#ev ssl
https-in · 2 years
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DigiCert secures unlimited servers with the strongest encryption and various security solutions for website. HTTPS.In can help to secure your entire networks from malware, vulnerabilities, and cyber-attacks. check out types of DigiCert SSL Certificates : EV (Extended Validation) SSL Certificate, wildcard SSL Certificates, Standard SSL, Multi-Domain SSL, Code Signing Certificate, Document signing certificates. DigiCert SSL certificates are compatible with the largest and most commonly used internet browsers. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 3 days
15, 20, 22 for the SSO Asks? (@starstable-eve :))
15. Which race is your favourite? Why?
Jumping, all of it. I like jumping, because its quick and floaty and just so fun to do it.
20. What part of the main story is your fav?
I am not particularly care about the main story anymore, but I like the base of it. Four magical girl who has a strong bond with their horses and needs each other to protect the island. It's simple and interesting, it's sad sse basicly want to abond it
22. Which guardian horse is your favourite? Does it belong to you fav soul rider ot not?
My fav is Tin-Can and well and yes my fav is alex since the ssl games. I also love Concorde a lot.
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inkowl13 · 3 days
2, 16, 24 for the SSO Asks? (@starstable-eve :))
2. Silver-black color, mane braided in buns (because there is no mohawk) Full name, if translated from russian - Chaotic Crow. The name has never changed.
16. I think Valedale, despite the fact that I am generally indifferent to the championships. Why? Beautiful location and rain.
24. If we are talking about the original games series (SSL) - Katja. If about the SSO- Sabine. Maybe because she had the most interactions with us.
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kennak · 6 months
トレンドマイクロ株式会社は10月3日、「EV証明書の不正利用:マルウェア『RedLine』、『Vidar』の最新攻撃手法を解説、ランサムウェア感染の危険も」と題する記事を公開した。情報窃取型マルウェアで知られるこれらの攻撃グループの新たな動向について解説している。 同社では2022年半ば以降、情報窃取型マルウェアファミリ「RedLine」と「Vidar」の活動状況を監視している。最新の動向として、RedLineやVidarの背後にいる攻撃グループは、情報窃取ツールを配布するだけでなく、同じ経路からランサムウェア用ペイロードを配布していることが判明した。 ペイロードの配布により、同グループは各種技術を多目的で使用できるようにし、さまざまな活動を並列的に行っていると同社では推測している。今回調査した事例では、情報窃取型マルウェアが配布された後、しばらくして同じ経路からランサムウェア用ペイロードが送りつけられるようになったという。 また、最初に配布された情報窃取型マルウェアは、EV(Extended Validation)コード署名証明書で署名されていた。EV証明書は、TLS/SSL証明書の場合と同じく、取得には厳格な審査が行われる。 一般的なOV(企業認証)証明書では、ドメインの所有者、名前、種別、ステータス、住所などが検証されるが、EV証明書の場合にはOVの要素に加え、企業の公開電話番号、事業の継続期間、登録番号と管轄、ドメイン不正検査、連絡先のブラックリスト検査、申請者の雇用状況を確認するための電話連絡など、7つの追加手順が必要となる。 コード署名証明書においては、CA/Bフォーラム(CABF)により2023年6月からはハードウェアでの鍵生成(トークン)が必須となった。これは、秘密鍵と証明書をソフトウェアデータとしてコピーできない状態で保管することにより、端末から窃取されるリスクを低減することを目的としている。 しかし、今回の事例では2023年7月から8月にかけて、EVコード署名付きの検体が30個以上発見された。同社が「TrojanSpy.Win32.VIDAR.SMA」として検知した情報窃取ツールは、検体ごとにハッシュ値が異なるなど、多態性(ポリモーフィック)が備わっていた。単一の攻撃グループからこれだけ多くの検体が確認される事例は、同社が把握している限り初めてだという。 QAKBOTのオペレーターが通常のコード署名証明書を��正利用した事例では、認証局(CA:Certificate Authority)が被害組織になりすしていた攻撃者に対して直接発行したものであると推測される。 ただし、今回の場合はハードウェアトークンが必須であるため、ハードウェアトークンを自身で保有していたか、ハードウェアトークンが接続された端末へのアクセス権を取得していたと考えられるとしている。(クラウドサービスの場合はハードウェアトークンは不要) 同社では、証明書の発行元であるCAに問い合わせ、当該証明書を使用したコード署名が全て無効化されるように、発行日自体を失効日として扱うべきである旨を伝えた。その後、CAは3月21日を失効日とし、それ以降に署名された検体の全てが無効化された。 情報窃取型マルウェアにはEV証明書でコード署名されていたが、ランサムウェア用ペイロードを作成するファイルにはコード署名はなかった。しかし、攻撃元のグループは同一であり、経路も同じため、分業体制が敷かれていると推測している。 同社では対策として、企業や組織では脅威が進行する前の早い段階から攻撃を阻止し、システム侵入による被害が広がる前にこれを検知できるように、シフトレフト(Shift Left:攻撃ライフサイクルの早い段階に焦点を向ける)の発想に基づく対策の実施を推奨している。
「RedLine」等の攻撃グループ、EV 証明書で署名されたマルウェア配布 | ScanNetSecurity
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baccaratgaming · 4 days
Quais são as medidas de segurança que garantem que o site de slot 777 é confiável para jogar e apostar?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as medidas de segurança que garantem que o site de slot 777 é confiável para jogar e apostar?
