not going to mess that up. Maybe it was also out of spite, unwilling to allow the patriarch to find another flaw. Her eye caught the smile Fernanda had, and did not want to question that either because something told her that she didn't want to know what was so amusing.
She looked down at the new drink - suddenly very intimidated when she heard that it had an ingredient that rivalled Bridgeport's liquor. Of course, she wouldn't show that so obviously on her face. "Specially distilled Mezcal.. How intriguing." She smiled and raised it up towards the other before taking a good sip herself. Either she was very light handed with the previous two or this one was.. vastly stronger. Perhaps her brother might have an easier time with this, but Dylan had a limit unfortunately. In the end, she had to cough. "I don't suppose you poured a bit more mezcal than you normally would?"
"You're there when _you_ feel it's necessary," Fer was quick to correct. "I've had plenty of conversations with your employees, and don't bother asking for names because let's be honest with ourselves, you wouldn't know who I was talking about anyway. Which incidentally, proves my point. _Although_, I will say I do appreciate the fact you've provided me with your direct line so I can reach you whether you're at the office or not. Makes a lot of things go by so much smoother." It was already a difficult task to begin the proper dissolution of the longstanding working relationship between the Rodriguez firm in the ocean and the Waldorf firm on land, but if she had any hope of legitimizing her family company, it was a necessary evil.
Taking her shot with no chaser, and then watching the face Dylan was trying -and failing- to hide, had the mermaid looking back over at the jigger when asked about amounts. "No, looks like I used the same amount I always use," she replied. "Granted, I'm usually making these for myself and not company so I may have unintentionally been a little heavy-handed."
"If that is all they're saying about me." Dylan did not need loose lips working in her company, whether it was on the legit side of things or not. While she wouldn't make a fuss since the people were just complaining about her absence, she was less forgiving if someone were leaking secrets instead. However, because of that, she wondered if Fernanda would actually reveal it if it did happen.
"Oh, look who's appreciative *now*?" She smirked, knowing just how annoying she had been by pestering her everytime they met. Even people at their offices were bound to be accustomed to the bantering. This mermaid had been surprising her since the day she accepted to work together. "Alas, you only make business calls on it. I'm rather hurt." Though her tone was anything but.
"I must say, I didn't think you'd drink it like water." She was impressed to say the least. Instead of commenting more on that, she focused on her drink, oddly liking it the more she drank even though she could feel her cheeks warming. "So you're saying that this is the amount you usually pour for yourself?" Very impressive.
“My reputation precedes me,” she said in response. “I’m sure they know that if I took ove my family’s company _after_ they were involved with yours, I’m sure to have done my homework and already figured out what I needed to know.”
Fer only scoffed at the response. “There’s a big difference between having a means to reach you, and having you try to turn my board room into your own personal catwalk,” she shot back. The mermaid raised a brow and simply said, “What would be the point of making personal calls if you’re usually already at my house?”
She glanced at the empty shot glass and shrugged. “I suppose once grows a certain tolerance.” She would not, however, be taking a second shot. “Yes, makes for a great way to unwind after a long day of dealing with insufferable business acquaintances and such.”
"I think it took everyone by surprise when you decided to collaborate with my company. With how our board meetings go, we were under the impression that you wanted nothing to do with me." She pointed out with a quick glance over to the other.
The demon was well aware that she was now always found at the barn - to the point that even Nox and Damien didn't even need to ask about her whereabouts anymore. Was she spending too much time here? She never really spend the *day* at someone's house, it was usually the night so all of this was rather .. strange for her. "Isn't that to say you don't need my number in general?"
Her eyes steeled when hearing about 'insuffereable business acquaintances'. "And who has been getting on your nerves so much that it requires a drink so often?" She kept on a smile, wondering if the other hand grouped *her* along with the other nuisances. "Perhaps I can lend a hand in dealing with them?"
“To be completely honest, it wasn’t a choice that I had much of a say in. Talks were started long before I took over, and a fully drawn contract was already signed and in place,” she admitted. Fer did let out a small sigh as she smiled and said, “_But_ I have learned to make the best of a bad situation.”
