#epithet erased mushroom girl
aquared · 9 months
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doing gods work , ( is catering to me and my old headcanon and me and my old headcanon only ) the doodles stop quick because i ran out of ideas my motivation was fleeting but i had to get this out of my head please appreciate my effort
so sibling headcanons huh ? i’m real good at those
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Here's some ugly ah doodle of Mushroom Girl. I'm trying to practice breaking stuff down into simple shapes first
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have you heard about the banzai blasters?
Who hasn't? Most of them are either idiots or idiots with money. One of them tried to rob our house last week while, but they didn't even get inside before the screams from the movie scared them off. Dad had to help me because I couldn't stop laughing for 20 minutes!
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Mushroom girl conquering a walmart
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oh god she has a sword
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o-i-w-u · 8 months
Mushroom Girl hugging someone. Any character is cool!
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who she huggin??
trick question.
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epithet erased is literally the reason why i'm alive at every second of any day, month or year. if it wasn't for those silly paper moving neurodivergent queer sons of a guns, i would not have a reason to outlive, accompany or wish to do anything to any of the characters in the show. if it wasn't for the music covers, original songs and soundtrack, i would not have a reason to not blast my ears off at any random time. so i'd just like to say thank you to each character and appreciate each millisecond that they appeared in. ..except mushroom girl. i don't give a fuck about her
this confession was like a nice ride down the road and then that last line exploded the car engine
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pazdeflore · 1 year
Request: Mushroom girl hugging Molly. I feel like these two would be friends if they got to know each other!
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Here you go! I hope you like it! Thank you for the request <3!
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makofan100 · 1 year
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Some doodles I did
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jay-marti · 5 months
Ryomen Sukuna vs Mushroom Girl
Sukuna tries to use Dimensional Cleave but gets blitzed and sent straight to the afterlife in the blink of an eye, the Mushroom Girl walks over the lifeless body of the king of curses and says
“Congratulations, You were the first person in years to give me a fight like that”
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shokogast · 1 year
Could I request a happy Mushroom girl?
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mushroom gal!! sorry if i made her hair too short :,D im actually supposed to be resting my wrist rn but i wanna try knocking out the requests of characters i havent been asked to draw yet
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overwatch1 · 2 years
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some twitter art i definitely didnt forget to post here
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I might not have any eyes when it comes to object permanence because holy fuck I just cannot figure out the shape of her head to save my life
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hii rosary!! How's your day? Hope its good! what's your opinions on your classmates? :D
Oh hiya! My day's been pretty good so far, excluding me over-sleeping for most of my week
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I don't really have a particular opinion on most of my classmates aside from a few. Stink and Stonk were annoying. I got suspended for a week and grounded for a month because of them. Apparently, they can hit me with a sword, but it's suddenly a problem when I start beating them with that same sword. Well whatever, I was right, and they were stupid!
As far as the other kids, I know about Phoenica Fleecity, but literally anyone would know about the richest kid in the country, especially when that kid herself lacked enough self awareness to realize she made more money from her weekly allowance than our principal did in a month.
All I know about Trixie is that they can speak to ghosts. That's about it. I would talk to them, but they're kind of intimidating. I get the feeling they'd prefer keeping to themselves.
As far as Molly, the only thing I know about Molly is that one time our geometry teacher made her cry in class, though I guess teachers being more focused on commanding kids to do stuff instead of actually helping isn't something new, didn't stop me for feeling bad for Molly
I guess there's this one girl I'm really close to. Her name is Dande. She's the only blond person in my class, or at least the only blonde person that doesn’t have 5 thousand dollars to carry in her pocket. She's nice and doesn't make me talk like other people. She doesn't get mad if I stay silent or if I just can't find the words to the hundreds of thoughts in my head, she's just patient with me. it's not that I'm shy, I just…it's complicated.
Sorry for rambling your ears off! I always get like this when I talk about Dande. Other than her and the other kids I mentioned, I don't know any other kids!
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lemonsbakery · 10 months
Hey uhm what are your ocs
cracking my knuckles.