Certificados de Segurança
Os certificados de segurança são uma parte fundamental da experiência online segura de qualquer usuário da internet. Eles desempenham um papel essencial na proteção das informações pessoais e financeiras transmitidas através da rede.
Um certificado de segurança, também conhecido como certificado SSL/TLS, é um arquivo de dados criptografados que é instalado no servidor web. Ele funciona estabelecendo uma conexão criptografada entre o navegador do usuário e o servidor, garantindo que os dados transmitidos permaneçam privados e seguros contra interceptação por terceiros mal-intencionados.
Existem diferentes tipos de certificados de segurança, cada um com níveis variados de validação e criptografia. Os certificados SSL de domínio único são os mais comuns e protegem um único domínio ou subdomínio. Já os certificados SSL de validação estendida (EV SSL) oferecem o mais alto nível de validação, exibindo uma barra de endereço verde e o nome da empresa na barra de endereço do navegador, transmitindo confiança adicional aos usuários.
Além disso, os certificados de segurança também desempenham um papel importante no ranking de sites nos resultados de busca. Os mecanismos de busca, como o Google, priorizam sites que utilizam HTTPS (protocolo de transferência de hipertexto seguro) em vez de HTTP, indicando que o site é seguro e protegido.
Em resumo, os certificados de segurança são essenciais para garantir a privacidade e a segurança das informações dos usuários na internet. Ao implementar certificados SSL/TLS em seus sites, as empresas podem proteger seus clientes e construir confiança, ao mesmo tempo em que melhoram seu posicionamento nos mecanismos de busca.
Auditorias de Jogos
As auditorias de jogos são processos essenciais na indústria de jogos eletrônicos, garantindo a qualidade, segurança e conformidade dos jogos com as regulamentações e padrões estabelecidos. Essas auditorias são conduzidas por empresas especializadas, que avaliam diversos aspectos dos jogos, desde sua jogabilidade até sua integridade técnica.
Uma das principais áreas examinadas durante as auditorias de jogos é a jogabilidade. Os auditores analisam a experiência do jogador, verificando se o jogo é envolvente, equilibrado e divertido. Eles também examinam a interface do usuário, garantindo que seja intuitiva e fácil de usar.
Além disso, as auditorias de jogos incluem testes de segurança. Os auditores verificam se o jogo protege adequadamente os dados dos jogadores e se não há vulnerabilidades que possam ser exploradas por hackers. A segurança é uma preocupação crescente na indústria de jogos, especialmente com o aumento do jogo online e dos micro pagamentos.
Outro aspecto importante das auditorias de jogos é a conformidade com as regulamentações legais e os padrões da indústria. Os jogos devem respeitar as leis locais e internacionais, além de seguir as diretrizes estabelecidas por organizações como a Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) e a International Age Rating Coalition (IARC).
Em resumo, as auditorias de jogos desempenham um papel crucial na garantia da qualidade e segurança dos jogos eletrônicos. Ao submeter os jogos a rigorosas avaliações, as empresas podem proteger seus jogadores, evitar problemas legais e manter a reputação da indústria de jogos.
