#enjolras listening to music in the kitchen whilst he cooks. mumbling along to Queen but not really knowing any of the words
autumnalmess · 4 months
For the consideration of the privy council: Grantaire introducing Enjolras to music and cinema.
Consider Enjolras who is "austere in his enjoyments" learning that there is such thing as music that is not just background music to work to, and film that is not just designed to teach you something.
Consider Grantaire gaping at Enjolras for never having heard of the Beatles, sitting him down and forcing headphones over his fluffy golden hair to force him to listen to 'A Day in the Life'.
Enjolras going "this is so stupid" until it hits the second verse and he suddenly becomes very quiet.
Grantaire dragging Enjolras along to the cinema to watch reruns of The Fellowship of the Ring, after which Enjolras grumbles the whole way home, but asks to see the next movie just to "make sure they're all bad".
Grantaire showing up on Enjolras' doorstep with an armful of DVDs because he just has to educate him.
Enjolras discovering Wes Anderson, and the concept of comfort movies, curling up to watch a film not because it means anything or has a deep political comment to make about the human race, but just because it's fun.
Grantaire watching Enjolras more than the film.
Grantaire letting Enjolras borrow his Spotify to find something he likes and almost tearing up when Enjolras says "have you heard of this band called Fleetwood Mac? I've been listening to a couple of their songs".
Grantaire desperately trying to explain to Courfeyrac that it's "not a date! Enjolras has just never been to a proper concert before!"
Enjolras suggesting they share wired earbuds because it's "more efficient" and definitely not because it means they have to sit closer together.
Enjolras learning that life is not about how efficiently you plough through it.
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