“You _just_ pointed out all my calls to you were business. When do discuss business are kind here?” Was the simple rhetorical response.
The mermaid shook her head and once again and reiterated, “I’m not providing any names. I can handle my own problems on my own. But I appreciate the concern.”
Fernanda had a point, there was a contract signed, and they were not at the point where Dylan would even entertain the idea of letting the other go with little to no consequence. "Hmm, I wouldn't think being in a situation with me is that bad." She chuckled as she made it through two-thirds of her drink.
Her eyes rolled when the mermaid refused to give her names. That wouldn't stop Dylan from assigning someone to poke around regardless if Fernanda wanted her to or not. "Simply curious." She denied. Perhaps part of it was because she was itching for some trouble and these sounded like they could be potential playthings.
Fernanda's soft smile easily shifted into a knowing smirk. They'd both been tip-toeing around the elephant in the room pretty much since Fer set foot in town, and maybe it was the shot of liquid courage she'd just knocked back, but all the mermaid could reply with was, "I have just as many resources as you do, Dyl. I _know_ what my uncles are like and how they ran the business before I replaced my mother. I _know_ the businesses they work with. Getting in the metaphorical business bed with the Waldorfs is nothing _but_ trouble with a capital T."
She just raised a brow and said, "Ooh, you should save that one. Makes a great product line name."
Her eyes rolled when Fernanda went on about how her uncles ran businesses. She, too, was aware how they ran it and needless to say, Fernanda was a great improvement when it came to their partnership. "Mm, metaphorical bed.. " She laughed, "But anyways, we are not *trouble*." She said that with a smirk on her face. "We haven't had any trouble so far." However, she will refrain from commenting on the uncles - she was simply glad she did not have to deal with them any longer.
"The only bed I'll ever venture to get into with you based on how you've chosen to behave yourself," she stated plainly, as if detailing the most obvious of things. "You keep repeating that, but just because the matters have not been trouble _for you_, it does not mean they weren't trouble in general." It was a _fact_ that she knew and could not ignore. Regardless of how Dylan personally presented herself, and how lovely she'd been today in helping her...there was a marked difference between Dylan her friend and Dylan her business associate and as long as the latter existed, the former would never be anything more.
"Oh? And how have I chosen to behave myself" Perhaps the drinks were getting to her, but Dylan's smile faltered ever so slightly. "Are you saying that *my* trouble have been bothering you?" Surely these weren't just the annoying business acquaintances she was talking about earlier. It was as if that had been the wake up call to sober her up - to a degree - her eyes steeled at the idea that people had been messing with what's hers.
The mermaid saw on reason to _not_ answer the question. "Today? Patiently," she said with a smile, "Graciously, dare I say, even _caringly_. To which my gratitude will never be enough." There was a pause before her smile fell a bit and she said, "Every other day, however, you are downright baffling. You are hare almost daily, which makes me think you have a reason to return, but then are constantly antagonistic to my cousins and derisive about our lifestyle and the things that are actual passions for the members of this home...So, until you you can make up your own mind, metaphors are the only things we'll have."
At the manner in which Dylan asked her about the other troubles, Fer knew she'd made a mistake in even broaching the subject. "It's not important. Not right now. Things have been addressed, and if and when they arise again, they will continue to be addressed. By _me_."
That was not the answer she expected. Least of all, that she had behaved *caringly*. However, before she could even retort to any of that, Fernanda continued and was .. truthfully honest with her which was something she was still not used to. It took everything to not give away any expression because it seemed that the woman herself was either ignoring it, or simply didn't know that *she* was majorly the reason why she kept going to that barn. No one will hear from her lips that her fashionista friend had become partially why. "It's not like I stopped them from doing whatever they considered their hobbies and-or job."
Nope. This was already on Dylan's radar. She was going to get someone to investigate this. Of course, this wasn't out of concern, but curiosity - or so she told herself. "So it's still important." She pointed out. "You know it'll arise again." This was how those people worked.
A harsh scoff fell from Fernanda's lips at the simple response. "Your father didn't stop you from taking over the company, but you can hardly say that his words during the board meetings don't make the job all that much harder to get through. Being expected to continue to do something you love after it's been brought to your attention that some consider it useless and laughable, is hardly something you can do with the same joy as before."