Criptografia de Dados
A criptografia de dados é uma técnica fundamental para proteger informações confidenciais e sensíveis contra acessos não autorizados. Ela consiste em codificar os dados de forma que apenas pessoas autorizadas possam decifrá-los, garantindo assim a privacidade e a segurança das informações.
Existem diversos algoritmos e métodos de criptografia, cada um com suas características e níveis de segurança. Um dos mais conhecidos é o AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), que utiliza chaves de diferentes tamanhos para codificar os dados de forma eficiente e segura.
A criptografia de dados é amplamente utilizada em diversos contextos, desde transações bancárias online até comunicações governamentais e militares. Ela desempenha um papel crucial na proteção da privacidade dos indivíduos e no combate a atividades criminosas, como a interceptação de dados e o roubo de informações pessoais.
Além disso, a criptografia de dados também é essencial para garantir a integridade das informações, evitando que sejam alteradas ou corrompidas durante a transmissão ou armazenamento. Isso é especialmente importante em ambientes onde a confiança nos dados é fundamental, como sistemas de saúde e financeiros.
No entanto, é importante ressaltar que a criptografia de dados não é uma solução infalível e pode ser vulnerável a ataques de hackers e técnicas de quebra de criptografia. Por isso, é essencial adotar boas práticas de segurança, como o uso de chaves fortes e a implementação de protocolos de autenticação robustos.
Em resumo, a criptografia de dados desempenha um papel fundamental na proteção da privacidade e da segurança das informações em um mundo cada vez mais digitalizado e interconectado. É uma ferramenta essencial para garantir a confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade dos dados em diferentes contextos e aplicações.
Política de Privacidade
A Política de Privacidade é um documento essencial para qualquer empresa que coleta, armazena ou utiliza informações pessoais dos seus usuários. Essa política estabelece as regras e diretrizes sobre como os dados dos usuários serão tratados, garantindo transparência e segurança.
Em um mundo cada vez mais digitalizado, a privacidade dos dados se tornou uma preocupação central para os usuários da internet. Por isso, é fundamental que as empresas adotem uma Política de Privacidade clara e abrangente, que detalhe quais informações são coletadas, como são utilizadas e com quem são compartilhadas.
Entre os principais pontos que uma Política de Privacidade deve abordar estão:
Coleta de informações: Deve deixar claro quais dados são coletados, como nome, endereço de e-mail, informações de pagamento, entre outros.
Uso das informações: Deve explicar como os dados serão utilizados pela empresa, seja para melhorar os serviços, personalizar conteúdos ou realizar análises de mercado.
Compartilhamento de informações: Deve informar se os dados dos usuários serão compartilhados com terceiros e com quem, além de garantir que isso só ocorra mediante consentimento expresso.
Segurança dos dados: Deve estabelecer medidas de segurança para proteger as informações dos usuários contra acessos não autorizados, vazamentos ou perdas.
Direitos dos usuários: Deve esclarecer quais são os direitos dos usuários em relação aos seus dados, como o direito de acessar, corrigir ou excluir suas informações pessoais.
Uma Política de Privacidade bem elaborada não apenas atende às exigências legais, como o Marco Civil da Internet e a LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados), mas também fortalece a confiança dos usuários na empresa, demonstrando seu compromisso com a privacidade e segurança dos dados. Portanto, é fundamental que as empresas dediquem atenção e recursos para elaborar e manter atualizada sua Política de Privacidade.
Métodos de Pagamento Seguros
Com a crescente popularidade das compras online, garantir métodos de pagamento seguros tornou-se essencial para proteger tanto os consumidores quanto os comerciantes. Felizmente, existem várias opções de pagamento que oferecem segurança e tranquilidade durante as transações online.
Um dos métodos mais comuns e seguros é o cartão de crédito. Ao utilizar um cartão de crédito para fazer compras online, os consumidores contam com a proteção oferecida pelas bandeiras de cartões e pelos emissores, que geralmente oferecem políticas de reembolso em caso de fraude ou transações não autorizadas.
Outra opção popular é o PayPal, um serviço de pagamento online que oferece uma camada adicional de segurança. O PayPal atua como um intermediário entre o comprador e o vendedor, mantendo as informações financeiras confidenciais e oferecendo proteção ao comprador em caso de disputas.
