#epic winters being the Last eah special is actually my villain origin story
rebelcharmings · 11 months
there’s many reasons why i think darabella had potential to be cute, but i ultimately don’t like it bc it’s a “i can fix him” ship. daring does nothing for rosabella in return. relationships should be about mutually supporting each other. if we had a few episodes before or after of the two interacting with each other i could maybee get on board. otherwise it just ... feels like rosabella helps daring see there's more to life than beauty and then.. daring doesn’t really help rosabella in any way??
i’ve also said this a bit before but daring has never been. selfish. he’s been self-absorbed and vain but epic winters makes him out to be wayy worse, just so rosabella could be attributed to “fixing” him. but daring has always wanted to help people. his character development in epic winters doesn’t feel natural because it’s literally Forced so him and rosabella as beauty and the beast could suddenly make sense.
i also prefer the idea of daring exploring his identity on his own/with the help of his siblings after only knowing his destiny with apple for so long. one of my friends said this and i agree, but giving daring this "new" destiny is so soon. realistically he should still be in shock over realising he's not apple's prince charming. suddenly giving him this destiny instead of him exploring it on his own feels like such a copout.
this was slightly longer than i expected it to be, but overall i just cant bring myself to care about their relationship if literally Nothing was established beforehand and it’s just a typical “i can fix him” trope.
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