The mermaid took in a deep breath and held it as she rolled her neck around, not releasing it until she had dropped her head to stare at her own feet for a moment. When she looked up her look was steeled. "I _know_ it will. I've _known_ it would since the moment I took the position I did. I have three young ones -now even much younger than before- to consider in my day-to-day, and I refuse to allow myself to live in fear of what will be a problem for a later day, lest it trickle down to them. And I _will_ take care of it as I have done times before."
No matter how good her poker face was, this topic had always been a weak point. Her eyes steeled when her father was suddenly brought up since this was perhaps the last thing she expected. "I thought his constant nagging would have given away that there wasn't much of a choice." Her eyes rolled as she straightened her back, all playfulness gone from her demeanor. Her father only gave her the company simply because he didn't want to give it to *Damien*. Dylan was damn sure that he wouldn't have handed her the job no matter how much she begged if there had been another candidate.
With a sigh of defeat, the half-demon leaned back in her seat. The mermaid made it very clear that she won't do anything about it unless absolute necessary even if she had the means for it right now. Who was Dylan to change her mind? "Very well." was all she said before getting out of her seat and straightening out her outfit. Guess she'll have to stick with the plan of investigating it behind the scenes. Not that she wanted to go back to said three young ones, but Dylan understood that Fernanda was exhausted. "I suppose it's time to dismiss my subordinate for the day, otherwise you'll think I'm keeping her here against her will." A light tease before she walked back into the living room regardless if Dallas was actually struggling or not.
"My point exactly," she said with an edge of frustration. "You know that someone considers you taking over the company to be a 'bad thing' and it bothers the fuck out of you regularly. Would it really be that difficult for you to understand that the same applies to the three youngest members of this home? Especially when, if you got to know them a little better, you'd come to realize they also _don't_ have the best relationship with their own fathers..." If she were completely honest, Fernanda wasn't entirely sure why she was suddenly so hellbent on Dylan realizing she had common ground with her cousins or even pointing out how she was hurting their feelings so that she'd stop...well, she was partially aware, but that very well may be a moot point now...
As Dylan made her way around the island, Fer moved to step in her way and reached out to take the woman's hand but, stopped short. Instead, after a beat, she just closed the distance and wrapped her arms around the other's middle as she burrowed her face agains her chest. "Thank you. I know the conversation took a turn, but I really do appreciate everything you did today."
The half-demon could only understand that the mermaid thought she was being a bully to her cousins, but she was not sure why the other was so insistent to get her to *relate* to them - that they had more in common than what meets the eye. Reluctant to vocally give in, Dylan admit that it was indeed embarrassing and shitty to know that the whole board knew that her father didn't like the way she ran things, and the fact that she wasn't the intended heir. "I'll tease them less." is all she said about it.
She had been on her way back but again, for the nth time tonight, she was taken by surprise. When Fernanda grabbed her, she didn't know what to expect. Hell, she thought the younger woman was about to drag her ass out of the house. Instead, she was wrapped in a hug. A hug. This .. was very unexpected to the point that Dylan didn't actually know what to do. The only hugs she got was from Nox and she never reciprocated those, and often she shoved them away.
Awkwardly hugging back with a hand gently patting her the other's back, Dylan's voice was quieter, "I don't think I did anything except hold Julian at the store."
Even though she was almost certain that Dylan believed her response was going to be taken at face-value, and considered a throw-away phrase meant to placate the mermaid, Fer knew better. Just the fact that she was willing to even _say_ anything that could remotely be taken as her having considered the other person's words spoke far more than the few words she'd actually vocalized. "I'm sure it'll be made easier by the fact they can't actually talk back at the moment," she replied.
Fernanda wasn't actually expecting the hug to be reciprocated. If anything, she was selfishly using the hug to provide herself an anchor for the first time since walking in to a room full of babies...or well, if honesty was the name of the game, she'd been in need of an anchor long before that. The mermaid was perfectly content to not have been pushed away, but the gentle pats had her genuinely smiling for the first time in a good bit that day. It wasn't the extent of the effort made, it was the fact that Dylan was clearly _willing_ to make one.