CR OCS :333
Strawberry cat cookie/CC (blunt little girl with a terrible memory. needs therapy so badly)
Chocolate cat cookie/010 (mentally ill in so many ways . in a me way but I'm not like so scary)
Vanilla cat cookie (I HATE HER EVIL CAT GHOST LADY)
Cherry cat cookie (the mom of the cat triplets. People keep victimizing her even though she was also apart of the problem)
'Flour' cookie (cocaine. Father of the cat triplets. I hate him)
Dog treat cookie (SILLY SKATER LESBIAN GIRL underaged smoker and also has a crush on strawberry cat cookie in the future but cc is really fucking stupid and cant pick up on dog treat cookies obvious pickup lines)
Linzer cookie (dead military ghost lady, also known as silly lesbian emo girl)
Banana candy cookie (therapist and scientist, also known as lesbian scene girl)
Banana split cookie (eldest child of banana candy and linzer, really liked lofi, died at like um 11 or something)
Berry jam cookie (youngest child of banana candy and linzer, really liked vocaloid, died at like 9 years old)
Spritz cookie (SILLY SO SILLY SO SO SO SO SO SILLY AND COOL AND people keep watering magic down to innocent and sweet magic so much more, candy is silly but not stupid. shes a little stupid but not fucking DUMB) (also she/magic/candy pronouns for spritz thankies)
PISS COOKIE. (joke oc)
Flan cookie (HAUGHTY LOCKSMITH WHO has a little kid issue and also is sort of a roguefort fangirl but he will never admit it to anybody else)
Girl scout cookie (bothers haughty locksmith and keeps getting stuck in unconventional places, for example, inside of traffic cone and a vending machine. Also she knows Everyones home address.)
Pink grass cookie (BASED ON THOSE LIKE. UM. THOSE EGGS THAT HAD THE FLAVORED GRASS IN IT. Shes so mentally ill and um she kind of has some Serious issues with. everything oh god save her shes so fucked the religious trauma is insane)
Moose tracks cookie (47 year old single train conductor that's rivals with two other train stations but also thinks its all fun and games and loves her rivals and also will call you sweetheart, honey, and dearheart)
Microplastic cookie (wip. I am not elaborating.)
Mio Mirai (Girlboss v-tuber who will manipulate you and act cute while doing it)
Junichi Mirai (Brother of girlboss v-tuber. Makes really good eggs. My friends keep calling him a whore)
Grace Happyfield (Genius fucking 12 year old with cat ears and is also being raised by two maniacs that love her so much and she loves them both too. One is her mom and the other is this girl owned by my friend who taught her how to properly kill men and get away with it by being a cutie pie xx Oh and her moms a lesbian)
Alice Happyfield (GRACIES MOM!! She had her daughter kill her husband and experimented on his body. Sold the leftovers)
Harmony (I dont have a last name for her. shes 12 and had a crush on her friend who was a girl but uhoh her friend who was agirl got assassinated for being openly pansexual!!! uhoh!! shes also friends with Gracie heheohoho)
Egret Flowers (Roblox oc, really silly child that has underlying attachment and self image issues. Also she doesn't have a face)
Lilith (TMC oc, basically shes like Gabriel but instead she targets men specifically by gaining their trust and crushing them)
Alexander Weeks (FNAF oc, he's so transgender and really wants his mom dead . Btw keep in mind that he's a fnaf oc and a minor that's transgender in the 1980s)
Alex (same guy as above but make him an edgy robot that really likes cats)
Zombie cat (Read the name)
Sorrel (Epithet erased oc!! Her epithet is creativity, she basically turns fiction into reality at the expense of her own or others energy. She has no idea how to properly work it shes like 11 OH AND SHE HAS A MOTHER FIGURE THAT ALSO HAS AN EPITHET THATS MUSHROOM THEMED and and also sorrel likes baking)
Cloth (An alien that crash landed on earth. He is completely convinced that he's a human)
Ecole (An alien that crash landed on earth with cloth. She is cloths sister. shes is a famous dancer, and is on every magazine from her home planet. She wants to smack some sense into her brother)
Sew (ANOTHER ALIEN that crash landed on earth. She doesn't think she's a human or an alien, he is just himself. They also really like surfing and skating)
Doll (An old porcelain doll that was abandoned in a garden. It now tends to the plants itself since nobody else will)
MY PErSONA!! (I'm counting this as an oc because my persona has lore
theres more, but ill spare you LMSFAO
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 years
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
miss lady mewa....... shes haunted me for two years and Will Continue To Do So for the foreseeable futute ! 'robbing a museum and fighting three kids is morally repugnant' god forbid women do anything. (<== JOKE)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
molly........ characters of ever honestly. genuinely genuinely such a well written character, i place her in my pocket adn Run
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
INDUS. INDUS 100% IM GRABBING YOU ALL BY THE SHOULDERS. BEGGING YALL T APPRECIATE HIM. yes mera and sylvie are my favorites. however. indus has his own tier at the tippy top just for him because he is so important. he IS my best friend and you WILL clap for him or i WILL blow up this entire museum.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
there genuinely arent a lot of these for ee iirc but. mushroom girl. i just think shes neat ! i just think shes shaped ! :)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
can i answer mera again.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
naven. im placing him in the washing machine and cranking it up to high. he shoulda just not been so bullyable, ithink <333
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
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My favorite characters are the five background kids from the first episode in the morning museum scene. Only two of them have actual names (Stink and Stonk) and one of them is only known by their alias (Mushroom Girl), but they're all awesome in my eyes
mod can't even think of a joke for this one. anyways we should give stink and stonk guns to see what they do/j
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