couldtheycatchkira · 3 months
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taffypointby · 2 years
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poopowin doodle lmao
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iukasylvie · 9 months
The Five Elders had more reservations about destroying Ohara and Lulusia in One Piece than the Knights Moralis did about erasing people's memories in Witch Hat Atelier
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dashamusic13999 · 1 month
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Ace Family)
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NaNo snippet
Hard at work on the site stuff now. Haven’t been to the doctor yet, but figured I’d share a snippet from my NaNo project. Enjoy 🙂 <blockquote>She watched him go, sunlight bathing his dark skin and turning his black hair blue wherever it touched, then made her way to the center of the clearing, where a small spring bubbled up from the earth, surrounded by wildflowers. Dropping to her knees next…
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Khod, Etlan Shiis Envoy
Artist: Dave Humpherys TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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sanho-crwpff · 2 years
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The Knights Moralis have such fun vibes and Ekoh and Etlan have my heart but Tetia has the largest piece 💖 they’re all my favorites in both design and vibes 👍👍👍✨ can’t wait for the anime!
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loreholdlesbian · 1 year
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Card transcription
Two cards
The first
Etlan Shiis Tidemage U
Creature- Merfolk [common]
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)
Whenever Etlan Shiis Tidemage deals 3 or more combat damage to a player, draw a card.
The second
Keral Keep Expert 1R
Creature- Human Monk [common]
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)
Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)
End transcription
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cabinsatoldrag · 27 days
How to Enhance Your Adventure Experience Across Virginia?
Generally, you get to experience an adventurous vacation either once or twice a year. This is the time when you want to relax, unwind, enjoy, and explore new things. Whether you are traveling overseas or choosing cabins for rent for a weekend getaway within the mountains of Virginia - the only priority remains to get the most out of the vacation. But how do you enhance your travel experience? 
Check out these 4 useful tips that work!
4 Exclusive Tips to Boost Up the Level of Your Adventurous Trip 
i) Choose the Right Destination 
One of the first things that you must do is choose the right destination for your travel. No matter how many days you are going to have a vacation, it must be in your interest and budget. If you are longing to experience peace, then you must choose a location that has mountains, beaches, and more. Moreover, when you want to explore more and try new things out, the country roads across Etlan, Virginia, with a lot of natural wilderness to offer, work the best. 
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ii) Select the Best Accommodation 
Another thing that would make or break your vacation is the place you are going to stay. If you have a family member staying near the destination, then you can choose to stay at their place or book a hotel room for a few days. But even luxurious hotels would not give you the thrill or excitement you are looking for from an adventurous trip. If you are on the same page about experiencing the most out of your trip, then the best thing is to choose specially designed, luxurious cabins for rent. After all, no one can beat the blend of rustic charm and contemporary elegance of a cabin room amidst nature’s lap. However, you need to ensure that the accommodation you are choosing comes with all the basic amenities and ensures a high level of comfort. 
iii) Be Open to New Things 
Your vacation should be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you are about to go on a trip, then make sure to leave your fears and worries behind. Try your best to come out of your comfort zone and explore new things. This could either be going on an adventurous trip like hiking or lounging on the beach while taking a sunbath. The more activities you indulge in, the better the experience from the trip and the more memories you will have to come back with.
iv) Stay Disconnected 
The most crucial aspect of a vacation is being present in the moment. Your vacation would only be meaningful if you stayed disconnected from the daily routine. This means you must keep yourself away from constantly using mobile phones and laptops or engaging too much in social media. Rather, you must only keep the phone for emergencies or in times of need. Give yourself complete freedom to enjoy every moment and be present in it to maximize the experience. 
Make Your Getaway Special and Peaceful
If you want to make your getaway special, serene, and peaceful by booking a luxurious cabin, then come to us at The Cabins at Old Raf, who provide the best quality cabins for rent across Etlan, Virginia. We promise exclusive wilderness blended with modern comfort through our two types of cabins- the Bald Eagle Cabin and the Black Bear Cabin. We ensure an environment where you can make everlasting memories surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains. Not only do we provide the best rate guarantee but we also charge no-booking fees. 
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blue-village · 3 months
Kolme vuosikymmentä sitten työskentelin muutaman vuoden Veronmaksajain keskusliiton tutkimussihteerinä. Tehtäväni oli laatia mediaa kiinnostavia selvityksiä. Teimme esimerkkiperhelaskelmia verorasituksesta, lisäsimme niihin kulutusverojen vaikutuksen ja kansainvälistä vertailua.
Selvityksestä riippumatta johtopäätös oli aina valmiiksi annettu: veroja pitää laskea.
Laskelmamme saivat paljon mediahuomiota. Kritiikkiä emme saaneet lainkaan.
Juuri vuoteni Veronmaksajain keskusliitossa saivat minut ryhtymään tutkijan uralle. Halusin akateemisten opintojen avulla oppia sellaista tutkimusta, jossa lopputulos ei ole annettu etukäteen
Silti hävettää vieläkin. Väitimme muun muassa edellä kuvatussa selvityksessä erittäin hatarin perustein, että marginaaliveroprosentin laskeminen maksaisi itse itsensä takaisin. Väite tunnetaan muualtakin. Sen nimi on ”muruja rikkaiden pöydältä” -argumentti.