"Considering I had two other babies to deal with, that is a full one-third of the job," she said, not wanting to sell the woman's efforts short. "Besides, you also got me some rockers, had help come in to give me a break...I wouldn't hold it against you if you opted to not return until things are back to normal, but I'm pretty sure Julian, and even the girls and the fluffies would miss you..._I_ would miss you..."
Dylan could only focus on the fact that almost every sense was being invaded by the mermaid. The last person who was willing to hug her like this had been Kieran, which felt like an eternity ago. And even then, it didn't feel the same as this. "I wouldn't say that'd be a lie." Her words were light, and even without looking, one could feel the smug smirk she had on.
Her smile did falter at Fernanda's next words. It was odd, hearing praise for something she didn't even thought was a big deal. And for once, she was thankful that her face was hidden from the other. "... You are a strange woman." She chuckled softly before pulling herself back enough to have her arms still around. "One normally wouldn't say they'd miss a Waldorf." On the contrary, there was only a handful of people who had ever said that, and only one would've been genuine about it. However, she was somehow more affected when Fernanda said it than when it was from her previous ~~pet ~~ girlfriend.
"It's almost believable that Julian might, but the rest of your household? I doubt it." She chuckled as she stepped back from the hug. It was more so that she wouldn't do something stupid, like kiss the woman when Fernanda had clearly drawn the line just a moment ago.
At the smug remark, all Fer could do was grin and say, "Aaand, you're done." Not that she pulled too far away however, knowing in the end that this was just Dylan's way of trying to keep up the mask of being aloof and unfeeling. Though the mermaid originally only ever saw that mask slip during board meetings involving the woman's father, she had to admit it was much nicer to see it practically fall off in her own home.
"I never said anything about missing a Waldorf," she was quick correct. "I said we'd miss _you_. As a woman in your position as head of a business, you of all people should know that it's the specifics that make all the difference." Fer could only chuckle as she went ahead and stepped off to the side so Dylan could make her way through. "You vastly underestimate just how engrained you've become in the daily happenings of this house," she began, sliding her hands in her pockets as she glanced over at the other, "Why it is you choose to do so, however, is a question only you can answer."
"Hmm, as if you aren't surprised by the number of people who don't read their contracts before signing." No, this was not her admitting that there were questionable documents in her company's archives.
Making her way back on her original path towards the living room, she didn't comment about the effect she had on the barn house. "Dallas." She called out the moment she stepped into the room, but then paused because she remembered Fernanda's words from earlier. "...I won't hold you here tonight but starting tomorrow, you can come by at least twice a week to help out." That should be enough to give the mermaid a bit of a break within the week, "And you can bring your clone if she wants to come." She was certain the sister was here solely because Dallas was here, and not because she wanted to play with babies.
Kala had been doing her best to keep Dallas busy, partially afraid that if her sister was left to her own thoughts too long, she'd get emotional again, and then proceed to make noise and wake up the babies. If anything, she was probably far more relieved at the sight of Dylan making her way over than even her sister was.
She'd only been paying attention half-way to what the woman was telling Dallas, however, as her phone had gone off and the message had been from Leo. Catching onto the last bit, she chimed and said, "Would love to, it's been a blast. _But_, my actual boss just sent me a text and apparently I have my own baby situation to help out with so, have fun."
Dallas knew Kala didn't have to be here but she was thankful nonetheless. Neither of them are good with kids but it was nice to know that she wasn't alone doing this while her boss went to flirt. Dallas was also thankful when Dylan eventually came back to find them and while she didn't know what happened in the time they were gone, but she was surprised that she wasn't ordered to be the babies' permanent babysitter.
"..Yeah, I can come in two times a week.. If Ms. Salazar can let me know what days.. My schedule lately.. has been my boss' schedule." She looked over at the mermaid, to the demon. After seeing a nod from Dylan, her hand reached out to her sister. "We'll.. be out of your way for tonight then.."
She kept the quip of Dylan basically admitting she didn't read their contracts to herself, feeling it wasn't worth the argument it would likely lead to. Instead she followed behind as the other approached the twins, and was left gaping as she considered how to best interject without coming across as if she was directly rejecting what was clearly Dylan's attempt to help...because _that_ would also not end well.
