#even while part of them is convinced the mere existence of selfishness has already ruined that
The reason North doesn't want Higgins digging up his own past isn't something grand and noble. No, it's actually small and scared and selfish and they're Aware of this too and none of that awareness makes the anxiety of it go away
They're scared that if Higgins digs up who he once was, void forbid if he remembers, he'll become someone else. He'll change from one day to another into someone North doesn't know bc that someone had died millennia ago in a universe they had only set foot in for the first time mere months ago
They're scared that even if it doesn't turn him into a stranger, it'll give him other things to pursue, other lives to want to lead. It'll change his mind about how worth it it is to spend his days on the Orbiter, with this group, with North. It'll give him reasons to leave
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mister-supernova · 3 years
Missed Connection
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Hope Mikaelson x Reader 
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It’s almost been a month since your encounter with the stranger you believed to be from your dreams. Without any luck of seeing her again, you were beginning to think that maybe that’s all she was; just some mere figment of your imagination that you so desperately wanted to have all the answers you needed. 
As insufferably difficult this summer was for you, you still managed to get through it. You thought it was because school wasn’t in session and that you’d be back in your element in no time once classes begin again. 
That was what you had hoped for anyways, but alas even when the halls were filled with your peers and your routine was back in place, nothing seemed to change. The mysterious void in your chest didn’t ease like you wished it would.
You couldn’t help but wonder if your friends had been feeling the same way, too. Surely there’s no chance that you could be alone in this situation, right? 
“You can’t tell me that things haven’t felt a little weird since Landon destroyed Malivore. He doesn’t even know how it happened, Lizzie.” 
The blonde Saltzman nearly whips you in the face with her hair as she abruptly turns to face you in the crowded hallway. “Y/n, we live in a world where witches, werewolves, and vampires exist. Everything in our lives is bound to have a tiny amount of weirdness.”
She made a good point and you knew that, but you also knew that this feeling was different. It had to be. 
Lizzie frowns at the disappointed look on your face and rests a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Look, the most important thing is that Malivore is gone. No more bizarre monsters coming to kill us every week. Now try to stop overthinking things and let’s get through this school year in peace.”  
Before you knew it, your conversation ended just as quickly as it started and Lizzie was on her way back to class. You hang your head with a defeated sigh, desperately searching the hallway for someone who may be just as lost as you were. Instead, you see everyone going about their first day back like normal. 
Students who were away with their families are now smiling brightly as they reunite with friends. Other groups of friends laugh at a joke another says as they pass you by and you wonder if there was someone you should be doing that with.
The clarity that you sought out today only made you more confused than ever. At this point you wished that it was still summer vacation because seeing your classmates having a great first day back had you thinking that you really were alone with your feelings.  
Maybe you just needed a day to hang out with your friends after class today. They may not share your thoughts on how odd things have felt recently, but being around them definitely helps clear your head. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. You know Landon and I would be down to watch a movie or something, but we’re going on our official first date today.” Josie tells you, disheartened. 
After the multitude of movie dates the two of them shared throughout the summer, you’re surprised that none of those had been labeled as dates, but you weren’t going to tell her that outloud. The two of them seem to be really happy to be spending so much time together and you weren’t going to get in the middle and be the third wheel no one wants, especially on a first date. 
“No worries, Jo. I’ll ask Lizzie and MG if they’re free.” She gives you a gentle squeeze on your arm with a sympathetic smile before you go off to find her sister. 
Things didn’t seem to be going to plan here either.
“If I hadn’t already agreed to this stupid- I mean,” she grits her teeth with a forced smile, “very cool study date with MG I’d totally hang out with you. God knows I’d rather do anything else.” You knew you weren’t supposed to hear that last part, but Lizzie was always awful at lowering her voice. 
If you weren’t already feeling distraught, this definitely was the cherry on top of your depressing cake of sadness. 
Instead of showing Lizzie that, you plastered the fakest smile you could and responded with, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just… hang out downtown and get myself a milkshake at the Grill or something.” 
Plan “get your friends to distract you from the abrasive thoughts penetrating your brain” had failed, but you weren’t going to let it stop you from at least getting out of the school for a couple of hours. With everyone so busy while classes are back in session, it made you wonder what in the world you did after school before this year. 
As much as you tried hyping up how fun it was going to be hanging out downtown by yourself, it only made you feel even more bummed out. Like everything else you’ve been doing since the night Malivore was destroyed, something felt off and nothing seemed to be your remedy.
Minutes turned to hours and you ended up drinking four full glasses of cookies and cream milkshakes at the Grill, literally falling into a sugar coma at your table outside. The sun was barely setting when you got here, but then it was fully dark out when you were woken up from your sugar rush nap. 
“Jesus, Y/n. I thought you were dead or something.” You lean your head upwards to see that it was Landon who woke you from your slumber. 
“One could not be so lucky, phoenix boy.” You groggily respond, stretching out your muscles and wiping any drool from your cheeks.
Looking at your surroundings, you notice that Josie isn’t around. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a date?” 
There’s a pained look on Landon’s face at your question, “Yeah, about that… she, uh, she said she wasn’t feeling too good and decided to go back to the school.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, “What, did you take her to eat sushi or something?” 
That was meant to be a joke, but the look of realization on the curly-haired boy’s face told you all you needed to know. 
“You went to a sushi place.” 
Landon quickly slides into the seat across from yours, “It’s what I suggested. W-Was I not supposed to?”  
“Jo can’t digest any sort of raw food without wanting to convulse. I learned that the hard way when I first started going to the Salvatore school,” you shiver at the memory, “Never again.” 
The phoenix begins falling into a full state of panic, “Oh my God. I didn’t know that! Wh-What am I supposed to do? What if I completely ruined everything? What if she never wants to go on another date with me again? What if-” 
Your patience was thinning very quickly, “Landon, just relax. Take a breather for a second,” you inhale, watching him do the same, and breathe out at the same time, “Go back to the school, check up on her, have a convo about getting some better communication skills and I’m sure everything will be fine.” 