Além disso, as carteiras digitais, como Apple Pay e Google Pay, estão se tornando cada vez mais populares devido à sua conveniência e segurança. Essas carteiras armazenam informações de pagamento de forma criptografada e utilizam autenticação biométrica, como impressão digital ou reconhecimento facial, para autorizar as transações.
Para aqueles que preferem não compartilhar informações financeiras online, os cartões pré-pagos são uma opção segura. Esses cartões funcionam como cartões de presente recarregáveis e não estão vinculados a contas bancárias, proporcionando uma camada adicional de proteção contra fraudes.
Em suma, ao realizar compras online, é essencial escolher métodos de pagamento seguros que ofereçam proteção contra fraudes e garantam uma experiência de compra tranquila e sem preocupações. Escolher entre as opções mencionadas garantirá uma experiência de compra online mais segura e protegida.
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richdigitaldelhi · 5 days
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SSL Certificate in delhi NCR
SSL Certificate in delhi NCR come in different validation levels, including Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), and Extended Validation (EV). Choose a provider that offers the validation level that best suits your business needs and budget.
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isvpnunsafe · 12 days
does vpn eve work
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does vpn eve work
VPN encryption technology
VPN encryption technology plays a pivotal role in safeguarding online privacy and security, offering users a shield against potential cyber threats and privacy breaches. Essentially, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) utilizes encryption to create a secure tunnel between the user's device and the internet, ensuring that data transmitted over the network remains confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized parties.
At the core of VPN encryption technology lies robust cryptographic algorithms, which scramble data into an unreadable format before it's transmitted. This encryption process converts sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card details, and browsing history, into ciphertext, rendering it indecipherable to anyone without the decryption key.
The most common encryption protocols used in VPNs include OpenVPN, IPSec, and IKEv2/IPSec. OpenVPN, known for its open-source nature and strong security features, employs SSL/TLS protocols to encrypt data traffic. IPSec, on the other hand, operates at the network layer of the OSI model, offering a high level of security by encrypting each packet of data. Meanwhile, IKEv2/IPSec combines the security of IPSec with the simplicity of Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) for seamless and secure VPN connections.
Furthermore, VPN encryption technology typically utilizes symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods. Symmetric encryption employs a single key for both encryption and decryption, ensuring fast data transmission speeds. Asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key cryptography, utilizes a pair of keys – a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption – providing a more secure communication channel.
In conclusion, VPN encryption technology acts as a crucial barrier against cyber threats and surveillance, ensuring that users can browse the internet with peace of mind. By employing advanced encryption protocols and algorithms, VPNs uphold the principles of privacy, anonymity, and data security in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.
How does VPN ensure privacy
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) serves as a powerful tool to safeguard online privacy. It achieves this through several key mechanisms that encrypt and secure your internet connection.
Firstly, a VPN encrypts your data. When you connect to the internet through a VPN, all the data transmitted between your device and the VPN server is encrypted. This encryption scrambles the data, making it unreadable to anyone who might intercept it, whether it's your ISP, hackers, or government agencies. This ensures that your sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card details, and personal messages, remains protected from prying eyes.
Secondly, a VPN hides your IP address. Your IP address is a unique identifier that reveals your location and online activity. By routing your internet traffic through a VPN server, your real IP address is masked, and instead, the VPN server's IP address is displayed. This makes it virtually impossible for websites, advertisers, and other third parties to track your online movements and trace them back to you.
Additionally, VPNs offer a secure tunnel for your data to travel through. This tunnel acts as a barrier between your device and the internet, preventing unauthorized access and potential attacks. By encapsulating your data within this secure tunnel, VPNs ensure that it remains protected from threats like malware, phishing attempts, and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Moreover, reputable VPN providers follow a strict no-logs policy, meaning they don't collect or store any information about your online activities. This further enhances your privacy by ensuring that there's no record of your browsing history, downloads, or online interactions.
In essence, a VPN ensures privacy by encrypting your data, hiding your IP address, providing a secure tunnel for data transmission, and adhering to a no-logs policy. By utilizing these measures, VPN users can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their online activities are shielded from prying eyes.