"Uh, well, if you're looking to make some extra-cash or need to keep busy, then I would greatly appreciate the help on Mondays and Wednesdays. Sundays and Tuesdays are Dee's overnight shifts," she settled on explaining. Still giving Dallas the choice, while not outright rejecting Dylan's offer. As the girls began to make their way out, she said, "Be safe and text me when you get home please." Turning back to Dylan all she could say was, "I can barely wrap my head around baby mermaids, I can't even begin to imagine what a baby dragon shifter would get up to."
Dylan let the two of them figure out the schedule because if she had her way, Dallas would be a permanent babysitter everyday - which was apparently not what Fernanda wanted. Regardless, at least Fernanda was open to use her subordinate as extra hands even though neither of them heard what the DJ's experience with kids were. "...Would she not be the size of a lizard?"
She couldn't help but snort at the mental image she had of that. "I don't recall the other one had any shifting abilities so one lizard and one minion." Walking over to Julian's rocker, the woman grimaced a little at the slobber she spotted. "Oh god.." She muttered under her breath. "They're going to need more bibs if they keep slobbering like that."
The mermaid furrowed her brow and gave Dylan a look like she’d just stated two plus two was five. “Just because something gets younger, that doesn’t suddenly make it change species. A dragon and a lizard are not the same thing. Not to mention even as babies, dragons can still set things on _fire_.” She did not envy Mr. Xanatos at all. “Worst that could happen with Julie and Cat is they get wet, gain a tail, and lose two chonky little legs they aren’t really using right now.”
She rolled her eyes at the lovely nicknames Dylan had for the twins. Of course, Fer hadn’t really expected Dylan to stay after the girls left, so when the woman proceeded to then move over to approaching Julian…to say it took her a bit to wrap her mind around it would be an understatement. “Uh, yeah I got several packs,” she half-stammered out. Handing her a bright pink one she added, “He’d never forgive me for anything less. He may already be upset it’s not Balenciaga or something.”
"...po-tay-to, po-tah-to." She waved it off. They were all reptiles in some form or another, so what if one could breathe fire? "Then we should be thankful that they aren't babies, otherwise we would need to ban them from coming." She didn't think the twins would have other reasons to visit this lot if it weren't for an errand.
She stared at the bib in her hand without almost disbelief. Clearly the mermaid thought that she mentioned it because *she* wanted to change it. However, she let it go when Fernanda brought up the next topic. "Well, we can easily appease that. Might as well update their closet while we're at it." While While she didn't think the brand actually made baby gear, Dylan was very good at persuasion when it was necessary. Dylan grimaced at the used bib, holding it with just her index finger and thumb and quickly handing that over to the mermaid.
Fer simply rolled her eyes as clearly Dylan was feeling a bit more back to her usual self of waving everything off as trivial, unless it affected her directly. "I think if they were babies, they wouldn't really have the means by which to come all the way out here to begin with," she pointed out.
It was almost comical how Dylan suddenly seemed to regard the bib as if the mermaid were handing her a live-bomb. She was even more amused at the idea of an infant Julian rocking his favorite brands, but the amusement was replaced at the sight of Dylan _actually_ taking the bib and making an attempt to clean up her cousin. What was it about this woman right now that doing such simple things -and clearly not wanting to do them- that had Fernanda second-guessing just about everything, if she were honest. "And here I thought someone like you would be far more comfortable with other people's saliva," she remarked instead.
It didn't really register in her mind as to why she was even bothering with Julian's bib. All she could think about was to avoid getting any of that slobber on *her*. Getting the new bib on him wasn't the issue, the fact that she had to deal with the used one was stressing her out. "Not like this I'm not." She mumbled as she held it out since she didn't know where she was supposed to put it.
"I think we should just get disposable bibs." She muttered because she wanted to set it aflame if she didn't get this to the nearest trash can. Returning her attention to Julian, Dylan made the mental note to add a few more of his favourite fashion brands to the list when picking out the new swag. Might as well doll him up when he can't talk fashion with her. "...Do they all drool like this?" She cringed before turning around to look at Fernanda again.