Landon nods, “Okay, okay yeah. That’s good. I’ll, uh, I’ll do that,” he continues to sit across from you until you look at him expectantly, “Do I do that now?”
“For your sake, Josie’s, and especially mine, yes. Now would be great, buddy.” 
“Right, okay. Thanks, Y/n!” He scrambles out of his seat and begins to shuffle away from the Grill. 
“Go get ‘em, Tiger!” You shout with as much enthusiasm you could muster before slumping back into your chair. 
Still dazed from the sugar rush nap and exhausted from that conversation, you lean forward with your elbows on the table and begin wiping the sleep from your eyes using the palms of your hands.
“This is gonna be one hell of a year.”  
“Long day, huh?” You recognize that it’s a girl’s voice you’re hearing, but not one that was familiar to you. 
Moving your hands away from blocking your view, you look up to see the person you convinced yourself was just a figment of your imagination. The long auburn colored hair, fair-skinned, blue eyed girl from your dreams was standing right before you. For a moment, you thought that maybe you really had lost it. 
“Sorry. I just, I saw you sitting here earlier and thought you might want company.”
You’re almost positive that you were staring at her with your mouth hanging open like an absolute idiot. Just say something, dumbass!
“Mind if I join you?” She asks, gesturing towards the now empty chair that Landon left behind. 
“I mean no! No, I uh, I don’t mind.” You chuckle nervously, adjusting yourself in every way possible to hide the fact that you were internally freaking out.
The girl gives you a patient smile before taking the seat in front of you, “So, party of one tonight, huh? I mean, I saw you finish talking to someone right now, but it didn’t seem you two were here together.” 
“Yeah, no. Not together at all or with anyone really,” for some reason you had to make this very clear to her, “That was just a friend of mine who’s having some lady troubles, so I decided to be a good samaritan and give him some positive advice.”
“How chivalrous of you.” Right away you could tell that she was teasing and the nerves you had seconds ago simply began to vanish. 
“Why thank you,” you smile, feeling a wave of warmth when she returns one back, “But yeah, it’s just been me, myself, and I for the night… and day… and probably for the rest of the school year if I’m honest.”
Her smile fades and she tilts her head inquisitively, “What makes you say that?” 
Oh, where to begin. 
“I’ve been asking myself that for a while now actually. Everything should feel perfect given the fact that I have these amazing friends, I go to this incredible school, I’m 100% healthy and not dying of anything that I know of,” you shrug at yourself, “I should be happy with that, but I’m not. It feels so selfish of me to say and I wish I could fix it, but I can’t. How can everything be so close to perfect, but yet there’s still something wrong?” 
The girl stares at you with such empathy and sadness in her eyes that you could swear she was holding something back. 
You continue, “Things also haven’t felt normal lately. My definition of normal anyways. For some reason everything has felt completely off, like I’m missing something. You know when you forget that there’s somewhere you’re supposed to be? Like an event and you don’t realize you’ve forgotten about it until the day of and you say to yourself, ‘oh shit, I can’t believe I forgot about this really important thing’. That’s how I’ve felt ever since summer started,” you notice her tense up slightly, but you continue, “but I can’t remember what I’m forgetting.”
At this point, you were surprised this girl didn’t think you were crazy and start running for the hills. If this were any normal stranger, you wouldn’t feel comfortable enough to overshare the thoughts you’ve been keeping secret from your close friends. For some reason, she made you feel the complete opposite. Strangely enough--given the world you live in--you felt safe with her.
“Everyone at school is making me feel like I’m the only person who feels this way. Everyone else can go back to normal. Everyone else can move on and go on dates and study dates and hang out with their friends and go to class without feeling lost and overall just be… normal.” You finally let go of the breath you had been holding in for what feels like months.
Then you start to laugh at the ridiculousness that just spewed out of your mouth, “Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry. You probably thought you were going to have an innocent ‘nice weather we’re having’ type of conversation, but instead you got a stranger dumping their whole life crisis onto you.” 
“You really don’t have to apologize. Trust me, I understand how insanely messed up life can get and how relieving it is to just vent it all out,” she gives you a reassuring nod with a genuine look of understanding that you’ve been wanting to see for months, “Even if it’s to someone who can potentially be a serial killer.” 
The both of you burst out into a fit of laughs and you swear that you’ve never felt so connected to a person you just met. It was as if your souls had met in another life and were catching up for the first time in a while. Neither of you had a name to place with your faces, but that didn’t seem matter because you already felt like you’ve known this girl for years. 
“I’ve had quite a rough couple of months myself. Not sure if I’d binge drink four cookies and cream milkshakes to numb the pain though.” 
You shrug, “Well, it’s better than the latter option that I can’t even legally purchase because I’m underage. Plus, it helps that these are the best milkshakes in town--even if they are 4 dollars a glass.” 
Now you’re hoping that your old co-worker can cover your bill since you only brought ten dollars with you tonight. Before you could reach for your wallet just to be sure, another thought crossed your mind. 
“Wait. How did you know they were cookies and cream? I know it’s a lot of milk to force inside by body, but I normally leave no trace of evidence behind. Are you a witch or something?” That last part was obviously a joke otherwise she’d be at your school by now.
The girl opens her mouth to speak, but it takes her a moment to come up with an explanation, “It was my best friend’s favorite. Yeah, we used to go out for milkshakes all the time and I guess something about you reminds me of them.” 
You smile, flattered, “Well, might I say, your best friend has amazing taste,” she purses her lips into a tightened smile and lowers her gaze, almost as is the memories of this said ‘best friend’ pained her to think about, “I’m assuming things aren’t so great with them right now?”