VPN server reliability
VPN server reliability is a critical factor to consider when choosing a VPN service provider. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet, encrypting your data and routing it through a secure connection. However, not all VPN servers are created equal, and their reliability can vary significantly.
One of the key aspects of VPN server reliability is uptime. A reliable VPN service should have servers that are consistently available and operational, ensuring uninterrupted access to the internet. Downtime can occur due to various reasons such as maintenance, hardware failures, or network issues. Therefore, reputable VPN providers invest in robust infrastructure and redundant server networks to minimize downtime and ensure high availability.
Another factor that contributes to VPN server reliability is server speed and performance. Users rely on VPNs to maintain fast and stable connections for activities such as streaming, gaming, and browsing. A reliable VPN service will have servers optimized for speed, with low latency and high bandwidth capacity. Additionally, load balancing techniques are employed to distribute traffic evenly across servers, preventing congestion and slowdowns during peak usage periods.
Security is also paramount when assessing VPN server reliability. A trustworthy VPN provider implements stringent security measures to safeguard user data and privacy. This includes encryption protocols, secure server configurations, and regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities.
Furthermore, geographic diversity plays a role in VPN server reliability. A global network of servers ensures that users can access content from anywhere in the world while maintaining fast and reliable connections. This is particularly important for bypassing geo-restrictions and accessing region-locked content.
In conclusion, VPN server reliability encompasses uptime, speed, security, and geographic coverage. By choosing a reputable VPN provider with a track record of reliability, users can enjoy a secure and seamless online experience.
VPN impact on internet speed
When it comes to using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), many users wonder about its impact on internet speed. A VPN works by encrypting your internet connection and routing it through a server located in a different location. While this provides you with online privacy and security, it can also affect your internet speed.
The impact of a VPN on internet speed can vary depending on various factors. One factor is the distance between you and the VPN server. If the server is located far away, it can lead to slower speeds due to the increased distance the data has to travel.
Additionally, the level of encryption used by the VPN can also affect your internet speed. Stronger encryption methods can slow down your connection compared to weaker encryption methods. However, opting for stronger encryption ensures better security for your online activities.
Furthermore, the overall network congestion and server load can affect the speed of your VPN connection. During peak times when the server is handling a lot of traffic, you may experience slower speeds compared to off-peak times.
It's essential to choose a reputable VPN service provider with high-speed servers to minimize the impact on your internet speed. Some VPN providers offer features like split tunneling, which allows you to route only specific traffic through the VPN, helping to optimize your speed for other activities.
In conclusion, while using a VPN can potentially impact your internet speed, the trade-off for enhanced privacy and security is often worth it. By considering the factors mentioned above and choosing a reliable VPN provider, you can minimize the impact on your internet speed while enjoying a more secure online experience.
VPN compatibility with online services
When it comes to using VPNs, compatibility with online services is a crucial factor to consider. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are commonly used for ensuring online security and anonymity by encrypting internet connections and hiding IP addresses. However, not all VPNs are created equal in terms of their compatibility with various online services.
Many popular VPN services are compatible with a wide range of online platforms, including streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. VPNs allow users to bypass geo-restrictions and access content that may be blocked in their region. By connecting to a server in a different location, users can trick the service into thinking they are accessing it from an allowed region.
Furthermore, VPNs are also compatible with online gaming services, allowing gamers to reduce latency, protect against DDoS attacks, and access region-locked game servers. Gamers often use VPNs to enhance their gaming experience and ensure a secure connection while playing online.
However, it's essential to note that some online services may block or restrict VPN usage due to content licensing agreements or security concerns. In such cases, users may encounter error messages or difficulty accessing certain platforms while using a VPN. It's recommended to choose a reputable VPN service that offers dedicated servers for specific online services to ensure smoother compatibility.
In conclusion, VPN compatibility with online services is a vital consideration for users looking to enhance their online privacy, security, and access to geo-restricted content. By selecting a reliable VPN provider and understanding the compatibility features, users can enjoy a seamless and secure online experience across various platforms and services.
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websitesabqnm · 16 days
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The simplest plan for website hosting and domain registration which are needed for the life of a website cost approximately $50 a year. Which is less the $5 per month. If you sign up for the 3 page starter kit, SSL, hosting and domain registration cost for the first year are included. That doesn’t include the price of the design and construction of a website.
