#even if they aren't they could be like conventionally unattractive and not Jason's type at all but he'll blush and be like
yourthirdparent · 1 year
obsessed with the idea of a jasonlityerses friendship btw. you see lit's ass in the dark prophecy? i want him to be friends with jason. they spar together and jason loses every time because he gets distracted by how hot lit is. they lay on couches and one of them has their head in the other's lap while said other pets them. lit keeps getting nature valleyed cuz jason refuses to stop eating granola bars
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yourfourthparent · 1 year
obsessed with the idea of a jasonlityerses friendship btw. you see lit's ass in the dark prophecy? i want him to be friends with jason. they spar together and jason loses every time because he gets distracted by how hot lit is. they lay on couches and one of them has their head in the other's lap while said other pets them. lit keeps getting nature valleyed cuz jason refuses to stop eating granola bars
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