She sighs at the thought, “We were close for a long time. I’m actually surprised that they stayed as long as they did. I probably gave them a million reasons to bail, but they were annoyingly persistent,” she chuckles, “I’ll admit, it took me a while to settle into our friendship, but the moment I did was something I would never regret. From that point on the only thing that could separate us was death.” 
Judging by her heavy use of past tense words, you could only think the worst happened, “Did they, you know, um…?” You didn’t want to ask the full question seeing that she was clearly still hurt by the absence of this person. 
She shakes her head, “No. No, it turned out death wasn’t the only factor that was able to keep us apart. We meant a lot to each other and later realized that there was more to us than just friendship. Eventually, things started becoming serious but me being the person I am, I pushed them away and left.”
“Have you tried reaching out to them again?” You thought that there was no way two people who felt those intense feelings could completely forget about each other.
“Once, but things changed. They took one look at me and acted as if I never existed.” Maybe it was the empath in you, but it broke your heart seeing a small pool of tears building up in her eyes. You wished that you could say something to make her feel better and tell her that everything will be okay, but how could you when you don’t know her?
She quickly wipes the tears before they could fall and takes in a deep breath that you instinctively mirrored to compose yourselves. 
“I guess it’s my turn to say sorry, huh? I feel like my baggage was a little heavier than yours there,” she sniffs, huffing out a light chuckle. 
“Well, if we’re giving out medals here, you’ve got the gold. That’s for sure,” you grin, hoping to lighten up the mood.
Her laugh--that you could tell was genuine--gave you the assurance you needed. 
“I feel like I should give you a hug. I mean, if you’re cool with that,” you suggest, ready to push yourself out of your seat, “Because I could kind of use one and I’m just assuming--” 
“That would be great, yeah,” the girl nods with a relieved smile. 
“Alright, great.”
The two of you stand, moving around the table to meet each other in the middle. Her head seemed to fit perfectly against your chest as her arms pressed behind your back. All of the weight that had been piling up on your shoulders began to fall at your feet and the tension from stress that built up inside your chest began fading away. How this could happen from an interaction with a complete stranger, you had absolutely no idea. 
“Is it weird if I say this doesn’t feel weird?” You ask with the side of your head leaned against hers. 
“Well, I think things are only weird when someone makes it weird.” 
You pause for a moment, “Do you think this feels weird?”
She laughs and you know for a fact that she could hear your heart skip a beat, “No. I don’t.”
You fight the goofy grin from appearing on your face, but fail miserably, “Okay, good.” 
Part of you was afraid of what’ll happen the moment you separate. You had no idea when would be the next time you see this girl or if there was going to be a next time. This was the first day in a while when you didn’t feel lost, instead you felt that this was exactly where you needed to be. You felt normal.
Before you could actually start making things weird, you begin to pull away from her embrace, “Well, tonight I learned that I can click with a stranger within a span of ten minutes give or take, so thank you for that.”
She smiles, “Thank you, too.”
“I think it’s safe to say that we’re at the point of learning each other’s names now.” 
“Yes, because why start with those when we could just tell our whole life stories and share an intimate hug first?”
“Exactly! Actually, you know what? I think we should get married in Vegas really quick and we’ll just figure out our names during the vows section of the wedding ceremony. Whatever we come up with in the moment will just be how we refer to each other for the rest of our lives,” you joke. 
“You’re absolutely right.” Wow, a girl who can keep up with your sarcasm without thinking you’re a complete--huge emphasis on complete--idiot? She is the girl of your dreams--literally and metaphorically. 
You stared down at her in wonder, hoping to God that you’re not dreaming and that this interaction has been real, “It’s, uh, it’s Y/n by the way. My name. Y/n L/n.” 
“Hope. Hope Marshall,” she reveals and a victorious smile appears on your lips when you finally have a name to match a face. 
Your smile quickly drops when the clock tower starts going off and you realize that it’s nearly midnight, “Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you tonight, Hope. I'm sorry to cut the rest of the evening short, but my school just got a new headmaster and unfortunately he’s a lot more strict on our curfew than our previous one. Don’t want to turn into a pumpkin, you know?” 
She chuckles, “No worries at all. It was nice meeting you, too, Y/n,” Hope smiles and you can tell that she didn’t want to leave. If you were being honest, you really didn’t want to either. 
Neither of you could find the energy to be the first person to walk away. To do that would be like trying to separate two annoyingly strong and stubborn magnets apart.
As much as you wanted to spend the whole night learning more about each other, you also didn’t want to be put in detention on the first day back at school. 
Unwillingly, you take the first step backwards without wanting to fully turn away from your newfound acquaintance, “Thanks again for the chat. I hope to see you again very soon, Marshall.”  
Hope rolls her eyes, but can’t contain a smile, “Only if you’re lucky.”
“I think I like my chances,” you wink playfully before turning your heel to make your way back to the school feeling the most energized you’ve felt in a long time.
apologies for the later update than usual with this series and I apologize in advance if it takes a while for part 6 to be posted. I’m in a bit of a writing funk right now and my mind is currently locked onto the Wilds soooo there may or may not be imagines for that fandom coming from me soon. anyways, happy late 2021 and here’s to hoping this year isn’t complete shit! much love y’all
taglist: @chicken-wang09​ @trikruismybitch​ @sodangtired​
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brindaneer · 3 years
“Brinda: I love Superhero films. Marvel, DC and of course, our very own Krrish!
Neer: umm…I really can’t watch anything from the entire genre except Krrish!”
This is an appropriate example of a typical conversation regarding ‘superhero’ ventures between us. Shocked? What?! We already told you that our opinions varied at times! Oh! Ok! Shocked about the fact that Neer does not like the Marvel and DC universe? Well, yeah! Neer can be a bit ‘weird’ about certain things 😝! Don’t worry! Brinda loves them all❤️... However, what really matters is that both of us absolutely adore our first Indian superhero, Krrish; the reason for that is not Hrithik Roshan alone although he obviously is the primary source of our attraction.