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rotbebandi1 · 22 days
Unlocking the Cost and Conditions of Obtaining Electronic Trust Symbols for Online Stores
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In the digital age, trust is the cornerstone of successful online businesses. Electronic trust symbols, such as SSL certificates and trust seals, serve as powerful assurances of security and reliability, instilling confidence in customers and driving conversions. However, acquiring these symbols for online stores involves both costs and specific conditions that business owners must understand to make informed decisions.
Understanding the Cost of Electronic Trust Symbols
Electronic trust symbols come with associated costs that vary depending on several factors:
Type of Symbol
SSL Certificates: SSL certificates encrypt data transmitted between a website and its visitors, ensuring secure transactions. The cost of SSL certificates ranges from a few dollars to several hundred dollars per year, depending on factors such as encryption strength and certificate type (e.g., single domain, wildcard, or EV SSL).
Trust Seals: Trust seals are visual indicators displayed on websites to reassure customers about security. While some trust seals are provided for free by certain certificate authorities, premium trust seals with additional features may incur costs ranging from a nominal fee to a significant investment.
Level of Security
Standard vs. Extended Validation (EV) Certificates: EV SSL certificates provide the highest level of assurance by displaying the verified company name in the browser's address bar. Due to the rigorous validation process involved, EV SSL certificates typically come at a higher cost compared to standard SSL certificates. Click here to know more: https://rotbebandi.co/%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%B0-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AF/
Provider's Pricing Structure
Standalone vs. Bundled Services: Providers may offer electronic trust symbols as standalone products or as part of bundled services that include additional security features or services. Business owners should carefully evaluate the pricing structure and choose a provider that aligns with their budget and security needs.
Requirements for Obtaining Electronic Trust Symbols
In addition to cost considerations, online stores must meet specific conditions to obtain electronic trust symbols:
Valid Business Registration: Online stores must have a valid business registration and provide proof of identity to certificate authorities or trust seal providers.
Compliance with Industry Standards: Businesses must adhere to industry standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS for payment processing and GDPR for data protection, to ensure the security and privacy of customer data.
Implementation of Security Measures: Online stores must implement robust security measures, including encryption protocols, secure payment gateways, and regular vulnerability assessments, to protect customer information and prevent data breaches.
Regular Monitoring and Maintenance: Businesses should regularly monitor and maintain their electronic trust symbols to ensure they remain valid and effective. This includes renewing SSL certificates before expiration and updating trust seals as necessary.
Acquiring electronic trust symbols is essential for online stores looking to build trust and credibility with customers and enhance their overall security posture. By understanding the cost and conditions associated with these symbols, business owners can make informed decisions to protect their customers' data and foster trust in their online brand. Investing in electronic trust symbols is not just about meeting requirements; it's about safeguarding the integrity of the business and ensuring a secure and trustworthy online shopping experience for customers.
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thuevpsgiarervn · 1 month
Cách Đăng Ký SSL Cho Domain & Các Lỗi Thường Gặp Khi Đăng Kí
Chứng chỉ SSL là gì?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) là một giao thức bảo mật tạo ra một liên kết được mã hóa giữa một máy chủ web và trình duyệt web. Một chứng chỉ SSL là một chứng chỉ số xác thực danh tính của một trang web và cho phép kết nối được mã hóa. Liên kết này đảm bảo rằng tất cả dữ liệu truyền qua giữa máy chủ web và trình duyệt đều được giữ riêng tư.
SSL giúp bảo vệ thông tin nhạy cảm như số thẻ tín dụng, tên người dùng và mật khẩu khỏi bị tin tặc đánh cắp nên rất quan trọng. Chứng chỉ SSL thường được cài đặt trên máy chủ web và kích hoạt giao thức HTTPS, đánh dấu trang web bằng biểu tượng “cái khóa” hoặc “ổ khóa” trong thanh địa chỉ trình duyệt
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Chứng chỉ SSL là gì?
Chứng chỉ SSL được cung cấp dưới 2 loại là chứng chỉ SSL có phí và SSL miễn phí. Cài đặt chứng chỉ SSL cho website trả phí thường có hạn sử dụng dưới 100 ngày. Sau thời gian này bạn phải gia hạn chứng chỉ SSL. Ngoài ra về mức độ bảo mật thì chứng chỉ SSL miễn phí thường không an toàn.