"That just means you haven't been a good friend and helped out your wasted buddies after a night out," Fer pointed out with a teasing tone. Taking the old bib with little hesitation she snorted before just saying, "I got reusable ones for a reason. We can just toss them in the wash and they'll be good as new. Much less waste of money and resources. Besides, this is just drool. Wait for one of them to spit-up."
Taking the opportunity to go ahead and get the girls into fresh bibs as well, Dylan's question was unexpected but amusing. "Uh, it doesn't seem like it. Julie just tends to sleep with his mouth open."
Somehow Dylan felt that she was being made fun of for 2 aspects: Not ever having to personally help someone out, and not having a friend to actually go be wasted with. "We're definitely burning *those*." She didn't know if that was going to happen but with the way the mermaid was describing it, it looked like Dylan should expect to see them soon. Using a bit of money and resources might be necessary.
She looked at the baby again, "...Can we tape his mouth shut when he sleeps?" Even Dylan wasn't sure if she was joking or not because she felt another shiver going down her spine from seeing the drool. Taking her mind off of it, she pulled out her phone and started to make a list of the things she needs to replace, including the bags and gear they would need. It was essentially a large overhaul.
Blue eyes rolled for what felt the millionth time. “We’re not burning anything. Hanu and his crew have their hands full with everything a Northeast winter brings,” she said, clearly not trusting that any attempt at fire would go sideways with Dylan involved.
The glare she shot the other woman would be enough to freeze hell, but to ensure her point came across she stated, “Do. Not.” She went about making sure their diapers were still good before standing up herself and walking over to Dylan. Raising an eyebrow as she caught a glimpse of the other’s phone, she asked, “Whatcha doin’ there?”
Leave it to Fernanda to put a stop on all her fun... and suggestions to stop the kid from drooling. Dylan looked up from her phone and gave the younger woman a weird look, "Compiling a list of everything I'm about to replace." She said it as if were obvious. This was honestly an excuse to go on a shopping spree - If she was going to be seen with these kids, then obviously they had to be equipped with appropriate brands.
"Was there something else you wanted?" The question was tossed out casually but there was a speck of curiosity to see if there was anything she could gift the other. Somehow the idea of buying material things for one Fernanda Salazar felt very different from all the other times when she gave presents for her 'sugar babies'.
At the question of there being something she’d like, Fer simply responded with, “Yes. For you to please delete the list, you’ve already done more than enough in getting them the rockers. There’s genuinely no need to get such items when they’re just babies. Weather the diaper is carried in a backpack or a Dior bag, they’re just going to shit in them all the same.”
Heaving a sigh, she took hold of Dylan’s arm and guided her so they could share a seat on. The couch facing the babies. “I want to make it clear that I’m not rejecting _you_, okay? Just the expensive things you want to get. They don’t need a Gucci baby carrier, they need you and your arms to carry them. And I’m honestly more than satisfied with having you keep me company once in a while.”
She was almost appalled by the idea of deleting this list but before she even got to fight it, Fernanda pulled her to the couch. 'They don't need a Gucci baby carrier' That alone had Dylan's eyes widened. "Uh, the fact that they need to be carried around instead is exactly why we should get that baby carrier. Besides, isn't the point of putting a baby in one of those is so that you can free your *hands* to do other things?" To think that Dylan Waldorf was actually trying to argue a reason to get a baby-related item. What universe was this?
"The shopping is the most exciting thing out of this baby situation, and have you seen these? Look at these Burberry onesies? They could be matching! All three of them." She mumbled as her thumb hovered over the trash icon. Her mood was then made better by the simple confession that her presence was enough. "...You say the strangest things sometimes, darling."
She was almost certain that if she kept conversing with Dylan, her eyes might just detach from their optic nerve with how often she had the overwhelming need to roll them. "Carriers, strollers, slings, all that stuff is great and serves a purpose," she conceded, "But they don't have to be _Gucci_ or _Louie Vuitton_ or whatever in order to serve that purpose. The rockers you so generously provided are from a chain store, and they're serving their purpose exceedingly well." Of all the arguments she envisioned herself having with Dylan upon first meeting her, _this_ was definitely not on the list.