MR. Rakesh Roshan! What a man! The sheer courage that must have been required to even dream of making a film about an Indian Superhero, all those years ago, is rare to find; it makes us salute the possessor, Mr. Rakesh Roshan again and again. At some point, fed up with relentless struggle, many among us have probably thought of giving up on our dreams. Let us take a lesson from this man and aspire for great things without worrying about the results. Only then can we achieve that which is largely perceived to be unattainable.
Technically superb with high quality VFX and cinematographically fabulous, Krrish possessed all ingredients that are usually required to make a commercially successful superhero venture. Yet, in a hypothetical SWOT analysis of the film, its numero uno strength would definitely have to be the script. We realize this must remind you of the blog on Koi Mil Gaya but please excuse us for sounding repetitive. It is not our fault that Mr. Rakesh Roshan places utmost importance on the script of a film. No, we are not saying it is his either. In fact, it is quite the reverse. Mr. Roshan’s astuteness in coming up with a crisp script with the help of a very talented team of writers is undoubtedly his best quality and that, in turn, enhances his abilities as a director, thereby making the end product not only saleable but also worthy of critical acclaim. Therefore, not surprisingly, Krrish had a sound and very believable storyline, which ultimately is the most essential element of any film. So, lets just delve into it right away!
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Krrish is all about Krishna, Rohit’s son, who has inherited special powers from his father, the very ones that Jaadoo had gifted lovingly to Rohit years back in ‘Koi Mil Gaya’. Unfortunately, Rohit and Nisha are no longer alive, having died a few years after we had last seen them (😭😭). Scared of exposing her super heroic grandson to the world, Sonia Mehra leaves Kasauli and retires to an obscure but beautiful little place somewhere in the Himalayan countryside. Krishna’s face is an exact replica of Rohit’s but otherwise he is quite different from what his father used to be at this age. Krishna has superpowers that allow him to leap across mountains, fall into a gorge from the top of a high peak and yet escape unhurt, climb mountains faster than any other living being, and run faster than a horse! He is also a lonely young boy, desperate for companionship and exposure to the vast exciting world he has been kept away from. Despite harbouring a grievance towards his ‘Daadi’ for this confinement, Krishna loves her too much to be really offended. Her world revolves around him and he is very aware of it. Yet, he cannot let go of his boredom in the sleepy little hamlet he has been forced to dwell in! What a tragic irony! The very powers that had once enabled Rohit to be largely accepted within the so-called mainstream society have now chained his son, keeping him forcibly hidden from the rest of the world.
However, destiny obviously has other plans, and Krishna meets Priya (Priyanka Chopra) who is visiting India with her friend Honey from Singapore and are in his neighbourhood with an adventure group. For him, it is love at first sight. For Priya, he is initially a mystery and eventually a friend. The parallel between Krishna and Priya’s story and that of Rohit and Nisha is worth mentioning in this context. Nisha had also considered Rohit just a friend for a long time until she fell in love with him.
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Despite his grandmother’s restrictions, Krishna’s powers are revealed (somewhat deliberately by the man himself) in front of Priya and Honey, who are naturally awestruck. The scenes where they and their companions mistake the superhuman Krishna as supernatural and are convinced that he is the ghost of Ramcharan provide some very effective comedy to keep the audience engaged.
After spending some lovely moments together, and getting acquainted with Krishna’s grandmother, Priya leaves, much to Krishna’s disappointment. Having grown up far from the madding crowd, away from the complexities of urbanism, Krishna is still innocent to a degree that is rare to find in the contemporary world. Priya is aware of his feelings but she does not reciprocate them despite genuinely liking him. However, that does not deter her from luring him to Singapore with false proclamations of love just so that Honey and she may save their jobs by showing off his unique skills in a television show. Quite a diabolical plan! Naturally, we were developing acrimonious feelings for Priya at this point when we first watched the film, and we are sure, so were you! However, keeping aside our concern for the ever-lovable Krishna for a while, how refreshing was it to see a flawed heroine for a change? We are definitely not suggesting that this was the first portrayal of such a female in Hindi cinema, but Bollywood had most diligently followed the tradition of glorifying female lead characters up to a very long time, and it was not completely out of fashion in the late 2000s. In fact, it is still frequently observed in television shows that are highly influenced by obsolete Bollywood themes. How many heroines can you name off the top of your head who were selfish and unsympathetic in mainstream commercial films during that decade? Yes, definitely more than what used to be in the 60s, 70s and 80s, but still not too many. Just close your eyes for a moment and think of the number of films where the ‘hero’ has faked love for the heroine due to selfish reasons (to win a bet with friends, to satisfy his own ego, for the sake of his job, etc). If you can think of such films far more easily than the ones where heroines have made similar mistakes, we have made our point. Please do not get us wrong; we are definitely not advocating such behaviour. However, our society has normalized the concept of a ‘virtuous’ female to such a massive extent that sometimes people forget we are human beings, made of the same flesh and blood as men, and capable of making similar mistakes and sins. We do not intend this blog to be a discourse on feminism by any means; yet somehow this discussion seems very relevant here.
Moving on, Krishna is elated to find that his feelings are reciprocated and wants to go to Singapore at the earliest to get permission from Priya’s mom for their marriage. However, his daadi has severe objections in this regard. The scene where Krishna lashes out in anger and accuses her of selfishly wanting to keep him to herself is one of the best enacted scenes of the movie. But more on that later. Heartbroken by her grandson’s accusations, Sonia Mehra finally reveals the reason for her apparently irrational fear, and in the process, we get to see our very own Rohit once again, although in flashback.