Bạn có thể Cài đặt chứng chỉ SSL cho website miễn phí để trải nghiệm. Nhưng nếu xui bạn có thể gặp phải những trường hợp đánh cắp thông tin, làm gián đoạn quá trình vận hành website. Đặc biệt là có thể tạo nên những xung đột với các plugin được cài đặt trên website.
Dùng về lâu dài và muốn khẳng định uy tín của website thì khuyên dùng cài đặt chứng chỉ SSL cho website có phí.
Hiện nay SSL bao gồm:
Chứng chỉ DV – SSL (Domain Validation) dùng để xác thực quyền sử dụng tên miền.
OV – SSL (Organization Validation) khẳng định chất lượng cho các cổng thương mại điện tử.
Chứng chỉ EV –SSL (Extended Validation) thích hợp với các trang ngân hàng, tài chính.
Wildcard SSL Certificate dùng để bảo mật cho các tên miền cấp dưới.
Xem thêm: https://thuevpsgiare.vn/dang-ky-ssl-cho-domain/
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aeoki · 2 months
SS Finals - Melee: Chapter 1
Location: Inside Bus Characters: Tomoya, Hokuto, Keito, Eichi, Chiaki, Wataru & Natsume
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Fast-forward to New Year’s Eve. Day of the “SS” Finals. >
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Wataru: ♪~♪~♪
The “SS” Finals have begun in a rather ordinary manner…☆
It’s the biggest festival of the mundane and precious idol industry – I wonder what sort of tragicomedy will unfold this year?
Keito: …I sense an unpleasant presence above my head.
Eichi: Maybe it’s just God peering down?
Oh, foolish humans – why do you dance? Are you afraid to learn of God’s will? Hehe ♪
Keito: You’re in a surprisingly good mood, Eichi. Now is precisely the time to tighten the strap on your helmet and brace yourself, you know?
Eichi: Putting on a brave face also counts as being alive and well, Keito. Besides, it’s been a while since we last fought side by side together, so I’m happy.
Keito: That didn’t sound sincere at all. You’d have more fun fighting against me, wouldn’t you?
Eichi: I’ll let Sakuma-kun have that pleasure. He must be quite sad seeing as you two no longer have the chance to tussle it out with one another now that he has carelessly joined the same agency as you.
In any case, the “SS” Finals will begin and end today on New Year’s Eve.
We can’t waste our time – It might be sudden, but I’d like to get right into it. Any objections, unit leaders of the “Red Team”?
Hokuto: Yes, I have objections.
Natsume: You have objections every tiME. Putting that asiDE, who put you in charge, “EmperOR”?
Eichi: You don’t like that idea, Mr Magician Boy? Obviously, it would make more sense for Hokuto-kun, the previous winner of “SS” to be the leader of the “Red Team”.
But things couldn’t have been helped. The “SS” Administration Committee selected “fine” to be the “General Leader” of the “Red Team”.
I’m simply following orders.
Natsume: HmPH, how much did you pay to get that positiON?
Eichi: You make me sound like a horrible person. There are things you cannot buy with money in this world too, you know, Sakasaki-kun. For example, hmm, I can’t seem to think of any at the moment ♪
Besides, “Switch” is only allowed to participate in the Finals through improper means because you guys buttered up to the “SS” Administration Committee, no?
Even if we do have connections with the management, I don’t think you’re in any position to attack me like I’m some villain.
Natsume: Ever the smooth talker, I sEE.
And I’ll say this to protect our reputatiON, but we never “cheated” our way into the FinaLS.
We did “use” the management as a means to survive and as an investment for our future, thouGH.
The final amount of “SSL$” we possessed was more than enough for us to advance to the FinaLS.
Keito: The more you try to cover it up with excuses, the more fishy it sounds instead, Sakasaki.
Natsume: Oh? Were you trying to throw your dearest childhood friend a lifeliNE, you coldblooded Ex-Vice PresideNT? ♪
Keito: In my heart, I’m actually on your side, Sakasaki. I’m trying to say you shouldn’t disturb the peace by recklessly picking fights with people you don’t like.
We should be putting our heads together as the “Red Team” to come up with a thorough strategy to win.