"If shopping's what you're after, I obviously can't tell you what you can and can't do, but I would definitely encourage you to consider maybe shopping at Target or Macy's even. We don't even know how long they're going to be babies for yet, and even then, kids go through size changes like crazy in the first two years," Fer noted. She only smiled in return at the comment and said, "Well, you've been _doing_ the most surprising things lately, _querida_."
The words 'they don't have to be' only meant that 'they could be' to Dylan's ears but she shouldn't say that aloud because she was going to get another glare from the mermaid. There wasn't an argument that Dylan seemed to be capable of winning where the mermaid was concerned and oddly enough, she wasn't too upset over it - a bit offended that she was told to shop at Target or Macy's, but that was about it. "Fine.. No brand names for anyone."
It also didn't help that Fernanda continually to compliment her - this time with the addition of the affectionate way of addressing her. She was well aware that she had been doing a few things that were uncharacteristic of her but she enjoyed being here despite being surrounded by a few people that she would not give the time of day if it weren't for the woman in front of her. Still, a Waldorf would not admit to that so instead, she just sat back with a light shrug. "If there's resources to take advantage of, we should make use of them." The extra help being one of the examples.
Fer hadn't unhooked her arm from Dylan's since she'd brought her over to the couch. And once the other relented -at least for the moment- she simply beamed at her as she then used her free hand to pull the throw on the back of the couch of the the both of them. As Dylan sat back, so did the mermaid as she said, "Resources _should_ be taken advantage of, but not _exploited_. Now come on, we've still got at least few hours to kill before Dee gets home." As she mentioned this she grabbed the TV remote as she pulled her feet up onto the couch -leaning into Dylan in the process, but making no move to remedy that- and as she began to flip through the different apps on the quiet TV she asked, "What's your favorite movie?"
She was just watching Fernanda get comfy next to her, and the surprise of it all was that she was actually sort of.. leaning into her? Her mind actually went blank as she was processing this so when she was asked about her favourite movie, she continued to stare at the mermaid before her brain finally caught up to her, "While I do enjoy a movie here and there, I don't actually have a favourite. There hadn't been one that I watched more than once... We could just watch whatever's new."
Fernanda was looking at Dylan expectantly, figuring the woman might be thinking about her answer, but after a few moments her look became one of confusion and even slight concern when Dylan just seemed to stare back at her blankly. She had been about to ask if she was feeling well when the woman finally spoke, and though still skeptical, she just nodded and turned her attention back to the TV. "Well, I guess we can just start with one of my favorites of the season: Home Alone."
She very highly doubted that Dylan would find this to be of any value, but at least it was a time for them to pass the time.
She had not seen the movie before, nor did she think she'll have interest in it. There were always other ways to pass time, but Dylan didn't feel the urge to move from their spot. Moreover, it was Fernanda's favourite so maybe she could give it a shot - or so she thought. The entire time the movie was playing, all she could focus on was the younger woman sitting next to her. If one were to ask what the movie was about? She could not answer you.
With how Fernanda was leaning into her, however, Dylan felt she should move her arm so it's more comfortable... and so she freed her arm... only to toss it over Fernanda's shoulder casually with her eyes *glued* to the screen. "That kid's resourceful."
The last time she had seen the first Home Alone movie had been back in the summer when her cousins -and a begrudging Artie- had decided to celebrate 'Christmas in July'. Not that it mattered much, the movie on its own was fine, but the nostalgia of watching it with the kids growing up was would always guarantee it had rewatch value. There was a brief moment she considered some hot chocolate, but found she was far too comfortable to move.
As it stood, the longer the movie ran, the more comfortable she found she felt. So by the time Dylan's arm went from being pinned between them, to being tossed over her shoulder, the mermaid just took the opportunity to sidle up to the woman's side properly. If asked, she could claim it was to leech her warmth, but Fer had always been an honest person and would likely just say it was because she had wanted too. What that meant, exactly, could be figured out later. "That kid is Julian's physical traits, Cat's height and creativity, and Artie's penchant for mischief all rolled into one. And something tells me they're not losing that just because they're babies."
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