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After Jadoo had given Rohit his powers back, he became widely known in the scientific community due to his research works, eventually attracting the attention of internationally renowned scientist, Dr. Siddhanth Arya (Naseeruddin Shah). Dr. Arya wanted to collaborate with Rohit and build a computer that could predict the future, thereby saving the world from catastrophes. To that end, Rohit moved temporarily to Singapore and worked day and night in Dr. Arya’s research laboratory. Nisha, who was pregnant at the time, was being taken care of by Rohit’s mother. The day Nisha was hospitalized for delivering the baby, Sonia Mehra called Rohit who anxiously told her that he was coming back because his powers had been used for wrong purposes. The next day, she received news of his death in a lab accident. Nisha could not bear this shock and passed away a few days later, leaving little Krishna as Sonia’s only reason for existence.
Convinced that Rohit’s death was not a mere accident, Sonia decided to keep her gifted grandchild away from prying eyes so that the same people did not try and use his powers for evil as well.
This revelation naturally mellows the agitated Krishna down and he feels guilty for having hurled harsh allegations at the person who is actually his protector and saviour; more so because she not only agrees to let him travel to Singapore but also ushers the best possible blessing upon him by giving him Rohit’s coat. On his part, Krishna promises that he is going to keep his powers hidden from all. However, that’s easier said than done, as he soon finds out. Although he manages to ruin Priya and Honey’s attempts to showcase his skills for a show, it becomes impossible for him to keep quiet when a circus tent catches fire in front of his eyes and children are trapped inside. As he dons a common mask and wears his father’s coat inside out as a cape, Krishna becomes Krrish, a superhero who does not think twice before jumping into fire to save the entrapped. The name is a shortened version of his real one and he uses it as a pseudonym so that he may keep his promise to his grandmother. However, when has truth remained hidden? As they say in Bollywood, ‘sach ko to ek na ek din saamne aana hee hoga’! Priya, who has now actually fallen for Krishna (who wouldn’t?) comes face to face with him as he emerges out of the burning tent, carrying a child in his arms. Since he is all masked up, and the surrounding is filled with smoke, she only sees his intense greenish grey eyes, and quite logically draws the conclusion that he is none other than her very own Krishna. Smart girl! Who else has those gorgeous pair of eyes in the world? Nevertheless, Krishna’s promise to his grandmother is worth more to him than admitting the truth to Priya, and he ruins all her attempts to make him confess including getting deliberately beaten up by goons to prove that he is not the superhero she thinks him to be. He also gives his identity willingly to Christian, a young man in need of money for his wheelchair-bound little sister; a pair he had already helped before by collecting money through a stunt show on the streets (a particularly touching scene).
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Just when everything seems rosy in Krishna and Priya’s life, he gets to know about Priya’s lie after a chance conversation with her supposedly sick mother on phone. Priya had hitherto avoided their meeting on the pretext of her mother being sick but the latter herself exposes that lie unknowingly and Krishna is stunned by the disclosure. Hurt and angry with Priya’s betrayal, Krishna decides to leave Singapore immediately. Meanwhile, Priya comes across a clip in her own video recording of that night at the circus and realizes that her initial intuition about Krishna being Krrish was right all along. Elated, she tells the truth to Honey and also confesses her true love for him, all the while unaware that her past lies are about to haunt her soon. She also gives the tape to Honey to show it to their boss, this time not for the sake of their jobs but also for Krishna’s fame. When she comes to meet Krishna and reveals what she has discovered and then done, he lashes out at her in probably one of the best scenes of the film. His every word is justified, and she is repentant. However, Priya crosses the line when she rebukes his grandmother and throws the same allegations at her that Krishna himself had once. Furious, Krishna reveals the reason behind Sonia’s overprotectiveness to her and starts for the airport, leaving an utterly ashamed and heart broken Priya behind.
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We are now in the last leg of the film. Reenter Dr. Arya, who is definitely not what he seemed like! He too is wearing a mask like Krishna, the only difference being in their intentions. Krishna has put the mask on to save the innocent while Dr. Arya wants to destroy them. He is a power-crazed egomaniac who has already rebuilt that computer from Rohit’s lab notes so that he can effectively play the role of God. And surprise surprise! To fulfill his purpose, he has kept Rohit alive. Well, barely alive at least! What actually happened all those years back was that Rohit had successfully built the computer that could foresee the future. During his time in the laboratory, he had formed a deep camaraderie with Dr. Arya’s head of security and after Rohit had finished building the computer, his friend wanted him to foresee the gender of his unborn child through it. The computer correctly predicted Krishna’s birth but it also foresaw Rohit’s death on the very day his son was born. After further exploration, Rohit realized that Dr. Arya was going to kill him so that no one else knew how to operate that computer. Shocked and distraught, he understood that he had been used. That was when he had received the call from his mother and informed her about his decision of coming back. Before leaving Singapore forever, Rohit decided to ruin Dr. Arya’s evil plans by destroying the computer he had toiled over for months., and he was partly successful. Although he managed to destroy the computer, Dr. Arya caught him before he could leave. But for the Chief Security Officer, Rohit would surely have been killed. That honest man who had genuinely become fond of Rohit saved him by reminding Dr. Arya about the password to the computer- Rohit’s handprint and retina. Dr. Arya who had already hatched the plan of rebuilding the computer kept the latter’s heart beating. But just that. This story is narrated in the present times by Dr. Arya’s Chief Security Officer to Priya who brings him to the airport and stops Krishna from leaving. Meanwhile Dr. Arya has already seen his own future in the computer. Any guesses? He has seen his death at the hands of a masked man! Of course, the man is none other than Krishna or Krrish himself. Eager to destroy every threat to his existence, Dr. Arya promptly kills Christian, the guy who had taken up Krrish’s identity at Krishna’s behest. However, when has anyone ever escaped destiny? Even Dr. Arya doesn’t! Krishna in complete superhero mode leaps across tall buildings and finally defeats his nemesis (The insanely dedicated Hrithik Roshan who performed every stunt by himself escaped a near fatal experience when a cable snapped during a stunt! As fans we are both amazed and concerned about this man’s immense humility and absolute submission to his craft. We just hope and pray that he takes care of his health since it is more important than anything else). Before dying, Dr Arya asks why Krrish wants his death. In a terrific cinematic moment, Krishna takes off his mask and reveals his face. The shock and realization on Dr. Arya’s face is evident as he breathes his last. Finally, everything turns out fine as Krishna comes home to his daadi with not just Priya but Rohit (who has now recovered sufficiently and is back to his old self) too. The film ends on a positive note with Jaadoo’s spacecraft peeping through the clouds once again as Rohit plays that same old tune which had beckoned the former and his companions to earth in the first place.