Argumentin idea on, että kun rikkaiden annetaan rikastua lisää, heidän pöydiltään tippuu niin paljon muruja, että köyhätkin hyötyvät. Kyseessä on siis eräänlainen taloudellisen hyvän valumaefekti (englanniksi trickle down). Ajattelutapa tunnetaan yhtenä uusliberalismin ideologisena kulmakivenä. Sen avulla muun muassa Ronald Reagan ja Margaret Thatcher perustelivat rikkaita suosivia verouudistuksiaan.
Eri tutkimuksissa kyseinen argumentti on kerta toisensa jälkeen osoitettu pätemättömäksi. Rikkaita suosivat verouudistukset voivat päinvastoin hidastaa talouskasvua ja kurjistaa köyhien asemaa. Talouskasvu onkin hidastunut länsimaissa 1980-luvulta alkaen samalla, kun suurituloisten verotusta on alennettu. Samalla eriarvoisuus ja sen haitat ovat lisääntyneet.
Muruja rikkaiden pöydältä -argumentti on kuitenkin kuin väsymätön vieteriukko. Se ponnahtaa aina jostain keskusteluun takaisin, kun halutaan suosia hyväosaisia. Argumentti naamioi eliitin etujen ajamisen yleisen hyvän edistämiseksi.
Ja nyt, vuodenvaihteen jälkeen, vieteriukko ponnahti taas kerran esille. Elinkeinoelämän tutkimuslaitos Etla julkaisi Suomen pelastuspaketin eli suosituksia hallitukselle. Etlan tutkijat vaativat yritysverotuksen rajua laskemista, suurituloisimpien pääomatuloverotuksen keventämistä ja ylimpien palkkatulojen verotuksen tuntuvaa laskelmista. Tuloeliittien suosimista puolustellaan valikoivilla tutkimusviitteillä.
Meillä toimii Suomen Akatemian alaisuudessa myös Verotutkimuksen huippuyksikkö. Sen tulokset eivät tue Etlan veroehdotuksia. Niin ikään hiljattain yhdeksän Helsingin Sanomien haastattelemaa taloustieteilijää suositti päinvastoin verotuksen kiristämistä julkisen talouden tasapainottamiseksi.
Kolmessa vuosikymmennessä media on vihdoin alkanut tajuta, että Veronmaksajain keskusliitto on enemmän etujärjestö kuin riippumaton tutkimuslaitos. Mutta Elinkeinoelämän tutkimuslaitos kertoo kotisivuillaan tekevänsä riippumatonta ja soveltavaa taloustieteellistä tutkimusta.
Minusta Etlan verosuositukset ovat valovuoden päässä riippumattomasta tutkimuksesta: kyse on eliitin etujen lobbaamisesta, joka verhotaan tutkimusasiantuntemuksen valepukuun.
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sillywolffoxwrites · 3 months
19th of Flamerule, 1368 - Day 77, Hour 5
The city is turned upside down. The Iron Throne, a "legitimate" trading company, has begun a hostile takeover. Sarevok took advantage of me defeating it's leaders to move in and fill the vacuum of power. Not only that, but for months prior to the takeover he's been creating an artificial iron shortage, and stoking anti-Amn fears. Branding us as criminals he attempts to remove some of his only obstacles, as he has becoming increasingly popular in public perception. His hand is beginning to show from within, as his own goons spill that he is sacking the Iron Throne of all its wealth- but to what end? We began the morning frantic - Jaheira waking us up before dawn with Intel from the Harpers. Sarevok had poisoned Duke Etlan, and was preparing to assassinate Dukes Jannath and Belt. The intercepted letter also contained an important detail. Sarevok now has explicit plans to declare war on Amn, reveling in the bloodshed that would follow. The word on the street was clear: Sarevok was elected Grand Duke, to replace the "tragically ill" Eltan. Once he kills the other dukes, he will have unchallenged power, and with the Iron Throne the resources to start a long bloody war. The man clearly isn't just power hungry, but a psychopath. Lastly we have the names of two of his assassins, Krystin and Slythe. We will later intercept them in the undercellar (a hidden brothel) to rob them of their tickets into the Ducal palace. We have an inauguration to attend. - Aurelia
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vesku56 · 3 months
Iltalehden kolumnisti kertoo totuutena, että suurituloisimpien veroale toisi lisää talouskasvua
Perusteluina Etlan ehdotus ja kahden yritysjohtajan kommentit
Mitä sillä väliä, että tuo on päinvastaista politiikkaa kuin mitä OECD suosittelee tutkimustietoon perustuen
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iukasylvie · 8 months
Someone in Witch Hat Atelier (probably Qifrey) compared erasing people's memories to killing precious parts of their souls but the Knights Moralis do not seem to take that notion seriously.
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dashamusic13999 · 2 months
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alextheredparez · 8 months
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Looking forward to returning to the beautiful Blue Quartz Winery and Shotwell Run Brewing Company this evening! Singin' the songs 6pm-9pm!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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"I've seen death before. My mother succumbing to illness, my comrades bleeding on the battlefield . . . But I'd never seen anything as dreadful as that." —Taani, berserker of Etlan
Artist: Wayne Reynolds TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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