Eichi: Yeah. That’s why I asked all of the unit leaders of the “Red Team” to meet up.
By the way, I’ve already checked if this bus has any bugs and I’ve also asked Wataru to keep watch on the roof just in case.
This bus has the blessed protection of an angel – Wataru will definitely not let anything suspicious in.
Keito: He’s the most suspicious here.
Hokuto: I agree with Hasumi-senpai for a change.
Tomoya: Ahaha. I’m just happy that the old members of last year’s Drama Club just happened to be all together, though.
Hokuto: Hehe. Hibiki-senpai is in a high place as usual too.
Eichi: (Good, good. I suppose it was the right move to place Wataru on the roof of the bus.)
(As long as there is the possibility that Natsume-kun’s “master”, who he loves and respects, is listening in, Hokuto and Tomoya-kun shouldn’t be able to do anything disgraceful, either.)
(Well, compared to the naughty children in the “White Team”... all the members of the “Red Team” seem rather docile.)
Chiaki: I wanna say something: I know everyone has their own opinions, but just as Hasumi said, I’d like us all to team up for the “Red Team’s” victory.
“One for all and all for one” – I don’t intend on pushing “RYUUSEITAI’s” way of doing things onto you guys here.
But “SS” should be a huge game that we – no, every idol – can’t skip out on.
Nothing good will come out of arguing and hurting our teammates – It’ll just end in regret.
Hokuto: …If that’s what you say, Morisawa-senpai.
Natsume: You surprisingly think quite highly of that oppressive upperclassman, huh, Hokke-kUN?
Hokuto: He took care of me during “Rain-bows”.
Tomoya: If that’s what Hokuto-senpai says, then you have all of “Ra*bits” support. We had those intentions from the beginning too, of course.
Eichi: Thank you.
If the leader of “Ra*bits” was still Nito-kun, then I’m sure he’d be endlessly shouting, “That doesn’t matter! I still hate your guts, Tenshouin!”
Tomoya: …Well, I’m not particularly fond of you either, just so you know.
Hokuto: What did you do to our Tomoya, Tenshouin-senpai? I won’t forgive you depending on what you say!
Eichi: Hehe. Did I ever tell you I was seeking your forgiveness?
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g-tech-group · 2 months
SSL: Confronto tra Let’s Encrypt e Greenbar EV In un mondo digitale in continua evoluzione, la sicurezza online è diventata una priorità assoluta. Che tu sia un blogger, il proprietario di un piccolo e-commerce o il gestore IT di una grande azienda, comprendere le differenze tra i vari tipi di certificati SSL (Secure Socket Layer) è fondamentale. In questo articolo, esploreremo in modo approfondito le differenze tra i certificati SSL forniti da Let's Encrypt e quelli Greenbar Extended Validation (EV). Che cos'è un Certificato SSL? Prima di tuffarci nelle specificità, è importante comprendere cosa sia un certificato SSL. In breve, un certificato SSL è una tecnologia di sicurezza standard che assicura una connessione crittografata tra un server web e un browser. Questo impedisce agli aggressori di intercettare dati sensibili, come informazioni personali o dettagli di pagamento. Let's Encrypt: Accessibile e Automatico Let's Encrypt è un'autorità di certificazione (CA) gratuita, automatica e aperta, lanciata nel 2016 con l'obiettivo di rendere i certificati SSL accessibili a tutti. Ecco alcune delle sue caratteristiche principali: Gratuità: Let's Encrypt fornisce certificati SSL/Domains Validated (DV) completamente gratuiti. Questo lo rende una scelta eccellente per blog, piccoli siti web e progetti personali. Rinnovo Automatico: I certificati hanno una breve durata (90 giorni) ma possono essere rinnovati automaticamente, riducendo il rischio di scadenza del certificato. Facilità di Implementazione: È supportato dalla maggior parte dei provider di hosting e può essere configurato con pochi comandi o attraverso interfacce utente semplificate. Sicurezza: Offre un livello di sicurezza comparabile a molti certificati a pagamento, assicurando che le comunicazioni tra il tuo sito e i tuoi utenti siano crittografate. Greenbar Extended Validation (EV): Prestigio e Fiducia I certificati SSL Greenbar EV rappresentano il livello più alto di
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