Now that we have recounted the story, a few much needed words about the actors- Rekha ji was once again at her best in the film, effortlessly slipping into the role of Krishna’s grandmother. Hrithik and her chemistry was as fabulous here as it was in ‘Koi Mil Gaya’. Priyanka was her charming self as usual. Undoubtedly, she is one of the most natural actors in Bollywood, and this film was no exception. The easy, playful chemistry that Hrithik and she shared was one of the major highlights of ‘Krrish’. What do we say about Naseeruddin Shah? Well, probably it is better to say nothing because it might be redundant. Finally, praising Hrithik Roshan is also becoming repetitive in these blogs. So, we have decided to stop it henceforth! Just kidding! At least in this life, it is utterly impossible! Brilliant in every frame, Hrithik aced the role of a superhero like only he could, his body language being as flawless as his expressions; actions as perfect as emotions. The moment when Krishna met Rohit was a proof of this man’s immense versatility and talent. Who would think that someone that perfect as Rohit could also be equally superlative as a superhero or vice versa? The scenes where Krishna lost his temper with his daadi and Priya were also among the best moments in the film. Hrithik is always so natural at portraying rage, but he never goes overboard with it. But then, isn’t that true for every emotion in the book?
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Krrish 3, the third project in the franchise continued Krrish’s saga and Rohit’s story with a vitality that characterized both its predecessors. The film featured Hrithik in a full-fledged double role and pitched him against Vivek Oberoi as Kaal who was a far tougher villain to destroy than Dr. Arya. Kaal was the quintessential supervillain, at times even more ‘powerful’ than the hero himself but ultimately destined to lose as good always triumphed over evil. In fact, this is the message that pervaded throughout all the three films- ‘Koi Mil Gaya’, ‘Krrish’ and ‘Krrish 3’. It was only natural that Hrithik’s terrific performance simultaneously as Rohit and Krrish grabbed a lot of eyeballs and went a long way in making the film a massive box-office success. It broke major box-office records and set new ones. However, Vivek Oberoi also deserves special mention in this context. His portrayal of Kaal with an optimal mix of cunning, intelligence, and cruelty earned major brownie points from the audience and definitely contributed to the mammoth success of the film. We finally lost Rohit forever in Krrish 3 and as tragic as the moment was, Hrithik’s performance was so good that we still watch it frequently despite the pain involved. Then again, Hrithik usually has that kind of impact on the audience every time he performs. Krrish was able to destroy Kaal at the end, thereby proving yet again that no matter how challenging times were, with goodness in heart and genuineness in intentions, any evil could be defeated. The assertion ‘Hum sab mein Krrish hai’ has never seemed more important than the present times. Let us all truly believe in it. We can and we will defeat this virus by our individual as well as collective efforts. So please #MaskUpIndia and #GetVaccinated. How uncanny that the plot of Krrish 3 actually revolved around a virus and vaccines! Just like Rohit and Krrish were able to defeat that virus, let us have faith in our real-life superheroes too.
P.S: At the end, Krishna and Priya had a son who also seemed to have inherited his dad’s superheroic powers. So, is there any chance of daddy Krrish in the fourth venture? Fingers crossed for that 😊😊
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ruleandruinrpg · 7 years
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He was born knowing the taste of dirt. How it felt on his hands and between his toes when he dug at the ground for scraps and roots to eat and bones to suck on, what it was like to sleep like a dog. He was a boy forsaken, a boy who learned how to run before he could walk. Altan’s family was no better, they’d all been born neglected, forced to become scavengers to survive, and they were some of the many invisible undesirables of Shu Han. While other children spent their days in the sun, Altan and his siblings traveled from corpse to corpse in the ruins of battlefields, looting what they could find and selling their meager bounty to buy their meal for the day, teaching themselves to make it last just short of a week. It was a miserable existence, being born to die in the gutter, and so dismal that he could not even imagine a better future to hope for. With Altan, and all nameless street urchins, there were no false suppositions, no daydreams, no ambition, no sights beyond what was in front of him - only resigned acceptance. 
There had been one thing that Altan had wanted to keep for himself - a small, dull dagger he’d found off a fallen Ravkan lieutenant. It was a far cry from lethal, and the embedded jewels had already lost their luster, but he’d tucked it away, wanting just one thing to keep, something to possess. But his brother (he hardly remembered his name now) snatched it out of his hand and rebuked him for being moved by sentiment and materialism rather than by self-preservation. “We’ll sell it and feed our house for two days - keep the poor bastard’s damned bones if you need something to play with.” There was nothing quite so dehumanizing as his own family reaffirming nothing was truly his, that no possession was singularly his to keep. Perhaps it was selfish to think so, perhaps the fault was in himself for thinking of himself over his family. But even boy conquerors did not think in terms of rations and loud mouths to feed - they thought of glory, they thought of battles to be won, the sea of corpses that would lie in their wake. Perhaps that was when Altan first realized even if he was born to rot and be forgotten, even if it was his destiny to die nameless, there was a perfect storm of ichor and teeth and claws within him that refused to be snuffed out by any forces aside from than himself. He remembered turning to look at his brother, his gaze burning, and for the first time looking at someone else as if they were beneath him. Then - his brother fell to his knees, his face turning blue, his usual sour expression contorted in agony as he gasped for air, hands outstretched. Only later when soldiers were at their doorstep asking for the Grisha did Altan realize it was his doing. And only when, as he was dragged away, he saw one of the soldiers drop several coins into his father’s and brother’s hands did he realize blood counted for nothing.
