#even 3D when it tries doesn't quite reach the carefree movement and style of handdrawn 2D
dkettchen · 10 months
I was thinking while watching this like- as a trained 2D handdrawn animator who because of my RSI can't actually, physically 2D animate anymore (even if there had been jobs in it rip) and is now going into film instead, it would be neat to be able to animate from footage like this, but also at its current state this would literally drive me insane over tiny differences between frames, like- once we get to the point where the AI can spit something out in vector lines, on separated layers, where I can go in and futz with the lines and colours individually (or until then, using it for auto-inbetweening, which seems to be the direction it is evolving in with this new warp program they used in this one), then I will probably learn this stuff to use for myself and with my art cause it's getting to a point where I can see that being the future (and it would provide A future for my own animations they will not otherwise have)
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