#esp in the clsoeup where they're pushing their hair behind their ear!! i worked rlly hard on that hand
softredrobin · 2 years
So for anyone who’s seen this post by @themonotonysyndrome​ (which I reblogged awhile ago but promptly did nothing with). I had some Thoughts TM and I am here to share them. And yes, this was why I asked about lore things regarding different magical races. A warning that this is not super organized and a decent part of it is me rambling. There’s some art of my OC for this AU though!
Firstly I came up with some listener names because I crave them:
Precious (i like this one especially because like,,, after a reveal that they were a shade, and therefore were dead at one point, I think it would hit double)
Buttercup (this is just cute. cute cute cute. makes my heart go squee)
Honey (a classic.)
Treasure (also one I like, similar to precious in a way)
Beloved (this one i think would really depend on the character saying it, because it definitely has a certain Vibe that the character would need to match. but I think a Seer could pull it off)
Beautiful (basic but nice!)
Personally I like Precious the best.
I’ve got some thoughts on their introduction but really don’t know, they’re all pretty flimsy. I think the best one would involve CloseKnit, which means I need to go relisten to The Balance playlist. More to come on that later.
Pre-death they were a sonal energetic (also, I can’t believe its sonal and not sonar or sono, I had to check the merch store bc I really could not remember which one it was and that was the fastest way for me to find it lmaooo). Then, they were a shade. They aren’t anymore, by some happenstance involving them absorbing enough life force to....be alive again. Anyway they have some death-related powers, which are mostly passive, like was mentioned in the tagged post, including the ability to sense death within a certain radius. Maybe even like a death-aura, as in they feel super off and most empowered folks but especially Vampires (as undead) can just tell something is wrong and are Not A Fan of that. The death-powers are kinda related to why I want them to be a sonal energetic originally, because hear me out: Banshee. It works even better if you make one of their parents a seer. Then we’ve got the foresight aspect, and the sound aspect, and then combine their status as formerly dead and you’ve got, in my opinion, the perfect recipe for a new Redactedverse take on a supernatural race. (I don’t really have that part fleshed out well but yknow. It is what it is)
Moving on! There’s a white streak at the front of their hair (like at the widow’s peak), and their hands are stained black starting from the fingers. The white streak can be played off, either as bleached or just something they were born with (which, they don’t really think it is but hey, if it sounds plausible it works). They wear gloves to cover their fingers because even though they don’t know why, they have this feeling that they shouldn’t let anyone see them. They’ve got purple eyes but they turn dark gray/black when their passive death powers are in use and then when they figure out how to actively use them, the death powers make their eyes completely black with a purple glow. I didn’t explain that well but I have it in one of the pictures!!
Anyhow, the amnesia thing. I think they know just enough about themselves and the world to function for a decent while as long as they don’t get too close to anyone. They also probably don’t really think about how much of their memory is missing, like there’s some kind of block that prevents them from realizing anything is wrong until someone asks them a question about themselves and/or their past and they just don’t know the answer even though they know they should. I think they also probably have vivid dreams that are actually parts of their memories, but they don’t remember them that well. They also get some horrid nightmares about their death (not that they know that they actually died and that’s what they’re seeing).
Also I think that as their powers grow and as they gain more memories the physical holdovers of being a shade (the hair streak and the stained hands) probably grow and get gradually harder to hide. Anyway I’ve talked enough so I’m going to throw my drawings of my OC for this AU down here at the end. Thanks for sticking through my rambles if you got this far :-)
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(Also, her shirt in this is a reference to the Last Unicorn, it’s the symbol that shows where Amalthea’s horn should be when she’s human. I think Precious probably really relates to the whole feeling out-of-place in your body thing Amalthea’s got going on there.)
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