He’d heard stories of what was done to Grisha, how people would rather risk leaving Shu Han with nothing to their name rather than be experimented on by the army. Images of being tested upon with poisons and chemicals, exposed to the elements, forced to fight boars and rabid dogs flashed through his mind as he was taken to an imposing building, cold and grey, and then blindfolded. ‘Heartrenders need to be able to see their targets’. He wouldn’t be granted his vision back for another three years. Theories, as it turned out, counted for nothing when the real thing was far, far worse than he could have imagined. Altan endured, not only because it was the only thing he could do, but because there existed in him a new thirst for life that only came about knowing he was wanted dead so fervently. That they cut into his will because they feared how powerful he could become - and this alone was reason enough to survive. To feed their fear and lull them into a false sense of security, to convince them the little starving feral thing they found in the outskirts was finally learning their scent, learning to feed from their hand. The day came when, despite being ragged with hundreds of near-deaths and being dipped into hellfire, he felt a thrum of power surging through his veins, clamoring to be unleashed upon his keepers. And unleash it did. The Darkling was there to receive him, a beacon of sheer power that lent itself to his own, and he followed him back to Ravka where he joined the Second Army, climbing the ranks despite the revolted whispers of ‘Shu’ and ‘monster’ that followed him the entire way. They fancied him powerful merely because of the experimentation, but they neglected the divinity in him, the primordial terror in him, only to see it for themselves on the battlefield as he coiled intestines around each other with the crook of his fingers and wrenched the red and blood from a beating heart. But what they didn’t know yet was that he still had to reach the peak of his capacity, that he still hadn’t fully grown into his shadow, and the thought was as terrifying to others as it was thrilling to him. He watched Ravkan soldiers tremble at his orders, at a Shu’s orders, and he thinks divinity is a fine taste on his tongue.
How does a man become an empire? How does one become the second most feared man in the Second Army? How does one find his place at the Darkling’s right hand? The full answer is as calamitous as the shadow himself, full of sharp teeth and songs of the razings of lesser kingdoms and smiles with all the worlds daggers and molten meanings behind them. Past emperors and warlords make their home in him, gifted with anointed wisdom and bloodthirst from the far reaches of hell, and he is as cutting as he is sly, as sharp as a blade licked by brimstone and fire. His is a cruel concoction, the twist of black blood intertwining with ambrosia, and perhaps if he were anywhere else but beside Darkness himself, he would languish in his own cataclysm, spill his own blood just to have red on his fingers. But divine things often find where they’re meant to be, and he was no exception. At the peak of havoc, at the helm of the ship, ensuring it cuts through bodies and sea alike.
THE DARKLING: Altan knows better than to become complacent in the knowledge that the most feared man in Ravka trusts his competence more than anyone else’s in his army. He refuses to dwell on the thought, for fear of becoming cocky or arrogant, and simply focuses his efforts on proving The Darkling right and cutting down whatever or whoever is fool enough to linger in their path. Every part of him knows that men like them are too often defined by their brutality, and he’s not stupid enough to believe that The Darkling keeps him around for anything beyond what use he can provide. Fortunately, Altan has barely even started.
MARGARETE STARIKOV: She bores him. Or, at least, she had once. He remembers her when she was a slight little doll wandering through the halls of the Little Palace, her tiny hands balled and itching to prove what she knew she was capable of - but her ambition was nothing new and echoed that of countless Grisha before her; a dove of a girl desperate to prove she was as much predator as the rest of them. Her family was a nuisance as well, as unsightly as a wart when they begged him to place her with the Healers rather than with the Heartrenders - in the end, he acquiesced. But the rumors as of late speak of a... ruthless girl, a murderess, a far cry from the wisp of a thing he thought he knew. He’ll admit his interest has piqued, but rumors aren’t quite so convincing as action.
FELIKS BAZIN: A living testament to his power, a walking trophy. Altan resurrected him on a whim simply because he knew he could bring back someone from the dead and wanted to prove it to himself. To consider how that knowledge must affect the boy’s psyche, how it might create a hell in his own head never crossed his mind or what was left of his conscience. He toys with the guard with curling, twisting words, and is always quick to remind him who it was who granted Feliks this long glimpse of limbo. “Consider this your penance,” he’d whispered once into Feliks’ ear. “Or consider this your purgatory. Makes no difference to me, and certainly not to you.” 
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ruleandruinrpg · 7 years
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He was born knowing the taste of dirt. How it felt on his hands and between his toes when he dug at the ground for scraps and roots to eat and bones to suck on, what it was like to sleep like a dog. He was a boy forsaken, a boy who learned how to run before he could walk. Altan’s family was no better, they’d all been born neglected, forced to become scavengers to survive, and they were some of the many invisible undesirables of Shu Han. While other children spent their days in the sun, Altan and his siblings traveled from corpse to corpse in the ruins of battlefields, looting what they could find and selling their meager bounty to buy their meal for the day, teaching themselves to make it last just short of a week. It was a miserable existence, being born to die in the gutter, and so dismal that he could not even imagine a better future to hope for. With Altan, and all nameless street urchins, there were no false suppositions, no daydreams, no ambition, no sights beyond what was in front of him - only resigned acceptance. 
There had been one thing that Altan had wanted to keep for himself - a small, dull dagger he’d found off a fallen Ravkan lieutenant. It was a far cry from lethal, and the embedded jewels had already lost their luster, but he’d tucked it away, wanting just one thing to keep, something to possess. But his brother (he hardly remembered his name now) snatched it out of his hand and rebuked him for being moved by sentiment and materialism rather than by self-preservation. “We’ll sell it and feed our house for two days - keep the poor bastard’s damned bones if you need something to play with.” There was nothing quite so dehumanizing as his own family reaffirming nothing was truly his, that no possession was singularly his to keep. Perhaps it was selfish to think so, perhaps the fault was in himself for thinking of himself over his family. But even boy conquerors did not think in terms of rations and loud mouths to feed - they thought of glory, they thought of battles to be won, the sea of corpses that would lie in their wake. Perhaps that was when Altan first realized even if he was born to rot and be forgotten, even if it was his destiny to die nameless, there was a perfect storm of ichor and teeth and claws within him that refused to be snuffed out by any forces aside from than himself. He remembered turning to look at his brother, his gaze burning, and for the first time looking at someone else as if they were beneath him. Then - his brother fell to his knees, his face turning blue, his usual sour expression contorted in agony as he gasped for air, hands outstretched. Only later when soldiers were at their doorstep asking for the Grisha did Altan realize it was his doing. And only when, as he was dragged away, he saw one of the soldiers drop several coins into his father’s and brother’s hands did he realize blood counted for nothing.
He’d heard stories of what was done to Grisha, how people would rather risk leaving Shu Han with nothing to their name rather than be experimented on by the army. Images of being tested upon with poisons and chemicals, exposed to the elements, forced to fight boars and rabid dogs flashed through his mind as he was taken to an imposing building, cold and grey, and then blindfolded. ‘Heartrenders need to be able to see their targets’. He wouldn’t be granted his vision back for another three years. Theories, as it turned out, counted for nothing when the real thing was far, far worse than he could have imagined. Altan endured, not only because it was the only thing he could do, but because there existed in him a new thirst for life that only came about knowing he was wanted dead so fervently. That they cut into his will because they feared how powerful he could become - and this alone was reason enough to survive. To feed their fear and lull them into a false sense of security, to convince them the little starving feral thing they found in the outskirts was finally learning their scent, learning to feed from their hand. The day came when, despite being ragged with hundreds of near-deaths and being dipped into hellfire, he felt a thrum of power surging through his veins, clamoring to be unleashed upon his keepers. And unleash it did. The Darkling was there to receive him, a beacon of sheer power that lent itself to his own, and he followed him back to Ravka where he joined the Second Army, climbing the ranks despite the revolted whispers of ‘Shu’ and ‘monster’ that followed him the entire way. They fancied him powerful merely because of the experimentation, but they neglected the divinity in him, the primordial terror in him, only to see it for themselves on the battlefield as he coiled intestines around each other with the crook of his fingers and wrenched the red and blood from a beating heart. But what they didn’t know yet was that he still had to reach the peak of his capacity, that he still hadn’t fully grown into his shadow, and the thought was as terrifying to others as it was thrilling to him. He watched Ravkan soldiers tremble at his orders, at a Shu’s orders, and he thinks divinity is a fine taste on his tongue.
How does a man become an empire? How does one become the second most feared man in the Second Army? How does one find his place at the Darkling’s right hand? The full answer is as calamitous as the shadow himself, full of sharp teeth and songs of the razings of lesser kingdoms and smiles with all the worlds daggers and molten meanings behind them. Past emperors and warlords make their home in him, gifted with anointed wisdom and bloodthirst from the far reaches of hell, and he is as cutting as he is sly, as sharp as a blade licked by brimstone and fire. His is a cruel concoction, the twist of black blood intertwining with ambrosia, and perhaps if he were anywhere else but beside Darkness himself, he would languish in his own cataclysm, spill his own blood just to have red on his fingers. But divine things often find where they’re meant to be, and he was no exception. At the peak of havoc, at the helm of the ship, ensuring it cuts through bodies and sea alike.
THE DARKLING: Altan knows better than to become complacent in the knowledge that the most feared man in Ravka trusts his competence more than anyone else’s in his army. He refuses to dwell on the thought, for fear of becoming cocky or arrogant, and simply focuses his efforts on proving The Darkling right and cutting down whatever or whoever is fool enough to linger in their path. Every part of him knows that men like them are too often defined by their brutality, and he’s not stupid enough to believe that The Darkling keeps him around for anything beyond what use he can provide. Fortunately, Altan has barely even started.
MARGARETE STARIKOV: She bores him. Or, at least, she had once. He remembers her when she was a slight little doll wandering through the halls of the Little Palace, her tiny hands balled and itching to prove what she knew she was capable of - but her ambition was nothing new and echoed that of countless Grisha before her; a dove of a girl desperate to prove she was as much predator as the rest of them. Her family was a nuisance as well, as unsightly as a wart when they begged him to place her with the Healers rather than with the Heartrenders - in the end, he acquiesced. But the rumors as of late speak of a... ruthless girl, a murderess, a far cry from the wisp of a thing he thought he knew. He’ll admit his interest has piqued, but rumors aren’t quite so convincing as action.
FELIKS BAZIN: A living testament to his power, a walking trophy. Altan resurrected him on a whim simply because he knew he could bring back someone from the dead and wanted to prove it to himself. To consider how that knowledge must affect the boy’s psyche, how it might create a hell in his own head never crossed his mind or what was left of his conscience. He toys with the guard with curling, twisting words, and is always quick to remind him who it was who granted Feliks this long glimpse of limbo. “Consider this your penance,” he’d whispered once into Feliks’ ear. “Or consider this your purgatory. Makes no difference to me, and certainly not to you.” 
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